AGRONOMY AND SOILS DEPARTMENTAL SERIES ND. 178 MAY 1994 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION LOWELL T. FROBISH, DIRECTOR AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA Ad CONTENTS Page Introduction..................................................... 5 Soil Testing Process0...................................................6 Elements Required for Growing Plants...................................8 Macronutrients...... ............................... 9 Primary Nutrients .................................................... 9 Secondary Nutrients ................................................. 11 Micronutrients .................................................. 12 Soil Testing Service ............................... 15 Definitions of Soil-Test Ratings Used for P and K..........................18 Descriptions of Soil Groups on Which P and K Soil-Test Ratings are Based........ 19 Extractable Nutrients in Pounds Per Acre ............................... 23 Table Versus Formulas............................................23 Lime Recommendations...........................................24 Lowering Soil pH................................................ 26 Magnes' 4m Recommendations ........................................ 26 Soil Organic Matter..............................................28 Fertilizer Recommendation ........................................... 29 Yield Potential (Yield Goal)........................................30 Interpreting Report of Soil Tests (sample copy)...........................31 Report on Soil Tests (sample copy)............................ 32 Recommendations for Field Crops, Forage Crops, and Pastures..................33 Recommendations for Turfgrass, Lawns, Golf Courses, Athletic Fields, and Roadsides . 45 Recommendations for Gardens and Commercial Vegetable Crops................51 Recommendations for Shrubs and Flowers................................ 57 Recommendations for Fruits and Nuts...................................61 Research ......... ............................................... 67 Equations .......................................................... 68 Information contained herein is available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. SOL "TEST FERThIZER RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ALABAMA CROPS J.F. Adams, C.C. Mitchell, and H. Bryant' EqTRODUCTION Mft o iis in Alabama must be fertilized for optimum production. Unfertilized soils are naturally low in plant nutrients because the parent materials from which they were formed were low in phosphorus (P), and many were low or medium in potassium (K). In addition, Alabama's relatively high temperatures plus rainfall have caused release, leaching, and runoff of nutrients from fields, especially where they have been cropped continuously and the surface has been allowed to erode. Likewise, the nitrogen (N) supplying capacity of soils is dependent on the organic matter content which is low in Alabama soils because of rapid decomposition under prevailing environmental conditions. Therefore, unless these major nutrients have been built up in soils by past fertilization and management practices, soils will need fertilizer for sustainable production. Most Alabama soils have been in continuous production for more than 150 years. Some have been fertilized regularly throughout that period. The addition of nutrients to soils and crops where they are not needed and cannot be utilized is a waste of resources and could also be environmentally unsound. Nutrient needs were originally determined by thousands of simple fertilizer experiments conducted on farms throughout the state. Prior to the establishment of the Auburn University' : ". Soil Testing Laboratory in 1953, general fertilizer recommendations were made by Auburn University for different soil types. These recommendations were based on 'Respectively, Associate Professors and Senior Research Associate of Agronomy and Soils. 5 these cooperative experiments and other more detailed experiments conducted on substations and experiment fields located on the major soils throughout the state. This system is no longer adequate because soils have been altered by past management. Properly managed soils have become more productive during the past 40 years as fertilizer use has increased. Some nutrients may have been depleted while others have been built up in soils, depending on amounts supplied in fertilizers and manures and amounts removed in harvested crops and forages. General fertilizer reco rmendations based on soil type are no longer practical because past management practices now have more influence on soil fertility than does soil type. Soils separated only by a fence may differ more in fertility than the original unfertilized soils located in the different regions of the state. Soil tests have been developed to determine the fertility level of individual soils. This has required much field and laboratory research at many locations over the years to calibrate test results with response to fertilizers in the field. Reliable soil tests based on such research are now the only practical basis for determining the needs of specific crops on the many soil situations now existing in Alabama. SOIL TESTING PROCESS Soil testing involves more than just a chemical analysis. For the results to be meaningful to a grower, four steps must receive careful attention. Step 1 - Taking a good sample Recommendations based on a soil test can be no better than the soil sample from which they are made. Growers are urged to take great care to be sure that the sample submitted represents as accurately as possible the area from which it is taken. Generally a sample should be a composite of subsamples taken from 10 to 20 spots in the area. Samples from plowed fields should be taken to plow depth, while those from sod or areas not to be plowed should be taken to a depth of two to three inches. Step 2 - Analyzing the sample This is the:chemical extraction and testing procedure used by the laboratory. Although laboratories may use different extraction and analysis techniques, the procedures used must be correlated to plant growth and nutrient uptake in Alabama. In addition, quality control by the staff is essential for reliable and accurate results. The Auburn University Soil Testing Laboratory uses procedures recommended and published by the Southern Extension and Research Activity on Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Information Exchange Group (SERA- IEG-6). Step 3 - Interpreting the analysis The analytical results must be related to plant growth or yield. Extensive soil test calibration research on the crops and soils of Alabama has been conducted and will continue. For each nutrient, crop, and soil, a good calibration must show that plant growth, yield, or nutrient uptake increases as the level of an extractable nutrient increases up to a point where further increases in soil test levels fail to show significant or economical increases of plant growth or yield. Step 4 - Usinp the results When growers receive a soil test report and appropriate recommendations, they must make certain practical decisions that may result in a modification of the given recomipendation. Some of these decisions may involve the following: 1. Using readily available fertilizers or ordering custom blended fertilizer. 2. Applying the same fertilizer grade to all fields or groups of fields, or ordering separate fertilizers for each field (or portion of a field) sampled. 3.. Using premium fertilizers that contain secondary nutrients and micronutrients or applying only those micronutrients specifically recommended for the crop. 4. Splitting fertilizer and/or lime applications. 5. Using starter fertilizers and foliar fertilizers to supplement recommendations. 6. Modifying nitrogen recommendations based upon comments in the report. 7. Applying fertilizers with other materials, such as herbicides. 8. Modifying recommendations based upon current economic conditions. These and many other considerations affect how the soil test results are used, and is a decision the grower or crop advisor must make. Auburn University's soil testing program is a joint program of the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service and the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. The Cooperative Extension Service has primary responsibility for education on soil testing and distribution of supplies. The Agricultural Experiment Station conducts soil test calibration resear h and operates the Soil Testing Laboratory. ELM S REQUIRED FOR GROWING PLANTS Only 16 elements are known to be required for plant growth. These nutrient elements can be divided into four groups: Carbon (C) Macronutrients Boron (B) Hydrogen (H) carbon dioxide Zinc (Zn) Oxygen (0) and water Manganese (Mn) Micronutrients Copper (Cu) from the soil Molybdenum (Mo) Nitrogen (N) ' /Primary Iron (Fe) PhosphorUs (P) -- nutrients from Chloride (Cl) Potassium (K) _.! the soil Calcium (Ca) Secondary Magnesium Mg) nutrients from Sulfur (S )..... the soil These nutrient elements are discussed briefly to provide background for a better understanding of the information on fertilization and plant nutrition that follows. Macronutrients The nutrient elements C, H, and O are obtained by plants from air (CO,) and water (H20) in sufficient amounts to support maximum growth. There is no need for concern about supplying these elements in fertilizers. Primary Nutrients The elements N, P, and K constitute about 3 to 5% of the dry weight of most plants and arethe most frequently deficient nutrients in Alabama soils. Accordingly, these are the nutrients in fertilizers most frequently and abundantly applied. Nitrogen is the nutrient that is most frequently limiting crop production and is needed in greatest quantities for most nonlegume crops. Soil tests are not reliable for determining the nitrogen supplying capacity of individual soils in the Southeast. There are several reasons for this. First, nitrogen is stored in the soil's organic matter. The rate of N release for crop use is affected by organic matter content, temperature, moisture, length of growing season, and other factors that make it impractical to predict the amount of N that will be supplied by the soil for a growing crop. Second, Alabama soils are low in organic matter and do not vary much in their capacity to supply nitrogen. Therefore, nitrogen recommendations are based primarily on the crop to be grown. The most economical rates of application have been determined in numerous field experiments. The amounts recommended should be adjusted by growers based on experience with previously used rates. Nitrogen supply is the dominant fertility factor in determining rate and amount of growth of most crops. Legume crops get most of the N required for their growth from the air, which contains about 80% N. Phosphorus content of practically all Alabama soils originally was low. Fertilizers used in the early days of fertilization were much higher in P than in N or K Fortunately, P does not leach through soils but forms compounds with other elements in the soil and is released slowly. However, P is lost from fields where the surface soil is allowed to erode. Also, phosphorus in the plow layer may become diluted when turning the land deeper than normal. Crops require much smaller quantities of P than of N and K. Usually plants contain about 0.2 to 0.3% P. Therefore, under continuous fertilization, soil content of P has increased on many soils to High, Very High, and Extremely High levels. About 50% of all samples received by the Soil Testing Laboratory in recent years have been High in P, and crops grown on those soils would not be expected to respond to P applications. Experiments at several substEtions and experiment fields have shown that where P has been built up to High or Very High levels, lack of P application will not reduce yield of most crops for up to 40 years or more. Therefore, on soil test reports for field and forage crops, none is recommended when P is in the High range; but growers should sample each year where none is applied to avoid yield losses should soil P drop back into the Medium range where some response could be anticipated. Potassium. As yields have been increased by higher N and P fertilization, the need for K on some soils has increased. Most of the sandy soils of Alabama are low to medium in K, while the clays and clay loams are more likely to be high. Response to K has been determined in numerous experiments throughout the state. Excessive use of K may cause Mg deficiency, especially on sandy soils. Recent residual studies have shown that K may accumulate in most soils where recommended rates are applied. When soil tests indicate that 10 this accumulation has reached the High level, growers may reduce or cease applications until the soil level drops back into the Medium range. Secondary Nutrients The elements calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur(S) are classified as secondary nutrients for plant nutrition. Some Alabama soils and crops should be supplied with these nutrients. Calcium is supplied in both calcitic and dolomitic lime. Where soil pH is maintained in the proper range, calcium deficiency is not likely to occur. Peanuts, tomatoes, and peppers are the only crops that have been found to suffer from lack of calcium in Alabama fields. This deficiency may result in unfilled pods (pops) in peanuts and blossom end rot in tomatoes and peppers. All samples are analyzed for calcium in the Soil Testing Laboratory. When the tests indicate that deficiencies may occur on these crops, gypsum may be recommended if lime is not needed. Magnesium (Mg) content of all soil samples is also determined. Some sandy soils in Alabama are deficient in Mg and these soils are usually low in pH. The most practical way to prevent Mg deficiency is by using dolomitic lime when soil tests indicate that Mg is Low. On soils where Mg is not found to be deficient, calcitic or dolomitic lime is satisfactory. Sulfur (S) deficiency has increased as high analysis fertilizers made from ammonium phosphates have replaced fertilizers made from superphosphate, which contains about 12% S. Sulfur added to soils in rain has decreased in areas where effluent from industrial plants has been scrubbed to reduce air pollution. Sandy soils of the coastal plains and sandstone plateaus are most likely to be deficient in 5, because this element may be leached from sandy surface soils. There is no practical soil 11 test procedure to use in predicting S deficiency. Like N, it is found mostly in organic matter in sandy topsoils. It frequently accumulates in the subsoil and plants may recover from the deficiency when roots reach the subsoil. All crops should receive an average of about 10 pounds of S per acre per year, applied in fertilizer or in pesticide applications. Crops most likely to respond to S fertilization on sandy soils are wheat, corn, cotton, and vegetable crops. Farmers should always check when buying mixed fertilizer to be certain that it contains enough S to supply this amount. Micronutrients Although the seven micronutrients are as important in plant nutrition as the primary and secondary nutrients, they are needed in much smaller quantities, and most Alabama soils contain adequate amounts for most crops. The Agricultural Experiment Station has conducted field, greenhouse, and laboratory research continuously since about 1930 on the response of crops to micronutrient elements. Field experiments with boron, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, and molybdenum have been conducted with various crops on the substations, experiment fields, and on farmers' fields throughout the state. Whereas some crops may use between 20 and 200 pounds per acre each of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, they use less than one pound per acre of the micronutrients. Most Alabama soils have an abundance of minerals containing micronutrients. In some cases, over application of micronutrients, such as Zn, Cu, and B could lead to a toxicity. Metals, such as Zn and Cu, build up in the soil. These also may be found in certain pesticides. Soil test for Zn and Cu may be more valuable for avoiding toxic buildup than for predicting deficiencies. Research with field and forage crops has shown that most deficiencies of micronutrients are limited to boron and zinc for a few crops on certain soils. The most 12 practical recommendation for these nutrients is to apply them to specific crops in all cases or on soils where they tend to be low. This eliminates the need for soil tests that are, in most cases, expensive and not always dependable enough to serve as a basis for recommendations. Although some soil testing laboratories determine micronutrient levels in the soil and make specific recommendations, their interpretations are not based on research for Alabama soils. A chemical analysis or soil test is of little or no value unless calibrated against crop responses to applications of the nutrient in question. Such information can only be obtained from fertility experiments conducted under a wide range of soil and climatic conditions. The following is a brief description of the Auburn Soil Testing Laboratory's recommendations for the micronutrient elements. Boron (B) is recommended for cotton, peanuts, clovers grown for seed, alfalfa, cauliflower, broccoli, root crops, apples, pears, and plums. Analysis for B is expensive and the cost of applying recommended rates is quite low; therefore, recommendations based on needs of specific crops are more practical than routine soil analyses. Zinc (Zn) is recommended for corn on sandy soils where the pH is above 6.0 or for the first year after applying lime. It also is recommended for peaches, pecans, apples, and pears. These are the only crops that have responded to Zn on Alabama soils. Zinc deficiency in corn seedlings is likely to occur in cool, wet seasons. Corn plants usually recover when warm weather arrives, but yield may be decreased by the early deficiency. Routine analysis for Zn is not necessary in most cases, but soil and plant analysis for Zn may be helpful in diagnosing.suspected cases of deficiency or toxicity. Simultaneous applications of excessive amounts of both lime and phosphorus can induce Zn deficiency on almost any crop. Soil tests showing pH values above 7.0 along with Very High or Extremely High P indicate a probability that Zn deficiency may occur on some soils. 