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Browsing Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences (General) by Title

Now showing items 2-8 of 8

Can texture-based classification optimally classify soils with respect to soil hydraulics? 

Twarakavi, Navin K. C.; Simunek, Jirka; Schaap, M. G. (2022-10-14)
[1] In the past, texture-based classification of soils has been used for grouping soils in variably saturated water flow and solute transport studies. Classification of soils becomes especially important for large-scale ...

Comparison of probabilistic post-processing approaches for improving numerical weather prediction-based daily and weekly reference evapotranspiration forecasts 

Medina, Hanoi; Tian, Di; 0000-0001-5197-1550 (2023-03-04)
Reference evapotranspiration (ET0) forecasts play an important role in agricultural, environmental, and water management. This study evaluated probabilistic post-processing approaches, including the nonhomogeneous Gaussian ...

Data for: Harmful algal blooms and cyanotoxins in Lake Amatitlán, Guatemala, coincided with ancient Maya occupation in the watershed 

Waters, Matthew; Brenner, Mark; Curtis, Jason Hilleary; Romero-Oliva, Claudia Suseth; Dix, Margaret; Cano, Manuel; 0000-0003-1702-3973 (2021-10-19)

Dataset for: Sediment and Nutrient Transport Through a Reservoir Sequence Along a Large River System 

Webster, Benjamin; Waters, Matthew; 0000-0002-1768-247X (2023-03-04)
Reservoirs are highly effective at sequestering both sediments and sediment-bound nutrients, such as silts and phosphorus (P), but are also capable of depositing significant quantities of nutrients with more complex ...

Linking prescribed fire, nutrient deposition and cyanobacteria dominance through pyroeutrophication in a subtropical lake ecosystem from the mid Holocene to present 

Waters, Matthew; Smoak, Joseph; Vachula, Richard; Waters, Matthew; 0000-0003-1702-3973 (2023-11-09)
Prescribed fire (Rx-fire) is a common management tool for many forested ecosystems and promotes tree and forest soil health. Although burned materials from Rx-fire areas can enter adjacent aquatic environments, very few ...


Dane, J; Molz, F (2022-10-14)
Measurements needed to define the basic hydraulic properties of subsurface porous media constitute a fundamental problem. Complex mathematical flow models can only make realistic predictions if the correct values for the ...

Raw and post-processed ensemble forecasts of crop reference evapotranspiration over the CONUS produced with NWP 

Medina, Hanoi; Tian, Di (2023-03-04)
Database with raw and post-processed ensembles of summer crop reference evapotranspiration forecasts over the CONUS based on numerical weather predictions (NWP). The forecasts consider single or multi-model NWP from The ...