Ir~ 4 11 COVER STORY: The farm-raised catfish industry and catfish fishout operations in Alabama have grown dramatically in the past decade. The development of successful spawning techniques by Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station researchers has pro- duced a crossbred catfish that could provide another big boost for the State's catfish in- dustry. The channel catfish-blue catfish cross grows faster and more uniformly, has more edible meat, is more feed efficient, and is less susceptible to reduced oxygen con- tent in pond water than channel catfish. The crossbreed is also a more aggressive feeder and swims nearer the surface than channel catfish, making it easier to catch in fishout operations and easier to harvest for commercial use. As shown on the cover, even cool winter temperatures don't prohibit catching these channel-blue catfish crossbreeds. 13 N" ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS James E. Martin, President Paul F. Parks, Vice President for Research Lowell T. Frobish, Director David H. Teem, Associate Director Charles W. Bruce, Assistant Director I I I I' iA, 4k . 4 ~:~'~K Field days and other meetings, held throughout the year at research facili- ties across the State, help get research infor- mation to the people who need and use it. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword .............................................. 4 Introduction ............................................ 5 Food Animals ........................................... 7 Plant Production and Protection ............................ 10 Human Health and Nutrition .............................. 14 The Environment ......................................... 17 Alternative Crops and Resource Use ........................ 19 Forestry ................................................. 22 Director's Research Awards................................25 Research Appropriations a Good Investment ................. 26 The information contained herein is available to all persons regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin. This report was produced by the Department of Research Information R.E. Stevenson, Editor and Head J.R. Roberson, Associate Editor C.L. Smith, Assistant Editor T.E. Rodriguez, Art Designer I Service and team- work were the twin themes of the 1987 Annual Report of the Alabama Agricultural Experi- ment Station (AAES), and with good reason. Service to Ala- bama agriculture and forestry is the mission for which the AAES was established 105 years ago. Teamwork continues to be the key organizational approach under which the AAES operates in carrying out its mission of service. Teamwork involves many different in- dividuals, agencies, or organizations -- not just Auburn faculty. Vital components of the AAES team are the citizens of Alabama, and especially the State Legislature. We at the AAES take this opportunity to say thank you to the Legislature for the increase in research funds approved in the recent budget and to our friends throughout the State for their interest and support. Too often we express our needs and con- cerns, but fail to say thank you for a job well done. The increased funding provided for 1989 will help the AAES carry out its mandated mission of service to Alabama. It will allow us to develop a research program targeted to the needs of all Alaba- mians for the next decade and into the next century. To help plan for the future, we have estab- lished a Task Force to review Alabama's agricultural and forestry industries and to take a hard look at Auburn's research program to support these enter- prises. This group has been asked to develop a strategic research plan, officially labeled 'Alabama Agriculture in the 21st Century.' Members of the Task Force are Senator Ann Bedsole; Representative Ben Richardson; Com- missioner Albert McDonald; Mr. Jimmy Sanford, Agribusinessman; Dr. James Anderson, Michigan State University; Dr. Van Volk, Oregon State University; Dr. Bobby Robinson, Washington, D.C.; Dr. Robert Oltjen, Beltsville, Maryland; Dr. Robert Stickney, University of Washington; Dr. John Ayres, Lithonia, Georgia; Dr. Fred Hill, Savannah, Georgia; Dr. Irv Omtvedt, University of Nebraska; and Dr. Gideon Hill, Wilmington, Delaware. Dr. E. T. York, Chancellor (Retired) of the State University System of Florida, will chair the committee. The committee will be drawing on all resources in Alabama to develop this important strategic plan. While the Task Force is busy working, another group has reviewed the research facilities associated with the AAES and has developed a plan of action. High on the facility priority list is the replacement of our greenhouse facility with a state- of-the-art greenhouse and growth chamber complex. Such a complex will allow expansion of research in ornamentals, floriculture, and vegetables, along with more basic studies in plant and tree growth, plant diseases, and entomology. A new Animal and Poultry Science Building is planned to facilitate studies in growth, development, and reproduction of farm animals. Forestry is an important industry in Alabama and renovation of the forestry complex will provide much needed space for research to assist this growth in- dustry. The welfare of all Alabamians is important, and the expanded research effort in rural develop- ment and family life benefits all citizens of our State. Renovation of the existing plant sciences building, Funchess Hall, will enable scientists to ex- pand programs in soil physics, genetic engineering, plant physiology and growth, integrated pest management, and other important areas. Remodel- ing of existing buildings for offices and classrooms will allow the housing of extension specialists with teachers and researchers to complete the integration of all three groups into a single faculty to carry out the agricultural mission of the University. Addition of a disease containment facility will improve our research in animal, poultry, and fish diseases. Catfish farming is a rapidly growing in- dustry, but growth may be limited unless research solves future production problems before they become limiting factors. Wildlife is important aesthetically and economically to the State. We must continue to expand our research and extension effort in this area. Considerable effort is being devoted to planning and to the development of a strategic plan. The research highlighted in this report is a result of past plans. There is a Chinese proverb that sums up our planning process: 'One generation plants the trees...another gets the shade.' We are planting the shade trees of the future, but in doing so we must stop occasionally to smell the flowers and listen to the sounds embracing us. Remember, this is your Agri- cultural Experiment Station. You, the citizens of Alabama and the State Legislature, are important team members. We need your input, your advice. ____ ___ ___ _ a___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___i _ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ roNLwu~u Dr. Lowell T. Frobish, Direc- tor, Alabama Agricultural Ex- periment Station Research in the Ala- bama Agricultural Experiment Sta- tion is diverse. Some high tech. Some more down to earth. Some simple, and the benefits easy to define. Some more of long term benefit. Regardless of the package research results come in, the goal is to help improve the way of life for all Alabamians. In this regard, 1988 was a rousing success for the scien- tists and administrators in the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station and for the people of Alabama. Scientific break- throughs, unfortunately, don't often adhere to the 'Big Bang Theory,' more often coming after many years of meticulous, time- consuming work. In 1988, how- ever, there were several big bangs' in the Experiment Station. Plant breeders, for ex- ample, culminated several years of work by releasing a new variety of soybean, Stonewall. This new variety was bred specifically for the growing conditions in Alabama and planting seed should be available in limited quantities for growers in 1990. Release of new varieties of lettuce, alfalfa, and sericea for Alabama farmers em- phasized success of efforts by forage and vegetable breeders. Sor many years Auburn researchers have been key contributors to the stockpile of knowledge needed to combat fescue toxicity in beef cattle. In fact, Auburn researchers first identified the fungus causing the disease and developed a fungus-free fescue variety and management measures to combat it. In 1988, initial work by Experiment Station researchers indicates that higher stocking rates - allowing animals to graze the in- fected pastures closer - may be the best of all these alternatives cur- rently available. While technolo- gical breakthroughs will no doubt ultimately conquer the costly disease problem for cattlemen, a simple solution found by Auburn researchers may save millions of dollars until the big bang in fescue toxicity comes along. Stonewall, a new variety of soy- bean bred speci- fically for Alabama grow- ing conditions, was released by the Experiment Station in 1988. Preliminary results indicate heavy grazing may be a simple short term solu- tion to the statewide prob- lem of fescue toxicity. it. ay:4 " ,g- 'u S F -i e. : '' : ~ \ I. r il ~;: r ~~I r: .i\ "b( i ;" .: r j, ~, :,,, ;7 d3 i;~ ~i !%~;rs.h -(i' i lu R .i "- : ^,i , it : '% 4,~~ r i -:-.i ,. - ;; :~ J-r l i ': -: ~ ~ ~n. :e : ' " ' o [9 r f J, yF t;' ;: / I :-* r- i::.j ~ bitb r"pF- Auburn re- searchers sam- ple crappie population in Weiss Lake. mental and 1 crop produc- tion im- provements go hand in hand. Au- burn re- searchers found this to be the case in efforts to control tar- nished plant bugs, a major pest of cotton. Preliminary research findings in- dicate that using beautiful wild- flowers, such as verbena and flea- bane, along roadways may pro- vide sufficient natural trap crops to delay the timing and reduce the number of tarnished plant bugs in cotton. Research by rural sociologists indicates that Alaba- mians favor maintaining clean water sources for recreation and wildlife. Other studies indicate a high degree of acceptance by Alabamians of the State Park System. Utilization studies further indicate that Alabama's state parks are widely used by tourists from out of state. Developing alternative resources has long been a goal of the Experiment Station. This goal can also go hand in hand with ef- forts to better manage existing farm enterprises, as researchers found in the Sand Mountain area. The high concentration of poultry opera- tions in that area has created a de- mand for utilization or manage- ment of litter from poultry houses. The area is also a growing center for vegetable production in the State. In tests at the Sand Mountain Substation, researchers have found that chicken litter makes an ex- cellent organic fertilizer that pro- duces higher yields and earlier maturity on broccoli and sweet corn than commercial fertilizers. A l11 the research infor- mation generated by