AABAMA AGIULUA E EIMN STTO I 4 'Y yy TK . 44 .15 S 4 Ak 7* -9 I. V ~k* -I l ''.7 *p- 4 / 3 On the cover: Examples of two of the Experiment Station's innovative projects in 1992 are featured on the cover. In the top photo is an aerial view of experimental artificial wetlands used to filter waste water from a live- stock production operation. The bottom photo is of Auburn's first test- tube calf, a Jersey bull that had been implanted as a fertilized egg into a Holstein cow using in-vitro fertilization. Both projects are featured in this annual report. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS William V. Muse, President Paul F. Parks, Vice President for Research Lowell T. Frobish, Director David H. Teem, Associate Director Russell B. Muntifering, Associate Director Patrick D. Green, Assistant Director James R. Roberson, Assistant Director CONTENTS Foreword This report was produced by the Office of Research Information James R. Roberson, Editor and Assistant Director Catherine L. Smith. Associate Editor Robyn Hearn, Associate Editor Teresa Rodriguez, Designer The information contained herein is available to all regardless of race. color, sex. or national origin. Innovations for Producers Animal Research May Help AIDS Victims Protecting the Environment Improving Cotton Fabric Flame Retardants Natural Weapons Combat Pests Computer Model Helps Guide Agricultural Policy Director's Research Awards Financial Highlights 3 FOREWORD -IL'e on ce "aLd. 'tb hdictio- nary is the only place 'here succcss comes before work." This 11), .1l Report presents results and successes ot only a few research projects con- ducted by scientists working in the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. However, it is dedicated to all the faculty and staff who put team work before individual success, making 1992 a year of tremendous successes in the Experiment Station. One of 1992's successes w as the opening of the Plant Science Center, culminating several years of administrative work. The Center pro- vides scientists with the latest in greenhouse en'ironmental control, where climate is moni- tored and controlled by computer. This Center allows scientists to reliably and closely simu- late field testing of plants before applying new techniques in actual field tests and then trans- ferring the knowledge to growers. When the term "hard work" is used in agri- culture, one usually thinks of pulling weeds, working cattle, or some such physical labor. Although hard work is hardly out of vogue on the farm, computers and other labor saving devices are becoming standard management tools. Auburn scientists have developed and implemented coiputei programs that assist pro- ducers in making management decisions. A sys- tem to obtain weather data, plus historically- based weather predictions that can be used to make management decisions such as when to spray pesticides is near completion. In the tuture, computer programs will adjust the fertil- izer, pesticide. or planting rate based on the soil type, pest intensity, or other production factors. More than ce. concl ns about maintaining and improving our environment must be con- sidered when making management decisions. Likewise, when conducting research, scientists must consider the ecological impact new innova- tions will have, regardless of benetit to produc- ers. Thus, environmental quality continues to be a high priority of Experiment Station research. Finding environmentally compatible uses for waste materials, thus converting them to re- sources, also is an important part of the Experi- ment Station research program. Experiment Station research is also cogni zant of consumer needs and concerns. Wh- American agriculture moved from animal-di a to mechanical cultivation and harvesting eqt. ment, agricultural research was decades ahea implementation. Likewise, when farmers tui from human labor to chemicals tor pest contuk. research-proven technology was several years ahead of actual implementation. Unfortunately. the rapid changes in technology, coupled with level or reduced support for agricultural re- search, has dramatically reduced this lead time between technological breakthroughs and the utilization of new information by producers. To be as successful as we have been in the past, the Experiment Station must continue to adapt to the growing requirement for quicker technology transfer, or it must secure the re- sources necessary to widen the window of opportunity for applying agricultural break- throughs. Fortunately. we have the dedication of scientists, administrators, and support staff to do both, thus assuring success for Auburn University and the producers of Alabama. I'.M ANNE%: t y + g Il WE kry N A Harsh freezes virtually wiped out Alabama's once-thriving satsuma orange industry, but Auburn horticul- turists are look- ing for new ways to protect the valuable crop and thereby revive citrus \ production in the _ State. This study is exemplary of the wide-ranging and innovative research program y sponsored by the Experiment Station in 1992. V5 i 4: 3L 01 OQ .. l;k IM rte; k *~", iL~i / r .I ~~Cl~k" F v 5 INNOVATIONS FOR PRODUCERS ailrn University's Alabama Ag- ,ultural Experiment Station \ \ i develop innovations to benefit the State's producers of livestock, crops, and other commodities. These pages present but a few examples of the developments AAES research- ers accomplished in 1992. In one exciting area of research, a new management strategy designed by AAES ani- mal scientists showed promise in increasing the number of pigs born, as well as enhancing their survivability, size, muscle mass, and per- formance. The procedure calls for injecting a natural growth hormone into gestating sows. A related project could yield equally dramatic results in cattle. Co-sponsored by the Alabama Pork Pro- ducers association, researchers injected por- cine somatotropin into sows when the embry- onic muscles were developing. In preliminary studies, the procedure resulted in longer, healthier, more muscular, and possibly faster growing pigs. Preliminary data in a study using bovine somatotropin in cattle should be avail- able within a year. GOOD NEWS FOR CATTLE PRODUCERS The Alabama Cattlemen's Association is supporting another area of research involving bovine somatotropin. In this project, animal scientists inject the growth hormone into cull cows in an effort to hydrate muscles and in- crease the yield and quality of lean meat from for ground beef, but the new procedure