Browsing Auburn University Libraries by Title
Now showing items 42-61 of 440
Chattahoochee Coverlets: Handwoven coverlets and counterpanes from East Central Alabama
This book combines a history of handwoven coverlets and counterpanes in the East Central Alabama region with images of the designs and details of their origins.
Chaucer and George Eliot
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
Cleaning Data, or More Neat Excel Tricks to Make it Easier
Librarians deal with data from a variety of sources and each source can be unique in how it presents in Excel. Cleaning data is inevitable. Here are some basic and not so basic tips and tricks to deal with disappearing ...
A Closer Look at Cheyne Walk, Chelsea
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
Closing the Loop on Information Literacy Instruction
Authentic assessment of course-integrated information literacy sessions
Coincidence and Consequence Relative to a Scene in Felix Holt
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
Collecting Pre-class Information from First Year Pharmacy Students in Order to Increase Student Engagement with Library Instruction
Objectives: To increase student engagement, both in a one-shot library instruction session and with the Pharmacy subject guide which provides supplemental instruction information.
Methods: Setting/Participants: 151 first ...
The Collision of Two Lexicons: Librarians, Composition Instructors and the Vocabulary of Source Evaluation
Based on article of the same name:
The Collision of Two Lexicons: Librarians, Composition Instructors and the Vocabularly of Source Evaluation
From article abstract: "The study has two aims. The first is to identify words and phrases from information literacy and rhetoric and composition that students used to justify the comparability of two sources. The second ...
Comic George Eliot
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
Coming to Conclusions in Middlemarch
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.
Comparing Apples to Apples? Examining User Behavior for an Open-Access ETDs Collection vs. ProQuest
Many institutions that maintain their own open-access repository for Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) also deposit ETDs into the vendor database ProQuest Theses & Dissertations. Since ETDs are the products of ...
The Conflict Between Originality and Conventionality: The Liberated Individual in The Mill on the Floss and J. S. Mill's On Liberty
Article from the George Eliot Review. Digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online, editor Beverley Park Rilett.
Connecting the dots: Making sense of sociograms
This chapter provides a practical approach to understanding the history, terminology, and methods used to create sociograms, which are graph-based visualizations that showcase social connections. Data collection processes, ...
Connecting with Health Science Students and Faculty to Facilitate the Design of a Mobile Library Website
Observing increasing usage of smartphones by students and faculty of the University of Mississippi Medical Center, librarians at Rowland Medical Library decided to explore student and faculty interest in a mobile website ...
Costanza, Constance, Custance, and Emaré: Romola's Medieval Ancestry
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
Craig Guyer 5.31.16
Creating a Sustainable Information Literacy Program Using the Train-the-Trainer Model
Using the train-the-trainer model as our foundation, we created a new information literacy program in an introductory lab course. We will describe the program’s development, implementation, and evolution since first ...
Customizing VuFind
Webinar presented to ASERL in Spring 2012 on VuFind. Discusses our decision to use VuFind and the resources required to customize it for use as our default Catalog.
Cutting the Commute: Assess Authentically and Still Arrive on Time
While the importance of assessment for student learning is widely recognized, instructors are often reluctant to sacrifice valuable class time for this activity. This presentation discusses the Auburn University Libraries ...