-N Surface Applications of Potassium Best for Cotton When growing cotton on a soil with "low" subsoil potassium (K), what rate of K fertilizer should be used and how should it be applied? These questions were addressed through an Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station field study at the Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina. Often in Alabama, cotton with K deficiency has been found to have ad- equate surface soil K, but subsoil K levels are "low." A recent survey of cotton fields across Alabama found that 29 percent of the subsoils tested "low" or "very low" in K, while only 19 percent of the subsoils tested "high." The research site rated "medium" in surface K, but "low" in subsoil K, according to Soil Testing Laboratory results. Potassium fertilizer, at rates shown in the table, was either broad- cast in the spring or split-ap- A plied with fall and spring appli- cations. The fall application was F turned under with a moldboard plow. Cotton was grown in the test area in 1989 and 1991 and exhibited severe K deficiency symptoms during both years. 1 Surface application of K rates in the spring produced yields similar to cotton treated with K split-applied in the spring and fall. Using higher rates of K fertilizer than normally recom- mended (60 pounds K 2 0) for a soil rated "medium" in K did result in some yield response. However, cotton yield response to K fertilizer indicates little benefit from the deep turning under of K fertilizer rates in the fall. This research would indicate that, for cotton grown on soils testing "low" EFFECTS OF RATES AND TIMING OF POTASSIUM FERTILIZER ON OTTON YIELDS, TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, BELLE MINA nnual K 2 0 rates, yield/acre Seed cotton, yield/acre all Spring 1989 1991 Avg. 0 0 1,777 1,538 1,658 0 60 2,649 1,807 2,228 0 120 2,814 1,794 2,304 0 180 2,942 1,924 2,433 60 60 2,860 1,872 2,366 90 90 2,840 1,800 2,320 20 0 2,740 1,598 2,169 in subsoil K, increasing K 2 0 applica- tions 30 to 60 pounds per acre above surface soil recommendations may be necessary. Applying this rate of K fertilizer to the soil surface before plant- ing seems the best method to correct a K deficiency in research plots. How- ever, these rates may have to be applied for several years before subsoil K levels are increased. C.H. Burmester and G.L. Mullins Microbial Insecticides Compare Favorably to Conventional Insect Control in Cotton Research in the United States and in other countries, such as Australia, has shown that various microbial prod- ucts, primarily based on the bacterium Bacillus thuringi'ensis (B.t.), can result in yields similar to that of conventional insecticides, such as Karate?, against cotton bollworm and tobacco bud- worm. Additionally, B.t. products should reduce the rate of increase of insecticide resistance to conventional insecticides because of their novel mode of action and their low toxicity towards beneficial insects. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station field studies were initiated in 1991 to see if similar results could be obtained in Alabama and to determine which microbial products were the most similar to that of conventional insecticides. Cotton (Deltapine 90) was planted May 23, 1991, at the Wiregrass Substa- continued on page 2 A IC AUBURN UNIVERSIT LOWEL T.F~ossm, IRCO AuUR UNVRIY ALBM RESEARCH UPDATE 1992 COTTON Reducing Cotton Production Inputs Significant tillage and chemical in- puts are currently used to produce cotton in Alabama's Tennessee Valley region. Reducing these inputs without affecting yield would provide substan- tial savings to growers. An Alabama Agricultural Ex- periment Station study was initi- ated in 1991 at the Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina, to investigate the potential for reducing cotton pro- duction costs. The test area was divided into no-till and conventional till strips. Prowl 4E@ at 1 pint per acre was incorporated on all con- ventional tillage plots, and Prowl at 2 pints per acre plus Roundup@ at 2 pints per acre was sprayed on no- till plots prior to planting. Soil fungi- cide treatments consisted of in-fur- row (TSX6) or hopperbox (Apron@). Soil insecticide treatments consisted of Temik 15G9 at 3 or 5 pounds per acre. Preemergence herbicide treat- ments consisted of Cotoran 4L broadcast at 2 or 4 pints per acre. All possible combinations of chemical inputs were used in each tillage system. Conventional