FORESTRY DEPARTMENTAL SERIES NO. 5 SEPTEMBER 1972 BASIC StIRUC12, FOR TIIE ADVANCE \IENT CI AOFDSCIENCE +1V AND A R T S 3-P Sampling Agricultural Experiment Station AUBURN UNIVERSITY R. Dennis Rouse, Director Auburn, Alabama Basic 3-P Sampling EVERT W. JOHNSON* INTRODUCTION SAMPLING with probability proportional to prediction, or 3-P Sampling, often is viewed as an esoteric procedure that has no application to the real world of forest inven- tory. This is unfortunate because the concept is far less difficult to master than is imagined and, more important, it can lead to very large reductions in inventory costs, particularly when used in conjunction with point-sampling and existing computer programs (4,5,7,11). This publica- tion was written in the hope of breaking down the barrier of misunderstanding surrounding the procedure and, per- haps, encouraging its general adoption by persons engaged in forest inventory operations. In practice, 3-P sampling has been almost always as- sociated with the use of dendrometers for upper stem measurements and with computer programs designed to process the large volumes of data that are generated by the procedure. The existing literature almost invariably incorporates these items into the discussion of 8-P sam- pling, perhaps tending to obscure the sampling procedure itself. In actuality, the sampling procedure is independent of both the dendrometer and computer and even has po- tential uses in many non-timber inventory situations. Be- cause of this, dendrometry and computer programs will not be mentioned in this discussion except in the conclud- ing section. The discussion will be as informal as feasible and will be carried out within the context of forest inven- tory. The procedure that forms the core of the discussion is a primitive form of 8-P sampling, which itself probably would have little general application. However, if a per- son understands this simple procedure he should have lit- tle difficulty understanding the more complex adaptations that are coming into use. FRAME OF REFERENCE Assume a partial cut is to be carried out and an estimate must be made of the volume or value of timber which has been marked for sale. Before the cut, each tree in the sale area must be visited, examined, judged, and then marked or left alone. This marking procedure yields no information on the volume marked or left. Some addi- tional procedure is needed. It would be possible to keep a "cut and leave" tally where a record is made of the number of trees in each * Professor, Department of Forestry. category, usually by d.b.h. class. If the trees are large and valuable and the stand density is appropriately low, this procedure might be justified. However, in stands of small trees or trees of relatively low value, particularly where the stands are dense, the cost of even such a simple op- eration might be excessive. Whenever the cost of a complete enumeration becomes excessive, the tendency is to look toward sampling for the needed information. One solution might be to divorce the data gathering part of the problem from the marking and to carry out an inventory using either fixed-radius plots or point-sampling after the marking is completed. Under appropriate statistical control, such an inventory probably would yield usable results and still be relatively inexpen- sive. Another approach to the problem might be to sample the trees as they are marked. In this procedure, the ulti- mate sampling unit is the tree, not a piece of land surface which may or may not bear trees. Let us say that a cruise intensity of 10 per cent has been deemed appropriate in this case. This means that one of every 10 trees would be selected for sampling. The sampling could be systematic, in which every tenth tree would be measured, regardless of size or value. This approach, of course, would yield a valid estimate of average tree size, or value, provided bias were not present. 