li A ;-Z-Z SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The primary objectives of this study were to determine the consumption statistics of fish by species, the seasonality of demand and supply, the price-size relationship of fish, and the economic impact of rice-fish culture in Central Luzon. The market study indicated that the quantity and quality of fish available in the region varied widely between provinces. The overall quantity of fish available in 1977 was approximately 81,716 tons (metric), slightly higher than the area's 1976 reported production. Annual per capita consumption was 18.9 kilograms, which approximated previous estimates. Fish were more readily available in areas close to sources of supply, and these areas had greatest sales. Bulacan and Pampanga provinces, regions with coastal areas and wide fishpond areas, reported the most sales. Both quantity and quality declined noticeably as fish moved inland from the coastal provinces. Fish in the inland provinces of Nueva Ecija and Tarlac were poor in quality, yet the prices were comparable to those in the coastal provinces. If alternatives were available, the quality of marine fish in the inland provinces would be unacceptable. Interprovincial shipments of fish occurred in Central Luzon. However, substantial quantities of fish were imported from outside the region. Bataan essentially produced all the fish sold in the province. Zambales had near equality between fish production and fish availability. The present study identified an inflow of low quality marine fish into the region and an outflow of high quality marine and freshwater fish to the greater Manila area. Although supply variations were obvious, it was difficult to determine which species of fish were low or high in supply at different times of the year. Within-month variations in some species appeared to be greater than seasonal variations. Insufficient supply of fish was most noticeable during December, January, and February. More than 50 percent of the fish sold weighed 100 grams or less, the size range postulated for rice-fish culture. While price differentials existed between species of fish, there was more variation in prices between different sizes of fish of the same type. Study of the economic feasibility of rice-fish culture in the region indicated that net returns of P2,870.00 ($283.00) per hectare can be expected. Rice production is the main source of income of farmers in Central Luzon, and there is not a sufficient incentive to shift rice production. Therefore, fish production would be secondary to rice production in a rice-fish culture system. Fish grown simultaneously with rice do not decrease rice yield. Thus, fish will serve as an additional source of income. Nevertheless, the present marketing system will create impediments for the sale of fish from rice paddies. CONTENTS Page 2 GENERAL BACKGROUND OF STUDY............................................................ 3 Previous R esearch .............................................................................. 3 Basic Facts About Central Luzon .................................................... 4 Fish M arketing in Central Luzon .................................................... 5 M ETHODOLOGY .......................................................................................... 6 Selection of Sample.............................................-------------------------------6 Classification of Fish Types.............................................................. 6 Information Obtained ............................................------------------------------ 7 D ata Analysis........................................................................................7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.......................................................................... 7 Fish Availability in Central Luzon ...................---------------------........................ 7 Price and Sales Trends-------------......................................---------------...................... 9 Projected Demand for Fish in Central Luzon ............................ 12 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.................................................................... ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY OF RICE-FISH CULTURE-----------------..................................12 Description of Rice-Fish Culture Methods-------------..................................-13 Labor Requirements .........................................------------------------------... 13 The Enterprise Budget .........................................----------------------------... 14 Economic Impact...........................................--------------------------------...15 LITERATURE CITED.........................................-------------------------------------------17 A PPENDIX A .............................................................................................. 18 Sam ple M arkets ................................................................................ 18 APPENDIX B..................................--------------------------------------18 APPENDIX C........................................--------------------------------------...20 Estimation Procedure ...................................-----------------------------.... 20 APPENDIX D ..................................................--------------------------------------..... 20 20 Questionnaire Used in Study .......................................................... PUBLISHED 3/79-1M COVER PHOTO. Fish vendors in small markets sometimes operate outside of the physical market structure. Information contained herein is available to all without regard to race, color, or nationalorigin. Fish Marketing in Central Luzon, Philippines* R. C. SEVILLEJA and E. W. McCOY** ONE OF THE IMPORTANT problems facing the Philippines is the need for increased food production to meet demands of the country's fast-growing population. Consumption of food exceeds the total annual supply from domestic sources. In terms of per capita consumption, Filipinos eat food at a rate below the standard nutritional requirement (25). Filipinos are generally rice- and fish-eating people. The government, in efforts to increase domestic food supply, has instituted several programs to boost production in the rice and fish industries. One of these is the Masagana 99 program, which was launched to help the many small rice farmers who dominate the industry. Coupled with this was a massive infrastructure development program that included road building and construction of irrigation facilities. The recently completed Pantabangan Dam is expected to provide year-round irrigation service to 500,000 hectares of rice farms in Central Luzon by 1985 (30). The government also launched positive measures geared towards the further development and exploitation of its fishery and aquatic resources. Among the measures taken were development of deep-sea fishing, fishpond expansion, technical assistance to fishermen, development of fishery resource-based cottage industries, fish-stocking programs to replenish the stock of depleted lakes and rivers, and a vigorous campaign against illegal fishing, over-exploitation, and pollution (8,14,20). Renewed interest in freshwater fish production has been generated with the resurrection of an ancient fish culture technique. A method of culturing fish in rice paddies has been developed by researchers at the Central Luzon State University. Field trials have shown that substantial quantities of fish can be produced without significantly reducing rice yield. Initial results show that a fish harvest of 200 to 300 kilograms per hectare can be attained (1,6,9). This publication is a report of attempts to determine the fish consumption statistics for fish by species, to look into the seasonality of demand and supply, to examine price-size *This report is derived from the unpublished master of science thesis (1978) of R. C. Sevilleja, "Fish Marketing in Central Luzon, Philippines," Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, and presented as a contributing part of Project AID/ea-180. **Graduate Research Assistant and Associate Professor, respectively, Department of Fisheries and Allied Aquacultures and Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology. relationship, and to determine the economic impact of rice-fish culture in Central Luzon. Secondary objectives included determination of seller's perception of price and quantity change over time and size composition of the existing fish supply in the region. GENERAL.BACKGROUND OF STUDY The Philippine Government has instituted a long-range program to accelerate the integrated development of the fisheries industry. According to the Expanded Fish Production Program of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, the target for fish production increases is set at a yearly increment of 6.6 percent (27). One problem that besets Philippine fisheries is the inadequate marketing system of the industry (14). Included in the developmental strategy of the Integrated Fisheries Developmental Plan is the improvement of the marketing and distribution system and development of local and foreign markets (8). Any attempt to improve the industry must be viewed from a total production-marketing context which calls for an in-depth examination of the present marketing system, its capacity to handle increased volume of production, i.e. its conduct and performance, or, in short, its efficiency (23). In general, food production in the Philippines is steadily increasing. Domestic production provided most of the food consumed in 1974 (16). However, fish importations still comprise some 12 percent of the total fish consumption (25). Projected demand for fish