RESEARCH RE..,SULTS FOR NUR SERYUE N Henry P. Orr, Harry J. Amling, Kenneth C. Sanderson, J. C. Moore, Willis C. Martin, Jr, Harrison M. Bryce and Newton J.,Hogg Horticulture Series No. 8 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIUTENT STATION OF AUBURN UNIVERSITY E. V. Smith, DirectorAuut96AbrnAlb a August 1967 Auburn, Alabama RESEARCH RESULTS FOR NURSERYIflN 1967 I . SURVIVAL, GROTH WOOD ORNAIVE NTALS ALONG ROADSIDES The Horticulture Department, Auburn University Agriculture Experiment Station in conjunction with the Alabama Highway Department and the Bureau of Public Roads, United States Department of Commerce, initiated a study in April 1963 to determine the method of establishing and adaptability of woody plants on roadsides. Detailed results giving all plants and procedures used are reported in the Alabama Highway Research HPR Report No. 25, Final Report, 1966. During December 1966, a final evaluation was made of plants on cuts. Per cent survival, amount of growth, and cover rating were criteria used to determine the adaptability of the plants. Species particularly adapted to adverse conditions along the cut were: J aerus sabina lusitanica 'Von Ehron', n r conferta, _ wpm now, _ _ Lonicera jaonica halli ana, Robinia hiA da, Rs um oawichuralana and Celastrus orbiculatus. Species that were satisfactory but possibly would do better on more favorable locations were: Gelsemaum sem rvirens, Jasminum floridum, Juniperus chinensis sargenti, ju rusLocembens, and Ra .s Gelsemium is slow to establish but develops into an excellent ground cover. Species that were poor on this location were: j~je muscari, Eunn mu fortunei coloratus, Euons fortuneiyvegetus, Hemerocallis sp. and Vinca major. Vine and ground cover study The following lists were compiled from a final evaluation of vines and other covers on cuts: Species particularly adapted for adverse conditions on the cut were Celastrus orbiculatus, and Lonicera japonica halliana. Species that were satisfactory but not outstanding were Ampelopsis brevip2edunculata, Euns sf ortunei coloratus, Euonyma fortunei vegetus, Gelsemium sempervirens, Hemeocallis sp., Liriop muscari and Lonicera heckrotti. 2 Satisfactory - Cercis canadensis, CornusFlorida, Crataeuphaenorum, Fraxius veltina moesto, Pnus strobus ard Ze241oa Fair to poor - Capinis caroliniana. Large shrubs, IC. feet or more, multi-trunked: Outstanding - Ligustru indicum and Photinia villosa. Good but not outstanding- Ilex casino, t f i serrulata, PruIu caro ana, R abra, Thua orientalis 'Bermans' Satisfactory - Qs chinensis, Lagerstroema indca, c i Rhus tphina and Thu 'a orientalis 'Baker'. Poor - Chionantus irinicus, Cotinus cogSri,Iexcorruta 'Burford' and Ilex cornuta. Mv~edium Shrubs 6 to 9 feet: Outstanding - laanha crenata serrata, Viburnum dentatum and Vitex agnuscastus. Good but not outstanding - Abelia grandiflora, Forst viridissina, Lonicera maacki, Osmanthus americanus, Photinia gabra, Rhus aromatica, Spiraea vanhouttei and Viburnum lentago. Satisfactory - Berberis juliane, Berberis mentorensis, Beberis sargentiana, Exochorda racemosa, Forsythia intermedia,F t a, Hibiscus acus, Nandina domestica, S iraea u and Viburnum lantana. Poor - jdraea uercifolia, Podocarpus m rohl s maki and Tamarix odessana. S m al l srbs ndr5 feet: Outstanding- Juniperus chinensis ' Pfitzer K. Good but not outstanding- Jasi num floridum, Roa ugni Rosa multiflora and Rosa rugosa. Poor - Gardenia radicans, Pr .s lnduosa 'Double Whfite'. II. a. CHEWIICAL {ED CONTROL IN FIELD GROWN WO0ODY ORNAMNTALS 3 Single applications of Daxtron at 0.5 and 0.75 pounds and Dupont 7.32 at 2 and 4 pounds actual per acre were toxic to established Arbovitae, Juniper, and Ligustrum at Auburn. Amnmate X at rates of 30, 60, and 90 pounds per acre applied as a post-emergent herbicide around Arbovitae, Juniper, and Ligustrum did not induce injury other than on foliage accidently sprayed. Deliberate spraying of the basal portion of the trunks with ammate X did not induce injury among these species. II. b. BEED