HIGHLIGHTS of agricultural research Agricultural Experiment Station AUBURN UNIVERSITY N A & / 4 1 44 N >% 44 4 44 ~~'*> <~ 44 44 4 44 44444 -t 4 - 4' ~ 44444 444 44 *~,<444~ '~'~ $4~44 44 k ~'44444 44~~ 'S 4444 4444l~ 44 ~44 ~ 44 4 4 1. 4 1t, .4C44Qj 1 4 4 4 4; - 44- $1444 V. *~' -, 4, $'44 (44 44% >444 4S 4 ' 4 ~ 7*' 44~ A' 4 S44~ 444 t 4444444 444 - 4-4 4~ - '4 ' >~ '49 4444 4 4' 44 - a ~ 4 ~~444 4 44444 - , 4 r, -44 p9<4 444 '44~ '~ 444 ,4444 - 44 444 4444 4444 t~4' ~ 44~,< 4444 444k ~,444 ~ 4;~, 444 4 44 >4' - ~' 4- ~# 444 ~ 44 444444 ~ ,~ 44444444444 - 44 4 -"4-, t~S~'' ~4 - 44)4 444 .4.444 ~ '~ '4'4444444'4$'4 r #~t4 ~44; - - Sr 4' 4 4 4~44444 444444 ~ 44444 44 44-4~ & ,tr (~'>'~4 I r '4 ~ 43 r 44 '~T'.> 444' 4444'444 -- ,~4444~4 144 44' 4% 44t4~,~ 4444 4 4' 4 44 '44 ~ 4444 4 44 444~~~ '4%. V-~ *~444 4 ''3 444 4 44 44 44 4444 ~4 't N 4 44 4 J '4 '4444 144 '4'44444 4 4 444-4 ,01 ." DIRECTOR'S COMME=NTS the XX( k that iinio(11d Ili oik'gix iiig. Maoi cu ssm oicly (.Cela th'e oll/e 81( s io iX X i llle to t Hld ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ dg~i~tie iiiesilficrtoo 8to1 h ~n III isiIiI'Ii. w 1111 .l , ier v that lcA ter i ile tmn i IX( XXli 1 11 idehi m seiIX i lf'X 1. V.X~ lXXCX Stckd s. aredt Sysems reof alin and Fednpays 3rbt o h Comput1-cl eize tionsMIl for teingtd ' Bee Steers 4ipral Yheil Loss Frool Siciepd inth Soybleans 5~llctai nfrl Narow Rows lvdbforehm Cor Proiablex or e Unrfblhe 2 spt6l Wieh N e focarm el o Esate aluets 7lc ssda n Us te ofalCutt and. Sliidalelbii on ixd Fore 9(tesil aboamc a's Fd Grain urctoes 1ai 0xeta te e Sili oganoicMtter Needed inthe mic ha alr Frmcing 2 hae1l SIoe Herbicds Intvee wiiedth EncegyFlo 1 FThr in Ho Feedac 13 sstll im pr-oving farm Woold br lots 15triihdstos \[oIail aTep eratur Affctiolspis Cotontai Brei el 16dfa Ia 1,1111o IX 8 lol, l it o f t eaticl o;ile iw 3k isl'ililX ;soIX t llcs(r l pilicaIX li and11 bot ileli li cll impop nAgriic lrl Resarc WINTER 1971 VOL. 18, NO. 4 A quarterly report of research publislled by the Agricultural Experiment Station of Auburn University, Auburn, Alabamna. E. V. SMITH R. D. ROUSE CiiAs. F. SIMMONS T. E. CORILEY _ E. L. MCGRAW --- R. E. STEVENSON-- J. D. HARWOOD - -Director Associate Director Assistant Director Assistant Director Editor Associate Editor Assistant Editor Editorial Advisory Com-mittee: R. D. ROUSE; MORR'IS WmTm, Professor of Ag- ricultural Economnics; ROBERT N. BREXV- ER, Assistant Professor of Poultry Sci- en ce; C. C. KING, JR., Associate Prof es- sor (If Agronomny and~ Soils; AND E. L. McGRn.&v ON THE COVER. The size and type of stocks mode by machine and fed to cattle at the Black Belt Substation are illustrated. A RECENT DEVELOPMENT in hay ma- chineiy is a large wagon-type vehicle called a Hesston Stackhand. This ma- chine is of interest to hay producers and livestock farmers because of possible labor saving in hay harvesting and feed- ing. A comparison of this stack system with a conventional bale system using john- songrass hay was made during the sum- mer of 1970 and winter of 1971 at the Black Belt Substation. Grass for both systems was cut with a self-propelled hay conditioner and left in the swath until partially dry and then windrowed. Baled hay was produced using a New Holland 277 baler. The baled hay was loaded, transported, and unloaded with a self-propelled New Holland 1047 Stack- cruiser operated by one man. Stacked hay was handled from the windrow to storage stack with one ma- chine, the Hesston Stackhand 30. This machine is pulled by a tractor and pow- ered from the P.T.O. Hay from the wind- row is picked up by the machine and discharged into the top of the unit. The top is movable and serves as a hay com- pressor for the entire hay load. The com- pressed stack of hay was unloaded at the site where it was fed. Each stack was ap- proximately 8 ft. wide, 14 ft. long, 9 ft. high, slightly rounded on the top to shed water, and weighed about 3 tons. Stacks were not covered. The bale system had a capacity of 2.95 tons per man-hour and the stack system 3.47. This includes windrow to storage plus a hauling distance of 1 mile. The stacks harvested by the Hesston Stackhand were stored in a fescue field. All stacks were fenced so animals could eat only one stack at a time. The field (14.5 acres) was fenced into two equal areas. A group of 52 Angus and Angus- Hereford steers averaging 476 lb. was Total cost/ton harvested Ownership (fixed) costs Operating (variable) costs Total cost/ton actually utilized- Total cost/cwt. gain Total cost/ton harvested Ownership (fixed) costs Operating (variable) costs Total cost/ton actually utilized Total cost/cwt. gain STACKED vs. BALED SYSTEMS of HANDLING and FEEDING HAY E. S. RENOLL, Department of Agricultural Engineering W. B. ANTHONY, Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences L. A. SMITH, Black Belt Substation J. L. STALLINGS, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology divided into 2 groups of 26 animals each. One group was fed the hay stacks and the other group baled hay. In addition to hay, each group received per head daily 2 lb. ground shelled corn and 11/2 lb. of 41% cottonseed meal. The feeding period was November 10, 1970, through March 2, 1971. Baled hay was fed free choice daily in hay racks. Steers fed stacked hay had access to a stack 24 hours a day. When a stack was con- TABLE 1. BALED VS. STACKED JOHNSON GRASS HAY FOR YEARLING CATTLE, BLACK BELT SUBSTATION Item Baled hay Stacked hay Animals, no....... 26 26 Average days on test, no.- 113 113 Average final live weight, lb...... 636 612 Average initial live weight, lb-. 476 477 Average gain, lb.__ 160 135 Average daily gain, lb........ 1.42 1.19 Feed required per cwt. gain: Hay, lb........ 963 (754) 1,547 (1,178) Corn, lb. 141 167 CSM , lb ............... 106 126 Estimated total feed cost per cwt. gain 2 , dol. 20.53 26.01 1 Values in ( ) are hay expressed as dry matter. 