products is expected to reach about 2 million tons by 1982 (8). Previous Research Several studies have been conducted regarding fish marketing in the Philippines in general. Guerrero and Darrah (11) prepared a comprehensive nationwide marketing report on milkfish, including detailed descriptions of producer and middlemen practices and information about marketing channels, margins, and geographic flow. A study on projected milkfish consumption and production was also done (12). Hopkins (13) did a survey on marketing practices and problems of municipal fishermen around Panguil Bay in Mindanao. Because of the close proximity of Central Luzon to the greater Manila area, a considerable amount of fish produced in the Central Luzon area moved to the greater Manila area. Medina and Guerrero (19) indicated that 71 percent of the tilapia and 67 percent of the carp sold in Manila came from provinces in Central Luzon. On the other hand, fish were also transported into the region. A study by Navera and Librero (23) of the Navotas Fish Market indicated that about 29 percent of the fish from that market were sold in unspecified northern provinces. A report by the Philippine Fish Marketing Authority (26) also indicated that 20 percent of the port unloadings went outside of metro Manila. Approximately 6.4 percent of the total unloadings went to provinces in Central Luzon. Substantial quantities of smoked and dried fish were also transported into the region (19,20). Basic Facts About Central Luzon Central Luzon is composed of six provinces: Bataan, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, Tarlac, and Zambales. The region has a combined area of about 18,000 square kilometers (5) and an estimated population of 4,321,000, table 1. TABLE t of fsh prof thei 0 Cl) --- Philippine cv 6 NUEVA ECIJA4 X- ____11c, 1. POPULATION IN CENTRAL LUZON, BY PROVINCE, 1977 ____ 4,3A Province Bataan ........ Bulacan Nueva Ecija Pampanga Tarlac Zambales TOTAL Population Thousands 262 1,042 940 -1,032 634 411 4,321 SOURCE: National Census and Statistics Office. Immediately to the south of the region is the greater Manila area with a population exceeding that of Central Luzon. To the north is the province of Pangasinan, which has some coastal areas. Northeast of the region is the inland mountainous province of Nueva Vizcaya. To the west is the China Sea, where most of the marine fish are caught, figure 1. The region derives its fish produce from three principal sources-commercial fishing vessels, municipal (shallow water inshore) fisheries, and inland fisheries. The provinces of Bataan, Pampanga, and Zambales have coastal areas with both commercial and municipal catch. All provinces have some area devoted to fishponds. The region has a total of 52,307 hectares of fishponds, table 2, representing about 30 percent of the national total (4). The largest areas of fishpond culture are found within the provinces of Bulacan and Pampanga. Most of the fish ponds in Nueva Ecija are either non-operational or seasonal (10). Commercial fishing, fishing done by licensed vessels over 3 TABLE 2. ESTIMATED NUMBER OF FISHERMEN AND AREA OF FISHPONDS IN CENTRAL LUZON, BY PROVINCE, 1976 Province Bataan.... Bulacan .......... ............... Nueva Ecija Pampanga Number of fishermen , Area of fishponds .. 8,720 4,670 3,3251 2,361 19,076 Hectares 3,703 17,256 612 29,545 Tarlac Zambales TOTAL1 306 885 52,307 - - -- ---- I Partial count. SOURCE: 1976 Statistical Yearbook, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Region III. Aquatic Resources, Region III. Lb A* A . LEFT: Small fishermen use motorized dugout canoes (bancas) in their fishing operations. RIGHT: Cast nets are a popular means of fishing. Brackishwater ponds, swamplands, lakes, rivers, streams, irrigation canals, and rice paddies provide the main sources for this sector. The chief freshwater areas are found in the Bulacan and Pampanga rivers and Candaba Swamp in Pampanga province. The estimated total fish production in Central Luzon according to source and province is shown in table 3. Per capita production of fish for the region was about 17.2 kilograms in 1976. Per capita consumption of fish in the area amounted to 17.0 kilograms according to a 1975 study (28), but dropped to 14.2 kilograms per capita the following year (2). Central Luzon is called the rice bowl of the Philippines. It produces nearly one-quarter of the nation's total rice, but supplies 40 percent of the rice required by the food deficit areas of the country (15). There are over 300.000 hectares of irrigated rice land in the region, table 4. Average farm size is slightly less than 3 hectares (16,26). The region has a type A climate characterized by a long dry season (about 5 to 6 months) and a pronounced wet season during May to October (15). Most of Central Luzon receives less than 200 centimeters of rain annually (5). However, farms having adequate irrigation facilities can grow two crops of rice annually. TABLE 4. IiiGATI) ANI) TOTAL RICE ItECTARAGE IN CEN-IIAL iY PiOVINCE, LizoN, Piovince 1977 Total Hectares 19,409 123,441 251,900 80,600 96.975 24.016 596,341 Council. I rrigated ltctares Bulaean Bataan Nueva Ecija Palipanga. Taila. Zamlnales TfTAL S()tRCI: 14,240 81,020 122,140 57,800 40,000 12,470 :127,670 National Food aw .riculture There are two main marketing practices used in the region: (1) auction sales, and (2) the "suki" system. When sold by open bidding or auction through private brokers, the fishermen or brokers have no option but to sell to the highest bidder. In most of the small landing sites, the prevailing auction sales practice is by "whisper bidding" or "secret bidding." Also widely used at small landing sites is a cultural, personal, and financial relationship called "suki" system. Under this arrangement, the fisherman or fish farmer is assured of a market for fish and assured of credit. In return, the fisherman, wholesaler, or retailer is obligated to transact business only with the individual granting credit. In both practices, the honor system of selling without receipts is done. Oftentimes, sales are based on non-economic considerations, such as honesty and integrity of the buyer. The system has given rise to the incidence of bad debts beyond controllable proportions. Under present conditions, however, these two practices offer the quickest way of disposing of the fish catch. Fish movement under the present marketing system indicates that fish pass through many channels before reaching the final consumer. This means that most of the profits of fishing go into the hands of brokers instead of fishermen. It is estimated that more than 80 percent of the profits go to brokers, leaving less than 20 percent to the fishermen (14). There are few cold storage and ice making plants in the region. The most common means of transporting fish from landing sites to retail markets are trucks and jeepneys, most of which are not provided with refrigeration equipment. The inadequate transportation system is not a serious problem, however, because most of the fish landed are immediately disposed of as fresh fish. Those of less ireshness are processed into dried and smoked fish. Fish Marketing in Central Luzon There is no systematic marketing of fish products in Central Luzon. Marketing is carried out entirely by private enterprise or individual brokers without any administrative policies or governmental supervision. The system is characterized by too many middlemen, large quantities of low-quahty fish sold, extreme fluctuations in supply, and poor and inadequate landing and unloading facilities in the markets (14,23). Marketing operations vary in different landing places. Wholesale transactions of fresh fish take place at night or A Most fish are transported packed in ice. during the early hours of the morning. The fish are landed on the beach and sold to brokers or individuals. r Q Among the most popular means of transporting fish to the market are jeepneys and tricycles. METHODOLOGY Selection of Sample Each province in Central Luzon is subdivided into municipalities, which are further subdivided into several "barangays." Each municipality has at least one daily market where fish are sold. The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Region III, in Central Luzon, provided information on the number of markets and the estimated maximum number of sellers in each market within the region. With these estimates as bases, the sample size was established. For sample sizes less than 1,000, more than 50 percent of the population must be sampled for valid parameter estimates (17). Dual sampling was done to serve the purpose of the study. The number of markets to be sampled was established and the number of sellers in each market was determined. A randomization procedure was used in the selection of markets. All markets within a province were listed in alphabetical order, and a list of random numbers was assigned to the list of markets. Time efficiency was a major factor in completing the survey because of the geographical location of the municipalities within the region. Thus, the number of markets selected was a function of the number of interviewers and the amount of time available to complete the survey. was established for A separate sampling procedure collecting a random sample of market sellers. For markets with 10 or fewer sellers, all were interviewed. For markets with more than 10 sellers, but not exceeding 20 in number, 50 percent or more of the sellers were interviewed depending on the number of interviewers assigned to the market. In the case of markets with 21 to 30 sellers, no less than 10 vendors, but not more than 50 percent, were sampled. For very large markets, 10 percent of the sellers were interviewed. In some instances all sellers present were interviewed, although the number of