i { J Xwith nd 0o, Northem Alabama, 1977-1 CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT INTRODUCTION .. .......................... ............. ......................... .......... ............ 2 3 4 7 LIME EXPERIMENTS WITH SOYBEANS FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS WITH SOYBEANS .................... LIME EXPERIMENTS WITH COTTON ......... ................. ................. 7 10 NITROGEN RATE EXPERIMENTS WITH COTTON PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM EXPERIMENTS WITH COTTON ....... 13 15 LITERATURE CITED .......................... .......... ACKNOWLEDGMENT The results of the experiments reported in this publication were made possible by the invaluable help of staff members of the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service. In particular, the assistance of the following is acknowledged: S. M. Eich, Agronomist; J. G. Link, Agronomist; and County Agents of the counties in which the experiments were located. We, also, gratefully acknowledge the financial support of this project by the Agricultural Resource and Development Branch, Tennessee Valley Authority. FIRST PRINTING 5M, JUNE 1981 Information contained herein is available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. On-farm Lime and Fertilizer Experiments with Soybeans and Cotton in Northern Alabama, 1977-1980 C. H. BURMESTER, A. WAGGONER, and FRED ADAMS 1 INTRODUCTION A COOPERATIVE RESEARCH program on lime and fertilizer for soybeans and other crops of the area in northern Alabama began with farmers in 1975. Results of this study over a fouryear period (1977-80) are reported in this publication. Counties included in this program are: Cherokee, Colbert, Cullman, DeKalb, Jackson, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Marshall, and Morgan. The purpose of this program is two-fold: (1) to establish up-to-date fertilizer and lime requirements for major crops in the area, particularly cotton and soybeans and (2) to improve Auburn University's soil testing program and service to farmers in the area. This program was initiated because the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station's substations at Belle Mina and Crossville do not adequately represent the diversity of soils and conditions in this major agricultural area of the State. In this program, small areas were located on farmers' fields that were representative of soil types for the region. These areas were divided into 8, 12, 16, 20, or 24 plots, depending upon the number of liming or fertilizer treatments. Each lime or fertilizer rate was repeated four times at each location. These experimental areas received no special attention other 'Research Associate, former Research Associate, and Professor, respectively, Department of Agronomy and Soils. than the lime or fertilizer treatments, which were applied by the researcher. Each farmer followed his other normal practices of land preparation, planting, cultivation, and control of weeds, diseases, and insects. Cotton plots consisted of six 35-foot rows and soybean plots consisted of eight 100-foot rows. Cotton plots were harvested by hand while soybeans were machine combined. The soil areas covered in this program include the finetextured soils of the Tennessee Valley, the silty soils of the Highland Rim area north of the Tennessee River, the loamy soils on stream terraces, and the sandy soils of the Appalachian Plateau south of the River. The dark red soils of the Tennessee Valley, such as Decatur and Dewey, are used primarily to grow cotton and are often referred to as "red lands". The Highland Rim soils are locally called "gray land", and very little soil fertility research has been done on them prior to this program. The sandy soils of the Appalachian Plateau, with proper management, can be highly productive. Crops grown on these soils have responded to higher rates of fertilizer than crops on most other soils. Besides the use of these experiments to gather soil testing information, these experiments help individual farmers make decisions about correct liming and fertilization of their fields. Many of these experiments were also visited by groups of farmers on