tillage plots were cultivated and direct sprayed with Cotoran plus MSMA. Control treatments (no fungicide, Temik, or Cotoran applied) were included for each tillage system. REDUCED COTTON PRODUCTION INPUTS TRIALS, 1991, TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, BELLE MINA Tillage type Stand count Seed cotton no./6 ft. row yield Lb./A No-till In-furrow ............... Hopper box .......... Temik, 3 lb. ........... Temik, 5 lb ........... Cotoran, 2 pt. ....... Cotoran, 4 pt. ....... Average .............. Conventional In-furrow ............... Hopper box .......... Temik, 3 lb ........... Temik, 5 Ib ........... Cotoran, 2 pt. ....... Cotoran, 4 pt ....... Average ................ No-till control .......... Conventional control 1,573 1,546 1,488 1,632 1,568 1,551 1,560 1,647 1,638 1,577 1,708 1,611 1,673 1,642 1,514 760 Cotton stand counts were equal for both tillage systems and were not af- fected by soil fungicide treatments, see table. Seed cotton yield was slightly higher for conventional than no-till systems when averaged over chemical inputs. Temik at the higher labeled rate provided numerically higher yields in both tillage systems. Annual morningglory control was equal for both the low and high Cotoran rates in both tillage systems, averaging 94 percent overall. Prickly sida control was lower in conventional (81 percent) than in no-till (92 percent) for the low Cotoran rate. Yields were not affected by Cotoran rate in either tillage system. Seed cotton yield was higher for the no-till control than for the conventional tillage control, primarily due to weed germination suppression in the non- tilled soil. First-year results indicate some production inputs might be re- duced without adversely affecting yield. M.G. Patterson. B.E. Norris, and B.L. Freeman Microbial Insecticides, continued tion, Headland. Each treatment plot was eight rows wide by 75 feet long and was replicated four times. In addi- tion to an untreated control, the follow- ing insecticides were tested: pyre- throid (Karate); ovicide(Larvin?and Ovasyn); B.t. (Dipel?, Javelin@, EXP 60516A, Bactec I, and Bactec IIl); Thuringiensin (Di-Beta); virus (Elcar@); gut poison (potassium car- bonate); and a feeding stimulant (strawberry gelatin). Foliar treatments, including Prime Oil as a spreader/ sticker, were applied seven times (July 3, 9, 22, and 30 and Aug. 6, 9, and 16) followed by one blanket coverage spray of Karate on Aug. 22 to preserve damage levels obtained from the mi- crobial treatments. Treatments were initiated when at least five bollworm/budworm eggs were found per 25 terminals. Yields were taken by mech-anically harvest- ing the middle two rows per plot on November 6. There were significant dif- ferences among cotton yields, with Karate-treated plots yielding notably more than the untreated control or the EXP 60516A, Di-Beta, and Bactec III plus gelatin treatments. There- fore, all treatments with a cotton yield greater than 30 pounds per plot were not significantly dif- ferent from Karate, see table. Also, the addition of an ovicide always resulted in at least a slight increase in control. The summer of 1991 was a relatively light year for boll- worm/budworm infestations in south Alabama. Continued re- search in upcoming summers will needed to determine if microb prod ucts can be as effective as conv MICROBIAL CONTROL OF BOLLWORM/BUDWORM ON COTTON IN HEADLAND, ALABAMA, 1991 Treatments' K arate, 0.04 lb. a.i. .................................... Javelin + Larvin + Elcar, .125 lb. .............. Dipel ES + Larvin .................................... EXP60516A + Larvin ................................. Larvin, 0.25 Ibs. a.i. ................................. Dipel ES + Ovasyn, .125 lb. a.i. .................. Di-Beta + Dipel ES ................... ............. Javelin, .25 lb., + Larvin ........................... Dipel ES, 1.5 pt ..................................... Bactec III1, .75 lb., + Larvin 4 potassium carbonate, 150 g .................... Bactec I, .75 lb ............... .. ............... Untreated control ....................................... Di-Beta, 10 g a.i ........................ Bactec III, .75 lb., + strawberry gelatin .............................................. Yield ,3 37.05 35.53 35.15 34.35 33.20 32.30 31.90 31.60 31.55 31.10 30.90 28.25 27.55 25.00 1 Treatment rates per acre. 2 Mean of four replicates (25 plants sampled/ replicate) season long (six sampling dates). 