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Browsing Biological Sciences by Issue Date

Now showing items 41-60 of 124

Embryo development and global change: how do reptile embryos respond to ecologically relevant thermal stress? 

Hall, Joshua M; Warner, Daniel A; (2019-09-15)
Two components of global change, climate change and urbanization, both contribute to increased ambient temperatures that may induce heat stress or mortality in animals. Each phenomenon independently results in both increased ...

Embryo development and global change: how do reptile embryos respond to ecologically relevant thermal stress? 

Hall, Joshua M; Warner, Daniel A; (2019-09-15)
Two components of global change, climate change and urbanization, contribute to increased ambient temperatures that cause heat stress or mortality in animals. Many animals can respond to harmful temperatures behaviorally; ...

Long-Term Decrease in Coloration: A Consequence of Climate Change? 

López-Idiáquez, David; Teplitsky, Céline; Grégoire, Arnaud; Fargevieille, Amélie; del Rey, María; de Franceschi, Christophe; Charmantier, Anne; Doutrelant, Claire; 0000-0003-0934-3563 (2022-09-15)
Climate change has been shown to affect fitness-related traits in a wide range of taxa; for instance, warming leads to phenological advancements in many plant and animal species. The influence of climate change on social ...

Amphibian Speciation Rates Support a General Role of Mountains as Biodiversity Pumps 

García-Rodríguez, Adrián; Martínez, Pablo; Oliveira, Brunno; Velasco, Julián; Pyron, Alexander; Costa, Gabriel; 0000-0002-9831-2963 (2022-09-20)
Continental mountain areas cover <15% of global land surface, yet these regions concentrate >80% of global terrestrial diversity. One prominent hypothesis to explain this pattern proposes that high mountain diversities ...

Frequency of Occurrence and Population-Dynamic Consequences of Different Forms of Density-Dependent Emigration 

Harman, Rachel; Goddard, Jerome; Shivaji, Ratnasingham; Cronin, James; 0000-0003-0869-5153 (2022-08-02)
Emigration is a fundamental process affecting species' local, regional, and large-scale dynamics. The paradigmatic view in ecology is that emigration is density independent (DIE) or positive density dependent (1DDE). ...

Reduced Mitochondrial Respiration in Hybrid Asexual Lizards 

Klabacka, Randy; Parry, Hailey; Yap, Kang Nian; Cook, Ryan; Herron, Victoria; Horne, Miles; Wolak, Matthew; Maldonado, Jose; Fujita, Matthew; Kavazis, Andreas; Oaks, Jamie; Schwartz, Tonia; 0000-0001-8805-1520 (2022-09-20)
The scarcity of asexual reproduction in vertebrates alludes to an inherent cost. Several groups of asexual vertebrates exhibit lower endurance capacity (a trait predominantly sourced by mitochondrial respiration) compared ...

Reproductive Value and the Stochastic Demography of Age-Structured Populations 

Engen, Steinar; Lande, Russell; Sæther, Bernt‐Erik; Dobson, Stephen; 0000-0001-5562-6316 (2022-09-15)
The dynamics of an age-structured population in a fluctuating environment is determined by the stochastic individual contributions from annual survival and fecundity to the total reproductive value of the population the ...

Geographic structure in the Southern Ocean circumpolar brittle star Ophionotus victoriae (Ophiuridae) revealed from mtDNA and single-nucleotide polymorphism data 

Galaska, Matthew P; Sands, Chester J; Santos, Scott R; Halanych, Kenneth M; Mahon, Andrew R (2019-04-29)
Marine systems have traditionally been thought of as "open" with few barriers to gene flow. In particular, many marine organisms in the Southern Ocean purportedly possess circumpolar distributions that have rarely been ...

Siboglinid-bacteria endosymbiosis: A model system for studying symbiotic mechanisms 

Thornhill, Daniel J; Fielman, Kevin T; Santos, Scott R; Halanych, Kenneth M (2019-04-29)
Siboglinid worms are a group of gutless marine annelids which are nutritionally dependent upon endosymbiotic bacteria.1,2 Four major groups of siboglinids are known including vestimentiferans, Osedax spp., frenulates and ...

