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Report 33. Economic indicators of Agroforestry II strategy implementation: farm income analysis to agricultural project analysis


Fleming, Kent D.
Karch, G. Edward


The strategy of the Agroforestry II Project (AFII) is to bring about sustainable improvements in Haitian hillside farm productivity and farmer net income. AFII and the previous agroforestry program are widely acknowledged as the most successful agroforestry efforts of their kind. However, the project implementation is being reoriented to incorporate a more economic perspective, to consider the sustainability and economic implications of the well documented intervention activities. The purpose of this study is to develop the indicators of economic impact outlined earlier by Karch (1991). He recognized two levels at which one could appropriately measure economic impact: the project level and the farm level. The fundamental problem at the project level is to develop economic coefficients to transform the existing activity reporting into economic indicators of strategic progress. The farm level challenge is to develop case studies which articulate the economic dynamic of the complex agroforestry land use systems. Both problems are resolved by developing economic models which capture the multifarious interactions and express extension and on-farm activities as economic indicators of progress toward achieving the goal of increased farm productivity and profitability. Ultimately, the two models are closely related. Farm case studies, to the extent that they are representative, can feed directly into the overall project analysis. Results of the project model are presented as a comprehensive financial and economic projection of AFII (amended). Results of the farm financial model illustrate how net farm income can be readily comprehended, accurately monitored, and expressed in a standardized format, making financial results comparable over time and across regions. The farm case model also functions as an effective on-farm planning tool for more in-depth economic decision-making. Recommendations are offered to provide ways in which economic concerns can be integrated into a successful agroforestry extension program, supplementing an already strong bio-physical focus.


Plan Pwojé Agwoforestri II (AFII) sé pou poté pi bon randman nan sak kap pwodi nan fémm Haytien ak bénéfis fémié-yo fé. Moun rekonét AFII ak ansien pwogram Agroforestri kom pwogram ki remét ampil randman. Cépandan, bi pwojé-a ap chanjé route pou'l ka gen yon aspé ékonomik kap konsidéré implikasyon ékonomik ak jan yo ka kimbé nan pliziè aktivité. Bi étid si-la sé pou dévelopé pliziè pouen ékonomik ki gen yon inflians nan zafé vi péyzan an ké Karch té diskité déja (1991). Karch rekonét dé (2) nivo li ka méziré inflians ékonomik lan gen sou péyzan-yo: nivo pwojé-a ak nivo fémm-yo. Pwoblém ki impotan nan nivo pwojé-a sé pou dévelopé plizié koèfisyan ékonomik kap transfomé aktivité ki èkzisté-yo nan plizié pouen ékonomik. Pou nivo fémm-yo, sé pou dévelopé kék ekzamp modél kap démontrè dinamik ékonomik nan sistém komplex Agwoforestri nan travay fémm. Tou dé (2) pwoblem-yo jouen solisyon-yo nan dévelopman model ékonomik kap gen pliziè intéraksyon. Solisyon sa-yo ekxprimè tout ekxtansyon ak aktivité nan jadin kom pouen ékonomik pou rivé nan bi ki ogmanté pwodiksyon ak bénéfis nan fémm péysan-yo. Si ou gadé byen, tout dé (2) model-yo samblé tankou dé (2) gout dlo. Jadin ki sévi kom ekzamp model ka sévi direk kom enfomasyon nan analiz général pwojé-a nan yon nivo asé represantif. Prézantasyon rézilta pwojé si-la parét sou yon fóm de pwojeksyon finansyel ak ékonomik AFII (korijé. Rézilta étid finansyel ki té fét nan chaq fémm té démontré ki jan net revenue ka fasilman komprann, kontwolé korekteman ak eksprimé nan yon fóma ki nomal ki fé rézilta finansyel-yo, nan tout temp ak nan tout zón, komparab. Ka model fémm-yo travay komm zouti éfektif dé planifikasyon nan fémm-yo pou pran gwo désizyon ékonomik. Nou bay konsey ak rekomandasyon nan bagay ékonomik kap rentré nan réyisit yon pwogram d'extensyon d'Agwoforestri, kap ajouté nan yon vue bio-physik ki solid tankou roch.