2 Feed ingredient prices were: Corn, $3.30/cwt.; CSM, $4.20/cwt. Hay costs per ton were: production $8.53, baling $15.21, and stacking $11.13, assuming 500 ton pro- duction and feeding per year. sumed, the two groups of steers were rotated on the fescue pasture and a new stack of hay was opened. Weather damage to hay in stacks did not appear to be excessive. No measure- ments of this damage were made, but it is estimated to be less than 5%. Consid- erable loss did occur while animals were eating the stacks. Some hay was pulled to the ground, trampled in mud, and contaminated by animals. This loss av- eraged 41%. Although baled hay was fed in racks, there was some wasted and refused hay. The loss was 6%. In addition there was an estimated 4% rotten hay on the bot- tom of the pile where bales were in con- tact with the ground, making a total loss of 10%. Data in Tables 1 and 2 indicate that feed efficiency and average daily gain favored the baled hay. However, there was some savings in labor with the stack method (3.47 tons/man-hour vs. 2.95 tons/man-hour) during harvesting and storing. Some labor also was required in feeding the baled hay but none was used for the self-fed stacked hay. There was a cost of fencing the individual stacks and for a tarpaulin to cover the stored bales of hay. All of these costs are in- cluded in Table 2. Costs per ton harvested were lower for the stack system than for the bale sys- tem for any volume of production, Table 2. This was mainly because of higher fixed cost per ton resulting from the higher investment required for the bale system. Excluding tractors, the estimated new equipment cost for the bale system would be $21,547 compared with $13,- 639 for the stack system. This estimate includes the windrower, rake, baler, and Stackcruiser for the bale system and the windrower, rake, and Stackhand for the stack system. The costs per ton actually utilized, however, were lower for the baled hay system because of a high loss of hay by trampling for the stack system. Costs per cwt. gain were lower for the bale system for the same reason. Because of a high loss encountered with the stack system, this experiment will be continued to ex- amine this problem in more detail. Baled hay $21.44 $15.21 12.46 6.23 8.98 8.98 23.70 16.81 10.32 7.32 Stacked hay $16.05 $11.13 9.83 4.91 6.22 6.22 27.54 19.10 12.41 8.61 $12.09 3.11 8.98 13.36 5.82 $ 8.68 2.46 6.22 14.90 6.71 $10.54 1.56 8.98 11.65 5.08 $10.02 1.04 8.98 11.08 4.82 $ 7.45 $ 7.04 1.23 .82 6.22 6.22 12.79 12.08 5.76 5.45 TABLE 2. ESTIMATED HARVESTING COSTS PER TON BY AMOUNTS HARVESTED AND FED PER YEAR FOR Two SYSTEMS OF HAY HARVESTING, BLACK BELT SUBSTATION Costs per ton, when average tons harvested Machine or item of cost per year are: 250 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 'I'h ~C~rlr Fh~rnr~o~~rl T~rC-:7 Computerized Rations for Fattening Beef Steers R R. HARRIS, and W. B. ANTHONY, Dept. of Animat and Dairy Sciences V. L BROWN. Lower Coasit Ptoii Subttion B R. MILLER ,Depi. Agr'icltio Economics and Ruralt Sociology ofiol . 1it (l!ti('tl " t tl (' l ti''te ! X XX ril i l iu The co25 75)) li tti\i XXr the ( iIciltlli fulo i ttilsflite! col966 t ll \i h 1go7. i(to o f],til fc('( h e ii iiit f X('' (1 (O"Jit' / T ' \\ (le d 'Xt stuies Xof' compu~~terized ii i ttillpt teco n-~i!I lhii'ii iil A 11 ('kir ii(i O('e I!it N ' t owe Coa tal5' ali till' ttl 1111e Xilll' gprlue! ii 1966I t''(il XX SX tOIX I0'Ii f-or 0il 11Sell0C tiial ~ i \\itXon u te fro 8i 'Ii iii! It6f tto( Marc XI967, 1)a\ il fetdiot1 :3 Ittitit wt., 11). ----- 747 It XX t. 11). --- 79 (It Iii.2:32 \I)( lb.1.7 Hatiol (.o t, d l(\t 2.56 hitcd I)v the computer: 65% itod 750/ TDN, citch with illid \%itliolit silage. These mixtures xvcrc silliflill. to tIlosc led dillilig the first trial except that hoillim, feed replaccd citnis I)IIII), lilvit wits ilwreascd froin ithout 10/ to 1.5/ of the mix- tilic, ilod stabilized imillial fill wils added 111) to it inaxillillill o I 5'Y . The cootrol ration \%,its verv siniflar to thc ooe lised ill fit(, first trial iold \\its one thilt had 1well lised successfully for se\cral Years. The i-oril sililtre \\as produced Illidel. ex- trelile drolith conditions inid \%as Io\x ill graiii contcot ( 17.6'7 oil drv Inatter basis). As sho\\ii ill fit(, tahle, steers oil the control ratioll gailied wefl. Those fed the silit(re-c-mitaiiiiiig coIll pliterized Inixtures (ritined very poorlv. The cattle fed t1he 75"/ TDN mixture colitilillilig silivre ('itilled all average of 1.0 11). dilik during thc first 77 davs of the stildv. Since t1his ritte of (Tilill \\.its flot siltisfilctorv, dlC\ challgcd to thc colltrol riltioll illid (Taiiied 2.7 11). d iih for the subsequeot 5T-(Iit\, period. Those cattic that were fed the 65',' TI)N mixture cmititioiou silage %%cle illso chillwed. Their colopill-able dail gilills \\CIC 1A itild 2.6 11). for the 77- aod 71-da,\ periods, rcspecti\cl . Steers fed tlic 65 / TDN inixture without silage gitinctl slo\\er thim companjon cattle fcd thc 75r, TDN riltiol) how- evcr, ocither grollp gililled A it satislactoly rate foi- fccdlot cattlc illider these conditions. Colislimptioli of till, collipliter- ized mixturcs \%its oil]\, 73, Ir of that oil thc cootrol ratioll ( 19.0 \s. 25.9 11). ditilv). DeclVils(ld feed iiititkc \\its it factor colitribliting to loediocre pcl fol Ill allce. A much shoitcr feedfiw 1wriod itod lo\xcr fecd cost pel cm. of gilill \\its observed for cattle oil the colltrol rittioll coillpilicd \601 those oil colliplitelizcd rittiolls. Calcilsses (ri-ilded Good oI. Choice with oilk, millor dif- ferelic-cs ill Illarbliiig, \ield grade, dres!;im, purceiit, fat thick- iiess, ribe \(, awit, im(f kidnev fitt. A cotiveiitiooid di(restimi ti-jill cooducted at Atibum ill all effort to explaill thc poor pedolillillwe of thc feedlot cat- He located oil the Substiltioli. 'I'll(, 5 rations \\ere prepared ilt the Slibstatioli illi'l trallsported to Aubuni for the inct;iho- lisill stildv. Data oil digestible di-v Illittter ( DDM) cootelit of, tlic lillixtilles are illchided ill till, taNe. DD.NI is esscliti- it]],\ equivalcot to TDN. All of fit(, mtioos \\erc below esti- Illilted vilhics of DMI and thlis cattle \\olll(l oot pci-forill its \\(']I its cXpected. No alls%\cr %%,its obtililled its to wll 1111tri- t M, vithies were ovciestimitted. Chemical collipositiolls of the llli\tlll-(,s \ clv \\ithill cxpectcd rall(res. 'I'lic differences ill feed iotake obsercd ill thc feedlot \\cIc also lloted ill the inctilbolisill trial. It is possible t1lat the coinbil lilt iol 1 of ilwdi- ble filt inid urea \ as responsible for lack of pitliltabilit , v. Care Inlist be cxercised ill collipliter prograllillied forlillilil- tioll of, fattellillo- Illixtures lot, beef catt1c. Feed collslilliptioll Mid iloillial gaill ill(, ]lot i-eildil pl-c(lictabIc for Soine collibi- ilittiolls of latioll illt lvdicllts. H:i (68 148 W1) 1 6 715 746 74 4 976 t, 1:(3 1,t015 t1,014 23t0 268 269 27tt 1.7 ((56 1.8 2.7 2.46 '2.0tt 1.88 2.tt4 28.3tt 2.3.0t 1 22.68 1 9:39 67.28 .5.2 1 59. t1I 62.'3:3 ItI It I 10 t1 \o\\ at (*71kel. 4\ of (;c()l-_,i;t, Athell'. Sicklepod is more competitive between soybean rows than in the drill. 011, M IIIF 111().S'l %%idc plcml %%ccds plaguillgAlabaTil'i 1)\r tt 1( jSt t\\.() ll jljj( S ill Ili(, S t at (,. Its col I(.