1 Bias could easily be introduced by the marker consciously or subconsciously choosing bet- ter-than-average (or worse-than-average) trees as the sam- ple trees. This could have a serious effect on the accuracy of the inventory. A further problem with systematic sam- pling is that with it valid variability statistics cannot be obtained and such statistics are essential for valid interval estimates. Use of random sampling would eliminate much of the problem of bias. Insofar as this inventory problem is con- cerned, the mechanics of random sampling would be sim- ple and straightforward. The marker-cruiser could carry 1 Bias occurs when the mean of all possible estimates of a given population's parameters (mean, total, variance, etc.), based on samples of a given size, does not equal the param- eter. Where the population is not known in sufficient detail so that its component units can be listed so as to construct a frame, and if the sampling design is such that the sample size is indeterminate prior to the sampling, bias is apt to be pres- ent. These conditions exist in the problem used as the basis for this discussion, consequently, some bias may be present in all cases (8,9). However, this bias will be ignored in the dis- cussion since it probably would be small and, under the con- ditions of the problem, unavoidable. a pouch on his belt in which there were 10 marbles, 9 white and 1 black. After each tree was marked, the cruiser would stir up the marbles in the pouch and make a random draw. If the marble were white the tree would not be measured and the man would move on. If the marble were black, however, the tree would be measured. In either case the marble would be returned to the pouch, making it ready for the next draw. Such a procedure would result in approximately 10 per cent of the marked trees being measured. The statistics of the inventory would be computed conventionally: 2 n 1 Xi X = i=1 n where: i = mean tree volume or value Xi = volume or value of the ith tree, and n = number of trees measured; n s 2 = i=1 (Xi - )2 n-l where: s 2 = variance of sample; s = + /S 2 where:s = standard deviation of sample; C.V. = s/x where: C.V. = coefficient of variation; s2 n S2X - (1- ) n N where: s27 = variance of sample mean, and N = total number of trees in population; s = + ,/S2X where: s = standard error of sample mean; SE= !_ts where: SE t = sampling error for mean, and = Student's t value at the desired prob- ability level and with n- 1 degrees of freedom; SET = N(SE) where: SET - sampling error for total; T = N where: T = total volume or value of timber marked for cutting. same data, is shown in Table 2. As can be seen, this is a more cumbersome and less efficient procedure than the one conventionally used and would rarely, if ever, be used in a real-life situation. However, the basic idea behind it is fundamental to the discussion of 3-P sampling and, consequently, must be understood. TABLE 1. DATA AND COMPUTATIONS FROM A SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLE USING CONVENTIONAL PROCEDURES Sample tree no. Measured tree value Dol. 11.50 4.50 2.00 7.50 3.00 12.50 2.50 3.00 4.00 Total 50.50 x = 50.50/9 - $5.611 mean value per tree T = 85 ($5.611)- $476.93 estimated total value of marked trees s2 =15.7361 s = ? $3.97 per tree C.V. = 0.707 or 70.7% s., ? $1.25 per tree SE, for trees, at the 95% probability level = ? $2.88 per tree SE, for total value, at the 95% probability level - 85(2.88) - $245.07 TABLE 2. DATA AND COMPUTATIONS FROM A SIMPLE RANDOM SAMPLING USING THE MODIFIED COMPUTATION PROCEDURE Sample Weight tree no. Measured tree value Dol. Blow-up factor Estimate o total valu Dol. 1-....-- 1 11.50 85/1=85 11.50(85) 2--...-- 1 4.50 85/1= 85 4.50 (85) = 3-...-.. 1 2.00 85/1=85 2.00 (85) = 4 -....- 1 7.50 85/1= 85 7.50 (85) = 5 -..... 1 3.00 85/1- 85 3.00(85) = - 6 1 12.50 85/185 12.50 (85) =1,( 7------...--..- 1 2.50 85/1-85 2.50(85)= 1 8 ...... 1 3.00 85/1= 85 3.00 (85) = 9 ...... 1 4.00 85/1= 85 4.00 (85) = Total.... . 4, T - 4292.50/9= $476.94 total value of marked trees s = 113,693.4028 s = ? $337.18 per estimate of total C.V. = 337.18/476.94 = 0.707 or 70.7% sx ?+ $106.27 per estimate of total SE, for total, at 95% level of probability = ? $245.07 f Dol. 977.50 382.50 170.00 637.00 255.00 062.50 212.50 255.00 340.00 292.50 To illustrate this, assume that on a certain tract 85 trees have been marked for cutting. Assume further that 9 of these trees were selected for measurement using the ran- dom sampling procedure described above. The resulting data are shown in Table 1 along with the computation of the estimate of the total value of the marked timber ($476.93 ?