pro- vides the potential for enhancing the value of loins, ribs, or other muscle groups in old cattle. This innovative technique the first use of bovine somatotropin in cull cows was successful in initial experiments in reducing fat deposition and increasing protein synthesis and deposition. TEST-TUBE CALVES Cattle producers also stand to benefit from veterinary medical research in the area of "in vitro fertilization" (IVF), or the production of test-tube calves. When a cow is culled from a herd because of injury or illness, cattle producers lose both the animal and the genetic value of the calves she might have produced. Now, Experiment Station IVF research offers producers a way to salvage valuable genes. IVF is used to unite eggs and sperm in an artificial environment and then to implant the fertilized eggs into another cow that can carry the calf to term. To date, four dairy cows have been im- pregnated with IVF calves. The first calf, a Jersey bull carried by a Holstein cow, was born in mid-January. The IVF technique is offered as a service to Alabama producers by Auburn veterinarians. REVITALIZING THE OYSTER INDUSTRY Auburn faculty helped make a break- through in 1992 that could revitalize the oyster CHEAPER SOURCE OF ETHANOL - Auburn researchers took a major step in 1992 toward finding a cheap, abundant source of ethanol for use as automobile fuel. Auburn scien- tists have found that switchgrass may be an ideal source of inexpensive material to produce ethanol, a fuel that is safer for the environment. Most ethanol is now made from corn grain and is so expensive it must be subsidized to make its price competitive with gasoline. industry in Alabama. Working in cooperation with the AAES, Boin Secour Fisheries, a private company in Baldwin County, harvested its first crop of o sters gro5 n off the hottom of the bay. Auburn's Miine Extension and Research Center (AUMERC) and other State agencies worked with the company to improve upon a system of linking mesh bags and suspending them above the bottom of Bon Secour Bay with buoys. Tiny oysters were Secour placed in small-meshed bags and then moved to increasingly larger-meshed bags as ~ itured. owing oysters off bottom allows faster Lcaner growth, both of which produce pre- im oysters. The oysters grew to marketable in 15 months, but researchers hope to get t down to 12 months. It takes about two years ,\ ters to reach market size in the wild. NIERC provided water quality sam aind other technical expertise on the ,ject. The marine center has several projects aderway to revitalize the oyster industry. but this effort was the first to reach commercial dication. \1U LEAN PRODUCT ,eloping new food products also re- ___* a top priority in 1992. AAES meat scientists who made headlines with the devel- nnd beef continued o (and(1 Research CenLer lelped) clinc a .vrem ol'o/f (utilng of raidly ma/o uiing premium ousters in Bon Bas. their efforts with the introduction of AU Lean sausage, which has 70 percent less fat and about half the calories of traditional pork sausage. When cooked, AU Lean contains 9 per- cent fat, compared to 31 percent for traditional pork sausage. In addition to reduced fat, AU Lean sausage contains only 96 calories per two-ounce serving, compared to 210 calories for a comparable serving of traditional pork sausage. Also, it rated highly in two taste tests. Several major grocers are planning to market the sausage in the Southeast and North- east. Numerous other food chains, restaurants, and organizations also have expressed interest. GENETICALLY IMPROVE) MUSHROOMS Another AAES breakthrough has the po- tential of providing the world a new high- protein food source. Auburn microbiologists successfull geneticallI engineered a commer- Icrc~l/hmrni of the /AULan UN /Liiiii io,-LiiiLc /LLLcI IL L),tiii ii LI III ith/ the introducto of a sausg conta 0110iing~ 70) pece less fcJt. 7 Poultry scientists have developed a ncw, more sensi- tive method for screening chemi- cial variety of edible mushroom, and their new gene-splicing technique is likely the first step toward developing a new protein-rich food. Perfecting this technique - the first ge- netic engineering of an edible mushroom - is the first step in improving the protein quality of mushrooms. The technique will allow re- searchers to splice genes into the oyster mush- room from other plant and animal sources, such as the seed storage proteins of legumes or egg-related proteins from poultry. Researchers speculate that if mushrooms can be genetically improved for protein con- tent, then the fungus might nutritionally and economically compete with traditional agricul- tural commodities. Mushrooms grow on agri- cultural byproducts, require little land, do not need sunlight, and are inexpensive to produce. BETTER SALMONELLA DISINFECTANTS Alabama's poultry industry could reap major benefits from research by AAES poultry scientists. Despite rigid health and safety pre- cautions, it is estimated that up to 30 percent of the poultry that make it to market are contami- nated with Salmonella, which can cause illness if meat is prepared improperly. However, a new test developed at Auburn could help lower this contamination significantly. cals proposed for use in removing Salmonella bacteria from chicken carcasses. Many compounds show great promise in laboratory tests but then exhibit little effective- ness in field trials. Traditional lab tests exam- ine bacteria concentrations in the water used in chill and scald baths in poultry processing. However, Salmonella become imbedded in fol- licles in a chicken's skin and are able to \ur\i\ most disinfectant treatment In an AAES project, sci... .. . . skin - which was first treated with gamma radiation to kill all native bacteria and then inoculated with pure Salmonella to test existing chemicals and design new treatments. The new test, referred to as the Skin Attachment Model (SAM), provides a more accurate mea- sure of the numbers of Salmonella actually killed by a proposed chemical treatment. LUPINS RETURN TO ALABAMA A group of Experiment Station and U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers launched a six-year project that could revolutionize cool- season production agriculture in the Southeast. With support from producer check-off funds administered by the Alabama Farmers Federa- tion, they are working to establish winter-hardy white lupin as a viable crop in the region. DNA FINGERPRINTING FOR MICROBES - Recent developments in the Mobile Bay