Browsing Auburn University Libraries by Title
Now showing items 133-152 of 440
George Eliot and Music
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot and Psychosomatic Illness: A Footnote to the Biographies
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot and the 1832 Election
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot and the British Museum Reading Room
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot and the Country House
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot and the Female Tradition: A Little-Known Source
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot and The Linnet's Life
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot and the Victorian Art World
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot as Historian: The Case of Mr. Crewe and Hugh Hughes
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot at Southfields
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
The George Eliot Centenary of 1919
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot in Romantic Biofiction
Book review of The Honeymoon, by Dinitia Smith, published 2016 by Other Press
George Eliot in South Africa
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot Memorial Lecture, 1979: "Silas Marner: The Community of the Novel"
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot Memorial Lecture, 1998: "Ego, Anonymity, and Healing in George Eliot"
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot Memorial Lecture: "Love, Knowledge, and Narration: George Eliot on Other Minds"
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot the Journalist
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot's Aesthetic Immortality
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot's Afterlife: Dinitia Smith's The Honeymoon and Diana Souhami's Gwendolen
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.
George Eliot's Brazilian Critical Fortune and the Case of Romola
Article from the George Eliot Review, digitized and hosted by the George Eliot Review Online.