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Now showing items 251-270 of 393

OH3- and O2H5- double Rydberg anions: Predictions and comparisons with NH4- and N2H7- 

Melin, Junia; Ortiz, J.V. (2021-01-26)
A low barrier in the reaction pathway between the double Rydberg isomer of OH3 − and a hydride-water complex indicates that the former species is more difficult to isolate and characterize through anion photoelectron ...

On the accuracy of explicitly correlated coupled-cluster interaction energies - have orbital results been beaten yet? 

Patkowski, Konrad (2020-08-20)
The basis set convergence of weak interaction energies for dimers of noble gases helium through krypton is studied for six variants of the explicitly correlated, frozen geminal coupled-cluster singles, doubles, and ...

On the Challenges of Measuring Energetic Particles in the Inner Belt: A Geant4 Simulation of an Energetic Particle Detector Instrument, REPTile-2 

Khoo, L; Li, X; Selesnick, R; Schiller, Q; Zhang, K; Zhao, H; Hogan, B; Cantilina, J; Sims, A; Bauch, E; Valade, T; Boyajian, S; Kohnert, R; 0000-0002-1654-2176; 0000-0002-1683-3192; 0000-0001-8292-7691; 0000-0003-0412-1064 (2022-11-16)
Following the retirement of the community supported Van Allen Probes mission, the quest for high-quality energetic particle measurements in the radiation belts is likely to be taken on by smaller spacecraft like CubeSats ...

One- and two-dimensional hybrid simulations of whistler mode waves in a dipole field 

Wu, S; Denton, R; Liu, K; Hudson, M; 0000-0001-5882-1328 (2022-09-29)
We simulate whistler mode waves using a hybrid code. There are four species in the simulations, hot electrons initialized with a bi-Maxwellian distribution with temperature in the direction perpendicular to background ...

One- and two-dimensional hybrid simulations of whistler mode waves in a dipole field 

Wu, S.; Denton, R. E.; Liu, Kaijun; Hudson, M. K.; 0000-0001-5882-1328 (2020-06-05)
We simulate whistler mode waves using a hybrid code. There are four species in the simulations, hot electrons initialized with a bi-Maxwellian distribution with temperature in the direction perpendicular to background ...

Optimal Parameter Upscaling for Partial Differential Equation Models in Mathematical Biology 

Eleh, Chinedu; van Wyk, Hans-Werner; 0000-0002-4531-5263 (2024-04-04)
Partial differential equation models in mathematical biology often involve space-dependent parameters, such as diffusion coefficients and advection fields, that cannot be measured explicitly and are therefore uncertain. ...

Optimal Upscaling with Transport Maps 

Eleh, Chinedu; van Wyk, Hans-Werner (2024-04-04)
Partial differential equation models often involve space-dependent parameters, such as diffusion coefficients and advection fields, that cannot be measured explicitly and are therefore uncertain. Midpoint (MP), spatial ...

Osmoregulation in the Hawaiian anchialine shrimp Halocaridina rubra (Crustacea: Atyidae): expression of ion transporters, mitochondria-rich cell proliferation and hemolymph osmolality during salinity transfers 

Havird, Justin C; Santos, Scott R; Henry, Raymond P (2019-08-08)
Studies of euryhaline crustaceans have identified conserved osmoregulatory adaptions allowing hyper-osmoregulation in dilute waters. However, previous studies have mainly examined decapod brachyurans with marine ancestries ...

Outflow from the ionosphere in the vicinity of the cusp 

Valek, PW; Perez, JD; Jahn, JM; Pollock, CJ; Wuest, MP; Friedel, RHW; Moore, TE; Peterson, WK (2020-06-26)
Low-energy ion outflows from the ionosphere are known to be an important source of plasma for the magnetosphere. The objective of this study is to describe the spatial relationships between low-energy ionospheric outflows ...

Outflow from the ionosphere in the vicinity of the cusp 

Valek, P; Perez, J; Jahn, J.-M; Pollock, C; Wüest, M; Friedel, R; Moore, T; Peterson, W; 0000-0002-2318-8750; 0000-0002-1513-6096 (2023-01-26)
[1] Low-energy ion outflows from the ionosphere are known to be an important source of plasma for the magnetosphere. The objective of this study is to describe the spatial relationships between low-energy ionospheric ...