13 Zinc toxicities could occur on sensitive crops, such as peanuts, where excessive Zn application have caused high soil Zn levels (more than 10 mg/kg extractable Zn) on sandy soils. Maintaining a soil pH above 6.0 may help to reduce Zn toxicity symptoms. Broiler litter, certain pesticides, and some industrial by-products used as soil amendments may contain high concentrations of Zn. Iron (Fe) is a common deficiency for only a few crops (e.g. soybeans) on the high pH soils of the Black Belt and for some specialty plants (e.g. azaleas, centipedegrass, and blueberries) where lime or phosphorus is excessive. This deficiency cannot be corrected by application of Fe to the soil, but can be corrected on ornamental and fruit crops by spraying with a dilute iron solution. Soil analysis for Fe is worthless. Some soybean varieties are less susceptible than others to Fe deficiency. Varieties rated for susceptibility to Fe deficiency can be found in soybean variety reports. Molybdenum (Mo) application to soybeans as a foliar or seed treatment at planting is recommended for all soils of North Alabama and for Black Belt soils. Deficiency of Mo on soybeans on acid soils can usually be prevented by liming. Because Mo is needed in such small quantities, soil testing is not recommended. Manganese (Mn) is high in almost all Alabama soils and is not recommended for any crop. Soybeans grown on sands with poor internal drainage, high organic content, and a pH above 6.0 may show Mn deficiency. Symptoms of cyst nematode damage are very similar to those for Mn deficiency on soybeans. Copper (Cu) and Chlorine (Cl) have not been found to be deficient for any crop on Alabama soils. There is no need to supply these elements in fertilizers in Alabama. Excessive Cu may be applied to soil in broiler litter and certain Cu-containing pesticides. 14 Present Policy on Micronutrients Due to the previously described points, the laboratory does not analyze soil samples for S, Mn, Cu, Cl, Fe, or Mo. If and when research shows that analysis for one or more of these elements is justified, this service will be provided. Under certain conditions, a soil test for B and Zn may be helpful in diagnosing problems. Therefore, samples will be analyzed on request for B and for Zn at an extra charge. Soil test reports may be delayed for several days when these elements are being analyzed. SOIL TESTING SERVICE This publication presents the fertilizer recommendations made by the Auburn University Soil Testing Laboratory. The information is organized for the computer program that is used to make recommendations on samples analyzed by this laboratory. Crops are divided into more than 50 classes, about one-half of which are field and forage crops and one- half are horticultural or specialty crops. The crops are listed in Table 1 with a summary of information used in classifying crops based on fertility requirements, and in making recommendations for each crop. Detailed instructions and recommendations are presented in individual tables for each crop on pages 33 through 67. These tables contain the following information: 1. Crop code number and a list of the crops included in this code number. 2. K requirement level number. Crops are divided into three classes based on their K requirements. These classes are (1) peanuts, (2) soybeans and corn and other grasses; and (3) cotton, forage legumes, gardens, lawns, shrubs, and other special crops. They are 15 presented in Table 2 along with the pounds per acre of soil test P and K used to rate the different soil groups from Very Low to Extremely High. 3. N rate. Each crop is assigned a standard, annual N rate based upon research conducted throughout Alabama. However, comments given with each crop may modify this rate based upon potential yield, soil, time of application, cropping system, etc. 4. Lime recommendation code number. Crops vary in the amount of acidity they can tolerate and still make top yields. They are divided into five classes based on the pH ranges in which they produce best. These classes are presented in Table 5 and on the pages that provide fertilizer recommendations for each crop. 5. Mg recommendation code number. Crops are divided into three classes based on their Mg requirements. These Mg recommendations are from Table 8. Specific comments that go with individual recommendations or crops are listed by number with the fertilizer recommendations. Comments used with each crop also are presented with fertilizer recommendations for each crop. 16 Table 1. Crop Classes and Computer Code Numbers Used in Recommendations Crop K re- code quire- N Lime Mg Page no. Crop ment rate code code no. level Field Crops, Forage Crops, and Pastures 01 Perennial summer grass pasture.............................. 2 02 Bermuda hay (improved varieties) ................. 2 03 Perennial winter grass pasture ........................ 2 04 Temporary summer grass pasture and johnsongrass .......................................................... 2 05 Annual legume with small grain and ryegrass .... 3 06 White clover, arrowleaf clover, red clover...... 3 07 Perennial or late-maturing annual legumes with summer grass pasture ......................................... 3 08 Clover and winter perennial grass pasture...... 3 09 Annual legume and summer grass pasture .......... 3 10 Cotton .................................................................. 3 13 Corn ...................................................................... 2 15 Corn in rotation before soybeans ........................ 2 16 Irrigated corn, corn, or sorghum silage ................ 2 17 Peanuts ................................................................... 1 19 Annual legumes .................................................... 3 20 Southern peas .................................................... 3 21 Grain sorghum, sweet sorghum, sugarcane, and sunflower ........,................................................,........ 2 22 Alfalfa .................................................................... 3 23 Sericea .......................................................................... 3 24 Soybeans ...................................................................... 2 25 Small grain-soybean rotation ................................ 2 26 Tobacco ........................................................................ 3 27 Small grain or temporary winter grass pasture .... 2 Lawns, Golf Courses, Athletic Fields, and Roadsides 40 Bermuda, Zoysia, St. Augustine lawn .................... 3 42 Centipede lawn 3......................... 43 Winter lawn................................................................ 3 44 Golf green ........ ...................................................... 3 45 Golf fairway .......................... .... ..... ........... 3 46 Athletic field ............................................................ 3 47 Roadside turf establishment ................................. 3 48 Roadside turf maintenance ..................................... 3 Gardens and Commercial Vegetable Crops 59 Organic vegetable garden ................................. - 60 Home vegetable garden .................................... 3 61 Commercial vegetable crops .............................. .. 3 62 Tomatoes ................................................................. 3 r I; I E I 1 60 5 100 5 60 1 -60 1 60 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 90 1 120 1 120 1 180 1 0 1 0 1 30 1 80 1 0 3 0 1 0 1 100 1 60 4 100 1 80 5 40 5 80 5 400 1 120 5 200 5 120 1 80 1 120 1 120 1 120 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 17 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 53 53 Continued Table 1 (Continued). Crop Classes and Computer Code Numbers Used in Recommendations Crop K re- code quire- N Lime Mg Page no. Crop ment rate code code no. level 63 Sweet potatoes.........................3 80 1 2 54 64 Irish potatoes........... ............... 3 120 4 3 54 65 Watermelons, cantaloupes, cucumbers, lima beans, snap bunch beans, squash, and okra .... 3 80 1 2 55 66 Sweetcorn............................ 3 150- 1 2 55 67 Pepper, pimiento........................3 100 2 2 56 Shrubs and Flowers 80 Shrubs and perennial flowers ............... 3 120 1 2 57 81 Azaleas, gardenias, and rhododenrons.........3 120 0 2 58 82 Roses, mums, and annual flowers............3 120 1 2 59 84 Potting soil (84 reports lb./acre P, K, Ca, and Mg; soluble salts, nitrates, pH) 60 85 Christmas trees...........................2 4 3 60 Fruits and Nuts 89 Strawberries.3 120 1 2 61 90 Peaches..............................2 * 2 2 62 91 Muscadine.grapes.......................2 * 2 2 63 92 Apples and pears........2 * 2 2 63 93 Plums................................2 * 2 2 64 94 Pecans...............................2 * 2 2 65 95 Home orchards.........................3 * 2 2 65 96 Blueberries............................3 * 0 3 66 Research 98 Checks and balances 67 99 Computer reports pounds per acre of soil-test P, K, Ca, and Mg 67 * Standard N recommendation in pounds per acre. See comments for modifications. Definitions of Soil-Test Ratings Used for P and K Results of chemical tests are used to rate the fertility level of soils for each nutrient element tested. The ratings range from very low to extremely high. They are influenced by the soil and the nutrient requirements of the crop to be grown. The ratings for P and K are based on the relative 18 yield that may be expected without adding the nutrient and when all other elements are in adequate supply. Fertilizer recommendations are based on these ratings, see the figure. Very Low (VL) - Soil will yield less than 50% of its potential. Large applications for soil building purposes are usually recommended. Some of the fertilizer should be placed in the drill for row crops. Low (L) - Soil will yield 50 to 75% of its potential. Some fertilizer should be placed in the drill for row crops. Medium (M) - Soil will yield 75 to 100% of its potential. Continued annual applications should be made in this range. On some sandy soils that will not retain much K, it may not be economical to attempt to build beyond this medium level. High (H) - Supply of the nutrient is adequate for the crop, and none is recommended for field and forage crops. Where this recommendation is followed, it is suggested that the area be sampled each year. Very High (VH) - Supply of the nutrient is more than double the amount considered adequate. Application of P or K to soils of this rating is wasteful. Extremely High (EH) - Supply of the nutrient is more than four times the amount considered adequate. The level is excessive and further additions may be detrimental to the crop and may contribute to pollution of ground and surface waters. Pounds per acre of soil test P, K, Ca, and Mg on which soil-test ratings are based for the different crops and soil groups are presented in tables 2 and 3. Descriptions of Soil Groups on Which P and K Soil-Test Ratings are Based Availability of nutrients in soils to plants is affected by the amount in the so~I, cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the soil, and other factors. The amount in the soil is determined by the 19 Percent of maximum yield 1001 Extractable plant nutrient in pounds per acre Relationship between extractable plant nutrient and soil test rating. 20 parent material from which the soil is formed; the amount that has been added in fertilizers, liming materials or organic wastes; the amount of organic matter; and the amount that has been removed by cropping, erosion, and leaching. The CEC is a measure of the capacity of the soil to retain nutrients against removal by crops, erosion, or leaching. It is affected by organic matter content and the amount and type of clay in the soil. Therefore, knowing the CEC of individual soil samples is important before making fertilizer recommendations. This is determined in the Soil Testing Laboratory and serves as the basis for classifying soils into four groups. Soil Group 1. Sandy soils with cation exchange capacities-less than 4.6 cmolc kg "1 of soil. Examples of soils in this group are Dothan, Orangeburg, Alaga, Bama, and Troup. Soil Group 2. Loamy and clayey soils with cation exchange capacities of 4.6 to 9.0 cmolc kg - of soil. Examples of soils in this group are Madison, Lucedale, Allen, Hartsells, Cecil, Pacolet, Dickson, and Savannah. Soil Group 3. Clayey soils, from areas other than the Black Belt, with cation exchange capacities of more than 9 cmolc kg' of soil. Colbert, Decatur, Dewey, Talbott, Boswell, and Iredell are examples of soils from this group. Garden soils that have had large amounts of organic amendments may also be in this group. Soil Group 4. Acid and calcareous clayey soils of the Black Belt with cation exchange capacities greater than 9.0 cmol, kg " of soil. These soils require different laboratory procedures for measuring soil fertility. Examples of soils in this group are Sumter, Oktibbeha, Leeper, and Vaiden. The group in which a soil is classified may affect the fertility ratings and therefore the P and K recommendations. Growers sometimes do not understand why samples from individual fields change groups between samplings. When a soil is near the borderline between groups, (e.g. 4.6 cmolc kg " ) it may fall into one soil group this year and the other group the following year. Liming the soil also may cause it to be shifted from Group 1 to Group 2 or from Group 2 to Group 3. Although CEC is determined on all samples, it is not recorded on soil test reports. Growers wishing more information about these relationships on their samples should contact the Soil Testing Laboratory. 21 Table 2. Soil-Test Ratings and Pounds Per Acre of Soil-Test P and K for All Soils and Crops Phosphorus Potassium K req. K req. level 3 level 2 K req. cotton, soybeans, level 1 legumes, corn, and Peanuts Rating Soil-test P gardens, other Soil-test K (other Peanuts lawns, grasses crops) Soil 1,2 Soil 3 Soil 4* and Soil 1 Soil 2 Soil 3 Soil 4* CEC 0-9 CEC>9 CEC>9 shrubs CEC 0-4.6 CEC 4.6-9.0 CEC>9.0 CEC>90 Lb.a, Lb./a. Lb.a. Lb.a Lb.a. Lb/a. V low V low 0 0 0-3 V low V low V low 0-20 0-30 0-40 V low V low 1-2 1 4-6 V low Low Low 21-22 31-33 41-44 51-56 V low V low 3-4 2 7-9 V low Low Low 23-24 34-36 45-48 57-62 V low Low 5-7 3 10-12 V low Low Low 25-26 37-39 49-52 63-68 V low Low 8-10 4-5 13-15 V low Low Low 27-28 40-42 53-57 69-74 V low Medium 11-12 6-7 16-18 V low Low Medium 29-30 43-45 58-60 75-80 Low Medium 13-19 8-11 19-27 Low Low Medium 31-40 46-60 61-80 81-120 Low High 20-25 12-15 28-36 Low Medium High 41-60 61-90 81-120 121-160 Medium High 26-34 16-21 37-48 Medium Medium High 61-80 91-160 121-160 161-190 Medium High 35-43 22-26 46-60 Medium High High 81-100 121-150 161-200 191-220 Medium High 44-50 27-30 61-72 Medium High V high 101-120 151-180 221-240 221-240 High V high 51-65 31-40 73-94 High High V high 121-160 181-240 241-320 241-320 High V high 66-100 41-60 95-144 High V high V high 161-240 241-360 321-480 321-480 V high V high 101-135 61-81 45-195 V high V high V high- 241-320 361-480 ... 