CONTROL AROUND ESTABLISHED HIGHWAY PLANTINGS In May of the current year, an experiment involving four herbicides used for post-emergence weed control was begun along I-85 between Auburn and Opelika. Three species of evergreen shrubs were selected to study any adverse effects from using the herbicides tested. They were Ilex vomitoria (Yaupon Holly), Ilex cornuta (Burford Chinese Holly) and Berberis julianae (Uintergreen Barberry). A randomized block design was used with three replications of each treatment per species. Plots were sprayed May 17-19, and all treatments with the exception of the higher rate of Amazine and Dowpon, were repeated June 1-5. All herbicides were used in combination with a wetting agent except Anazine. A weed cover rating was given each plot approximately 2 weeks after each spraying. A final evaluation was made July 14. In the following chart, the rates are given in terms of concentration per 50 gallons of water. This was used because variation and density of the weed cover in each plot made it impossible to cover each plot uniformily and still cover all foliage thoroughly. Evaluation of Weed Control", Lb or gal. First Second Final Herbicide Rate per 50 gal. spray- spray- evaluation water in in July 14 Ammate ......... X 25 lb. 1.8 2.6 142 Amnimate ......... 2Z 50 lb. 4.5 5.7 3.9 Dowpon ......... X 3 lb. .6 2.7 3.7 Dowpon ....... 2X 6 lb. 8 2.3 .1 Amazine........ X 5 gal. 2.1 5.5 6.9 Amazine .... 2 10 gal. 1.9 4.2 3.6 MSMA-Herban.... X .625 gal. 1.6 2.7 .7 MSMA-Berban.... 2X 1.25 gal. 2.7 6.9 3.5 * 10.0 = complete control of existing weeds and grasses 0 = no control *' Sprayed only once. 4 Ammate 2X gave the best over-all weed control following the initial spraying. Most broadleaf weeds, such as ragweed, goldenrod, and horse- nettle were eliminated. Perennial grasses were burned back after each spraying but new growth soon occurred. Occasional burning of the leaves was noted where plant was contacted by the spray. Ammate X was less effective but generally controlled most broadleaf weeds after a second spraying. Dowpon, at either rate, gave no control on broadleaf weeds. However, two applications at the lower rate gave good control over perennial grasses. Amazine gave similar results from both rates after the initial spray- ing. lWeedy and grasses appeared chlorotic, some weeds turning a variety of colors. A second application at the lower rate killed most perennial grasses and some of the smaller broadleaf weeds. Slight plant phytotoxicity (at both rates) in the form of chlorotic-appearing leaves was evident in Wintergreen Barberry at the last evaluation. MSIA -Herban killed most broadleaf weeds after one spraying. Perennial grasses were burned down but grew back even after a second spraying. Occasional burning of the lower leaves occurred when contacted by the spray. MSIA-Herban at the lower rate gave only partial control over broadleaf weeds and grasses for a relatively short time. The weed cover in the check plots increased an average of 38% during the experiment. III. a. PLANT PROPAGATION IDE EASY The use of "Nurse Seed Grafting' and "Modified Nurse Seed Grafting" developed at the Auburn Agricultural Experiment Station under a grand-in- aid project has given excellent results with both dormant and active scion. The active scions have been protected by intermittent mist until new growth appeared. The terminal buds have been removed from all active scions to eliminate the inhibitor that prevents the buds from growing before a rest period. The nurse seed graft is used to propagate camellia and is also used to dwarf other plant material. It is made by removing the young plant after the seed has germinated and inserting a trimmed scion into the seed between the cotyledon petioles. The modified nurse seed graft has been effective when used on chestnuts, hickory, pecans, persimmons, walnuts, Queenland nuts, and several species of oaks. This method involves removal of the epicotyl from young plants and inserting a trimmed scion into the split