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Report 27. A financial analysis of selected hedgerow operations in Haiti's Southern and Northwestern regions


Bellerive, Phillipe


The purpose of this study was to select, adapt and apply appropriate methods for a financial analysis of hedgerow and other agroforestry systems in Haiti, and to accomplish a study of some of the farms using such forms of production. After determining an appropriate approach, data from nine farms in two different regions were collected and examined. The farms selected were in the Southern Region around Maniche and in the Northwest Region near the town of Jean Rabel. Net Present Values (NPV) at a 30 percent discount were computed. The crops grown on the farms studied included maize, sorghum, cassava and sweet potatoes. The research presented evaluates the costs and returns for producing those crops within hedgerow systems. The majority of the farms, (eight out of nine), show a positive NPV. Positive results are achieved when estimations of all the costs involved are included. Such results are consistent even though a conservative approach is used throughout the analysis to assess expenses and profits. There is also evidence for some additional benefits that could not be appropriately evaluated. Hedgerows not only improved soil conservation but also create different products that allow the farm household to: (1) increase its income; and (2) increase the security of its income. The report concludes by offering recommendations for subsequent extension and research activities.


Bu travay étid si-la sè chwazi, adapté, ak sèvi ak bon jan métod pou analizè randman financyè ramp vivant ak lot sistem agwoforestri ak rebwazman nan péyi d'Ayiti. Nou eseyè akompli yon étid sou kék fém kap itilizè mwayen pwodiksion sa-yo. Aprè nou fin-n jwen yon jen pou nou fè travay-la, nou pran 9 champ rèkot nan 2 pati pèyi-a é nou pran informasyon nan champ sa-yo pou passè nan peny fin. Champ rèkot ké nou té chwazi té nan rejyon Sid peyè-a nan zon Maniche ak nan rejyon Nö-Wés nan zon ville Jean-Rabel. 30 pousan rabè nan NPV (Net Present Values) té kalkilé nan ètid si-la. Nan Rékot-yo ki pasè nan ètid si-la, wap jwen: mais, pitimi, kasav, patat. Sou rekot-yo, nan sistèm ramp vivant, pri ak rèvèmi tè ètidyè nan ètid sa-a. NPV-yo tè nan plus pa nan mwens pou pifo champ rèkot-yo. Lè tout pri-yo rentrè nan kalkil-yo, NPV ki nan plus-yo tè soti kom rèzilta. Kèk nan rèlizta-yp tè ègal mème lè nou sévi ak yon analiz ou ètid ki fixè dèpense ak pwofi. Nou tè jwen nan ètid si-la, kèk lot bènèfis kè nou pat ka pasè sou peny fin. Ramp vivant ka non sèlman konsèvè sol-la mé li bay lot pwodui ki pemet femyè-an genyen: (1) plis rèvèni; (2) plis sèkiritè sou rèvèni-yo. Rapo si-la fini pa bay rèkomandasyon pou lot étid sou méme sijet ki ètidyè nan ètid sa-a.