LEAFLET 70 MARCH 1963 SERALAE. D. DONNELLY Plant Breeder A NEW SERICEA VARI TY count for the relatively low digestibility of sericea dry matter (7). Another study showed the xylem of fine-stemmed plants to have less lignin than that of mediumand coarse-stemmed sericea plants (4). DEVELOPMENT of VARIETY summer S that is used as a hay, grazing, legume and ERICEA IS A PERENNIAL, seed crop. In addition, sericea is an important soil-conserving and soil-improving crop (1). It protects sloping land, waterways, gullies, and roadbanks and is used in field borders and long-time rotations. An undesirable characteristic of ordinary sericea as a forage crop is its coarse, woody stems that become more rigid as the plant matures. RESULTS of PREVIOUS WORK Sericea varies in stem types from fine to coarse. Steers prefer plants with fine, pliable or soft stems, as shown in a cafeteria type grazing experiment (2). Likewise, rabbits consumed more finestemmed than coarse-stemmed ground sericea hay (6). Higher intake and digestibility of fine-stemmed sericea was found to be associated with higher, total carbohydrate content. In addition to variation in stem types, sericea plants and inbred lines varied in lignin content (5). It has been suggested that high lignin content and low apparent digestibility of crude protein ac- In 1950 a breeding program was begun at the Auburn University Agricultural Experiment Station to improve sericea. An increase in forage and seed production was obtained from outerossing sericea (3). A synthetic variety composed of the following Alabama lines was developed: 63, 780, 1373, 1397, 1893, and 2215. Lines 68 and 1893 were selected from commercial sericea and the remainder from Arlington. These lines were chosen on the basis of stem fineness and pliability, tillering, and forage yield. The lines were evaluated as inbreds at a number of locations in the State and on the performance of polycross progeny. Three lines produced higher forage yields when outerossed than when selfed. Three produced as much forage when selfed as when outerossed. The latter three lines were highly productive whether selfed AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT E. V. Smith, Director AUBURN UNIVERSITY STATION Auburn, Alabama ~i. f . q ~~ ~ Tt These photos illijstrnt" differences hcetween commercial and Serala varieties of sericea. In both comparisons, commercial is at left and Scralo is at right. In the top photographs, Seralo appears shorter than commercial sericea. This appearance is caused by bending over of the softer stems of the more desirable Scrala, whereas the stift The stems of commercial stand erect. close-up pictures at bottom, with stems held erect, show that Serala grows as tall Photos of hoth vorietio as commercial. pit were made- July 17, 1962, of Aubi, etc re the second cuitiwi ~' ~ '4 I ~ ~ 7. i YIELD OF DRtY FERBAGE PERi AcIAE PRIODUCED BY SERICA VARIETIES AT SEVEN LOCATioNS, 1958-62' Locations .I~ \ i Dry \I1/V1 IUI~~~ LUL\IIUI.U I* forage yields byv varieties ~C) Arlington Commercial OkinawaSerala 2 Tupelo Lb. Alexanidria (Northern Ala. (Central Ala. Brewton ..----(Southern Ala.) Prattville. --------(Central Ala.) fuiskegee------ ---(Central Ala.) Americus---------4,746(4) 7,217(2) 6,087(4) 6,9.-20(3) 4,56(2) 7,724.(3) 5,396(2) Lb. 4,943(3) 4,585(4) 7,958(2) 6,919(3) 5,161(4) 7,218(3) 4,791(2) Lb. 3,542(4) 5,616(2) 47672(4) 5,143(3) 3,068(2) 6,213(3) Lb. 41877(3) 7,778(2) 77727(3) .7,184(3) 4,922(2) 9%996(3) 6,143(2) Lb. 41111(4) ---5,540(4) 5)686(3) 4,034(2) 82599(3) (Central Ca.) Experiment ------- (Central Ca.) Data from Americuis and Experim-ent, Ca. furnished by John D. Powell (in cooperation ith Soil Conservation Service) and Julius M. Elrod, respectively, Georgia Agricultural EX- perilent Station. 2Numbers in parenthesis indicate nuber of years tested. Three- and four-year averages from a given location are repolrted since two tests were established in different years. or outerossed. All six lines combined well for small, pliable stems when outrossed to similar material. The primary objectiv w vas develop a variety with fine to pliable stems. VARIETY DESCRIPTION A product of the breeding program is the new seriea variety, named Serala, which was released by the Experiment Station in 1962. It has finer, more pliable or softer stems, more stems per plant, and does not become as coarse or woody as commonly grown strains or varieties LITERATURE CITED R. Y. Sericca in Conservation Farming. U.S. Dept. of Agr. Farmers' Bul. No. 2033. 195.1. (2) DONNELLY, E. D. Some Factors that Affect Palatability in Sericca Lespedeza, L. cutneata. Agron. jour. 4:96-97. 1954. (3) -Thc Effects of Outcrossing on Forage and Seed Yields in Sericca Lespedeza, L. cuneata. Agron. jour. 47:466-467. 1955. (4) ANDFEBRY, J. F. An Analysis of the Anatomy of Three Stem Types of Scricca Lcspcdcza, L. ctneata. Abs. Proc. Assoc. Sou. Agr. Workers, p. 59. 1957. (1) BAILEY, (5) --------------- AND) HAWKINS, C. E. of sericea (see phiotos on pages 2-3). As shown in the talble, Serala yields as wvell or better than other varieties tested. .Only certified Scrala seed should be planted to maintain characteristics of the variety. The variety is being increased under the certification program of the Alabama Crop improvement Association. Foundation seed should be available for planting in 1964 and limited quantities of certified seed in 1965. A Morc Tasty, Nutritious Sericen Is Now Possible. Highlights of Agr. Res. Auburn Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta. Vol. 1, No. 3. 1954. (6 ) ------------------------------ T he Effects of' Stem Type on Some Feeding Qualities of Sericea Lespedeza, L.' cunvata, as Indicated in a Digestion Trial with Rabbits. Agron. jour. 51:293-294. 1959. (7) IJAWKINs, C. E. Consumption and Di- gestibility of Les.-pedeza Sericen Hay and Alfalfa Hay Plus Callotannin. jour. Dairy Sci. 38:237-243. 1955.