the Experi- ment Station belongs to the public. Last year Experiment Station scien- tists published 490 technical articles, providing a broad base of scientific information for resear- chers both at Auburn and at research facilities around the world. Auburn researchers also published 20 Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station publications, and over 500 articles on Experi- ment Station research appeared in State newspapers. A new cooperative television and radio project with the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service brought research information to more Alabamians via electronic media. WVith so diverse a research program, summarizing in an annual report is difficult at best. The following report represents on- ly a highlight of research achieve- ments; undoubtedly, researchers in every school and college on cam- pus that conduct research under the auspices of the Alabama Agri- cultural Experiment Station could report other successful research findings. inimal research at Auburn continues to center on fur- ther developing economic methods of producing high protein, low fat, and low cholesterol meat. This ef- fort includes developing alternative feed sources, like grain sorghum, that can be grown in Alabama, thus reducing the need to export Alabama cattle out of state for finishing or importing midwestern grain for finishing cattle in the State. Developing the type cattle that can best utilize feed grown in the State and processing and packaging meat products in forms most acceptable to consumers will help to more fully develop and utilize the State's beef cattle industry. The good food-good health craze is also affecting animal researchers at the Experiment Sta- tion. Poultry researchers, for ex- ample, have found that commer- cial feedstuffs often lack adequate dietary lysine, causing a higher percentage of fat in poultry pro- ducts. Fisheries researchers were able to increase the omega-3 fatty acids in catfish by adding fish oil to pelleted rations. Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to decreas- ed heart disease, but researchers found the addition of fish oil to cat- fish diet resulted in reduced quali- ty of catfish, which may not be ac- ceptable to consumers. Though researchers are constantly seeking to improve the environment, often environ- Chicken litter, used as a resi- dual fertilizer, produced larger, earlier maturing broccoli than commercial fertilizers. Animal research is undergoing a continual revolution as Americans demand increasingly lower fat and cholesterol meat pro- ducts. At the same time, producers must be cognizant of meeting the demands of consumers without losing profitability. Thus, the age- old adage of producing the most for the least really hasn't changed, though it is 'clothed' a little dif- ferently. Researchers in the Experi- ment Station have made some significant progress in helping the State's livestock and fish producers thrive in these revolutionary times. Basic research provides the building blocks of knowledge necessary for most practical scien- tific breakthroughs, but never before in the area of food animal research have the basic researchers been so vital. Auburn researchers are studying many of the growth and reproductive factors of both synthetic growth-enhancing chemi- cals and compounds produced naturally within the animal. How these materials in- teract could play a key role in the further development of fast growing, low fat, low cholesterol live- stock that the public demands. Auburn research- ers are studying the proliferation of satel- lite cells in the muscles of rats and pigs to determine the interaction of growth-altering chemicals, exercise, and genetics. This understanding is es- sential to the future use of growth-alter- ing chemicals in beef cattle and swine, both of which are heavily dependent on the heterosis obtain- ed from genetic cross- breeding. To study the effects of exercise on cell growth, Au- burn scientists de- veloped a model system to allow rats to lift weights, thus inducing muscle growth in these animals. Experiment Sta- tion scientists are studying a ribosylu- ric acid found exclu- sively in the red blood cells of beef cattle that may be used to protect food animals, and possibly human cells, from harmful oxidation. The ribo- syluric acid is similar to a com- pound found in humans that is a defense against oxidizing agents. In laboratory tests, Auburn research- ers have found that ribosyluric acid protected cattle, swine, and human red blood cells from toxic agents. The research team is working with hopes of developing similar com- pounds that will freely enter cells and offer protection from oxida- tion. The Dairy Ter- mination Pro- gram leaves younger, more optimistic dairymen in the State. I Hybrid may become standard for Alabama catfish farmers Successful mating of male blue catfish and female channel catfish has not been easy, but it could become economically rewarding for the State's catfish farmers and fishermen. Auburn researchers have found that the hybrid produc- ed by the two species is more effi- cient in feed conversion and grows faster than channel catfish grown commercially. The Auburn hybrid has about 15 percent more edible meat than channel catfish, primari- ly because of a smaller head. These new hybrids are much more aggressive than channel cat- fish and are easier to catch with a hook and line. A tendency to swim and feed nearer the surface also makes the hybrid easier to harvest in commercial operations. From a production standpoint, the hybrids are more tolerant than channel catfish of changes in dissolved oxygen in the water and less susceptible to diseases. N gtiy aeration pays off in commercial cat fish pounds Nightly aeration of catfish ponds pays off in terms of higher feed ef- ficiency and subsequently lower feed cost and higher yields, accor- ding to recent Experiment Station tests. Channel catfish ponds were stocked at 4,000 fish per acre and fed to a maximum daily rate of 50 pounds per acre. Three ponds were aerated 6 hours per night from May 30 until October 12, at a rate equivalent to 3 horsepower per acre. Three ponds served as unaerated controls, but emergency aeration was occasionally applied. Harvest weight of fish averaged 4,293 pounds per acre in aerated ponds compared to 3,264 in unaerated ponds. The same quan- tity of feed was applied to all ponds, but fish in aerated ponds had significantly better feed effi- ciencies than fish in unaerated ponds. Production data were expanded to larger ponds for a budget analysis. Net returns to land, management, and equity capital were $696 per acre for aerated ponds and $383 per acre for unaerated ponds. Economics are studied for waste management systems Agricultural economists work- ing with a team of agricultural engineers, studied waste manage- ment systems for swine to deter- mine the most economical ones. Microcomputer models were used to analyze various production phases and sizes, treatment/stor- age, distribution, and application systems. Six different sized feeder pig, farrow to finish, and feeder pig finishing operations were analyzed. In tests evaluating pork produc- tion at levels between 50,000 and 170,000 pounds per year, feeder pig operations were below farrow-to- finish and finishing-out feeder pigs in terms of waste management costs as a percentage of the weighted average output value. Beyond the output range, feeder pig finishing operations achieved the lowest percentage, followed by feeder pig and farrow-to-finish systems. Grass filter, storage pond, anaerobic and aerobic lagoons, recharge pit, and storage pit systems were evaluated for five farrow-to-finish operation sizes. Cost economies held for all systems as size was increased, with the aerobic lagoon (the highest cost system) showing the greatest cost sensitivity. Dairy termination participants not neces- sarily unprofitable Economists at the Experiment Station found that it was not necessarily debt or profitability that caused dairy farmers to par- ticipate in the Dairy Termination Program (DTP). About one-fourth had profitable or low debt opera- tions but were terminating because they believed the future was not bright in dairy farming. Being of retirement age was given as a reason for DTP participation by about 27 percent of the dairy operators, with about 8 percent in- dicating low-profit operations. About 21 percent terminated dairying because of low-profit and high-debt operations, while another 15 percent were making a profit but had a high debt. Although 60 percent of the DTP farmers had herds of fewer than 100 cows, 14 percent had 200 or more cows. Nearly one-third of the dairy operators indicated that after paying all debts, they would not have any funds remaining from the sale of cows and DTP payments. A debt-free situation was indicated by about 20 percent of the dairy farmers. Many experienced dairy- men chose to quit, leaving the future of the dairy production in- dustry in the hands of propor- tionately younger and less ex- perienced, but more optimistic, dairy farmers. Market demand increasing for aqua- cultural products Since limited information is available on retail seafood marketing, Experiment Station Nightly aeration of catfish ponds improves yields and lowers costs. III .. " q research was carried out to find fac- tors most potent in the effect on the demand for seafood products. The most important factors af- fecting retail grocery demand for seafood products were type and location of grocery outlet, species sold, and consumer tastes and preferences. Important seafood products in terms of volume and gross retail sales were catfish, ocean perch, whiting, and shrimp. Cat- fish accounted for 11 percent of dollar sales and volume. It ranked third, along with whiting, in terms of dollar sales, but was fourth in terms of volume. Catfish was the most widely handled fresh fish product. Although the proportion of the market currently held by aqua- cultural products is small, potential seems to be high. Rising prices, general acceptance of catfish, and changing consumer tastes and pre- ferences indicate that promotional efforts to increase consumers' awareness of aquacultural pro- ducts would yield high returns. Cattle respiratory disease is caused by early stress Bovine respiratory disease, believed to be caused by exposure to stress at weaning and sale, is the most common cause of illness and death in feeder calves. Research underway in the Experiment Sta- tion indicates that a hormonal response by calves to stressful management procedures is accom- panied by a temporary depression in disease resistance. Surgical procedures are fre- quently performed on feeder calves in the United States at or near the time of weaning and shipment. To test the effect of castration on im- mune function, 5-month-old beef calves were castrated using a routine surgical procedure. Labor- atory testing on blood samples col- lected before and after castration detected a significant increase in the concentration