481-640 481-640 V high V high 136-200 82-120 196-288 V high E high E high 341-480 481-720 641-960 641-960 E high E high 201+ 121+ 289* E high E high E high 481+ 721+ 961+ 961+ *Group 4 soils are from Black Belt counties and are extracted with the Mississippi extract. All others are extracted with Mehlich 1. t,) t,) Table 3. Soil-Test Ratings and Pounds Per Acre of Soil-Test Mg and Ca for Soils and Crops Magnesium (all crops) Calcium (all soils) Soil-test Mg Tomatoes, Rating pimientos, Soil 1 Other soils Rating Peanuts fruits, and CEC 0-4.6 CEC>4.6 nuts Lb.a La . Lb.a./a. Lb.a. Low .............. 0 Low 0 0 Low .............. 1-2 1-5 Low 1-2 1-40 Low ........ 3-5 6-10 Low 25-50 41-80 Low ........... 6-7 11-15 Low 51-75 81-120 Low .............. 8-10 16-20 Low 76-100 121-160 Low 11-............. 12 21-25 Low 101-125 161-200 Low .............. 13-15 26-30 Low 126-150 201-250 Low ............. 16-17 31-35 Low 151-175 251-300 Low .............. 18-20 36-40 Medium 176-215 301-365 Low .............. 21-22 41-45 Medium 216-255 366-430 Low ............ 23-25 46-50 Medium 256-300 431-500 High ............. 26-33 51-65 High 301-390 501-650 High ............. 34-50 66-100 High 391-600 651-1,000 High .......... 51-100 101-200 High 601-1,200 1,001-2,000 High ............ 101-200 201-400 High 1,200-2,400 2,001-4,000 High ............ 201-+ 401+ High 2,401+ 4,001+ Extractable Nutrients in Pounds Per Acre All results are expressed in pounds per acre of an extractable nutrient. This method makes the assumption that an acre-furrow-slice (one acre of soil to a depth of eight inches) weighs two million pounds. Thus, pounds per acre is equal to pounds per two million pounds (pp2m) or mg per two kg. Tables Versus Formulas Fertilizer recommendations are given in table format or by formulas. The formulas with each recommendation table may allow for smaller incremental increases or decreases in fertilizer rates as compared to those rates presented in the tables. For example, if a soil test report shows 50 pounds 23 per acre of K and the producer wishes to use the formula to calculate K fertilizer needs; the following steps should be used: 1. Determine CEC range by looking at the soil group on the report; 2. Look up the appropriate equation in the back of this publication (page 68). 3. Substitute the pounds per acre of K for X and then solve for Y. Example calculation 1. Corn 2. 50 pounds per acre soil test potassium 3. Soil group 1 (CEC 0-4.6) 4. Equation Y=80-0.99X Y=80-0.99(50) Y=80-49.5 Y=30.5 lb KO0 per acre 5. Round off to nearest 10 pounds. The formula will allow for lower fertilizer rates when soil test levels are approaching a higher fertility rating. I!me Recommendations Practically all Alabama soils, except for the calcareous soils of the Black Belt, are slightly to strongly acid and may need to be limed for most crops. This acid condition results from the low level of lime in the original soils, the high rate of leaching from excessive rainfall, the use of acid forming fertilizers, crop removal, and other factors. About one-half of the samples received in the Soil Testing Laboratory need lime. This ratio has not changed much in recent years. Growers should use soil-test recommendations to maintain soil pH between 5.8 and 6.5 for most crops. Soil testing is the only practical basis for determining when and how much lime should be applied. Soil pH is a critical factor in determining response of crops to fertilizers and maintaining a favorable soil environment for 24 profitable production. Soil should be sampled every two or three years to ensure that production is not limited by soil acidity. Lime recommendations are based on two separate tests made in the Soil Testing Laboratory on each sample. These are the (I).determination of pH, which indicates the active acidity of the soil, and the (2) lime requirement test, which determines the amount of lime required to raise the pH to a desired range. The amount of lime required varies among soils at the same pH because of differences in organic matter content and the kind and amount of clay in the soils. Soils that are high in organic matter and clay content require more lime to raise the pH to a specific range than do sandy soils that are low in organic matter. For example, a sandysoil at pH 5.0 may require only one ton of lime to raise the pH to 6.5, while a clay soil at the same pH may require four tons of lime. Crops also have different requirements for soil pH, and therefore lime recommendations vary with the crop to be grown. Lime is recommended to correct the pH of the top eight inches of soil. Growers who plow deeper than eight inches should increase the rates accordingly. Lime should be thoroughly mixed with the soil because the primary reason for applying lime in most cases is to adjust the soil pH rather than to supply plant nutrients, such as Ca and Mg. Lime should be applied and mixed with the soil as soon after sampling as possible. It will begin to react with the soil immediately after application, but the full effect may not be evident for several months. Fineness and purity of lime are important in determining the rate of reaction. Lime recommendations are based on the minimum quality ground agricultural limestone as defined by the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries: 90% CaCO 3 equivalent, 90% passes a 10 mesh sieve, and 50% passes a 60 mesh sieve. The pH requirements on which lime recommendations for different crops are based are presented in Table 4. 25 Table 4. Lime Recommendation Codes Code Lime if Lime to Crops below pH pH 0 ............. Lime recommended only Blueberries under special conditions 1* ............... 5.8 6.5 All except those listed below 2 .............. 6.0 6.5 Most clovers, gardens, vegetable crops, and most fruits and nuts 3 ................... 6.5 7.0 Alfalfa 4 .................... 5.0 5.5 Irish potatoes, azaleas, and tobacco 5 .............. 5.6 6.5 Coastal bermudagras, common bermudagrass, bahiagrass, dallisgrass, lawns, fairways, and athletic fields *Code 1 crops are moved to Code 5 when grown on fine textured soils of Soil Group 3 or 4. Lowering Soil pH Most plants grow best where the soil is slightly acid in the range of pH 6.0 to 7.0. However, a few plants, such as azaleas, gardenias, and blueberries, grow best at lower pH values. In rare cases, it may be desirable to lower the pH by adding an acidifying agent. This can be done successfully on soils that do not contain large amounts of free lime. Calcareous Black Belt soils cannot be practically acidified because much of the soil contains lime (CaCO 3 ). In other cases, the pH can be lowered simply by using fertilizers containing ammonium-N (Table 5). Ammonium sulfate and sulfur coated urea are two of the best choices for acidifying soils. Amounts of sulfur needed to lower the pH of loamy soils are indicated in Table 6. For sandy soils these amounts may be reduced by one-third, and for clays they should be increased by one-half. Magnesium Recommendations The most practical way to supply Mg is through the use of dolomitic limestone. Where Mg is low and lime is recommended, a comment will be printed on the report stating that "both soil acidity and low Mg can be corrected by applying dolomitic lime." Some crops have a higher requirement than 26 Table 5. Acidifying Effect of Some Common Fertilizers and Soil Amendmends Material Pure CaCO 3 needed to neutralize acidity in 100 pounds of material Lb. Ammonium nitrate ...................... 60 Ammonium sulfate ....... ................................. ... 110 32% liquidnitrogen ........................................ 55 Urea ............................... 81 Sulfur-coated urea ........................................... 118 Diammonium phosphate ...................................... 70 Flowers of sulfur (elemental S) .......................... 312 Aluminum sulfate ............................................ 45 Iron sulfate .................................... 35 Table 6. Pounds of Elemental Sulfur' Per 100 Square Feet Needed to Lower Soil pH of a Silt Loam Soil Desired pH Present pH 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 8.0 ....................................... 3.0 4.0 5.5 7.0 8.0 7.5 ................................ 2.0 3.5 4.5 6.0 7.0 7.0 ..... ............ 1.0 2.0 3.5 5.0 6.0 6.5 ..... .......................... --- 1.0 2.5 4.0 4.5 6.0 ..................- --- 1.0 2.5 3.5 'If aluminum sulfate is used, multiply by 6. others for Mg and it may be supplied by other sources if lime is not recommended. For some crops, a low rate of dolomitic lime can be recommended at higher pH values to supply the Mg. For certain crops, such as potatoes, blueberries, and pines, a soil pH below 5.5 is desirable and if Mg is low, a fertilizer containing Mg is recommended. The Mg recommendation codes are given in Table 7. 27 Table 7. Magnesium Recommendation Codes Code 1. If magnesium is low and lime is recommended, print comment 221: Both soil acidity and low magnesium can be corrected by applying dolomitic lime at the recommended rate. If magnesium is low and lime is not recommended, do not mention magnesium. (These crops have not been shown to respond to magnesium.) Code 2. If magnesium is low and lime is recommended, print comment 221: Both soil acidity and low magnesium can be corrected by applying dolomitic lime at the recommended rate. If magnesium is low and lime is not recommended, print comment 222: Low magnesium may be corrected by applying 25 pounds per acre of Mg as magnesium sulfate, magnesium oxide, or sulfate of potash-magnesium; or if the pH is 6.5 or below by applying 1,000 pounds per acre of dolomitic limestone (cotton, vegetable crops, and orchards) Code 3. If magnesium is low and lime is recommended, print comment 221: Both soil acidity and low magnesium can be corrected by applying dolomitic lime at the recommended rate. If lime is not recommended and Mg is low, print comment 223: Low magnesium may be corrected by applying 25 pounds per acre of Mg as magnesium sulfate, magnesium oxide, or sulfate of potash-magnesium. Potatoes, blueberries, pines, and tobacco have a high Mg requirement but are sensitive to high pH. Soil Organic Matter Soil organic matter affects the CEC, nitrogen supplying capacity, and other fertility factors. The organic matter content of most Alabama soils is low (less than 3%) and does not vary widely among soils. Therefore, organic matter analysis is not needed in making fertilizer and lime recommendations, and routine soil samples are not analyzed for organic matter. Organic matter content and cation exchange capacity are considered in determining the rates of some herbicides required for satisfactory weed control. The CEC is indicated by the soil group in which samples are classified. This should give some indication of the amount of herbicide that should be used. The Soil Testing Laboratory will determine organic matter content of soil samples on special request. A special charge is made for this service. Those desiring organic matter analysis should request it on the information sheets submitted with soil samples. 28 Fertilizer Recommendation Fertilizers are recommended in pounds per acre of N, P 2 0s, and KzO. Other recommendations are printed as comments on the report. The recommendations are based on regression equations for crops and soil groups. Recommended fertilizer rates will be in 10 pound increments with a minimum recommendation of 40 pounds per acre of any nutrient Specific fertilizer grades (13-13-13, 8-24-24, 15-0-15, etc.) are not recommended because of the availability of so many grades that could be used. Most fertilizer dealers will custom blend specific grades to meet the needs of the customer when more than one ton of fertilizer is ordered. For home gardens and specialty crops, the choice of grades is more limited. In these cases, specific grades are mentioned in comments. The use of a grade such as 13-13-13 as an example, does not indicate that purchasers should insist on this specific grade, but that any equivalent ratio may be substituted. If 10-10-10 is used instead of 13-13-13, the amount used should be increased about 30% and the result will be the same. If concentrated superphosphate, which contains 46% PzO, is used instead of superphosphate, which contains 20% P 2 0 5 , the amount used should be reduced by about 55%. The same is true for nitrogen sources and other materials. Table 8. Most Frequently Recommended Grades and Ratios N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 Common N-P 2 0 5 s-K20 Common Fertilizer Common ratios grades ratios grades material grades 0-1-1 0-20-20 X-1-2 5-15-30 Ammonium 0-1-2 0-10-20 1-4-2 4-16- 8 nitrate 33- 0- 0 0-2-1 0-16- 8 1-3-3 4-12-12 Concentrated 1-0-1 15- 0-15 1-3-3 8-24-24 superphosphate 0-46- 0 1-1-1 8- 8- 8 1-3-0 18-46- 0 Muriate of 1-1-1 13-13-13 potash 0- 0-60 29 Yield Potential (Yield Goal) Over fertilizing based upon arbitrary "yield goals" results in economic losses to the grower and severe water quality problems in some parts of the United States. Auburn University's soil test calibrations and recommendations are based on maximum economical yields from actual experiments conducted on experiment stations and farms throughout Alabama under both irrigated (where possible) and nonirrigated conditions. Phosphorous and potassium rates are rarely related to yield potential but may be adjusted based upon anticipated crop removal (e.g. forage crops). Nitrogen rates for grain crops (e.g. corn) and cotton may need to be adjusted up or down based upon yield potential. Conditions for adjustments are usually given in comments. However, sources of fertilizer and timing of application may have as much impact on crop yields as the total annual rate used. 30 INTERPRETING REPORT OF SOIL TESTS Soil Testing Ratings Secondary and Micronutriedont Elements Soil test results are rated based on soil type and crop to be grown. Very Low (YL) means that the crop may yield only 50 to 75% of its potential. Medium (M) soil will yield 75 to 100% of its potential High (H) Is the desirable level which should be the objective of most soil building programs. It means that the supply of the nutrient in the soil Is adequate for the crop. Very High (VH) means that the soil supply of the nutrient is more than double the amount considered adequate. Extremely High (EH) Is used on soils where the P or K level is excessive and further additons of P may be detrimental. These ratings are based on the amount of nutrient that is extracted from the soil. For example, using a soil that Is in a soil group 2, the soil ratings would be as follows based on extractable nutrients. K Soil test Cotton, Soybeans, rating P most peanuts, Mg All crops legumes grasses All crops peanuts Extractable nutrients, Ib/acre Very low 0-12 0-45 0-30 - - Low 13-25 46-90 31-60 0-25 0300 Medium 26-50 91-180 61-120 - - High 51-100 181-360 121-240 26+ 300+ Very high 101-200 361-720 241-480 - - Extremely high 201 + 721 + 41+ - - Fertilizer Recommendations Fertilizer recommendations are for annual applications unless otherwise indicated. Follow these for 2 or not mor than 3 years and then resample. Rates of P and K recommended for soils testing Medium may be applied broadcast or in the row. On soils testing Low or Very Low, some fertilizer should be placed In the row. Rates of fertilizer recommended are based on yield response obtalned in experiments conducted on soils similar to the one sampled. Phosphorus and potassium recommendations are In one of the approved P 2 0 5 s to KO20 ratios. Select a fertilizer grade with the ratio recommended. Plant nutrients are listed on a fertilizer tag or label In the order of N-P 2 0s-K 2 0. For example, 100 pounds of 4-8-16 contains 4 pounds of N, 8 pounds of P 2 Os, and 16 pounds of K20. Calculate the amount required to supply rates of P 2 0s and KO20 recommended. Additional nitrogen recommended may be applied as a side or top dressing. Lime Recommendations Ume should not be applied withou a reliable soil test. The rate recommended is in tons of agricultural limestone with 90% calcium carbonate equivalent and ground so that at least 90% passes a 10-mesh and 50% passes a 60-mesh sieve. The amount of lime recommended is based on a plow depth of 8 Inches. If soil Is plowed to a greater depth the rate of lime should be increased at least 1/8 for each additional inch of depth. Usme should be thoroughly mixed with the soil of the plow layer rather than turned to the bottom of the furrow. All soil samples are analyzed for calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Calcium is not reported except for peanuts and tomatoes, but is used In calculating the cation exchange capacity,which determines the sol group. Dolomiticlime Is recommendedon acid soils testing lowinMg. Sulfur isnot determined because the amount In thetopsoil s not a reliable Indication of the need for this element. All mixed fertilizers should contan enough S to supply 10 lbs. per acre per year. This is especially Important on the sandy soils of Group 1. Soil tests for micronutrients (, Zn, and Mo) have not been adequately calibrated to serve as a basis for recommendations on most Alabama soils. On crops and soil conditions where a response is likely, recommendations for B, Zn, and Mo are printed as comments. Most Frequently Recommended Grades and Ratios N-P 2 0 5 -K2O Common N-P 1 0s-KO Common Fertlizer Common ratlos grades ratios grades -materal grades 0-1-10-20-20 4 2 5-15-30 Ammonlum 0-1-2 0-10-20 1-4-2 4-16- 8 nitrate 33-00 0-2-1 0-16- 8 1-3-3 4-12-12 Concentrated 1-0-1 15-0-15 1-3-3 8-24-24 superphosphate 0-4-O 1-1I-1 8-8-8 1-3-0 18-4- 0 Muriate of 1-1-1 13-13-13 .. of tash 0- 0-60 Examples of Sources of Secondary and Micronutrient Elements Element and % of Pounds for Materials Element 'lb.Nutrient Magnesium (Mg) Dolomitio Umestone Magnesium Sulfate Sufate Potash- Magnesium Boron (B) Borax Fertilizer Borate 46 Fertilizer Borate 65 Solubor Iron (Fe) Iron Sulfate Iron Chelate Iron Chelate Iron Chelate 12 16 10 11 14 20 20 35 14 10 6 8 8 10 9 7 5 5 3 7 10 17 Element and % of Pounds for Materlals Element lib.Nutrient Zinc (Zn) Zinc Sulfate 36 Zino Oxide 68 Zinc Chelate 14 Sulfur (S) Gypsum 19 5 Ammonlum Sulfate 24 4 Elemental Sulfur 100 1 Potassium Sulfate 18 5 Superphosphate 12 8 (20%) Ammonium Thiosulfate 26 4 For additional Information contact the County Extension Office. REPORT ON SOIL TESTS AUBURN UNIVERSITY SOIL TESTING LABORATORY AUBURN UNIVERSITY, AL 36849-5411 PAGEL.OF__ COPY OF___ - ALABAMA RESIDENT 118 MAIN STREET HOMETOWN, AL 36830 SOIL TEST RESULTS COUNTY LEE DISTRICT 2 DATE 10/20/92 RECOMMENDATIONS SENDER'S CROP Ra tknI . 