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Library Workshops for Faculty Preparing for Promotion and Tenure Reviews


Shipman, Todd


Faculty who are gathering materials in preparation for a third year, tenure or promotion review may often contact their subject librarians or ILL to get publications or specific data about selected journals, including impact factors, acceptance rates, etc. In light of this, two librarians at Au-burn University designed and presented a brief workshop in 2016 on several occasions to address these common questions. Topics presented in the workshop included a review of document delivery services along with re-sources for information on journal rankings and impact factors, article citation data, journal acceptance rates, Ca-bell’s directory, Ulrichsweb, and the university’s institutional repository. Seven workshops were schedule for the fall semester 2016 on days and at times that are typically best for teaching faculty. To gather data, an anonymous voluntary online survey was designed for the participants to complete after attending a workshop. The survey data provides information about the participants intended reasons for attending, their subsequent level of confidence in using the resources and services presented, and which service or resource was the most important topic to them. These data were used by the presenters for consideration concerning changes to workshop planning and content along with how information about library resources and services for faculty may be presented to new faculty by other means or during other campus events. This poster will present information about the development of the workshop through current consideration for future workshops in light of observations and the survey data collected.