area revealed that ships from South America sometimes carry epidemic strains of bacteria in their bilge water, possibly causing pollution of oyster beds. AAES microbiologists are using highly advanced methods of "DNA fingerprinting" in studies that could help detect and define these and other wa- ter-borne pathogens that can harm the State's aquaculture industry and cause disease in humans. The IcIeu1n1e crop pioduces a sweet, high-protein grain that can be crushed and fed to live- stock without processing, giving is rcrlule / is a wilr coer crPop, ha s the polclliah to tcuolution- ize production atgriculture in the Southeast. NEW INSECT DISCOVERED - Some nursery managers report a 30 percent incidence of mal- formed, "bushy- topped" pine seed- lings, and AAES foresters have found a new insect that may be responsible for much of this damage. Taylorilygus pallidulus, or T-bug, was found in the Southeastern U.S. and several other countries. Identifica- tion and subsequent control of the insect has dramatically reduced injury to pine seedlings world- wide. it a big advantage over some other grains. Also. lupin grows on poor soil because it pro- duces its own nitrogen, leaving up to 200 pounds of N per acre when grown as a cover crop. Before the 1950s, up to 2.5 million acres of lupins were grown annually in Alabama. How- ever. since the native lupin was bitter, it was grown only as a green manure or cover crop. Lupin is not grown at all now. The Auburn-based multidisciplinary re- search team is evaluating exotic white lupin varieties and working to develop new varieties in stands from the Gilf Coast to the Tennessee Valley. Alabama is a grain deficit state, but both the poultry and beef cattle industries are grow- ing. Lupin could prove to be a valuable new feed source for livestock. Crop producers also could benefit by having a new winter cover crop that enriches soil with little input. TESTING BIOENGINEERED COTTON Alabama cotton producers could benefit trom the effort of AAES agronomists who are testing a variety of cotton genetically trans- formed to tolerate applications of bromoxynil, a contact herbicide that kills normal cotton. Experiment Station tests demonstrated that the transgenic cotton, developed by Calgene Labs in Davis, Calif.. performed well under Alabama growing conditions when treated with two applications of bromoxynil, which was shown to control annual morningglory, velvetleaf, prickly sida. and some other weeds. The ability to use bromoxynil on cotton will provide a long-needed option tor broadleaf weed control in this crop. Calgene anticipates full registration of the new cotton by 1994 or 1995. SEEKING FROST-RESISTANT ORANGES Satsuma oranges once were a thriving crop in the Gulf Coast, but harsh treezes in the region virtually wiped out the industry. Now AAES horticulturists are looking for new ways to protect satsuma trees from cold weather, thus revitalizing orange production in Alabama. Auburn researchers are comparing vari- ous freeze protection methods, such as mounded soil around the trunk, water misting systems, and trtnk wraps. Yields from warm years will be compared to yields during cold years to determine which treatments are most effective. A mature satsurna tree can produce 10-15 bushels per year, and prices have averaged $30 to $50 per bushel. Some trees in the study site at the Gulf Coast Substation have yielded as much as 48 pounds of fruit. ANIMAL RESEARCH MAY HELP AIDS VIcIMS 7-) - " m ;Jdi ,j V rchers in the Experiment i.'tion's animal health pro- im have developed ness cl I, to combat two parasitic diseases that not only aftect food and compan- ion animals but also are lethal for AIDS pa- tients. Crvpto sporiefum parvium affects cattle. and To-voplasmau gondii infects pigs. goats. and sheep. These parasites also are included in thc AIDS-defining complex ot opportunistic dis eases. Auburn scientists developed three chemi- cals that inhibit the growth of C. pun urn and one that inhibits T. gondii. The breakthroughs were made possible by years of Experiment Station-supported re- search that led to the development of scientific models for examining the effects of various chemicals on the parasites. Innovative tech- niques were developed using neonatal mice and cell cultures, which serve as models for the development of cryptosporidiosis and toxoplasmosis in humans aid food animals. Using new models, researchers screened many experimental compounds before finding that Maduramycin, Alborixin and Diclazuril inhibit C. parvnn. and Diclazuril is effective against tox.oplasmna. Testing in humans or non- human primates must follow before the new chemicals can go into widespread usage for AIDS therapy. While not fatal to most people, cr ptosporidiosis can cause a fatal gas- trointestinal iLu-like illness in AIDS victims. AboLt 5 percent of AIDS patients will have the disease, and those who do contract it hase no way to fight it. The condition can kill the patients or weaken them so that other compli- cations become fatal. I-~- 'LldP-i s ~l4 i-j (U \ lpo poridiion has ieceived increasing attention since it was first identified in humans in 1976. Much of the pioneering research done on the protozoa has been conducted at AU. T. gondii can cause a severe encephalitis in AIDS patients. Also, the parasite can be trans- mitted to otherwise healthy people who eat undercooked pork or are exposed to the feces of infected animals. Experiment Station researchers are con- tinuing studies to detine how the diseases de- velop and spread and to calculate the economic impact they have on the dairy, poultry, and other livestock industries. In a related area of research, Auburn scientists are developing a mutant strain ot toxopla onu to use as a vaccine candidate for toxvoplasma00 infection in pigs. In addition to Experiment Station support. the research is funded by grants from the Ameri- can Foundation for AIDS Research and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. 