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Report 03. Monitoring and evaluation system for PLUS


Pagoulatos, Angelos


A Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System for PLUS was set up during a consultancy to Haiti between January 8 and February 26, 1993. The system was designed in collaboration with USAID, CARE and PADF, with the assistance of the SECID long-term staff. The system is general in nature, but will be refined as implementation plans are finalized and as more information becomes available. Key aspects of the M&E System are: - a conservation farming systems approach; - sustainability of environmental improvements; - a learning process with information flow leading to refinement of existing interventions and identification of new interventions; - Strategic Performance Indicators (SPIs) to measure progress of the project to meet its goals; - the use of baseline information; - monitoring of intervention packages; - evaluation of intervention packages by farmer appraisal as well as by technical and economic assessment; - refinements of the interventions; and - refinements of the M&E System. Examples of data requirements for monitoring of particular types of activities and some recommendations on methodology were included.


Yon sistem swivi ak evaluasyon pou pwojè PLUS te mète sou pie pandan pasaj yon konsiltan nan SECID ant 8 janvye e 16 fevrye 1993. Sistem sa'a te elabore ansanm avek USAID, CARE, PADF ak asistans pèsonel lontèn SECID yo. Nan nati li, se yon sistem ki general, men kap vin' pi fen lè tout plan travay fini ak plis enfòmasyon disponib. Men kèk aspè ki konsidere nan sistèm sa-a: - Pou teknik ke pwojè-a ankourajé ta pèmèt kenbe tè-a; - Veye pou amelyorasyon ki fèt yo dire lontan; - Yon pwosesus aprantisaj ak sikilasyon enfònasyon ki ka pèmèt amelyore teknik ki la deja epi idantifye lot teknik; - Defini kèk pwen byen klè ki va pèmèt mezire pwogrè pwojè-a fè; - Al chèche enfòmasyon nan men peyizan-an pou ka pi byen konprann sa kap pasè; - Swiv kòman moun yo aplike teknik yo; - Chèche konnen si moun yo byen aplike teknik yo, si sa yo montre yo-a pèmèt yo fè plis lajan. Fòk nou chèche konnen tou si peyizan yo konsidere sa yo montre yo-a valab; - Chèche konnen kòman teknik yo ka amelyore; - Chèche konnen kòman sistèm pou swiv ak evalue aktivite pwojè-a ka amelyore. Yo bay ekzanp sou ki kalite enfòmasyon ou ka bezwen pou kontwole kèk aktivite. Yo bay tou kèk konsèy sou fason pou ranmase enfòmasyon yo.