Forestry Departmental Series No. 4 May 1971 FACTORS AFFECT I Height an imtrGrowth and Site Index of &icalyptus glhls (Labill. in the HUANACO VALLEY of PE-RU Ag CjUQ Fprr~ o Auburn 1->iversit' Auburn, .A Wbao E. V. Smith, D irw t_~ Arr cuitura! Experiment Stat LIST OF TABLES 1. Basic statistical data from 20 plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in the Huianaco Valley of Peru. 2. Analysis of variance of the E. globulus data when tree height was the dependent variable and site index was not included as an independent variable. 3. Analysis of variance of the E. globulus data when tree height was the dependent variable and site index was included as an inde- pendent variable. 4. Adjusted mean total height by significant independent variables when site index was included in the analysis. 5. Adjusted linear regression coefficients of significant covariables when the dependent variable was tree height. 6. Analysis of variance of the E. globulus data when site index was the dependent variable . 7. Simple correlation coefficients expressing relationships between variables in the E. globulus data. 8. Adjusted linear regression coefficients of significant covariables where the dependent variable is site index. 9. Analysis of variance of the E. globulus data when the mean di- ameter breast high (d.b.h.) of the stand was the dependent variable. 10. Adjusted linear regression coefficients of significant covariables when the dependent variable is d.b.h. Appendix Table. F values from analyses of variance of the tree height data computed using aspect values obtained from different index directions. LIST OF FIGURES 1. Map of Peru showing location of the Hianaco Valley. 2. Scene in the Hianaco Valley showing typical terrain. 3. E. globulus pit props and timbers. 4. Seven-year-old E. globulus plantation. 5. Road cut showing nature of the soil in the study area. 6. Site index curves for E. globulus in the Huanaco Valley. Appendix Figure. Trace of the value of the sine function when used as in this study. Cover photo. Scene in the Hianaco Valley. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors express thanks and appreciation to Ronald Rochis and Milton Cone who collected the data used in this study while serving in Peru as members of the Peace Corps. They were attached to the Peruvian Forest Service and under the direction of the senior author, who was a member of United Nations Development Program Special Fund Project No. 116, FAO, Forestry/Peru. Mr. Cone was killed in action in Viet Nam in 1969 and this paper is dedicated to his memory. Factors Affecting -leight and Diameter Growth and Site Index of Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) in the l-luanaco Valley of Peru SEYMOUR I. SOMBERG, EVERT W. JOHNSON, and L. E. DEBRUNNER* INTRODUCTION THE GEOGRAPHY AND ECONOMIC STRUCTURE of Peru are dominated by the high and rugged cordillera of the Andes mountains that separates the country into three distinctly different regions. The largest of these regions lies east of the mountains, is sparsely populated, has a tropical cli- mate, and is dominated by dense rain forests typical of the Amazon basin. West of the mountains is a relatively narrow strip of coastal desert that harbors approximately two-thirds of the nation's population and exhibits the coun- try's most advanced economic development. The moun- tains, along with their associated highlands (Altiplano), form the third major subdivision of the country. Few transportation links join these three regions and those that do exist are poorly suited to heavy traffic. This is particu- larly true of the eastern region that is almost completely isolated from the others. These geographic factors have a profound influence on the timber economy. Although the country has enormous resources of usable timber, Peru is a net importer of sawn lumber and other forest products. In addition to its forest wealth, Peru has extremely large reserves of copper, gold, silver, and other mineral re- sources. Most of these minerals are found in the central mountain region where the mining industry is most active. Most mining in this region is of the shaft type that requires large quantities of both sawn and round wood for pit props. Because of the transportation problems mentioned earlier, the great supply of wood east of the mountains is not economically available to satisfy the demand for min- ing wood. Transportation links from the coast to the cen- tral area are adequate for supplying wood to the mines, but this wood is extremely expensive. Because of these conditions, extensive plantings of Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) have been established in the mining area. This species has been favored since it exhibits rapid growth, an ability to coppice, and resistance to drought. However, little is known concerning the silviculture or management of this species under conditions existing in the central re- gion of Peru. This report provides some information rela- tive to