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Report 19. Biological, physiological and environmental factors affecting the health of trees important to Haiti


This report contains an extensive, although not necessarily complete, listing of biological, physiological and environmental factors which can affect the health of trees in genera important to the people of Haiti. These factors include: fungi, listed by classification, algae and lichens, parasitic higher plants, nematodes, bacteria, viruses; other factors such as physiological and environmentals problems; and diseases or problems whose cause is unknown. The information on the tree genera in this list was derived from work conducted in many parts of the world, although it concentrates on work conducted in the tropics and in America. Therefore, the presence of a factor on a host genus in this list does not, necessarily, confirm that the factor occurs in Haiti, merely that the factor is known to occur on the host genus somewhere in the world. It is possible that the references used in this report acknowledged different taxonomic names for a single disease organism or factor since the information contained was derived from sources written at different times. We included all information from all references, and recognize that two or more names may exist for the same disease organism or factor in this report. Host genera denoted by an asterisk (*) indicate ones which have been examined in Haiti by the authors. Fungi and other factors denoted by a single asterisk (*) indicate factors reported in the reference literature which the authors found to occur in Haiti. Fungi and other factors denoted by a double asterisk (**) indicate factors which the authors found to occur in Haiti but which had NOT been reported in the reference literature. This listing was compiled from reference works indexing the work of many scientists. Numerous citations of work by original investigators contained in the reference works included more detailed information on many of the factors listed in this report. We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of individuals who compiled the source references, as well as the many scientists whose works were included in these references.


Rapo sa-a geyen youn list pwoblem biologik, fizik, é d'environman ké yo jwenn sou pyebwa ki geyen enpotans pou moun nan peyi d'Ayiti. Pwoblem sa-yo sé champiyon, viris ak tout youn seri ti mikrob, ti ve, ak plants ki chita manjé nan-nan lot plant; pwoblem fizik ak environman é maladi san koz aparan. Nou jwenn enfomasayon sa yo nan youn seri reschech ki fet nan plisyé peyi twopikal ak peyi Etatzuni. Sé kon sa lé nou di youn pwoblem affecté youn nan pyebwa sou list-la, sa pas vlé di ké geyen mem pwoblem sa-a en Ayiti, min sa vlé di ké ou geyen dwa jwenn pwoblem-sa sou youn pyebwa youn lot koté nan mond-la. Nan dokimen nou itilizé pou ékri rapo sa-a, yo ka bay mem kalité pwoblem-la plizyé non. Yo geyen dwa sevi ak plizyé non pou men pwoblem-lan, paské non-yo kapab chanjé tenzaout é rapo sa-yo pat ékri mem le. Tout infomasayon ki nan lot rapo yo disponib nan rapo sa. Nou itilizé asterisk (*) pou montré pyebwa nou té éxaminé en Ayiti. Lé nou te jwenn champiyon ou byen youn lot pwoblem ki dekrit nan dokimen yo sou pyebwa en Ayiti, nou maké non li ak youn sel asterisk. Lé nou jwenn champiyons e lot pwoblem sou pye bwa en Ayiti, men pas nan dokimen reference yo, nou maké non yo ak de asterisk (**). Nou paré list sa-a sou baz dokimen referans paré pa plizyé scientis. Nan dokimen sa-yo, geyen infomasayon sou ki koté ou ka jwenn travay scientifik ki geyen plis detay sou pwoblem la. Nou remezyé out moun ki patisipé nan preparasyon dokimen referens-yo, ainsi ak tout scientifik ki fé premyée travay-la.