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Browsing Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (AAES) Reports by Title

Now showing items 1622-1641 of 2496

Natural areas for soybean cultivar recommendations in Alabama 

Weaver, David B.; Granade, G. V. (George V.); Williams, Jack C., 1928-; Thurlow, Donald L. (1984-02)

Natural reproduction of pines in East-central Alabama 

Brinkman, Kenneth A.; Swarthout, P. A. (1942-11)

Necessity for intensive cultural treatment in cottonwood plantations 

Carter, Mason Carlton, 1933-; White, Edwin Henry, 1937- (1971-05)

New Bermudagrass Varieties : a preliminary report 

Hoveland, C. S.; McCormick, R. F. (1977-02)

New Bermudagrass Varieties in Alabama 

Hoveland, C. S.; McCormick, R. F.; Anthony, W. B. (Wilson Brady), 1916-; Webster, W. B. (William B.); Calvert, V. H.; Eason, John Thomas, 1942-; Ruf, Marvin Edward, 1945-; Griffey, W. A.; Burgess, H. E. (Hoyt E.); Hoyle, H. C.; Smith, L. A.; Grimes, H. W. (Harold Watts), 1930-; Little, Joe A. (Joe Allen), 1937-; Granade, G. V. (George V.); Starling, J. G.; Carden, Emmett Lee, 1939-; McDaniel, Norman Ronald, 1943-; Selman, F. B. (1979-04)

New Crops and Minor Oilseeds Research Needs for the Southern Region, 1975 

Joint Task Force of the Southern Region Agricultural Experiment Stations; United States. Dept. of Agriculture (1975)

New disease of cotton : cotton boll rot 

Stedman, J. M. (John Moore), 1864- (1894-04)

New dusts for cotton insect control 

Arant, F. S. (Frank Selman), 1904-; Ruffin, Winford Audry, 1902- (1948-03)

New Early Season Plum Developed : AU-Rubrum Cultivar Combines High Yielding Ability with Disease Resistance and Excellent Fruit Quality 

Norton, J. D.; Boyhan, George Edward, 1956-; Smith, Don A.; Abrahams, Bruce Ralph, 1953- (1990-02)

New milk or water sterilizer 

Cary, Charles Aaron, 1880- (1894-01)

New root rot disease of cotton 

Atkinson, George Francis, 1854-1918 (1890-12)

New Technology and Alternative Nitrogen Sources for Crops in the Southern U.S. 

Mitchell, Charles Clifford, 1948-; Osmond, Deanna L. (Deanna Lynn), 1952- (2012-10)

Ninth annual report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the A. & M. College, Auburn, Alabama 

Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama. Agricultural Experiment Station (1897)

Nitrification of pyridine, quinoline, guanidine carbonate, etc., in soils 

Funchess, M. J. (Marion Jacob), b. 1884 (1917-06)

Nitrogen and moisture requirements of Coastal Bermuda and Pensacola Bahia 

Evans, E. M. (Emerson M.), 1921-; Ensminger, L. E. (Leonard Elroy), 1912-; Doss, B. D. (Basil Dewel), 1925-; Bennett, O. L. (Orus L.), 1924- (1961-12)

Nitrogen as a fertilizer 

Lupton, N. T. (Nathaniel Thomas), 1830-1893 (1890-04)

Nitrogen fertilizer rates and cotton petiole analysis in Alabama field experiments 

Touchton, J. T.; Adams, Fred, 1921-; Burmester, Charles Henry, 1955- (1981-06)

Nitrogen for dallisgrass pastures in the Black Belt 

Evans, E. M. (Emerson M.), 1921-; Smith, L. A.; Grimes, H. W. (Harold Watts), 1930- (1959-11)

North Alabama Soybean Variety Tests 1981 

Thurlow, Donald L. (1982-03)

Notes from the experiment station orchard 

Newman, J. S. (James Stanley) (1890-02)