hypocotyl leaving the old seed attached. The old germinated seed attached has given marked stimulation to the new grafted plant under all conditions used. These mthods are simple and can be made at a rapid rate - 100 grafts have been made per hour by the project leader. In cooperative work between the Horticulture Department and the Forestry Department, good results have been obtained from modified nurse seed graft using Chinese chestnut and oaks. III. b. AZALUEA PROPAGATION Z Commercial Root-nducin Substances and 2,4.5-T Cuttings of the azalea cultivar, 'Red Wing',were treated by dipping the base of the cuttings in either commercial root-inducing substances, a 5 ppm solution made from the herbicide 2,4,5 trichiorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) and its derivatives, or a 40 ppm solution of 2,4,5-T and its derivatives. The root-inducing substances and respective rooting scores are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Influence of Several Commercial Root-Inducing Substances and 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxacetic Acid on Rooting of Azalea Cultivar 'Red Wing' Rooting Substance Active In redient Rooting Check ............ ........ . """"" 2.8 Hormodin No. 1 . " .. . . "IBA 2.4 Hormodin No. 2 ........ IB........"26 Hormodin No. 3 ..""..:.r....... IBA 2.6 Rainbow Tender ................... 2, 4,5-T& NAA2.4 Rainbow Woody. ............... 2,4,5-T & NAA 2.6 Rootone ...................... ..NAA,NAAA&IBA 1.9 Rootone No. 10 ................. NAA, NAAA & IBA 0.6 234,5-T 5 pr1 ... " ................ 23,5-T24 2, 4, 5--T 0 pp3m " . ". ......... .. . . 2, 4,-T26 / Manufacturers of the commercial root-inducing substances are :Merck :& Com ,y~ Inc ., Rahway, N.J ., Hormodin No. 1, 2, 3;0 Rainbow~ Color and Chemical Company, Northridge, Calif.., Rainbow Tender and Rainbow W-oody; Amnchem Company, Ambler, Pa., Rootone and Rootone No. 10. The 2,4,5--T solutions were prepared from the herbicide 2,4,5 tri chiorophenoxyacetic acid. ~/IBA = Indole butryic acid, 2,4.,5-T= 2,4--D trichlorphenoxyacetic acid, NAA= Naphthylacetic acid, NAAA= Naphthylacetaraides. ~/Rooting scores are based on: .0 = no rooting, 1 = light rooting, 2 = medium rooting, 3= heavy rooting. Use of.- commercial = r-inducing.?...substances .....did ' not infuence....1-the. 2. Cuttings Taken from Growth Retardant Treated Plants Stock plants of the azalea cultivar 'Red Wing' were sprayed with a 0.25% spray of the growth retardant N-dimethyl succinamic acid (B-Nine, trade mark of Uniroyal Company). Cuttings were removed from the plants at intervals of 2, 5 and 7 days following spraying. A check, consisting of cuttings taken from untreated plants was also provided. Cuttings taken from retardant-treated stock plants rooted as well as the cuttings from untreated stock plants. There was no difference in the sprayed cuttings taken at various intervals following spraying. 3* Fungicide Dip for Propagation in Unsterilized Ledia An unsterilized media consisting of equal parts of soil and peat moss was used as a propagation media. Cuttings of the azalea cultivar 'Red Wing' was given the following basal treatments: (1) check (no treatment), (2) Ferbam, (3) Hormodin No. 2, and (4) 1:1 Ferbam and Hormodin No. 2. Heavy rooting was observed with all treatments. Rooting scores (0 = none, 1 = light, 2 = medium and 3 = heavy) were as follows: Check - 2.8, Ferbam - 2.9, Hormodin No. 2 - 2.8 and 1:1 Ferbam-Hormodin No. 2 - 2.9. Although Ferbam has been reported to inhibit rooting of certain .woody plant species, this was not the case with 'Red Wing' azalea. 