of cortisol, a stress hormone, within 1 hour after surgery. This hormonal response was accompanied by a shift in the concentration of white blood cells. By the next day, both the cortisol concentration and the white blood cell concentration had returned to normal levels. However, the func- tion of blood lymphocytes was also tested in the laboratory, and a sig- nificant depression was noted on the day after surgery. This depres- sion in lymphocyte function may represent delayed effects of the high concentration of stress hormone that was noted immediately after castration. In a second study, 5-month-old steers were hauled in a stock trailer for 2 hours. Upon return to the animal facilities, these animals were infected experimentally with a small dose of two respiratory agents that are associated with feedlot pneumonia. Hauling for 2 hours caused an increase in stress hormone that was as great as the increase that followed castration. Experimental respiratory illness was more severe in the calves that had been transported, compared to control calves that were infected but had not been transported. M atching breed and facilities beneficial or swine prouces s The cost of purchasing or raising replacement gilts and the lower productivity of gilts compared to sows make longevity and lifetime production important economic factors in commercial swine opera- tions. A recently completed Experi- ment Station study evaluated lon- gevity and lifetime production of three types of crossbred sows (Hampshire-Landrace, Duroc- Landrace, and Yorkshire-Lan- drace) in two types of gestation facilities (pasture and confinement gestation stalls). Eighty-seven percent of the Hampshire-Landrace sows, 78 per- cent of Duroc-Landrace sows, and only 70 percent of the Yorkshire- Landrace sows farrowed four lit- ters. Little difference was seen in performance between the pasture and confinement systems when averaged across the three sow crosses. Within the pasture gesta- tion system, Duroc-Landrace and Hampshire-Landrace sows raised a total of 6 to 8 additional pigs to 21 days than Yorkshire-Landrace sows in four farrowings. Total pounds of pigs produced in four litters varied little between the breed groups in confinement gestation, but Hampshire-Lan- drace sows did produce 60 to 70 more pounds of pigs at 21 days than the other two groups of cross- bred sows. Results from this study indicate that commercial swine producers should match sow breeds with the type of facility on the farm. Farmers with a pasture gestation system should consider using Hampshire-Landrace or Duroc- Landrace sows, while farmers with confinement systems may want to use the Hampshire-Landrace cross. The Yorkshire-Landrace cross may be the least economical choice for either system. Poultry housing design has effect o~ production Research to compare relative energy efficiency and overall pro- duction efficiency of four different cold weather and four different warm weather broiler production systems was completed recently by an interdisciplinary team of Agricultural Experiment Station researchers. Cold weather systems compared consisted of the following com- ponents: double curtains, double curtains with ceiling fans, single curtains with ceiling fans, and single curtains (control). Warm weather systems com- pared consisted of the following components: Evaporative cooling fogging nozzles with full feed, evaporative cooling, fogging nozzles with limited feed restric- tions, limited feed restrictions, and full feed with no fogging nozzles (control). Full feed means feed was present at all times, while limited feed means feed was withheld for 30 minutes of each 4-hour period during the final 3 weeks of the grow-out period. Gas consumption was lower in all treatments involving the double curtains. Gas usage was 24.2 per- cent lower in the double curtain treatment as compared to the single curta n treatment and was 39.0 percent lower in the double curtain with ceiling fans treatment as compared to the control. Ceiling fans alone resulted in a gas usage reduction of 11.6% when com- pared to the control. Total energy cost per 1,000 birds was lower in the double curtain with ceiling fans as compared to the other treatments. Using energy costs of $0.65 per gallon of LP gas and $0.065 per kilowatt-hour of electrical use, the costs per 1,000 birds were $68.13, $74.60, $80.20, and $86.76 for the double curtain with ceiling fan, double curtain, ceiling fan, and control, respective- ly. Most bird performance parameters were not significantly different for the treatments. Reduced phosphorus levels can cost poultrymen money Phosphorus, the most expensive major mineral in poultry feeds, is often fed at minimum levels to least affect feed cost yet improve shell quality. Producers can reduce phosphorus intake by 50 milli- grams (mg) per hen per day and reduce feed cost as much as $50 per ton. Research conducted at Auburn indicates that reducing phosphorus levels below approximately 700 mg per hen per day to improve egg shell quality is a misconception and should not be used as justification for feeding lower phosphorus levels. Producers feeding less than 500 mg phosphorus per hen per day may be increasing production cost because hens receiving marginal or inadequate phos- phorus can have increased morta- lity, skeletal and shell problems, and reduced production. Auburn findings indicate pro- ducers should feed a diet containing 0.7 percent phosphorus until peak production is reached or until feed intake levels off. Hens should then be fed 700 to 500 mg of phosphorus per hen per day depending upon hen age. Those levels are based on birds consuming average of 22 pounds of feed per 100 hens per day. LO Li r" S nth ,d Data from nematode tests at the Wiregrass Substation were instrumental in developing Clan- dosan, a biolo- gical nematicide. - - -. i- he record breaking late spring-early summer drought took a devastating toll on crops in some parts of Alabama, with the most damage occurring in the nor- them third of the State. Resear- chers used the dry weather to gain some valuable information. They found, for example, that computer models in cotton over-estimate the damage done to that crop by drought. They found heavier insect problems can often be managed in dry weather by using trap crops; of particular interest are the beautiful ? ________________________________ I _______________________________ Reduced phos- phorus proves costly for egg producers. 1 ..~, I zr ~_-;~1- i --- } c ,j -I i Irrl Ir.q r-I -'i a r $IB =(~lr B . i c wildflowers verbena and fleabane that are excellent hosts for tarnish- ed plant bugs that frequently damage cotton. Nematologists at Auburn played a key role in the development of Clandosan, a biological nematicide that uses a combination of urea and shellfish byproducts that stimulate soilborne fungi that attack nema- todes. Since the banning in 1986 of the most effective and economical nematicides by the Environmental Protection Agency, growers have had few weapons with which to fight yield reducing nematodes. The new biological nematicide is both toxic to nematodes and harm- less to man and the environment. Future research in plant sciences will benefit from Experiment Sta- tion work on the development of cloning vectors for chloroplasts. Such vectors would allow scientists to insert genes into chloroplast to make photosynthesis more effi- cient, increasing plant productivi- ty. A similar technique could be used to introduce the genes for re- sistance to photosynthesis-inhi- biting herbicides into crop plants, allowing the use of herbicides that are currently phytotoxic to plants. New method found to study plant bacterial diseases Auburn researchers have developed a new approach to studying the relationship between plants and the pathogenic bacteria that attack and cause disease. By transferring the lux gene (a gene complex responsible for light emis- sion of a bioluminescent bacterial species) into a number of commer- cially important pathogenic bac- teria, researchers can follow the en- try, movement, and activities of the bacteria in an infected host plant. From measurement of the inten- sity of light emission, it is also possible to obtain an estimate of bacterial numbers at different times during infection and at different locations within the plant. This noninvasive method of following the progress of plant disease development presents scientists with a new and powerful tool for studying the disease process. Old and new fungicides reduce peanut diseases Peanut white mold costs Alabama peanut producers $10-15 million annually, placing it along with leafspot as the most trouble- some peanut disease problems in the State. In 3 years of on-farm testing, researchers demonstrated that the fungicide Terraclor is still the best economic control for white mold, particularly under severe disease pressure. However, the in- secticide Lorsban provided signifi- cant disease suppression and yield increases, which were greater than other insecticides also labelled for white mold control. Researchers also evaluated new fungicides for control of white mold and peanut leafspot. In these tests, Spotless- and Folicur-treated plots outyielded standard Terraclor treatments by 100-400 pounds per acre and produced 600-1,200 pounds per acre more than un- treated plots. Little-known bee holds key to blueberry pollination Rabbiteye blueberry, the only commercial blueberry grown in the Southeast, has seen a remarkable upsurge in commercial and home cultivation this decade. Like all blueberries, rabbiteye requires bees to transfer pollen between plants to effect pollination. Recent research at Auburn, in collaboration with the USDA Southeastern Fruit and Tree Nut Research Station, docu- ments the pollination value of a previously overlooked native soli- tary bee for fruit production by rabbiteye blueberry. The southeastern blueberry bee, Habropoda laboriosa, masquer- ades as a small bumblebee, but in fact is a solitary, ground-nesting bee. The female is a specialist, rely- ing heavily upon blueberry flowers for her offsprings' pollen and nectar provisions. In turn, this bee is a superior blueberry pollinator. Every second flower she visits, on average, matures a full-sized fruit on three varieties commonly planted in Alabama. Censuses of blueberry visitors reveal this fast- working bee to be frequently so abundant as to effect multiple visits per flower, assuring the maximum fruit set of nearly 60 percent for irrigated bushes. In contrast, other bees that forage rabbiteye blueberry are too infrequent, or else fail to ap- propriately handle the blueberry's urn-shaped flowers to be effective pollinators. Methods and techno- logies developed during this study may provide insights into the pollination of vegetable crops whose flowers share critical fea- tures with those of blueberry, such as tomato, peppers, eggplant, and potato. Fertilizer impurities too 1 ow to affect crops The heterogeneity of phosphate rock can lead to the formation of impurity compounds in