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Report 20. Inventory of crop varieties in Haiti or with potential value in Haiti


1. This inventory of crop varieties is a compilation of information on crop genetic resources available to the PLUS Project. The varieties listed are varieties existing in Haiti or in other countries (in particular, the Dominican Republic) with similar agroclimatic conditions and which could be of potential value in Haiti. Staple food, vegetable and fruit crops are included. 2. Approximately eighty-five varieties are described with information on agroclimatic adaptation, yields, disease and insect reactions, management considerations and seed sources. Information was obtained, by interview and reference to published reports, from various agencies in Haiti including the Department of Agriculture and associated organizations, NGOs, PVOs, developmental agencies, agriculture projects and private enterprises. A visit was made to the Dominican Republic to obtain information and to bring back seed of promising varieties. Information was also sought from other national programs as well as regional and international research programs which conduct crop research under agroclimatic conditions similar to those in Haiti. 3. Recommendations are made of varieties for major agroclimatic zones as defined by rainfall and elevation. 4. Recommendations are made with regard to variety preservation and seed multiplication. An artisanal seed production and distribution system is recommended involving farmers' organizations, government agencies, NGOs, private enterprises and universities.


1. Envantè sa-a sou varyete ki plante se yon travay rasanble enfòmasyon pou konnen ki resous jenetik Pwojè PLUS kapab jwenn. Varyete ki sou lis yo se varyete ki egziste an Ayiti oubyen nan lòt peyi (espesialman Sen Domeng) ki genyen menm kondysyon klima ak sòl ak Ayiti ki ta ka gen valè an Ayiti. Tout kalite kilti te konsidere nan rapò-a: kilti vivryè (mayi, diri, pitimi, pwa) legim ak fwi. 2. Apeprè katrevensenk (85) varyete dekri nan rapò-a. Enfòmasyon bay sou ki kote (kondisyon agroklimatik) chak varyete adapte, randman li bay, ki maladi ak ensèk ki atake-l, kòman pou ta sèvi ak varyete-a ak kote pou jwenn semans yo. Enfòmasyon sa yo te rasanble nan pale ak moun ki konnen ak nan rapò ki te pibliye pa pliziè òganizasyon an Ayiti, nou vle pale de Ministè agrikilti ak lòt òganizasyon ki gen rapò ak li, òganizasyon ki pa gouvènman-an, òganizasyon prive, ajans developman, pwojè agrikòl ak biznis prive. Yon vizit te fèt nan Republik Dominikèn pou chèche enfòmasyon ak pou vini an Ayiti ak semens varyete ki enteresan. Kontak te pran tou ak lòt pwogram nasyonal, rejional ak entènasyonal ki fè rechèch nan menm kondisyon agroklimatik ak Ayiti. 3. Rekòmandasyon fèt sou varyete ki ta dwe plante nan chak zòn agroklimatik enpòtan yo (diferans fèt ant zòn yo dapre kantite lapli ki tonbe ak nan ki wotè yo ye). 4. Konsiltan-an fè rekòmandasyon sou fason pou konsève varyete yo ak kòman pou miltiplye semans yo. Li pwopoze yon sistèm atizanal pou pwodwi ak distribye semans. Sistèm sa-a genyen ladan-l òganizasyon perizan, ajans gouvènman-an, òganizasyon ki pa gouvènman-an, antrepriz prive ak inivèsite.