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Office of University Writing: Recent submissions

Now showing items 1-20 of 32

Authentic Professional Learning: Creating Faculty Development Experiences through an Assessment Institute 

Cordie, Leslie A.; Adelino, Lucas; (2023-06-16)
This case study analyzes experiences of participants in an Assessment Institute (AI) for faculty development on ePortfolio. In earlier research on the AI, findings showed that focused faculty development increased instructor ...

Assessment Institute Insights: Preparing for the 2021 HIPs in The States Track at the Assessment Institute 

Basgier, Christopher; Cicchino, Amy; Gilbert, Brandi L.; Lexow, Matthew R. (2022-01-21)
Joining the Assessment Institute and expanding the reach of HIPs in the States has provided opportunities to come together as a community and welcome colleagues from other tracks who are new to HIPs.

Digital ethics in ePortfolios: Version 2.0, resource development by the AAEEBL Digital Ethics ePortfolio Task Force in 2021 

Slade, Christine; Cicchino, Amy (2022-01-21)
The Digital Ethics ePortfolio Task Force for the Association for Authentic, Experiential, & Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) continued to bring together international ePortfolio scholars and practitioners to establish ...

Digital Ethics in ePortfolios: Developing Principles, Strategies, and Scenarios 

Cicchino, Amy; Haskins, Megan; Gresham, Morgan; Kelly, Kevin; Slade, Christine; Zurhellen, Sarah (2021-08-26)
In response to rising concerns about digital ethics in ePortfolio practice, the Association for Authentic, Experiential, Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) created a Digital Ethics Task Force charged with researching and ...

Reflecting on the Past, Reconstructing the Future: Faculty Members’ Threshold Concepts for Teaching Writing in the Disciplines 

Basgier, Christopher; Simpson, Amber (2020-12-08)
A growing body of scholarship in writing studies has started exploring threshold concepts for writing, providing a synoptic view of the transformations students undergo as they learn about writing. However, the field has ...

AAEEBL Digital Ethics Principles, Version 1 

Cicchino, Amy; Haskins, Megan; Crowley-Watson, Megan; Gray, Elaine; Gresham, Morgan; Hoeppner, Kristina; Kelly, Kevin; Mize, Megan; Slade, Christine; Stuart, Heather; Zurhellen, Sarah (2020-12-08)
As outward-facing ePortfolios become more common, students, educators, administrators, and staff need guiding principles to ground their practice. Indeed, members voiced this need during the 2018 AAEEBL Annual Meeting. In ...

Trouble and transformation in higher education: Identifying threshold concepts through faculty narratives about teaching writing 

Simpson, Amber; Basgier, Christopher (2020-12-08)
The theory of threshold concepts has given faculty a powerful way to name foundational, but difficult, disciplinary concepts. However, there is no methodological consensus about the best ways to identify them. In this ...

Introducing ePortfolios to Construction Management Undergraduate Students 

Lui, Junshan; Burt, Richard (2020-05-15)
Effective communication is one of the essential skills for construction students. This paper describes an innovative model of a professional digital portfolio (ePortfolio) program in an ACCE accredited construction management ...

Repurposing scientific writing in conservation biology 

Boyd, Robert; Basgier, Christopher; Wilson, Claire (2020-05-14)
Scientists and writing studies scholars agree that students need to be able to repurpose scientific knowledge across audiences, goals, and genres. This article offers a much-needed, practical example of an assignment that ...

Enhanced Radio Lab Experience Using ePortfolios 

Prather, J. Craig; Harrell, Haley K.; Barlett, Lesley Erin; Wentworth, Stuart M.; (2020-05-14)
In the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at our university, there is a course unofficially referred to as the “radio lab”. This is a required 1 credit hour course for the Electrical Engineering program. ...

Embrace the Messiness: Libraries, Writing Centers, and Encouraging Research as Inquiry Across the Curriculum 

Alabi, Jaena; Truman, James C. W.; Farrell, Bridget; Price Mahoney, Jennifer (2020-04-22)
As educators, how do we clarify the concept of research into a manageable form so it’s communicated effectively while still creating space for the complexity inherent across different academic disciplines, different classroom ...

The Formation of a Professional Organization for Writing Across the Curriculum 

Basgier, Christopher; Cox, Michelle; Falconer, Heather M.; Galin, Jeffrey; Harahap, Al; Hendrickson, Brian; Melzer, Dan; Palmquist, Mike; Sheriff, Stacey (2020-04-22)
In this chapter, we describe the rationale for and development of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC), which held its first meeting for members at the 2018 International Writing Across the Curriculum ...

On Connection, Diversity, and Resilience in Writing across the Curriculum 

Barlett, Lesley Erin; Olinger, Andrea R.; Tarabochia, Sandra L.; Marshall, Margaret J. (2020-04-22)

Diverse Approaches to Teaching, Learning, and Writing Across the Curriculum: IWAC at 25 

Barlett, Lesley Erin; Tarabochia, Sandra L.; Olinger, Andrea R.; Marshall, Margaret J. (2020-04-22)
Developed from presentations at the 2018 International Writing Across the Curriculum conference, this collection documents a key moment in the history of WAC, foregrounding connection and diversity as keys to the sustainability ...

Building Bridges: Creating Connections by Building Our Portfolios 

Reynolds, Candyce; Ring, Gail; Conefrey, Theresa; Davidson, Allie; Stuart, Heather (2020-01-24)

The Role of Eportfolio Workshops in Supporting Students and Faculty 

Haskins, Megan; Wade, Parker; Stuart, Heather; Mills Duffy, Ashlee (2020-01-21)