commer- A little-known bee proves essential to max- imum blueberry production. cial phosphate fertilizers. These im- purity compounds are insoluble in water and contain metallic ele- ments such as aluminum, iron, and magnesium. A series of greenhouse and field studies was conducted at the Experiment Station to evaluate the plant availability of phos- phorus in commercial concentrated superphosphate (CSP) and mono- ammonium phosphate (MAP) fertilizers. Fertilizers in the tests were manufactured from phosphate subsoiling (87 bushels per acre) will result in higher grain yields than disking only (69 bushels per acre), chiseling (72 bushels per acre), paraplowing (73 bushels per acre), or turning (71 bushels per acre). When the rye was grazed during the winter months, deep tillage was needed to maintain respectable yields. Yields for the paraplow, turn plow, in-row subsoiler, chisel plow, no tillage, and disk only were 77, 66, 65, 60, 57, and 46 bushels per acre, respectively. .1I 9 r r .4 K '2 Hybrid tomato varieties may in- crease fruit set in hot, humid weather. rock depo sl in i icIa, .CAu il Carolina, and Idaho. One CSP fer- tilizer was obtained from Morocco. Water soluble phosphorus in CSP ranged from 77 to 92 percent of the total phosphorus, while water soluble phosphorus in MAP rang- ed from 81 to 96 percent of the total phosphorus. Results of this project show that the level of impurities currently present in commercial MAP and CSP fertilizers is not influencing fertilizer performance. Winter grazing affects spring tillage program Winter grazing can have a tremendous influence on tillage needed prior to planting corn. Data from the first year of a tillage system test at the Experiment Sta- tion indicate that when corn is planted into killed rye that has not been grazed, no tillage (82 bushels per acre) or no tillage with in-row Irrigation findings to help small acreage vegetable farms Research being conducted by a team of agricultural engineers and economists will better define ap- propriate technology and costs associated with irrigation of vegetable crops in Alabama. The team is concentrating on small acreage farms with rolling topo- graphy. Although several types of irrigation technology are potential- ly appropriate, the 1988 study focused on small acreage, hard hose travelers. The hard hose traveler now be- ing field evaluated has a 400-foot- long hose with a 1.5-inch inside diameter and costs approximately $5,000. Annual fixed and operating costs which are also a function of pumps, pipes, and operating time will be determined. Maximum recommended inlet pressure and nozzle size resulted in a flow rate of 65 gallons per minute. This flow rate will provide adequate water for about 10 acres of vegetable crops. Other variables that have been characterized in- clude travel speed, discharge pressure, and flow rate variability. These factors will be combined with sprinkler wetting pattern data to simulate application rates and uniformity. lybrid tomatoes set ruit despite hot, humid eather High day and night temperature conditions, prevalent in the sum- mer months in Alabama, severely limit tomato fruit production. High temperatures disturb many pro- cesses in the flower, such as pollen development, pollen germination and tube growth, ovule develop- ment, fertilization, and fruit initia- tion. Experiment Station research indicates that hybrids of several varietal selections have higher heat tolerance than parent varieties, in- dicating that fruit set can be im- proved genetically. In second-year field evaluations, hybrids and parent lines were rated for their ability to set fruit at the Wiregrass Substation in southeast Alabama. Summer daily max- imum temperatures ranged from 88 to 100 0 F and the daily minimum ranged from 60 to 74 0 F in July and mid-August. Flowers were collected at bi- weekly intervals and the percent pollen fertility was determined. Flowers collected from tomato plants during the hottest period of the summer showed a lower pollen fertility as compared to flowers col- lected earlier or later in the season. Only during the hottest period of the year did the pollen fertility of the entries become limiting. Large fruited commercial varie- ties such as Flora-Dade produced I I few or no fruit from July to mid- August, while lines from the Asian Vegetable Research and Develop- ment Center (Taiwan) and small fruited varieties such as Red Cherry produced many fruit although their size was smaller than normal. Lack of fruit formation could be attri- buted in large part to decreases in pollen fertility. Small fruited varieties showed the least effect of temperature on pollen fertility and subsequent fruit set. Researchers evaLateF s grain diseases Small grain varieties were evaluated for disease incidence and severity at 11 locations in the Ex- periment Station System. Leaf rust and Septoria leaf and glume blotch generally were the predominant diseases on wheat and triticale cultivars; incidence of loose smut was high on EH 8600 variety wheat at every location. Loose smut disease was also prevalent on Citation, Coker 227, * i t =: t t, I; ,.a a ?:41- Coker 820, and Harpool oats in tests in northern and central Alabama; otherwise, oat entries generally were disease free in statewide variety tests. Low levels of stripe, spot blotch, and net blotch were found on each of the barley cultivars planted in tests in northern and central Alabama. Seventeen fungicide treatments were evaluated for control of foliar diseases on McNair 1003 wheat at the Gulf Coast Substation in southwest Alabama and Sand Mountain Substation in the nor- theast part of the State. All fungicides tested at the Gulf Coast Substation gave good to excellent control of leaf rust. Septoria glume blotch developed late in the tests, but incidence of the disease was significantly lower in most of the fungicide-treated plots than in the unsprayed control plots. Yield increases associated with fungicide treatments ranged from 6 to 17 bushels per acre. Diseases did not develop in the tests at the Sand Mountain Substation. E ari weed conrtro aids young pecan tree Auburn researchers found that total chemical control was the most effective way to control weeds in newly established, nonbearing pecan trees. They also found a significant impact of irrigation on both weed and tree growth. Second-year growth was consi- derably greater than the first year's for all treatments. The dia- meters of irrigated and nonirrigated trees increased from ::; 40 percent for un- treated trees to more ? 4. than 90 percent for trees undergoing total . chemical control. Total growth over the 2-year period shows total chemical control treatments in both irrigated and nonirrigated trees provided increases in diameter over twice that of untreated trees, under which mowing was used for weed control. Mowing, a practice used in many young orchards, was not beneficial because it did not control grasses. Irrigation provided a distinct advantage in the first year when rainfall was limited to 55 in- ches, but it had little effect in 1987 because the research area received 80 inches of rainfall that year. Results suggest total chemical control provides more advantage for young pecan tree growth than mowing and disking, and total chemical control is especially im- portant for nonirrigated trees. These early results seem to indicate that efficient orchard floor management beginning at planting can help trees reach production age faster. nhly refIect v imu ches reduce pests, berneft Tomato and summer squash research at the Experiment Station indicates that aluminum coated plastic mulch may reduce thrips and aphids, and subsequently lower the risk of virus diseases transmitted by these insects. In ad- dition, the plastic mulches stimu- late crop production by controlling weeds, conserving moisture and fertilizer, elevating plant tempera- tures, and increasing light intensity. Squash mosaic and tomato spot- ted wilt are serious diseases of vegetables in Alabama. These viruses, which are transmitted by aphids and thrips, cannot be con- trolled by currently available insec- ticides. These insects feed on the underside of plants because of a sensitivity to light. By using the reflective mulches, researchers were able to 'bounce' light up under the plant foliage and discourage aphids and thrips from attacking vegetables covered with these materials. Highly reflective mulches re- duced popula- tions of disease- carrying aphids and thrips. Wheat variety tests demon- strate effective- ness of fungi- cides. i r ? i a X ? ;. . , . 1\A Isolating Omega-3 fatty acids from soilborne fungi could provide a future source of beneficial nutrients. Americans are more health conscious today than ever before. Farmers and livestock pro- ducers, in addition to producing maximum yields at minimum costs, must produce nutritionally sound raw products. The other side of the coin is that Americans must be able to recognize and most effi- ciently use these more nutritional foods, and for a majority of con- sumers this is not the case. Auburn researchers, for exam- ple, demonstrated that carbo- hydrates, often avoided by dieters, are essential to maintain adequate endurance levels. Low carbohy- drate diets for females can be self defeating, according to the Auburn study, because women on these diets have decreased physical and mental performances when com- pared to medium and high carbo- hydrate diets. Though adding fish oil rich in Omega-3 fatty acids to catfish diets gave the food fish an unpleasant odor and may not be acceptable to consumers, other forms of these fatty acids that have reduced in- cidence of heart disease may be usable. Auburn researchers are currently trying to isolate from fungi an alternative source of Omega-3 fatty acids. At least one of the fatty acids in Omega-3 is known to occur in certain groups of primitive fungi. Unlocking an alternative source of Omega-3 could provide a more abundant and usable form of this nutrition- ally important fatty acid. The increased emphasis on pro- per human nutrition extends from the elderly to infants - even pre- mature infants according to one Auburn study. Due to technolo- gical advances, the survival rate of premature babies has gone up dramatically in recent years. One problem of premature babies is eye damage, since the eye continues to mature after birth. Auburn re- searchers, working with scientists at the Cullen Eye Institute in Texas, found that dietary selenium is vital to eye development and to preven- ting eye damage due to over- oxidation. Experiment Station researchers were even able to deter- mine that selenomethionine is a better source of selenium than selenite or selenocystine. This multi-disciplinary study is also looking at the possibility of soil ap- plications of selenium for soybeans as a method of getting needed selenium into foods for infants. Lean beef tastes good and is more economical to grow Experiment Station scientists recently established the composi- tional and value differences in car- cass components (closely trimmed retail cuts, ground beef, waste fat and bone) between typical and lean carcasses. Lean beef carcasses had greater yields of retail cuts, ground beef, bone, and total available product for retail sale than typical carcasses. The typical carcasses had a higher percentage of trimmable fat than lean beef carcasses. Assuming average per pound market prices for each component (retail cuts, $3.40; ground beef, $1.50; waste fat and bone, $0.05), there was a net difference in carcass value of nearly $70. This difference was largely accounted for by more muscle mass in the lean cattle. A companion study has shown that there was no difference in the sen- sory traits of tenderness, juiciness, or flavor between the two carcass types. Since there was a value dif- ference between typical and lean beef carcasses of nearly $70 in favor of the leaner carcasses and there was no difference in the desired eating qualities, selection of lean carcasses by the packer, using the constraints set forth in this study, is one method of providing con- sumers with the leaner product they demand. Dietary riboflavin sufficient for physically active females Riboflavin is one of the B com- plex vitamins found in numerous foods, but Americans receive it primarily from milk and other dairy products. Riboflavin has many functions in the body, most notably the production of energy. Riboflavin needs are also related to the amount of muscle a person has, thus, an increase in either muscle mass or energy expenditure could result in an increased need for riboflavin. Because of these rela- tionships (muscle mass and energy expenditure) it may be possible that physically active persons have higher riboflavin needs as com- pared to those more sedentary. This question was studied recently by researchers in the Ex- periment Station. Nutritionists looked at the riboflavin status of a group of female athletes (varsity tennis players and track athletes) as compared to an untrained group of females of similar height, weight, and age. Results showed that athletes had less body fat and consumed more riboflavin and calories in their diet than did other females. However, when riboflavin intake was ex- pressed as riboflavin intake per calorie consumed, the athletes and nonathletes were equal. Riboflavin activity in the blood of both groups was within the range expected for adequately nourished people, however, the values for the un- trained group were slightly better than for athletes. The same was true for riboflavin excretion in the urine. Both athletes and non- athletes excreted a normal amount of urinary riboflavin, but the un- trained females excretion was more normal than the athletes. This study indicates that females who are very physically active can maintain adequate riboflavin status through dietary intake alone. No unusual or large supplements are needed, Thus, adequate consump- tion of dairy foods would meet a physically active person's need for riboflavin. Oatmeal and whole wheat are ideal sources of manganese Manganese is known to be an essential trace element for humans and animals. Knowledge concern- ing the biological availability of manganese from plant foods is im- portant s>nce most of the man- ganese in human diets is supplied from plant sources. Manganese content of animal foods is low. Manganese present in plant sources may not be totally available for ab- sorption, and hence, utilization may be low. Bioavailability can be defined as the extent to which a chemically present nutrient in the diet can be utilized by humans or animals. To establish data for the bio- availability of manganese from dif- ferent protein sources, Auburn researchers fed rats diets based on casein, soybean meal, whole wheat Dietary ribo- flavin proves sufficient for female athletes. I flour, or oatmeal for 21 days. Within each group, different levels of manganese ranging from 0 to 8 parts per million were fed. At the end of the 21-day feeding period, the deposition of manganese in bone was analyzed to calculate the bioavailability of manganese. By comparing the slopes of the manganese content in bone obtain- ed from rats fed soybean meal, oatmeal, and whole wheat flour to that of casein, a slope-ratio was calculated to determine the bioavailability of these protein sources relative to casein. Results indicate that the man- ganese contained in the soybean protein allowed for the least deposition of manganese in the bone, followed by oatmeal and whole wheat. While these results show that manganese bioavaila- bility from oatmeal was low com- pared to casein, only the soybean meal showed a significant decrease in bioavailability. Oatmeal and whole wheat protein diets showed no significant decrease in man- ganese bioavailability. Many cereals contain significant amounts of oatmeal and whole wheat and results from this study indicate that manganese bioavailability from these sources is excellent. Reducing poultry salmonellae Jowers human disease threat Salmonellae are a group of bacteria (over 2,500 serotypes) found throughout nature, especial- ly in the animal kingdom. Often, salmonellae are associated with a gastrointestinal disorder in humans known as Salmonellosis. Poultry, like other livestock, may be exposed to salmonellae organisms during the growout phase of production. Birds harbor- ing salmonellae in any one flock, though usually few in numbers, represent a source for cross- contamination during commercial processing. Experiments are being con- ducted at the Experiment Station to determine factors, such as genetics, feed and water withdrawal stress, and dietary supplement with pro- biotic and milk products, associated with salmonellae col- onization rate of broilers prior to processing. A high level of cecal colonization was observed when day-old-chicks were inoculated with salmonellae organisms. How- ever, adult broilers (6 weeks of age) were resistant to colonization when orally challenged with salmonellae typhimurium, indicating an age related to colonization of sal- monellae organisms. Determining natural resistance by chicks to salmonellae organisms represents a first step in lowering the incidence of transmission of salmonellae organisms to humans. Safety cons derations urged for pre-cooked roast Oeef Current changes in consumer demand have resulted in increased production of processed meat items that are high in quality, convenient to prepare, and carry a high retail price. Several new meat items are being produced throughout the country that are unlike the majori- ty of 'typical' processed meats. One a .1 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Mature broilers show resistance to disease- causing salmonellae bacteria. I such item is sliced, pre-cooked roast beef. This product is different from other ready-to eat meat items in that it contains lower salt levels, is uncured, and is heat-processed to a lower internal temperature. The resulting product is suitable as an entree but has comparatively short shelf-life and lacks antimicrobial agents that act against specific food pathogens. Auburn researchers found that potassium sorbate was not an ef- fective antimicrobial agent to use with pre-cooked, sliced roast beef. Secondary heat treatment was found to be effective in controlling micro-organisms, but created some problems with purge (free water in the package) and color of the pro- duct. This study indicates that ex- treme care should be exercised in product handling and inventory management to insure that pre- packaged, sliced roast beef is high in quality and safe to consume. etari .lysine is essential to lowfat poulth products Alabama's poultry industry is in- creasing its production of value added products. This growth is dependent upon the consumer's perception that poultry products are high in protein and low in fat. Research at the Experiment Sta- tion on the feeding of marginal lysine to broilers before marketing revealed that growth was not af- fected. Reduced lysine, however, did reduce carcass meat, particular- ly that on the breast, and increased skin and fat. Lysine is a component of all pro- teins, however, the amount in feed given to meat birds is normally less than the known dietary require- ment. This lysine is heavily com- mitted to forming muscle during growth. Lysine is expensive but warranted when viewed in terms of product yield and quality. k , hh w n Ne , .Pt 1 r.. , , ' -r J v ~t 4 h. d- t 'Lr' rh ( - ,, ' S n:y 1, li t a 1 s th . . a7 ! ? *-r . - * n , *-*"... By increasing quail popula- tions in the State, re- searchers hope to create new in- terest in the sport and in- crease hunting lease values for landowners. ncreasing agricultural production and maintaining a clean environment is a dilemma that has been faced by farmers and livestock producers for years. It is a problem that will grow worse in the future because of a dwindling number of farmers and increased intensity in production from those who remain, plus the increasing ur- banization of rural areas. In the Sand Mountain area of the State, for example, over 60 percent of the water in Lake Guntersville has con- taminant levels above the National guidelines. Environmentalist pre- dict, if the current trend continues, the lake will be unusable for fishing and recreation within 10 years. Other areas of the State are simi- larly concerned about pollution of lakes and streams from runoff, and perhaps more potentially danger- ous, the pollution of ground water sources. Recent Experiment Station research indicates that agricultural pesticides are not a major contri- butor to pollution of streams by runoff of rainwater from farmland. Similar testing of pollution in West Point Lake indicates the primary source of this contamination is ef- fluent from sewage treatment plants and not agricultural pesti- cide runoff. In the Sand Mountain area re- searchers are conducting a series of tests to find the optimum utiliza- tion of chicken litter. This litter, which is a combination of wood shavings placed on the floor of chicken houses and chicken manure, is high in phosphates and nitrates - potential groundwater contaminants. Auburn researchers have found that high rates of chicken litter us- ed as organic fertilizer in late fall produced higher yielding, earlier maturing crops of sweet corn and broccoli than plots using commer- cial fertilizers. Comparable studies are being conducted to evaluate chicken litter use on winter wheat, fescue, other vegetable crops, and ornamentals. Auburn researchers are also con- cerned about aesthetic aspects of the environment. In an ongoing test of over 100 shade tree varieties, Experiment Station researchers found that Autumn Blaze, Aristo- crat, Cleveland Select, and Capitol varieties of flowering pear trees may be more suitable to certain landscapes than the popular Brad- ford variety. Bradford flowering pear trees also have a problem with limb splitting, which is less severe in some of the newer varieties. ncreased organic matter threatens West Poaint Lke Few reservoirs have been as in- tensively