4. Growth Regulatin Substances as Root-Inducing Substances Root-inducing treatments were prepared from 10 growth-regulating substances by diluting the material with a small amount of alcohol and making up to volume with water. The materials are listed in Table 2 along with a check and two commercial root-inducing substances. The concentration of the prepared solutions was 20 ppm for all the substances except Gibberellic acid, which contained 1000 ppm. Treatment consisted of dipping 1/2 inch of base of the cutting in the solution for 5 seconds. The commercial materials were in talc form and the cuttings were dipped then immediately removed from these materials. Cuttings of the cultivars 'Red Wing' and 'Coral Bells' were used. The results are presented in Table 2. Most of the treatments yielded a high percentage of rooting with the exception of 2,4,5-TP, 2,4,5-T, and 2,4-D. Hormodin No. 2, IAA, indole propionic acid and P-chlorophenoxy acetic acid gave best rooting percentages for 'Coral Bells'. 'Red Wing' has high rooting percentages with all the substances except 2,4,5-TP, 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D. Rooting score results were similar to percentage rooting results with 2,4,5-TP, 2,4,5-T, and 2,4-D yielding low scores. 'Coral Bells' cuttings gave the best rooting scores when cuttings were dipped in Hormodin No. 2, IAA and P-chlorophenoxy acetic acid. 'Red Wing' cuttings rooted well with no treatment or all the materials except 2,4,5-TP, 2,4,5-T, and 2,4-D. Hormodin No.2 and IAA gave the best com- bined rooting score for the two cultivars. Table 2. Influence of Several Growth-Regulating Substances on the Rooting of Azalea Cultivars 'Red Wing' and 'Coral Bells' Treatments Per cent rooted Rooting score Red Coral Red Coral IWiing Dells Mean Wing Bells Mean Check (no treatment).........................100 70 85 2.7 1.7 2.2 0 chlorophenoxy acetic acid ................... 100 75 88 2.6 1.8 2.2 P-chloropheno my acetic acid ................ 95 88 92 2.3 2.2 2.3 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxypropionic acid(2,4,5-TP). 18 28 23 0.2 0.7 0.5 2,4,5 Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4,5-T)... 28 48 38 0,3 1.0 0.7 2,4 Dichlorophenoxacetic acid (2,4-D) ......... 65 73 69 1.1 1.7 1.4 3 Indole propionic acid ................... 100 85 93 2.6 1.8 2.2 Indole butry ic acid (IBA) ................ 100 78 89 2.6 1.6 2.1 Indole 3 acetic acid (IAA) .................... 100 85 93 2.7 2.2 2.5 Gibberellic acid 10% 1oK salt ................... 100 83 92 2.5 1.7 2.1 Hormodin No. 1 .............. ... ............... 100 80 90 2.7 1.9 2.3 Hormodin No. 2............................... 100 93 98 2.5 2.5 2.5 / All treatments consisted of 20 ppm concentration with the exception of gibberellic acid which was a 1000 ppm concentration. Hormodin No. 1 and No. 2 are the products of Merck & Co., Rahway, New Jersey. Active ingredient is indole butryic acid. / Rooting scores are based on: 0 = no rooting, 1 = light rooting, 2=medium rooting and 3 = heavy rooting. III. c oLOBIOLLY PINE SEED &ERINATION . Seed of Loblolly pine, Pinus taeda were treated as follows prior to planting: (1) Soaked for 15 minutes in water, (2) soaked for 15 minutes in a 0.1 % potassium nitrate solution (KNO 3 ), (3) soaked for 15 minutes in a 0.1% KNO\1 3 solution and stored 1 week at 4O0Q F., (4) soaked for 15 minutes in a 3.0% NH 2 CSNH2 solution and stored for I week at 4Q0 F., aid (5) soaked in a 1.0% hydrogen perio ide (H202) solution for 48 hours. Seeds soaked in .H202 for 48 hours yielded the highest germination per- centage (61%). The lowest germination percentage (45%) resulted from soaking the seeds in water for 15 minutes. IV. GARDEN CHRYSANTHEMUMS Garden Chrysanthemuims, 1966 Variety Height Spread inches inches Golden Fantasy ... ............. 14 15 *Oamneo ... . ............ . . . .. 11 13 Fujii Jess Williams ...... ,.... 17 15 *WvhitekMasquerade ............. 19 21 Corvair ...... *...... .......... 19 13 Loveliness................... 16 15 Real Gold ,..... .......... .. 14 14 Chas. Nye ..................... 15 12 ;;Dol..ette ............ ..... 15 15 Remembrance ... ,.............. 17 17 Martian ................. 13 15 *,Rosey Nook ................... 17 22 *]1i onaire .................. 22 22 *Purple Dusk .................. 16 19 Lawrence Blaney ............... 15 12 Geini...................... 19 22 *Ivlarbletop .......... 15 21 *Falcon ...................* 13 17 *OQutstanding varieties