( t lKillic is Siuk1cl-iod ' 'a"ia obtii ifoli(i 1'.), hilt it is also colo to its PI (,"( llt ill ill atcxs of Alabama, sicklepoid k oile of the lillist difficult \\ecds to coiltrol. It is Iml-ticulalk tiolildesollic ill m)\Iwall.s, as llotcd ill Imst 11i"Illi-41ts stolic wportilw \\ccd lescarch 1)\r Expelilliclit Skitioll. liccall.m. it is pruscl)t ill so Illml beall ficIds, lc.sc lrcll \\as be('1111 ill 1968 to deterillilic the ( Xt( Ijt of losscs caused hY var.yiiig sicklepoid dellsitics. Bra-, so0walls plailted \\ith a comclitiollal colil- hemi plaiaci oil t\\o mcius lw t\il iiifested \\itli sickleptid. In soinc expci-jillullts, additimial secd of sicklepod \\ ci c p1mitc(I ill the row \\ith sced of So , \hcalls. Tests \\cIv (m ( 1icstei field ,;it ill\, loam soil ( Agi oi toil) \ Fal Ill at 'AIII)III-11 ) Mid Malhis salld -\ lomil (GIll, Coast Slihstatioll at Fairllopc). So , \bcall's %\crc philitcd ill 1:2-iii. rows at Aiihuni aii(I 40-iii. I'0\%s at Fairllopc. 'I'lifluralill (TI-cf1ali) \\xs applicd pl-cphII)t at c;wh ]()(aliol) to colltrol allimal (Trass \\ccds. DcTlsitics of sicklcpoid lawyiiig hom I \\ccd pcr :3 ft. of to .1 1)( I. ft. of ('stablislicd b.\ thilmilig \\11cil \%'( ( (IS \\r(,I-( :j to (i ill, Ili 9 11. kI halvest, 11111111w r of sicklepod philits per foot of I-()\\. ulld \\cight of bc Los alld \\cedS \\erc dutclinjilc(l. So I )c I, I I c e c re I s ed s t c I (I i I I,, (I c I) s i t \ o f s I A I c 1) o (I I I I (. re us c d. V i I I I o I I t \\ c e (I ,, _\ i (, I (I s o, x cc c I I e ( 1 33 1 ) 11. 1)( r I c I-c A Aukirn aii(I 37 bu. at Fairliope, Table 1. Olle weed pel. I()ot ()I 1.()\\' (.Ill So\,I)( tll \ri( J(l 11)(pjt 1_4," II urn all S 14"' at Fail hope. 'Yield loss lot both locatiolls a\ cragcd 1 T:; oi 4.8 bu. per ;wrc, A this dciisit With I sicklepod plailts per f'oot of 1-o\\, sodwall _\ield losses nuiged froin :35 to 59% .[Till li\(Ila(l,"ud 50'; 19 fill. put acie). ) if I'll I'l)"s m SoNlo. \\ \s Al tIA IFI) M Dil [I lu,\l DI,\SIIII, oI Sit kl'lt ol) YIELD LOSS CERTAIN WHEN SICKLEPOD INVADES SOYBEANS DONALD L. THURLOW and GALE A. BUCHANAN Department of Agronomy and Sodls I WIis 1969ji Cul Coa6 Sll) A\ FHNGEI \ i'lii III IiiXX (I luX 1I1ii Pct 316.5 15S 2 .1) It1 :37.5 1II :37.7 9 2 ft. ot I I Xi MTi \E \ I to III ((X Out. I I'i . (In. D~) 59) 1 9.,1 28. 56( 20*.7 [) \\ 1ii.11i Mi SH n kilo \1 \lt\FSJ~ Lot it iol ii I X i \\ I it X(ii Itiiii I tll 1 '2 tiiii' 'I'llese cXperillwilts \\crc colidlictud Illider :I \\i(l(' 1;lIlge Ill raillfall - both allitillilt alld distribiltioll the :3 Years. There \\as less SoYbcall \i(,I(l leductioll at c lcli loca- tion \01ell Illoisture \\as plelltif I Ili, T thlc 1. Becalisc of sickh- pod's 'Fro\011 Imbit, shadiol, is probahk not as illiportmit a Lictol. ill \icld ledlictioll w, illoistilre "ll-uss. These lusults sllo\\ that sicklepod (all bc highk collipeti- ti\(, \\itli ti\bcalls, c\cll at lo\\ dell.sitic.". )icld w(hictioll ill this (lop, llo\\ever. is flot as scNerc as ill cottoll ;tIld pcitillits. S()\I)(,ikll \iclds also collipan'd \\itli (11\ \\ c I (r) I t (d sicklc d l'), :23, aTI(I poid pl mts ill hai\c.st. Yields \\cw i-c(hic( :3 5 res ec t I \ c I.\ I t I i I I I d I 1 2 t 0 1 Is I)C I k I-C 0 1 ( I r CC(l.", Tablc 2. .Also stildicd \\cre collipctitke cffects of a collstalit (1(.Ilsit\ of sick1cpod \\Ii(,ii \\eeds \\uw plawed ill the drill and 6, IJ Wid 1' ill. floill the ]()\\. Wcc(k ill tlic drill \\erc Tiot as damiwilw to ields as thosc 6 or 12 ill. ima\ . Stailds of sick- lepod itctualk wdliced whell plaoted ill till, drill \\itli s(Alwalls. -XII iclds ill thi's tlld\ \\ el c b\ llaTld hal est. 11 so\ bealls llml IMICII (10111billed, 1-c(Ilu tiolls I roill \\ ceds 111 Idol If )t(.(11\, olild lla c beell ('reatcl . A!so, losse" to till. (Tro\\er \\oIIld he illollel amyla\mcd b\ \\cc(Is ill har\csted sollbcmls, Ic- sultil It, ill ,l cittel ( lc ll lit w co t itod lliOlul Illoistl Ire cm Itclit of bc llls. \ x - .1, . t('Id lo 1).\ \% i -f d Corn show~n he~re is planted 20 inch row~s, left, 30-inch, center, and 40-inch, right. NARROW ROWS for CORN in ALABAMA- PROFITABLE or UNPROFITABLE? C. E. SCARSBROOK, Department of Agronomy and Soils S I M L I ((M\ l~' 1 w j~ pl itet l :;3 iii. il 21 in. itt'',' iii Alabamant? TIlit tiiix 'i- tin al 3(- tot 42 ini. rox' xx iiltli ', w \\ellx t ilil]t'tI to itiltix itiol i th j lt 1 iioi At "' , ti ii jilijl it') ito Ii,)) ei'', i i, i lt pil i i i I, c i \ ixat i 1g,1i a lit hti (-il tI it( itM e till I i i't Itt,' ', d rt g ',hiiltx i xo . ite it i l s t hiil 2 ) m 3t n xx itllixo ', t't tiot' . A v r ig "'a.t v , xt'it( ohril I'x ti ire if tit ,) ', en',. xx t'ib 6 ft d grain \ ilt(rl. li fil h 0x x)1 to', fit' uigu xrtil tljAd lt l (in hig be tl~ \ ilr iit)',' h tt L~ it(' xii'itt'pilt lit il ti i t (' 4 li ii t'e,'' id ho ,iiil'l tli'o 6ihi'x bi e iw a vt' igx ix( 2Srr xx it t' 2( 011) . o f N. xx,', dId)itlit w,,ith ill dit ll )lailit" Wi) Ao. S1..10 13.1001 1:3,1001 17. 1001 1T 7t M0 1 ,T 0 I100~l 100ol IT 7,100 26, 1001 26,100) ritt' Lb. k. 10 1001 2010 1001 2001 'II Tilt, more philits pel iwic the ie\ er llollti-eilrud plillits ilild the Illore bill-rell stid ks. Howevei, modem mrit liNkids prodiwe 1(,\\ bitrn ii stalks \6th plant poplilatioll." used ill these experiloelits. So ]oog i:s it plillit prodiwes at leilst olle ('ill tit(, 1111111ber of, (,;Its is flot ;III illll)ol-- timt lactor in , \iehl. Aoid as population ilwleilses, tit(, ( ar size milY be slull-I)IN d(,(-r(,iiscd. Fill- size \\its im importiolt filoor \\11(,Il coril \\ its har\ eswd and shelled k hillid, limwver, cill- size is of little jillpol-tillwe where lllod( rli co].n ]lilt-- \esters al-e lused, Since le\\ gio\\eis ill Alabama I to\\ piodoce itveiiig( , \j(dds iii ewess of 125 bu. per iwiv, t1w uSe of nill-ro\\ 1-o\\', does not appear profitable. These expel illiel its show that ilarrow I.o\\s did not result: ill im-reilsed \i(dds ill tit(, il\( Iilgu ol. ill t1w better \eilrs. Ac- cordillgk, it drill I-o\\ spilcill(r of c -9 ill. (about 17,000 plants pet ime) io :36- to 42-io. \\,i(ltll is (Se( Aubuni t'okersit Agi-4-ultorid F.xperi- mcilt Station Cil-clilar 152, Spiwing and Ilittes of Nitro(rell f of- Col 11, N I ill (.11 I \x iill! igt iliiiu \ utlil per acreIt RTC', I ii',',t' :3 ','',i 1311 13i. ubIatl) 7:3 xt 6:3 82 763 6 6 'T \ lixsc alle\xtti l 4:3 .52 4 6 54 52 .54 51 \\ eu'lted ixverage~t allI I ii.atioiii' 13ui. 39) 60t 55S 6:3 N1) 62 (62 61 6 1 6)5 66 Ho\\ \\ II)III, I'l-\\1 Pol't i,,\Ilo\ \\o li \Iv m \IlIt0(;I-,\ I'AP1,111\11 \I's o\ (:oil\. N67-70 What Next for Farm Real Estate Values? J. H. YEAGER, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology