Browsing Auburn University Libraries by Title
Now showing items 113-132 of 162
RDA Intro Session 1
A brief introduction to the new cataloging code Resource Description and Access (RDA) which was implemented nationally on March 31, 2013.
READ: All about it! Reimagining reference stats to demonstrate value and guide public services with the READ Scale
The READ Scale adds a qualitative dimension to reference statistics by recording the effort, knowledge, skills, and teaching employed in reference transactions. The Scale provides copious data that can be used to inform ...
Reconfiguring Auburn University's Main Library for Engaged Active Student Learning
In the face of changes in teaching and learning, academic libraries are responding with changes of their own. New pedagogies are creating opportunities for libraries to connect directly to the curriculum and support students ...
Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Faculty Body: The Role of Microaggressions & Incivility
Are we doing enough to recruit and retain a diverse faculty body? Despite a variety of efforts to increase underrepresented populations within the professoriate, diversity gains remain minimal. Presenters will introduce ...
Reframing Information Literacy Assessment: Reaching for College Seniors
Although our institution has a history of information literacy assessment for general education, we found the method used did not allow us to tell a compelling story about students’ information literacy skills. After a ...
Research Data Management for Environmental Science
Environmental science has been a fertile testing ground for research data management tools and techniques. Disciplines within environmental science were some of the first to openly discuss and grapple with issues in ...
Research on Space Occupancy, Activity Rhythm and Sexual Segregation of White-Lipped Deer (Cervus albirostris) in Forest Habitats of Jiacha Gorge on Yarlung Zangbo River Basin Based on Infrared Camera Technology
The white-lipped deer (Cervus albirostris) is a rare and endangered species found in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in China. To understand the space occupancy, activity rhythm, and sexual segregation of the white-lipped deer, ...
Research Practices and Support Services in Agriculture at Auburn University
This study examines the current and emerging research practices of academic and extension faculty from the field of agriculture at Auburn University in order to identify the resources and services that faculty need to be ...
The Role of George Henry Lewes in George Eliot's Career: A Reconsideration
Rilett's article examines the "protection" and "encouragement" George Henry Lewes provided to Eliot throughout her fiction-writing career. According to biographers, Lewes showed his selfless devotion to Eliot by encouraging ...
Safety in Numbers: Distributed Digital Preservation Networks
It has long been recognized that there is safety in numbers and that redundancy enhances
survivability. This principle has been applied in many spheres of human activity, from
engineering to military science. It is now ...
Search Engine Queries Used to Locate Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Differences for Local and Non-Local Users
This study examines two research questions: (1) What search engine queries lead users to the Auburn University Electronic Theses and Dissertations (AUETDs) collection? (2) Do these queries vary for users in different ...
Simplifying Library Value for Non-Library Development Officers and Staff
With the rise of evidenced based budgeting the need for nontechnical illustration has become increasingly important for telling the story of library place within the academic community. Because librarians tend to speak ...
Skills for success: Tailoring research boot camps to graduate student needs
As they prepare for academic and professional careers, graduate students must acquire skills needed to conduct scholarly research, organize and work with information sources, and effectively communicate research findings. ...
Slavic Studies and Slavic Librarianship in the United States: A Post-Cold War Perspective (Excerpts)
This article reprints excerpts from Aaron Trehub’s piece about the relationship between Slavic studies and Slavic librarianship in the United States in the immediate aftermath of the end of the Cold War. The author, who ...
"Slavic Studies and Slavic Librarianship" Revisited: Notes of a Former Slavic Librarian
This article revisits the author’s essay in Solanus on the state of
Slavic librarianship at the turn of the twenty-first century in order to assess how the profession has changed in the interim. Trehub
notes that the ...
Smartphone Use to Answer Clinical Questions: A Descriptive Study of APNs
This study examines the use of smartphones by Alabama Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) to find information to address clinical questions and seeks to describe the types of questions answered using smartphones; barriers to ...
Supplemental Materials for Enhancing Your Teaching Methods: An Information Literacy-Based Approach to Developing Course Assignments
Supplemental instruction materials used in an extended example within an original article published in the Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) journal
Support Scholars Who Share
Librarians play a leading role in promoting openness in scholarly communication, including open access, open data, and public accountability. However, individual researchers remain reluctant to embrace open scholarship or ...
Support Scholars Who Share: Combating the Mismatch between Openness Policies and Professional Rewards
Are institutional policies designed to advance open scholarship capable of accomplishing that end? What other consequences might they have for the practice of research? These mandates undoubtedly increase the number of ...
Supporting the Proliferation of Data-Sharing Scholars in the Research Ecosystem
Librarians champion the value of openness in scholarship and have been powerful advocates for the sharing of research data. College and university administrators have recently joined in the push for data sharing due to ...