Browsing Auburn University Libraries by Subject "library instruction"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
A3 Authentic, Active, Assessment: Assessing In-Class Instruction Student Work
The assessment of student learning is a hot topic among those in education, and library instruction proves no exception. This presentation concerns Auburn University Libraries’ foray into authentic assessment of active ...
Assessing Class and Course Libguides According to Bloom’s Revised and Digital Taxonomies
Given the current popularity and prevalence of Springshare’s Libguides, and the ability to create subsequent class or course guides, questions arise about the effectiveness of such pages. Librarians have expended time and ...
Assessment and Change Leadership in an Academic Library Department: A Case Study
The purpose of this paper is to report an academic library’s efforts to introduce
course-integrated assessment into its library instruction program. Applying a leadership change
model to the process allows ...
Closing the Loop on Information Literacy Instruction
Authentic assessment of course-integrated information literacy sessions
Creating a Sustainable Information Literacy Program Using the Train-the-Trainer Model
Using the train-the-trainer model as our foundation, we created a new information literacy program in an introductory lab course. We will describe the program’s development, implementation, and evolution since first ...
Cutting the Commute: Assess Authentically and Still Arrive on Time
While the importance of assessment for student learning is widely recognized, instructors are often reluctant to sacrifice valuable class time for this activity. This presentation discusses the Auburn University Libraries ...
Embedding Information Literacy Instruction throughout the Curriculum
Subject librarians at Auburn have traditionally taught information literacy sessions within the disciplines on an ad hoc basis. While they have wanted a more formal role in courses, their involvement depends on the ...
FYI for FYE (Freshman Year Experience): Helping new undergraduates navigate library waters
While considerable resources and staff time are dedicated to supporting Freshman Year Experience courses, traditional library orientation sessions frequently fail to engage students. To address these issues, Auburn ...
Mixing in new colors: Using a train-the-trainer model to build an information literacy program
Using the train-the-trainer model as our foundation, we created a new information literacy program in an introductory Biology lab. We will describe the program’s development, implementation, and evolution since its ...
Peer review of teaching: Best practices for a non-programmatic approach
Many academic librarians who provide library instruction have never received formal training in educational theory and methods. In an effort to bridge this gap and improve the teaching skills of instruction librarians, ...
The Power of Observation: How Librarians can Benefit from the Peer Review of Teaching--Even Without a Formal Program
Many academic librarians who provide library instruction have never received formal training in pedagogical theories and methods. In an effort to improve the teaching skills of instruction librarians, some libraries have ...
Ramp-Up Your Worksheets
Creating worksheets for instruction sessions that require students to think critically can be a challenge, especially when the librarian only has 50-minutes to introduce and discuss a concept. I will share strategies for ...
Teaching Students the How and Why of Source Evaluation: Pedagogies that Empower Communities of Learning and Scholarship
Evaluating information sources is an essential part of the research process, but many students fail to grasp its importance. In order to sustain and participate in the research practices that create new knowledge, students ...
Use What You Have: Authentic Assessment of In-Class Activities
The purpose of this paper is to share a practical approach to formative, authentic
assessment of Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) outcomes within individual
sessions of course-integrated ...
When Will We Use this in Real Life?: Problem-Based Learning and Its Use in Effective Information Literacy Instruction
Have you thought about using real world problems in your library instruction classroom? Modeling real world scenarios can increase student
engagement and provide context to show students how they can use library
skills ...