WHAT GOES UP MUST come down, so the old adage says. Farm real estate values have defied this for a long time, but a reversal may be coming. It has been 18 years since Alabama had a year of declining farm real estate values, according to USDA figures. Since 1954 there has been a continuous in- crease. The decline from 1953 to 1954 was slight, as was the 1949 to 1950 drop. For the depression-ridden 1930's, how- ever, "plunge" is a more apt description of how values changed. Value of Alabama farm real estate in March 1971 averaged $212 per acre. This is exactly double the $106 average in 1963, just 8 years earlier. Previous to this it took 12 years - 1951-63- for av- erage price to double. Thus, increases in Alabama farm real estate values have been rather substantial in recent years. In some states and areas, however, there is current evidence that the upward pres- sure on values is off. In a few cases prices have declined. From 1965 to 1970, Alabama farm real estate values increased 46%, as com- pared with 32% for 48 states. Although several states had increases of 50% or more, Georgia led all with a 73% rise in the 5 years. As a group, the Delta States of Mississippi, Arkansas, and Lou- isiana registered the greatest percentage increase. Certain states in the Northeast, such as Vermont New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, and Maryland, had an increase of 50% or slightly more. Mountain and Pacific states had the smallest increases. The four states with less than a 20% increase were Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and California. The state with the highest average farm real estate value per acre in March 1971 was New Jersey, with $1,094. In contrast, the lowest was $38 per acre for Wyoming, followed by New Mexico with $44 and Nevada with $46. There was considerable variation in values among and within regions. Gen- erally, Corn Belt averages were in the $400 to $500 range. In the Mountain Region, with the exception of Idaho, all average values were less than $90 per acre. Florida had the highest average of the four states in the Southeast, and California was highest of three Pacific states. From March 1970 to March 1971, USDA reports slight decreases in average farm real estate values for Kansas, Illi- nois, Arizona, and California. As further shown on the map, Alabama and Dela- ware were top states in percentage in- creases, each with 12%. States other than in the Northeast, Appalachia, and South- east generally had small value increases Percentage change in average farm real estate values per acre are shown for each state for the period March 1, 1970, to March 1, 1971. Calculated from data in "Farm Real Estate Market Developments," ERS-USDA, CD-76, August 1971. from 1970 to 1971. The average increase for 48 states amounted to only 3%. Per acre value of irrigated orchards and groves in California declined from $2,730 to $2,4951. Declines were also reported in value of irrigated land used for intensive and extensive field crops and for nonirrigated cropland in that state. Is the pressure off for spiraling farm real estate values? Evidence indicates FARM REAL ESTATE VALUE PER ACRE AND CHANGE, 1965 TO 1970 State and Average value State aper acre Change rgo 1965 1970 Dol. Dol. Pct. South Carolina- 177 251 42 Georgia -------------- 142 246 73 Florida --------------- 290 351 21 Alabama --------- 130 190 46 Southeast ----------- 185 262 42 Northeast ----------- 242 356 47 Lake States....... 178 247 39 Corn Belt ---------- 277 380 37 Northern Plains 92 120 30 Appalachian ----- 194 259 34 Delta States ----- 184 285 55 Southern Plains- 116 152 31 Mountain ----------- 51 62 22 Pacific ---------------- 295 353 20 48 states --.---- 146 193 32 1ERS, USDA, Farm Real Estate Market Development, CD-76, August 1971. prices have leveled off, or actually de- clined in some areas. In part this resulted from tight monetary restraints. From 1970 to 1971 the geographical areas hav- ing smallest increases in farmland values were generally regions of largest size farms. It apparently has become more difficult to finance large units. In addi- tion, there is some evidence of decline in the trend toward adding acreage to existing farm units. This for several years was a factor that gave strength to the farm real estate market. There has also been a decline in seller financing of farms since 1969. No one knows for sure what will hap- pen to farm real estate values in the fu- ture. Although the adage of "what goes up must come down" may not hold true, farmland values in some areas last year did some "drifting in the wind." 'ERS, USDA, Farm Real Estate Develop- ment, CD76, August 1971, page 31. liLrlll ~JLaLt: Valllt;~ Ilavt; avrla~r, vi Managing Arrowleaf Clover for Grazing and Hay C. S. HOVELAND and R. F. MCCORMICK, DeportmenI of Agroilomy and Sodls W. B. ANTHONY, Department of Animat and Dairy Sciences F. T. GLAZE, Pratl ExpF i nieri Field I III XiII)XX I'l \F ( X uII pf i c (tioiI ill X 1 )l lilt call be 1)11111111 1. I 111 l!I I de c id l\X1 1 X ]t\\ jolo ll i II I lagI oIX il ii r t llilw.st pt iit ti ll Ili NI i \ile m l T lc rllitlll I t il li " I Iil(( fIX co)iii1( I lilii cai.l l itlilii 1'.4 If If 1(11 I llill li itlig t cl And I lile l Iiil t XXIII I IIIIXII Iie 1 Xh 1111 Xil llilit SA i i l lt 312 tlliX f ill .1 X ll hX )I itt (I I1 I i\ l~I t \\ ~ i Ic t hc "ittlc t : i 1 IX 0111. I (S il( ll \li i IStl X iciif illoo 2 tlliX Ill LIX fc, ild A2 \i.s Xll l t littill \ I cIII I i ' I if I l t 1 . I I(. lIII t tiiiii I X I I \i I lii (lI t li IilX 1 1 111(- Ill1I1ds iXX It(( 1111 ll. IfIll i1lll iIll fIX11 Ill Xll~r II M wii(X II i l foig hA el till e lt Ilfcl l t ittiii tvillil Ifi li it( 1 ,Il\ItI lil lf II Il . oidX I l I li tol X IXI illt I IXi(itI. lil Ih\4 im till il tll Lost* litlill/Itilli I i i M ill X)l.liI ~ l tl liilI IX.\ l liii X 111i II - t lit \\t,, used1 11111s 1 It liclilli I of11 forll it t \\xi,11 l(I lll iIIXI IIX Ifm p i l i I ii l lull tollf lii 11' ill IfI I ll ill1 1( ll' i1X111i t Xf Ill r it it tc I. kt~ I lpc o 'lit s i llt 11 il lo Il . TXIT(-l ag \iii lc IIif sill c XX IX I"~ 111 at t c 9 ( ' I t~til i I ltIIi XXIX 1)11 XI l tll at I IIX iX lit if fliX\ XtlI i~ tota1 l i]A Tons/acre dry forage Biweekly to April I -hay cut in May WAftermath growth CuIt in late May Biweekly to April IS1 -hay cut in May CUTTING Biweekly April I5 AprilI to May I only and - hay cut May I in May TREATMENTS FIG. 1 Forage Yield of Yuchi arrowicaf clover as affected by cutting treatment, average of 5 location years. Buds/sp ft 75 - - 60 45-CUT BIWEEKLY UN CUT 30 5 March 16 April I April 12 Maly FIG. 2. Stem 85 r 80 75V 70 FIG. 3. buds per sq. ft. on lower 6 in. of plant. act _.