+ $245.07, at the 95% level of probability). It is possible to obtain these same results using a some- what different computation procedure. This, using the 2 This is merely a brief review of elementary sampling theory. Most foresters learned this theory when they were students, but a few were not taught application of the theory. [41 Note the order of events in the two procedures. In the first, or conventional, method the mean value of the sample trees was computed first and then this was "blown- up" to an estimate of the total value by multiplying the mean value by the total count of trees in the population. In this case the blowing-up process came after the com- putation of the mean. In the second method, the value of each sample tree was first blown-up to an estimate of the total value and then these estimates of the total were averaged. The sequences of averaging and blowing-up are reversed. The results, however, are identical, within rounding. Fundamental to the whole process, regardless of the procedure used, is the blow-up factor. It is the reciprocal of the probability of a given tree being chosen for meas- urement in a single random draw from the population. 3 In this case, the tree has 1 chance in 85 of being chosen if only one random draw is made, so the reciprocal of this probability, 85, is the blow-up factor. Thus, in the con- ventional procedure, the mean tree value is blown-up by 85 to arrive at the estimate of the total. In the second procedure, each sample tree value is independently blown-up by 85 to an estimate of the total, then these estimates are averaged. In the conventional procedure, the value of each sample tree is used as an estimate of the mean value. Each tree may have a value that is greater or smaller than the mean, but these estimates are exactly correct on the average across all trees in the population. Likewise, in the second procedure the estimates of the total value, obtained from the sample trees, may be indi- vidually too large or too small, but they are exactly cor- rect on the average across all members of the population. It should be noted that in the calculation of the mean in both procedures, each observation or data item has a weight of one. This fact of equal weights for the indi- vidual observations is characteristic of simple random sam- pling with equal probability. This random sampling procedure is sound, unbiased, and practical, but it is inefficient. Each tree, regardless of size or value, has the same probability of being chosen. Consequently, trees of low value (small or defective trees, both with low volumes) are likely to be oversampled while highly valued trees are undersampled. To overcome this problem, some method must be de- vised which would sample high-value trees more heavily than low-value trees. This, in short, would involve variable probability. Sampling with probability proportional to size (Bitterlich or point-sampling) would not be applicable since such an inventory could not be carried out until after the marking was completed. A further consideration is that value may or may not be closely correlated to size. For example, a 12-inch black walnut or black cherry would be worth a great deal more than a 12-inch post oak. Size also does not take into consideration defect and its relation to merchantability. List sampling would not be appropriate since it could not be carried out until the marking was completed and a tentative value assigned to each tree. The trees would have to be marked with identifying numbers so that, if chosen for measurement from the list, they could be recovered. Finally, the field work of locating the chosen trees would be extremely laborious. 3-P SAMPLING The idea of a tentative value placed on each tree can be used as the basis of a stratification scheme that can solve this inventory problem. A set of tree value classes * A further example of this principle might be a situation in which a 1,000-acre tract has been divided into 5,000 square, 1/5-acre, sample plots. Assume that one plot will be drawn at random from the 5,000 and the volume on it determined. Its probability of selection is 1/5,000. If one multiplies the volume on this plot by 5,000 (which is the reciprocal of 1/5,000) the product will be an estimate of the total volume. This estimate may be too high or too low but the average of all possible such estimates (5,000 of these) would be correct. or strata which are arbitrary but still representative of the tree population involved can be developed. To each of these classes a probability of being chosen is assigned. 