sellers at other times was reported to be more than 10. The sampling procedure was designed to yield 10 percent of the sellers in at least 50 percent of the markets within Central Luzon. There were two kinds of fish sellers in the markets sampled, identified according to the type of stall they used: those who have permanent stalls and those who occupy temporary places in the market. Sellers with permanent stalls were arranged in rows in one section of the physical market structure. Samples were selected at intervals of five going clockwise starting from a pre-determined corner of the market and from within a row indicated by the last digit of the license plate from a randomly selected passing vehicle. Retailers without permanent stalls were randomly picked since they stay at different places in the market. In large markets, sellers occupy tiled permanent stalls with running water. Classification of Fish Types For survey purposes, the species of fish sold in the markets were classified into first, second, and third class marine fish; first, second, and third class freshwater fish; crustaceans; and others. Brackishwater milkfish or "bangus" (Chanos chanos) and mullet or "banak" (Mlugil sp.) were included in first class marine fish, while tilapia ( Tilapia sp.) from brackishwater ponds were classified as second class freshwater fish. Among the more important commercial fishes included in the classification were mackerel or "alumahan" (Rastrelliger sp.) and snapper or "maya-maya" (Lutianus sp.), which were classified as first class marine fish. Second class marine fish included slipmouth or "sap-sap" (Leiognathus sp.), nemipterid or "besugo" (Nemapterus japonicus), and sardines or "tamban" (Sardinella sp.). The bulk of third class marine fish was composed of round scad or "galonggong" (Decapterus russelli), caesio or "dalagang-bukid" (Caesio sp.), and anchovy or "dilis" (Thrissocles sp.). Freshwater species included catfish or "hito" (Clarias macrocephalus and Clarias batrachus), gourami (Trichogaster pectoralis), and carps which were classified as first, second, and third class, respectively. The complete classifications are listed in Appendix B. Information Obtained The sample sellers were questioned regarding their fish marketing activities. Information on daily sales and prices, sources of fish, availability of fish, and price differentiation were obtained following the format of the questionnaire, Appendix D. Quantities and prices were recorded in kilograms and pesos (P)l per kilogram, respectively. When fish were sold by the unit, string, or pile, weights were estimated in kilograms and prices were converted to pesos per kilogram. Information on sales and prices the previous year and 5 years ago was also obtained to determine sellers' perception of price and quantity changes over time. Observations on sanitary conditions and fish quality were likewise recorded. Data Analysis Daily sales data were collected from each sample seller by type and size of fish. All sales data for a particular province were initially aggregated. Average daily sales by province, by type and size of fish, were computed by dividing the aggregate by the number of sample sellers. Total sales per day were computed by multiplying the average daily sales by the average number of dealers per market and the total number of markets in a particular province. Price data for individual fish species were combined to form an average price for each particular fish type and size. Average weighted price was then computed based on the average price and proportional sales for specific fish types and sizes. Estimated per capita sales were computed by dividing total sales by total population for each province. A more detailed explanation of the procedure followed in data analysis is explained in Appendix C. Procedures for sampling, data gathering, pre-testing, data handling, and analysis are discussed by McCoy and Hopkins (17). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of 724 fish sellers was interviewed in 77 markets in Central Luzon, table 5. The markets visited varied in size, selling conditions, number of market days, and number of days fish was available. In larger markets, sellers occupied tiled permanent stalls with running water and operated 7 days a week. Many of the markets visited had fish available daily, with additional sellers present during market days. Others had fish available only on market days. The physical selling conditions were generally unsanitary in the smaller markets, and sellers sometimes operated outside the physical market structure. The markets sampled are listed in Appendix A and shown by location in figure 2. S7.50 pesos = $1.00. * Province of Nuevo Vizcoya 0 0 TAR LAC of Pongosinn Rin IProvince 0 TABLE NUMBER 5. OF MARKET AREAS, MARKETS SAMPLEDCJA ZANUMBLER OF RETAILERS AND RETAILERS SAMPLED, PROVINCE, PAMBY CENTANGAL LUZON, 1977 Corregidor Isiall Ecija Nueva FIG. 2. Region III, Central Luzon. 29 20 1,044 160BULACAN -14 IeZambales----BataanRegion9601) Bulacangidor8 14 602 792n72 148 Province Bataan Bulacan Total markets No. 12 24 Markets sampled No. 9 8 15 11 77 Total retailers No. 960 792 1,134 901 5,433 Retailers sampled No. 93 72 145 106 724 smpe Pampanga ........ 21 Tarlac------------......17 TOTAL .117 Fish market Availability in Central Luzon sapedrlalrs was province species of fish known to Most freshwater fish were Of 2,177 first class marine fish. inhabit Philippine waters, sh-n---nt-l-Luon-raged1frm9abot017. Bailysaes----only a provice--t----6-The--jorit 100 are of economic value as few more than Bulacan of4sles7i2ever commercial fish varieties (25). For purposes of this study, the Nueva i considered pro-nce-of theinlan- were classified into different groups, Neva2EijaTarla1 an species s ecod145 Pamnpanga, to the listing in Appendix B. according andthe-b---ofthesewere ilap,14 Daily Sales The total quantity of fish available by province is shown in The iotlhqAvaily ishyavileablbyuponcishonn Daily Approximately Central Luzon of fish were available inAE, sales of fish in 81,716 tons ranged from about 17.9 table 7. Apeximeslyf81sh716wntonhofbithilippevatbers, tabl 27 tons in Zambales province to approximately 78.3 tons in 1977, about 7,000 tons more than the reported 1976 harvest aueast 1977y aboutw7m000 thnsmo00tantreoenomic Bulacan province, table 6. The majority of sales in every frommtea ivrigo 3Tetist5.Fpribtnossavalabituymong different from the distribution of provinces was markedlya o grmtedsribups, sprovinescwsdered wrlasiiit sold in the inland provinces of different Nueva Ecija, Tarlac, and Pampanga, and the bulk of these were tilapia, a second class fish. from the region (3). The distribution of fish availability among production, according to the type of fish, table 8. TABLE 6. DAILY SALES OF FiSiI, By TYPE AND PBOVINCE, CENTRAL LUZON, NOV\ii3E -DE E\IBEB, 1977 Sales by province Ti acZofae Class ofClasasam fish Bataan Bulacan Nue\a __pand.a_ Tarlac Zan/ales ParEcija Kg Marine 1st 2nd 3rd TOTAL Kg 26.13 2.37 11.82 40.32 0.39 2.71 1.36 4.46 1.08 2.12 3.20 47.98 68 24 78,303 Kg 1:3.17 2.95 7.47 23.59 1.77 10.37 0.54 12.68 1.26 3.59 4.85 41.12 36 29 42,929 Kg 19.61 7.97 4.68 32.26 .3.43 4.88 :3.64 11.95 1.28 4.56 5.84 50.05 54 21 56,756 Kg 13.22 3.58 9.13 25.93 2.27 6.36 0.56 9.19 0.95 4.90 5.85 40.97 53 17 36,913 Kg 16.33 3.60 2.40 22.33 0.08 1.96 (.13 2.17 076 4.43 5.19 29.69 4:3 14 17,873 LUZON, 13.38 3.50 4.58 21.46 0. 02 4. 89 0. 24 5. 15 3. 34 4. 24 7. 58 34. 19 Freshwater Ist 2nd 3rd TOTAL Crustaceans Others TOTAL (GILAND TOI'AL Dealers/i market, av. 80 No. of markets 12 Total sales per day 32, 822 TABLE 7. TOTAL QUANTITY OF FISH SALES BY PROVINCE, 1977 IN CENTRAL Province Bataan Bulacan Nueva Ecija Panmpanga Tarlac .... -...... Zambales TOTAL Daily sales Tons 32.8 78.3 42.9 56.7 36.9 17.9 265.5 Market (lays DaysV 306 349 290 301 250 314 Total sales Tons 10,036 27,327 12,441 17,066 9,225 5,621 81,716 TOP: Milkfish or "bangus" (Chanos chanos) is the most popular commercial fish. BOTTOM: Tilapia comprise most of the freshwater fish sold in the markets. TABLE 8. TOTAL QUANTITY OF PROVINCE, CENTRAL Fisir SALES, BY TYPE AND LUZON, 1977 Zambales, a coastal province, was an exception to the pattern. Sellers indicated a portion of the fish was shipped into the area. In general, the transshipments were equalized by sales, and the quantity handled by area markets nearly equaled Class of fish Sales by province Bataan Tons Bulacan Tons 14,882 1,350 6,732 222 1,544 755 615 1,207 27,327 Nueva Ecija Tons 3,985 89:3 2,260 5:36 3,137 163 381 1,086 12,441 Pampanga Tarlac Zanibales Tons 2,977 806 2,056 511 1,432 126 214 1,103 9,225 Tons Tons 6,687 2,718 1,596 1,169 1,664 1,241 436 1,555 17,066 Marine 1st 2nd 3rd Freshwater 1st 2nd 3rd Crustaceans Others TOTAL 3,928 1,027 1,345 6 1,435 70 980 1,245 10,036 3,091 682 454 15 371 25 144 839 5,621 the quantity harvested in the province. Municipalities in Zambales province were isolated from each other by poor road conditions, thus the number of fishermen, non-market, or direct -from-fishermen purchases may have been higher in the province. Nearly all sellers purchased directly from fishermen or fishermen's wives. No outside province brokers were encountered in Zambales, and few province brokers were identified. The estimated per capita availability of fish in the region is far below the 1976 NEDA-BFAR goal of 34.3 kilograms per capita. Even with equalized distribution of the surplus fish from Bataan province, per capita availability would still be short of the goal. If population remains constant, approximately 66,000 and 96,000 tons of additional fish must be supplied to meet the NEDA-BFAR and the integrated Fisheries Development Plan goals, respectively. TABLE Per CapitaAvailability Overall per capita fish availability for Central Luzon was approximately 18.9 kilograms, table 9. This estimate was somewhat higher than the quantity reported by NFAC consumption studies and substantially below the amount reported by NORCONSULT (24). As could be expected, areas close to a supply of fish had greater sales. Bataan, a coastal province, had the highest per capita availability, 38.3 kilograms. Bulacan province, which has some coastal areas and a large area of fishponds, was next with 26.2 kilograms. Nueva Ecija, an inland province, reported the least per capita sales, 13.2 kilograms. 