Progress Report Series No. h3, Revised Reprinted December 1952 A6RICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION of The Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala. S.. . E.. V SMITH, Director . . . . YEAR-ROUND USE of LAND for GRAZING GRADE STEERS in the TENNESSEE VALLEY* (Three-Year Report, July 1, 19L8-June 30, 1951) FRED STEWART,. Superintendent C. H. JOHNSTON, Assistant Superintendent J S K. BOSECK, Assistant Superintendent Reported here are three-year results from year-round use of pasture and forage crops for fattening grade steers bought and sold on local open markets, What was done, crops grown, cash expenses, weight gains, sales. and money left after paying all cash expenses are summarized in this preliminary report. While no conclusions can be drawn this early in the experiments results do indicate possibilities for profitable use of land that is producing little or no income Experiment and Purpose Cotton provides the major part of the agricultural income on Tennessee Valley farms. The acreage of row crops that can be grown on most farms in the area has been restricted somewhat by labor supply- On many farms, land is now available for which some type of agriculture must be developed if supplemental income is provided. In this experiment grade steers are bought on open local markets, fattened on forage crops and pasture, and sold on the local market. The purpose is to explore the possibilities of a steer-fattening enterprise that uses available or idle land on a farm for supplemental income. In particular, the experiment is aimed at developing a system of pastures and forage crops that supplies necessary hay and maximum grazing for beef cattle; and to determine: (1) maximum amount of beef that can be produced efficiently; (2) best time to buy and sell steers in such an enterprise; (3) type or grade of steer that yields the most profit in such a grazing system; (h) if spring calves can be bought in the fall, grazed through the winter, and sold in the spring at a profit; and (5) relative value of well-known grasses and clovers and their use in various combinations for grazingo The experiment includes 2h0 acres, consisting of 182 acres of pastures and forage crops, 15 acres of open slough and roads, and 13 acres in woodsw This acreage is a part of h8O acres purchased with funds appropriated by the 194 State Legislature for expansion of livestock research at the Tennessee Valley Substation. Practically the entire acreage is a gravel creek bottom soil, with a thin topsoil varying from 3 to 10 inches deep. Yields of corn before the *Original, report of first year, published March 1950 acreage was acquired by the Substation did not exceed 12 bushels per acre, indicating the state of low fertility. Two years of preliminary work (previously reported)was done on portions of the area previous to establishment of the steer-fattening experiment in July 1948. Results from forage crop and utilization experiments by this Substation were applied to the new area. However, it was necessary to determine produotion and management requirements of the forage crops because of the difference in character and fertility of the soil of the new area. Results of First Three Years The total cash balance at the end of the first three year's operation, July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1951, was $14,878.77 after taking out all expenses .forseed, fertilizer, labor, machinery hire, medicine and veterinary services, and sales commission, insurance and hauling. This balance represents the return to management and capital. The cash balance for each year is given in the following data: 1948-49 Total sales ......... $21,575.91 Total expenses ...... CASH BALANCE ........ 