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Browsing Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences by Issue Date

Now showing items 1-20 of 96

Data for: Harmful algal blooms and cyanotoxins in Lake Amatitlán, Guatemala, coincided with ancient Maya occupation in the watershed 

Waters, Matthew; Brenner, Mark; Curtis, Jason Hilleary; Romero-Oliva, Claudia Suseth; Dix, Margaret; Cano, Manuel; 0000-0003-1702-3973 (2021-10-19)

Report 31. Réstultats de croissance de provenances de Cedrela odorata après cinq ans en Haiti 

Béliard, Carmel André; Verret, Louis; Timyan, Joël; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Cedrela odorata L. est une espèce de très grande valeur économique partout dans le monde. Ses aires de distribution naturelle comprennent Haïti, où l'exploitation de cet arbre pour son bois de de haute valeur, a conduit à ...

Report 49. Haiti small-scale coffee producers production, processing, quality control and marketing 

Amayo, Gilberto; Mencia, Victor E.; Gautier, Patrice; Gemeil, José (2019-06-25)
Coffee is one of the principal agricultural products in international trade volume and value. Haiti and several other producing countries depend to varying degrees on coffee exports. Coffee production is also a major source ...

Report 50. Training manual for improving cocoa production in Haiti 

Stevenson, Christopher (2019-06-25)
In early 1999, cacao specialist B. K. Matlick visited Haiti and suggested that farmers could be educated in simple cultural practices that would increase the yield of their trees by 20-30%. At the request of USAID, SECID ...

Report 18. Project PLUS baseline information (revised) 

Lea, John Dale (Zach) (2019-09-04)
The information in this report was developed from a baseline survey of randomly selected farm households in the 16 monitoring zones of the Productive Land Use Systems Project (PLUS) during the period June-October 1993. The ...

Report 19. Water harvesting and small-scale irrigation 

Yoo, Kyung H. (2019-09-04)
The objective of this consulting work was to develop recommendations for water harvesting systems development in the Northwest Region of Haiti for the BIG project and for livestock watering. The consultant also observed ...

Report 17. Initial financial evaluation of hedgerows 

Lea, John Dale (Zach) (2019-09-04)
This analysis, based on available information and assumptions, indicates that Leucaena hedgerows utilized either as forage or for soil amendment should be a very attractive investment for many Haitian farmers. The analysis ...

Report 02. A review of PDAI and ADS II project technologies 

Villaneuva, Marianito R. (2019-09-03)
A task was undertaken on behalf of the Productive Land Use System (PLUS) project to review technologies tested or developed in two earlier USAID-funded projects in Haiti with potential application to the PLUS project. The ...

Report 13. Farmer needs assessment exploratory surveys : PADF Les Cayes Region 1 

Swanson, Richard A.; Gustave, William; Jean, Yves; Saint-Dic, Roosevelt (2019-09-05)
This report covers one of several surveys conducted as part of the on-going effort by SECID/Auburn University and its partners in PLUS, PADF, and CARE, to implement a Monitoring and Evaluation System which orients the ...

Report 12. Farmer needs assessment exploratory surveys : PADF Mirebalais Region 3 

Swanson, Richard A.; Gustave, William; Jean, Yves; Saint-Dic, Roosevelt (2019-09-05)
This report covers one of several surveys conducted as part of the on-going effort by SECID/Auburn University and its partners in PLUS, PADF, and CARE, to implement a Monitoring and Evaluation System which orients the ...

Report 11. Farmer needs assessment exploratory surveys : PADF JACMEL Region 2 

Swanson, Richard A.; Gustave, William; Jean, Yves; Saint-Dic, Roosevelt (2019-09-05)
This report covers one of several surveys conducted as part of the on-going effort by SECID/Auburn University and its partners in PLUS, PADF, and CARE, to implement a Monitoring and Evaluation System which orients the ...

Report 20. Inventory of crop varieties in Haiti or with potential value in Haiti 

Azael, Ariel (2019-09-04)
1. This inventory of crop varieties is a compilation of information on crop genetic resources available to the PLUS Project. The varieties listed are varieties existing in Haiti or in other countries (in particular, the ...

Report 39. Five year results of a neem (Azadirachta indica) trial at Roche Blanche, Haiti 

Timyan, Joël; Verret, Louis; Béliard, Carmel André; Elie, Yvon (2019-06-03)
Neem (Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss.) is planted in Haiti for its hardiness and multiple purposes of shade, medicinal uses, wood, aesthetics and pest control. A neem trial at Roche Blanche was established in October, 1991 ...

Report 44. Essai d'adaptation de variétés de patate douce (Ipomea batata) aux conditions de culture du Nord-Ouest d'Haïti 

Jean, Yves; Shannon, Dennis A.; Brockman, Frank E.; Moïse, Julène (2019-06-03)
Le rendement de la patate douce, dans les aires d'intervention de CARE/PLUS dans le Nord-Ouest d'Haïti, a été limité par les conditions péd0-climatiques et le potentiel génétique des variétés locales. Deux variétés, Tapato ...

Report 42. Essai de techniques culturales contre la pourriture au champ de tubercule d'igname dans les système de culture agro-forestiers traditionnels Haïtiens 

Jean, Yves; Brockman, Frank E.; Shannon, Dennis A. (2019-06-03)
Le travail présenté dans ce document a été entrepris à la suite des résultats d'une enquête réalisée par la Fondation Panaméricaine pour de Développement (PADF), à Plaisance, à 40 kilomètres du Cap Haïtien, où l'igname ...

Report 43. Essai comparatif de variétés de haricot résistantes à la Mosaïque dorée et au stress de chaleur 

Jean, Yves; Shannon, Dennis A.; Brockman, Frank E.; Moïse, Julène; Prophète, Emmanuel (2019-06-03)
Le Haricot est une denrée très cultivée et consommée dans toutes les régions d'Haïti. La production est insuffisante à couvir les besoins de consommation du pays principalement à cause de la faiblesse du rendement imputable ...

Report 46. Recherche de variétés d'arachide (Arachis hypogea) adaptées aux conditions de culture du Nord-Ouest et de la Grande-Anse de Haïti 

Jean, Yves; Shannon, Dennis A.; Brockman, Frank E.; Moïse, Julène (2019-06-25)
Dans les aires d'intervention de CARE/PLUS, dans la presqu'île du Nord-Ouest d'Haïti, les agriculteurs sont à la recherche de cultivars précoces et plus productifs que les variétés traditionnelles leur permettant de réaliser ...

Report 27. The effects of Leucaena hedgerow management on maize and hedgerow biomass yields over two years of cropping 

Isaac, Lionel; Shannon, Dennis A.; Brockman, Frank E.; Bernard, Carine R. (2019-09-05)
The objectives of the study were to identify optimum hedgerow management practices for alley cropping in order to optimize crop yield and hedgerow biomass production under lowland conditions in Haiti. The following ...

Report 14. Financial analysis of selected tree operations in Haiti's Northwest and Central Plateau 

Street, Donald R.; Hunter, Arthur G.; Bellerive, Phillippe (2019-09-03)
The purpose of this work was to conduct a financial study of one tree border planting at Mirebalais in the Central Plateau and three tree farms located in the Northwest. This study entailed the computation of Net Present ...

Report 29. Soil profile descriptions for agroforestry research sites in Haiti 

Guthrie, Richard L.; Isaac, Lionel; Alexis, Gerard; Bernard, Carine R.; Blemur, Marguerite (2019-09-05)
Reliable recommendations for the development of agroforestry systems require accurate descriptions of the environment. Information on the properties of soils in selected sites is needed to expand agroforestry in regions ...