2 2 I sm* P"* K" a* TN LAB SAMPLE TO BE (InP" pa.. DESIGNATION GROWN - T"/&"re Porww perar 4063 1 SOYBEANS 2 5.3 L 20 M 90 HIO100 2.0 0 s0 50 SEE COMMENT 224 40640 2 CORN 1 5.6 1 20 M 60 H 60 ' 1.0 120 50 160 SEE COMMENT 224 SEE COMMENT 15 _______________ 40641 3 BAHIA 1 6.0 M 40 HI100 HI100 0.0 60 40 0 40642 GARDEN VEGETABLES 3 5.2 M 25 M 180 H 150 . 3.0 120 100 100 SEE COMMENT2Z4 ____SEE COMENT 82 ________ COMMENT NO: 224 SOIL ACIDITY (LOW pH) CAN BE CORRECTED WITH EITHER DOLOMIC OR CALCITIC UME COMMENT NO: 15 CORN ON SANDY SOILS MAY RESPOND TO NITROGEN RATES UP TO 150 LBS. PER ACRE. ON SANDY SOILS APPLY 3 LBS. ZINC (Zn) PER ACRE IN FERTIUZER AFTER UJMING OR WHtRE pH IS ABOVE 6.0. COMMENT NO: 82 PER 100 FT OF ROW APPLY 6 LBS. 8-8-(3 QUARTS) AT PLANTING AND SIDEDRESS WITH 4 LBS. 86. (2 QUARTS). ***ON SUMMER GRASS PASTURES APPLY P AND K AS RECOMMENDED AND 60 LBS. OF N BEFORE GROWTH STARTS. UP TO SEPTEMBER 1 REPEAT THE N APPUCATIONS WHEN MORE GROWTH IS DESIRED. ii1.0 TON UMESTONE PER ACRE IS APPROXIMATELY EQUIVALENT TO 50 LB3S. PER 1,OOOSQ. FT. FOR CAUUFLOWER, BROCCOUI AND ROOT CROPS, APPLY 1.0 LB. OF BORON (B) PER ACRE (FOR HOME GARDENS, I TABLESPOON BORAX PER 100 FT. OF ROW. ____________ *1. Sandy soils (CEC < 4.6 crnoikg 1 ") 3. Clays and sonsl''.-h In organic matter (CEC> 9.0 cmnolkg') 2. oarns & Uight days (CEO 4.6-9.0 cmioi kg") 4. Clays of the Blackbeft (CEC > 9.0 crnolekg~i) *7.4 or higher -Akalne 6.6-7.3 - Neutral 6.5 or lower - Acid 5.5 or lower - Strongly Add **Extractable nutrients In pounds per acre APPROVED_________________ NAME ADDRESS CITY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR' FIELD CROPS, FORAGE CROPS, AND PASTURES Crop Code No. 01 Perennial Summer Grass Pasture (Bahia, Bermuda, and Dallis) Phosphorus Potassi um .:ry high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 P,-K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 60- 0-0 60- 0-0 60- 0-40 60- 0-60 60- 0-80 High ........ 60 -0-0 60- 0-0 60- 0-40 60- 0-60 60- 0-80 Medium .....n 60-40-0 60-40-0 60-40-40 60-40-60 60-40-80 Low ........ 60-60-0 60-60-0 60-60-40 60-60-60 60-60-80 Very Low ... 60-80-0 60-80-0 60-80-40 60-80-60 60-80-80 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . evel ......... 1 .. . . 5 .I . . . . . N rate ---------------- 60 PK code no.---.. 4 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 o Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1&2 5 1 7 3 4 2 9 4 6 3 11 4 12 Comment: 1. On summer grass pastures apply P and K as recommended and 60 pounds of N before growth starts. Repeat the N application up to September 1 when more growth is desired. If less than 40 pounds of N is applied annually, then no P or K is needed. Crop Code No. 02 Bermuda Hay (Improved Varieties) (Bermuda Pasture 01 also Given by Computer) Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high .. 100- 0-0 100- 0-100 100- 0-200 100- 0-300 100- 0-300 High ....... 100- 0-0 100- 0-100 100- 0-200 100- 0-300 100- 0-300 Medium ..... 100- 50-0 100- 50-100 100- 50-200 100- 50-300 100- 50-300 Low ........ 100- 75-0 100- 75-100 100- 75-200 100- 75-300 100- 75-300 Very low .. 100-100-0 100-100-100 100-100-200 100-100-300 100-100-300 K requirement Level ............. 1 Lime code no. . . . . Mg code no.. .............. 1 N rate .. ....... . . .100 PK code no. ... ......... 6 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P205 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 22 1 131 3 21 2 132 4 23 3 133 4 134 COMMENT: 22. For bermuda hay, apply N, P, and K as recommended before growth begins and an additional 100 pounds N after each cutting up to September 1. Loss of stand is sometimes due to K deficiency. Where large yields of hay are removed, apply 50 pounds K 2 0 per ton of hay removed the previous season. 33 Crop Code No. 03 Perennial Winter Grass Pasture (Fescue, Orchardgrass) Phosphorus Potassiun Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 05-K 2 0 per acre Very high 60- 0-0' 60- 0-0 60- 0-50 60- 0-80 60- 0-100 High9906 60- 0-0 60- 0-0 60- 0-50 60- 0-80 601" 0-100 Medium 60- 50-0 60- 50-0 60- 50-50 60- 50-80 60- 50-100 Low 60- 80-10 60- 80-0 60- 80-50 60- 80-80 60- 80-100. Very Low 60-100-0 60-100-0 60-100-50 60-100-80 60-100-100 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . level--------- -1 hgh. . N r ate.......-S--------60 PK code no-------------------3 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 Soil group Eq. 1 &2 22 3 21 4 23 Comment: 5. Apply N, K 2 0 Soil group Eq. 1 24 2 25 3 26 4 28 P, and K as recomrmended by Septenber 1. Repeat N application in February. Crop Code No. 04 Temporary Summer Grass Pasture and Johnsongrass (MiLLet, Forage Sorghum, Sudangrass, Sorghum- Sudagrass Hybrids) Phosphorus Potassium. Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high 96 60- 0-0 60- 0-0 60- 0-60 60- 0-100 60- 0-120 High---------60- 0-0 60- 0-0 60- 0-60 60- 0-100 60- 0-120* Medium 60-0 60-0 60- 60-0 60- 60-60 60- 60-100 60- 60-120 Low------60-100-0 60-100-0 60-100-60 60-100-100 60-100-120 Very low - 60-120-0 60-120-0 60-120-60 60-120-100 60-120-120 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . level-------- .1 aa N rate-------------60 PK code no----------2 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P2015 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. I1& 2 43 1 46 3 42 2 48 4. 45 3 51 4 62 Comment: 6. Fo r temporary summer grass or Johnsongrass, apply N, PP, and K as recommiended before growth begins. Up to September 1, for Johnsongrass hay, apply at least 50 pounds of K 2 0 per ton of hay removed the previous season. 34 Crop Code No. 05 Annual Legume with Small Grain and Ryegrass Arrowleaf Clover, Crimson Clover, Vetch, Caley Peas with Oats, Wheat, Rye Ryegrass) Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0-K 2 0 per acre Very high . 60- 0-0 60- 0-0 60- 0-60 60- 0-100 60- 0-120 High ...... 60- 0-0 60- 0-0 60- 0-60 60- 0-100 60- 0-120 Medium .. 60- 60-0 60- 60-0 60- 60-60 60- 60-100 60- 60-120 Low ........ 60-100-0 60-100-0 60-100-60 60-100-100 60-100-120 Very low . 60-120-0 60-120-0 60-120-60 60-120-100 60-120-120 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. Level. .. ...... .h a . . . a . . 4. a . .0 . . .a.0 N rate - 60 PK code no ............ 2 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P205 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 43 1 46 3 42 2 48 4 45 3 51 4 62 Comment: 4. On grass-legume mixtures, apply 60 pounds of N in early spring unless no additional forage growth is needed or the legume occupies one-half or more of the ground cover. 7. For reseeding clover, or clover seed harvest, apply 1 to 1.5 pounds B per acre. Crop Code No. 06 White Clover, Arrowleaf Clover, Red Clover Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 05-K 2 0 per acre Very high .. 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-80- 0- 0-120 0- 0-180 High ....... 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-80 0- 0-120 0- 0-180 Medium ..... 0- 80-0 0- 80-0 0- 80-80 0- 80-120 0- 80-180 Low 0-120-0 0-120-0 0-120-80 0-120-120 0-120-180 Very low ... 0-180-0 0-180-0 0-180-80 0-180-120 0-180-180 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . level -2 -2 . . . . . N rate- .. .-. .. ..... .0 PK code no. ...... ..-. 1 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 80 1 82 3 79 2 84 4 81 3 85 4 96 Comment: 7. For reseeding clover, or clover seed harvest, apply 1 to 1.5 pounds B per acre. 35 Crop Code No. 07 Perennial or Late-Maturing Legumes with Summer Grass Pasture (White Clover, Arrowleaf Clover, Red Clover, With Dallis, Bermuda, Bahia) Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 O 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high .. 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-80 0- 0-120 0- 0-180 High ....... 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-80 0- 0-120 0- 0-180 Medium 0-..... 80-0 0- 80-0 0- 80-80 0- 80-120 0- 80-180 Low ........ 0-120-0 0-120-0 0-120-80 0-120-120 0-120-180 Very low ... 0-180-0 0-180-0 0-180-80 0-180-120 0-180-180 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no.. level - . - 2 , . . . . . . . . . . . 2 N rate- ....... .... 0 PK code no. ............. 1 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P205 K20 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 80 1 82 3 79 2 84 4 81 3 85 4 96 Comment: 7. For reseeding clover, or clover seed harvest, 8. Where legume covers tess than one-third of the grazed down or cut for hay. apply 1 to 1.5 pounds B per acre. ground, apply 60 pounds of N each time forage is Crop Code No. 08 Clover and Winter Perennial Grass Pasture (White Clover, Red Clover with Fescue or Orchardgrass) Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very tlow Pounds N-P 2 0s-K 2 0 per acre Very high .. 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-80 '0- 0-120 0- 0-180 High ....... 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-80 0- 0-120 0- 0-180 Medium ..... 0- 80-0 0- 80-0 0- 80-80 0- 80-120 0- 80-180 Low ........ 0-120-0 0-120-0 0-120-80 0-120-120 0-120-180 Very low .. 0-180-0 0-180-0 0-180-80 0-180-120 0-180-180 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no.. level ......... 2 a . 9 ) . . . . . . . . 2 .2pa a k 0 a N rate . ........... 0 PK code no. ........ 1 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 80 1 82 3 79 2 84 4 81 3 85 4 96 Comment: 7. For reseeding clover, or clover seed harvest, apply I to 1.5 pounds B per acre. 9. On grass legume mixtures, where legume is less than one-third of the ground cover, apply 60 pounds of N in early fall and repeat if needed in early spring. 36 Crop Code No. 09 Annual Legume and Summer Grass Pasture (Ball. Clover, Crimson Clover, and Bermuda, Dallis., Bahia) Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Ver Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high..., 0-.0-0,, 0- 0-0 0- 0-50, 0- 0-80 0- 0-100 High 0. - 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 Med i um... 0- 50-0- 0- 50-0 0- 50-50 0- 50-80 0- 50-100 Low 0- 80-0 ..0- 80-0 0- 80-50 0- 80-80 0- 80-100 Very low -- 0-100-0 , 0-100-0 0-100-50 0-100-80 0-100-100 K requirement -t'LeveL -.- L ime code n~, .-- Mg code no.. 2 Nrate--------------------0 PK code no.-------- Fertilizer Recommnendation FormuLa P205 K 2 0 SoiL group Eq. SoiL group. Eq. 1 & 2 22 1 25 3 21 2 27 4 23 3 29 4 41 Comment: 7. For reseeding clover, or clover seed harvest, apply 1 to 1.5 8. Where Legume covers less than one-third of the ground, apply grazed down or cut for hay. Crop Code No..10 po unds B per acre. 60 pounds of N each time forage is Cotton Phosphorus Potassium Very high. H igh Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high. 90- 0-0 90- 0-0 90- 0-60 90 0-90 90- 0-120 High.... 90- 0-0 90- 0-0 90- 0-60 90- 0-90 90- 0-120 M ed iumn... 90- 60-0 90- 60-0 90- 60-60 90- 60-90 90- 60-120 Low 90-100-0 90-100-0 90-100-60 90-100-90 90-100-120 Very Low ... 90-120-0 90-120-0. 90-120-60 90-120-90 90-120-120 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . LeveL------------- N rate. .. ......... 90 PK code no-----------------.2 Fertitizer Recommendation FormuLa P205 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 &2 43 1 49 3 42 2 52 .4 . 45. 3 54 . .4 64 Comment: . .. . . 10. For cottonuse-the N rateis a guide. Where cotton follows a good crop of soybeans or on Land where excessive growth has caused problems with Late maturity, insects, or boll rot, reduce the N rate 20, to .30 pounds per acre. Where vegetative growth has been inadequate, increase the N rate by %-his- amount. Apply 0.3 pound of B per acre in the fertilizer or in the insecticide spray or dust. For cotton following hay crops, pasture, or soybeans on soils testing Low or Medium in K, increase K 2 0 application 30 to 60 pounds per acre above the amount recommnended. 37 Crop Code No. 10 (Continued) Starter fertilizer containing 25 to 30 pounds N and 15 to 40 pounds of P 0pr e may be used under reduced tillage condition by placing material in a 2 X 2 band, in a subsoil slit, or in a surface-applied band at planting. Nitrogen may be applied in split applications up to early bloom. Additional N, if needed, can be foliar-applied as urea at rates not exceeding 15 pounds urea per acre per application.. Crop Code No. 13 Corn Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 j-1 2 0 per acre Very high s 120W 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-40 120- 0-60 120- 0-80 High.000 120- 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-40 120- 0-60 120- 0-80 Medium 120-40-0 120-40-0 120-40-40 120-40-60 120-40-80 Low.......120-60-0 120-60-0 120-60-40 120-60-60 120-60-80 Very LowS. 120-80-0 120-80-0 120-80-40 120-80-60 120-80-80 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no.. level .1 000 N rate... . .. . .120 PKcode no ........... 4 Fertilizer Recommnendation FornuLa Ps 205K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1&2 5 1 7 3 4 2 9 4 6 3 11 4 1 Corrent: 15. Corn, on sandy soilIs may respond to'nitrogen rates up to 150 pounds per acre. On sandy soils apply three pounds Zn per acre. in fertilizer after liming or where pH is above 6.0. (Comment to be used only on Class I and Class 2 soils.) Crop Code No. 15 Corn (in Rotation Before Soybeans) Phosphorus Potassium VerY high High Medium Low Very o Pounds N-P 2 0,-K 2 0 per acre Very high 120- 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-80 120- 0-120 120- 0-160 High..we 120- 0-0. 120- 0-0 120- 0-80 120- 0-120 120- 0-160 Mediumn 120- 80-0 120- 80-0 120- 80-80 120- 80-120 120- 80-160 Low 120-160-0 120-160-0 120-160-80 120-160-120 120-160-160 Very low 120-160-0 120-160-0 120-160-80 120-160-120 120-160-160 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. level......... .1mnt'.1Cr o ad Mrate ....................0120 PK code no................. 11 38 Crop Code No. 15 (Continued) Fertilizer Recoumendation FormuLa P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1&2 74 1 75 3 73 2 76 4 75 3 77 4 78 Comrment: 15. Corn on sandy soils may respond to nitrogen rates up to 150 pounds per acre. On sandy soils apply three pounds Zn per acre in fertilizer after Liming or where pH is above 6.0. (Comrment to be used only on Class 1 and Class 2 soils.) Crop Code No. 16 Irrigated Corn, Corn, or Sorghum Silage Phosphorus Potassium Ver high Hi Medium Lw Very low. Pounds N P 2 0 5 K 2 0 per acre Very high 180- 0-0 180- 0-30 180- 0-60 180- 0-120 180- 0-120 High.09 180- 30-0 180- 30-30 180- 30-60 180- 30-120 180- 30-120 Medium .. 180- 60-0 180- 60-30 180- 60-60 180- 60-120 180- 60-120 L ow ............ 0 180-120-0 180-120-30 180-120-60 180-120-120 180-120-120 Very Low 180-120-0 180-120-30 180-120-60 180-120-120 180-120-120 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no.. level . .I 0 .10 N rate....................180 PK code no.................26 Fertilizer Recommendation FormuLa Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. I1& 2 35 1 58 3 32 2 60 4 37 3 62 4 63 Comment: 16. on sandy soils apply three pounds Zn per acre in fertilizer after liming or where pH is above 6.0. (Commnent to be used only on Class 1 and 2 soils.) 