studied as West Point Lake, located on the Chattahoo- chee River just 50 miles down- stream from Atlanta. In 1976, one year after impoundment, a study was begun by Experiment Station researchers to measure the effects f lB of nutrient enrichment of this lake as it aged. The amount of carbon produced by phytoplankton has increased dramatically in the past few years. This increased productivity was apparently caused by nutrient enrichment of the lake waters resulting from a significant rise in volume of treated sewage effluent and urban runoff associated with expanded urbaniza- tion of the Atlanta metropolitan area. One consequence of an increase in organic matter pro- duction within the lake is a decline in dissolved oxygen needed to support aquatic life. If this trend of increased productivity con- tinues, there could be a reduction in fish habitat and an increased risk of fish kills in the lake and its tailwaters, especially during the warmest months of the year. Fish population studies in crappie capital lake Weiss Lake, located in Cherokee County, Alabama, is known throughout the Southeast as the 'crappie capital of the world.' The reputation is well deserved. Throughout the years, the reser- voir has provided quality crappie fishing. However, in recent years fishing pressure, targeting crappie especially, apparently has increas- ed. This increased fishing pressure coupled with an apparent decline in the number of crappie available for harvest has resulted in concern that the fish population is being ex- ploited excessively. Joint studies by the Experiment Station and the Alabama Depart- ment of Conservation and Natural Resources centered on understand- ing the extent to which anglers were harvesting the stocks. During the winter of 1987-88, over 703 crappie were tagged and released. As the crappie season progressed 108 tags were returned by anglers. Of the total, 53 percent were out-of-state anglers, a fact which emphasizes the economic importance of Lake Weiss to the area. Adjusting the rate of return for tag loss and nonreporting of tagged caught fish, the crappie population appears to be moderately ex- ploited. Data indicate that given the cyclic nature of crappie spawn- ing in reservoirs coupled with an apparent increase in fishing on the lake, some regulation of harvest may be beneficial. Pond pesticide testing helps evaluate en- vironmental impact A 2-year study recently was in- itiated by the Experiment Station to develop procedures for the testing of the effects of pesticides used on agricultural crops on plant and animal communities in ponds. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is recommending this ap- proach for the testing of certain toxic pesticides subject to run-off into small ponds after application. Information developed from the Auburn study will assist the EPA in formulating regulations for evalu- ating the environmental effects of agrichemicals before they are marketed. The study was designed to ob- tain baseline information on the aquatic plant and animal com- munities in the first year and to follow this phase with pesticide ap- plication. In the second year, ef- fects of the pesticide on the com- munities will be determined. Results of the first year's work found that differences between zones within a mesocosm were most pronounced among plankton communities. Zooplankton abun- dance typically was higher in open water. During summer, differences between open water and shoreline zones were significant. Phyto- plankton abundance was usually higher in the shoreline zone. Recir- culation resulted in significantly higher plankton abundance on several dates, plus higher bluegill production. The treatment phase has been completed and re- searchers are now studying recovery of the systems. Public supports farmers on soil erosion issues A survey of over 3,000 household respondents was carried out by the Experiment Station to determine public perceptions of farmers environmental behavior. More than 90 percent of the respondents felt that landowners are obliged to protect soil resources for future generations. Almost two-thirds of the sample felt that most farmers take good care of the soil. Nevertheless, about 57 percent thought that laws regulating excess soil erosion are badly needed. About 40 percent thought the government should pay farmers to practice soil conservation. A similar proportion supported ap- plying financial penalties to farm operators who fail to adopt needed soil conservation practices. Only about 25 percent thought soil conservation programs were carried too far. The public seemed ready to consider stronger steps to stem soil erosion, given the economic realities of farming. Hunting is a big asset to Alabama's economy In many instances, wildlife and the harvest of wildlife species through hunting in Alabama have been thought of only as by- products of forest management. However, preliminary findings from an Experiment Station re- search project indicate that hunting may be regarded as one of Ala- bama's major income generating I __________________ I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Water quality tests indicate future problems for West Point Lake. c _ industries. Results have shown that individuals hunting in Alabama spend in excess of $677 million an- nually on hunting and hunting- related items. This is based on 1,800 responses to an Experiment Station survey of licensed hunters within the State. The value of this industry to the State had not previously been ac- curately documented. This study demonstrates that wildlife in Alabama is one of the State's leading economic assets. Biodeterioration in structures is a health and economic problem Deterioration of carpets, wall- paper, and wallboard due to fungi is a serious problem of the hotel/motel industry in the hot- humid Southeast. Musty odors from the fungi render rooms unusable and the redecorating costs add substantially to operating costs. In many situations, wall- paper in newly built structures has to be replaced every 3-6 months. In many hotels the costs are several thousand dollars per day. Addi- tionally, fungal spores in the air represent serious environmental and health hazards. Experiment Station research has been done to identify the fungi in- volved in biodeterioration, learn what substrates are being used as a food source, and how to control the fungi. The majority of the fungi identified were Cladosporium, Stachybotrys, Penicillium, Alter- naria, Aspergillus, and Ulocla- dium. Two new fungal species have been identified from these unique habitats. While these fungi have been found utilizing paper, natural fibers, wallpaper paste, and paint as substrates, some appear to be decomposing man-made vinyl wallpapers and synthetic carpet fibers. Scientists are currently evalua- ting control strategies that include modification of the environment to reduce relative humidity and con- densation problems. This work is being coordinated with building systems engineers. Another stra- tegy being examined is the use of fungicidal products either applied directly to surfaces or incorporated into wallpaper and carpet materials. V Ir 8 a Experiment -tation researchers are onstantly seeking alter- iative crops and more tfficient uses of natural ,nd human resources. hough prices for most ommodities are cur- ently at a level that is )rofitable to farmers, he cyclical pricing ature of these goods andates that resear- hers keep a constant igil for new crops and roducts. It is difficult to deter- nine today what will be major commodity in e future. When the itfish industry began in vest Alabama in the ,id 1960s, no one im- igined it would become he seventh or eight argest agricultural in- !ustry in the State (day. The interest in com- nercial fruit and vegetable production in Alabama is growing Growth regulating chemicals have proven a boon for Alabama's nursery industry. Y4 1 : " I --- ' ~:~tpr: hh;j r 'i .t !. '~' U3P ~~ i '" X -. * rapidly. An indication of this in- terest is the recent attendance by over 300 people to the State Fruit and Vegetable Growers Associa- tion in Auburn, which featured an address by Governor Guy Hunt. The Experiment Station is playing a key role in the resurgence of the fruit and vegetable industry in the State. The Experiment Station recently released a new plum variety, AU Rubrum, which could become the dominant commercial plum varie- ty in the State. Scientists are also seeking to expand the State's peach industry by developing varieties more suitable to growth in extreme south Alabama, where peaches could ripen earlier and fill a void in the market. Increasing vegetable production and quality are vital to further development of the industry in the State. Already researchers are developing dif- ferent mulch- ing systems that take op- timum advan- tage of Ala- bama's warm early spring climate and provide max- imum protec- tion against weeds and insect-vectored diseases. New varieties of sweet corn, potatoes, and other vegetables are screened annually by Experiment Station researchers at research facilities throughout the State. Just as important as finding out which new crops will work is find- ing out early which ones aren't suitable for production in Ala- bama. Such is the case of pepino dulce, a breakfast fruit, grown ex- tensively in Mexico and California. While this high yielding fruit has tremendous market potential, Auburn researchers have found that it simply won't set a sufficient number of fruit in Alabama's cli- mate to ever be an economic factor in the State. Similar studies are looking at the feasibility of growing kiwi fruit and fajoa. The first par- tial crop of kiwi fruit was harvested at the Experiment Station in 1988 and early indications are that it will be difficult and expensive to grow commercially. Freshwater obsters tested for growth in '8tfish ponds Already freshwater shrimp are being grown experimentally in cat- fish ponds, now scientists are testing giant crayfish for use in the State's aquaculture industry. The crayfish look more like lobster, and taste remarkably similar to Maine lobster. Several species of crayfish have been identified that may have potential for pond aquaculture in Alabama. One large species called marron, native to southwestern Australia, is capable of growing at a rate of one-fourth pound a year and reaching a maximum size of over 2 pounds. Crayfish grown in the United States usually reach a maximum size of about one-tenth pound in a year. Growth rates of marron in research tanks at Auburn during 1988 have been as good or better than growth data reported from Australia. Marron survived well during the winter but showed signs of heat stress during summer. Low salt concentrations were found to improve survival during summer months. A second large crayfish, called the redclaw, from eastern Australia is also capable of reaching a pound in size. The natural range of the redclaw includes regions with sum- mer temperatures at least as high as those found in Alabama. Research will continue on