4 These probabilities would be proportional to the class values so that high-value classes would have a relatively high probability and low-value classes would have a rela- tively low probability of being chosen. Each tree, follow- ing marking, would be assigned to one of these classes. Then, right on the spot, a random draw using the proba- bility appropriate to that class would be made-to see if the tree was to be measured. Such a classification must be quick and easy to carry out and it must not require measurements, because much of the idea is to minimize measurement operations. The only logical procedure is to use ocular estimations of the value. Each tree would be assigned to a class using the marker's subjective judgment on size, quality, probable utility, local markets, and so forth. It is recognized that ocular estimating is subject to considerable random and systematic error when used for volume estimation. How- ever, when it is used to assign a tree to a value class the only thing affected by such errors is the probability of the tree being chosen. If a low-value tree is erroneously as- signed to a high-value class it merely means that particular tree has a greater chance of being sampled than it should. This would have little or no effect on the total volume estimates, but it would have an impact on the sampling error. This is explained later. The procedure described above is 3-P sampling. Let us examine the idea within the context of an example. Assume that a series of four tree value classes has been established: (A) $10 per tree; (B) $8 per tree; (C) $6 per tree; and (D) $3 per tree. Assume further that the following probabilities of being chosen have been assigned to the classes: (A) 4 in 40; (B) 3 in 40; (C) 2 in 40; and (D) 1 in 40. A pouch containing 40 marbles is made up for each of the four classes. In the A class pouch, 4 marbles are black and 36 white. In the B class pouch, 3 are black and 37 white. In the C class pouch, 2 are black and 88 white, and in the D class pouch only 1 of the 40 marbles is black. The marker-cruiser carries all four of these pouches on his belt. When the marker selects a tree, he classifies it ocularly by value class. He then stirs the marbles in the appropriate pouch and makes a random draw of one marble. If it is white, he records that a tree has been marked and de- notes the class to which it is assigned, then he moves to the next tree. If the marble is black, the tree is measured and its size or value is recorded. The class to which it was assigned is also recorded. In either case, the marble is returned to the proper pouch so that all is ready for the next drawing. Notice that in this procedure the probabil- ity of a given tree being selected for measurement changes from class to class and a high-value tree has a greater chance of being measured than does a low-value tree. Thus, the important problem of preferential sampling has been solved. COMPUTATIONS Because of the varying probabilities used in this ap- proach, the conventional computational procedures shown ^ The probabilities assigned are discussed at length in a fol- lowing section of this publication. [5] earlier cannot be used. If 3-P data were used in such a computational procedure, the total volume or value would be strongly biased upward because proportionally more high-value than low-value trees would be sampled. How- ever, the second procedure described earlier for simple random sampling can be used provided one change is made. For example, assume that the same 85 trees cruised by simple random sampling procedure were sampled ac- cording to the four classes described above. Further as- sume that the resulting data were as shown in Table 3. The computations are shown in Table 4. In Table 4 the blow-up factor is not constant across all trees. This is a consequence of the fact that the probabilities of the trees being chosen are not constant. A tree in class A has a probability of being chosen that is 4 times as great as does a tree in class D. In other words, the probabilities are weighted and the trees in class A have a weight of 4. The trees in class B have a weight of 3, those in class C have a weight of 2, while those in class D have a weight of 1. TABLE 3. DATA FROM A 3-P SAMPLE Class Proba- Wt. Class bility units/ ity tree No. A ... 4:40 4 B _.. 3:40 3 C -.. 2:40 2 D ... 