39 Crop.Code No. 17 Peanuts Phosphorus Potassi u Very high High Medium Low VeryLow Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high - 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-40. 0- 0-80 0-' 0-120 High.00a 0 '- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-40 0-' 0-80 0- 0-120 Medium 0- 40-0 0- 40-0 0- 40-40 0- 40-80 0- 40-120 Low 0- 80-0 0- 80-0 0- 80-40 0- 80-80 0- 80-120 Very Low ...- 0-120-0 0-120-0 0-120-40 0-120-80 0-120-120 K requirement LeveL--------- PK code no. Mg code no. N rate.----------0 PK code no---------5 FertiLizer Recommendation FormuLa P205K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 &2 31 1 34 3 30 2 36 4 33 3 38 4 53 Comrment: 11. For peanuts apply 0.3 to 0.5 pound B per acre in the fertilizer, gypsumx, or disease controt spray or dust. 13. Apply 250 pounds of gypsumn at blooming time. (Where caLcium is medium and no Lime is recommnended or calcium is low and Lime is recommrended.) 14. Apply 500 pounds of gypsum at blooming time. (Where catcium is Low and no Lime is recommended.) Crop Code No. 19 Annual Legumes (Crimson Clover, Ball Clover, Annual Lespedeza, Catey Peas, and Vetch) Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high .00 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-50 0- 0-80 0- 0-100 High 9696 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-50 0- 0-80 0- 0-100 Medium .. 0- 50-0 0- 50-0 0- 50-50 0- 50-80 0- 50-100 Low-------0- 80-0 0- 80-0 0- 80-50 0- 80-80 0- 80-100 Very Low.-. 0-100-0 0-100-0 0-100-50 0-100-80 0-100-100 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . LeveL.........2 -141 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 a 0 0 0 Nrate..............0 PK code no.........3 Fertilizer Recommnendation Formuta P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. I1&2 22 1 .25 3 21 .2 27 4 23 3 29 4 41 Comment: 7. For reseeding cLover, or cLover seed harvest, apply 1 to 1.5 pounds B8 per acre. Annul Lgune (Cimso C p 40 Crop Code No. 20 Southern Peas Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very Low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 30- 0-0 30- 0-0 30- 0-50 30- 0-80 30- 0-100 High......... 30- 0-0 30- 0-0 30- 0-50 30- 0-80 30- 0-100 Medium ...... 30- 50-0 30- 50-0 30- 50-50 30- 50-80 30- 50-100 Low ......... 30- 80-0 30- 80-0 30- 80-50 30- 80-80 30- 80-100 Very low .... 30-100-0 30-100-0 30-100-50 30-100-80 30-100-100 K requirement Level ......... 2 N rate . . . . . .... .30 Lime code no. . 1 PK code no ......... 3 Mg code no. -. .. . ... . .... 1 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P205 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. SoiL group Eq. 1 & 2 22 1 25 3 21 2 27 4 23 3 29 4 41 Crop Code No. 21 Grain Sorghum, Sweet Sorghum, Sugar Cane, and SunfLower Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 80- 0-0 80- 0-0 80- 0-40 80- 0-60 80- 0-80 High ........ 80- 0-0 80- 0-0 80- 0-40 80- 0-60 80- 0-80 Medium ...... 80-40-0 80-40-0 80-40-40- 80-40-60 80-40-80 Low ......... 80-60-0 80-60-0 80-60-60 80-60-60 80-60-80 Very low .... 80-80-0 80-80-0 80-80-40 80-80-60 80-80-80 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . level . . ......... 1 . m . . . . . . . . . . 1 N rate ................ 80 PK code no ........... 4 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1&2 5 1 7 3 4 2 9 4 6 3 11 4 12 41 Crop Code No. 22 Alfalfa Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high 0- 0-0 0- 0-120 0- 0-240 0- 0-360 0- .0-480 High.... 0- 0-0 0- 0-120 0- 0-240 0-036 0- 0-480 Medium 0- 80-0 0- 80-120 0-' 80-240 0- 80-360 0- 80-480 Low.......0-120-0 0-120-120 0-1120-240 0-120-360 0-120-480 Very low .. 0-200-0 0-200-120 0-200-240 0-200-360 0-200-480 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . level---------2 -3 is . .1 Nrate........... PK codeno............ Fertilizer Recommendation Forrmuta 205K 2 0 Soi, group Eq. Soi group Eq. I1& 2 89 1 135 3 87 2 136 4 92 3 137 4 138 Comment: 21. For establishment of alfalfa apply at Least 50 pounds K 2 0 per 23. For alfalfa apply three pounds of B per acre annuaLLy. ton of anticipated hay removed. Crop Code No. 23 Serlcea Lespedeza Phosphorus Potassium Very high -H igSh medium Low Very tow Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-40 0- 0-80 0- 0-120 High **es 0- 0-0 0 0-0 0- 0-40 0- 0-80 0- 0-120 Medium... 0- 40-0 0- 40-0 0- 40-40. -0- 40-80 0- 40-120 Low.......0- 80-0 0- 80-0 0- 80-40 0- 80-80 0- 80.-120 Very tow 0-120-0 0-120-0 0-120- 40 0-120-80 0-120-120 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no.. level . . ..2 1 1 N rate.............. PK code no......... Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 05 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 31 1 36 3 30 2 39 4 33 3 40 4 54 Comment: 24. Fertilizer recommended should be sufficient for two years. 42 Crop Code No. 24 Soybeans Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high .... 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-40 0- 0-80 0- 0-120 High ........ 0- 0-0 0- 0-0 0- 0-40 0- 0-80 0- 0-120 Medium ...... 0- 40-0 0- 40-0 0- 40-40 0- 40-80 0- 40-120 Low .......... 0- 80-0 0- 80-0 0- 80-40 0- 80-80 0- 80-120 Very low .... 0-120-0 0-120-0 0-120-40 0-120-80 0-120-120 K requirement level .......... 2 N rate. ........... 0 Lime code no.............. PK code no . . . . . . . . . 5 Mg code no. .. ............ 1 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 31 1 36 3 30 2 39 4 33 3 40 4 54 Crop Code No. 25 Small Grain - Soybean Rotation Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high .. 100- 0-0 100- 0-0 100- 0-80 100- 0-120 100- 0-160 High ....... 100- 0-0 100- 0-0 100- 0-80 100- 0-120 100- 0-160 Medium ..... 100- 80-0 100- 80-0 100- 80-80 100- 80-120 100- 80-160 Low ........ 100-160-0 100-160-0 100-160-80 100-160-120 100-160-160 Very low ... 100-160-0 100-160-0 100-160-80 100-160-120 100-160-160 K requirement level .... ......... 1 N rate ............. .100 Lime code no. Mg code no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ..... ........ 1 ............... PK code no ............ .11 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 90 1 75 3 88 2 76 4 93 3 77 4 78 Comment: 25. If the recommended amounts of P and K are applied to small grain in the fall, no additional P or K should be needed for soybeans the following year. 34. For small grains and ryegrass planted on fallowed fields in early September for grazing, apply 100 pounds of N at planting and 60 pounds in early spring for grazing or grain. Those crops grown for grain only should receive 20 pounds of N in the fall and 60 pounds in the spring. Ryegrass planted alone for grazing should receive no more than 60 pounds of N in the fall and up to 100 pounds N in the early spring. 43 Crop Code No. 26 Tobacco (Flue Cured) Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very Low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high .. 60- 50-100 60- 60-120 60- 80-160 60- 50-200 60- 50-200 High ...... 60- 50-100 60- 60-120 60- 80-160 60- 50-200 60- 50-200 Medium ..... 60-100-100 60-120-120 60-100-200 60-100-200 60-100-200 Low ....... 60-200-100 60-200-100 60-200-200 60-200-200 60-200-200 Very ow .. 60-200-100 60-200-100 60-200-200 60-200-200 60-200-200 K requirement level ......... 2 N rate . 60 Lime code no , . ..... 4 PKcode no ......... 8 Mg code no .... ......... 3 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 112 1 116 3 111 2 118 4 113 3 119 4 119 Note: Increase N to 140 pounds per acre for Burley and Darkfire tobacco. Crop Code No. 27 Small Grain or Temporary Winter Grass Pasture (Oats, Rye, Wheat, Ryegrass) Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very Low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high .. 100- 0-0 100- 0-0 100- 0-60 110- 0-100 100- 0-120 High ....... 100- 0-0 100- 0-0 100- 0-60 100- 0-100 100- 0-120 Medium ..... 100- 60-0 100- 60-0 100- 60-60 100- 60-100 100- 60-120 Low ........ 100-100-0 100-100-0 100-100-60 100-100-100 100-100-120 Very low ... 100-120-0 100-120-0 100-120-60 100-120-100 100-120-120 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . level .. ......... 1 .. 1 .I ? ? ? ? ? N rate ............. .100 PK code no ............ 2 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K20 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 43 1 46 3 42 2 48 4 45 3 51 4 62 Comment: 34. For small grains and ryegrass planted on fallowed fields in early September for grazing, apply 100 pounds of N at planting and 60 pounds in early spring. Ryegrass planted alone for grazing should receive no more than 60 pounds of N in the fall and up to 100 pounds in the early spring. For grain only, apply 20 ,unds N per acre in the fall and 60 to 80 pounds in the spring. The fall N can be eliminated following a good soybean crop or other legume. 44 RECOMENDATIONS FOR TURFGRASS, LAWNS,'GOLF COURSES, ATHLETIC FIELDS, AND ROADSIDES Crop Code No. 40 Bermuda, Zoysia, St. Augustine Lawn Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 80- 0-0 80- 0-0 80- 0-40 80- 0-80 80- 0-80 (27) (27) (28) (29) (29) High ....... 80- 0-0 80- 0-0 80- 0-40 80- 0-80 80- 0-80 (27) (27) (31) (32) (32) Medium ..... 80-40-0 80-40-0 80-40-40 80-40-80 80-40-80 (30) (30) (31) (32) (32) Low 80-80-0 80-80-0 80-80-40 80-80-80 80-80-80 (33) (33) (35) (35) (35) Very low .. 80-80-0 80-80-0 80-80-40 80-80-80 80-80-80 (33) (33) (35) (35) (35) K requirement Level ... ...... 2 N rate ........... 80 Lime code no. . *.. .... . . 5 PK code no ......... 12 Mg code no. ... ......... 1 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P205 K20 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 14 1 16 3 13 2 17 4 15 3 18 4 19 Comment: 26. One ton Limestone per acre is approximately equivalent to 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Suggestions for meeting recommendations: 27. Per 1,000 square feet apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) when spring growth begins and repeat in mid-summer. If more growth or better color is desired make additional applications of one pound N at two-month intervals. 28. Per 1,000 square feet apply six pounds 15-0-15, or equivalent Low phosphorus fertilizer, when spring growth begins and apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) in mid- summer. If more growth or better color is desired, make additional applications of one pound N at two-month intervals. 29. Per 1,000 square feet apply six pounds 15-0-15, or equivalent low phosphorus fertilizer, when spring growth begins and repeat in mid-summner. If more growth or better color is desired, make additional applications of one pound N (three pounds amrwnium nitrate or equivalent) at two-month intervals. 30. Per 1,000 square feet apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) and five pounds superphosphate or equivalent when spring growth begins and apply one pound N in mid-summer. If more growth or better color is desired, make additional applications of one pound N at two-month intervals. 31. Per 1,000 square feet apply 12 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent when spring growth begins and apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) in mid-summer. If more growth or better color is desired, make additional applications of one pound N at two-month intervals. 32. Per 1,000 square feet apply 12 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent when spring growth begins and apply six pounds 15-0-15 or equivalent Low phosphorus fertilizer in mid-summer. If more growth or better color is desired, make additional applications of one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) at two-month intervals. 33. Per 1,000 square feet apply 10 pounds superphosphate or equivalent and one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) when spring growth begins and apply one pound N in mid- summer. If more growth or better color is desired, make additional applications of one pound N at two-month intervals. 35. Per 1,000 square feet apply 12 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent when spring growth begins and repeat in mid-summer. If more growth or better color is desired, make additional applications of one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) at two-month intervals. 112. Final remark. For small areas, comments give examples of ways to meet the fertilizer recommendations. Other fertilizer grades or materials that supply equivalent amounts of plant nutrients may be used with equal results. If you need assistance in calculating amounts of other materials to use, contact your county agent or fertilizer supplier. 45 Crop Code No. 42 Centipede Lawn Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 05-K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 40- 0-0 40- 0-0 40- 0-40 40- 0-40 40- 0-40 (39) (39) (40) (40) (40) High ........ 40- 0-0 40- 0-0 40- 0-40 40- 0-40 40- 0-40 (39) (39) (40) (40) (40) Medium ...... 40-40-0 40-40-0 40-40-40 40-40-40 40-40-40 (39) (39) (44) (44) (44) Low ......... 40-40-0 40-40-0 40-40-40 40-40-40 40-40-40 (43) (43) (44) (44) (44) Very low .... 40-40-0 40-40-0 40-40-40 40-40-40 40-40-40 (43) (43) (44) (44) (44) K r-equirement Level . ---- 2 N rate. .------- ..- 40 Lime code no. ... .......... Mg code no, ............ . 1 PK code no .. ....... 13 Comment: 26. One ton Limestone per acre is approximately equivalent to 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 38. The low fertilizer requirement does not justify use of recommendation formula. 39. Per 1,000 square feet apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) when spring growth begins. If phosphorus is excessive, fertilizers containing this element should not be used. Excessive phosphorus may cause an iron deficiency. The symptoms occur as a general yellowing of new growth. To correct, spray with a soluble source of iron which can be found at garden supply stores. 40. Per 1,000 square feet apply six pounds 15-0-15 or equivalent low phosphorus fertilizer when spring growth begins. If phosphorus is excessive, fertilizers containing this element should not be used. Excessive phosphorus may cause an iron deficiency. The symptoms occur as a general yellowing of new growth. To correct, spray with a soluble source of iron which can be found at garden supply store. 43. Per 1,000 square feet apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) and five pounds superphosphate or equivalent when spring growth begins. 44. Per 1,000 square feet apply 12 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent when spring growth begins. 112. Final remark. For small area, comments give examples of ways to meet the fertilizer recommendations. Other fertilizer grades or materials that supply equivalent amounts of plant nutrients may be used with equal results. If you need assistance in calculating amounts of other materials to use, contact your county agent or fertilizer supplier. 46 Crop Code No. 43 Winter Lawn (Ryegrass, Fescue, Bluegrass) Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 80- 0-0 80- 0-0 80- 0-40 80- 0-80 80- 0-80 (45) (45) (46) (47) (47) High ........ 80- 0-0 80- 0-0 80-40-40 80-40-80 80-40-80 (45) (45) (49) (50) (50) Medium ...... 80-40-0 80-40-0 80-40-40 80-40-80 80-40-80 (48) (48) (49) (50) (50) Low ......... 80-80-0 80-80-0 80-80-40 80-80-80 80-80-80 (51) (51) (53) (53) (53) Very low .... 80-80-0 80-80-0 80-80-40 80-80-80 80-80-80 (51) (51) (53) (53) (53) K requirement level .. ..... 2 N rate .. .... .. 80 Lime code no ............. 5 PK code no . . Mg code no. . .............. 1 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula aa. .. ........ 12 P205 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 14 1 16 3 13 2 17 4 15 3 18 4 19 Comment: 26. One ton limestone per acre is approximately equivalent to 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 45. Per 1,000 square feet apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) in the fall and repeat in the spring. If more growth or better color is desired, add one pound N at two- month intervals. 46. Per 1,000 square feet apply six pounds 15-0-15 or equivalent low phosphorus fertilizer in the fall and apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) in the spring. If more growth or better color is desired, add one pound N at two-month intervals. 47. Per 1,000 square feet apply six pounds 15-0-15 or equivalent low phosphorus fertilizer in the fall and repeat in the spring. If more growth or better color is desired, add one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) at two-month intervals. 48. Per 1,000 square feet apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) and fuve pounds superphosphate or equivalent in the fall and apply one pound N in the spring. If more growth or better color is desired, add one pound N at two-month intervals. 