this subject. * Formerly Associate Professor, Department of Forestry, now Director of Research and Professor, School of Forestry, Stephen F. Austin State University; and Professor and Assistant Pro- fessor, Department of Forestry, respectively. Site of this investigation was the Hiianaco Valley, Fig- ure 1, which lies in the midst of the mountains, cover and Figure 2. The valley floor ranges in elevation from 2,500 to 4,000 meters (8,000 to 14,000 feet) above sea level and the surrounding mountains rise to altitudes of approxi- mately 6,000 meters (20,000 feet). Valley walls are steep and rocky. Relatively little land is suitable for growing trees. Consequently, large amounts of pit prop material must be grown in short rotations on small areas. E. globu- lus, because of its rapid height growth, has great potential in this area. In the central region of Peru, wood for pit props is not FIG. 1. Map of Peru showing location of Hianaco Valley. the1 da8(a XXcr (' no t complefIIte tor XIomei pIlots, onI I 2 were suiItable]( tor all phasesc oIt the stud(IX Eaclh plot X as 2(0 X 2(0 meters (65.6 XK 65.6 ft, 1 25 he1ctareI, oI atlmos~t ex- act ly 1 19 actre) a11d was soXI located wXithinl the stal d that ('(l 14 ('lc 1111( not 8lit a actor tation: Scen n1 1 t t 1 (11ac XIICXX 1. Age of plantation, in gars (\yhicl should have becu the Same as tree age since, 6th this species, only about :3 months clapsc betmull seed germination and outplant- 2. Planting method used (bare root or in cans); 3. Whether fertilizer had bean applied (type imd quail- tits of fertilizer it, \ycll as tinting of application wcm till known); t picnl terrain. 1. Whether the site had been prepared for planting (site preparation consisted of plo\yin(or hand cult iyatiug sites prior to pltmting); 5. Whethui the plantation had been irrigated at any time in its evidence (no inlormatioti was available Mil- ceniiiig amount of water used or till, timing of its applica- lion. ) till the iliid1111l piece, XX lichi is boughit tol satisf tX 8 pIe- cific minit; need. Couise(Iuenitl, IctigthX arc1 X aiabil', avX Craginig abou)(t 2 meter s (6 feI't), XXhereas.I topJ dliameiIter to (6 ices), XXithi 13 cen'Itimtet('rs (.5 itiches ) pleired( (. P~ieces XXith top 1 diameters greater' thtat 1.5 cenItimterstI' are1 someI(timesc used2(, but tl)C'X ilC( less5 valable tol thie mIintcs becaulse thecir add~ittinal XXeight 111(d volume intcr ease him- LarIgel pieces alXso a1re- Ituilcirale to produIic(rs b l)causeX' hieightt as IrapidlX as poss~ile. B1cause51 iot this, kiXlmd(lgI growXthl XXul be(1( of~ great po~tenItiaIl valu1e tol producII'(' DATA COLLECTION l XXettt no11n-cop[pi'edI p~l.Ittins, Figurel 1, XXr I'l'e- lectedl tatndoltyi tflt stIudv from11 ~il] p1111 tiolsI ill till vat]1 5' It. 2. ,.\ 1 ac (. amp X l eI jblot thle ft iIi ll t 11( 1 i to tatio w1 Xas oh- L Altitudec altove XI'a l'eel in meter X, IIiug ai t i aromet- 2. Slope, iln (t(gr'I'X (usingi an1 \lbteX levX l Appenidix); 5. Numer of (Isestl pcr etar hig time1. olf datacllc-II IlXti; oatl('t~l Xa eta . ctltlc'tai I: 6. Batal X ra nsur etprhcae 7.Si hdtrmnd uig i ied kto nu w t,4] C t..._ Otlcr l~ti(" b~nlishz ii 1,1able A\gi Alt itude I Slt)e Numiiibir of tirexs lSixil 1AIet Pecin t Suitd Pit cit silt Deipth ot A&Bl hoizonit D).bi.h. oft all tee" ini standii Arti it hmticsli 2.728n. 8:,317tft. 5.21 iii. 56.1 It. 2(19(5ha. 848 it ace 27.60) iti./ 12 0 . 2 ft- hai. a :39.1 enli. I5.) ini. 2:3.3 ai. 76.)f ft. 1:.5 cmi. .5.3 iii. Othet Millis ii ~tigli',) 10.4 xi. 1:3.9 -'515.8 u. -?-1,573 ft -'-12.:39 in. hut.. ?426/ acrei 1 --51(.0 ft/ tce IS8.:3 vi '-7.2 inI. -- 7.1 1 +3: '-3.0 ft. -4.2 emil. -1-).67 ill -- 1(0.3 0'1.910 -- 7.5 -'4.9 -'5.8 11.91) 1:3.510 iii. 5761- 7250/hat. :3.-17-6(5.015 i .- ]lit. 9.7- 1415.:3 ft. 2:33- 29:34 ten'r 15.1-287.7 ft.-/acre O thier (-1 7 xi. 0-:35 4..5-8.0 34.0)-(6.1) 22.11-18.1) 8.0-:39.1) 9-61) nt. :31)-197 ft. 6.15-24.9 2.6-9.8 in. tcii. andt B3 sli)oili toizonis xii(re cidixteeleid c iitaftes. bTe stuitis- Itil iode wtti s ai s foItllowxxs: (I -r ma I1I. T'e niatuii i' i t'e p)airent mtiait ii) xits ireti tet) ax pie ploit, Figuire .5, uid m(1 ittetiiieullx ,iialx ,ed in tlie lab- DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION tuinied ini t'e coel of i t'e tiitlx axs the pritiat x tdepi'iili'nt xaiable xiiice it is ft'e citil iiiiformiatin, litwxevxer, effeets a) tlie meaisured ariabiuult' on d~lbli. alit) siti' indtex uilsoi xxetr' inxi'tigatt't. Da)tui xx ret Dautuia wetc ,italxze siniitg tlie ''Leaist-Squpareis idii \Mai- iimuim Likelihoiiot Gciiera) Puipoise Pitogrami" teetltopi't lhx W.' 13. fIaritx ofit Ohioi State 1, iux rxutx. IPlaiitiig mtetlitid xxeci contasideired to be the xai ablt's gixviiig riset' fth nii'itiii effects, wh etreas age, ultitde, sltope, uspi'tt sit' XAppx'i tdix), plaiiting xpuce, iiumber'i tr(ies pit ii ii1 itt i run arei. basal area per iitit girouinit area, sil pll, perci 'tit sndt, i I Tree Height eff ects ,idi inIt e ttti s, S, F, Px, I. IS, INS, uiiit IJix x werc 'I' xiii 2. \N.