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Browsing College of Sciences and Mathematics by Issue Date

Now showing items 21-40 of 391

A study of the electromagnetic proton cyclotron instability as a generation mechanism for EMIC waves in the Earth's magnetosphere using SCATHA data 

Nguyen, Son; Perez, J; Fennell, Joseph (2022-10-04)
Using 59 days of magnetic field data from SCATHA, a study of the electromagnetic proton cyclotron instability as a generation mechanism for EMIC waves in the Earth's magnetosphere has been conducted. From 1181 events found, ...

Are we underestimating the genetic variances of dimorphic traits? 

Wolak, Mathew E.; Roff, Derek A.; Fairbairn, Daphne J. (2022-09-16)
Populations often contain discrete classes or morphs (e.g., sexual dimorphisms, wing dimorphisms, trophic dimorphisms) characterized by distinct patterns of trait expression. In quantitative genetic analyses, the different ...

Magnetic Reconnection Inside Solar Wind Rotational Discontinuity During Its Interaction With the Quasi-Perpendicular Bow Shock and Magnetosheath 

Guo, Zhifang; Lin, Yu; Wang, Xueyi; Du, Aimin; 0000-0002-3728-6319 (2022-10-12)
Using a three-dimensional global hybrid simulation, we investigate the formation and evolution of ion-scale magnetic reconnection inside an interplanetary rotational discontinuity (RD) owing to its interaction with the ...

Proton velocity ring-driven instabilities and their dependence on the ring speed: Linear theory 

Min, Kyungguk; Liu, Kaijun; Gary, Peter; 0000-0002-4655-2316; 0000-0001-5882-1328 (2022-10-12)
Linear dispersion theory is used to study the Alfven-cyclotron, mirror and ion Bernstein instabilities driven by a tenuous (1%) warm proton ring velocity distribution with a ring speed, v(r), varying between 2v(A) and ...

Constantly fluctuating in an inconsistent way: comparing the effects of sinusoidal and naturally fluctuating incubation temperatures on embryo development 

Hall, Joshua M; Warner, Daniel A; (2019-09-15)
Temperature is a commonly studied environmental factor influencing embryo development in oviparous ectotherms. Though most studies use constant temperature incubation conditions, researchers are aware of the effects of ...

Embryological development and global change: how do reptile embryos respond to thermal stress in urban environments? 

Hall, Joshua M; Warner, Daniel A; (2019-09-15)
Two components of global change, climate change and urbanization, both contribute to increased ambient temperatures that may induce heat stress or mortality in animals. Each phenomenon independently results in both increased ...


Lin, Y; Lee, L; 0000-0003-4012-991X (2022-10-11)
The structure of reconnection layer in the distant magnetotail is studied by solving the Riemann problem for the evolution of an initial current sheet using one-dimensional MHD and hybrid simulations. Initially, the current ...

The demographic basis of population regulation in Columbian ground squirrels 

Dobson, Stephen; Oli, Madan; 0000-0001-5562-6316 (2022-07-29)
Environmental factors influence the dynamics and regulation of biological populations through their influences on demographic variables, but demographic mechanisms of population regulation have received little attention. ...

The Vitamin A-Redox Hypothesis: A Biochemical Basis for Honest Signaling via Carotenoid Pigmentation 

Hill, Geoffrey; Johnson, James D; 0000-0001-8864-6495 (2022-07-29)
Trade-offs in resource allocation have been widely stated as the means by which the honesty of ornamental traits is maintained, but an alternative to this resource trade-off hypothesis is that production of ornamentation ...

The evolution of signal design in manakin plumage ornaments 

Doucet, Stephanie; Mennill, Daniel; Hill, Geoffrey; 0000-0001-9314-6700; 0000-0001-8864-6495 (2022-07-29)
Animal signals are characterized by two design components: efficacy (detectability) and content (message being conveyed). Selection for efficient signal perception should favor the evolution of traits that exhibit an optimal ...