-Cut April I and May I Cut biweekly to May I + hay cut in2 May Cut biweekly to April I 4 hay cut in Ma y MARCH APRIL li Digestibility of Yuclii forage as affected by cutting. N1 \\) I ii xi\my lxii tilt PIeiliiii t Il~i l iii oi Alit ii (1 Xttti t' t .l i fl A lix \ i ui r11I f' (xu l liii (lx sol-lix ix I iif14t topsl flld liii ixx (11( xtialx if111114 tli' xitiiii butdtomsii 'xt lic i ill i~ii(x t it sto l I i t i lot ii! tiltii a fol it lm o t ti ii11 ItI I.t Ive l lii II (.~ 1411 iii] dli i l t. ax diX flit I is itiit ~i ht tibet Il iii iiti' I iei t .ii fiiitiiXII ll Xxpiic iti xll l i i il('x.l i i tit 'iiltix i ts XX( Ii tseli teitt lii' x ii Itt' (lilh ii ofi c ot Xl XXmid (' ti ill ti ( t XX ( i ll lt pr slit o ii' l ll) ii ll od.ii 411 if). i \i t, IXX t ilid I ii xo ('('(141li b it ittcw l~lt i it' liti 11111) p iii. it il 0 till .hllt X if~lin u (-I (-14 Ut 141liiithh,i Iii ii o itlX 111 l t liioi to)1( p lics iIXX c left.I illt XX it xtoii mt lt inli 1 ix tuft 'alii14 it i'Id t t ' ilicfhit ifliclt. (mi AIi ix iii \cil it c olx I I i IN x lit ( )I fiii (e \N\it'1, INt c I to.hI littiig l'ite'i A f to It lit" Aft l x lix tlg tl ilt we iroi Two. 5-f1t ft-u- ."I It+ 5- 5-ti) ft1 10fi f-1- 5 fit 5-1 55 .35 30 115 : 15h ~ 855 (65 16i5 W) ff5 100) 50)) II0 55)) 135 500t 15 2.:30 30) 550 it) 500) 10 ttitt' ( )akx hut](I 30) -101 125 1f5 145 20) .4(0 if 15 115 ti0t (itt t fit 170 i f0 135 100o 5 25 1 tt3 125 35tt 1 0 50 20 fit) 5(bli2 m Selective Cutting and Use of Silvicides on Mixed Forest Stands GEORGE 1. GARIN, Dept. of Foreutry Im ltil lii 141 iiX ttI I it it li' of1 th l alck of 1411111 tilldtlx toiit it xxaxit's ilt poibtfle toi lcix (' itit t' X1111 i sitfitici t tio Xi i]) lt t loiii'x i ( ttitil t ollt xilx, ititl xxii S xiiic iiil x 'llt\t Ilihic di i( gto slx XX ci' lit- i ili ii this i ia lo oitll i thlt tilt ii t i fll thox. pot s ii jhit'i x it'ie iii r xxiii k tll. (m p pil.a d (111 \cc I~ il It\ llit ii' t ill l iii toi t IIi Ilha t oi' A wl lt s i t t li Ni ' it t i tt of llill-d \()odS lihl ttxl cull o14 e s of p o ))t'lit XX ith it lifiiitc i' t \ aIX ih lt () 'o I litX hut txx illiti ito tri Iitc I li dl\x hi lcliux it 4 X 4 il Xl fhilix xx lich an, uiii i f ll. 11(1l i git Stii'of t ( ( t o kIill HociiTii i lls til flt' XiX l114X Ji-ce sclc( tud to lca\c ",md lll(-I( lialltabic 'wI(.( tkuk lc l\ilig all --'ood twc . ALABAMA'S FEED GRAIN SOURCES 1 J. D. CAVANAUGH and J. L. STALLINGS Dept. of Agr. Economics and Rural Sociology W HILE ALABAMA'S feed grain consum- ing livestock numbers have increased year after year, home production of feed grains has gradually decreased. This has left a deficit which must be filled from out-of-state. A bumper corn crop in 1971 somewhat reduced the need for imported grain, but the deficit continues. Research at Auburn University is con- cerned with this and other aspects of the feed grain problem in Alabama. Some of the research areas include the nature and capability of as well as the need for grain marketing firms and facilities; the market channels through which Alabama gets its feed grains; the modes of transporting feed grain to Alabama, including a study of least cost methods; the pattern of prices for feed grains; and the impact of present and possible Government pro- grams and technology on feed grain mar- keting. This article is concerned with the market channels for feed grains. Corn Imports Out of more than 83 million bu. of corn imported in 1970, nearly 80% was received from Illinois and Indiana. This was mainly because of favorable rail and barge rates between these States and Alabama. As shown in the table, more than half came from Illinois. Water transportation was the most im- portant method of bringing corn into Ala- bama in 1970. Barged corn was received primarily at Tennessee River points, mainly from Illinois points on the Mis- sissippi and Illinois rivers. Rail corn was shipped into Alabama almost entirely from points in the southern part of In- diana and Illinois because of the favor- able rail rate structure. Important barge origin points in Illinois include East St. Louis, Pekin, and Cairo. Another im- portant barge origin is Minneapolis, Minn. Major rail origin points in Indiana include Evansville, Princeton, and Mt. 1 Soybeans and wheat, referred to as feed grains here, are traditionally oil crops and food grains. 10 Vernon. Major rail origin points in Illi- nois include East St. Louis, Belleville, Cairo, and Wayne City. Another impor- tant rail origin is Henderson, Ky. Most of the corn transported by truck into Alabama is from "backhaul" opera- tions. This involves taking goods from the South to points such as Chicago and bringing back a load of corn to help meet expenses and to make extra profit. Soybeans The soybean picture in Alabama is completely different from that of corn. Alabama is a surplus producer of soy- beans. A large portion of the soybeans produced in the State is exported from the Port of Mobile, while the remainder is crushed by processors in Alabama and Georgia. Soybeans received from out-of- state in 1970 came mainly from Illinois to Mobile for export and to northern Ala- bama for processing. Most of these were received by water. Other Grains Most of the oats received into Ala- bama in 1970 were for feed manufactur- ing. They came mainly from Minnesota and Memphis, Tenn. Soft wheat imports represented only 1.8 million bu. and were mainly for export through the Port of Mobile. The same is true of the 5.4 mil- lion bu. of hard wheat. Most soft wheat came from Illinois and Indiana, with scattered amounts from other areas. Hard wheat came from Minnesota and Mis- souri. That from Missouri probably came from the Great Plains wheat producing areas nearest to the Missouri shipping point. Grain sorghum was imported into Alabama for feed, with Kansas account- ing for 1,167,000 bu. (52.5%). Another 556,000 bu. (25.0%) from Missouri probably also came mostly from Kansas. Another 335,000 bu. (15.1%) was from Indiana. All of these data point out the vulner- ability of Alabama's agriculture to such things as freight rate changes, transpor- tation technology changes, rail and dock strikes, and other factors which might disrupt the flow of feed grains into Ala- bama and the export of certain grains out of Alabama. In recent months, rail strikes have caused great concern among poultry farmers. Storage and drying fa- cilities in Alabama are short, relative to the Corn Belt and some other areas of the country, and feed grain handling and processing firms are not usually able to keep many days' supply