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Auburn University Libraries: Recent submissions

Now showing items 361-380 of 430

Three Heads are Better than One: Organizational Changes in Collection Management Leadership 

Weisbrod, Liza; Bishop, Barbara A.; Grabowsky, Adelia (2015-11-16)
Financial pressures, shrinking staff, shifting user expectations, and advances in format access and availability mean that organizational change seems to have become a constant in today’s academic library. The area of ...

To be seen and heard: Realizing the benefits of diversity and responding to the needs of minority academic librarians 

Alabi, Jaena (2015-10-21)
Diversity continues to be an important topic of conversation for librarians--we talk about the importance of representing a variety of viewpoints in our collections, providing diverse programs that meet the needs of a broad ...

ETD Embargos: Are There Discipline-Based Differences in Candidates' Selections? 

Coates, Midge; Coates, Mildred (2015-10-02)
It is frequently assumed that graduate students seeking to embargo their Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) are either scientists/engineers planning to patent their discoveries or liberal arts majors planning to ...

Off the Airplane and into the Library: Making a Good First Impression in Any Language 

Hartman, Patricia J.; Farrell, Bridget S. (2015-09-15)
At Auburn University, new international students receive their initial library orientation and tour within days of arrival. Considering that they are among our most frequent library users, it is important that we address ...

Promoting a Juvenile Awards Approval Plan: Using Collaboration and Selected Projects for Improved Visibility and Findabilty to Promote Juvenile Collections in Academic Libraries 

Shipman, Todd (2015-09-08)
This article describes a project to promote an approval plan for purchasing award-winning juvenile books. The overall project utilizes a combination of projects for promoting awareness and use of the awards books and the ...

Using Infographics to Teach Source Evaluation to Biology Freshmen 

Hartman, Patricia; Roberts, Sharon (2015-09-05)
Given the immediate visual impact of infographics as well as the ease of creating them, infographics are an effective way to communicate complex information. However, viewers of infographics may draw very different ...

Building a Sustainable Life Science Information Literacy Program Using the Train-the-Trainer Model 

Hartman, Patricia; Newhouse, Renae; Perry, Valerie (2015-07-15)
The train-the-trainer model has great potential for expanding information literacy programs without placing undue burden on already overextended librarians; it is surprisingly underused in academic libraries. At the ...

Teaching Infographic Source Evaluation to Biology Majors 

Hartman, Patricia; Roberts, Sharon (2015-07-15)
Infographics are an effective means of communicating information quickly and impactfully. They are often used to present complex datasets and statistics that otherwise would be difficult to digest. This makes them valuable ...

Simplifying Library Value for Non-Library Development Officers and Staff 

Bishop, Barbara (2015-07-01)
With the rise of evidenced based budgeting the need for nontechnical illustration has become increasingly important for telling the story of library place within the academic community. Because librarians tend to speak ...

In-Service Teachers and their Information- Seeking Habits: Does Library Instruction Show a Relationship to Information-Seeking Habits for Professional Use? 

Shipman, Todd (2015-06-05)
This study describes an investigation of the information-seeking habits of in-service teachers specifically in the context of seeking information for their professional practice. Data were also collected to investigate ...

Developing a Juvenile Literature Collection in an Academic Library 

Shipman, Todd; Schmidt, Greg; Bannon, Susan (2015-06-03)
Maintaining a juvenile collection in a university setting requires a careful consideration of both the juvenile materials market and the academic uses of juvenile materials. Because juvenile materials can range from ...

The Information-Seeking Habits of In-Service Educators 

Shipman, Todd; Bannon, Susan; Nunes-Bufford, Kimberly (2015-06-02)
Research on information literacy and educators has focused on preservice educators and learning information literacy skills. Little research exists on in-service educators and their information literacy skills. Purposes ...

Assessing Class and Course Libguides According to Bloom’s Revised and Digital Taxonomies 

Noe, Nancy (2015-06-01)
Given the current popularity and prevalence of Springshare’s Libguides, and the ability to create subsequent class or course guides, questions arise about the effectiveness of such pages. Librarians have expended time and ...

“This Actually Happened”: An Analysis of Librarians’ Responses to a Survey about Racial Microaggressions 

Alabi, Jaena (2015-05-21)
Racial microaggressions are subtle, derogatory messages conveyed to people of color. While often delivered unconsciously, these persistent and pervasive negative messages can have devastating effects on individuals and ...

Teaching Students the How and Why of Source Evaluation: Pedagogies that Empower Communities of Learning and Scholarship 

Rumble, Juliet; Carter, Toni; Noe, Nancy (2015-05-21)
Evaluating information sources is an essential part of the research process, but many students fail to grasp its importance. In order to sustain and participate in the research practices that create new knowledge, students ...

Look What’s under Our Tent: A Fresh Approach to Library Orientations 

Rumble, J.; Noe, N. (2015-05-15)
Auburn University Libraries is exploring new ways to reach users by rethinking and redefining traditional library orientations and open houses. Last year’s “Tailgate at the Library” event, held at the beginning of Fall ...

Peer review of teaching: Best practices for a non-programmatic approach 

Alabi, Jaena; Weare, William H., Jr. (2015-02-16)
Many academic librarians who provide library instruction have never received formal training in educational theory and methods. In an effort to bridge this gap and improve the teaching skills of instruction librarians, ...

Search Engine Queries Used to Locate Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Differences for Local and Non-Local Users 

Coates, Midge; Coates, Mildred (2015-01-15)
This study examines two research questions: (1) What search engine queries lead users to the Auburn University Electronic Theses and Dissertations (AUETDs) collection? (2) Do these queries vary for users in different ...

Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Differences in Behavior for Local and Non-Local Users 

Coates, Midge; Coates, Mildred (2015-01-15)
This study examines two research questions: (1) How do users in different locations find Auburn University Electronic Theses and Dissertations? (2) Do users in different locations interact differently with the collection ...

Because You're You: Factors Influencing Item Selection in a Digital Sheet Music Collection 

Coates, Midge; Coates, Mildred (2015-01-15)
The purpose of this study was to examine factors influencing user selection of individual works in a collection of digitized sheet music. Google Analytics page view data were grouped by source (directing link) and correlated ...