9. POPULATION, EsTIATED SALES AND PER CAPITA SALES IN CENTRAL LUZON, BY PROVINCE, 1977 Province Population Thousands 262 Estimated sales Tons 10,036 Average sales per capita Kilograms 38.3 Bataan Bulacan Nueva Ecija Painpanga Tarlac Zanbales TOTAL 1,042 940 1,0,32 634 27,327 12,441 17,066 9,225 26.2 13.2 16.5 1-1.5 411 4,321 5,621 81,716 13.6 18.9 TABLE 10. SOURCE OF FISH, By TYPE AND PROVINCE, CENTRAL LUZON, 1977 CasBataan Zaribales Tarlac Panipanga Nueva Ecija Bulacan WP 1 WCL OCL WP WCL OCL WP WCL OCL WP WCL OCL WP WCL OCL WP WCL OCL Pet. Pct. Pet. Pct. Pct. Pet. Pet. Pct. Pct. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 3 17 4 58 8 17 15 38 9 2"7 54 74 0 0 0 59 41 51 41 59 49 68 59 53 18 9 7 14 32 40 0 0 0 78 44 17 0 50 63 54 55 22 32 50 56 17 37 46 45 0 24 33 44 33 70 82 76 67 20 50 57 87 26 4 10 33 80 50 57 87 4 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 Marine 1st--- --0 97 2nd----- 79 4 3rd -----92 4 Freshwater 1st -----0 100 2nd----- 0 96 3rd -----100 0 Crustaceans0 100 Others 0 98 WP within province, WCL- 0 86 14 0 0 0 100 20 63 12 25 4 25 55 22 75 0 25 0 61 17 25 0 75 0 39 61 0 4 62 33 50 34 2 17 within Central Luzon, and (JUL outside 2 5 93 12 12 76 6 94 0 16 3 81 28 40 32 Central Luzon. Availability of Fish by Source of Supply Supply of fish either came from sources within the province, within Central Luzon, or from outside the region. No marine fish sources are available in Nueva Ecija and Tarlac provinces. Sellers reported that of the total first class marine fish sold in these provinces, 41 and 37 percent, respectively, were purchased from sources outside of Central Luzon, table 10. The rest were supplied by sources from other provinces within Central Luzon, primarily from Guagua in Pampanga and Malolos in Bulacan provinces. In contrast, essentially all of the sales in Bataan were from within-province harvest. In addition, approximately 9,000 tons of fish were transported to other provinces. Most of the freshwater fish were produced within the provinces, with a substantial quantity coming from interprovincial shipments. Data from BEAR indicated that approximately 308 tons of inland fish were produced in Nueva Ecija province during 1976 (3). Dealers reported 2,654 tons were purchased from sources within the province. The BFAR statistics understated actual production by a factor of eight for the province. Bataan, Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac provinces represent the extremes in fish marketing in Central Luzon. Bataan had an oversupply of fish while Nueva Ecija and Tarlac imported most of the fish sold in the area. Zambales, a coastal province like Bataan, has near equality between fish production and fish availability. Both Bulacan and Pampanga, with limited coastal areas, are net importers of fish. The amount of fish available by type, source of supply, and province is listed in table 11. Price and Sales Trends Several factors were thought to influence prices of fish in Central Luzon. Among them were size of fish, class, and season. TABLE 11. AMOUNT OF Fisi AVAILABLE ACCORDING To LOCATION OF SOURCE, TYPE, AND PROVINCE, CENTRAL LUZON, 1977 Total Tons 3,985 893 2,260 536 3,137 163 381 1,086 12,441 Total Tons 3,091 682 454 15 371 25 144 839 5,621 Class Marine 1st --------2nd -------- 3rd --- --- -Freshwater 1st--------2nd -------- 3rd ------Crustaceans---Others------ -TOTAL------- WP1. Tons 3,810 811 1,237 6 1,378 70 980 1,220 9,512 WP Tons Bataan WCL OCL Tons Tons 0 41 54 118 175 54 Total Tons 3,928 1,027 1,345 6 1,435 70 980 1,245 10,036 Total Tons 6,687 2,718 1,596 WP Tons 8,632 Bulacan OCL WCL Tons Tons 2,232 4018 Total Tons 14,882 1,350 6,732 222 1,544 775 615 1,207 27,327 Total Tons 2,977 559 2,1056 WP Tons 0 0 0 461 1,725 99 0 369 2,654 WP Tons 2,164 559 345 Nueva Ecija WCL OCL Tons Tons 2,35 366 1,153 1,634 527 1,107 108 1,144 222 973 581 461 398 12,519 WP Tons 0 0 0 513 606 729 4,982 0 0 0 57 0 0 0 0 0 25 95 429 Pampanga WCL OCL Tons Tons 1,204 244 112 936 870 638 0 0 386 185 194 0 154 0 205 604 4,089 10,719 Tarlac OCL WCL Tons Tons 1,876 435 1,131 1,101 371 925 0 75 628 784 36 28 232 149 43 674 4,838 4,949 Zambales WCL OCL Tons Tons 804 27 45 123 96 64 0 0 0 0 0 283 Marine 1st -----------------2nd ----------------3rd---------------- -Freshwater 1st -----------------2nd -----------------3rd -------------Crustaceans -----------Others ---------------TIOTAL -------------- 4 ,547 1,604 846 1,087 1,264 1,167 353 498 11,366 'WP within province, WCL 59 23 1,169 399 200 1,664 630 200 1,241 74 0 21 13 436 70 0 622 435 1,555 2,398 3,302 17,066 1,601 =within Central Luzon, and OCL 0 112 511 344 1,432 458 42 63 126 120 94 214 364 188 1,103 3,241 9,225 4,383 outside Central Luzon. 5 10 297 74 12.5 12.5 82 62 730 109 3,976.5 1,361.5 TABLE 12. AMOUNT OF Bataan FISH SOLD, BY TYPE., SIZE, AND PROVINCE, CENTRAL LUZON, 1977 Nueva Ecija Bul acan Size group (number per kg) Class Size group (number per kg) Size group (number per kg) >1 0 Tons 5-9 Tons 2-4 Tons 962 7 0 <1 Tons 507 0 0 Total Tons 3,98 1,027 1,345 >1 0 Tons 1,303 3,689 5-9 Tons 47 2,100 2-4 Tons 3,110 0 943 <1 Tons 0 0 0 Total Tons 14,882 1,350 6,732 >1 0 Tons 1,765 714 1,587 5-9 Tons 1,734 107 621 2-4 Tons 482 72 52 <1 Tons 4 0 0 Total Tons 3,985 893 2,260 Marine 1,787 672 1st--- --1,020 0 2nd----- 944 401 3rd -----Freshwater 0 6 1st-----'2nd ------ 1,317 118 3rd 16 21 Crustaceans0 859 32 Others ----- 1,072 7,015 1,250 TOTAL---- 1,295 10,477 0 0 6 0 0 1,435 0 33 70 121 0 980 35 106 1,245 1,125 646 10,036 Pampanga Size group (number per kg) >1 0 5-9 To tal 2-4 <1 Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons 1,444 0 179 101 5 137 11 5 1,882 201 0 265 15 111 7 0 0 599 6,687 2,718 1,596 1,169 1.664 1,241 436 1,555 17,06 0 222 0 379 139 0 536 18 0 0 2,742 1,544 382 13 0 3,137 0 608 775 152 5 6 0 163 129 0 615 288 2 0 91 381 425 51 1,207 982 88 16 0 1,0856 4,233 1,033 27,327 8)609 3, 167 661 12,44 4 Trarlac Zambales Size group (number per kg) Size group (number per kg) >10 5-9 2-4 <1 Total ,, >10 5-9 2-4 <1 Total Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons Tons 0 990 554 167 0 443 43 637 94 8,524 13,537 222 Marine 1st------ 2nd----- 3rd -----Freshwater 1st--- --2nd----- 3rd ----Crustaceans Others_.---TOTAL 2,481 2,561 2,672 46 555 597 735 318 406 11142 387 710 402 23 742 808 95505 5,080 ~111 1,173 771 1,468 233 1.395 123 206 1,004 6,373 1,319 35 423 214 37 0 8 99 2,135 485 0 101 64 0 3 0 0 653 0 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 64 2,97 806 2,056 511 1,432 126 214 1,103 9,225 1,641 621 301 8 362 18 139 561 3,651 300 16 89 3 9 7 1 121 546 356 27 25 4 0 0 4 47 463 794 18 39 0 0 0 0 110 961 3,091 682 454 15 371 25 144 839 5,621 7 --- Size Classification As previously mentioned, the fish species considered for this study were preclassified into seven groups according to the system used by NORCONSULT. However, these classifications were seldom used by BEAR or the sellers. Fish classifications normally indicate buyer preference and size of fish; however, the system used did not indicate these relationships. A quality standard scheme was introduced by the Philippine Fish Marketing Authority (PEMA) which was not available at the time the study was made (24). The standards are: Grade I live fish Grade II fish and slightly fresh fish (iced or chilled) Grade III slightly spoiled fish Grade IV unfit for consumption According to this standard, all fish in Bataan and Zambales provinces would be in grades I and I1. Fish in Bulacan and Pampanga would be in grades I, II, and III. Over 50 percent of TABLE the fish in Nueva Ecija and Tarlac would be classified in grades III and IV. In smaller markets, the proportion of fish in Grade IV would be as high as 50 percent. There were four size groups considered for this study: (1) 10 or more fish per kilogram, (2) 5 to 9 fish per kilogram, (3) 2 to 4 fish perkilogram, and (4) 1 or less fish per kilogram. More than 50 percent of all the fish sold in central Luzon were less than 100 grams in size, table 12. Sellers from Bulacan province reported more fish sales of the second size group (5 to 9 fish per kilogram) than in any other province. In Bataan, Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac provinces, approximately 70 percent of the fish sold belonged to the first size group. Price - Size Relationship Prices were influenced by size and class of fish. Fish prices in the markets varied more between two sizes of fish in the same class than between two classes of fish of the same size. For example, in Nueva Ecija province, 100-gram fish sold for OF FISH SOLD 13. TOTAL QUANTITY AND AvERAGE PURCHASE PRICE PER KILOGRAM IN NUEvA ECIJA PROVINCE, BY SIZE AND TYPE, 1977 Type of fish>1 Mt. Marine 1st - ------------------------------------2nd--------------------------------3rd --------------------------------Freshwater 1st ---------------------------------2nd --------------------------------3rd --------------------------------Crustaceans----------------------------Other ---------------------------------TOTAL ------------------------------10 1,07 846 1,481 265 2,706 115 233 1,120 8,573 >05-9 fP/kg 7.30 5.50 5.90 7.65 5.40 5.70 13.90 6.60 6.35 Number of fish per kilogramToa m. t. 1,765 127 592 97 373 5 75 99 3,133 J'/kg 6.90 7.90 9.50 7.80 6.75 4.00 10.20 6.40 7.50 mt. 493 85 42 11 31 4 3 25 694 2-4 ,P/kg 8.95 7.00 8.40 6.65 3.00 5.00 40.00 10.65 8.55 Mt. <1Toa ,P/kg 8.00 -- mt. 4,106 1,058 2,115 373 3,110 124 311 1,244 12,441 ,P/kg 7.35 5.90 6.95 7.65 5.50 5.60 13.25 6.65 6.75 41 ---- -------------41 8.00 TABLE 14. TOTAL QUANTITY AND AVERAGE PURCHASE PRICE PER KILOGRAM OF FISH SOLD, BY TYPE AND PROVINCE, CENTRAL LUZON, 1977 Class Amt. Tons Bataan p/kg Amt. Tons Bulacan n/kg Amt. Tons Nueva Ecija Pampanga Tarlac Zambales n/kg Amt. Tons n/kg Amt. Tons n/kg Amt. Tons 3,091 682 454 15 371 25 '/kg Marine 1st----------------2nd................ 3rd ------------Freshwater -6 1st 2nd ------------3rd --------------. 