3 Yield in pounds seed cotton/plot. tional controls when bollworm/bud- be worm pressure is greater. ial W.J. Moar and R.H. Smith Cotton Responds to Foliar Feeding of Potassium Nitrate The occurrence of late season po- tassium (K) deficiency in cotton is be- coming more and more common in the Southeast. Visual symptoms of K defi- ciency develop late in the season due to the high demand for K during boll de- velopment. Preliminary work in Ar- kansas has indicated possible yield and quality increases by foliar applica- tions of potassium nitrate (KNO 3 ) to cotton. In 1991, an Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station field test at the Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina, and an on-farm test at Sam Spruell's farm in Lawrence County were established to evaluate foliar feeding of KNO 3 in Alabama. The soil at the Tennessee Valley Substation was rated "high" in K, while the farm site tested "low" in K. At both sites KNO 3 (10 pounds KNO 3 per 10 gallons of water per acre) was applied at 10- to 14-day intervals beginning 2 RE weeks after first white bloom. The Substation cotton received Pota four applications of KNO 3 , while the on-farm cotton re- ceived three applications. Severe late season K defi- ciency symptoms were noted in the on-farm field, while only slight K deficiency symptoms were noted in the Substation field. The on-farm cotton com- pletely defoliated when the cotton was only 30 percent open due to the K deficiency. Cotton at the Substation site was irrigated and yields were excellent, see table. A positive yield response to both soil and foliar applied K was observed at this site, even though the soil had a "high" soil test rating for K. The on- farm site also produced good yields, but no yield response to either the soil SPONSE OF COTTON TO SOIL AND FOLIAR APPLIED POTASSIUM ssium treatments/acre Seed-cotton yield/acre Soil Foliar TVS On-farm Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 0 None 2,648 3,002 0 KNO 3 3,034 2,733 30 None 2,896 - 30 KNO 3 3,011 60 None 3,034 - 60 KNO 3 3,126 2,761 or foliar applied K was observed. Initial first-year results appear to be conflicting. However, these results suggest that cotton yields can be in- creased by foliar applications of KNO 3 under conditions of slight K deficiency and high yields. In contrast, when cotton K deficiency was severe, foliar K was not sufficient to correct the deficiency. G.L. Mullins and C.H. Burmester Effects of Planting Date, Row Spacing, Variety, and Plant Growth Regulator on Cotton Results of Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station research from 1988 through 1990 at the Gulf Coast Substa- tion, Fairhope, indicated an April plant- ing date for Deltapine (DPL) 90 cotton on a solid-36-inch rowproduced greater yields than May or June dates in 2 of 3 years. New research was initiated at Fairhope in 1991 to study the interaction between row spacing, planting date, cotton variety, and PIX? plant growth regulator. Cotton was planted April 15 and May 15. DPL 20, a short sea- son variety, was compared to PLANTIN DPL 90, a long season variety, on both planting dates. A Planti solid 36-inch pattern was compared to a skip pattern where pairs of rows 36 inches April 15 apart were separated by 60- inch skips. Lastly, PIX was either applied or not applied. All possible combinations of May 15 planting date, row spacing, variety, and PIX treatments were represented. Seed cotton yields were approximately 900 pounds per acre greater for the May planting date when averaged over row spacing and variety, see table. Within planting dates, the solid 36-inch pattern produced slightly higher yields than the skip pattern. Except for DPL 20 planted on May 15, neither variety demonstrated a clear yield advantage over the other. PIX did not significantly affect yield in any case; however, cotton height was reduced 8 to 12 inches in PIX treated plots. More bolls per plant NG DATE, Row SPACING, VARIETY, AND GROWTH REGULATOR EFFECTS ON COTTON, FAIRHOPE, 1991 ng date Row spacing Variety Seed cotton yield In. Lb. Solid-36 DPL 90 3,100 Solid-36 DPL 20 3,279 Skip-36 DPL 90 2,968 Skip-36 DPL 20 2,858 Average 3,052 Solid-36 DPL 90 3,836 Solid-36 DPL 20 4,341 Skip-36 DPL 90 3,799 Skip-36 DPL 20 3,802 Average 3,944 were counted for the April planting date (average 26) compared to the May planting (average 21). Rotten bolls per plant were numerically higher for the April planting (average 6) than the