on hand. Also, as this article goes to press, spokesmen for Alabama soybean farmers are press- ing the Secretary of Agriculture for relief from losses due to the Mobile dock strike. A large per cent of Alabama's soybeans are exported, and storage and drying fa- cilities on farms are short, causing a bot- tleneck at harvest time and severe eco- nomic losses. The Future Feed grain deficits in Alabama are ex- pected to continue in the forseeable fu- ture as grain-consuming livestock num- bers continue to increase with no immed- iate upward trend in local grain produc- tion. Also, Alabama farmers will continue to rely on the foreign export market for marketing a large percentage of their soybeans and lesser amounts of some other grains. There will, therefore, be a continuing need to study and make rec- ommendations on all factors affecting the orderly flow of imported feed grains into Alabama and the export of soybeans and other grains. GRAIN RECEIPTS, BY GRAIN HANDLING AND USING FIRMS, FROM OUT-OF-STATE SOURCES, BY AREA OF ORIGIN, ALABAMA, 1970 Aeofoii ConSyen Oas Soft Hard Grain Toa Area of origin Corn Soybeans Oats wheat wheat sorghum Total 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. 1,000 bu. Ill. 49,410 6,177 393 908 0 83 56,971 Ind. 17,441 300 141 152 0 335 18,369 Minn. 6,446 0 2,833 0 961 0 10,240 Mo. 1,354 299 207 0 4,401 556 6,817 Iowa 4,556 0 0 0 0 0 4,556 Miss. (n.) and Tenn. (w.)- 150 471 1,485 393 0 83 2,582 Ky. - 2,158 0 0 151 0 0 2,309 Kans. 0 0 0 90 0 1,167 1,257 Ohio 1,045 0 0 0 0 0 1,045 Tenn. (cent.) 263 157 0 0 14 0 434 Ga. (s.) 256 0 0 100 0 0 356 Miss. (s.) 29 290 0 0 0 0 319 Ga. (n.) 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 Total 83,108 7,694 5,059 1,798 2,224 2,224 105,259 ' For fiscal year 1970-July 1, 1969-June 30, 1970. THE RESIDUAL effects of turning under a 10-year-old reed canarygrass sod on yields of corn, cotton, and soybeans were compared with continuous row cropping on two river terrace soils at the Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion's Plant Breeding Unit near Tallassee, Alabama. The soils were fertilized and limed as recommended by soil tests to maintain adequate fertility levels. Striking increases in crop yields for in- corporating the grass sod were noted the first year and residual effects have per- sisted for 5 years, Table 1. Increases in corn, cotton, and soybean yields from turning under grass sod as compared with continuous row-cropping on Cahaba loamy fine sand ranged from 32 to 150% over the 5-year period. On the finer textured Wickham fine sandy loam, corn yields were 130% higher on the previously sodded areas 4 years after its incorporation, with an av- erage increase over no grass sod of 60%. Rainfall during the critical period for the crop was important in determining the residual effects of previous cropping on yields. Soybean yields, for example, were increased 40% in 1968, 3 years after in- corporating the sod, when only 2.3 in. of TABLE 1. RESIDUAL EFFECTS OF GRASS SOD OF CORN, COTT( Years af Crop sod or row-croDi Department of Agronomy and Soils rainfall occurred from August 15 to Sep- tember 20. This is the critical period for this crop to receive water in central Ala- bama (Highlights of Agricultural Re- search, Vol. 17, No. 2, 1970). In 1987 and 1969, high rainfall years, lodging of soybeans on the previously sodded plots reduced the beneficial effect of the sod. Responses of cotton to the grass residue were more erratic on this soil which was caused by excessive vegetative growth some years, delayed maturity and ac- companying boll rot. Boll rot probably could have been reduced or avoided by the use of less nitrogen than the 90 lb. per acre applied. Soil Effects Several properties of the Wickham soil were studied to explain the long-term residual effects of turning under grass sod, Table 2. Four years after incorpor- ating the sod, soil organic matter in the COMPARED WITH ROW CROPPING ON YIELDS ON AND SOYBEANS ter Yields per acre following Increase for r Gsod over ping Grass. sod Row crops row-cropping Cahaba loamy fine sand Soybeans Cotton (lint) C orn ------ -- Soybeans Corn ------ -- Corn ....... 1st 39 bu. 2nd 1,007 lb. ---------- 3rd 85 bu. 4th 42 bu. ---- 5th 91 bu. Wickham very fine sandy loam 1 Bu. - 1st 77 2nd 101 3rd 100 4th 85 Cotton (lint) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Soybeans Lb. 1,0583 925 1,199 6423 1,089 Bu. 58 51 53. 34 38 23 bu. 764 lb. 34 bu. 29 bu. 61 bu. Bu. 46 83 82 37 Lb. 878 991 1,062 986 998 Bu. 50 46 38 34 33 Pct. 70 32 150 45 49 67 22 22 130 21 -73 13 -353 9 16 11 40 0 15 1 Crops planted in succession shown in column 1. ' Rotation of corn, cotton, and soybeans. Corn yields are not reported for 5th year of residual study, 1970, because of severe blight damage. SExcessive vegetative growth with delayed maturity and boll rot reduced lint yields on previously sodded plots. SExcessive July and August rainfall. Beans lodged severely on sodded plots. surface 8 in. was more than double that in the adjacent soil with a long history of row-cropping, 1.80 and 0.85%, re- spectively. Bulk density of the subsoil, a measure of soil compaction, was not affected by previous treatment. Chemical soil test data in 1969 showed similar levels of phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium and a favorable pH on both treatments. Since adequate amounts of nitrogen were added annually for corn and cotton, beneficial effect of the sod is not attributed to this element. Nema- tode numbers were not high enough to be an important factor in yields based on counts of 7 different species. See Table 2 for count data on those species of sig- nificance on these crops. Moisture stress as indicated by wilting of plants was noted at various times over the 5-year period to be more severe on the low organic matter soil. This was especially noticeable on corn in mid-June of 1969, 4 years after turning under the sod. The increase for sod that year was 45 bu. The role of organic matter varies with different soils but its major bene- ficial effect in this case is attributed to improved soil-plant moisture relations. TABLE 2. EFFECTS OF TEN YEARS OF GRASS SOD COMPARED WITrrH Row CROPPING ON SELECTED PROPERTIES OF A RIVER TERRACE SOIL 1 Previous cropping Soil property' Grass Row sod cropped Organic matter in surface 9 in., pet. 1.80 0.85 Bulk density of sub- soil (10-12 in.), g/cc----- 1.63 1.67 Soil test data:' pH 6.0 6.1 Phosphorus High High Potassium Medium Medium Magnesium High High Nematodes, no. per pt. of soil: Rootknot (cotton)------- 628 4 Rootknot, meadow, stubby, stunt (av. under corn) 44 155 1 Wickham very fine sandy loam. 2 As measured 4 years after turning under sod. Acknowledgment gladly given to A. E. Hiltbold and B. F. Hajek, Agronomy and Soils Department, for organic carbon and bulk density determinations, respectively, and to R. Rodriguez-Kabana, Botany and Microbiology Department, for nematode counts. 