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Browsing Office of University Writing by Subject "College to Career"

Now showing items 1-3 of 3

Constructing a Professional Identity: Connecting College and Career Through ePortfolios 

Cordie, Leslie; Sailors, Jamie; Barlow, Becky; Kush, John S. (2019-10-30)
In this paper, we describe the use of ePortfolios at a public, land-grant university and document how the ePortfolio has been used to develop more authentic learning experiences. We discuss the best practices for ePortfolios ...

Decisions, Decisions! E-portfolio As an Effective Hiring Assessment Tool 

McMillan, Libba Reed; Parker, Francine; Sport, Andrea (2019-11-05)

Incorporating ePortfolios into Student Learning 

Fasina, Oladiran; Srivastava, Puneet; Dougherty, Mark; Adhikari, Sushil; McDonald, Timothy; Taylor, Steven; Marshall, Margaret (2019-11-01)