41 / ATKINSON RECEIVED 2ANI 7' 1 9~;7 UNERS' OF I UARY A NEW ROOTKNOT AND WILT RESISTANT 4i1 TOMATO VARIETY Leaflet 73 November 1966 Agricultural Experiment Station AUBURN UNIVERSITY E V Smith Auburn Director Alabama ATKINSON A New Rootknot and Wilt Resistant Tomato Variety W. H. GREENLEAF, Department of Horticulture INTRODUCTION Atkinson, a new rootknot nematode and Fusarium wilt resistant tomato, prob- ably the first of the Rutgers class to be released to the public, has been devel- oped in the Department of Horticulture of Auburn University. The new variety is named in honor of George F. Atkinson who first described the life cycle of the rootknot nematode at Alabama Agricul- tural and Mechanical College in 1889. BREEDING METHOD The basic concept in the breeding of Atkinson was that a high quality tomato of the Rutgers type, resistant to rootknot, Fusarium wilt and certain leaf diseases was needed for the fresh market, for the green wrap trade, and for home garden- ers. Both old established varieties and breeders' lines of the Rutgers type were selected from the Southern Tomato Ex- change Program trials at Auburn for crossing to develop Atkinson. The STEP program is a cooperative tomato testing and exchange program among the agri- cultural experiment stations of the South- east, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico, coordi- nated by the United State Department of Agriculture Vegetable Breeding Labora- tory, Charleston, South Carolina. DESCRIPTION The Atkinson variety, formerly AU22, has a vigorous indeterminate vine with heavy stems and foliage of average den- sity. The fruit is larger than that of most varieties, weighing up to 1.1 pounds, averaging three-tenths to five-tenths pound. The shape is deep oblate, the flesh firm and meaty and the core small. The immature color is green with a yel- low cast, the shoulder is a darker green but colors evenly on ripening. The in- ternal color is better than that of Home- stead 24 with little or no light colored COMPARISON OF SEVEN FRUIT QUALITY FACTORS OF ATKINSON AND OF HOESTEAD 24' Variety Homestead 24 Atkinson Total Soluble solids solids % 6.8 7.4 % 5.9 6.2 pH 4.3 4.6 Total acidity (citric) % .56 .51 Ascorbic acid Flavor mg/100g mg. 22.5 21.0 Color 7.2 7.6 8.0 8.3 1 Flavor and color were rated on 1 (poorest) to 10 (best) scale. Each figure is an average of four ratings. Data were furnished by Hubert Harris, Kenneth S. Rymal, and J. G. Kaffezakis, Depart- ment of Horticulture, Auburn University. PEDIGREE OF ATKINSON Pearson S X F4 (Ala. #1 x 15B-1) X HES 4521 F5 X KOKOMO X RUTGERS X RUTGERS I X RUTGERS X STEP 281 X STEP 281 1 X STEP 174 X STEP 174 X RUTGERS X STEP 281 X STEP 281 f f X STEP 281 3 F7 = Atkinson fibers around the seeds. The eating qual- ity of Atkinson is very good. It tastes less acid than Homestead 24. Atkinson is several days earlier than Rutgers and almost as early as Home- stead 24. The yield is usually better than that of Rutgers, approaching that of Homestead 24 when unstaked, but prob- ably superior when staked. Atkinson is especially superior in heavily nematode infested soil. RESISTANCE Atkinson is resistant to the southern rootknot nematode Meloidogyne incog- nita and to the cotton rootknot nematode M. incognita race acrita. It is also resistant to race 1 of Fusarium oxysporum f. ly- copersici. The foliage of Atkinson is mod- erately resistant to early blight caused by Alternaria solani. It is probably also re- sistant to gray leaf spot caused by Stem- phylium solani and to Septoria leaf spot caused by Septoria lycopersici on the basis of field observations. Foliage reten- tion of Atkinson in the field is better than on either Homestead 24 or Rutgers. WEAKNESSES Atkinson is moderately susceptible to fruit cracking and catfacing. SUMMARY Atkinson resembles the variety Marion. It was reported among the best tomatoes in the 1966 STEP observational trial at Charleston (STEP 500). It also rated high when grown for the fresh market and for green wraps in the Dothan area of Alabama in both the spring of 1965 and 1966. AVAILABILITY OF SEED Seed of Atkinson tomato is available from the Corneli Seed Company, 101 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63102. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to ackriowledge par- ticipants in the STEP testing program for their assistance in the breeding of Atkinson. STEP 174 was developed by C. F. Andrus, Horticulturist, U.S. Vege- table Breeding Laboratory, Charleston, and STEP 281, by Dr. W. M. Epps, formerly Plant Pathologist at the South Carolina Experiment Station, Charleston, now Department of Botany and Bacteri- ology, Clemson University. HES 4521, a Hawaii Experiment Station line, true breeding resistant to rootknot nematodes, was contributed by Dr. W. A. Frazier, now Department of Horticulture, Oregon State University, Corvallis. This line was the product of successive cooperative ef- forts to transfer the rootknot resistance of the wild Peruvian tomato, Lycopersi- con peruvianum P.I. 128657, to the cul- tivated tomato, L. esculentum, by Dr. P. G. Smith, Department of Vegetable Crops, University of California, Davis, by Dr. V. M. Watts, Department of Hor- ticulture, University of Arkansas, Fayet- teville, and by Dr. W. A. Frazier in what is now known as the famous Smith-Watts- Frazier triangle. Alabama No. 1 and No. 15B-1 were breeding lines of Dr. F. E. Johnstone, formerly Department of Horticulture, Au- burn University, now Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia, Ath- ens, and of C. F. Andrus, respectively. The valuable assistance of C. C. Carl- ton, Superintendent, Chilton Area Sub- station, Clanton, Alabama, in conducting tomato yield trials is also acknowledged.