17,336.21 $ 4,239.70 1 949-50 1950-51 $32,230.65 25,881.07 $ 6,349*58 $21,309.85 17,020.36 $ 4,289.49 For the 240 acres in the unit, the return per acre for each year was $17.67 in 1948-49, $17.87in 199-50, and $26.6 in 1950-51; o a ret $23.30, $23,57, and $34.89 per acre, respectively, for the 182 acres in pasture and forage crops, The return from steers, excluding .iscellaneous sales, on 182 acres in pasture and forage amounted to $13.8 per acre the first year, $19.12 the second, and $28.89 the third. It is pointed out, however, that 159 of the 182 acres in forage and pasture were used at various times throughout the first year, 1948-49, whereas a 23-acre pasture was used only 38 days for grazing steers of the unit. During that short period, the steers made a total gain of 983 pounds. For about 8 months, the 23-acre pasture was rented for $386.52. Beef production on the 159 acres averaged 186.4 pounds per acre during the first year that the unit was in operation. All of the 182 acres in forage and pasture has been used throughout the year for the past two years. The first year, 1948-49, the unit was stocked with 128 steers, 20 of which were purchased during the summer of 1948 and 108 during the fall and winter. Sixteen of the summer-bought steers were grazed 108 days; h head were held over and sold in June 19h9. They grazed a total of 355 days. The 16 head gained an average of 1.96 pounds per head daily, and the h head made an average daily gain of 1.35 pounds per head. Five of the fall- and winterbought steers died from shipping fever and bloat. The remaining 103 head made an average daily gain per head of 1.28 pounds during the 193 days grazed. All of the 123 steers made a total gain of 30,615 pounds. The 20 head of summer-bought steers were purchased for $23.69 per hundred-weight, and the 2 fall- and winter-bought steers cost $i21.W4 per hundred-weight. Sixteen of the summer-bought steers sold in the fall for an average of :22.30 per hundredweight, and the four held over brought -. 21.12 per hundred-weight the following June. The 103 head of fall- and winter-bought steers brought an average of $20.99 per hundred-weight, or about ) cents per hundred-weight less than the purchase price. During the second year, 19)9-50, the 182 acres of forage and pasture crops were stocked with 133 Ihead of steers of which 62 were purchased in the summer and 71 in the fall and winter, Of the summer-bought steers, 32 head were grazed an average of about 137 days for an average daily gain per head of 1.34 pounds; 28 head grazed 33 days averaging about 0.9 pound daily gain per head; and two steers died. Two of the fall- and winter-bought steers also died. The remaining 69 head gained an average of 1 pound daily per head for the 222 days grazed. The 129 head sold gained a total of 29,895 pounds. The average selling price per hundred-weight was 17.87 for the 32 head of summer-bought steers that were sold in the fall. This is almost !5 per hundred-weight less than was- paid for these steers. The remaining 28 head of summer-bought steers sold in the spring for $23.80 per hundred-weight or about $1 per hundred-weight more than was paid for them. The fall- and winter-bought steers sold for about "3.50 per hundred-weight more than they cost. In 1950-51, the third year of this experiment, the 182 acres of forage and pasture crops were stocked with 190 head of steers. Eight steers died during the year; this left 182 steers that were grazed on the area, but not all at one time. Of-the 190 head, 69 head were summer-bought, and 121 head were bought in the fall and winter. Sixty-five head of the surmer-bought steers were grazed 107.5 days and made an average daily gain per head of 1.36 pounds. The sale price per hundred-weight was approximately the same as the purchase price. The remaining four sumner-bought steers were held over and grazed an average of 397 days before they were sold in the spring. The average daily gain per head was about 0.9 pound. They sold for almost $1 per hundred-weight more than their purchase price. Eight of the 121 head of fall- and winter-bought steers died; the remaining 113 head produced an average daily gain per head of slightly more than a pound during the 223 days grazed. They sold for approximately the same price per hundred-weight as the purchase price. The 182 head gained 39,250 pounds. Over the three-year period, the unit has produced 99,760 pounds of beef, and $3,285,25 worth of seed. Mhen to buy steers for fattening on grasses and clovers, and when to sell. cannot be made this early in the exeriment as to when Although conclusions to buy or sell steers, the following preliminary results might give some indication: (1) Summer-bought steers sold in the fall brought less per hundredweight than the purchase price for all 3 years. The greatest decrease was approximately 9 per hundred-weight in the fall of 19h9. 