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History of the Piedmont Substation of the Agricultural Experiment Station System of Auburn University, 1945-1973

Metadata FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorMayton, E. L.en_US
dc.descriptionReviews the activities undertaken at the Piedmont Substation from its founding in 1945 until the retirement of its first superintendent (E.L. Mayton) on June 30, 1973.en_US
dc.publisherAuburn, Ala. : Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn Universityen_US
dc.subjectPiedmont Substation (Camp Hill, Ala.)en_US
dc.subjectAgricultural experiment stationsen_US
dc.subjectAgriculture -- Researchen_US
dc.titleHistory of the Piedmont Substation of the Agricultural Experiment Station System of Auburn University, 1945-1973en_US

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