2 Limed and fertilized as per soil test rec- ommendations. 11 SOIL ORGANIC MATTER - Is It Needed In This Age Of CHEMICAL FARMING ? HOWARD T. ROGERS and JORDAN W. LANGFORD 1w Some Herbicides Kill by Interfering with Energy Flow B. TRUELOVE and D. E. DAVIS Departmnent of Boctny and Microbtology A u ~lli kjj IX 11 \Iit . of' Ilk11 it!( hl -1(1 o th a t i~ti/It ont is of c Iiic wllit diflll ica it ( illi cd ii ltterl atc i) i('' allt till ('ll(' t s t IX 1 1 f 10 i 'lleX i 111liii' li 1 1111 o ii t i t 7 I ol'a l 'ii Hii I fi ill . ll 1) 1111 XX ) k XX 11(11t c el it c ' litp ',oll(-(' To'' Ill io s l ucdt iti, X )11 i' ( it ii(X lli(l~It it ii c itoe IT\ ft II of11 titI(111 X tit i t ioif( oil \\1 ithi 11the i ll lli ( l' l i t AX14 ''l 1 iil tt XXI'lu kisX itl to li i ik Il i'. cir il w ll11e t it \\ Ili(Ill ll tl It i i ll X) 1111 itt ll I aIX f l t I I ll ft ot 1 II if' I 4. lii 1 iti X k\IX\\\ itt kiX iilitu \\ i illl EM M II I'\ ll I ', cr c it till'fy iti I lle liX X iti lii )ll'- pr 'XX itt titi P 'It Itt ttIIt'I It~i Xli I i 111 ill tiliItt' p tlici ,I dI 'S.'b P\ ilil' I lol lautlilt XI) X II I ltjl t X t''il' i'ltifl i XXli 'itlit ]fIii it uiX I it XfX Ill i lt XX' 1 1't lt 'kiIXXI ii Niil T aclitl~k ilX icX)i.s X allI c IXl i ofI llite cfhi lbi 7111 o~t~ fr IIll iI i . ('iIII \11111t 4 sze 11111itoX i ill' ililt'tXX tiIX III'X l 1,11111'de t liil X t[ Icct X ts\ig l isi ifr t(il l'Il'\ lji -oic to XX'Xt t i lIX othXei t~ ilt' S iifeftieX tiil t XXil ill' 11111)) tllI thl 11117 pr 'fftl'(tf (I Carbon diCxi Green plant cells Ch rlorophyl 4 egr Oxge SOars 02-1 Corbon pr c yntlresis I Oxygen dloxde- -Carp ATP dioxide Wa let Non-green cells (respiration) The energetics of green and non-green cells. FAT IN HOG FEED- improves feed efficiency, raises cost of ration Bo G. RUFFIN, De o t 4o A iii id1 Dttiy Soi-ii- S E GISSENDANNER. Sand M'ouiiinr Substationi M \ X i,\i Xt ii ii . liii X'. iic 1wiwtti cd tolt i killi lmll \ i XI( it 1 II hl i illod r s\%4t ('dliti . C it li 4 re'itf I ltuix o llt X s 4fi i c i p r d i i I I l'l i'ui I l i ill I cil sh o ul tic~ tINto Co.Ilitc 4 I I lt I cd it -I It (;Iollll(l \(,Ilo\\ (oil) S()\I)(.,Ill lll( ll (.11'' ) A11,11f;I Ilwal (IT 1"ilt (;lIjiIjI.(h (;101111(1 IiII)CAOTIC Dio, al( iIIIII Tla( of 'all, Vit;tIllill \Iltihiolic li 1. 25.o4 1.2 , Colltriltv 1.0' , IILjJl(_,;IIww, 0.8 " /ill( , OJ iloll, 0,0 1,-;HhNI t , aj 1(1 !)7. 1 , ,tlt. F,1(11 pollod lipplic, thr foll(mill"': Otamill A Illd D, 1,000,000 ;111(1 600,000 ( SI, lillik, riholla\ill, 2,000 lwt(ill, ),U(W D-p llltotlwllio, acid, 4,000, (holilic (.111ol id( , 12,000 Iw_,.: \ itainin B- 5 md folic t( id, 60 jiw. I kilwoul\ cill- 10. I \Ii,), 2. I II I ( i Pit, I' Ilit \i \"\(I wi \1)1)1 i) XI I \ ;,Ii\xi\(. B'~'tii I ]i)\" ltc k(IiittIut \ 11b i lt 1)i- ii] Xi1 I I , iw k itt Ii. F c co't t .\ I . IL lil iiloc iihli/a[li III(I 1-1\ ,-,k( ;J. (';oI il\ i in t i of m 12 1.21 5.79 62SI 101 .1 .2 II 50~ 1.25 I I T 8, 2) S 8, 04S 7 .2 5,'12 5,260~ 5,152 .55 .1(7 .52 hI ~ it]d Iottiih [)' cN 44 o lit 4 k] ui..6 fo l ttoo l S1.6 fo '' lfoul tocll I. at jil l i t- l il atila cw l h Co l i o d ( il Xy~iIs cpig a b gd 56lii. ilI itti f \\XXt (ilgc CII litter, it il t re d lllatil ~ it ' fo lws: X i ulilttl ~ ill~ _ Ct rouptit I Xigotl~tt) - illltj lt' 1 11 % p(I i4l tik i ax i io, beall~~ Ilea itiol Grtop 2C-ITit cri-o~eiii 110 i (1 l ocalX atiti i ph) XXIII' a1 dde'd'4)' CroulX p 3ot6e7i pl~teofcl (.11 11) XX iX ll)lliai itil] 1ill 'tllptiollX.l d te ile 1)io iix b elt(X ('el l tl' Xtili' fat ill cith Group iil' it Crou :3,0\14)X.h (lo What Now For PEANUT SEED PROTECTANTS? J. A. LYLE, Dept. of Botany and Microbiology C. A. BROGDEN, and H. W. IVEY Wiregrass Substation A SEARCH for better and safer fungi- cidal seed protectants for peanuts is un- derway, now that organic mercurials are no longer recommended. Damaged seed are highly susceptible to attack by soil-borne fungi. Often, me- chanical shellers damage a portion of the seed. When seed are passed over shaking screens, most of the split seed and undersized seed are removed. The remaining seed pass along a moving belt where the visibly damaged seed are re- moved. However, many seed with broken seedcoats, small chipped spots, and mi- nute cracks go undetected. Sound and undamaged seed may not be invaded by fungi; however, they do carry organisms which later attack the developing seed- ling. Invasion of seed by fungi can be re- tarded by using fungicidal seed treat- ments. This practice increases stands through prevention of seed rot. There is no evidence that properly applied seed treatments interfere with nodule devel- opment. Research conducted by Auburn Uni- versity Agricultural Experiment Station over the past 18 years has documented the value of seed treatment and identified many effective seed treatment materials for peanuts. The recent curtailment of organic mercurials for use as seed pro- tectants has emphasized the importance of continued research for suitable seed treatment fungicides. During the past 3 )ears more than 30 non-mercurial seed protectants have been evaluated as in- dividual treatments and in treatment combinations. Included among them have been experimental compounds and those commercially available. Several of these materials have proven very effective in controlling fungi, Table 1, and increas- ing stands, Table 2, of Florunner pea- nuts. TABLE 2. EFFECT OF CHEMICAL SEED PROTECTANTS ON EMERGENCE OF FLORUNNER PEANUTS AT THE WIREGRASS SUBSTATION, HEADLAND, ALABAMA, 1969-71 Seed protectant Rate per 100 lb. shelled seed Oz. Benlate T Benlate T Botran-Captan (30-80) Botran-Captan (30-30) Botran-Captan (35-30) Botran-Captan (35-35) Botran-Difolatan (35-35) Bravo D Bravo D Bravo D ? Terrazole Bravo D ? Terrazole Difolatan 65 SP Granox P.F. (Maneb-Captan, 30-30) Granox P.F. (Maneb-Captan, 30-30) Orthocide 75 TCMTB, 8% Vitavax Vitavax Vitavax-Captan (37.5-37.5) Vitavax-Captan (37.5-37.5) Vitavax-Thiram (37.5-87.5) Vitavax-Thiram (37.5-37.5) Increase in emergence 1969 1970 1971 Pct. Pct. Pct. 17 17 2 17 0 15 ---- 26 20 4 16 9 20 89 0 12 14 9 .... 10 11 75 0 18 - 18 18 63 9 16 --- 8 12 13 17 7 19 -- 14 10 7 10 15 18 28 19 TABLE 1. FUNGI ISOLATED FROM FLORUNNER PEANUT SEED TREATED WITH VARIOUS FUNGICIDAL PROTECTANTS, 1970-71 Rate per Total Individual fungi obtained 1 , 1970 and 1971 100 lb. fungi Seed protectant shelled isolated Asp. Asp. Asp. Bot. Fus. Clio. Pen. Rhiz. Tric. seed '70-'71 flav. niger spp. thes. spp. spp. spp. spp. vir. Oz. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. Benlate T 4 8 0 8 Benlate T 5 40 0 40 Botran-Captan (30-30) 4 12 0 12 Botran-Captan (30-30) 5 20 0 4 4 12 Botran-Captan (30-30) 6 24 0 6 6 4 8 Botran-Captan (35-35) 5 8 2 4 2 Botran-Difolatan (35-35) 5 12 4 8 4 4 Bravo D 2 -- 16 16 Bravo D- 3 -- 12 4 2 6 Bravo D ? Terrazole 2 ---- 20 8 12 Bravo D ? Terrazole 3 ---- 4 4 Difolatan 65 SP 5 24 0 2 4 2 4 4 8 Granox P.F. (Maneb-Captan, 30-30) -5 . 0 Granox P.F. (Maneb-Captan, 30-30) 7 0 Orthocide 75, 4 8 4 2 2 4 4 4 TCMTB, 8% 6 44 40 3 14 4 3 8 32 16 Vitavax 3 80 88 4 20 16 4 68 56 Vitavax 4 92100 5 38 5 8 100 36 Vitavax-Captan (37.5-37.5)-------- 3 16 4 4 4 12 Vitavax-Captan (37.5-37.5)-------- 4 32 0 1 14 1 16 Vitavax-Thiram (37.5-37.5) 3 40 32 16 32 12 4 8 Vitavax-Thiram (37.5-37.5) ------ 4 28 16 1 26 8 1 8 1 Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus spp., Botrydiplodia theobromae, Fusarium spp., Gliocladium spp., Penicillium spp., Rhizopus spp., Trichoderma viride. 14 -- - - I - - - - - / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FARM WOODLOTS are capable of pro- ducing steady incomes for their owners while gradually improving the value of growing trees. Value is improved by in- creasing the proportion of desirable trees and by increasing the total stocking of the stand. However, some cultural work is necessary to initiate these desirable changes. A 237-acre tract of timber on the Fay- ette Experiment Forest was selected to be managed as a farm woodland. The first inventory, made in 1951, indicated that this forest unit had a very low stocking with a large percentage of low quality trees and undesirable species. Prevailing soil quality indicated that this woodlot could support pine but not good hard- woods. A management plan, which pro- vided for adjustments every 5 years, was initiated to improve forest conditions. After each 5 years a new inventory was made and the management plan was re- vised to fit changing stand conditions. The original objectives were to deter- mine the effects of good forest practices on forest stands and to evaluate cost and return factors. These objectives were ac- complished by selling as much of the low grade hardwoods as possible and selec- tively cutting poor risk pines - trees that were diseased, poorly formed, over- crowded, or otherwise undesirable. Im- provement operations included eradicat- ing unsalable hardwoods and planting or seeding of pine trees. The intensity and cost of the improvement operations were limited to approximately 25 per cent of the returns from the sale of timber. Early weed tree control was done by girdling and some frilling and poisoning of cull trees larger than 4 in. d.b.h. Re- sults of this type of work were unsatis- factory as many of the treated hard- woods did not die and many of the un- treated smaller hardwoods kept the un- derstory pine from developing. Later ImproUing Farm Woodlots SHERMAN D. WHIPPLE, Department of Forestry TABLE 2. CULTURAL WORK-COST, RETURNS, AND VOLUMES CUT, FAYETTE, ALABAMA Improver Date Hdwd. Se control pl Dol. 1951 1956 1961 1966 1971 Total 275 512 646 341 1,774 nent .eding- Pulp lanting Dol. Cu. ft. 58 823 25 3,754 205 6,522 30,590 4,500 288 46,189 Cutting Sawtimber Other' Returns Cu. ft. 11,096 12,185 1,121 14,411 38,813 Cu. ft. 383 868 4,412 5,663 Cu. ft. 669 1,687 763 4,220 315 7,654 1 Includes pine fence posts and poles. treatments included injecting herbicides into trees as small as 1 in. d.b.h., some mistblowing, and some site preparation by burning, bulldozing, or disking. This work did not produce completely satis- factory results but it did aid in produc- ing more acres with desirable pine stock- ing, Table 1. Basal areal in square feet per acre in- creased steadily except between 1966 and 1971. During this period a heavy cut was made to salvage little leaf in- fected shortleaf pine trees and to remove poorly stocked mature trees to develop favorable conditions for growing well stocked stands of young pine. This trend TABLE 1. CHANGES IN FOREST CONDITIONS THROUGH 20 YEARS OF MANAGEMENT, FAYETTE, ALABAMA Date Acreages by type Pine P-H Hdwd. 1951 1956-- 1961-. 1966- 1971- A. 104 128 167 102 141 A. 80 78 37 111 81 A. 51 31 33 24 15 Per acre Volume per acre )pen basal area Pulp' Sawtimber' Pine Hdwd. Pine Hdwd. Pine Hdwd. A. Sq.ft. Sq.ft. Cu.ft. Cu.ft. Bd.ft. Bd.ft. 2 11.3 5.3 -- 558 364 - 26.3 5.7 125 1,473 90 31.2 11.0 211 100 1,076 188 44.3 11.9 362 60 1,772 248 31.5 15.3 229 84 1,701 228 'Trees 3.6 in. to 9.0 in. ' Trees 9.1 in. and larger using International 1/4 rule. ' Pulpwood trees not tallied. is also shown in the pulpwood and saw- timber volumes per acre. Present stock- ing of merchantable timber is below the acceptable level of 60 sq. ft. per acre, but pine regeneration is generally satis- factory. Included is one stand of 60 acres that had no merchantable timber but was planted or seeded to loblolly pine in 1963 and is presently developing a good pine stand. Hardwood control programs from 1951 through 1966 cost a total of $1,774, or $7.48 per acre, Table 2. These treat- ments have improved the overall value of the unit. However, present volumes would have been greater had these op- erations been more intensive at the be- ginning of the management program. The planting program should also have been completed earlier in the plan. Returns of $7,654, Table 2, from the sale of forest products have been quite satisfactory. Comparing original with present values of standing timber plus returns from timber sales and the increase in quantity and quality of de- sirable trees, this forest is producing a satisfactory annual increment in value. Basal area is the summary of square feet in the cross sections at breast height of all trees in the stand. 15 EDWARD P, HILL, Ill, Alaorna Cooperative Willife Researcht Uit~ I'lllIiX. ol sEit' f ll I ll' (If l tfli c ti i ll-X31 dtt d itt f3th1ereaeol l o o 19: titill 1 4 l accepte h\Xptlci that ckiig thd tilln ( fi kt 1 ll t of lt e X XXit f itif it ii fIllI loaX .fttt' I purposetlti of ti sItXl *XX asi toII i ci ,lf 11 1 w ti ,t IX XXitth ii licttls Lii tit't'ttti I I' IX I lidi s\ It ll tll fzflt itl o1f11 co11'ttftailt tX 11111fit' floill Iti' 11hived (111131 i ii X l l IXI ail' 1,1 X tllIfi f )iit i' u tilolfial r1abb1it 1111 ifit' IId ~tIf 9(53 thoijd i97, twop'ti I chciitt lUg Xil~ 1,11'S XXI('II X 1 A' l Itlfti'lltfu'co l I ' 1965, N 66, 31111 fN67, 1 ('Xf t'('t IX ti . 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