49. Per 1,000 square feet apply 12 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent in the fall and apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) in the spring. If more growth or better color is desired, add one pound N at two-month intervals. 50. Per 1,000 square feet apply 12 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent in the fall and apply six pounds 15-0-15 or equivalent low phosphorus fertilizer in the spring. If more growth or better color is desired, add one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) at two-month intervals. 51. Per 1,000 square feet apply 10 pounds superphosphate or equivalent and one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) in the fall and apply one pound N in the spring. If more growth or better color is desired, add one pound N at two-month intervals. 53. Per 1,000 square feet apply 12 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent in the fall and repeat in the spring. If more growth or better color is desired, add one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate or equivalent) at two-month intervals. 112. F'nal remark. For small areas, comments give examples of ways to meet the fertilizer recommendations. Other fertilizer grades or materials that supply equivalent amounts of plant nutrients may be used with equal results. If you need assistance in calculating amounts of other materials to use, contact your county agent or fertilizer supplier. 47 Crop Code No. 44 Golf Green, Tee, Commercial Sod Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0s-K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 400- 0-0 400- 0- 0 400- 0-100 400- 0-200 400- 0-200 (54) (54) (55) (56) (56) High ......... 400- 50-0 400- 50-50 400- 50-100 400- 50-200 400- 50-200 (54) (58) (59) (60) (60) Medium ...... 400-100-0 400-100-50 400-100-100 400-100-200 400-100-200 (61) (62) (62) (63) (63) Low ......... 400-200-0 400-200-50 400-200-100 400-200-200 400-200-200 (64) (65) (65) (66) (66) Very low .... 400-200-0 400-200-50 400-200-100 400-200-200 400-200-200 (64) (65) (65) (66) (66) K requirement level . ........ 2 N rate ... ....... 400 Lime code no. ..... ....... 1 PK code no ........ ... .14 Mg code no. . ........... 1 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P205 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 99 1 114 3 98 2 115 4 100 3 117 4 124 Comment: 26. One ton limestone per acre is approximately equivalent to 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 54. For all greens and tees, the 400 pounds N recommendation is the sum of approximately 10 four- to five-week applications of one pound of N per 1,000 square feet from soluble N sources. This may be supplied as three pounds ammonium nitrate (or equivalent) when N is supplied alone or as 8-8-8, 15-0-15, or other equivalent grades suggested when P 2 0 5 or K 2 0 are recommended. Nitrogen applications should be alternated with application of other materials and modified to maintain desired growth and color. If slow release materials are used, rates and frequency of application may be modified. 55. Per 1,000 square feet apply eight pounds of 15-0-15 or equivalent low phosphorus fertilizer in the spring and repeat in the fall. 56. Per 1,000 square feet apply six pounds of 15-0-15 or equivalent low phosphorus fertilizer in the spring and repeat every two months for a total of four applications. 58. Per 1,000 square feet apply 14 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent. 59. Per 1,000 square feet apply 14 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent in the spring and six pounds in the fall. 60. Per 1,000 square feet apply 14 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent in the spring and four applications of six pounds 15-0-15 at two-month intervals. 61. Per 1,000 square feet apply six pounds of superphosphate in the spring and repeat in the fall. 62. Per 1,000 square feet apply 14 pounds of 13-13-13 or equivalent in the spring and repeat in the fatll. 63. Per 1,000 square feet apply 14 pounds of 13-13-13 or equivalent in the spring and repeat in the failt. Apply applications of six pounds 15-0-15 or equivalent low phosphorus fertilizer at two- month intervals. 64. Per 1,000 square feet apply 12 pounds of superphosphate or equivalent in the spring and repeat in the fall. 65. Per 1,000 square feet apply 12 pounds of superphosphate or equivalent in the spring to build up soil phosphorus. Apply 14 pounds of 8-8-8 or equivalent in the spring and repeat in the fall. 66. Per 1,000 square feet apply 14 pounds 13-13-13 or equivalent in the spring and at two-month intervals for four applications. 48 Crop Code No. 45 GoLf Fairway Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high 120- 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-40 120- 0-80 120- 0-80 High...........120- 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-40 120- 0-80 120- 0-80 Med itLzn 120-40-0 120-40-0 120-40-40 120-40-80 120-40-80 Low.......120-80-0 120-80-0 120-80-40 120-80-80 120-80-80 Very Low 120-80-0 120-80-0 120-80-40- 120-80-80 120-80-80 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no-. Level---------2 ~5 -I1 N rate-----120 PKcodeno-------------12 Fertilizer Recommendation Formrula P 205K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 14 1 17 3 13 2 19 4 15 3 20 4 20 67. On f airways apply 60 pounds 'of N with the recommended rates Apply additional N as needed at the rate of .60 pounds per acre per Crop Code No. 46 of P 2 0 5 and K 2 0 in the spring. appL icat ion. Athletic Field Phosphorus Potass iumn Very high High Med iuLm Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high 200- 0-0 200- 0-0 200- 0-40 200- 0-80 200- 0-80 High.... 200- 0-0 200- 0-0 200- 0-40' 200- 0-80 200- 0-80 Med iumn... 200-40-0 200-40-0 200-40-40 200-40-80 200-40-80 Low 200-80-0 200-80-0 200-80-40 200-80-80 200-80-80 very Low .- 200-80-0 200-80-0 200-80-40 200-80-80 200-80-.80 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . LeveL t 2 5 1 N rate------------------ 10200 PK code no---------------012 Fertilizer Recommnendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group. Eq. 1 &2 14 1 17 3 13 2 19 4 15 3 20 4 20 Corment: 68. For athletic fields, nitrogen should be divided beginning in March. Apply additional nitrogen at the nitrate or equivalent) per acre if needed to maintain ptus 20,feet on aLL sides is about two acres. into four applications at two-month intervals rate of 50 pounds of N (150 pounds ammonium desired growth and color. A football field 49 r-nmmAntt Crop Code No. 47 Roadside Turf Establishment Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Ver Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high .120- 0-0 120- 0-40 120- 0-80 120- 0-160 120- 0-160 High 120- 40-0 120- 40-40 120-- 40-80 120- 40-160 120- 40-160 Mediumn 120- 80-0 120- 80-40 120- 80-80 120- 80-160 120- 80-160 Low 120-160-0 120-160-40 120-"160-80 120-160-160 120-160-160 Very Low. 120-160-0 120-160-40 120-160-80 120-160-160 120-160-160 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. Level......... .2 .1 .I1 N rate....120 PKcodeno....15 Fertilizer Reconmendation Formula 25K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. I1&2. 71 1 83 3 70 2 85 4 72 3 86 4 97 Commrent: 69. Before planting turf, mix recomrmended Lime, phosphorus, potassium, and 80 pounds of N per acre into the surface soil before planting. One month after planting,, apply 40 pounds of N per acre. 70. After establishing turf as recommended above, apply, 40 pounds of N, P 2 0 5 , and K 2 0 per acre at six-month intervals. Crop Code No. 48 Roadside Turf Maintenance Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very o Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high 80- 0-0 80- 0-0 80- 0-40 80- 0-80 0-80 High 80- 0-0 80--0-0 80- 0-40 80- 0-80 80- 0-80 Med ium 80-40-0 80-40-0 80-40-40 80-40-80 .80-40-80 Low 80-80-0 80-80-0 80-80-80 80-80-80 80-80-80 Very low 80-80-0 80-80-0 80-801-80 .80-80-80 80-80-80 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no,. Level a. a 2 1 1 N rate .. .. ........ 80 PK code no .0......... ..12 Fertilizer Recommvendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 &2 14 1 17 3 13 2 19 4 15 3 20 4 20 50 RECOW*ENDATIONS FOR GARDENS ANMD COMERCIAL VEGETABLE CROP'S Crop Code No. 59 organic Vegetable Garden (numbers refer to coments at bottom of page) Potassiu Phosphorous VH H H L VL VH 1 1 1,2 1,2 1,2 H 3 3 4,5j,2 4,5,2 415,2 M 6 6 6,2 6,2 6,2 L 6,7 6j7 6,7j,2 6,7,2 6,7,2 VL 6,7 6,7 6,7,2 6g,,2 6,7,2 COMMENTS: 1. Soil analyses indicate very high or excessive P. Additional organic amendments will add more P. Use materials high in N but low in P such as cottonseed meat (63-1), fish meat (0-6-1), or blood meal (13-2-1). Legume cover crops can also provide some N to subsequent crops. 2. Organic materials generally provide less K compared to N and P. K can be supplied with "green sand" (6% K 2 0), or potassium magnesium sulfate (18% K 2 0, 11% Mg, 22% S). Apply enough material to supply one to three pounds K 2 0 per 1,000 square feet. 3. Soil analyses indicate adequate K and P for most vegetables. To supply N for nonlegumes, use materials high in N but low in K such as cottonseed meal (6-3-1), fish meal (10-6-1), or blood meal (13-2-1). Legume cover crops can also provide some N to subsequent crops. 4. P is adequate for most crops. 5. To supply N for nonlegznes, use materials high in N but Low in P such as cottonseed meal (6- 3-1), fish meal (10-6-1), or blood meal (13-2-1). Legume cover crops can also provide some N to subsequent crops. 6. Most manures and comrposts will provide some N' and P. Apply enough material to provide approximately three pounds N and three pounds P 2 0., per 1,000 square feet during the growing season. 7. Low soil P can be corrected by using bone meal (1-15-0) or -rock phosphate (2-35% P 2 0 5 ) to provide two to three pounds P 2 0 5 per 1,000 square feet. 8. Final commrent. Most organic materials contain Low levels of available nutrients. However, because Large quantities are often used to build soil organic matter and improve soil physical characteristics, soil nutrients (i.e. P) often'build to excessive Levels. Nutrient availability (especially N) depends upon how fast the organic matter breaks down in the soil. Following are typical analyses (percent N-P 2 o 5 -K 2 0) of some common materials used as soil amendments in organically grown gardens: fresh broiler Litter (3-3-2) composted broiler Litter (2-3-1) blood meal (13-2-1) co "posted cow manure (1-2-1) bone meal (1-15-0) c .,.tonseed meal (6-3-1) fish meal (10-6-1) wheat/oat straw (0-0-1) Legume hay (2-1-2) composted yard waste (1-2-1) Crop Code No. 60 Home Vegetable Garden Phosphorus Potassium. Very high High Medium Low -Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high 120- 0-0 120- 0-60 120- 0-120 120- 0-180 120- 0-180 (72) (73) (74) (75) 1(75) High.......120- 60-0 120- 60-60 120- 60-120 ,120- 60-180 120- 60-180 (76) (77) (78) (79) (79) Medium .. 120-120-0 120-120-60 120-120-120 120-120-180 120-120-180 (80) (81) (82) (83) (83) Low.......120-180-0 120-180-60 120-180-120 120-180-180 120-180-180 (84) (85) (86) (87) (87) Very low 120-180-0 120-180-60 120-180-120 120-180-180 120-180-180 (84) (85) (86) (87) (87) 51 Crop Code No. 60 (Continued) K requirement Level .... ......... 2 N rate ... .......... .120 Lime code no . ............ 1 PKcodeno 21 Mg code no. ................... 2 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P205 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 94 1 101 3 91 2 103 4 95 3 105 4 110 Comment: 26. One ton limestone per acre is approximately equivalent to 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 71. For cauliflower, broccoli, and root crops on sandy soils apply one pound boron (B) per acre. (For home gardens, one tablespoon borax per 100 feet of row) For corn in home gardens on sandy soils apply one tablespoon zinc sulfate per 100 feet of row. 72. Per 100 feet of row apply 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N. 73. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 2.3 pounds muriate of potash (one quart). Per 100 feet of row apply 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N. 74. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 4.6 pounds muriate of potash (two quarts). Per 100 feet of row apply 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N. 75. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast seven pounds muriate of potash (three quarts). Per 100 feet of row apply 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate)at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N. 76. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 7.5 pounds superphosphate (four quarts). Per 100 feet of row apply 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N. 77. Per 100 feet of row apply five pounds of 13-13-13 (2.5 quarts) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate). 78. Per 1,000 square fee broadcast 2.3 pounds muriate of potash (one quart). Per 100 feet of row apply three pounds 13-13-1 (1 1/2 quarts) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate). 79. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 4.6 pounds muriate of potash (two quarts). Per 100 feet of row apply three pounds 13-13-13 (1.5 quarts) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate). 80. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 15.0 pounds superphosphate (eight quarts). Per 100 feet row apply three pounds 13-13-13 (1.5 quarts) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N. 81. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 7.5 pounds superphosphate (four quarts). Per 100 feet of row apply three pounds 13-13-13 (1.5 quarts) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate). 82. Per 100 feet of row apply four pounds 13-13-13 (two quarts) at planting and sidedress with 2.5 pounds 13-13-13 (five cups). 83. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 2.3 pounds muriate of potash (one quart). Per 100 feet of row apply four pounds 13-13-13 (two quarts) at planting and sidedress with 2.5 pounds 13-13-13 (five cups). 84. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 20 pounds superphosphate (11 quarts). Per 100 feet of row apply 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N. 85. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 7.5 pounds superphosphate (4 quarts). Per 100 feet of row apply four pounds 13-13-13 (two quarts) at planting and sidedress with 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate). 86. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 7.5 pounds superphosphate (four quarts). Per 100 feet of row apply four pounds 13-13-13 (two quarts) at planting and sidedress with 2.5 pounds 13-13-13 (five cups). 87. Per 1,000 square feet broadcast 35 pounds 4-12-12 at planting. Per 100 feet of row sidedress with 0.4 pound N (one pint ammonium nitrate). 88. For strawberries apply about one-third of the fertilizer in September, one-third about 90 days before ripening and one-third after harvest. 112. Final remark. For small areas, comments give examples of ways to meet the fertilizer recommendations. Other fertilizer grades or materials that supply equivalent amounts of plant nutrients may be used with equal results. If you need assistance in calculating amounts of other materials to use contact your county agent or fertilizer supplier. 52 Crop Code No. 61 Commrercial Vegetable Crops Phosphorus Potassiun Very high High medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high 120- '0-0 120- 0-60 120- 0-120 120- 0-180 120- 0-180 High..........120- 60-0 120- 60-60 120- 60-120 120- 60-180 120- 60-180 Mediumn 120-120-0 120-120-60 120-120-120 120-100-180 120-120-180 Low.......120-180-0 120-180-60 120-180-120 120-180-180 120-180-180 Very Low..- 120-180-0 120-180-60 120-180-120 120-180-180 120-180-180 K requ irement Lime code no. Mg code no- . level.........2 -0 .0 *a 00 -00 2 N rate 120 ....... 2 PK codeno.........18 Fertilizer Recomnendation Formula Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 &2 94 1 101 3 91 2 103 4 95 3 105 4 110 CommTent: 100. For cauliflower, broccoli, and root crops, apply one pound of B per acre. Crop Code No. 62 Tomatoes Phosphorus 'Potassium Veryhigh High Mediumn Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0,-K 2 0 per acre Very high..- 120- 0-0 120- 0-60 120- 0-120 120- 0-180 120- 0-180 High......120- 60-0 120- 60-60 120- 60-120 120- 60-180 1120-160-180 Medium ses 120-120-0 120-120-60 120-120-120 120-120-180 120-120-180 Low.......120-180-0 120-180-60 120-180-120 120-180-180 120-180-180 Very Low.. 120-180-0 120-180-60 120-180-120 120-180-180 120-180-180 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . level- .