-~v~ oi VAMAi', iii \xEt F~ i l . 910ttliti l 'xi XX iii N 'lii IrIiir AV'sti I X xlii I)~nx i',lw NiriXxiixt xAmi Satr IitiN AV'xs Niii INI t iUtn it xx x I~Niti i Ni)NiX xi x V IABA Sit it. Pitiii' i metho (i P')- lii tili,,ttiitiiF) l'xS l t x I' i\S Xi, ( lintn i ltitiili' ( litea i Slop,1 ( linea ) N iiii)ii ot tiveis/hai. ( linear) pI ( liniiar) Per ci it tsanx ( linea jti Pcili cut sit ( liit')i Pcr-t cclitlus in r Itisidna I .'x l ti. XIMS. 12- of sig- ii Ii. ,iii 361.192 59.1011 13.5.:388 t99.048 96:3.920 6(1.8'9) :38(5.8201 81.699 57.51:3 :3 (5.4 37 :3 15.476 6.533 6:3.267 :3501.170) :3570 ..50) 01.115 65.822 101.8:35 4.544 7.765 722.275 16.975 :3.476 7.976 15.534 :3.58:3 22.788 1.81:3 .3.:390 2.147 20.352 0.:385 :3.727 21).629 2101.31:3 0.00t 7 0.-1)2 01(.38 0.3268 0.457 42.551) N.S. N S. 01.0015 01.025 01.025 01.0015 N .S. 01.00(5 0.0501 N.S. N-S. 0.005 N.S. N.S. 11(1(15 11.00(5 N.S. N .S. N.S. N.S. N.S. 01.0015 TABLE I. BA',R SIAIIYtICAt. DATA rnosi 211 I't.s iaruoxs OF E',walyp(n.s _lobribis i\ my Ill A\seo or Pi:,m, 1966-67 1,000- 6,200- 3,650 nt. 12,000 ft. 1; k1, _v f (P)lanting method; (I)rrigationi + (S)itc, + (F)crtiliz.cri (Pl)u + (PS);,, 4 (PF)~ + (IS)O,, + Total tree height, meters Site index 40 3030 24 21 20 18 10 0 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 6 7 Total tree age, years FIG. 6. Site index curves for E. globulus in the Hiianaco Valley of Peru. significant, along with the covariables altitude, number of trees per hectare, basal area per hectare, and aspect. Results of the analysis of variance in Table 2, which in- dicate that stand density was the strongest independent variable and that age had no effect, are contrary to the usual assumptions on which site index is based. This sug- gested that some powerful variable was not being con- sidered in the analysis, and this variable was deduced to be site quality. Consequently, the family of site index curves in Figure 6 was developed from the available data. The procedure used to develop these curves is that de- scribed by Chapman and Meyer1. This procedure is rel- atively crude, since it does not recognize polymorphism, but sketchiness of the data precluded use of more sophisti- cated procedures. The guide used in construction of the curves is the trace of the equation: H = 12.3266 + 3.3069A 1 /2 Where: H = total tree height (in meters), and A = tree age (in years). The index age was set at 10 years and the interval be- tween curves was set at 8 meters. Despite crudeness, these curves may be useful to forest managers in the Huanaco Valley since site index curves for E. globulus in that area apparently are unavailable. These site index curves were used to obtain site index values for each sample plot in the study. These values were used as an additional covariable and the tree height 1 CHAPMAN, H. H. AND W. H. MEYER. 1949. Forest Men- suration. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York (522 pp.). data were reanalyzed on this basis. No attempt was made to transform other independent variables in this analysis. Utilization of this, or any other, set of site index curves in a study of this type undoubtedly will cause adverse comment. Site index actually refers to the height attained by dominant or codominant trees at a given age. Con- sequently, site index is closely correlated with tree height. Inclusion of site index in an analysis of variance of this type would show it to be a powerful contributor to varia- bility of the dependent variable. Furthermore, if any other independent variables were correlated with site quality, and many of those used in this study would be expected to be so correlated, their roles in tree height growth could be obscured effectively in the analysis of variance. How- ever, since these interrelationships could be evaluated in a subsequent analysis of variance of the site index data, the decision to reanalyze tree height data with site index as a covariable was reasonable. Results of the analysis of variance that included site index as a covariable, Table 3, are far more conventional than those obtained in the first analysis. As expected, site index and age have strong influences on tree heights, and basal area no longer appears as a significant variable. How- ever, the appearance of soil depth and aspect as significant variables was unexpected. These are site quality variables and ordinarily would be expected to be obscured by site index. Insofar as the main effects and their interactions are concerned, only site preparation (S) and the interactions PxS, IxS, and IxF were significant, Table 3. Table 4 gives the adjusted mean total heights associated with these ef- fects. Included in Table 4 are results of a series of Dun- can's new mutiple range tests made to isolate the combina- tions of effect that were acting differently from the others and causing the interactions to appear significant. The information in Table 4 indicates that site prepara- TABLE 3. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF THE E. globulus DATA WHEN TREE HEIGHT WAS THE DEPENDENT VARIABLE AND SITE INDEX WAS INCLUDED AS AN INDEPENDENT VARIABLE Level Source d.f. M.S. F of sig- nificance Planting method (P) 1 38.408 3.326 N.S. Irrigation (I) 1 2.368 0.205 N.S. Site preparation (S)------ 1 69.770 6.044 0.025 Fertilization (F)--------- 1 0.143 0.012 N.S. PxI 1 27.130 2.350 N.S. PxS 1 233.382 20.216 0.005 PxF 1 5.403 0.468 N.S. IxS 1 82.188 7.119 0.010 IxF 1 67.085 5.811 0.025 SxF 1 38.323 3.320 N.S. Age (linear) 1 136.553 10.962 0.005 Altitude (linear) 1 7.641 0.662 N.S. Slope (linear) 1 2.650 0.230 N.S. Planting space (linear) 1 8.543 0.740 N.S. (linear) . 1 24.174 2.094 N.S. Basal area/ha. (linear) 1 1.632 0.141 N.S. pH (linear) 1 21.887 1.896 N.S. Per cent sand (linear) 1 1.446 0.125 N.S. Per cent silt (linear) 1 4.218 0.365 N.S. Depth of A&B (linear) 1 108.127 9.366 0.005 Aspect (linear) 1 222.317 19.257 0.005 Site index (linear) 1 2541.952 220.185 0.005 Residual 465 11.545 [6] TABLE 4. ADJUSTED MEAN TOTAL HEIGHT BY SIGNIFICANT INDEPENDENT VARIABLES WHEN SITE INDEX WAS INCLUDED IN THE ANALYSIS (INCLUDED ARE RESULTS OF A SERIES OF DUNCAN'S NEW MULTIPLE RANGE TESTS) Comparison level Variable and level Mean of significance 0.05 0.01 Site preparation Site prepared 24.10 Site not prepared 2.0.90 Planting method x site preparation Bare rooted & plowed__ 25.00 I 1 In cans & not plowed ------- 24.26 In cans & plowed --- 23.20 Bare rooted & not plowed ............. 17.55 Irrigation x site preparation Not irrigated but plowed 24.77 Irrigated & plowed -- - 23.43 Irrigated & not plowed 22.19 Not irrigated or plowed 19.61 Irrigation x fertilization Irrigated & fertilized 24.36 Not irrigated nor fertilized ........ 23.60 Irrigated & not fertilized- ---- 21.26 Not irrigated but fertilized ....... 20.78 I 1 tion by "plowing" prior to planting had, in general, a ben- eficial effect on tree height growth. The effect of site preparation (compared to no site prep- aration) on trees planted in cans was negligible. However, trees that had been planted with bare roots on plowed land did somewhat better than trees planted in cans on either plowed or unplowed sites. Bare-rooted trees planted on plowed land did much better than trees planted with bare roots on unplowed land. Irrigation alone had no discernible effect on height growth. However, trees responded differently to irrigation when other factors were considered in conjunction with it. Irrigation and site preparation showed evidence of an interrelationship only when a site was not plowed prior to planting and the trees were not irrigated following plant- ing. This combination of no soil disturbance and no irri- gation yielded poorer results than any other treatment or set of treatments. This suggests that plowing and/or ir- rigation would be required for good results. The pattern of response to irrigation and fertilization was unusual in that it made little difference whether, on the one hand, the trees had been irrigated and fertilized or, on the other hand, the trees had been neither irrigated nor fertilized. However, application of fertilizer in the absence of irrigation had a negative effect. It is possible that the application of fertilizer created a situation where uptake of water normally available was reduced because of an unfavorable osmotic potential. Addition of fertilizer can result in osmotic potentials so low as to retard plant growth 2 . Watering alone was better than fertilizer alone, but yielded results poorer than those associated with either irrigation and fertilization or with no irrigation or fertilization treatment. This situation probably was pro- duced because the limited watering encouraged herbac- eous weed growth that utilized the shallowly penetrating 2 KRAMER, P. J. 1969. Plant and Soil Water Relationships: A Modern Synthesis. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York (482 pp.). TABLE 5. ADJUSTED LINEAR REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS OF SIGNIFICANT COVARIABLES (DEPENDENT VARIABLE IS TREE HEIGHT ) Covariable b Age + 0.678 meter of tree height per year Depth of A&B horizons.- 0.0357 meter of tree height per centimeter of soil depth Aspect + 0.000040 meter of tree height per sine unit (0.00001) of the azi- muth from N 45 ? W Site index + 1.325 meters of tree height per meter of site index water along with natural precipitation and thus decreased available soil water for the deeper rooted Eucalyptus. Adjusted linear regression coefficients of age and site index are positive, Table 5, indicating that tree height in- creases with increasing age and site quality, which is to be expected. However, increasing soil depth apparently has an adverse effect. Though this was unexpected, since good sites usually are associated with deep soils, it is not unreasonable when the character of the soil (mostly coarse, gravelly sand) is considered. The deeper this soil, the easier and faster the rainfall or irrigation water can per- colate beyond the root system of the trees. The effect of increasing azimuth of slope from northwest (aspect) was to increase height growth. This conforms to the theory that better sites and, consequently, taller trees occupy the cooler, wetter slopes. However, the appearance of soil depth and aspect as significant variables when site index was included as a variable was not expected and raised many questions. Site Index Inclusion of site index into the analysis of variance of tree height data effectively obscured effects of most vari- ables that actually control site quality (and, inexplicably, TABLE 6. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF THE E. globulus DATA WHEN SITE INDEX WAS THE DEPENDENT VARIABLE Level Source d.f. M.S. F of sig- nificance Planting method (P)-- 1 42.203 0.097 N.S. Irrigation (I)t n (...... 1 449.348 1.035 N.S. Site preparation (S) ...... 1 308.125 0.709 N.S. Fertilization (F)----- 1 482.952 1.112 N.S. PxI 1 387.242 0.892 N.S. PxS................ 1 101.726 0.234 N.S. PxF 1 470.985 1.084 N.S. IxS 1 1185.951 2.730 N.S. IxF ................ 1 63.894 0.147 N.S. SxF 1 151.923 0.350 N.S. Age (linear) 1 253.805 0.584 N.S. Altitude (linear) 1 2713.156 6.246 0.025 Planting space (linear) 1 1007.155 2.319 N.S. Number of trees/ha. (linear) . . 1 6750.411 15.541 0.005 Basal area/ha. (linear) 1 36321.356 83.620 0.005 Per cent sand (linear) 1 199.066 0.458 N.S. Per cent silt (linear) 1 24.128 0.056 N.S. Depth of A&B (linear) 1 139.762 0.322 N.S. Aspect (linear) 1 1141.092 2.627 N.S. Residual -.. .. 50 434.362 [7] did not obscure two of the site quality variables). Thus, it was necessary to study effects of these variables on site index itself. This was done in the analysis of variance given in Table 6. It should be noted that this variance is based on 72 rather than 489 observations since, in this case, only one observation per plot was available. Because of this loss in degrees of freedom, analysis of the site in- dex data is considerably less sensitive than was the tree height analysis. Results obtained from the analysis were not as expected. Of the variables usually associated with site quality, only altitude was significant. Furthermore, altitude appeared to have less effect on site index than did stand density. In an attempt to clarify these results, a study of the pattern of correlations between the continuous variables was made, based on information in Table 7. Of the variables under discussion, altitude, slope, soil pH, per cent sand, per cent silt, per cent clay, soil depth, and aspect usually are considered to be associated with site quality. Site index was correlated.signfficantly and relatively strongly with two of these, altitude and slope, and significantly but relatively weakly correlated with soil pH, per cent silt, soil depth, and aspect. Site index was not correlated significantly with the other variables. Site index increased as both altitude and slope increased, which is logical since at higher altitudes the sites are sub- jected to lower temperatures and shorter growing seasons and soil on steeper slopes retains less water for use by plants. These conditions are compounded by the strong positive correlation between altitude and slope, which in- dicates that slopes become steeper as altitude increases. The strong correlation between altitude and slope results in only one (altitude) appearing significant in the analysis of variance in Table 6. Only a minor change in the data probably would have resulted in slope being significant and altitude not significant. Correlations between soil depth and altitude and soil depth and slope are significant but not strong. In general, soil depth decreases as altitude and slope increase, follow- ing the pattern of site index. As soil depth decreases, the per cent of clay decreases and per cent of sand increases. This is logical since clay particles are transported down- ward by water more easily than are sand particles. Clays are deposited on the more gentle lower slopes while sands remain above on steeper slopes. High pH values are more likely to be associated,'with clays than with sands. The data in Table 9 are consistent with this pattern. Thus, the signfficant correlation between soil depth and pH is a re- flection of the correlation between soil depth and per cent clay and between per cent clay and pH.. This also explains the relationship between pH and altitude and slope. In short, one would expect to find deep, clay soils with high oon .COD I-z CO ala U, stH :dz L~i0 ti0 t z e0 siH tlH- 'CO .e~S 10 La"a o'S 0) 00 0 ncO 0 0 4- ~P-l a CO 0- ;lop U COC CO z roont50)byA Lopao 5 CO IgeI CO co H- H- CO O O O O Ic I bil01 CO CO 10 000M ncec 1 COH m 10 t666 I Ip o00 i)0100H Co00 t666 -I C "-I jO O O 1001{00 H- 10 C 0010 clI Lt) CO 00 10 O 0 eH- 01 CD 10 00T6 di CO n6 eccq ite- 6 .d7 C 00 CO co 6 CO 3eCo tY0 ,a6 0 CO 10 sif 6 C" r-- 01 1? iin 6 CO 01 te6 ~~00 rr10 I6 t~H- ~v10 an0 IttI- -qCC 1001000C C)1-C00I 1-I-0 m G 0o I'll OCOcc0 CO ->--1:r--0000 