both species of giant freshwater crayfish in efforts to find new, high value crops for Alabama farmers. Azalea flowering enhanced by growth retardant use The nursery industry has grown steadily over the past three decades to become one of Alabama's top 10 industries. Much of this growth has been dependent on research- proven production practices, which allow nurserymen to in- crease volume and/or quality. One of the most potentially useful tools currently being tested by Auburn researchers is growth retardants. Daminozide and chlormequat chloride are the principal growth retardants applied to florist azaleas. Delayed flowering and smaller flower size are undesirable side ef- fects of daminozide, while delayed flowering and smaller plant size are undesirable effects of chlormequat chloride. Paclobutrazol, currently labeled as Bonzi, for use on poinsettia, is an effective retardant on chrysanthemums, many species of tropical foliage plants, and an- nual bedding plants. An Experi- ment Station test was conducted to determine the effectiveness of paclobutrazol in controlling bypass shoots of florist azaleas and to evaluate the chemical's effects on flowering. Paclobutrazol, applied 38 days before cooling, effectively controll- ed bypass shoot development and increased flower number of Alaska azalea compared to an untreated control, while minimally influenc- ing days-to-flower and flower diameter. Rates of 150 and 200 parts per million were most effec- tive in controlling bypass shoots and increasing flower number of Prize azalea, while not reducing flower diameter. Days-to-flower was greater (47 days versus 44 days) at the higher rate. Daminozide was less effective than paclobutrazol in controlling bypass shoot development and enhancing flower number. Daminozide also delayed flowering and reduced flower size relative to paclobutrazol and the untreated control. I _________________________ Giant crayfish, often called freshwater lobster, look promising for Alabama catfish producers. C IP~4- Flamne retardancy im- provement increases cotton marketab ity King Cotton has made a resurgence in Alabama in the past few years. In addition to develop- ing technology for growing cotton, Experiment Station researchers are also involved in finding new and better uses for the fiber. Cotton can be made flame resis- tant by treating the fiber with cer- tain organo-phosphorus com- pounds. Unfortunately, if ions such as calcium and magnesium are precipitated onto the fabric, as can happen in laundering, then the ef- fectiveness of the organo-phos- phorus finish may be negated. This effect is a serious one and has caus- ed the reduction or elimination of cotton in certain end-uses. During this past year, Auburn researchers examined how the mode of deposition of soluble and insoluble compounds on organo- phosphorus-treated cellulose fab- rics affects flammability. The study examined an unfinished fabric and two with organo-phosphorus finishes. The salts were applied to the fabrics by laundering and by a padding and ion-exchange pro- cedure to form calcium chloride and calcium carbonate. The fabrics were examined by elemental analysis, vertical test, oxygen in- dex, scanning electron microscopy, and by pyrolysis and gas chroma- tography. The latter work showed that pyrolysis products, such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water were altered by the organo- phosphorus finishes. The two finishes examined, THPOH-NH3 and Pyrovatex CP, differ in chemical nature and in the way each reacts with cellulose. In this study, the Pyrovatex finish was af- fected the same, as far as flam- mability results are concerned, whether the deposition was by padding or laundering. The THPOH-NH3 finish, however, was affected adversely only by laundering. The difference is ap- parently linked to the fact that ion- exchange groups exist in the Pyrovatex finish, and thus the ion- exchanged calcium may play the more important part in negating the finish. threat to kiwi plant ~ in Aiabama Considerable interest has been shown by growers in Alabama and other Southeastern States for growing kiwi fruit. One of the four experimental plantings made by Experiment Station researchers was on lands previously in long-time peanut production. Following heavy summer rains, over 50 per- cent of this planting was lost to soilborne organisms that become problems in wet soils. To solve this production prob- lem, rotted kiwi roots were re- trieved and used in laboratory studies to identify the pathogens. Pure cultures of fungi not previous- ly known to attack kiwi plants were discovered. Researchers in- fested soils with these fungi to in- oculate greenhouse grown potted kiwi plants. Within 6 weeks, the majority of plants in infested soil had died, but plants in uninfested soils (controls) continued to grow vigorously. The Auburn test indicates that to reduce problems from soilborne disease problems, growers should make kiwi planting only in well- drained, light-textured soils. Util izng shellfish by- products could also benefit agriculture Finding a way to utilize the by- products of Alabama's shellfish in- dustry could provide valuable agricultural products from other- wise useless and contaminating waste materials. Experiment Sta- tion researchers have been screen- ing bacteria to identify those which have the ability to degrade the material chitin, which forms a ma- jor part of the shells of crustaceans IL i1b P( m such as shrimp and crabs. Re- searchers hope eventually to turn this chitin waste into alcohol fuels, biological pesticides, and other useful fermentation products. Over 134 bacterial strains, repre- senting 41 genera and 68 species have already been screened for the ability to degrade chitin. Others are currently being isolated from bat guano and marine sources, because it is believed that chitin degrading activity would be high in bacteria growing in these situations. Those bacterial species showing a high level of activity are being tested in conjunction with yeasts and other microorganisms for alcohol production from chitin. Preliminary results from these fermentation experiments look promising. Future work will be concerned with optimizing produc- tion of chitinase and determining optimal conditions for the fermentations. Off-farm employment helps both community and farm Optimum utilization of rural human resources is critical to future growth of nonurban areas of the State. Experiment Station research indicates more and more farm families are employed at least part- time in off-farm jobs. A steady job market available to these people makes rural areas more attractive to industry. A survey of 111 Alabama farm couples revealed that one-third of the men and one-half of the women held off-the-farm jobs. More than three-fifths of these employed farm family members were employed Soilborne diseases damage experimental kiwi plantings in the State. C ______________________________ .1 ______________________________ J _______________ full time, implying a significant time commitment for both spouses. For three-fourths of the husbands and wives, provision of a supplement to the farm income was the primary reason for the off- the-farm job. Over three-fifths of the men and women in the study were dissatisfied with their farm in- come, explaining the high percen- tage employed off the farm. How- ever, one-half of the men and women were satisfied with their standard of living, a standard made possible by the additional income provided by off-the-farm jobs. The Auburn study indicates that provisions of jobs in rural areas for farm family members enhance not only the area's economic produc- tivity through those jobs, but the economic stability of the farm is also enhanced, creating a win-win situation. Recycling industrial wastes provides a lime substitute Experiment Station researchers are working with paper mills to recycle wastes that are piling up in landfills and waste lagoons. One waste is boiler ash, the residue left when wood bark, chips, and other materials are burned to generate electricity for paper mills. Wood ashes have been used for several hundred years to improve soil fertility. Ashes are an alter- native source of lime and provide plant nutrients, particularly potassium and calcium. Sludges from waste lagoons at papermills may also be spread or injected into soils to add organic matter as well as plant nutrients. Tests at Brewton Experiment Field and on grower fields in Baldwin, Mobile, and Dallas coun- ties have shown that boiler ash can be substituted for agricultural lime if equivalent rates are used based on the neutralizing value of the boiler ash. However, rates as high as two to four times that of agricultural lime may be needed. No detrimental effects have been recorded on crops at rates as high as 12 tons per acre in the Auburn tests. Researchers at the Atmospheric Pollutant Test Center manufac- ture ozone and acid rain and test the effects of these pollutants on the growth rate of pine seedlings. I . at rorestry research is a micro- cosm of the overall Experiment Station research effort. For- estry draws from the expertise of wildlife researchers in the College of Science and Mathematics to test forestry produc- tion practices that will also make the land more valuable for hunting leases. Ag engineers are a part of the forestry research team and play a vital role in developing more effi- cient timber harvest- ing equipment. Plant pathologists are working with forest- ers to develop gene- tically altered fungi that promise to pro- vide a better root zone environment for pine seedlings, and subsequently in- crease the growth rate of young trees. ; : I- Ii- .i -r. i; 4 --- ~ Forestry researchers at Auburn have completed the construction phase of a series of plastic chambers to house atmospheric pollution studies. The researchers manufac- ture ozone and acid rain and pump these pollutants into the 16-foot-tall plastic chambers to measure the ef- fect on the growth rate of loblolly pines. The manufacture of flakeboard and I-beams will allow the forest products industry to more efficient- ly utilize all of Alabama's forest resource. The use of sweetgum, poplar, and other species once con- sidered 'trash trees' not only pro- vides valuable resources for use in flakeboards, but also reduces the cost of eliminating these trees from pine stands. Forest site preparation, deer habitat compatible A study in the southern Pied- mont is making it possible to ascer- tain differences in the quantity of whitetail deer browse associated with different mechanical site preparation treatments. A multi- disciplinary team of researchers is evaluating loblolly pine perfor- mance differences among site preparation treatments. Four site preparation treatments were compared over the course of four seasons. These, in order of in- creasing intensity, included harvest only; harvest and chainsaw hard- woods; shear and chop; and shear, rootrake, and burn. The two lowest intensity treatments are par- ticularly significant since these are frequently