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Browsing Office of University Writing by Subject "Office of University Writing"

Now showing items 1-3 of 3

Constructing a Professional Identity: Connecting College and Career Through ePortfolios 

Cordie, Leslie; Sailors, Jamie; Barlow, Becky; Kush, John S. (2019-10-30)
In this paper, we describe the use of ePortfolios at a public, land-grant university and document how the ePortfolio has been used to develop more authentic learning experiences. We discuss the best practices for ePortfolios ...

Embrace the Messiness: Libraries, Writing Centers, and Encouraging Research as Inquiry Across the Curriculum 

Alabi, Jaena; Truman, James C. W.; Farrell, Bridget; Price Mahoney, Jennifer (2020-04-22)
As educators, how do we clarify the concept of research into a manageable form so it’s communicated effectively while still creating space for the complexity inherent across different academic disciplines, different classroom ...

On Connection, Diversity, and Resilience in Writing across the Curriculum 

Barlett, Lesley Erin; Olinger, Andrea R.; Tarabochia, Sandra L.; Marshall, Margaret J. (2020-04-22)