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George Eliot Review Online: Recent submissions

Now showing items 1-20 of 277

Review of Jennifer MacLure's The Feeling of Letting Die, Necroeconomics and Victorian Fiction 

van den Broek, A.G. (2024-12-10)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

George Eliot's Irish Acquiantance: Augusta, Lady Castletown 

Rignall, John (2024-12-10)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

Review of Ilana M. Bumberg's George Eliot: Whole Soul 

Rignall, John (2024-12-10)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

More Questions of Attribution 

Steele, Michael (2024-12-10)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

Review of Livia Arndal Woods' Pregnancy in the Victorian Novel 

Shattock, Joanne (2024-12-10)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

(Mis)Reading Characters in Middlemarch 

Murray, Jessica (2024-12-10)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

George Eliot's Ideal Art 

Greene, Laura (2024-12-10)
George Eliot’s poetry has often been considered apart from and subordinate to her prose. Her poetical characters have been labeled too unrealistic, her verse stilted, the content muddled with abstraction: Eliot’s early ...

Development of Realism in Middlemarch: Reinterpreting Rosamond 

Ishii, Masako (2024-12-10)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

Dance, Desire, and Transgression in Adam Bede 

Brunet-Jailly, Asa (2024-12-10)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

Review of Jane Robinson's Trailblazer: Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon: The First Feminist to Change Our World 

McKay, Brenda (2024-12-10)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

'Borne Along by a Wave': The Mill on the Floss as Music Drama (Prize Essay) 

Page, Connor (2023-12-07)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

Review of Robert Muscutt's The Orange Hatchback and the Secret Recollections of George Eliot 

Harris, Margaret (2023-12-06)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

The Importance of Location in the Portrayal of Rachel Poyser and Dinah Morris in Adam Bede 

Muscutt, Robert (2023-12-06)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

Coming to Conclusions in Middlemarch 

Ashton, Rosemary (2023-12-06)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

Review of Nancy Yousef's The Aesthetic Commonplace: Eliot, Wittgenstein and the Language of Every Day 

van den Broek, A. G. (2023-12-06)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

Review of Katherine Judith Anderson's Twisted Words, Torture and Liberalism in Imperial Britain 

van den Broek, A. G. (2023-12-06)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

'The Make-Believe of a Beginning': A Reading of Silas Marner 

Gregory, Gill (2023-12-06)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

Foleshill Friends: George Eliot and Mary Sibree Cash 

Sargent, Simon (2023-12-06)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

George Eliot, Middlemarch, and Coventry 

Paterson, David (2023-12-06)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.

The Real George Eliot 

Szirotny, June Skye (2023-12-06)
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.