*2 .02 N rate ..................0120 PK codeno ....a...........18 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P205 K 2 0 Soil group, Eq. Soil group Eq. I1&2 94 1 101 3 91 2 103 4 95 3 105 4 110 Commnent: 89. Apply 1,000 pounds of gypsum per acre to tomatoes before planting. (Where Ca is rated Low and no lime is recommnended.) 90. Apply 500 pounds of gypsum per acre to tomatoes before planting. (Where Ca is rated medium and no Lime is recomended.). 53 Crop Code No. 63 Sweet Potatoes Phosphorus Potassium VerY high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0O-K20 per acre Very high ... 80- 0-0 80- 0-80 80- 0-120 80- 0-160 80- 0-200 High ........ 80- 40-0 80- 40-80 80- 40-120 80- 40-160 80- 40-200 Medium ...... 80- 80-0 80- 80-80 80- 80-120 80- 80-160 80- 80-200 Low ......... 80-120-0 80-120-80 80-120-120 80-120-160 80-120-200 Very low .... 80-160-0 80-160-80 80-160-120 80-160-160 80-160-200 K requirement Level . . 2 N rate . ........... 80 Lime code no. .. 1 PKcodeno ......... 24 Mg code no. .-.. . . . .. 2 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 67 1 102 3 66 2 104 4 68 3 106 4 110 Crop Code No. 64 Irish Potatoes Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0s-K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 120- 50-0 120- 50-100 120- 50-150 120- 50-200 120- 50-200 High ........ 120-100-0 120-100-100 120-100-150 120-100-200 120-100-200 Medium ...... 120-150-0 120-150-100 120-150-150 120-150-200 120-150-200 Low ......... 120-200-0 120-200-100 120-200-150 120-200-200 120-200-200 Very low .... 120-200-0 120-200-100 120-200-150 120-200-200 120-200-200 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . Level . ... 2 4 3 . . . . . 2 . . . e. . 4 . . . . . 3 N rate ............ 120 PK code no ........... .17 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K20 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 108 1 116 3 107 2 118 4 109 3 119 4 125 Comment: 98. Where Irish potatoes are grown in rotation with other crops, follow lime recommendation for Irish potatoes. 54 Crop Code No. 65 Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Cucumbers, Lima Beans, Snap Bunch Beans, Squash, and Okra Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K20 per acre Very high ... 80- 0-0 80- 0-40 80- 0-80 80- 0-120 80- 0-120 High ........ 80- 40-0 80- 40-40 80- 40-80 80- 40-120 80- 40-120 Medium ...... 80- 80-0 80- 80-40 80- 80-80 80- 80-120 80- 80-120 Low ......... 80-120-0 80-120-40 80-120-80 80-120-120 80-120-120 Very low .... 80-120-0 80-120-40 80-120-80 80-120-120 80-120-120 K requirement level . ... 2 N rate ........... 80 Lime code no .. ......... 1 PK code no . 19 Mg code no. ... ...... .. 2 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. I & 2 47 1 61 3 44 2 64 4 50 3 65 4 65 Crop Code No. 66 Sweet Corn Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very tow Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 150- 0-0 150- 0-0 150- 0-60 150- 0-100 150- 0-120 High ........ 150- 0-0 150- 0-0 150- 0-60 150- 0-100 150- 0-120 Medium ...... 150- 60-0 150- 60-0 150- 60-60 150- 60-100 150- 60-120 Low ......... 150-100-0 150-100-0 150-100-60 150-100-100 150-100-120 Very Low .... 150-120-0 150-120-0 150-120-60 150-120-100 150-120-120 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . level .... . . . . . 2 2 .I .. 1 ... 2 N rate. ........... .150 PK code no . . . . . . . . . 2 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil groun Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 43 1 48 3 42 2 52 4 45 3 54 4 64 Comment: 91. Apply three pounds of Zn per acre in corn fertilizer. 55 Crop Code No. 67 Pepper, Pimiento Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very tow Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 100- 0-0 100- 0-60 100- 0-120 100- 0-180 100- 0-180 High ........ 100- 60-0 100- 60-60 100- 60-120 100- 60-180 100- 60-180 Medium ...... 100-120-0 100-120-60 100-120-120 100-120-180 100-120-180 Low......... 100-180-0 100-180-60 100-180-120 100-180-180 100-180-180 Very Low .... 100-180-0 100-180-60 100-180-120 100-180-180 100-180-180 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. level .... . .... 2 .2 . .. N rate .......... 100 PK code no ......... 18 Fertilizer Recommendation FormuLa P 2 0 5 K20 Soilt group Eq. SoiL group Eq. 1 & 2 94 1 101 3 91 2 103 4 95 3 105 4 110 56 RECMMENDATIONS FOR SHRUBS AND FLCOWERS Crop Code No. 80 Shrubs and Perennial Flowers Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 120- 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-60 120- 0-120 120- 0-120 (92) (92) (93) (94) (94) High 1........ 120- 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-60 120- 0-120 120- 0-120 (92) (92) (93) (94) (94) Medium ...... 120- 60-0 120- 60-0 120- 60-60 120- 60-120 120- 60-120 (115) (115) (95) (96) (96) Low .- . 120-120-0 120-120-0 120-120-60 120-120-120 120-120-120 (97) (97) (116) (99) (99) Very Low .... 120-120-0 120-120-0 120-120-60 120-120-120 120-120-120 (97) (97) (116) (99) - (99) K requirement Level .... . 2 N rate ... 120 Lime code no ... .1. .I. . . PK code no .. .16 Mg code no. ...... ...... 2 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 56 1 59 3 54 2 61 4 56 3 63 4 69 Comment: 26. One ton Limestone per acre is approximately equivalent to 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 92. Per 100.square feet apply one cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent in early spring and repeat in early summer. 93. Per 100 square feet apply one pint 15-0-15 or equivalent in early spring and then apply one cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent in early summer. 94. Per 100 square feet apply one pint 15-0-15 or equivalent in early spring and repeat in early summer. 95. Per 100 square feet apply one quart 8-8-8 or equivalent in early spring and then apply one cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent in early summer. 96. Per 100 square feet apply one quart 8-8-8 or equivalent in early spring and then apply one pint 15-0-15 in early summer. 97. Per 100 square feet apply 1.5 pints superphosphate or equivalent and one cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent in early spring and then apply one cup ammonium nitrate in early summer. 99. Per 100 square feet apply one quart 8-8-8 or equivalent in early spring and repeat in early summer. 115. Per 100 square feet apply three-fourths pint superphosphate or equivalent plus one cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent in early spring then one cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent in early summer. 116. Per 100 square feet apply three-fourths pint superphosphate or equivalent plus one quart 8-8-8 or equivalent in early spring then apply one cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent in early summer. 112. Final remark. For small areas, comments give examples of ways to meet the fertilizer recommendations. Other fertilizer grades or materials that supply equivalent amounts of plant nutrients may be used with equal results. If you need assistance in calculating amounts of other materials to use contact your county agent or fertilizer supplier. 117. Shrubs-Final remark on timing. For shrubs such as azaleas, gardenias, and rhododendron, which require acid soil do not apply Lime. If the pH is below 5.0 you may wish to check with your county agent concerning the advisability of using a reduced rate of lime for these shrubs. 57 Crop Code No. 81 AzaLeas, Gardenias, and Rhododendrons Phosphorus Potassiumn Very high High Mediumn Low Very low Pounds N- 2 0 5 - 2 r0per acre Very high . 120- 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-60 120- 0-120 120- 0-120 (92) (92) .(93) .(94), (94) High.......120- 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-60 120- 0-120 120- 0-120 (92) (92) ) (94) (94) Mediumn 120- 60-0 .120- 60-0 120-160-60 120- 60-120 120- 60-120 (115) (115) (95) (96) (96) Low.......120-120-0 120-120-0 120-120-60 120-120-120 120-120-120 (97) (97) (116) (99) (99) Very Low ..- 120-120-0 120-120-0 120-120-60 120-120-120 120-120-120 (97) (97) (116) (99) (99) KZ requirement LeveL.........2 N rate..........120 Lime code no,-----------0 PKcodeno.........16 Mg code no.------------2 Fertitizer Recommendation FornmaLa SoiL group -Eq. I1& 2 56 3 54 4 56. SoiL group Eq. 1: 59 2 61 3 63 4 69 58 Crop Code No. 82 Roses, Mums, and Annual Flowers Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 120- 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-60 120- 0-120 120- 0-120 (103) (103) (104) (105) (105) High ........ 120- 0-0 120- 0-0 120- 0-60 120- 0-120 120- 0-120 (103) (103) (104) (105) (105) Medium ...... 120- 60-0 120- 60-0 120- 60-60 120- 60-120 120- 60-120 (102) (102) (106) (107) (107) Low ......... 120-120-0 120-120-0 120-120-60 120-120-120 120-120-120 (108) (108) (109) (110) (110) Very low .... 120-120-0 120-120-0 120-120-60 120-120-120 120-120-120 (108) (108) (109) (110) (110) K requirement Level ......... 2 N rate .......... 120 Lime code no, ..... 1...... 1 PK code no . . . . . . 16 Mg code no. .... . ... . .... 2 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K20 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 56 1 59 3 55 2 61 4 57 3 63 4 69 Comment: 26. One ton limestone per acre is approximately equivalent to 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 102. Per 100 square feet apply three-fourth pint superphosphate or equivalent and one-half cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent when spring growth begins. Repeat at the ammonium nitrate application monthly until August 1. 103. Per 100 square feet apply one-half cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent when spring growth begins and repeat monthly until August 1. If P is excessive then fertilizers containing this element should not be used. Excessive P may cause an Fe deficiency. The symptoms occur as a general yellowing of new growth. To correct, spray with a soluble source of Fe, which can be found at garden supply stores. 104. Per 100 square feet apply alternately one cup 15-0-15 or equivalent and one-half cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent monthly staring when spring growth begins. Make last application about August 1. If P is excessive, then fertilizers containing this element could not be used. Excessive P may cause an Fe deficiency. The symptoms occur as a general yellowing of new growth. To correct, spray with a soluble source of Fe, which can be found at garden supply stores. 105. Per 100 square feet apply one cup 15-0-15 when spring growth begins and repeat monthly until August 1. If P is excessive then fertilizers containing this element should not be used. Excessive P may cause an Fe deficiency. The symptoms occur as a general yellowing of new growth. To correct, spray with a soluble source of iron which can be found at garden supply stores. 106. Per 100 square feet apply two cups 8-8-8 and one-half cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent at monthly intervals starting when spring growth begins. Make last application about August 1. 107. Per 100 square feet apply two cups 8-8-8 or equivalent and one cup 15-0-15 or equivalent at monthly intervals starting when spring growth begins. Make last application about August 1. 108. Per 100 square feet apply 1.5 pints superphosphate or equivalent, apply one-half cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent when spring growth begins and repeat ammonium nitrate application monthly until August 1. 109. Per 100 square feet apply one cup superphosphate or equivalent as corrective treatment. Then apply alternately two cups 8-8-8 and one-half cup ammonium nitrate or equivalent at monthly intervals starting when spring growth begins. Make the last application about August 1. 110. Per 100 square feet apply 1.5 cups 8-8-8 or equivalent when spring growth begins and repeat monthly until August 1. 112. Final remark. For small areas, comments give examples of ways to meet the fertilizer recommendations. Other fertilizer grades or materials that supply equivalent amounts of plant nutrients may be used with equal results. If you need assistance in calculating amounts of other materials to use contact your county agent or fertilizer supplier. 59 Crop Code No. 84 This crop code is primarily used for potting soil. The computer prints pounds per acre of soil- test P, K, Ca, and Mg. It also gives the soil pH and the time requirement to bring the soil pH up to 6.5. Spaces are also printed in which soluble salts and nitrates are recorded by hand. Generally alt reports that recieve crop code 84 are sent to the Extension horticulture specialist for fertilizer and time recommendations. Crop Code No. 85 Christmas Trees (Cedar, Va. Pines, Pines, Arizona Cyprus) Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ..... *- 0-0 *- 0-0 *- 0-40 *- 0-60 *- 0-80 High ......... *- 0-0 *- 0-0 *- 0-40 *- 0-60 *-0-80 Medium ....... *-40-0 *-40-0 *-40-40 *-40'60 *-40-80 Low *.......... '60-0 *'60-0 *-60-40 *-60-60 *-60-80 Very low ..... *-80-0 *-80-0 *-80-40 *-80-60 *-80-80 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . Level ......... 1 N rate . ........... * PK code no .. ......... 4 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 05 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1&2 5 1 7 3 4 2 9 4 6 3 11 4 12 Comment: 172. Christmas trees - Final remark. Apply dolomitic time and P and K fertilizer as recommended and work into the soil before planting. After the first year, make applications of up to 30 pounds N per acre as needed to give desired growth. 60 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FRUITS AND NUTS Crop Code No. 89 Strawberries Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Ve'dium Low Very tow Pounds N-P, 2 %-K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 120- 0-0 120- 0-60 120- 0-120 120- 0-180 120- 0-180 High ........ 120- 60-0 120- 60-60 120- 60-120 120- 60-180 120- 60-180 Medium ...... 120-120-0 120-120-60 120-120-120 120-120-180 120-120-180 Low ......... 120-180-0 120-180-60 120-180-120 120-180-180 120-180-180 Very low .... 120-180-0 120-180-60 120-180-120 120-180-180 120-180-180 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . level . . ..2 N rate . . . . . . . . . . 120 PK code no . . . . . .... 18 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P20)5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 & 2 94 1 101 3 91 2 103 4 95 3 105 4 110 Comment: 88. Matted Row System (established plantings): At renovation just as soon as the plants stop fruiting apply 40 to 50 pounds N, apply 30 to 45 pounds N Late August or early September. A 20-pound N topdressing in February may be useful in sandy soils. Annual Hill Plasticulture System: Plants require about 150 pounds N for the entire production season with approximately one- third (about 50 pounds N) being applied dry preplant in the beds. The remaining two-thirds (approximately 100 pounds N) is supplied by injection through the drip irrigation system. About 50 to 100% of the K and all recommended P are applied preplant. K can be injected along with N. 61 ro-Code No. 90 Peaches Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very Low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... *- 0-0 * 0-0 * 0-30 *- 0-60 *- 0-90 High ........ *- 0-0 *- 0-0 * 0-30 *- 0-60 *- 0-90 Medium ...... *-30-0 *-30-0 *-30-30 *-30-60 *-30-90 Low ......... *-60-0 *-60-0 *-60-30 *-60-60 *-60-90 Very low .... *-60-0 *-60-0 *-60-30 *-60-60 *-60-90 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . Level .. . . . . . . .1 2 N rate ... ........... * PK code no ------. 20 Ferti lizer Recommendation Formuta Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1&2 2 1 6 3 1 2 8 4 3 3 10 4 20 Comment: 114. Peaches - Final remark. For establishing new orchards, apply time and P and K fertilizer as recommended and turn to a depth of 12 to 16 inches, then repeat the application and disk into the topsoil. Broadcast 20 to 25 pounds Zn (50 to 70 pounds 36% Zn sulfate) per acre and disk into topsoil when establishing new plantings. No soil applications of zinc are usually needed on old orchard or crop land. Maintain soil pH at about 6.5 by reliming as needed by soil test. For annual maintenance apply P and K fertilizer as recommended. For the first and second leaf apply 0.08 pound N (four ounces ammonium nitrate or equivalent) per tree per year of age about February 15, then repeat two or three times at six-week intervals beginning at initiation of new growth. In third leaf apply 0.6 pound N (1.75 pounds ammonium nitrate) per tree, in fourth leaf apply 0.8 pound N (2.33 pounds ammonium nitrate), and in fifth leaf or older apply one pound N (three pounds ammonium nitrate) per tree. Beginning in third Leaf apply two-thirds of the N in February and one-third of the N after harvest. 