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Browsing Samuel Ginn College of Engineering by Issue Date

Now showing items 1-20 of 29

LaTeX seminar 

Reeves, Stanley (2010-06-28)

Atterburg Limits 

Elton, David; Elton, Dave (2014-02-06)
Atterberg Limits describe the water contents at which clays change behavior. The water content indicating the division between the liquid and plastic state is the liquid limit. The Liquid Limit is determined using a brass ...

Unconfined Compression Test 

Elton, David; Elton, Dave (2014-02-06)
The unconfined compression test. Collect approcimately 1200g of soil passing through the No. 4 Sieve. Add water and mix soil sample thoroughly. Weigh empty Harvard Miniature Mold and place layer of soil in mold. Compact ...

Bearing Capacity 

Elton, David; Elton, Dave (2014-02-06)
The pressure that a foundation unit can impose onto the supporting earth mass without causing overstressing (or shear failure) is the soil's bearing capacity. The three principal modes of soil failure established by the ...

Categorizing Sedimentary Rocks by Origin 

Elton, David; Elton, Dave (2014-02-06)
Using examples, this video tells students what to look for in order to identify rocks.

On the Characterization and Reduction of Ill-Conditioning in Jointly Estimating Proton Density, T2* Decay and the Field Map 

Hu, Chenxi; Reeves, Stanley (2014-02-13)
We employ principal angles as a tool to demonstrate that the complex frequency is the main cause for ill-conditioning of model-based MRI reconstruction. We show that kernels of EPI and spiral trajectories have different ...

Characterization of Plenoptic Imaging Systems and Efficient Volumetric Estimation from Plenoptic Data 

Anglin, Paul; Reeves, Stanley J.; Thurow, Brian S. (2015-01-13)
Plenoptic imaging is a rapidly growing field driven by the ever-declining cost of imaging systems and the promise of image focus, perspective, and depth of field manipulation during post-processing. While plenoptic ...

An efficient auxiliary variable method for quantification of spin density, R2* decay and field inhomogeneity maps in magnetic resonance imaging 

Hu, Chenxi; Reeves, Stanley (2015-04-07)
Quantification of spin density, $R_2^*$ decay and off-resonance frequency maps is very important in some applications of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). To reconstruct these parameter maps, a time-varying model such as ...

Trust region methods for estimation of a complex exponential decay model in MRI with a single-shot or multi-shot trajectory (in review) 

Hu, Chenxi; Reeves, Stanley (2015-05-05)
Joint estimation of spin density, R2* decay and off-resonance frequency maps is very useful in many magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) applications. The standard multi-echo approach can achieve high accuracy but requires a ...

A Solution of Rigid Perfectly Plastic Deep Spherical Indentation based on Slip Line Theory 

Jackson, Robert; Ghaednia, Hamid; Pope, Sara (2015-11-16)
During indentation it is often important to determine the relationship between the average pressure and the yield strength. This work uses slip line theory to determine this relationship for the case of a rigid sphere ...

A Bayesian Approach to Detect the Firms with Material Weakness in Internal Control 

Simsek, Serhat; Bayraktar, Engin; Ragothaman, Srini; Dag, Ali (2019-08-01)
Capturing of relevant patterns in company’s financial data and the implications on the reporting are important for various financial statement users to identify the triggers of the significant deficiencies and material ...

The electrostatic characterization of an n-element planar array using the singularity expansion method 

Mooney, J; Riggs, L; Baginski, M; 0000-0002-7044-3152 (2022-09-28)
In this paper, the singularity expansion method (SEM) is used to describe the electrostatic charge distribution on an array of thin linear antennas placed in a uniform electric field. The SEM, which has primarily been used ...

Structural analysis of asteroid Ryugu 

Hirabayashi, Masatoshi (2019-02-28)
This document describes the input files of ANSYS structural analyses for Ryugu rotating at spin periods of 3.5 hr and 3.75 hr.

Formation, Fate, and Impacts of Microscopic and Macroscopic Oil-Sediment Residues in Nearshore Marine Environments: A Critical Review 

Gustitus, Sarah; Clement, Prabhakar; 0000-0002-7878-8139 (2022-10-11)
Crude oil that is spilled in marine environments often interacts with suspended sediments to form residues that can impact the recovery of the affected nearshore ecosystems. When spilled oil and sediment interact, they can ...


Molz, Fred; Davidson, James; Tollner, Ernest (2022-10-11)

AU Smart Cart Senior Design Project Report Fall 2012 

Poole, Brandon; Bennett, Geoffrey; Liner, James; Chumbler, Joshua; Johnson, John; Goyal, Harshit; Roppel, Thaddeus (2017-10-26)
Team 3 consists of six members working together to design and build a fully autonomous shopping cart. The purpose of the cart is to perform as a personal shopping assistant to the user as he/she shops in different environments. ...

Experimental and numerical investigation of saltwater intrusion dynamics in flux-controlled groundwater systems 

Chang, Sun Woo; Clement, T. Prabhakar (2020-08-20)
Sea level rise and reduction of groundwater fluxes due to changes in rainfall patterns are the two major climate change–induced hydrological variables that can severely affect saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers. In ...

Estimating the Center of Rotation of Tomographic Imaging Systems with Limited Projections 

Zhou, Huanyi; Reeves, Stanley J.; Panizzi, Peter R. (2021-04-02)
For a tomographic imaging system, image reconstruction quality is highly correlated with accurate determination of the true center of rotation (COR) location. A significant center offset error will introduce ringing, ...

Forest restoration as a strategy to mitigate climate impacts on wildfire, vegetation, and water in semiarid forests 

O'Donnell, Frances C.; Flatley, William T.; Springer, Abraham E.; Fulé, Peter Z.; (2020-05-18)
Climate change and wildfire are interacting to drive vegetation change and potentially reduce water quantity and quality in the southwestern United States, Forest restoration is a management approach that could mitigate ...

The Role of Breccia Lenses in Regolith Generation From the Formation of Small, Simple Craters: Application to the Apollo 15 Landing Site 

Hirabayashi, Masatoshi; Howl, Bryan A.; Fassett, Caleb I.; Soderblom, Jason M.; Minton, David A.; Melosh, H. J.; 0000-0002-1821-5689 (2020-05-28)
Impact cratering is likely a primary agent of regolith generation on airless bodies. Regolith production via impact cratering has long been a key topic of study since the Apollo era. The evolution of regolith due to impact ...