6666 566614 1 1 N01Co CO01 -CO? COr- 0r-0 r-000 OH-OH-0000-- Co 101 - - 00C: 000 r--CO 0 0-- H- 010 001C 0 -{ 6666666C OCOs~- 0- 100Co e)COC 010000 10y0 F 0O d 0 0O0001 Co 0 '-O0 CO }- Co OH- 0 0 10 d r1 010H-00 O 0 - c 01 6664 I I oo 0Co i00 LCo -Ico 0 10co O L 0 00co 10 ) cCo 1 Coq 00 0 O - C0 t666 6 6 0- 1001 CO C0 0 S000 0 H- 0 --+Co C ICO O0 0000 10O 0 H- 0C Co00 C 0r-1 H- 00 0 COO~0 co 000 OoO COO 010 O6 000, 010j 010 I I I d t I a -z z p w vx c0)r4-i 0) 0 6Tdd O PIc CZCl O"" U 0)d - 0) cco 10U 0 U "0 00C m0 S4-J c c O0 00 U CO SC M U, 0 TABLE 8. ADJUSTED LINEAR REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS OF SIGNIFICANT COVARIABLES WHEN THE DEPENDENT VARIABLE IS SITE INDEX Covariables b Altitude -0.0038 meter of site index per meter of altitude Number of trees per hectare... --0.0017 meter of site index per tree per hectare Basal area per hectare ________________0.3232 meter of site index per square meter of basal area per hectare As aspect changes from northwest to southeast, however, ages decrease, and this is a relatively strong correlation. This series of correlations indicates that poorer sites faced northwest and were the first planted. Therefore, a logical correlation between age and site index should have been negative. However, the actual correlation was weak and not significant even with 489 observations. In short, while relationships do exist among these variables they are so feeble that an analysis of variance based on only 72 ob- servations was not sufficiently sensitive to detect the ef- fects. Number of trees per hectare could be considered a stand density variable, but when considered without ref- erence to tree size it is difficult to explain the effect of number of trees per hectare in a stand density context. Usually number of trees per unit area is inversely propor- tional to stand age, and this is generally true in this case, Table 8. Furthermore, site index is inversely proportional to the number of trees per hectare. This should indicate that site index is related to the number of trees per hectare through age. However, the correlation between site index and age is not significant. Consequently, the relationship must exist through some other (and perhaps obscure) channels. There simply is no good explanation for this re- lationship. Its cause may be happenstance, but the re- lationship seems too strong for such an explanation. Basal area per hectare is clearly a stand density variable, but the influence of this factor on site index is not easily explained. According to the assumptions on which site index is based, height growth of dominant and codomi- nant trees (such as those in this study) is dependent only on age and site quality. Stand density in reasonably closed stands has little or no influence on height growth. This is not precisely correct with some species, but the error in- troduced by ignoring this effect when determining site in- dex usually is quite small. Consequently, the very pro- found effect of basal area per hectare on tree height and site index in this study is surprising. The only logical ex- planation is that E. globulus is highly sensitive to stand density insofar as height growth is concerned. As stand density increases, trees grow faster in height. If this be the case, use of site indices with this species would be invalidated and some other measure of site quality would have to be used. Another problem was lack of significance of the effects of irrigation and fertilization on site index, Table 6, par- ticularly since some effects of these variables on tree height growth had been detected, Table 3. Again the ap- parent effects were so small that they could not be de- tected in an analysis of variance based on a sample of only 72 observations. It is possible, however, that the irrigation and fertilization were applied at the wrong time and/or in improper quantities, causing the effect to be negligible. Further study in this area might lead to more precise and effective treatments. D.b.h. Data To complete the study, an analysis of variance of the mean plot d.b.h. values was performed using the same in- dependent variables (including site index) that were used in the tree height analysis, Table 9. The three stand density variables (planting space, num- ber of trees per hectare, and basal area per hectare) were significant as expected. Regression coefficients associated with these variables are given in Table 10. The more space available to recently planted seedlings, the faster these seedlings grew in diameter. As the number of trees per hectare declined through mortality, there was a cor- responding increase in mean diameter of the residual stand. The regression coefficient in Table 10 for basal area per hectare indicates that d.b.h. increased as basal area per hectare increased. This can be explained by the fact that average d.b.h. increases at a rate faster than basal area because of higher mortality in the smaller size TABLE 9. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE OF THE E. globulus DATA WHEN THE MEAN DIAMETER BREAST HIGH (d.b.h.) OF THE STAND WAS THE DEPENDENT VARIABLE Level Source d.f. M.S. F of sig- nificance Planting method (P) 1 36.185 1.278 N.S. Irrigation (I) 1 22.985 0.812 N.S. Site preparation (S)...... 1 9.953 0.352 N.S. Fertilization (F)-------- 1 4.546 0.161 N.S. PxI 1 0.019 0.001 N.S. PxS 1 0.332 0.012 N.S. PxF------------------. 1 75.161 2.655 N.S. IxS .----- _........... 1 28.584 1.010 N.S. IxF 1 19.751 0.698 N.S. SxF -1 2.373 0.084 N.S. Age (linear) 1 76.207 2.692 N.S. Altitude (linear)-------- 1 57.828 2.043 N.S. Slope (linear) 1 0.051 0.002 N.S. Planting space (linear)... 1 706.307 24.948 0.005 Number of trees/ha. (linear) 1 149.174 5.269 0.025 Basal area/ha. (linear) ---.. 1 534.068 18.865 0.005 pH (linear) 1 1.995 0.070 N.S. Per cent sand (linear).... 1 0.327 0.012 N.S. Per cent silt (linear)-... 1 4.925 0.174 N.S. Depth of A&B (linear)... 1 141.706 5.005 0.050 Aspect (linear)- 1 1.780 0.063 N.S. Site index (linear) .............. 1 354.419 12.519 0.005 Residual 50 28.311 TABLE 10. ADJUSTED LINEAR REGRESSION COEFFICIENTS OF SIGNIFICANT COVARIABLES (DEPENDENT VARIABLE IS d.b.h.) Covariable b Planting space ... Number of trees per hectare_ Basal area per hectare Depth of A&B horizons Site index +0.3003 inch of d.b.h. per square meter of planting space -0.0003 inch of d.b.h. per tree per hectare +0.0641 inch of d.b.h. per square meter of basal area per hectare -0.0097 inch of d.b.h. per cen- timeter of soil depth +0.1277 inch of d.b.h. per me- ter of site index [91] - -~------, -, classes. These results are reasonable and agree with exist- ing theories. The appearance of depth of A and B horizons as a sig- nificant variable in the analysis of d.b.h. data in the pres- ence of site index as an independent variable was not an- ticipated because depth of these horizons is normally ex- pected to be an integral contributor to site index. The A and B horizons are zones that contain the greater portion of the available nutrient capital and the most readily avail- able water supply. Thus, it apears that the deeper these horizons, to a point, the better the site quality. This, then, indicates that the harmonic site index curves developed in this study are inadequate. The use of soil depth as an independent variable, along with height and age, prob- ably would improve the predicting power of the site index values. SUMMATION This attempt to establish the importance of certain sil- vicultural and ecological influences on height growth of E. globulus has been limited to factors for which data were available. It is only a foundation for further study and understanding of the culture of this species in the Hianaco Valley of Peru. In spite of this, certain general observa- tions can be made that should be of value to persons working with this species in Peru. Site preparation significantly contributes to increased height growth. Planting seedlings in cans or on prepared sites improves height growth. Irrigation plus fertilization on prepared sites also improves tree height growth. Special note must be made of the stand density char- acteristics (number of trees per hectare and basal area) that apparently affect height growth more strongly than would be expected from experience with most forest spe- cies. More study into this subject is warranted. Site index and its components (aspect, soil depth, pH, soil type) also were shown to have effects on height growth, as was expected. However, the strong effect of altitude, even when site index was included in the analysis, warrants mention as an important and powerful restraint on height growth. The provisional site index curves de- veloped in this study obviously need refinement so as to recognize the unexplained aspects of these factors. It is possible that the site index curve equation should include, as independent variables, altitude and expressions of soil characteristics, in addition to age. Diameter growth, not unexpectedly, was found to be affected most powerfully by stand density. What is sur- prising, however, is that all these expressions of stand density (planting space, number of trees per hectare, and basal area per hectare) were significant contributors in the presence of one another. Wider spacing, fewer trees per hectare, and greater basal area per hectare all showed sig- nificance at the same time. One would expect that any one of these would mask the others. The presence of all three as significant variables needs study. Site index also showed a strong positive relationship with diameter growth. In addition, one of the compon- ents of site index, the depth of A and B soil horizons, had a significant effect. As the depth increased diameter growth decreased. The reason this factor was significant at the same time as was site index must be determined. No attempt has been made to fully explain why certain relationships exist as were found in this study, although an attempt has been made (speculatively) to