1:40 1 Total Trees Trees Tree values as- meas- b signed ured obtained No. No. Dol. 15 2 10.50, 11.50 20 2 6.00, 8.00 20 0 30 1 2.00 85 5 ...... Total weight 4(15) 60 3(20)=60 2(20)=40 1(30)=30 190 TABLE 4. COMPUTATION OF 3-P SAMPLE Sam- ple tree no. Meas- Wt. ured ltree value Blow-up factor Estimate of total value Dol. Dol. Dol. 1__ .... 4 10.50 190/4= 47.500 10.50( 47.500) = 498.75 2 --- 4 11.50 190/4= 47.500 11.50( 47.500) = 546.25 3 3 6.00 190/3 63.333 6.00( 63.333) = 380.00 4 --------. 3 8.00 190/3- 63.333 8.00( 63.333)-=506.67 5 . 1 2.00 190/1190.000 2.00(190.000) - 80.00 Total 2,311.67 T 2311.67/5 $462.33 total value of marked trees s2 = 5975.1343 s ?+ $77.30 per estimate of total C.V. - 16.7% s2- 1124.7593 sX ___ 4 $33.54 per estimate of total SE, for total, at 95% level of probability =- $93.10 To compute probabilities in a case such as this, it is necessary to sum the weights which were assigned and use this sum as the denominator in the probability fraction. In the case of Table 2, where the probabilities are constant across all the trees, each tree has a weight of 1 and the sum of the weights is 85. As a result, the probability of any individual tree being chosen in a single random draw is 1/85 and the blow-up factor is equal to 85. In the case of the 3-P sample shown in Table 3, 15 trees are assigned to class A. Each of these trees has a weight of 4 so the sum of weights for class A is 60. Correspondingly, the sum for class B is 60; for class C, 40; and for class D, 80. The grand total of these weights is 190, which is used to cal- culate the probabilities. Consequently the probability of [6] a class A tree being chosen is 4/190, the probability of a class B tree is 3/190, and so forth. The reciprocals of these probabilities are the blow-up factors. When one considers the calculation procedures in Tables 2 and 4 in light of these ideas, it becomes obvious that, fundament- ally, they are exactly alike. One simply has to use the proper probabilities, whether they are constant or variable. All the terms used until the next section had been com- mon before 3-P sampling was developed. No specialized 3-P sampling terms have yet appeared. For ready refer- ence, terms are defined in the Appendix. GETTING AWAY FROM THE POUCHES In most cases, pouches of marbles would not be practi- cal since many classes would be needed. The only truly practical solution is to use a set of random numbers. How- ever, to set the stage for a description of how those ran- dom numbers should be set up and used, it appears desirable to describe a technique based on the use of a deck of cards. This also will provide a vehicle for intro- ducing some of the special terminology and symbology associated with 3-P sampling. The deck would be made up of cards bearing two kinds of labeling. First, there would be a card representing each of the classes which are to be recognized. Each of these cards would bear an integer. The magnitudes of these integers should be correlated with the volumes or values thought to be associated with the classes. For example, a deck that would yield results analagous to those obtained using the four pouches would have a card with a 4 (for class A), a 3 (for class B), a 2 (for class C), and a 1 (for class D). Note that these values correspond to the weights previously described. In 3-P terminology, there would be K cards bearing integers. In this case, K would be equal to 4. All the remaining cards would be alike. They represent rejection of the tree and are analagous to the white mar- bles in the pouches. Therefore, they are called "rejection cards." These cards may be blank or they may bear symbols such as asterisks, black balls, zeroes, groups of X's, or whatever is desired. These rejection cards serve to control the probabilities of trees being chosen. There are Z such cards. Regardless of weight, the greater the value of Z the smaller is the probability of any tree being chosen and vice versa. Z, which can be any desired whole number, must equal at least 1 and probably should be greater than 1. More will be said about the magnitude of Z later in the discussion. In the case of the deck for the four pouch problem, Z would be equal to 36. This would bring the deck size up to 40, the same magnitude as the number of marbles in each pouch. The reasoning behind this will be made clear after the use of the deck has been explained. The deck is used as follows. As before, each tree is visited, examined, judged, and either marked or not marked. If marked, it is then ocularly assigned