62 Crop Code No. 91 Muscadine Grapes Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-PA0-K 2 0 per acre Very high.0-0 *0-0 0-300-60 .0-90 High **90 *- 0-0 *.0-0 *0-30 *.0-60 *.0-90 Mediun*-.30..0 *-.30..0 *-30-.30 *-30.60 *-30.90 Low.......*-.60-0 *-.60..0 *..60.-30 *-.60..60 *-.60.90 Very Low *-600 *-.60..0 *-.60.30 *.-60..60 *-.60..90 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. . level......... .20 .2 N rate................... PK code no---------- 0 ----20 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1&2 2 16 3 1 2 4 3 3 10 4 20 Commrent: 124. Muscadine grapes- Final remark. Apply P and K as recommended above and mai ntain pH in range of 6.0 to 7.0 by Lining as needed according to soil test. N should be applied as follows: In first and second year apply 0.04 pound N (two ounces ammonium nitrate) per plant per year of age in February' and repeat in M ay and early July. In third year. apply 0.16 pound N (one-half pound ammonium nitrate) per plant in March and repeat ~in Late May after fruit set. In fourth year and later apply 0.32 pound N (one pound ammnonium nitrate) in March and 0.16 pound N per plant per year of age i n late May up to a maximum application of 0.55 pound N per plant or 100 pounds N per acre. Crop Code No. 92 Apples and Pears Phosphorus Potassium Very-high H igh Medium Low Very -low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... 0-0 ~ 0-0 * 0-30 ~ 0-60 * 0-90 High .000000-0 *.0-0 *.0-30 *.0-60 *.0-90 Medium *-.30..0 *-30.0 *-30.30 *-30.60 *-30.90 Low.......*-60.0 *-60.0 *-60.30 *.60.60 *-60.90 Very Low ... *-60.0 *-60.0 *-60.30 *-60.60- *-60.90 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no. - level.... a.. Nrate................ PKcodeno.,............20 Fertilizer Recommnendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1 &2 2 1 6 3 1 2 8 4 3 3 10 4 20 63 Crop Code No. 92 (Continued) Comment: 125. Apples - Final remark. For establishing new orchards, apply lime and P and K fertilizer as recommended and turn to depth of 12 to 16 inches, then repeat the application and disk into topsoil. Maintain soil pH in range of 6.0 to 7.0 by reliming as needed by soil test. For annual maintenance apply P and K fertilizer as recommended. For young trees apply 0.1 pound N (10 ounces calcium nitrate) per tree and for 10 years or older trees apply 35 pounds N per acre. (Calcium nitrate is recommended as a source of N for apple.) Zinc: To correct Zn deficiency in apples apply 0.08 pound Zn (0.24 pound zinc sulfate) per tree. Broadcast 20 to 25 .ounds Zn (50-70 pounds 36% zinc sulfate) per acre and disk into topsoil when establishing new plantings. No soil applications of zinc are usually needed on old orchard or crop land. Boron: Make two sprays using one pound Solubor per 100 gallons of water. Begin at petal fall and repeat two weaedk later. If B sprays are not used, make a soil application of two pounds B per acre annually. Calcium: Make four sprays using either three pounds calcium nitrate or two pounds calcium chloride per 100 gallons of water. Begin two weeks after petal fall and repeat three times at two- week intervals. For bitter pit: If calcium sprays are not made in early spring they should be applied as recommended above beginning eight weeks prior to anticipated harvest. - Crop Code No. 93 Plums Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high ... *- 0-0 *- 0-0 *- 0-30 *- 0-60 * 0-90 High ........ *- 0-0 *- 0-0 *- 0-30 *- 0-60 *- 0-90 Medium ..... *-30-0 *-30-0 *-30-30 *-30-60 *-30-90 Low ......... **60-0 *-60-0 *-60-30 *-60-60 *-60-90 Very Low *... *.60-0 *-60-0 *-60-30 *-60-60 *-60-90 K requirement level ...... . .. 1 N rate . .......... Lime code no ... .......... 2 PK code no ......... 20 Mg code no ..... .... .. .. 2 Fertilizer Recommendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 Soil group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1&2 2 1 6 3 1 2 8 4 3 3 10 4 20 Comment: 135. Plums - Final remark. For establishing new orchards, apply Lime and P and K fertilizer as recommended and turn to a depth of 12 to 16 inches, then repeat the application and disk into the topsoil. Broadcast 20 to 25 pounds Zn (50 to 70 pounds 36% zinc sulfate) per acre and disk into topsoil when establishing new plantings. No soil applications of zinc are usually needed on old orchard or crop land. For annual maintenance apply P and K fertilizer as recommended. For the first and second leaf apply 0.08 pound N (4 ounces ammonium nitrate or equivalent) per tree per year of age about February 15, then repeat two or three times at six-week intervals beginning at initiation of new growth. In third Leaf apply 0.6 pound N (1.75 pounds ammonium nitrate) per tree, in four pounds amonium nitrate) per tree. Beginning in third Leaf apply two-third of the N in February and one-third of the N after harvest. If borated fertilizer is not used to supply boron, apply one pound B per acre or five tablespoons borax per tree. 64 Crop Code No. 94 Pecans Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medim Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0 5 -K 2 0 per acre Very high . .. 0-0 -0-0 * 0-30 ~ 0-60 0-90 High ...... 0-0 -0-0 *0-30 *.0-60 *.0-90 Medium *-30.0 *-.30..0 *..30..30 *-30.60 *-3Q.9Q Low.......*-60-0 *-.E0c0 *-.6.30 *-60.60 *-60.90 Very Low .607.0 *-.60-0 *-60.30 *-.60.90 *-.60.90 K requirement Lime code no. Mg code no.. Level . 1 2 2 Nrate.... .. . . PK code no ............... :20 Fertiliier Recomrendation Formula P 2 0 5 K 2 0 SoiL group Eq. Soil group Eq. 1&2 2 16 3 2 8 4 3 3 10 4 20 Comment: 136. Pecans Final remark. Apply P and K as recommrended above. For trees 20 years old or more apply six to eight pounds HN (20 to 25 pounds ammroniumn nitrate or equivalent) per tree or 100 pounds N per acre broadcast in February. For younger trees apply'one-half pound of N (1.5 pounds ammroniumn nitrate or equivalent) per tree per year of age. For trees four years and older showing zinc deficiency apply 35 to 50 pounds of Zn (100 to 140 pounds 36% Zn sulfate) per acre and disk into topsoil to about six inches.- In addition, apply two to four foLiar sprays of zinc sulfate at the rate of two to four pounds per 100 gallons of water during April and early May the first year after soil application. Thereafter, monitor Zn leaf levels by Leaf analysis. For younger trees apply one-fourth pound of Zn per tree per year of tree age and work into soil. Full benefit from fertilization will not be obtained unless a good spray program for disease and insect control is followed. Crop Code No. 95 Home Orchard Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pounds N-P 2 0,-K 2 O per acre Very high ... 0- 0 * 0- 0 0-50 * 0-50 0-50 (158) (158) (159) (159) (159) High .... *- 0- 0 *- 0- 0 *- 0-50 *- 0-50 *- 0-50 (158) (158) (159) (159) (159)' Medium *.-50.. 0 *-.50..50 *-5Q.5Q 0 *-5Q5 5*-5Q.5 (160) (161) (161) (161) (161) Low--------- -. 50.50 *.50.50 .*-50.5Q *50.50 *-50-50 (161) (161) (161) (161) (161) Very Low ....- *-50..50 *..50.50 *-50..50 *-50.50 *.50..50 (161) (161) (161) (161) (161) K reauirement Level .. ... ..... 2 N rate............ Lime code no. Mg code no.. ............ 2 .............. 2 PK code no.... .23 65 Crop Code No. 95 (Continued) Comment: 26. One ton limestone per acre is approximately equivalent to 50 pounds per 1,000 square feet. 158. No P or K needed. Apply N for individual trees as recommended below. 159. Per 1,000 square feet apply two pounds nmuriate of potash then apply N of individual trees as recommended below. 160. Per 1,000 square feet apply six pounds 20% superphosphate or equivalent. Apply N for individual plants as recommended below. 161. Per 1,000 square feet apply eight pounds 0-14-14. Apply N for individual t ees as recommended below. 162. Home orchards - Final remark. Apply nitrogen for individual plants as follows: Peaches, plums, pecans: Apply 0.16 pound N (one-half pound ammonium nitrate) per plant per year of age up to a maximum of one pound N per tree for peaches, 0.8 pound N per tree for plums, and 10 pounds N per tree for pecans. Pears: Apply 0.06 pound N (0.2 ammonium nitrate) per tree per year of age up to a maximum of 0.56 pound N per tree. Apples: Apply 0.08 pound N (one-fourth pound ammonium nitrate) per plant per year of age up to a maximum of 0.56 pound N per plant. Figs, grapes: Apply 0.04 pound N (0.12 pound ammonium nitrate) per pLant per year of age up to a maximum of 0.56 pound per plant. Strawberries: Apply 0.3 pound N (one pound ammonium nitrate) per 100 feet of row in October; repeat 90 days before ripening and again after harvest. Blackberries: Apply one to 1.3 pounds N (three to four pounds ammonium nitrate) per 100 feet of row in February and one- and 1.5 to 0.7 pound N (1.5 to two pounds ammonium nitrate) after harvest. Blueberries: Apply 0.02 pound N (0.1 pound ammonium sulfate) per plant per year of age up to a maximum of 0.14 pounds N per plant. Split into two applications - one in February and one in June or after harvest. Ammonium N source are recommended for blueberries. Do not time for blueberries. Note: For plants not mentioned above use the recommendations for plants with similar growth characteristics. 112. Final remark. For small areas, comments give examples of ways to meet the fertilizer recommendations. Other fertilizer grades or materials that supply equivalent amounts of plant nutrients may be used with equal results. If you need assistance in calculating amounts of other materials to use contact your county agent or fertilizer supplier. Crop Code No. 96 Bltueberries Phosphorus Potassium Very high High Medium Low Very low Pc' inds N-P 2 0-K 2 0 per acre Very high .... *- 0-0 *- 0- 0 *- 0-50 *- 0-50 *- 0-50 High ......... *- 0-0 *- 0- 0 *" 0-50 *- 0-50 *" 0-50 Medium ....... *-50-0 *-50-50 *-50-50 *-50-50 *-50-50 Low .......... *-50-0 *-50-50 *-50-50 *-50-50 *-50-50 Very low ..... *-50-0 *-50-50 *-50-50 *-50-50 *-50-50 K requirement level .......... .. 2 N rate............ * Lime code no. ......... 0 PK code no ............. 25 Mg code no.--------- - 3 Comment: 163. Blueberries - Final remark. Apply P and K as recommended in February. Apply nitrogen as follows: During first two years, apply 0.01 pound N (0.05 pound ammonium sulfate) per plant per year of age in February, April and repeat in June. Beginning in third year, apply 0.01 N (0.05 pound ammonium sulfate) per plant per year of age in February, April and repeat after harvest up to a maximum of 0.07 pound N per application of 0.14 pound N per year. 66 RESEARCH Crop Code No. 98 CHECKS AND BALANCES A supply of check soil samples from each soil group on which the tet soil values are known is maintained in the Laboratory. One of these samples and a blank, which contains no soil, are run through all procedures with each batch of 30 to 45 samples, to be certain that accuracy of analysis is maintained in the Laboratory. Crop Code No. 99 RESEARCH This crop code number is used primarily for research samples. The computer prints pounds per acre of soil-test P, K, Ca, and Mg, and soil pH on regular soil-test forms. Lime recommended is to raise soil pH to 6.5. This code can also be used on other samples when this information is desired. Special Comments That May Be Added By The Computer When Needed 146. Type of pasture plants to be grown was unknown. If other than above, please notify the Soil Testing Laboratory and proper recommendations wilt be given. - 149. Crops to be grown were unknown. If other than above, please notify the Soil Testing Laboratory for proper recommendations. 150. For nematode analysis, contact your Local county Extension office for supplies and instructions. 151. Type of lawn grass that you are growing was unknown. If it is other than above, notify the Soil Testing Laboratory for proper recommendations. 152. It was not known if grass species is for a lawn or pasture. Therefore, we have given you both recommendations for this grass and you should follow the appropriate one. 153. If above Lawn grasses are mixed, follow the recommendation for the grass you prefer. 154. For additional information, contact your Local county Extension office. 157. If cool-season grasses (fescue, orchardgrass, ryegrass, etc.) and clovers are grown in the same pasture with summer grasses (bahia, bermuda, dallis, etc.) follow the recommendation for the crop you prefer. Comment 221. Both soil acidity and low Mg can be corrected by applying dolomitic Lime at the recommended rate. Comment 222. Low Mg may be corrected by applying 25 pounds per acre of Mg as magnesium sulfate, magnesium oxide, or sulfate of potash-magnesiu rr or if the pH is 6.5 or below, by applying 1,000 pounds per acre of dolomitic Limestone. Comment 223. Low Mg may be corrected by applying 25 pounds per acre of Mg as magnesium sulfate, magnesium oxide, or sulfate of potash-magnesium. These crops have a high Mg requirement but are sensitive to high pH (Irish potatoes, blueberries, Christmas trees, tobacco). If crop codes 13 and 17 appear together then comment 250 should appear: Comment 250. For corn-peanut rotations, apply all the recommended P and K to the corn. No additional P or K should be needed by the peanuts the following year. The recommendation for corn in the rotation is: If crop codes 13 and 24 appear together then comment 251 should appear: Comment 251. For corn-soybean rotations, apply all the recommended P and K to the corn. No additional P or K should be needed by the soybeans the following year. The recommendation for corn in the rotation is: If crop codes 27 and 17 appear together then comment 252 should appear: Comment 252. For small grain-peanut rotations, apply all the recommended P and K to the small grain. No additional P or K should be needed for peanuts the following year. The recommendation for small grain rotation is: If crop codes 27 and 24 appear together then comment 253 should appear: Comment 253. For small grain-soybean rotations, apply all the recommended P and K to the small grain. No additional P or K should be needed for soybeans the following year. The recommendation for small grain in the rotation is: If lime is recommended and comments 221 and 222 do no appear then comment 254 should appear: Comment 254. Soil acidity (low pH) can be corrected with either dolomitic or calcitic lime. If no P or K is recommended on crop codes I through 27 then comment 255 should appear: Comment 255. If no P or K is recommended and none is applied, sample again next year. 67 EQUATIONS 1 . 2. 3. 4.0 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11., 12. 13. 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Y(= 70-2. 10X Y(= 70-1.28X Y= 70-0089X Y(= 800-2.58X '(= 80-1.57X Y(= 80-1.1OX- Y= 80-O.99X '(= 80-0.74X Y= 804O.66X '(= 80-0,55X Y= 80-O.49X Y= 80-O.41X '(= 90-2.80X '(= 90-1.70X '90-1.19X Y(= 90-1,07X Y(= 90-0.72X Y= 90-O.54X Y(= 90-0..46X Y(= 90-0.35X '=100-3. 28X '=100-2. QOX '=100-1 .40X Y=100-1 .26X '=100-0. 84X =100-O.63X '=100-0. 56X '=100-0.52X Y=100-0.42X '=110-3.85X '=1101-2 .34X '=110-2 .08X '=110-1 .64X Y=1l0-1 .47X '=110-1 .25X '=110-0.98X Y=1 10-0..87X =110-0.74X '=110-0.66X '=110-0 ..49X '=110-0. 41X '(420-3. 98X '=120-2. 42X '=120-2. lix '=120-1 .69X 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66.* 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73' 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88.* 89. 90. 91. '=120-1 .27X '=120-1 .02X '=120-0. 99X Y=120-0.89X '=120-0. 77X Y=120-0 .67X '=120-0.162X '=120-0. SOX '=130-4. 20X '=130-2.55SX '=130-1 .79X '=130-1. .23X '=130-1 .08X '=130-0.82X '=130-0. 72X '=130-0. 62X '=130-0. 54X '=130-0. 48X '=130-.0. 35X '=140-2. SiX '=140-1 .S1X '=140-1 .OSX '=140-0. 52X '=150-2. 77X '=150-1 .67X '=150-1. 16X '=160-4. 67X '=160-2. 85X '=160-1 .99X '=160-1 .32X '=160-1 .OOX '=160-0.81X '=170-5. 69X '=170-3 .46X '=170-2. 42X '=170-:1.46X '=170-1. lox '=170-0. 97X '=170-o.72x '(=170-0. ssx '=180-6.2lX '=180-5. 60X '=180-3. 77X '=180-3.4lX '=180-3.16X 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. -106. 107. 108. 110. 112. 113.* 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127.* 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136.- 137. 68 '=180-2. 38X '=180-1 .91X '=180-1 .33x '=180-0. 72X '=180-0. ssx '=190-3.47X '=190-2. 09X '(490-I .45X '=190-1 .08X '=190-0. 98X '=190-0. 72X '=190-0. 67X '=190-0. 53X '=190-0. 49X '=200-2. 64X '=200-1 .59X '=200-1. llx '=200-0. 52X '=210-5. 36X '=210-3. 25X '=210-2. 27X '=210-1 .37x '=210.-0.91X '=210-0 .88X '=210-0. 67X '=210-0. 59X- '=210-0. 43X '=220-2. 68X '=220-1 .79X '=220-1 .35X '=220-1. liX '=220-0. 68X '=220-0. 44X '=230-1 .1lX '=300-2. 55X '=300-1 .71x '=300-I .29x '=320-1 .27x '(=320-1 .79X '=320-1 . 20X '=320-0. 90X '=330-0 .87x '=460-2. 95X '=460-1 .97x '=460-1.48X