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Transparent Aluminum Glass from Blast Furnace Slag

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dc.contributor.authorBasore, Cleburne Ammenen_US
dc.descriptionBibliography: p. 35.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe object of this investigation was to find an advantageous method for the disposal of blast furnace slag. As a result of this investigation, a method was developed for the manufacture of a transparent glass from this material. The method consisted of heating together slag, building sand, and soda. The sulphur was removed from the slag and transparency conferred upon the glass by the addition of a small amount of arsenic trioxide. The optimum conditions for carrying out the various steps in the process were determined. The physical properties of the glass were determined and uses were suggested for this material. The production of the glass was carried out on a large laboratory scale and a brief study was made of the probable large scale equipment and cost of manufacture. The use of slag and inexpensive building sand effected a great saving in the cost of the raw materials, permitted the utilization of the waste heat of the melted slag, and gave a glass of superior quality.en_US
dc.publisherAuburn, Ala. : Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Engineering Experiment Stationen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBulletin (Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Engineering Experiment Station) ; no. 3en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesBulletin (Alabama Polytechnic Institute) ; v. 26, no. 7en_US
dc.subjectGlass manufactureen_US
dc.titleTransparent Aluminum Glass from Blast Furnace Slagen_US

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