9M:r E""E B/lIgbur;n, staing(/ii, orks Iw ith an A uburn reterinurrstu ndent in u studs' of /aLasite t/lt not onh, a, hunfil ) tOlm li1esock but al/so ctiu he let/al Jor AIDS victlu s. i" rcr a- " ~br 1O) PROTECTING THE: ENVIRONMENT Ir ndin , Ahibama's wxater ources. forests, wildlife, and Qrall environment has lonD Dcci a fonl i L perimcnt Station scientists. and research to better understand and control humankind's impact on nature continued in 1992. One ef\iroonniental concern tackled b\ dozens of AAES researchers is disposal o1 animal wastes. which can directly affect watei quality, particularly in areas where livestock and poultry production are concentrated. D- veloping low cost, highly etficient waste man- agement technologies is important in mini mizing water quality problems while still pro- moting profitable agriculture. CONSTRUCTED WI ETLANDS In one innovative project. Auburn re searchers are working with federal and State researchers to design and test artificial wet- lands to filter waste water lagoons from a swxinc operation. Constructed wetlands are shallow. earthen detention ponds planted with aquatic plants, such as reed, bulrush, and cattail. The plants serve as attachment sites for microolrgan isms that aid in waste water treatment. The constructed wetlands site, located at a 500-pig swine operation, contains two rows of five cells, each cell measuring approximately 26 X 162 feet. Nitrogen content of swine lagoon water discharged into the wetlands was reduced by 83 percent and total phosphorous by 69 percent. The project is a cooperative effort between the Experiment Station, Tennessee Valley Au- thority (TVA), USDA-Soil Conservation Ser vice, and Alabama Department of Environmental Management. 1. . cilnlli III( III? cal po\l In iIII polillih01 to i, iili[/Iiotr, l jiIi' IS 1.1 i I- .1TURNING;A LIABILITY INTO A RESOURCE A related concern is poultry production. \\hich has grown ap- pioximately 50 percent in Alabama since 1986. Lp to 4.5 million tons of litter are produced annu- ally in Alabama alone. Broiler litter is a mixture of manure. feathers, and other xastes that collect on the floor of poultry houses. One viable disposal option is to use litter as a fertilizer. In 1992. AAES agronomists evaluated it for use in fertilizing M hcrmudacrass. Litter was ,hown to be as good or hetter than ammonium- nniratc~ amendcments. Other agronomy re- search shoed that rais- ing stocker cattle on lit- ter-fertilized tall fescue can be economically comnpetitive with produc- ing row crops, rexversing the opinion held by some that producing row crops is more profit- able than beet enterprises. Auburn horticulturists showed that a pot- ting mix using composted litter was able to sustain growth of ornamental plants as well as or better than commercially produced media. and that it presented no substantial odor prob- lems in the home. If widely used by the nursery industry, litter-based growth media could pro- xide an economical alternatixe to potting soil ingredients that are often in short supply. Agricultural engineers dexeloped special spreaders for applying litter in forest planta- tions and will exaluate the fertilizing effect of the poultry byproduct on seedlings and on older trees at nid-rotation. If tree growth is enhanced. the project could yield yet another xiable use for this xaluable poultry byproduct. WATER QUAI.ITY RESEARCH Water quality research is one of the Ex- periment Station's strongest programs. Pollu- tion of groundxater is a groing enx ironmen- tal concern, yet predicting the pollution poten- tial of landfills, lagoons. and land-applied chemicals is not easy because the process oc- curs underground, out of xiex. Howevxer. AAES agronomists working with Auburn civil enci- neers. are proxiding new insichts into this criti- cal issue usinc new laboratory models. The scientists and encineers dexeloped models that simulate the moxement of leachates as they percolate through the soil into aquifers. The researchers filled glass boxes with sand or beads to simulate soil profiles and the move- ment of leachates. With these models they can obsere how contaminants trickle don in the TRANSGENIC CAT- FISH - Further progress was made in 1992 on an AAES project to geneti- cally engineer faster growing catfish. Laying the ground- work for this recent success was the earlier development of "transgenic" carp with growth rates enhanced by up to 40 percent. Now, Auburn fisheries scientists have successfully trans- ferred the rainbow trout growth hor- mone gene into channel catfish. USDA gave Auburn permission in 1992 to test the new catfish in high- security outdoor ponds. So far, many of the fish, which contain only one foreign gene, have exhibited a 25 percent greater growth rate. 12 S.. I. ." IMPROVING PHOTO- SYNTHESIS - Basic microbiological findings by AAES researchers may one day be used to improve crop produc- tivity by genetically enhancing photosyn- thesis, the process by which plants absorb energy from sunlight. Chloroplasts, the plant organelles responsible for photosynthesis, have a very complex genetic structure, but Auburn scientists made discoveries about how chloro- plast DNA is copied and passed on to new cells. This find- ing and continuing AAES research could provide the tools for genetically engineer- ing plants capable of more efficient photo- synthesis. difcrcnt oil t\ pc" anid reach groundwater. Re- searchers also can moni- tor the chemical concen- trations of leachates as they mo\ through the soil. From this work the Auburn scientists believe po tential groundwater problem,, can be better predicted. AAES fisheries expert have a wide ranging program to protect Alabama's water re- sources. In one recent study, Au- burn researchers developed guidelines to help lake managers attain water quality levels that are acceptable to skiers and swimmers, but not detrimental to the State's $600 million sport fishing industry. Regulatory agencies are attempting to re- duce the amount of nutrients entering lakes to improve water quality, but lake management is a tradeoff between extremely clean water and greener water, which is better for sport fishing. Nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, which can come from waste water and some industrial effluent, increase the concentrations of algae, the base of a lake's food chain. How- ever, high concentrations of algae can reduce the aesthetic value of a lake. Researchers studied water quality and fish populations in lakes Martin, Jones Bluff, Eufaula, and Weiss to calculate the optimum concentrations of algae allowable for both . ..