Browsing Civil Engineering by Title
Now showing items 8-11 of 11
Resistance model for confined circular reinforced concrete columns under eccentric loads
Circular reinforced concrete columns with spiral reinforcement exhibit an increased ductility
and resistance due to the confinement effect. Many experimental investigations and theoretical studies related
to this topic ...
Sea level rise and inundation of island interiors: Assessing impacts of lake formation and evaporation on water resources in arid climates
Coasts of many low-lying islands will be inundated should sea level rise by 1 m by 2100 as projected, thereby decreasing water resources through aquifer salinization. A lesser known impact occurs if rising sea level elevates ...
Unconfined Compression Test
The unconfined compression test. Collect approcimately 1200g of soil passing through the No. 4 Sieve. Add water and mix soil sample thoroughly. Weigh empty Harvard Miniature Mold and place layer of soil in mold. Compact ...