3,928 1,027 1,345 1,435 70 8.35 5.75 6.45 5.50 5.90 6.00 14,882 1,359 6,732 222 1,544 775 6.45 12.40 5.45 9.00 3.15 3.90 3,985 893 2,260 536 3,137 163 7.35 5.90 6.90 7.65 5.50 5.60 6,687 2,718 1,596 1,169 1,664 1,241 8.05 7.15 9.00 8.40 5.25 5.90 2,977 806 2,056 511 1,432 126 7.60 5.00 6.20 8.75 4.45 4.55 6.80 5.05 5.50 6.55 4.95 5.50 Crustaceans Others -----------TOTAL-------------- 980 1,245 10,036 12.10 7.15 7.65 615 1,207 27,327 14.75 5.45 6.35 381 1,086 12,441 13.15 6.65 6.80 436 1,555 17,066 11.65 6.60 7.55 214 1,103 9,925 14.25 6.15 6.60 144 839 5,621 12.05 4.80 6.20 ~1.15 per kilogram less than 200-gram fish and P2.20 per kilogram less than 500-gram fish, table 13. In general, Nueva Ecija and Tarlac provinces have higher prices regardless of fish size, table 14. Even more visible is the price-quality differential between provinces. With movement inland from the coastal provinces, the quality of fish noticeably declined. In general, the majority of the fish in rural markets in Nueva Ecija and Tarlac would be classified as grades III and IV according to PFMAstandards, yet prices for these fish are comparable or higher than prices for first class fish in the coastal markets. Because of the scarcity of high quality marine fish in Nueva Ecija province, for example, third class marine fish, mostly round scad ("galonggong"), command a higher price than freshwater tilapia and carp, which are much better in quality. The average price of fish by type, size, and province is listed in table 15. Seasonality of Supply The overall variation in supply for all types of fish is listed in table 16. In general, certain species of fish were least TABLE available from September through January, while other species were most abundant during November and December. Within months, variations in some species may be greater than seasonal variation. For marine species, weather conditions strongly influence the catch. During the rainy season, especially during the months of September and October, a low supply of capture fish is experienced because of the incidence of storms and general unfavorable conditions for fishing (27). An insufficient supply of fish was most noticeable during December, January, and February. Consequently, these months correspond to the period of highest prices. Several other factors also influence this situation. Many farmers harvest their fish prior to the rainy months for fear of total loss from floods, which is fairly common. Finally, there is stimulated buying during the Christmas season (December and January). Seller's Perception of Market Changes One of the objectives of this study was to determine the seller's perception of price and quantity changes over time. AND PROVINCE, CENTRAL LUZON 15. AVERAGE PRICE OF FISH, BY TYPE, SIZE, Bataan Class Size group (number per kg) Bulacan Size group (number per kg) Nueva Ecija Size group (number per kg) >10 Marine 5-9 2-4 <1 >10 5-9 2-4 <1 >10 5-9 2-4 <1 PP 1st----------------2nd 3rd Freshwater P 12.60 4.65 12.60 4.80 1.80 3.50 17.00 7.70 P 6.60 7.00 6.35 9.00 5.50 P 6.60 6.00 ... .. . P 7.30 5.50 5.85 7.65 5.35 5.70 13.90 6.60 P 6.90 7.90 9.50 P 8.95 7.00 8.40 8.00 -- 7.35 5.70 6.20 6.00 4.00 11.40 6.90 8.30 7.00 5.00 6.00 8.10 12.00 .. 1st..... 2nd 3rd Crustaceans Others 7.00 17.00 9.00 9.00 7.20 Pampanga Size group (number per kg) 2-4 <1 >10 5-9 4.00 12.00 8.00 1.00 2.50 6.00 Tarlac Size group (number per kg) <1 5-9 2-4 >10 6.65 7.80 -3.00 6.75 5.00 4.00 40.00 10.20 6.40 10.65 Zambales Size group (number per kg) <1 5-9 2-4 >10 Marine 1st 2nd 3rd Freshwater 7.70 7.20 6.20 8.50 4.65 5.90 11.55 6.20 9.10 4.00 6.90 5.50 6.55 6.60 12.00 7.00 6.90 6.70 4.90 5.00 4.25 14.00 6.00 7.75 21.00 8.50 7.00 4.00 8.40 4.90 5.80 10.45 4.50 4.50 14.10 6.35 7.00 7.80 7.00 7.20 3.00 18.00 3.90 7.35 7.50 7.80 6.00 .... . 8.00 6.60 5.00 5.30 6.00 4.90 5.70 12.10 4.60 7.90 7.00 7.15 7.00 7.00 5.00 8.00 5.80 7.60 6.00 4.00 7.25 11.00 5.90 6.40 4.50 4.25 1st 2nd 3rd Crustaceans Others 4.45 11 TABLE 16. PROPORTION OF SELLERS REPORTING VARIATIONS SUPPLY OF FISH BY MONTH, CENTRAL LUZON, 1977 IN Least available Percent 9 January 8 February 6 March 6 April 6 May 6 June -------- Ju ly-------------------- 6 7 August 9 September 8 October 10 November 14 December Month Dealers reporting Insufficient Most supply abundant Percent Percent 14 6 12 1 6 9 6 9 4 6 6 10 6 9 6 7 8 4 6 7 8 14 17 18 fish and expected changes in population. Possible changes in income were not considered. It was assumed that all other factors will remain constant. An estimated 4,321,000 people lived in Central Luzon in 1977. Based on expected growth in population and present trend in migration, the population will increase to approximately 4,889,000 by 1980 and 5,308,000 by 1982. Based on consumption studies, per capita consumption of fish in the region was estimated at 17.0 kilograms. Market demand for fish is projected to be 83,113 tons in 1980 and 90,236 tons in 1982, table 19. If the NEDA-BFAR goal of 34.3 kilograms is to be met, an additional 85,942 and 100,280 tons of fish must be supplied in 1980 and 1982, respectively, table 20. ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY OF RICE-FISH CULTURE For farms with adequate irrigation facilities, two or three crops of rice can be planted annually. Irrigated land also offers the option of concurrent production of rice and fish. This option offers potential for Central Luzon, which had over 300,000 hectares of irrigated rice land in 1977. Information on the culture of fish concurrent with rice is still limited. Experiments at Central Luzon State University have shown that up to approximately 5 tons of rice and 200 TABLE 18. SELLERS' PERCEPTIONS OF QUANTITY AND PRICE CHANGES AS A PERCENTAGE OF PRESENT, FOR SELECTED TABLE 17. PROPORTION OF SELLERS RESPONDING YES TO SELECTED MARKETING QUESTIONS, CENTRAL LUZON, 1977 Responding yes, by province Question Bataa n Bulacan Pct. Pet. 95 Nueva PamEcija panga Pct. Pct. Tarlac Pct. Zam- bales Pct. 93 46 59 51 Does quantity vary? 83 75 41 57 78 88 65 62 96 51 51 32 95 64 36 70 Can you get desired quantity? Can you get the size you want? 70 36 TYPES OF FISH IN NUEVA ECIJA PROVINCE, CENTRAL LUZON, 1977 Could you sell more 51 if available? .... TypePre Present Quantity Price/kg Tons P 7.35 5.90 6.90 Change from the present 5 years ago Last year Quantity Price Quantity Price Pct. 100 88 86 Pct. 79 70 76 Pct. 77 47 73 Pct. 42 24 40 The sample vendors were asked about their marketing activities during the previous year and 5 years ago. General questions regarding the availability of fish by size, species, price, and other factors were asked, table 17. Certain anomalies appear in the data. In Nueva Ecija province, for example, 88 percent of the sellers received the quantity desired and 65 percent received the size of fish desired; however, 62 percent said they could sell more fish if available. The lower volume sellers said they were unable to finance larger volumes of fish with the brokers. Thus, while they could sell more fish, the present marketing system entailed too much risk for them to increase volume. The sellers' perception of change over time in Nueva Ecija province indicated an increase in marine and freshwater species, except first class freshwater fish, during the last year, table 18. The total quantity available remained essentially the same, with shifts in other classifications. Over a 5-year period, only first class freshwater fish decreased in availability. The prices of fish have not remained constant in relationship to the change in quantity. Only crustaceans have decreased in price over the time period. Second class freshwater fish, primarily tilapia, increased in quantity nearly 100 percent; however, price increased nearly 225 percent. A portion of the increase can be attributed to inflation; however, some portion must be due to an increased awareness in quality factors. The freshwater fish in Nueva Ecija are of higher quality than marine species. Projected Demand for Fish in Central Luzon Simple projections of market demand in the region were calculated to provide estimates of the quantities of fish which consumers will be willing to purchase within a relatively short time. The projections were based on estimated consumption of 12 Marine 1st 2nd . 3rd Freshwater 1st 2nd-------3rd Crustaceans---Other Total quantity TABLE 19. 3,985 893 2,260 7.65 536 3,137 5.50 163 5.60 381 13.15 6.65 1,086 12,441 tons 85 131 80 80 76 100 94 126 216 80 12,906 tons 16 200 26 50 22 10 100 80 60 72 8,676 tons FOR FISH IN PROJECTION OF MARKET DEMAND CENTRAL LUZON IN 1980 AND 1982 Year Population 1977 --1980 ... 1982--- 4,321,000 4,889,000 5,308,000 Per capita Estimated Projected Additional consupply demand need sumption Tons Kg Tons Tons 17.0 81,716-1,397 83,113 17.0 8,520 90,236 17.0 TABLE 20. PROJECTION OF MARKET DEMAND FOR FISH IN CENTRAL LuzON IN 1980 AND 1982 (BASED ON NEDA-BFAR GOAL) Year Population 1977 .. 