to a class, and the class is recorded. Remember that now the class identification is in terms of the numbers mentioned in the paragraph about the K cards. In standard 3-P sampling terminology this class label is called a KPI number. The deck is now thoroughly shuffled and a card is drawn at random from the deck. If the card bears a rejection sym- bol, the tree is rejected and the cruiser moves on. If the card bears a number (called a KI value) that is larger than the class label (KPI value), the tree also is rejected. If, however, the card bears a number (KI value) that is equal to or smaller than the class label (KPI value), the tree is measured and evaluated. The resulting volume or value magnitude is called a YI value. Every tree in the forest has a YI value that is unknown until the tree is measured and evaluated. How does probability enter into this procedure? To demonstrate this, let us compare the 40-card deck with the four pouches of marbles. Table 5 shows how the probabilities are determined by the deck. Note that these probabilities are identical with those associated with the pouches of marbles. An examination of this table also should reveal why the deck contains 36 rejection cards. TABLE 5. How THE PROBABILITY OF A TREE BEING SAMPLED VARIES ACCORDING TO CLASS (KPI VALUE) USING THE 40 CARD DECK KPI m I KPI m , KPI KPI = class label, for class A for class B for class C for class D = 4 = 3 S2 S 1 = sum of weights = blow-up factor, for class A = 190/4 for class B = 190/3 - for class C = 190/2 = for class D = 190/1= 190 47.500 63.333 95.000 190.000 = number of sample trees YI = value of the Ith tree m TI = KPI (YI) KPI estimate of the total volume or value on tract, based on the Ith tree above Action taken Probability of Measurement Rejection When a tree is assigned to class (KPI)1: SNo measurement 4 > KPI No measurement 3 > KPI No measurement 2 > KPI No measurement 1 KPI Measure 1/40 1/40 A tree in class (KPI)1 has 1 being measured. When a tree is assigned to class (KPI)2: No measurement 4 > KPI No measurement 3 > KPI No measurement 2- KPI Measure 1/40 1 < KPI Measure 1/40 2/40 36/40 1/40 1/40 1/40 39/40 chance in 40 of 36/40 1/40 1/40 38/40 A tree in class (KPI)2 has 2 chances in 40 of being measured. When a tree is assigned to class (KPI)3: * No measurement 4 > KPI No measurement When a tree is a, 4 KPI 3 < KPI 2 < KPI 1 0.2606, so this requirement also has been met. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN NO TREES ARE SELECTED It is possible in a cruise of this type that no trees at all would happen to be selected for measurement. This could lead to the erroneous conclusion that the volume or value was zero. Should this occur, the cruise must be repeated. If the provision is made in the inventory design that a repeat cruise would be made in the case of no tree's being selected, the probabilities of selection are changed. The corrections necessary to maintain exact probabilities are beyond the scope of this discussion. Reference is made to Grosenbaugh (6) and Space (10). If one wishes, the same tract could be cruised several times simultaneously by using interpenetrating samples. In such a case, each tree is assigned to a class (KPI value) in the normal manner, but instead of comparison with a single randomly drawn (KI) value this KPI value is then compared with several randomly drawn (KI) values. Each of these represents a separate cruise. The data of the several cruises must be kept separate and analyzed separately. This approach materially reduces the probability of ending up with the patently false esti- mate of zero volume or value. Again, the step-wise pro- cedures are beyond the scope of this publication. USING RANDOM NUMBERS RATHER THAN A DECK A deck of cards such as that described earlier is not a practical tool in the woods. A practical substitute for the deck is a set of random numbers which vary in magni- tude in the same manner as the numbered cards in the deck. Diluting these random numbers are rejection sym- bols which correspond to the rejection cards. These ran- dom numbers and the rejection symbols are generated by a computer using Grosenbaugh's RN3P program. The computer print-out from this program can be cut into strips, which are joined end-to-end and rolled on spools for use in a special random number dispenser that has been adequately described by Grosenbaugh (2) and Me- savage (7). WHERE DOES THE