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Goldfields Water Supply Scheme


Chaney, Philip L


This file contains a digital map of the Goldfields Water Supply Scheme (Australia) in Google Earth KMZ format that was produced as part of The IBT Water Project at Auburn University. The Goldfields Water Supply Scheme, more formally known as the Goldfields and Agricultural Areas Water Supply Scheme, or simply as the Goldfields Pipeline, is among the oldest of the modern-day aqueducts. A unique design was developed to assemble the sections of pipe to transport water from the Helena River near the city of Perth inland to the growing communities of Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie where gold was discovered in the 1890s. The original system included 8 pumping stations that were required to transport the water upslope approx. 350 m (1,100 ft) over the Darling Range. The original steam powered pumps have since been replaced with 20 modern electric pumps at new pumping station sites (new pump stations not included in this map). Pipeline sections above ground are being replaced and moved underground to reduce the effects of the harsh environment of Western Australia. Metadata embedded in the KMZ file include author contact, Creative Commons License information, and list of references. See the project website (URL shortcut: for information about methods, data sources, additional digital IBT maps, Google Earth tips, and a glossary of key terms.