1980 --1982 --- 4,321,000 4,889,000 5,308,000 Per capita Estimated Projected Additional consupply demand need sumption Tons Tons Tons Kg 81,716 34.3 85,977 167,693 34.3 182,064 100,348 34.3 kilograms of fish per hectare can be attained. Little data are available from farm results. A conservative estimate of expected costs and returns has been derived where neither the highest nor the lowest values for production and costs were used. Description of Rice-Fish Culture Methods The primary input requirements for rice-fish culture are fingerlings, labor, and a stable water supply. Traditional rice culture practices are followed, except for the use of insecticide and a modified land preparation technique. It is important to have a paddy soil with high clay content to ensure minimum water seepage. Dikes are constructed higher and stronger than the conventional rice paddy dike to keep morc water without leaking. Trenches are built along the sides, all around, or across the paddy. These serve as a refuge for fish when the water gets too low and as passageways when the fish wish to move around the paddy. When the water level is lowered during harvest, the fish will collect in these trenches. This makes recovery of fish easier. Wire screens at water inlets are needed to prevent the entry of wild fish into the paddy and at water outlets to prevent the escape of cultured fish. The fish commonly used in rice-fish culture are common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and monosex tilapia (Tilapia sp.). The stocking rate depends on the size and kind of fish used, but 500 to 1,000 common carp fingerlings or 3,000 to 5,000 tilapia fingerlings per hect are are considered sufficient. Seedbed preparation and basal and topdressing fertilizer (urea) appilcations should be done without concern for the fish. Weeds can be controlled by mechanical or hand weeding methods. The use of herbicides such as 2-4D) IPE formulations does not harm the fish. Depending on the species and kind of fingerlings stocked, the fish will average 100 grams in weight at harvest. Fish are commonly harvested by draining the rice paddy before rice harvest. Carefully screening the water outlets will prevent fish loss. Should the farmer choose to hold the tubh for a longer growth period, the fish can be kept in the trenches while the rice is being harvested, If there is sufficient water, it is practical to plant a second rice crop. Labor Requirements Total labor required per hectare of rice-fish culture is 76.61 man-days, table 2 1. Rice production alone requires an average of 70.51 man-days (3]). Because of the less effective area devoted to rice in rice-fish culture, less labor is required for farm operations common to both rice-fish and rice production. However, the construction of trenches and drainage canals, cleaning and repairing dikes, and stocking and harvesting of fish increase labor requirements for rice-fish culture. Labor costs were computed based on 8 hours per man-day at r 1.25 per hour. Total labor costs amount to P766. 10. Costs - - o "I INV - 4 t 'V Trenches built along the sides of the rice paddy facilitate easier harvesting of fish. They also serve as refuge for fish when the water level gets low. TABLE 21. LABOR REQUIREMENTS AND VALUE PER HECTARE OF RICE-FISH CULTURE, BY TYPE OF FARM OPERATION, CENTRAL LUZON TABLE 22. AVERAGE CAPITAL INVESTMENT PER HECTARE OF RICE-FISH CULTURE, CENTRAL LUZON Operation Man-days 2.00 7.25 2.90 2.34 3.42 10.00 4.57 16.87 1.20 2.00 Value* Pesos 20.00 72.50 29.00 23.40 34.20 100.00 45.70 168.70 6.30 12.00 20.00 Item Non-depreciable items: Land-Construction of trenches and drainage canals ... Work animals Other animals Subtotal Depreciable items: Drainage structures ..... Tractor (hand) Pump Tools and equipment .... Nets Harvesting buckets --(banyera) Wire screens Farm building Subtotal TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT Year life Value Pesos 8,000.00 100.00 450.00 30.00 8,580.00 Depreciation Pesos Seedbed preparation: Plowing Care of seedlings Preparation of seedlings Land preparation: Plowing Harrowing Construction of trenches and drainage canals Clearing/repairing dikes Transplanting -0.63 Stocking Fertilizing Weeding Harvesting Rice-------------------------- Fish .... Threshing, cleaning, and packaging-TOTAL 10 15 10 5 5 5 5 10 40.00 350.00 250.00 190.00 25.00 50.00 30.00 75.00 1,010.00 9,590.00 118.83 628.95 5.00 752.78 4.00 23.33 25.00 38.00 5.00 10.00 6.00 7.50 118.83 * Based on 8 hours per man-day at 16.50 165.00 0.83 8.30 6.10 61.00 76.61 766.10 1.25 per hour. Cost: Depreciation Interest on average capital investment* ... Land tax TOTAL for construction, transplanting, and harvesting account for 56.6 percent of the total. The Enterprise Budget * Based on 7 percent of average capital investment, except construction. the cost minus the salvage value divided by the expected useful The example budget, a modification of a rice enterprise budget, shows little variation from a rice production budget. Yields were based on results of experiments and field trials conducted at the Central Luzon State University. The kind and amount of inputs were based on generally accepted cultural and management practices. For a more realistic budget analysis, prices should reflect current local prices and general price trends. Since the latest information on prices was not available, 1975 price quotations were used. CapitalInvestment The example budget was derived for a farm already devoted to rice production, thus some investment in farm building and equipment had been made previously. Additional investment is needed once the farm is modified for rice-fish culture. Before production of fish in the same paddy is possible, new investment items, such as construction of trenches and drainage canals, drainage structures, nets, harvesting buckets, and wire screens, are needed. Table 22 has an itemized listing of the investments needed per hectare of rice-fish culture. The total capital requirement is p9,590.00, of which land alone comprised 83 percent. Capital items are defined as units which have useful life longer than one production period. Such items are divided into two groups: depreciable and non-depreciable. Some capital investments, those associated with real property and without an estimated life, do not depreciate. Depreciable items have a determinable life. They include items directly associated with fish production, such as nets, wire screens, and harvesting buckets. Total capital for depreciable items is p 1,010.00. Budget analysis requires computation of fixed costs associated with capital. Depreciation is a technique used to spread the cost of certain capital items over the expected useful life of the item (7). In the example budget, all depreciation was calculated using the straight line method. The annual depreciation expense is equal to the difference between 14 life. Salvage value is what the item would be worth at the end of its useful life. It was assumed that all depreciable items have zero salvage value. Total depreciation expense is P 118.83, table 22. A measurement of average capital is needed when preparing a standard budget analysis without a specified production period. Average capital is the sum of non-depreciable items plus one-half of the value of depreciable items (18). Interest on capital investment represents either the amount the farmer would have to pay if he borrowed the money or the amount he would give up if he used his own funds. Including land tax, total ownership cost amounted to P752.78. Cost and Returns Costs and returns per hectare of rice-fish culture are listed in table 23. The analysis is for one production period only. Costs are divided into cash and non-cash variable costs, fixed costs, and labor costs. Variable costs are those that change according to the specified level of production. Of cash variable costs of P878.69, fingerling expenses comprise 40 percent of the total. Non-cash variable costs include landlord share of the rice produce, harvester/thresher share, seed, Samahang Nayon contribution, and irrigation fee. A landlord's share of the rice harvest usually is based on the amount of production. Under normal harvest conditions, the owner of the land expects to receive, on the average, 11 cavans of rice. The harvester/thresher share is 10 percent of the rice produced. Samahang Nayon contribution is a forced saving by the farmer to the local cooperative. This is termed as the Barrio Guarantee Fund, which serves as a source of funds to pay insurance premiums of farmers, guarantees payment for loans, and capitalization of full-pledged cooperatives (14). Net returns represent the difference between total costs and total returns. On a production basis, P2,869.77 was available from a hectare of rice-fish culture. The system had a 31.95 percent return on average capital. TABLE 23. COSTS AND RETURNS PER HECTARE OF TABLE 24. RICE-FISH CULTURE Item Receipts: Threshed palay ... Marketable tilapia_ PARTIAL BUDGET FOR TESTING PROFITABILITY INTRODUCING FISH PER HECTARE OF RICE FARM OF Unit Quantity Rate Pesos 57.50 6.00 Value Item 1. Additional receipts a. Marketable tilapia (200 kilograms at p6.00/kg) 2. Reduced costs a. Fertilizer (0.41 bag at f64.87/bag) b. Insecticide (0.74 quart at 22.40/quart) .... c. Herbicide (1.16 kilograms at p4.71/kg) d. Seed (0.15 cavan at t57.50/cavan) e . Othe rs* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sub total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Total credits 4. Additional costs a. Labor (6.10 man-days at p10.00/man-day) . b. Fingerlings (5,000 monosex tilapia fingerlings at (0.07 each) ... c. Drainage structures d. Nets Value Pesos 5,462.50 1,200.00 Pesos 1,200.00 26.60 16.58 5.46 8.62 99.47 156.73 1,356.73 61.00 350.00 40.00 25.00 80.00 50.00 11.85 11.20 13.38 28.87 621.30 287.50 95.00 cavan kilograms 200.00 Expenses: I. Variable costs: A. Cash Seed Fingerlings (monosex tilapia)---- cavan each 0.40 5,0(90.00 3.70 57.50 0.07 64.87 23.00 350.00 240.02 Fertilizer ............ bags Insecticide ---------- quart Herbicide s--------kilograms Interest/ fees/ loans ...... 