Browsing Auburn University Libraries by Title
Now showing items 411-430 of 440
The Two Felixes: Narratorial Irony and the Question of Radicalism in Felix Holt and 'Address to Working Men, by Felix Holt'
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
The Two Georges and the Gunner
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
The Two Timothy Coopers
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
An unexpected discovery: One library's experience with discovery service evaluation
A growing number of libraries have enthusiastically embraced web-scale discovery services, which advertise one-stop searching for libraries’ print and digital collections. The appeal of a single search box providing access ...
Unlocking Your Courier Potential in the 21st Century with Tableau
The courier data collected by the circulation department at Auburn University Libraries had not been closely examined prior to the arrival of the current Business and Economics subject specialist librarian. What started ...
Use What You Have: Authentic Assessment of In-Class Activities
The purpose of this paper is to share a practical approach to formative, authentic
assessment of Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) outcomes within individual
sessions of course-integrated ...
Using Google Analytics to Examine Use Patterns for a Collection of Electronic Theses and Dissertations
This poster presents an examination of use patterns for a dSpace collection of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) using Google Analytics. During the one-year study period: (1) in-state patrons used university Web ...
Using historical citizen science to understand wildlife in the longleaf pine ecosystem
Museum records and formal scientific information are essential, but not always sufficient, to adequately document the historical distribution, abundance, and cultural traditions associated with wildlife species. Though we ...
Using IBM Watson for Discovery and Research Support: A Library-Industry Partnership at Auburn University
Researchers at the Auburn University Libraries are collaborating with cross-campus units and private companies to explore the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) tools to scholarly repositories, ...
Using Infographics to Teach Source Evaluation to Biology Freshmen
Given the immediate visual impact of infographics as well as the ease of creating them, infographics are an effective way to communicate complex information. However, viewers of infographics may draw very different ...
Using Mindfulness to Cope with Microaggressions and Workplace Stress
People from marginalized identity groups frequently experience microaggressions, verbal and non-verbal messages that are invalidating or demeaning. Librarians, even those working in the supposedly progressive and liberal ...
Victorian Sexual Politics and the Unsettling Case of George Eliot's Response to Walt Whitman
George Eliot and Walt Whitman, two of the most influential writers of the nineteenth century, are rarely discussed in relation to one another. They did not correspond, nor did either writer ever cross the Atlantic. There ...
Vincent van Gogh and George Eliot
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
We Are All Data Now
An abiding concern for the responsible use of data is nothing new for those of us among the ranks of data professionals. Whether from the perspective of research, education, commerce, or policy, careful consideration of ...
Welcome to the Machine: Ir/Responsible Use of Machine Learning in Research Recommendation Tools
Machine learning is changing how researchers interact with scholarly literature. While it has the potential to reveal exciting new connections between areas of study, popular commercial tools that provide recommendations ...
We’ve set SAILS: Launching library assessment across university waters
This poster details how librarians at Auburn University analyzed Project SAILS test data, presented findings to campus stakeholders, and worked to incorporate information literacy instruction into Auburn's general education ...
"What do I think of glory?": On Middlemarch by George Eliot
"What do I think of Middlemarch? What do I think of glory?" This is the famous reply Emily Dickinson wrote to her bookish cousins in 1873 after her first reading of George Eliot’s novel. Dickinson’s sentiments were also ...
What is a Pole Doing in Middlemarch?
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
What's in a Name?: The Significance of Character Names
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.