explain most of them. However, this effort hopefully may serve as a guide to further the study of this valuable species to the Peruvian forest economy. APPENDIX Determination of the Index Direction for the Measurement of Aspect Since it is not logical to assume that height growth would vary according to direction of slope when meas- ured using the azimuth from north, the aspect data col- lected in the field had to be modified. In temperate por- tions of the northern hemisphere the most productive up- land sites usually are found on northeast-facing slopes. These slopes usually are relatively cool and damp and thus provide a more favorable water regime than slopes facing in other directions. Conversely, the poorest site (those that are hottest and driest) usually are found on southwest-facing slopes. Extending this principle to the southern hemisphere would lead one to expect that the best upland sites would be found on southeast-facing slopes and poorest upland sites would be found on north- west-facing slopes. To describe this relationship mathematically, aspect is expressed as the sine of the azimuth of the slope, meas- Sine of aspect angle from NW 1.o0I- .9 .7 .6 .5 4 .3 .2 I I I I 0L 180s site 450 Azimuth of 900 aspect from APPENDIX FIG. Trace of the value when used as in this study. 135 ? poorest of the sine function [10]1 IP c+rl-\nrr ntnnr\+ rr+ I r L APPENDIX TABLE. F VALUES FROM ANALYSES OF VARIANCE OF THE TREE HEIGHT DATA COMPUTED USING ASPECT VALUES OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT INDEX DIRECTIONS F values with aspect from Source Due W N80?W N70?W N60?W N50?W N40?W N30?W N20?W N1O?W Planting method (P)--- 0.481 Irrigation (I)---------- - 0.014 Site preparation (S)- - 1.639 Fertilization (F)- --- 0.015 PxI 0.659--------------------- PxS . 10.656------------------ PxF0.13---------- IxS 2.860---------------- IxF 3.396------------------- SxF--------- - ---- 0.198 Age (linear)---------- - 9.361 Altitude (linear) ----------- 1.421 Slope (linear)-------------- 0.850 Planting space (linear)------ 3.074 No. tree/ha. (linear)--------- 1.992 Basal area/ha. (linear)------- 0.343 pH (linear)--------------- 2.283 Per cent sand (linear)-------- 0.053 Per cent silt (linear)-------- 0.380 Per cent clay (linear) ------- 0.078 Depth of A&B horizons (linear) ------------ ----- 10.784 Site index ----------------- 256.112 A spect-------------------- 0.857 0.523 0.020 1.775 0.069 0.653 10.237 0.111 2.857 3.942 0.209 8.203 1.569 0.671 2.710 1.832 0.323 1.683 0.034 0.319 0.063 0.761 0.251 2.266 0.156 0.753 10.573 0.148 3.150 4.922 0.361 7.016 1.147 0.395 2.018 1.688 0.260 1.021 0.026 0.274 0.057 1.563 0.728 3.680 0.180 1.235 13.098 0.257 4.347 6.082 1.145 6.854 0.256 0.227 1.216 1.586 0.214 0.751 0.019 0.207 0.045 11.660 12.598 12,658 250.741 240.798 227.270 0.029 0.832 6.044 2.934 0.534 5.683 0.017 2.145 18.229 0.426 6.433 6.164 2.869 9.339 0.137 0.256 0.806 1.789 0.194 1.411 0.045 0.225 0.056 10.612 220.094 15.6463 3.321 0.000 6.304 0.145 2.450 22.201 0.476 7.334 4.195 3.964 13.695 0.633 0.820 1.054 2.357 0.320 3.529 0.110 0.329 0.090 7.923 230.186 22.795 1.653 0.665 4.152 0.386 1.495 19.727 0.282 5.247 1.857 2.455 16.223 0.003 2.843 2.567 2.768 0.769 6.065 0.086 0.343 0.073 7.088 261.688 18.370 0.651 0.550 2.339 0.134 0.786 14.513 0.144 3.403 1.770 0.824 13.610 0.840 2.316 3.458 2.548 0.762 4.880 0.060 0.354 0.068 0.435 0.214 1.825 0.012 0.618 12.079- 0.108 2.838 2.249 0.381 11.485 1.662 1.777 3.540 2.256 0.645 3.688 0.038 0.324 0.057 ured clockwise or counterclockwise to a maximum of 1800 from the direction of the poorest site. The Appendix Fig- ure shows the reason for using this function. The sine value is lowest when the slope is in the direction associ- ated with the poorest site and is greatest when the slope is in the direction associated with the best site. The proximity of the Equator to the study area is not considered in the preceding discussion. However, it is possible that slope directions associated with the poorest and best sites are not northwest and southeast, respec- tively, in an area such as the Hianaco Valley, which is only 100 south of the Equator. To give aspect a proper weight in the analysis of height data, measurements would have to be taken from the appropriate direction. To do this, the data were analyzed first when the index direction was N80 ?W, then when it was N70 ?W, and continuing at 100 intervals to N 1 0 W. F values associated with these analyses are given in the Appendix Table. From this ta- ble, the F value associated with aspect was greatest when the index direction was N40 ?W. This indicates that aspect has its greatest effect when measured from this approxi- mate direction. Consequently, it was, assumed that the initial hypothesis (that the poorest site was associated with a northwest-facing slope) was substantially correct and the subsequent analysis was made using this base for the aspect variable. [ 11] 8.488 9.818 270.101 267.348 8.726 3.759 i, I1fI V.1V. V em . v .~v.. ." -