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Long-Term Decrease in Coloration: A Consequence of Climate Change?

Metadata FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributorAmélie Fargevieilleen_US
dc.creatorLópez-Idiáquez, David
dc.creatorTeplitsky, Céline
dc.creatorGrégoire, Arnaud
dc.creatorFargevieille, Amélie
dc.creatordel Rey, María
dc.creatorde Franceschi, Christophe
dc.creatorCharmantier, Anne
dc.creatorDoutrelant, Claire
dc.description.abstractClimate change has been shown to affect fitness-related traits in a wide range of taxa; for instance, warming leads to phenological advancements in many plant and animal species. The influence of climate change on social and secondary sexual traits, which are associated with fitness because of their role as quality signals, is, however, unknown. Here, we use more than 5,800 observations collected on two Mediterranean blue tit subspecies (Cyanistes caeruleus caeruleus and Cyanistes caeruleus ogliastrae) to explore whether blue crown and yellow breast patch colorations have changed over the past 15 years. Our data suggest that coloration has become duller and less chromatic in both sexes. In addition, in the Corsican C.c. ogliastrae, but not in the mainland C.c. caeruleus, the decrease is associated with an increase in temperature at molt. Quantitative genetic analyses do not reveal any microevolutionary change in the color traits over the study period, strongly suggesting that the observed change over time was caused by a plastic response to the environmental conditions. Overall, this study suggests that ornamental colorations could become less conspicuous because of warming, revealing climate change effects on sexual and social ornaments and calling for further research on the proximate mechanisms behind these effects.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Chicago Pressen_US
dc.relation.ispartofAMERICAN NATURALISTen_US
dc.rights©The Authors 2022. ©University of Chicago Press 2022. This is this the version of record published by the University of Chicago Press. It is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. Item should be cited as: López-Idiáquez, David, Céline Teplitsky, Arnaud Grégoire, Amélie Fargevieille, María del Rey, Christophe de Franceschi, Anne Charmantier, and Claire Doutrelant. "Long-term decrease in coloration: a consequence of climate change?." The American Naturalist 200, no. 1 (2022): 000-000.en_US
dc.subjectpredicted breeding valuesen_US
dc.subjectphenotypic plasticityen_US
dc.subjectblue titen_US
dc.subjectglobal warmingen_US
dc.titleLong-Term Decrease in Coloration: A Consequence of Climate Change?en_US
dc.type.genreJournal Article, Academic Journalen_US

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