1.00 3.75 22.40 4.71 22.40 17.66 Food Samahang Nayon ......... Fuel and oil a....... Repairs man-day Transportation -------------Irrigation fee ....... 1.75 10.00 50.00 60.00 5.00 10.00 17.50 15.00 30.00 38.11 878.69 e . Wi re sc re e ns ......................................................... f. Harvesting buckets-_ g. Irrigation fee h. Repairs (1.12 man-days at P10.00/man-day) Rent Subtotal B. Non-cash Landlord share-----Harvester/thresher share cavan cavan i. Depreciation j. Others Subtotal 5. Reduced receipts a. Threshed palay (5 cavans at t57.50/cavan) 11.00 9.50 1.00 0.38 0.75 57.50 57.50 57.50 57.50 57.50 632.50 546.25 57.50 21.85 43.12 1,301.22 93.94 2,273.85 Seed Samahang Nayon---Irrigation fee-------Subtotal Interest on operating capital ( 8% )------TOTAL VARIABLE COST .... cavan cavan cavan 6. Total debits 908.80 7. Change in net income 447.93 * Include landlord's share and harvester/thresher share. in costs and returns brought about by the introduction of the new enterprise. Expected additional receipts from a hectare of rice-fish culture come from the expected fish yield of 200 kilograms valued at P 1,200.00, item 1, table 24. Reduced costs include fertilizer, insecticide, herbicide, seed, and others. These amount to P 156.73, item 2. This would involve total credits of r 1,356.73, item 3. Additional cost items include labor of 6.10 man-days valued at P61.00, fingerlings valued at P350.00, and other items directly related to fish production (nets, wire screens, harvesting buckets, irrigation fee, repairs, and depreciation). Total additional costs amount to P621.30, item 4. In the culture of fish in rice paddies, the effective area devoted to rice is slightly lessened. As a result, the rice yield is expected to decrease by 5 cavans. Total value of reduced receipts is p287.50, item 5. The additional costs plus reduced receipts amount to P908.80, item 6. The difference or change in net income is P447.93, item 7. This indicates that the introduction of fish in a hectare of rice farm is profitable. Economic Impact Farmers depend largely on rice production as their means of livelihood. Any consideration of rice-fish culture would be on the basis of fish production being secondary to rice production. Although the return from fish will not provide sufficient incentive to shift rice production, growing fish simultaneously with rice does not significantly decrease rice yield. Thus, it will serve as an additional source of income. The average size farm in Central Luzon is slightly less than 3 hectares. With an expected fish yield of 200 kilograms per hectare, the average farm will produce 600 kilograms of fish per rice crop if the entire hectarage is devoted to rice-fish culture. 15 II. Fixed costs: Depreciation Interest on average except construction) Land tax TOTAL FIXED COSTS ....... 118.83 628.95 5.00 752.78 man-day man-day man-day investment (7% III. Labor costs: Seedbed preparation Plowing Land preparation Plowing Harrowing Construction of Care of seedlings---Seedling preparation 2.00 7.25 2.90 2.34 3.42 10.00 4.57 16.87 0.63 1.20 2.00 16.50 0.83 6.10 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 72.50 29.00 23.40 34.20 100.00 45.70 168.70 6.30 12.00 20.00 16 00 8.30 61.00 766.10 3,792.73 2,869.77 31.95 man-day man-day man-day man-day man-day man-day man-day man-day trenches and drainage canals---Cleaning/repairing dikes Transplanting Stocking Fertilizing Weeding Harvesting Rice ---------------Fish ...... Threshing, cleaning, and packaging TOTAL LABOR COSTS .... m an-day man-day man-day TOTAL EXPENSES NET RETURNS --------PERCENTAGE RETURN ON AVERAGE INVESTMENT__ PartialBudget The introduction of fish in rice paddies requires several, but minimal, changes in the farm business organization. This means that the farm structure is not entirely revamped. A partial budget was developed to estimate the possible changes Most rice farms are subdivided into segments, called paddies, encompassing about 2,500 square meters or smaller in area. Due to custom, disease problems, and other factors, the rice is planted at the same time. Harvest, then, also occurs simultaneously. Rice is planted and harvested paddy by paddy, with the harvest period extending over a period of 6 weeks to 2 months. Under these conditions, the 600 kilograms of fish would not be simultaneously available, but would become available in units of 40 to 60 kilograms per week during the harvest period. Substantial quantities of the fish produced from rice paddies would undoubtedly be consumed by the farm family. This would improve the diet of the family members, and at the same time slightly lessen the demand for fish in the local markets. In addition, any excess supply of fish could be sold or traded to other farm families, further reducing the demand in local market places. Marine fish in the inland provinces are not as readily available as in the coastal provinces. More than 50 percent of the marine fish available in the inland provinces, especially in Nueva Ecija and Tarlac, are poor in quality, yet they sell almost the same or even higher than those in the coastal provinces. The fish from the rice paddies can directly substitute for the low quality fish now available. Rice fish then will serve to fill both a quality and a quantity gap in the market in rural inland areas. The adoption of rice-fish culture may be a slow process. While the extension program in the region is well established, the degree of acceptance of the new technology will depend on the degree of conflict with existing systems. The rice marketing system in Central Luzon is well organized, but fish marketing is not. At the time of planting, farmers are assured of a place to sell their rice crop. No certainty exists for the sale of fish. 16 LITERATURE CITED (1) G., E. A. LOPEZ, AND A. C. FERMIN. 1977. Culture of Common Carp and Nile Tilapia at Three Stocking Densities. Central Luzon State University, mimeo. ARCE, RODOLFO (17) McCoy, E. W. AND M. L. HOPKINS. 1978. Method of Conducting a Marketing Survey. Manuscript to be published. Department of Agricultural Economics. Auburn Univ. (Ala.) Agr. Exp. Sta., Auburn, Ala. 1977. Preparation of AND J. E. BOUTWELL. (18) ------Financial Budget for Fish Production, Catfish Production in Areas with Level Land and Adequate Ground Water. Auburn University (Ala.) Agr. Exp. Sta. Cir. 233, Auburn, Ala. (19) MEDINA, P. M. AND C. V. GUERRERO. 1976. Retailers' Experiences with Tilapia and Carp. National Food and Agriculture Council, 76-11. (20) , et. al. 1976. Processing and Marketing of -Smoked Fish, Part I: Central Luzon. National Food and Agriculture Council, 76-2. 1974. 1971 Census of Agriculture (Bataan, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, Tarlac, Zambales). Manila, Philippines. NATIONAL CENSUS AND STATISTICS OFFICE. (2) E. 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Final Report, Manila, Philippines. (23) NAVERA, E. R. AND A. R. LIBRERO. 1976. The NAFILMA: (8) FIDC. 1977. Integrated Fisheries Development Plan-Executive Summary. Fisheries Industrial Development Council. (9) GROVER, J. H. 1976. Rice-Fish Culture and the Green Revolution. FAO Technical Conference on Aquaculture. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. (10) ---...... 1978. Personal Communication. Fishpond Situation in Nueva Ecija. Auburn Univ., Auburn, Ala. (11) GUERRERO, C. V. AND L. B. DARRAH. 1975. Bangus Marketing, 1974. Special Studies Division, Philippines Department of Agriculture Pub. 75-2. (12) -, et al. 1974. Bangus: A Look Ahead. Marketing Research Unit. NFAC, DANR, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. Market Structure and Marketing Costs and Margins. Institute of Agricultural Development and Administration, UPLB. Staff Paper Series, No. 2. (24) NORCONSULT. 1975. Philippine Fish Marketing and Distribution Study (7 volumes). Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, DNR. (25) PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. 1966. The Philippines, a Handbook of Economic Facts and General Information, Manila, Philippines. (26) PFMA. 1976. Fish Marketing News Bulletin. Fish Marketing Authority. Vol. 1, No. 1. Philippines (27) PHILIPPINE FISHERIES COMMISSION. 1976. Expanded Fish Production Program, FY 1974-75. Department of Agriculture, Manila, Philippines. (13) M. L. AND E. W. McCoy. 1976. Marketing of Fisheries Products by Municipal Fishermen in Panguil Bay, Philippines. International Center for Aquaculture, Auburn Univ. Fisheries Research and Development Series 11, Auburn, Ala. HOPKINs, (28) SANTOS, C. L., et. al. 1975. Regional Consumption Patterns for Major Foods. National Food and Agriculture Council, 75-28. (29) VENTURA, RODOLFO F. 1977. Feasibility Analysis of Producing Bangus, Chanos chanos (Forskal) for a Farm Situation in the Philippines. Unpublished Master's Thesis. Auburn Univ., Auburn, Ala. (14) HUANG, H. C. 1974. Feasibility of Fishermen's Cooperatives in the Philippines. Department of Local Governments and Community Development, Manila, Philippines. (15) HUKE, R. E. 1963. Shadows of the Land: an Economic Geography of the Philippines. Bookmark, Inc., Manila, Philippines. (30) WATER RESOURCE TASK FORCE, PHILIPPINES. 1969. Improving Irrigation Facilities through Groundwater Development. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy. (16) INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOP- (31) -. 1977. Costs 1976. The Philippines: Priorities and Prospects for Development. World Bank, Washington, D.C. MENT. and Returns of Producing Palay in Central Luzon. Central Luzon State University, Munoz, Nueva Ecija. 