county tours in which they served as an excellent educational tool. LIME EXPERIMENTS WITH SOYBEANS A total of 39 lime experiments with soybeans was harvested during the 4 years between 1977-80, table 1. Fifteen of these experiments were located on Highland Rim soils, 12 on Tennessee Valley soils and 12 on Appalachian Plateau soils. No yield response to liming was found on the Highland Rim or Tennessee Valley soils above pH 5.4. Yields were not increased by liming above pH 5.5 on the Appalachian Plateau soils. The Dickson soil on the Highland Rim and the Wynnville soil on the Appalachian Plateau were the soil series most often used. Both of these soils typically have a fragipan (or hardpan) within 2 feet of the surface. The greatest yield response to liming in individual tests was 9 bushels per acre on Highland Rim soils, 22 bushels on Tennessee Valley soils, and 12 bushels on Appalachian Plateau soils. [4] TABLE 1. EFFECT OF LI\IE ON SOYBEAN YIELD, 1977-80 Fanner County Soil type Soil group 1'silmpH Highland Rim W. Darby K. Winter K. Winter J. Williams S. Usery B. Rose Tenn. Valley Substation N. Collier H. Liles S. Menefee J. Paulk A. D. Peters E. Jones G. Thacker Lauderdale Lauderdale Lauderdale Limestone Limestone Limestone Dickson silt loam Dickson silt loam Dickson silt loam Dicks;on silt loam Taft silt loam Armour silt loam limedPer-acre yield Un- Limed limed Bu. Bu. 12.5 16.82 7.3 11.32 6.5 10.82 26.9 29.72 11.2 16.02 19.0 24.12 28.0 31.1 25.8 42.3 15.1 21.0 17.7 32.0 44.5 14.5 10.4 65.8 35.8 30.5 13.4 9.6 38.8 39.0 46.8 22.8 42.4 30.6 15.3 35.5 24.2 29.0 32.0 35.9 62.2 35.1 29.8 25.6 29.8 27.7 34.0 26.7 46.12 soils 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.9 4.9 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.6 4.7 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.7 5.8 5.8 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.8 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.7 5.8 5.8 6.2 J. B. Williams Limestone Fullerton cherty silt loam Limestone Dickson silt loam Lauderdale Mountview chesty silt loam Lawrence Dickson silt loam Limestone Dickson silt loam Limestone Bewleyville silt loam Lauderdale Bewleyville silt loam Limestone Dickson silt loam Lauderdale Dickson silt loam Lauderdale Lawrence DeKalb Colbert Marshall Morgan Lauderdale Limestone Colbert Madison Madison Morgan Marshall Morgan Morgan Marshall Marshall Morgan DeKalb DeKalb Morgan Cullman Jackson Marshall Tenn. Valley soils Etowah silt loam Tupelo silty clay loam Etowah loam Etowah-Emory Allen loam Emory silt loam Pruitton silt loam Pruitton silt loam Remlap silt loam Dewey silt loam Emory silt loam Nauvoo silt loam Appalachian Plateau soils Wynnville sandy loam Wynnville sandy loam Wynnville sandy loam Wynnville sandy loam Wynnville sandy loam Wynnville sandy loam Wynnville sandy loam Wynnville sandy loam Wynnville sandy loam Hartsell sandy loam Hartsell sandy loam Wynnville sandy loam 15.8 28.1 26.32 33.4 46.1 18.12 32.92 J. Eckl L. Smith R. Tumlin B. James J. Kennamer 68.5 52.22 42.82 J. White C. Newton Tenn. Valley Substation J. D. Johnson D. Wall B. Douglas C. Turney T. Connor T. Grantland T. Grantland 18.62 12.12 40.6 44.12 47.6 24.6 44.6 42.62 19.12 42.12 27.72 40.72 39.82 54.32 J. Groves J. Precise J. Graves L. Miller D. Miller R. O'Tinger R. Tuliln L. Hill C. Herefurth 65.32 36.5 28.3 26.3 29.7 'Based on soil texture and cation-exchange capacity as classified by Auburn's Soil Testing Laboratory. 2 Yield is statistically greater on limed plots. In a previous report, Mitchell etal. (1) reported the results of lime experiments on soybeans for tie first 2 years of the proj ect, 1975-76. Those results are combined with the 1977-80 results and graphed in figure 1 to show the relationship betwveen soil pH and the yield response to liming. [5] 100 " I* 0-o 0 C_* -60 6 o S40975-80 Highland Rim Soils 1975-80 Tenn. Valley Soils 197580 Appolochion Mt Soils 197580 r"30 '-'S 0 4.4 4:8 5.2 5.6 4.6 5.0 5 4 Soil pH 5.8 4.8 5.2 5.6 6. FIG. 1. Effect of soil pH on response of soybeans to liming soils on farmers' fields in northern Alabama, 1975-1980. The soil pH below which a yield response to liming is expected is called the "critical" pH. The critical pH for liming Highland Rim soils for soybeans appears to be about 5.2. There were two exceptions; both were on Bewleyville silt loam at pH 5.4, where liming increased yield about 50 percent (the data points are circled on the graph). The critical pH for liming Tennessee Valley soils for soybeans appears to be about 5.4. There were two major exceptions (both are circled on the graph); one was at pH 4.9 where liming failed to increase yield (Dewey silt loam); the other was at pH 5.0 where liming increased yield three-fold (Tupelo silty clay loam). The critical pH for liming Appalachian Plateau soils for soybeans is about 5.4. However, there is considerable variation in the data, just as there is with data from the other soil areas. One reason for much of the variation on Appalachian Plateau soils is probably due to differences in depth to the fragipan of the Wynnville soil. An interesting finding in these lime experiments was that soybeans in many of the unlimed plots appeared to be suffering from a nitrogen deficiency. In several tests, soybean leaves were noticeably yellow in plots that received no lime. Appar[6] ently, low pH was affecting the plant's ability to "fix" nitrogen. At this time, it is speculated that the nitrogen deficiency was actually caused by molybdenum deficiency as a result of low soil pH. The availability of soil molybdenum is increased by liming. Since molybdenum is an essential element for the nitrogen-fixing bacteria, it is possible that not enough is available at low pH values. However, further research will be done to verify the causative agent for this apparent nitrogen deficiency. FERTILIZER EXPERIMENTS WITH SOYBEANS Eight experiments were harvested in which phosphorus (P) fertilizer was applied broadcast prior to planting soybeans, table 2. Two experiments also had plots with and without potassium (K) fertilizer (the Carpenter and Ellis farms). Two experiments were located on Highland Rim soils, two on Appalachian Plateau soils, and four on Tennessee Valley soils. Three of the experiments showed a yield response to phosphorus fertilizer. None showed a response to potassium fertilizer; all soils were medium or high in soil K. A Wynnville sandy loam (D. Ellis farm), with a soil fertility P index of only 20 VL, showed a 13-bushel yield increase to P fertilizer, while a Locust loam (C. Turney farm), with a similar P index but a greater drought stress, showed only a 6-bushel increase. A test on L. Ritter's farm in Lauderdale County, which had a soil fertility P index of 60L, produced a 3.5-bushel increase. A test on T. Buckelew's farm in Marshall County did not respond to phosphorus fertilizer even though the soil fertility P index was only 40 VL. Drought during pod-filling may have been the reason for this "no" response. LIME EXPERIMENTS WITH COTTON Twenty-five lime experiments with cotton were harvested between 1977-80, table 3. Eighteen of these experiments were harvested on Limestone Valleys and upland soils, four on upland stream, and three on terrace soils. No response to liming was found on the Decatur or Dewey series (Tennessee Valley soils) above a pH of 5.1. Liming a Colbert silt loam with a pH of 5.2 (the Lamon farm) produced a 160-pound-per-acre increase in seed-cotton. Liming also increased yields on two Highland Rim soils. One was a Dickson loam with a pH of 4.7 (the Isbell farm) and the other was a Bewleyville silt loam with a pH of 5.3 (the Hays farm). [71 TABLE 2. EFFECT OF PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM FERTILIZER ON SOYBEAN YIELD, 1977-1980 Soil-test values P K Farmer County Fert. rate Per-acre yield Fert. Bu. 33.02 L. Ritter B. S. Tomlinson D. Carpenter Tenn. Valley Substation S. Spruell C. Turney D. Ellis T. Buckelew 2 Lauderdale Lauderdale Colbert Limestone Lawrence Morgan Soil group pH Lb./A.Rating Lb./A.Rating P20 5 K20 No. P No K Lb./A. Lb./A. Bu. Bu. Highland Rim soils Dickson silt loam 2 4.9 17 60L 93 80M 80 0 29.5 5 5.7 14 70 L 140 80 M 40 0 33.1 Mountview silt lo am Tennessee Valley soils 2 5.6 34 80 M 217 120 H 120 60 14.5 14.5 Etowah silt loam Soil type 2 5.3 24 5 6.9 13 2 5.5 4 Appalachian Plateau soils 2 5.8 4 