May planting (average 4). No differences in the number of rotten bolls were found among row patterns within each plant- ing date. M.G. Patterson, M.D. Pegues, and K.L. Edmisten Chlorophyll Meter Has Potential for Determining Cotton N Status Cotton producers, consultants, and researchers have long sought for a quick, reliable method to determine cotton nitrogen (N) needs. Improper N application can affect production and the environment. Petiole nitrate tests are used in sev- continued on page 4 Chlorophyll Meter, continued eral southern states to monitor cotton N status, but research has not confirmed the reliability of these tests in Ala- bama. Leaf-blade total N analysis has been useful in predicting cotton N re- quirements, and is less affected by cli- mate and seasonal changes than petiole nitrate. Because leaf N status is directly related to leaf chlorophyll content, a newly developed hand-held chloro- phyll meter could offer a substitute for leaf-blade total N analysis. Chlorophyll meter readings are measured in soil plant analysis development (SPAD) units and are instantaneous. If chloro- phyll meters could predict cotton N needs, farmers could realize substantial savings of money, labor, and time asso- ciated with leaf-tissue collection and analysis. Research was conducted in 1991 to determine the feasibility of using chlorophyll meter readings for deter- mining cotton N status. The experi- ment was conducted at the E.V. Smith Research Center, Shorter. Several N rates were used to establish a range of cotton (Deltapine 50) yield, tissue N concentration, and chlorophyll con- centration. Chlorophyll meter read- ings were taken at first square, first bloom, and mid-bloom on the upper- most fully developed leaves. For com- parison, leaf-blade and petiole samples were collected and analyzed for total N and nitrate, respectively. Abundant, well distributed rainfall during the 1991 growing season pro- moted high seed cotton yields and re- sponse to N fertilizer. Seed cotton yields ranged from about 1,000 pounds per acre with no N fertilizer to 3,500 EDITOR S NOTE Menitioni of compaliiy or trade naitis. does not indicate cteorscimcnit b y the Alabama Agricul ftural Experiimcit Station or Auburii Lhliversity of one branl over ianother Aiiny menition of inoimabe uses or applications in excess of labetled rates of pesticide o crothcr chmical;l doiios ot constitute a r'coplptdalttioi1. Sucli iuse iil risetarchl is simply part of the scientific ivlstigation nicessary to fiully tvalliittt' llatrials la d tr atieits. Info rmationi contained hereini is available' to aill pcrsoils wtithlout regard to race, color , sx, or lilatiorlill ortiii. 4,000 - 3,000 < 36 A A A A A34 A 2,000 : A A 32 A A A A 1,000 30 I I I I I I 3 4 5 6 32 34 36 38 40 Leaf N, % SPAD Reading Relationship between (A) chlorophyll meter readings (SPAD) and cotton leaf-blade N at first square, and (B) between seed cotton yield and chlorophyll meter readings at first square. pounds per acre with 160 pounds N per acre. Chlorophyll meter readings on leaves at first square were highly re- lated to leaf-blade total N, see figure A. Relationships between leaf-blade total N and chlorophyll meter readings at first square also were highly related to cotton yield, figure B. Similar relation- ships were found at first bloom and mid-bloom. These relationships suggest that cotton N requirements could be pre- dicted with the chlorophyll meter. In addition, the chlorophyll meter pre- dicted seed cotton yields as well as or better than leaf-blade N and petiole ni- trate analyses at all three stages of growth. Especially promising is the connection between chlorophyll meter readings at first square and seed cotton yield, because supplemental N fertilizer could easily be applied at that stage of growth. Further calibration of the meter is needed before this technology can be useful to producers. C.W. Wood. D.W. Reeves, and K.L. Edmisten Editor's Note: Please use the form below to send the name and address of any neighbor or friend who should receive the report. If you do not wish to receive future issues, please indicate that fact on the form and we will remove voour name from the mailing list. J Add the following name to receive the AAES Cotton Update. U Remove the following name from the mailing list for the AAES Cotton Update. Name Street, Box, or Route No. City State Zip L . . . . . . . . . . . . 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