- ~. , 4 . Auburn researchers have cons ii , ii (od ~ ,gm nci, 1al wetlands that show promise for filtering wvaste water fron livestock operations. good fishing and reasonable aesthetic quality. They found that reducing chlorophyll from extremely high concentrations to moderate concentrations may not harm bass and crappie fisheries. At the same time, improvements in water quality and clarity can be achieved. With these guidelines, many of the State's greener lakes can be cleaned without harming fish populations. FINDING USES FOR SOLID WASTES Old newspapers and other paper products represent about 30 to 40 percent of the debris in municipal solid waste systems. EPA has man- dated a 25 percent reduction in solid waste disposal in landfills by 1995, with more dra- matic reductions to follow. AAES-sponsored research could keep a great deal of scrap paper out of the nation's landfills by finding benefi- cial uses for it. C-'~ ti/i) hU i ideiii la i e ('mic i n ai i ll /Uh wi l (ore Gunlerci ill Re s evi in UIl sitiiol J hII wee cnetr/l tHI/U/ CI Hffct! godwaIllI dIlc/s cald other wUildlife that depen~d on the lake. PRO I L( IIN, 01 R FORESTS Forestry research crs have a long-established pro'am of investigating the effects of air pollution on forests in the region. In recent studies, Auburn for- esters joined U.S. Forest Service scientists to study In cooperative work with the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, Auburn researchers tound that apply- ing ground newspaper in a trench next to rows of cotton increased cotton lint yields about 15 percent. When ground newspaper was mixed with broiler litter and trenched near the plants, lint yields increased 60 percent. quadruple the in- crease resulting from applying litter alone. Also, ground newspaper was shown to reduce evaporation and soil erosion and to exhibit a herbicidal effect on grasses in the cotton. Another use for recycled newspaper is being investigated by AAES poultry scientists. Researchers are testing a new type of chip made from recycled newsprint that can be used as a floor covering in poultry houses. Pine shavings are the traditional covering material but in recent years have become more expensive and in shorter supply. In AAES studies, chicks per- formed equally well on the new paper chips, which were developed by Advanced Material Technology, Inc. air quality in the forests of Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi. Trees and bushes on Mt. Cheaha in the Talladega National Forest were found to suffer greater damage from ozone pollution than similar plants in other national forests. Re- searchers attribute this finding to the fact that Cheaha lies in the Birmingham-Atlanta air shed. Ongoing studies also are under way in Alabama at the Sipsey Wilderness and sites near Ashland, Centerville. and Demopolis. In related studies, Auburn foresters are examining effects of pollution on hardwood forests in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. In 1992, researchers completed the first year of a study of visible ozone injury of trees in the park. More than 50 percent of the trees in study plots showed signs of ozone injury. Other studies are in progress to investigate the effects of logging and road building on water quality and wildlife populations in for- ested wetland areas. Auburn has approximately $1 million in extramural tunding for research in flood plain forestry. VITAMIN C AND EXERCISE - In a study involving well-conditioned cyclists, AAES nutri- tion and food sci- ence experts found that while consum- ing 600 mg of vitamin C each day over a two-week period, the athletes had significantly lower heart rates during exercise than they experienced at the same workload when ingesting only 60 mg of vitamin C a day. Also, systolic blood pressure was found to be signifi- cantly lower 15 hours after exercise in the 600-mg phase of the study. These findings provide an impor- tant insight to nutrition and human performance. 14 -- L i-K - s r e e e x i h f s t e et o e u e CATFISH ADVERTIS- ING PAYS OFF - A study by AAES agricultural econo- mists shows that the catfish industry's five-year, $1.5 million advertising campaign to in- crease awareness and consumption of catfish has been a good investment for producers. According to a survey, the campaign increased consumer awareness of catfish by 15 percent, consumer attitudes toward the fish by 3-6 percent, and at-home and restaurant purchases by 12-13 percent. Also, revenue in- creased by 8 percent at the wholesale level and 9.5 per- cent at the farm level. Each addi- tional dollar of advertising was estimated to gener- ate about $13 of additional producer surplus profit. For example. AAES foresters are wrap- ping Li a study on helicopter harvesting of timber from wetlands owned by Scott Paper Company in Monroe County. Under the spe- cific set ot conditions at the site, they found no water quality problems caused by aerial har- vesting. However. these results may not apply to all wetland types, and approximately 95 percent of harvesting is still ground based. WILDLIFE STUDIES Zoologists and wildlife scientists at Au- burn are involved in several studies to protect oi cnhance the populations of important game animals and endangered species in Alabama. In one project, co-sponsored by TVA. Experiment Station scientists are examining the possible impact of aquatic weed control measures on water fowl and endangered bats that depend on the environment in and around Guntersville Reservoir. Sterile grass carp were released into Alabama's largest lake to control the growth of the aquatic weed hydrilla. However, Guntersville is a major wintering habitat for ducks in the State, and it plays a major role in the ecology of two of the nation's largest colo- nies of endangered grey bats. Ducks eat the hydrilla, and bats live on the insect population that could be reduced if too much hydrilla is removed from the lake. AAES wildlife experts are involved in a four-year study to determine the impact of grass carp on the ducks and bats. Carp must be restocked every 10 years, and the TVA will use the Auburn-generated information as a basis for determining whether to continue the weed control measure. t .i / 4. ~ :'j . I,. 