Wynnville sandy loam 2 5.1 10 Wynnville sandy loam Pruitton silt loam Decatur silt loam Locust loam 70 L 223 120 H 80 60 L 159 100 H 40 20 VL 96 80 M 120 20 VL 71 40 VL 113 70 M 120 80 M 60 0 0 80 120 0 40.8 33.3 13.5 26.2 19.0 - 1 33.6 14.5 40.0 36.5 18.82 Marshall Marshall 26.2 39.02 19.0 1All fertilizer broadcast prior to planting. Yield is statistically greater on fertilized plots. TABLE 3. EFFECT OF LIME ON YIELD OF SEED-COTTON, 1977-80 Farmer County Soil type Soil group Unlimed soil pH Per-acre yield UnLimed limed Lb. Lb. Tennessee Valley soils A. Bragg M.W. Haney Dewey-Dickson Decatur silty clay loam B. Stewart Limestone Decatur silt loam B. Minor Colbert Decatur silt loam E. Sears Lawrence Decatur silt loam B. Stewart Madison Decatur silt loam S. Jones Lawrence Decatur silt loam M. Tate Madison Dewey silt loam D.C. Thornton Lauderdale Decatur silt loam J. Minor Lauderdale Etowah silt loam R.&D. Lamon Lawrence Colbert silt loam J.D. Underwood Colbert Decatur silt loam H. Aday Colbert Etowah silt loam M. Davis Madison Decatur silt loam W. Johnson Madison Decatur silt loam J. Patterson Madison Decatur silt loam D. Entrekin Colbert Dewey silt loam 0. Johnson Limestone Decatur silt loam Highland Rim soils H. F.' D. D. Isbell Hays Martin Newbern Colbert Limestone Madison Lauderdale Dickson loam Bewleyville silt loam Mountview silt loam Bewleyville silt loam 2 2 2 2 4.7 5.3 5.9 5.9 930 1,800 1,320 2,110 1,2502 2,1302 1,250 1,920 Madison Limestone 2 5 5 5 2 5 2 2 2 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.7 4.8 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.5 5.7 6.1 2,480 670 1,530 1,190 980 2,500 1,830 2,730 1,880 1,170 750 920 810 720 1,840 1,760 1,940 1,700 2,9902 1,1602 1,8202 1,4602 1,1902 2,500 1,770 3,1002 2,3802 1,440 9102 860 710 700 1,880 1,850 1,920 1,910 Stream Terrace soils C.R. Hotchkiss Lawrence Locust sandy loam 2 5.4 1,680 1,920 6.1 2,680 2,560 H. Chandler Cherokee Holston sandy loam 2 2,080 2,090 C.R. Hotchkiss Lawrence Locust sandy loam 2 6.5 'Based on soil texture and cation-exchange capacity as classified by Auburn's Soil Testing Laboratory. 2 Yield is statistically greater on limed plots. These experiments showed that cotton was fairly tolerant to low pH on these soils. Yields were not reduced unless the pH was near 5.2 or less; however, yields were often drastically reduced if soil pH was less than 5.0. In a previous report, Mitchell et al. (1) reported the results of five liming experiments with cotton on Tennessee Valley soils and one each on Highland Rim and stream terrace soils. Re- sults from those five Tennessee Valley soils are combined with the 18 in this report and graphed in figure 2. There is quite a bit of variation in the response of cotton to liming from site to site even when they have about equal pH levels. Nevertheless, it appears that soil pH will be less than 5.3 before a yield response to liming can be expected. [9] " !" 100 0 (n " >-o · D ° 60 -Cotton STenn. Valley Soils 1975 -80 n. 4.6 5.0 5.4 Soil pH 5.8 6.2 FIG. 2. Effect of soil pH on response of cotton to liming soils on farmers' fields inthe Tennessee Valley, 1975-1980. NITROGEN RATE EXPERIMENTS WITH COTTON Nine experiments were harvested to determine the optimum nitrogen rate needed for cotton, table 4.All nitrogen rates were broadcast before planting as ammonium nitrate. The surprising thing about these studies was the lack of response to nitrogen fertilizer. No yield increase was seen in any [10 experiment from more than 30 pounds per acre of nitrogen. In one test (R. G. Preuit's farm), more than 30 pounds per acre of nitrogen actually decreased yields. Four experiments were conducted in which a"" rate treatment was used. In three of these experiments, the "0" treatment produced as much cotton as any of the nitrogen rates . This lack of response to nitrogen fertilizer is apparently the result of a buildup of available soil nitrogen, probably caused by cotton being grown year after year on the same land with high rates of nitrogen fertilizer. In a previous report, Mitchell et al. (1) reported on the yield response of cotton to nitrogen rates in four experiments. Those TABLE 4. EFFECT OF NITROGEN RATE ON SEED-COTTON YIELD IN THE TENNESSEE VALLEY, 1977-80 Fannoer County Soil type Soil group 0 Per-acre yield at different N rates (Lb./A.)