Discovery and evolution of novel hemerythrin genes in annelid worms 

Costa-Paiva, Elisa M.; Whelan, Nathan V; Waits, Damien S; Santos, Scott R.; Schrago, Carlos G.; Halanych, Kenneth M. (2019-04-29)
BACKGROUND: Despite extensive study on hemoglobins and hemocyanins, little is known about hemerythrin (Hr) evolutionary history. Four subgroups of Hrs have been documented, including: circulating Hr (cHr), myohemerythrin ...

The Adaptive Bleaching Hypothesis: Experimental Tests of Critical Assumptions 

Kinzie, R. A; Takayama, M; Santos, S.R; Coffroth, M. A. (2019-08-02)
Coral bleaching, the loss of color due to loss of symbiotic zooxanthellae or their pigment, appears to be increasing in intensity and geographic extent, perhaps related to increasing sea surface temperatures. The adaptive ...

Politics a "Chilly" Environment for Undergraduate Women in Norway 

Ballen, Cissy J.; Lee, Dahsol; Rakner, Lise; Sehoya, Cotner (2021-03-22)
Gender differences in academic performance and attitudes are widespread in male-stereotyped disciplines but rarely are studied in the social sciences. To assess the extent that gender influences the behavior of undergraduate ...

Do Small Classes in Higher Education Reduce Performance Gaps in STEM? 

Ballen, Cissy; Aguillon, Stefanie; Brunelli, Rebecca; Drake, Abby Grace; Wassenberg, Deena; Weiss, Stacey; Zamudio, Kelly; Cotner, Sehoya (2019-07-11)
Performance gaps in science are well documented, and an examination of underlying mechanisms that lead to underperformance and attrition of women and underrepresented minorities (URM) may offer highly targeted means to ...

Discovery and Broad Relevance May Be Insignificant Components of Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences [CUREs] for Non-Biology Majors 

Ballen, Cissy J.; Thompson, Seth K.; Blum, Jessamina E.; Newstrom, Nicholas P.; Cotner, Cotner (2022-03-11)
Course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) are a type of laboratory learning environment associated with a science course, in which undergraduates participate in novel research. According to Auchincloss et al. ...

Interspecific combat observed among viperid snakes 

Steen, David A.; Kelly, Dawn; (2019-10-22)

Host preference and habitat segregation among Red Sea anemonefish: effects of sea anemone traits and fish life stages 

Huebner, Lindsay K.; Dailey, Brianna; Titus, Benjamin M.; Khalaf, Maroof; Chadwick, Nanette E.; 0000-0003-3559-2248 (2022-03-04)
Competition drives habitat segregation between adults and juveniles in many types of organisms, but little is known about this process in anemonefish that compete for host sea anemones which differ in habitat quality. We ...

Southern Two-Lined Salamander Diets in Urban and Forested Streams in Western Georgia 

Barrett, Kyle; Samoray, Stephen T.; Helms, Brian S.; Guyer, Craig; 0000-0003-4909-2690 (2022-03-03)
Streams are heavily affected by watershed urbanization as increased stormwater runoff changes their physical and chemical composition. Benthic macroinvertebrate species richness has been consistently shown to decline with ...

Life History Aspects of Exyra semicrocea (Pitcher Plant Moth) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) 

Stephens, Jessica D.; Folkerts, Debbie R. (2022-03-03)
With as little as 3% of southeastern Coastal Plain pitcher plant bogs remaining, it is important to understand the life-history aspects of the endemic organisms that comprise this community. In this study, we elucidate ...

Functional Characterization of Neuroendocrine Regulation of Branchial Carbonic Anhydrase Induction in the Euryhaline Crab Callinectes sapidus 

Mitchell, Reed T.; Henry, Raymond P. (2020-04-02)
Carbonic anhydrase (CA) plays an essential role as a provider of counterions for Na+/H+ and Cl-/HCO3- exchange in branchial ionic uptake processes in euryhaline crustaceans. CA activity and gene expression are low in crabs ...