4, ',. int t crcs 1 ctton) tiells 0O i ercet it i trenliedtl nearr, the plants..v IMPROVING COTTON FABRIC FLAME RETARDANTS ( tetileC chemists in I99? hegan development of new more efficient flame retar- otton fabrics. The new com- pounds could greatly increase the service life of flame retardant finishes aud dcirease the risk of clothing catching fire. A major problem with some ex.isting flame retardants is that improper laundering can de- crease their effectiveness. When washine clothes, consumers otten do not follow proper procedures to maintain the flame retardant sur- face. Also, many existing finishes seep int, fabric and react with its internal structure, cap inc leiii Au~burI Ii evpci iilcitdl . ppiLuaci Is th ate flame retardants containing micro smaller sized polymer particles that bind (, with the fabic's surface, thus eliminatine;~ potential problems. Due to their chemical na- ture, the finishes are more wear resistant and harder to damage while laundering. Since part of the finish is a polymer - or long chain of nolccules with many reactive ends - more than one protective function could be included in one treatment. For ex- ample, a compound could be added to absorb pesticides or deactivate bacteriological agents. Because only one side of the fabric will be treated, the harmful substances would be trapped and unable to reach the skin. When exposed to extreme heat, solid ma- terials break down into gases that can ignite at high enough temperatures. Flame retardants change the way solid materials break down, decreasing the amount of combustible gaseous i1 ulr l i J l,1 ... ..... .. _ . flamei ,etarhiai U/)l/h1I/il. material released. However, existing flame retardants do not work tnder all the conditions in which they are needed. Knowledge and expertise gained in previ- ous AAES-supported textile combustion stud- ies led to the current effort to modify existing retardants or create new ones. The work is one program ot the National Textile Center - University Research Consor- tium, which Auburn and three other Southeast- ern universities established in 1992 with an $8 million grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce. The prototype flame retardants are being tested in collaboration with researchers at North Carolina State University, a National Textile Center partner. i< iIll fill, Ili i It~~ 16 NATURAL WEAPONS COMBAT PESTS odcI n agriculture' high de- ~/l4 dency on chemical pes- ides can place a heav y Lw Locr on mlk cml ii onment, but a nesw institute ait Auburn swill heclp lessen this burden by prosvid- ing natural, nonpolluting alternatives to control insects. wseeds, and plant pathogens. The Biological Control Institute (BCI), w\hich includes entomologists. mici obioIo~ists, and plant pathologists, will seek natural w eap- ons and processes to control plant pests. BCI's arsenal will rely on beneficial bacteria, fungi, or insects. NEW~ BIOCONTROL INVENTIONS Two new inv entions by Auburn scientists exemplify the type ot research that will be (s a memberL of the n0011 BiologicalI Contro/ Institute. Aubr m110 Oicrobiolog~ist Joe Shtmw use .e ti doom 5.. i.5 .4. .4 fostered by the Insti tute. The new bio- control systems pro mote the growth o1 beneficial microor- ganisms that attack diseases, weeds, or insects btt are harn- less to the crops themselves. ~, a~ I /)l1< 0/o p a A iw i i'trn 1,01 oi , ( Vo u /u) I I IIr , idl oil the seL u/ lxi,)) IIul prdators, suc/h as the earwig I inet), to) cont1o/ pests, such/ 05s the corn ea1110101 One invention, developed by an Experi- ment Station microbiologist, is an emulsifier designed for use in sprays using fungi that destroy weeds. Two patents were issued on the invention in 1990 and 1991. and a third one is pending. The naturally occurring tungus used in one system is harmful to sicklepod, a weed that causes yield reductions in soybeans, cot- ton, peanuts. and other rov crops. Spores from the fungi are placed in the emulsion. where emulsified droplets of water allo the fungus to germinate and infect the wx eeds. The emul- sifier, which is sprayed on weeds using conven- tional pesticide equipment, is expected to work with most herbicidal fungi. Auburn's other biocontrol invention, de- xeloped by AAES plant pathologists, helps sustain and grow beneficial microbial agents by providing a tood source and helping them stick to leaf surfaces. This is the first significant system for biocontrol agents of foliage dis- eases. A major food company is conducting product development research using the sys- tem on tomatoes. Chitin, cellulose, or other complex carbo- hydrates are mixed in the spray to feed the microorganisms. In addition to the food amend- ment, the formula includes a natural oil that acts as a varnish to anchor the food source to the leaf. The formula will not wash off with rain or irrigation water. AAES research has found 50 to 300 per- cent increases of beneficial microbes on leaves treated with the new spray, which also is ap- plied with conventional equipment. It has been adapted tor tse with 40-50 bacteria or fungi that provide various benefits, such as suppress- ing early blight on potatoes; leaf spot on pea nuts; fly speck and sooty blotch on apples; and early blight disease, leaf spot, and bacterial spot on tomatoes. AFLATOXIN CONTROL In addition to ongoing work with the two inventions, AAES researchers are involved in a variety of other investigations to exploit ben- eficial bacteria and fungi. For example plant WHO DO YOU TRUST? - A survey of Alabamians by AAES rural sociolo- gists revealed some interesting statistics about which sources people trust for valid information about the safety of farm chemicals. Overall, university professors were the most trusted, and the least trusted were advertisements. Less than 25 percent said they trusted civil servants or elected officials. Television documentaries also were highly trusted, especially by people under 30. :;i~R~B "a; Is . a ih contol studies. l(-/ I) DEER'S FAVORITE FOODS - Studies at the Auburn Deer Research Facility yielded results that can be used to develop planting regimes for whitetail deer management. Wildlife experts found that deer prefer small grains from November through February. Ryegrass and crim- son clover also are favored during the cool months. In April and May, deer prefer ladino clo- vers. Red clover is preferred May- September. Soy- bean, velvetbean, and jointvetch also are favored at times during the hot months. Generally, forages are pre- ferred when they are growing rapidly, relatively high in crude protein, and relatively low in fiber. IC1L-~CI natural openings, immunizing the plant against the pathogen. Tests to date have demonstrated a 50-60 percent reduction in black rot. In similar research, a penetrating surfac- tant system is being tested for use in a spray to control kudzu and other weeds. This version of the system uses microbes harmful to weeds but not to crops. Using the halo blight pathogen. researchers were able to kill most of the leaves in a field of kudzu. Plant pathologists also developed a meth- od of applying bacteria as a seed inoculant for disease control and growth promotion. The scientists use