DENDROMETER FIT IN? The 3-P sampling procedure is designed to select the trees that are to be measured or evaluated so that an efficient estimate of the total volume or value of the whole population can be made. Nowhere in the 3-P pro- cedure are any requirements stated as to how the trees that are selected must be measured or evaluated. This evaluation procedure could consist of an ocular estimate; it could be based on a local, standard, or form-class vol- ume table; or it could consist of a series of measurements made on the upper stem using the dendrometer. Though the dendrometer approach is preferred, it is not the only one that could be used. The reason the dendrometer approach is preferred is that the evaluation of each tree is based on data from that tree alone. There is no recourse to volume tables, which had to be constructed from data obtained from other trees that might or might not have been similar to the trees being sampled. With the dendrometer procedure, meas- urement and estimation errors are minimized and consid- erably more accurate results can be obtained. IN SUMMARY The pure 3-P sampling design used as the foundation for this discussion is the simplest and probably the least useful that might be employed. A far more useful design involves the combination of 3-P sampling with point sam- pling which can be used for several types of inventories, including C.F.I. Grosenbaugh and his colleagues have developed a number of different designs. Grosenbaugh's STX computer program is sufficiently flexible to handle all of them. The combining of 3-P sampling with den- drometry and computer programming has made available to the forestry profession a powerful and versatile tool for inventory operations of all kinds. Foresters should take advantage of this tool whenever its use seems ad- vantageous. [11] LITERATURE CITED (1) GROSENBAUGH, L. R. 1963. Some Suggestions for Better Sample Tree Measurement. Proc. Soc. Amer. For., pp. 36-42. (2) ------------------------------------. 1965. Three-pee Sam pling Theory and Program 'THRP' for Computer Genera- tion of Selection Criteria. USDA, Forest Service Re- search Paper PSW-21. 53 p. (3) ---------. 1967. The Gains From Sam- ple-Tree Selection with Unequal Probabilities. For- estry 65:203-206. (4) -- ---------------------------------. 1967. STX -FO RTRA N -4 Program for Estimates of Tree Populations from 3P Sample Tree Measurements. USDA, Forest Serv- ice Research Paper P5W-13 (Revised). 76 p. (5) ------------------------------------ . 1968. Sample Tree Meas- urement: A New Science. Forest Farmer, Dec., pp. 10-11. (6) -----------------------------------. 1971. STX 1-11-71 for Den- drometry of Multistage 3P Samples. USDA, Forest Service. 63 p. (7) MESAVAGE, C. 1971. STX Timber Estimating With 3-P Sampling and Dendrometry. USDA, Forest Service, Agr. Handbook No. 415. (8) SCHREUDER, H. T., J. SEDRANSK, AND K. D. WARE. 1968. 3-P Sampling and Some Alternatives, I. For- est Science 14:429-454. (9 ) -------------------------------- ---------A N D D. A. HAMILTON. 1971. 3-P Sampling and Some Alternatives, II. Forest Science 17:103-118. (10) SPACE, J. C.. 1971. Field Instructions, Three-P For- est Inventory. USDA, Forcst Service, State & Private Forestry -SE Area. 18 p. (11) STEBER,. G. D. AND J. C. SPACE. 1972. New Inven- tory System Sweeping the South. J. Forestry 70: 76-79. APPENDIX Meanings of symbols conventionally included in the 3-P sampling literature. K The number of classes (or KPI values) to which trees can be assigned. Z = The number of rejection cards in a 3-P sampling deck. KPI = Class label. It is a whole number used-to iden- tify a class. This number is equal in magnitude to the weight assigned to the class. KI A value obtained from a random draw from the 3-P sampling deck provided an integer card is drawn. YI - The actual value or volume of the tree in ques- tion. Every tree has a YI value but it is. un- known until after the tree has been measured and evaluated. m= The number of trees in the population being sampled. n= The number of trees sampled. m I KPI= The sum of the weights of all the trees in the population being sampled. m r KPI = KPI = The blow-up factor for the Ith tree. TI = The estimate of the total value or volume in the population based on the Ith tree alone. = The mean estimate of the total value or volume based on all the trees in the sample. ESN The expected number of sample trees.