1TIEE-EA1L SUWIMAY of CASE EXPENSES, SAES, ndNETRETURIS froma TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATIOIN, July 1,.11^ 48 19h48-149 -June a STEE-FAT TENIGEPR1 330, 1951 19L.19-50 item CASH EXPENSMES cost of sure-bought steers* Number head Average weight per head., lb. Total weight, lb.. Price paid, ct. Toqtal Cost' *Sters died. Cost, of faU-'o and winter"-bought steers* Nuber head Average weight'per head, Lb. Total eight, lb.. Average price paid per cwto Total cost *Steers died 4a-see -0 00.0..6....00~ * 20 1ħL83. 25 9,665 S 62 69 23s,59 2,t280.25- $ 33,550-- .- 22.69 -1020 $ 22.65 8,551.59 lb >40 2 head 108 1.*3 head 11,913.82 2,9170 lb .) 71 44k9 23 312,895 19662 6,-258.03. (2 head- 715 lb) 109.96 49,605* 12,817.*33 (8. head -3,250lbo), Total cost of all steers Seed *~eeee*eeeeee@~.e $ 21,t368.-92 74.814 777o814 6514,oo 956.16 362.10 350.00 870*34 1,2096.50 1,1497.61. 377.10 48800 Fertilizer Xiachinery_ 506*00 Hire*e............e* 1,097.00 3714*70 .. Labor *................... ae a1sion, insurance and haulin 326.3 3 tasc-411aneous, salt, vaccine,, vet, services Totall other expenses 97.27 3,1142.214 17,336.21 3 .- ,151*25 182.60 4,512.15 25,881407 TOTAL ALCASHEXNE 17,0O20.36 THREE-YEAR'SUlIARY of CASHEXPENSES, SAtES, and NET -RETURNS from a STEER-FATTENING EXERINENT TENIMSSEE VALLEY SUBSrlAT-ION1, July 1. 19)48- June 30., 1951 (GonuIrd) Item CASH SATES: Number of summer-bought steers sold in fall It? r 9L8-49 9 -0l5~5 Average sale weight per head, lb,.. Total sale wieight, lb.......... Averag7e sale price (er ct t., Total sales value, 16 680.00 . 22.3 0 2.94)26o37 dol. ... 0... 32 7 1. e, 24-9700 :17*87' 65 699.38 $10,248*46 107.5 1:36 821.25 3,235 $23 ah8 771-4.7 397.0 .92 O222.8 11,019993 113 b6.26 74,610 -26o.96 $ 2 0, 113. 2 a2 1.12 dol. ......... . Average days grazed................ Average daily gain, lb......... Number of su-mmer-bought steers held over sold Lay and June Average sale weight per head, 10o......................... Total sale weight, ro. ..... .... Average sale price Der cwt., del.... Total sales value, dol.......... Average days ;.grazed ........... .... Average daily gain, lb. ......... . Total sales of all sumner-bought steers, del. luber of fall- and .,iinter-bought steers, sold',.ay and June Average sale weeight per head, lb. .. Total sale weigt, lb0,........... . 1.96 1,022.50 4,090 V21.12 363.o 74 3 !55.0 o 1.35 3,290.11 103 137.3 lo3h 22,)410 .23. 80 ),33!4.l8 334..3 a/03 9, 7L7.l), 763o94 78,5686 $20. 99 1910.5 1. 2c3) ;*19, 761.65 15,769.521" :2,751 1i"17,7336.21 673 *84 $"l23.*13 *0,7 2 *95 221.67 ;2,500,a10 2 Avurwagesale pricen ocr ct.,del.. Total sales value, del....... ........... Averag'eduays ;,-razed.......... ......... Averagire daly pailn, 1b.................. Total sales of call steers.................. miscellaneous sales, seed and pastuare rent. ........ Total all sales...... . . . . . . . . 09,.75 131, 133S.15 1,092.50 Total all cash expenses (includes steers thiat di.ed). .... CASH BALANCEIncome to capital and manag-em,;ent..............0 0 Ieturn per acre from all acres in unit (240 acres)..........O jl-eturn per acre from 182 acres in pasture and f orage..... Retuarn from. steers only on 182 acres of -pastuare. and forage 0 Total waeight gain of all steers., lb..........., Gain Der acre on 182 acreFs, lb., ............. "Includes TExcluded %~Gainper 23ace 4 !239. 70 17.67 230 9.c )17, 020.36 17.87 29,9895 16)4.26" 2,3 2, 230.*65 325, 881.07 $6,3L9*58 ij 26o46 23.30 ;? 