a strain of root-colonizing bacte- ria that produces an antifungal agent. After seed inoculation, the bacterium flourishes as the plants germinate. This biocontrol technique functioned as well as a chemical fungicide in controlling damping off of cotton seedlings in preliminary field trials. NATURAL CONTROL OF INSECTS Auburn's earliest biological control re- search was conducted in entomology, with studies dating back to the early 1900s, and the program remains active today. For example, AAES scientists released a parasitic wasp at the Wiregrass Substation in 1990 to control lesser cornstalk borers. An ongoing evaluation of the wasp, a native of Ecuador that kills other pathologists discovered a bacterial chitinase enzyme with anti-fungal properties that could be used to control fungi that produce aflatoxin, one of the most powerful natural carcinogens known. Only 20 parts per billion of aflatoxin are allowed in U.S. crops, and there is presently no effective way to control the toxin-producing fungi in peanuts, corn, or other crops it con- taminates. Aflatoxin-contaminated crops can- not be exported to Europe. After screening hundreds of bacteria as possible sources of genes that control the pro- duction of chitinase - an enzyme that breaks down fungal cell walls- scientists found three microbes highly active against aflatoxin-pro- ducing fungi. They then isolated the DNA related to chitinase production. Using genetic engineering, the plant pathologists hope to transform plants to express the bacterial ge- netic material, allowing a plant to fight off infection by fungi that produce aflatoxin. PUTTING BENEFICIAL MICROBES TO WORK In other research, plant pathologists are using a nonpathogenic form of the bacterium that causes black rot to immunize cabbage against black rot disease. The beneficial mi- crobe enters the surface of the cabbage through is) (0li " Iirio - 0c/llfh l-o, v l)(', iUiY "IN 1 ((iii ii l i iiN iiii iii iilltiiU, u l\ cl insects by using its stinger to inject them with eggs. is under way. Other entomological research is aimed at increasing the population of a native insect. known as the earwig, which is one of the most beneticial predators in Alabama peanut fields. Earwigs feed on all other insects. including the lesser cornstalk borer. corn earworm. and fall armyworm. In AAES studies funded cooperatively by the Alabama Pcanut Producers Association, researchers found that the ear ig does not function weli in hot, drry weather. Based on these findings, entonologists will test a theory that narroower row spacing - which provides shade to reduce exvaporation and soil temperature - would increase the activity of earwigs. hur Qltoml)oijts also .uc ,Ct lchine for bacterial spores aid proteins toxic to insects. These Ciopounds are known as BT(short for / "Bcillu thutiringien is') tox- in,. AAES researchers located BT toxins effective against the lesser irnstalk borer and the beet army- v\ arm. Entomologists also have tcted foliar sprays ot BT toxins thait kill pink bollworms and to- hacco budwornis. two common cot- rn pCts. Ihe task now is to determine the best way to exploit this knowl- edge. One major goal is to develop a genetically engineered peanut plant that pro- duces the BT toxin against cornstalk borers. The toxin genes have already been cloned into pllant-associated bactecria in a collaboration be- tween AAES entomologists and plant patholo- gists. This created a plant-colonizing bacteria that can kill insects. Another entomological study is aimed at providing biological control of the greater wax moth, which can destroy honey combs. Auburn researchers are looking for techniques to attract and enhance populations of a naturally occur- ring wasp that feeds on the moth. Biocontrol is important in honey production. because con- sumers demand purity and reliability in this product. Chemical insecticides can pose problems in the home, as well as in the field, prompting SAVING FOR A DRY DAY - Increased demand for irriga- tion water in the Southeast is causing increased stress on many small streams where farmers are pumping directly from the stream. AAES agricultural engineers are inves- tigating the feasibil- ity of pumping during high stream flows, which occur during the winter, storing the water in off-stream reser- voirs, and then distributing it for irrigation when water is scarce and competing uses are greatest. Research. ers have completed an analysis of stream water availability and are now evalu- ating water storage reservoir costs and designs. Preliminary work has begun in the design and construction of a facility at the Ten- nessee Valley Sub- station in Belle Mina to test an experi- mental pumping, storage, and distri- bution system. 4 2(0 A gra/ae stunt set II ) a pr(ein gel in one o/ Auburn' s bio01log'ical (ontrol laboratories. PRESERVING PLANT GENETICS - Improv- ing crop productivity requires ongoing use of diverse plant germplasm. A goal of the National Plant Germplasm System is to preserve the original genetic variability of plants acquired and saved for future distribu- tion. However, lack of information on the reproduction of 31 Vicia species could cause these plants to be lost. AAES agronomists are working with the Germplasm System to identify the repro- ductive processes of the Vicia, a genus that includes com- mercially important plants such as hairy vetch, broadbean, and fava-bean. urban entomologists to look for biological control agents for one of the most common household pests - the German cockroach. They were successful in tinding the first true biocontrol organism that is hoth practical and effective for German cockroach control. In an AAES study, entomologists used nematodes or tiny worm-like parasites, to pro- vide an environmentally sound alternative to conventional insecticides. Nematodes were conined in moisture-retaining stations and placed in cockroach-infested apartments. The nematode stations performed as well as coin mercial insecticidal bait stations. GENETICS IMPORTANT IN BIOCONTROL Other biological control research in 1992 included the development by AAES microbiolo- gists of a technique tor genetically engineering a bacterium that can help some trees and shrubs take in nutrients from the air. The bacterium establishes a symbiotic relationship with the roots of trees and conserts gaseois nitrogen into a form the plant can use as a source of nutrition. The bacterium is associated with several woody plants, including the alder tree, a hard- wood