17 APPENDIX A Sample Markets Provinc4 Bataan e Municipality Hermosa Mariveles Limay Orion Balanga Abucay Samal Orani Dinalupihan Baliwag Malolos (Atlag) Balagtas Bocaue San Ildefonso Plaridel Bulacan San Miguel Guimba Rizal Capan Talavera San Isidro San Jose City Cabiao Sta. Rosa Munioz Cabanatuan City Llanera Cabaldon Laur Jaen Cuyapo Nampicuan Zaragosa Talugtog Aliaga Bongabong Retailers 6 25 22 70 270 10 33 240 67 50 10 60 20 40 20 26 23 67 28 25 34 35 20 43 74 30 46 50 49 52 43 38 47 38 55 Sample 3 18 15 10 14 7 6 11 9 93 9 5 12 15 5 8 9 14 77 13 7 9 6 10 9 15 9 27 9 4 4 4 5 3 6 4 5 3 160 Province Pampanga Bulac an Municipality ta. Ana 4lagalang vlacabebe S. 4abalacat N/ 4inalin G Simon an A 4lexico S. Yuagua rngeles City an Luis A ipalit Sl Tomas to. F florida Blanca B 3acolor (,andaba 7ictoria ,oncepcion ,amiling )aniqui S. Clemente an 4foncada Aayantoc ta. Ignacia ;erona ,a S, Paz Farlac B can Felipe 3otolan S, 'abangan an S, Narcisco an Antonio ubic S. Marcelino an S ba ,astillejos )longapo ta. I Cruz .andelaria alawig 4lasinloc Retailers 27 25 10 10 54 10 8 210 303 20 45 10 21 22 20 18 70 100 30 12 78 29 54 98 50 65 46 18 23 57 35 60 78 20 28 85 34 20 17 49 Tarlac Nueva Ecija Zambales --~, -~-- Sample 10 9 7 11 10 5 3 10 25 7 11 6 9 10 12 145 13 13 12 6 8 9 7 3 3 8 24 106 13 7 9 14 8 12 10 13 12 12 13 5 6 14 148 APPENDIX B CLASSIFICATION OF SPECIES IN CENTRAL LUZON Brackishwater Class First class Marine ILocal name English name Grouper Cavalla lapu-lapu (Epinephelus sp.) Freshwat er Local name English name Catfish hito (Glarias macrocephalus) (Clarias batrachus) dalag Mudfish (Channa striatus) English name Local name millcfish bangus (Chanos chanos) talakitok (Caranx sp. ) alumahan; Mackerel hasa-hasa; tangigue (Rastrelliger sp.) tuna Tuna (Thunnus thynnus) maya-maya Snapper ( Lutianus sp. ) pompano Pompano (Caranx sp.) tulingan Bonito (Euthynus yaito) alugasin, banak Mullet (Mugil sp.) Continued 18 CLASSIFICATION OF SPECIES IN CENTRAL LJZON (Continued) Brackishwater English name Local name Class Second class Marine Local name English name sap-sap Slipmouth (Leiognathus sp.) besugo Nemnipterid (Nemapterus japonicus) tamban; tunsoy Sardines (Sardinella sp.) saliniasi; dilat Herring (Dussumiera acuta) (Dussumiera hasselti) (Ilisha hoeveni) (Ilisha dichoa) samaral; malaga Siganid (Theutis sp.) dalagang-bukid (Caesio sp. ) galoaggong Round scad (Decapterus russelli) Caesio matang-baka Big-eyed scad (Selar boops) (Selar crernenophthalmus) dilis Anchovy (Thrissodes sp.) Freshwater Local name English name tilapia ( Tilapia sp. ) gorami Gourami ( Trichogaster pectolaris) Tilapia Third class biyang-puti; buktu White goby (Glossogobius giurus) CD karpa Carp (Cyprinus carpic) (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) Others kalaso Lizard fish (Trachinocephalus myops) (Saurida tumbil) apahap Sea bass (Lates calcalifer) salay-salay Crevalle (Caraux sp. ) buguing Halfbeak (Hemiramphus sp.) borador; tirong Flying fish (Cypselurus oligolepis) mulmul; loro Parrot fish (Scarus sp.) asohos Whiting (Sillago sihama) labahita; tarian Surgeon fish (Acanthurus bleekei) page Stingray (Dasystis sp.) balila Hairtail (Trichiurus haumela) espada Sword fish (Xiphias gladius) saramulyete Coat fish ( Upensides suiphureus) Striped barracuda torcillo (Sphyraena obtusata) Porgy (Sparw9 berda) Cuttle fishes pusit a) squid (Sepioteuthis lessoniana) (S. sepicidea) nugita b) octopus kubalen Rock fish corral fish babayute mabalakit mayobyob kandangan ayungin; babansi Theraponid (Therapon plumbeus) Shrimps Crabs crustaceans lamok '"rc~U~ 19 APPENDIX C Estimation Procedure The questionnaire used in this study was designed to yield information on each aspect of the marketing activities from individual sample sellers, so the data had to be expanded to provincial level. The sample data gathered were statistically valid and, therefore, are justified estimators or population parameters. Estimation methods for this study were done using the procedure formulated by McCoy (12). Expansion of daily quantity of fish sold was done using the following formula: Qt = 1Xij Xij = Mj(SijXij) where: Qt = total quantity of fish sold Xij = quantity of fish of the ith species sold in the jth province Mj = number of markets in the jth province Sij = number of sellers of the ith species in the jth province Xij = average quantity sold of the ith species in the jth province Estimation of total quantity of fish sold on an annual basis was done by multiplying the total daily sales by the adjusted number of market days. The adjustment in the number of market days was necessary to avoid overestimation of the quantity of fish available. In most of the markets surveyed, fish was available every day; however, more sellers were present during "market days." In some markets, the quantity of fish available was essentially the same daily, but in others fish was available only on "market days." For markets reporting a large number of sellers, the quantity tends to be overestimated since sellers not present during the survey tended to handle less fish. The total number of dealers and the average dealers per market listed in tables 5 and 6 were representative of the numbers during market days. The adjusted number of market days was computed using this formula: adjusted number of market days = INiDi Di where: Ni = number of market days in the ith market Di = number of dealers in the ith market Quantity composition of fish available according to species was computed based on total daily sales. The average daily quantity sold for each species was converted as a percentage of total daily sales. The amount was then multiplied by the adjusted number of market days to obtain the quantity of fish available by species on a yearly basis. Size composition of the existing supply was determined based on the average daily amount of fish sold. The daily quantity of fish available, according to size for each species, was converted into a percentage. This was quantified into total kilograms based on the annual amount of fish available for species of fish. APPENDIX D Questionnaire Used in Study Fish Marketing Survey District III, Central Luzon Retailer Questionnaire rrovince Municipality Barangay Name of Market Distance to Manila Distance Interviewer Distance to market source by type Source Type Marine Brackishwater Freshwater 1. How long have you sold fish? 2. What type of stall do you use? (check) permanent temporary 3. How many days per week is the market open? Survey Marketing Fish 4. How many days per week is fish available in the market? 5. How many hours per day are fish available? If yes, how? (check) 6. Do you clean the fish for the buyers? beheaded and gutted _ scaled _ sliced beheaded other (specify) gutted How much? Is there a charge for this service? Continued 20 Questionnaire, Continued (For questions 7-11, fill in Table 1) 7. What type (s) of fish do you sell? In what form do you sell them? 8. About how many kg. of fish do you sell per day during this time of year? (If by piece or pile, interviewer estimates number of pieces per kilo or number of kilos per pile.) 9. Does the type of fish you sell vary by time of year? If yes, when and what type do you sell at other times of the year? 10. Does the quantity you sell of each species vary by time of year? If yes, what and when is the least amount of each species sold? (When the species is available) What and when is the most amount of each species sold? 11. Can you always get the quantity of each species of fish you want to sell? If no, when and what species can you not get enough of? (For questions 12-17, fill in Table 2) 12. What sizes of fish do you sell? 13. Do you have any problems getting the sizes of fish you want to sell? If yes, when, what species and what sizes do you have difficulty in receiving? 14. Does the price you pay for fish vary by species and size? If yes, list price in the table. 15. Does the price you pay for fish vary by time of year? If yes, list the price and time for both lowest and highest price in the table. 16. Do you often have fish leftover at the end of the day? If yes, which fish? (Check species and size on table) What do you do with these fish? If no, could you sell more fish if they were available? If yes, what species and sizes would you prefer to have? About how many more kilos of each species can you sell per day? Species size kg 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Do you sell any fish to other retailers or ambulent vendors? If yes, how many retailers and vendors do you sell to? How many kilos do you sell to other dealers? (List by size and species on table) Considering only the species and sizes of fish you sell, can you tell me of any changes that have occurred during the last 5 years (ask specific headings in Table 3). Where do you get your fish? (List by species in Table 4 - be specific). What charges do you have to pay to sell fish here? (List charges by type). a. b. Are there any changes or improvements you would like to see made in the market? (List down). Table 1 Species Code Information on Sales Fr 1 Formpieces/day kg or least kg/day Period available2 time months time Insufficient supply time____________ supply time months most kg/day months 1Fresh, dried, smoked, etc. 21 Table 2 Species Code (Key to previous table) Number per kilo 10 or more No. or kg. Difficulty Price lowest price time highest price time left over resale 5-9 No. or kg. Difficulty Price lowest price time highest price time left over resale 2-4 No. or kg. Difficulty Price lowest price time highest price time left over resale 1 or less No. or kg. Difficulty ___ ____ ______ 22 Table 3 Kilos sold last week/ daily average Sales Change Over Time Price paid per kilo Weekly sales last year daily average Average price paid per kilo last year Weekly sales 5 years ago daily average Average price paid per kilo 5 years ago Species' Code 1Key number to species sold by vender. Table 4 Source of Fish Species' Code Dealer Quantity Source Location Transportation Key number to species sold by vender. 23