13.58 186.36 $ 34*89 $ 28.89 39,250 215o66 30,615 i'$386.5'2 from rent of" 28 acres of p asture for 8 mqonths. miscellaneous sales. acre from 159 acres in 1948-49. Total gain less 983 pounds gain made wrhile steer asur or short period equals total gain ifrom 159 acres were on a (2) Suirrr--bou-'ht steers carried througeh the winter-and sold in lay and June brougt slightly ore than the -purchase price 2' years out of3 pTrice 2 years out of 3, and about the same the other year. An A rhase r increase of about O per hundred-weight over t in the spring of 191;0. (3) I'all- and wvinter-ouht steers sold in Mday and June broughtoret Ived the puichase (4) For all 3 ears, very little if any increase in value of sales over purchase prices could be aIttributed to price spread, (~) The increase in sales value over cost was attributed primarily to econoical gains of beef made on pasture and forage.crops. Pature, and ForageCros The areas in pasture and f'orage cr-ops in 19r- are: as follows Improved pastureacre,,s,,,,.....*. Sericea-crimison clover-regrass Crimson clover-ryegrass . Fescue (to be seeded) Fertilizer treatA1ment. ... .. 35.....acres .................. . crinson,'clover 5.... a 20 acres 13 acres 6 acres 182 acres Sudan grass f1'1'oldlowed by oats and pasture plots of grasses and 4lovers Ezperimenkal The initial ap'Thic.ition of fertilizer in establishl- AllZ asture and, forage crops on the experimental unit have potash er acre received annual applications of 600 pounds of basiO slag peracre,, or 300 pounds , ol 20 p^er cent su-errphos;ha'.te- plus 100 pounds of mriate of potash per acre, In additi on, the oats have been top-dressed each fall and each spring with 100 Pounds of a.mmrnaaoniura, nitrate per acre per application. Thef r escue grass-Ladino clover areas of the -imrproved pasture rece ived 100 pounds of 'i-te and again-in-the spring., fall ani~onumnitateoc4ace T]"Ihe 83 acres of imfproved pasture are used for b oth un Improved p-%asture. inoir and winrte-r grazing. Forty-b-,-hree acre s had been, seeded several. ye ars bef ore teSubstation acquired te land;v but bec ause. of the lack of care and managemenzxt, this area hiad beco-me very weedy and as a result furnished little grazing. 71y slag or superphosphate and -potash, and by mowing for weed annual applications of-L conrol hs ben rou:htbac tofunish good grazing. The remaining ara th Lasadino clover combinations. ecu 140acesar i fsceorchadad ing these oastures was 1,000 pounds of basic slag and 200 pounds of muriato of 40and e 30rpounds feseedig clove.-Afr rimsond tesrce nsrmsncoe ment of phosphate and potash each year, which is based on research results of the Substation. This area is used for summer, late fall, winter, and spring grazing. Crimson clover-ryegrass. There are 25 acres of crimson clover planted in combination with ryegrass that furnish parly fall and winter grazing. On this area, seed are allowed to mature and are combined. The area is then prepared for planting again to crimson clover and ryegrass. Sudan grass followed by fall oats and crimson clover. Twenty acres are planted to sweet Sudan grass about the midd.e of June. The Sudan is grazed or cut for hay; in either case, the land is prepared in September and fall oats and crimson clover are seeded for winter grazing. The oats are either grazed during the spring or cut for hay, whichever is needed most. Experimental plots. There are 13 acres in experimental pasture plots. These include well-knovm grasses and clovers that are grown separately and in various combinations to determine possibilities of better combinations. Because of the very low fertility of the area, 1,000 pounds of basic slag and 200 pounds of muriate of potash per acre were used to establish good stands. FORAGE CROP .and PASTURE APEAS of GRAD~E STEER-FATTENING EXPERIMENT TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, Belle' Nina, Alabama SUDAN GRASS f ollIowed by FALL OATS and CRIMSON CLOVER .-. 20 Acres ORCHARfD GRASSL ADINO 12' Acres ORBCBARD GRASS LADINO 6 Ac re s EXPERIMENTAL PASTURE PLOTS 13 Acres IMPROVED, PASTURE 10 Acres. FESCUE,LADINO 6ArsTo 'be seeded to FESCUE 6 Acres CRIMSON CLOVER and RYEGR ASS 12 Acres I CRIMSON CLOVER and RYEGRASS 13 Acres IMPROVED PASTURE 20 Acres SERICEA, CRIMSON CLOVER RYEGRASS 35 Acres I I >1 I I Hay Shed and Lot I t. ch I IMPROVED PASTURE 23, Acre s f ;P~r ( Fe n c in g XX Il