that could be valuable as a source of material for fuel, furniture, and construction. These plants also are useful for land reclarna tion. Through genetic engineering, the bacte- rium could be maide even more efficient at recycling nitrogen, or the microorganism could be transformed to colonize the root zones of other trees. Microbiologists also identified two novel plant proteins and cloned the respective genes for application as biocontrol agents against bean weevils and several plant pathogenic fungi. The first, cloned from cultured tobacco cells, exhibits antifungal activity against a spec- trum of pathogens. The second protein-related gene, cloned from a native Southwest American bean plant, gives a plant insecticidal proper- ties. Goals tor future research include genetic engineering research to develop new plants that expiess these valuable traits. COMPUTER MODEL HELPS GUIDE AGRICULTURAL POLICY of iy chan oes concern in the JDIedral budget deficit and agri- cultural technology haxe majoi Slects on farmers. consumers, tax- payers. and the economy. but these effects are often difficult for decision makers to measure. A sophisticated computer simulation pro- gram is used at Auburn to help policy makers weigh the benefits and risks involved in deci- sions such as decreasing the national debt or banning pesticides. The agricultural sector model, which runs on the Alabama Supercomputer. was used to determine that cutting the deficit by $30 billion a year over the next four years would increase real net farm income by approximately 5 per- cent annually. Nationally. that xould mean an extra $1.4 billion a year in real livestock in- come and $200 million a year in real crop income. Deficits damage agriculture in many ways. Higher interest rates and a stronger dollar, both products of high deficits, increase operating expenses and decrease exports. Falling farm cash receipts and rising operating expenses squeeze farm profits. Lower protits and higher interest rates will lower farim land xalues, adding more financial risk in the eyes of farm lenders. In another study, the computer model indi- cated that farmers in the South could be dealt a lethal blow in some scenarios for banning com- mon pesticides. The Study looked at a variety of scenarios related to targeted bans of three pes- ticides - aldicarb, triazines. and acetani i des - in low-, medium- and high-risk zones. One scenario called for bannin- all three pesticides in all risk zones. Such a ban would cause annual crop income to drop nationally more than $2.1 billion, and livestock income and Public Polic'. uses a solhisicaIed cmputer model lie de/loaped to gaini in sighn ilto mai/jn plice' decisions. would drop $350 million. The Southeast/Appa- lachian states would lose $298 million in crop income; the Delta states. $274 million. To make matters worse, the same scenario also would lower the annual Gross National Product by 0.2 percent, increase the budget deficit by 2.6 percent and raise food prices by I percent. U.S. consumers would have to pay $953 million more each year to maintain the current standard ot living. A national ban on all pesticides and inor- ganic felrmilizers would increase crop income by $11.9 billion, but the GNP would drop 3.59 percent, the deficit would risc 18 percent. and consumers would have to pay an extra $30.5 billion to maintain the cur-rent standard of living. 77 DIRECTOR'S RESEARCH AWARDS ied Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Director's Research Awards in 1992. The awards, initi- atedin 1981 to recognize special career achieve- ments by AAES scientists, include $10,000 unrestricted grants for use in the winners' re- search programs. Recipients were Dr. B. Graeme Lockaby. professor of forestry; Dr. David I. Bransby. professor of agronomy and soils; and Dr. C. Wesley Wood, Jr.. assistant professor of agronom y and soils. Lockaby, a member of the AU School of Forestry taculty since 1986. has generated more than $2.2 million in extramiral research fund- ing and produced 18 refereed articles over the past five years. As part of the Southcrn Global Climate Program, Lockaby's investigations have yielded information on the influence of climate on pine growth, etfects of acid rain on pine, site prepara- tion effects on decr habitat, and moisture-nutri- ent interactions in hardwoods. His results help to clarify how the productivity of individual trees and forest systems are limited. In other research, Lockaby has shed new light on the impact of timber harvesting on wxetland biogeocheiistry. Bransbh has generated $922.400 in extra- mural grants and wx ritten 14 rIeferi eed articles 1987. In the area ot forage/livestock production. Bransby' s accomplishments include new meth- ods to reduce losses fiom fcscue toxicosis methods of utilizing chicken litter, and infor- mation on optimal stocking rates and alternate forage species. As part of the U.S. Department of Eneigy's biofuels program. Bransby was instrumental in identifying switchgrass as a promising energy crop for the Southeast. He tound that the forage can be used as a highly economical source of biomass for ethanol production. Since coming to Auburn in 1990, Wood has generated more than $1.2 million in extramu- ral grants and authored 25 refereed articles. His work emphasizes soil fertility and envi- ronmental chemistry. A major ongoing project by Wood involves the development of best management practices for using chicken litter in crop production whilc minimizing the risk of environmental degradation. His basic research in this area is aimed at determining nutrient and heavy metal release kinetics from manures. Wood also is evaluating new and existing technologies for predicting crop nitrogen needs to provide Southeastern producers, crop consult- ants, and testing laboratories with the means to make site-specific nitrogen management deci- siois. (Gau V :- 7, Uo Mit I ~C1 at rai :; $i ~ :: 18' .i FI N A N C I A L H I G H L 1 G H TS Total Revenues State State Paid Employee Benefits Federal Contracts and Grants Auxiliary Revenues Federal State Private $16,077,612 $1,840,884 $4,268,420 $6,463,389 $4,020,815 Contracts and Grants $2,889,206 $1,106,514 $2,467,669 Auxiliary Revenues Sale of Research Projects Diagnostic Services and Fees Interest and Royalties Indirect and Other Cost Recoveries $3,072,058 $268,800 $57,447 $622,510 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Report of Revenues for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1992 23