Overlap of the plasmasphere and ring current: Relation to subauroral ionospheric heating 

Gurgiolo, C.; Sandel, BR; Perez, JD; Mitchell, DG; Pollock, CJ; Larsen, BA (2020-06-18)
The overlap of the ring current with the outer plasmasphere is thought to play a major role in storm-time related increases in the subauroral ambient topside electron temperature. Instabilities generated within the overlap ...

Overlap of the plasmasphere and ring current: Relation to subauroral ionospheric heating 

Gurgiolo, C; Sandel, B; Perez, J; Mitchell, D; Pollock, C; Larsen, B; 0000-0003-4515-0208; 0000-0003-1960-2119 (2023-01-26)
The overlap of the ring current with the outer plasmasphere is thought to play a major role in storm-time related increases in the subauroral ambient topside electron temperature. Instabilities generated within the overlap ...

An Overlooked Hotspot? Rapid Biodiversity Assessment Reveals a Region of Exceptional Herpetofaunal Richness in the Southeastern United States 

Graham, Sean P.; Steen, David A.; Nelson, Kerry T.; Durso, Andrew M.; Maerz, John C (2022-07-29)
We conducted a competitive bioblitz survey in four Georgia counties to raise awareness of a unique and species rich herpetofauna in the Pine Mountain/ Fall Line Sandhills Region of Georgia, and compared documented species ...

Oxygen-hydrogen differentiated observations from TWINS: The 22 July 2009 storm 

Valek, P. W.; Goldstein, J.; McComas, D. J.; Ilie, R.; Buzulukova, N.; Fok, M. -C.; Perez, J. D. (2020-06-09)
The 22 July 2009 magnetic storm is the first significant storm during the emergence of the recent prolonged solar cycle minimum. This moderate storm (minimum Dst approximately -78 nT) has received a good deal of attention ...

Partial photoionization cross sections of and Rydberg radicals 

Velasco, A.M.; Lavin, C.; Martin, I.; Melin, J.; Ortiz, J.V. (2021-01-26)
ammonium and oxonium Rydberg radicals from the outermost, occupied orbitals of their respective ground states are reported. These properties are known to be relevant in photoelectron dynamics studies. For the present ...

Particle-in-Cell Simulations of Characteristics of Rising-Tone Chorus Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere 

Ke, Yangguang; Lu, Quanming; Gao, Xinliang; Wang, Xueyi; Chen, Lunjin; Wang, Shaojie; Wang, Shui; 0000-0003-3041-2682; 0000-0003-2489-3571 (2022-11-08)
Whistler mode chorus waves in the Earth's inner magnetosphere are usually composed of discrete elements, and each element can be characterized by the following properties: the amplitude, the duration, the frequency span, ...

Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Fast Magnetosonic Mode in a Dipole Magnetic Field: 1-D Along the Radial Direction 

Min, Kyungguk; Liu, Kaijun; Denton, Richard E.; Boardsen, Scott A.; 0000-0001-5882-1328 (2020-05-28)
An electromagnetic particle-in-cell code is used to investigate self-consistent evolution of the fast magnetosonic mode in a one-dimensional configuration along the radial direction in a dipole background magnetic field. ...

Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Fast Magnetosonic Mode in a Dipole Magnetic Field: 1-D Along the Radial Direction 

Min, Kyungguk; Liu, Kaijun; Denton, Richard; Boardsen, Scott; 0000-0001-5882-1328 (2023-01-26)
An electromagnetic particle-in-cell code is used to investigate self-consistent evolution of the fast magnetosonic mode in a one-dimensional configuration along the radial direction in a dipole background magnetic field. ...

Performance of single and concatenated sets of mitochondrial genes at inferring metazoan relationships relative to full mitogenome data 

Havird, Justin C; Santos, Scott R (2019-05-10)
Mitochondrial (mt) genes are some of the most popular and widely-utilized genetic loci in phylogenetic studies of metazoan taxa. However, their linked nature has raised questions on whether using the entire mitogenome for ...

Petrology, Geochronology and Tectonic Setting of Early Triassic Alkaline Metagabbros From the Eastern Pontide Orogenic Belt (NE Turkey): Implications for the Geodynamic Evolution of Gondwana's Early Mesozoic Northern Margin 

Eyuboglu, Yener; Dudas, Francis; Chatterjee, Nilanjan; Santosh, M; Billor, Mehmet; Yuva, Sabire; 0000-0002-1073-8477 (2022-12-07)
The Triassic geodynamic evolution of the Pontides Belt, which geographically corresponds to northern Anatolia, is still a matter of debate. We present and interpret geological, petrographical, geochemical, and geochronological ...