Laser Ar-40/Ar-39 age constraints on Miocene sequences from the Bengal basin: Implications for middle Miocene denudation of the eastern Himalayas 

Hames, Willis; Uddin, Ashraf; Zahid, Khandaker (2022-10-10)
Petrographic, mineral-chemistry and subsurface studies reveal that orogenic sedimentation had already begun in the Bengal basin by the early Miocene. Laser Ar-40/Ar-39 age determinations were made for detrital muscovite ...

Investigation of the Interaction Between Magnetosheath Reconnection and Magnetopause Reconnection Driven by Oblique Interplanetary Tangential Discontinuity Using Three-Dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation 

Guo, Zhifang; Yu, Lin; Xueyi, Wang; 0000-0002-3728-6319 (2022-09-28)
Magnetosheath reconnection due to the interaction of an interplanetary directional discontinuity with the bow shock and Earth's magnetosphere under an initially northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) has been ...

Global-scale simulation of foreshock structures at the quasi-parallel bow shock 

Lin, Yu (2022-09-29)
A two-dimensional, global-scale hybrid simulation is carried out to study the kinetic structure of the quasi-parallel bow shock. In the simulation the bow shock forms by the interaction of the supersonic solar wind and the ...

The Silurian to Permian history of a metamorphic core complex in Lofoten, northern Scandinavian Caledonides 

Steltenpohl, Mark; Hames, Willis; Andresen, Arild (2022-09-29)
[1] The Lofoten archipelago exposes Precambrian Baltic basement and Caledonian allochthonous sequences within a 1000 km long chain of gravity and magnetic highs and structural culminations along the extended, British and ...

Kinetic Alfven Waves From Magnetotail to the Ionosphere in Global Hybrid Simulation Associated With Fast Flows 

Cheng, Lei; Lin, Yu; Perez, J; Johnson, Jay; Wang, Xueyi; 0000-0002-9562-1103; 0000-0002-5619-9093 (2022-09-29)
We have used the Auburn Global Hybrid Code in 3-D to study the generation, dynamics, and global structure of kinetic Alfven waves (KAWs) from the magnetotail to the ionosphere. Our results show that KAWs are generated in ...

Quantification of the Atmospheric Relativistic Electron Precipitation on 17 January 2013 

Shekhar, S; Millan, R; Woodger, L; Qin, M; 0000-0002-5770-6261; 0000-0002-2815-4998 (2022-09-29)
On 17 January 2013, relativistic electron precipitation (REP) was observed on Balloon Array for Radiation Belt Relativistic Electron Losses (BARREL) payloads, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Polar orbiting ...

Reversal of magnetic field rotation in the reconnection layer due to shear flow effects 

Sun, Xiaoxia; Lin, Yu; Wang, Xiaogang (2022-09-29)
We investigate the effects of shear flows on the so-called component reconnection, in which the guide field B-y not equal 0, by solving a one-dimensional Riemann problem for magnetopause reconnection using a resistive MHD ...

Crossing the Divide: Admixture Across the Antarctic Polar Front Revealed by the Brittle Star Astrotoma agassizii 

Galaska, Matthew P; Sands, Chester J; Santos, Scott R; Mahon, Andrew R; Halanych, Kenneth M (2019-07-31)
The Antarctic Polar Front (APF) is one of the most well-defined and persistent oceanographic features on the planet and serves as a barrier to dispersal between the Southern Ocean and lower latitudes. High levels of endemism ...

Phylogenomic analyses of Crassiclitellata support major Northern and Southern Hemisphere clades and a Pangaean origin for earthworms 

Anderson, Frank E.; Williams, Bronwyn W.; Horn, Kevin M.; Erséus, Christer; Halanych, Kenneth M.; Santos, Scott R.; James, Samuel W. (2019-04-26)
BACKGROUND: Earthworms (Crassiclitellata) are a diverse group of annelids of substantial ecological and economic importance. Earthworms are primarily terrestrial infaunal animals, and as such are probably rather poor natural ...