applied by small nonin- dustrial private landowners, in- dividuals that frequently lease their lands to hunters. In general, the moderate intensi- ty treatments, harvest/chainsaw and shear/chop, tended to produce the largest quantities of deer forage across all four seasons. These treatments also exhibited the greatest diversity of vegetation species, a factor which is also im- portant for deer habitat. Based on total forage production and species diversity, these two treatments seemed to produce the best deer habitat in 5-year-old loblolly pine plantations. In addition, harvest/ chainsaw and shear/chop site pre- parations yielded pine growth and survival as good as that of any other treatment. These studies indicate that maintenance of good deer habitat is compatible with mechanical site preparation and, consequently, good timber management. This is a positive conclusion for small nonindustrial private landowners since they may be able to optimize the profits from their forest land through a combination of produc- tive pine management and the sell- ing of hunting leases. Reducing herbaceous competition important to pine tree growth Auburn researchers are documenting how control of hard- wood trees, versus herbaceous plants, affects pine plantation development. Having now com- pleted a fifth growing season, results from the studies show that controlling herbaceous competi- tion results in greater early pine growth than eliminating hardwood competition. Herbaceous weed control significantly increased growth of hardwoods as well as pines. Treatment of both herbs and hardwoods produced the greatest pine response. Continued data col- lection will define how these rela- tionships change as the stands age. Researchers are also conducting tests on the interactions of weed control and fertilization on forest growth, the effects of varied hard- wood stand densities on pine plan- tation development, the effec- tiveness of several different methods of ground-based brush control techniques, and the iden- tification of effective herbicides for forestry uses. Ongoing research such as this will continually im- prove the quality and quantity of information that landowners, foresters, and planners need to make silvicultural decisions. Lignin models could change pulp, paper- making chemicals Lignin is one of the chemical components found in wood, and its removal is the object of the various chemical pulping processes. While lignin has been extensively studied by a number of chemical methods, the current techniques of computa- tional chemistry and molecular modelling have been applied only sparingly. The application of these computer-based technologies to problems in lignin chemistry are being addressed by Experiment Station researchers. Molecular modelling provides information on both the physical structure of molecules and the distribution of charge within the structure. Molecular geometry is important in the determination of the relative stability of a com- pound, while the presence or absence of electrons at various positions gives clues about how and where chemical reactions may occur. These methods have been used to explore reactions with chlorine, Lignin models help improve pulp and paper making chemicals. 1 Early reduction of herbaceous competition is critical to overall pine tree growth. Success of silvicultural treatments varies among different forest sites. Auburn University. Its purpose is to study the effects of acid rain and ozone on the growth and produc- tivity of loblolly pine under con- trolled field conditions. Re- searchers in the Experiment Station are also using this facility for other basic studies of tree-stress physiology. Scientists from Auburn, Tuskegee University, USDA Forest Service, TVA, and NASA are participating in this and related projects. Trees will be grown in modified open-top chambers for 3 years and exposed to acid rain and ozone at different levels, from clean to polluted. Exposures were started in May and continued through No- vember 1988. These tests will begin again in March or April 1989. Trees are measured monthly for height and diameter growth as well as other factors. Periodically, trees are harvested to reduce competi- tion and are measured for biomass production and nutrient status. orest vegetation con trol improves pine tree Experiment Station research conducted cooperatively with the forest industry and the U.S. Forest Service is quantifying the effects of various silvicultural treatments on pine plantation growth. These ap- plications are applied soon after planting. The projects are region- wide (Virginia to Louisiana) on numerous sites, thereby allowing insight into how forest responses vary with site and stand character- istics. These tests are now reaching 5 to 10 years of age, and the data col- lected are providing many inter- esting results. Recent findings show that control of grasses and other herbaceous weeds in a pine planta- tion's first growing season signifi- cantly increases subsequent tree growth. In plantations 7 to 9 years old, 1 year of weed control increased pine height by 12 percent, diameter by 13 percent, and survival by 18 per- cent. A second year of herbaceous weed control further increased height by 6 percent, diameter by 7 percent, and survival by 2 percent over that obtained with 1 year's control. Combining these attri- butes (height, diameter, and sur- vival), early weed control treat- ments more than doubled pine basal area of these stands at age 7 to 9. These findings document that in- creases during early growth persist into mid-rotation. Future studies will continue to monitor these stands until the trees are ready for commercial harvest. ___________ C______________________ I ___________________________________________ related to the bleaching process, and the formation and reactivity of chemical intermediates required for the reactions of kraft pulping. These reactions are not strictly mediated by the charge at a given location, representing a sharp departure from current theory. If these trends continue to be found for lignin, alternative chemicals for bleaching and pulping may be identified that could reduce pollu- tion loads or accelerate the reac- tions involved in pulping and papermaking. Reduced pine growth studies in environme- ta chambers Recent information indicates a potential decline in the growth and health of southern pines. These observations, along with reports of forest damage in other parts of the country, have led to an increase in public awareness and intensified research efforts. Air pollution has been implicated as a causal or con- tributing factor to these declines. As part of a long-term project, five intensive field research sites have been established throughout the Southern United States. One of these sites has been developed at I I i ~0l mii~ W =%~ ~ 8-\"lal ~ =() -r. Gareth Morgan-Jones, professor of plant pathology, was the recipient of the 1988 Senior Director's Research Award. Dr. Christine Sundermann, assistant professor of zoology and wildlife science, was the winner of the 1988 assis- tant and associate professor level Director's Research Award. i organ-Jones is an internationally ac- claimed authority on two groups of plant parasitic fungi that attack nematodes. His research was in- strumental in developing the biological nematicide Clandosan, which can be used by peanut growers to replace two popular nematicides that were banned by the Environmental Protection Agency in 1986. His research provided much of the understanding of the life cycle of the disease- causing agent in soybean stem canker. The disease, which once threatened Alabama's soybean crop, is now managed by a combination of crop management practices and varieties. These prac- tices are based largely on the understanding of the life cycle and epidemiology of the causal agent that were defined by Morgan-Jones' research. S undermann's research contains elements of both basic and applied work. Her research on coccidian parasites has yielded im- mediate application, while her work with cell to cell recognition and interaction addresses the fun- damental mechanisms involved with pathogenic organisms ability to attack healthy cells. Sunder- mann's research effort was vital in attaining Na- tional Science Foundation funding for the EPSCOR program at Auburn. A _______________________________________ J _____________ Gareth Morgan- Jones, left, was named the Direc- tor's Research Award winner in the professorial category and Christine Sundermann, center, was selected the assisant/assoc- iate professor level winner. Shown present- ing the awards is Director Frobish. Appropriations of the Alabama Legislature re- present the major source of funding to finance work of the Alabama Agricultural Experi- ment Station. These appro- priated funds also serve as a catalyst to obtaining research dollars from other sources to supplement State funds. The result, as noted from the ac- companying financial state- ment, is a doubling of the financial base supplied by Alabama taxpayers through State appropriations. The con- tract and grants total of more than $5 million was a signifi- cant addition to the funds available for research in 1988. Although it is dif- ficult to determine returns from investments in agri- cultural research, data from several national studies pro- vide guidelines for computing such returns. A summary of 21 U. S. studies indicates a return of 30-100 percent an- nually for long-term research on crops and livestock. Data on the multiplier effect of research spending establishes that each $1 spent for such research adds $9 to agricul- tural output. Moreover, this $1 investment adds almost $11 to the gross state product and more than 300 man-years of employment. Using this fac- tor, Alabama's $26 million ex- penditure on agricultural research adds $234 million to agricultural output and $286 million to the gross state out- put - plus providing 7,800 man-years of employment for Alabamians. Another important point about expenditures for Auburn's agricultural research is that these funds have a positive effect on all areas of the State. Not only are results used statewide, but the re- search dollars spent at 23 AAES locations throughout the State boost the economy of each of these areas. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION REPORT OF REVENUES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1988 APPROPRIATED FUNDS STATE FEDERAL CONTRACTS AND GRANTS FEDERAL STATE PRIVATE AUXILIARY REVENUES SALE OF RESEARCH PRODUCTS DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES & FEES INTEREST AND ROYALTIES INDIRECT AND OTHER COST RECOVERIES 2,095,213 821,998 2,425,763 3,118,782 243,755 263,548 493,038 TOTAL REVF~NUES100.0% $13,064,363 4,006,527 49.2% 15.1% 5,342,974 20.1% 4,119,123 $26,532,987 15.5% rON% A ~"" n I lyEg-g-~i~c2i-;----;i aur .;, a 100.0% TOTAL REVENUES r r7? r ti G r1 + z t z y :? b Sir z 4 zT c t S 2 a7 a 2 k y z, 'tt- 4< < t 1 r ') ;3 , f , y ! 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