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Data for: Comparison of two dielectric sensors in coarse-grained soils of increasing salinity

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dc.contributorAmy Diekmann, add0061@auburn.eduen_US
dc.creatorDiekmann, Amy
dc.creatorBowers, Benjamin
dc.creatorAnderson, J. Brian
dc.description.abstractMoisture content can impact the resilient modulus of pavement base course and subgrade layers. Given its influence on the post-inundation resilient moduli of the coastal pavement and base course and subgrade layers, it is important for transportation management personnel to understand the post-inundation moisture state for short-term and long-term planning. Dielectric soil moisture sensors can be used to obtain real-time soil moisture data; however, in coastal areas these sensors will be exposed to salinity. In this study, the performance of two commercially available dielectric soil moisture sensors, one using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technology and one using capacitance technology, in a laboratory environment with three different soil materials was examined. Both sensors measure volumetric water content (θ), bulk electrical conductivity (σb) and temperature. Volumetric water content values from the sensors were compared to gravimetrically obtained values. The results show that the capacitance sensor was more reliable and more accurately measured volumetric water content in all three soil materials.en_US
dc.publisherTaylor & Francisen_US
dc.relation.ispartofInternational Journal of Geotechnical Engineeringen_US
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)en_US
dc.subjectsoil moistureen_US
dc.subjectvolumetric water contenten_US
dc.subjectTime Domain Reflectometryen_US
dc.subjectbulk electrical conductivityen_US
dc.titleData for: Comparison of two dielectric sensors in coarse-grained soils of increasing salinityen_US

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