* 30 60 90 120 Lb. J. Sy ler G.E. Barringer R.G. Preuit S. Martin D. Newbern S. Martin* Lb. 2,270 1,720 1,290 2,060 2,320 1,980 Lb. a a a a a 2,240 1,870 890 2,090 2,370 2,070 Lb. a a b a a 2,040 1,780 1,000 2,250 2,090 a a b a a Lb. 2,040 1,610 1,000 2,240 2,250 - Colbert Lauderdale Colbert Lawrence Lauderdale Lawrence Ellisville silt loam Etowah silt loam Decatur silt loam Decatur silt loam Bewleyville silt loam Decatur silt loam 5 5 2 2 2 2 - 1,550 d D. Newbern* Lauderdale Bewleyville silt loam 2 1,800 a 1,800 a 1,840 S. Harris Madison Decatur silt loam 2 2,220 a 2,370 a 2,310 H. Isbell Colbert Decatur silt loami 5 2,130 a 1,950 a 1,990 Any yield in the same row with a letter in common is not significantly different at the 10% level *These tests were located on the same site as the previous year. cd bcd a a a b a a 2,080 bc 2,220 a 1,850 a a 2,500 a a -of probability. 1,840 a 100- * «. 80 Cotton 60 Tenn. Volley Soils 1975 - 80 O 0 I I - 30 60 N Rote, lb./acre 90 120 FIG. 3. Effect of nitrogen (N) rate on yield of seed cotton in experiments on farmers fields in the Tennessee Valley, 1975-1980. results are combined with those in table 4 and graphed in figure 3. In each experiment, the highest yielding N rate was assigned a relative yield of 100 percent. The yield of each N rate was then divided by the highest yield and multiplied by 100 to give the relative yield at each N rate. The data clearly show that most soils were well supplied with available nitrogen and very little fertilizer nitrogen was needed for maximum yields to be realized. During 1978-80 cotton petioles were sampled in these test plots to determine if petiole sampling was a feasible way to monitor the nitrogen being supplied to the cotton plant. (This practice has been tested in other states in an effort to monitor the nitrogen requirement of cotton grown under irrigation.) Under the dry-land cotton growing conditions of Alabama, it was found to be too erratic and unpredictable to be of any value. Fluctuation of the nitrogen content in the cotton petioles during droughts and after heavy rains was too great. Because of this fluctuation, no critical levels could be set. [12] A new method of soil-nitrogen analysis was begun in 1980. All plots in each test were soil sampled to a depth of 2 feet before fertilizing. The object of these tests will be to try to calibrate yield to these soil-nitrogen values. However, several more years of research will be needed before any conclusions can be reached. PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM EXPERIMENTS WITH COTTON Four experiments were conducted with P, K, or P and K fertilizer on cotton, table 5. All soils tested high in P, and three tested high in K. None showed a yield response to P or K fertilizer. [13] TABLE 5. EFFECT OF PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM FERTILIZER ON SEED-COTTON YIELD, 1979-1980 Farmer County Soil type' Soil-test values P K Fert. rate Per-acre yield 2 Soil group pH Lb./A. Rating Lb./A. Rating P205 K20 No P No K Fert Lb./A. 80 M 0 110 H 100 120H 60 60 120 H Lb./A. Lb. 60 0 60 60 - Lb. Lb. W.J. Lee, III Lawrence Dewey silt loam 5 6.1 31 5 5.5 54 Madison Dewey silt loam Burgreen Bro. 2 6.3 67 Pickens Orangeburg sandy loam H. Summerville Orangeburg loamy sand 1 5.8 90 H. Summerville Pickens 'Dewey is a Tennessee Valley soil. Orangeburg is a Coastal Plain soil. 2Yield was not affected by fertilizer in any experiment. 110 180 140 180 H H H H 144 261 211 145 2,020 2,090 2,460 2,680 840 730 790 2,800 2,780 2,850 LITERATURE CITED (1) Mitchell, C. C., S. M. Eich, and F. Adams. 1977. On-farm lime and fertilizer experiments with soybeans and cotton in northern Alabama, 1975-1976. Alabama Agr. Exp. Sta. Prog. Rpt. 110. [15]1 AUBURN UNIVERSITY W\ith stn atcriruI trrt resech(I Ltnit itn .te, )ti ;,()I ,er\ntltj(1rs .\uhutrn ['nix ersit\ serves the nteeds otf field cropI, Ii-cstoeck, tic ultutrat hrtduicet in each Itre(git nt in A\1 ahaltla FvcX citir\ Zell ( tthe State has a 0 0) ' stake in this t e'seatch pri Irat, sit c e mxv andifI )1