BULLETIN No. 289 JUNE 1954 AFFECTING GERMINATION RUNNER PEANUTS EXPERIMENT STATION AGRICULTURAL j the ALABAMA POLYTECHNIC I NSTITUTE E. V. Smith, Director Auburn, Alabama in cooperation with UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE Farm Machinery Section CONTENTS Page PRE-HARVEST FACTORS----------------------------------------- 4 Geographic location Soil type-------6----------------- -------- 5----------------- Grade of peanuts Moisture content Free fatty acids -------------------------------- 7-------------8----------9 8----------------- Damaged kernels and free fatty acids Production and harvesting practices__10 Stages of maturity of peanuts Percentage of pops METHOD OF CURING --------------------- --------------------- 11 12 ----------------------------12 -----13 METHOD OF STORAGE__------------------------------------------------ Moisture content Temperature SHELLING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 ....------15 15 ------------------ SUMMARY APPENDIX AND CONCLUSIONS-------------------A, METHODOLOGY --------------------- ------------------------------------------ 19 21 APPENDIX B, APPENDIX TABLES ._.___..............--.-..----------------.22 FIRST PRINTING JUNE 1954, 3M AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS J. HOMER BLACKSTONE, Agricultural Economist HENRY S. WARD, JR., Associate Botanist J. L. BUTT, Associate Agricultural Engineer I. F. REED, Agricultural Engineer, USDA WILLIAM F. MCCREERY, Agricultural Engineer, USDA * S CaCITrr of labor during World War II forced most Alabama peanut growers to discontinue use of hand-shelled peanut seed and to begin use of machine-shelled seed. This change resulted in a new pattern for handling seed peanuts. When hand-shelled seed were used, it was a common practice for each grower to save and store his own planting seed. These were shelled by the producer during the winter and usually were planted with mule-drawn planters. As the use of machine-shelled seed became common, it became more convenient for most growers to purchase shelled and treated seed at planting time than to attempt to store planting seed during the winter and arrange to have them shelled in the spring. This practice placed on the seedsmen the responsibility of selecting good quality seed in the fall, storing them through the winter under conditions that would maintain their viability, and processing them in the spring into a *This report presents part of the information obtained from the research project, "Factors Affecting the Quality of Peanut Seed," conducted cooperatively by the departments of Botany and Plant Pathology, Agricultural Economics, and Agricultural Engineering of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, and the Agricultural Research Service, Farm Machinery Section, USDA. Results of other phases of the study are covered in separate reports. The research on which the project was based was made possible by funds provided by the Research and Marketing Act (Title II), by State Funds, and by a GFA Peanut Association grant. authors are indebted to the farmers who furnished the information on which part of the study is based. For helpful suggestions, special acknowledgement is due Coyt Wilson, Assistant Director; E. F. Schultz, Jr., Assistant Agrono- "The mist; and staff members of the departments of Botany and Plant Pathology, Agri- cultural Economics, and Agricultural Engineering of this Station. Acknowledgement is also due staff members of the Wiregrass Substation, namely: C. A. Brogden, J. A. Starling, and Max C. Sconyers. Professor George W. Snedecor reviewed various statistical techniques for checking and interpreting the data to a much greater extent than would otherwise have been possible. the data involved in the study and made many suggestions that enabled use of 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION product from which the grower could obtain good stands. With the establishment of acreage allotments, good stands became more important. Good stands are the first requirement for high yields. At the same time these changes were developing, the grower was changing from mule-drawn equipment to tractordrawn planters and cultivators, which, moving at a higher rate of speed, created still more problems in obtaining and maintaining stands. Under the stresses of these changing conditions, quite a few growers experienced difficulties with peanut seed of low viability. Some seed lots germinated very poorly; others were exceptionally good. The reasons for these differences were not clear. Many theories were advanced to explain this variation. Some of these were: (1) superiority of peanuts grown in some particular region over peanuts grown in other regions with different soil types and different climatic conditions, (2) improper curing, (3) adverse effects of bulk storage, (4) internal damage resulting from high speed shelling operations, (5) natural deterioration following shelling, (6) improper treatment, and (7) improper production and harvesting practices. Although research information was available on some of these questions, there were many questions that could not be answered. It was obvious that variation in germination of different seed lots of a given variety might be due to (1) factors that operate during the growing and harvesting season, (2) factors that operate during the curing phase, (3) factors that operate during storage, or (4) factors that operate during shelling and processing. Therefore, experiments were begun dealing with each of these groups of problems. PRE-HARVEST FACTORS During the fall of 1950, 135 farms in the Peanut Belt were visited for the purpose of collecting from each a 15-pound sample of picked peanuts and a history of the conditions under which the peanuts were grown. These farms were scattered through the 11 counties comprising the Peanut Belt. (See Figure 1.) Nine farms were included in the sample from each block or area studied. The samples were collected during the period September 25 to November 8. A soil sample and a vine sample of whole plants were collected at each farm. The picked peanuts were placed in paper bags and brought to the laboratory at Auburn within 8 days FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 5 after collection. A sample of the peanuts was removed at the time of collection, weighed, and oven dried to determine the percentages of moisture. At the laboratory each sample was graded to determine the percentages of sound, mature kernels; shrivels; and damaged kernels. The stage of maturity at harvest was determined by opening all peanuts on the vine sample and separating all of those that showed dark color inside the hull. The number of "mature" pods on the vine was divided by the total number of all pods, and the result is expressed as a percentage. The soil samples were used to classify the soil type on which the peanuts were grown. The percentage of free fatty acids in the oil was determined for each sample. Efforts to measure germination at the time Producing Area the samples were collected 5JSample Area and Number were unsuccessful due to the were unsuccessful FIG. 1. Locations of areas studied. fact that runner peanuts are dormant at the time of harvest. The samples of picked peanuts were stored in paper bags placed on shelves in a hardware-cloth cage in an unheated, sheet metal building. After 5 months in storage, the samples were removed and the free fatty acids were again determined. At this time the germination was determined by placing samples in a germinator. Details on methods are given in Appendix A. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION There was considerable belief on the part of some people connected with the peanut industry that certain areas within the Peanut Belt were better adapted than others for the production of seed peanuts. This study was started with the hypothesis that this might be true. Based on this hypothesis, seed peanut samples were collected from north to south and east to west within each 6 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION week in order to hold some factors constant. The data were studied under the following classifications for purposes of checking for geographic differences: (1) 15 areas, (2) north versus south, (3) east versus west, (4) three sub-regions, (5) four subregions, and (6) concentrated versus non-concentrated production areas. The germination of the samples from the 185 individual farms varied from 42 to 98 per cent. Among the 15 areas included in the study, the germination of peanuts, after 5 months of storage, varied from 70 per cent to 89 per cent. The average germination of peanuts from all areas was 80 per cent, Appendix Table 1. Some farmers in all areas except one produced peanuts that had a spring germination of 85 per cent or higher. In two areas, 78 per cent of the farmers produced peanuts with a spring germination of 85 per cent or higher. Appendix Tables 2 through 6 present data for geographic classifications, such as north versus south, etc. There were essentially no differences in the percentage of germination for any of the geographic classifications into which the 15 areas within the 11 counties were grouped. Variations in percentage of germination for areas within these geographic classifications, other than by all areas, were greater than the differences for the average geographic classification. The germination of the 135 samples of peanuts showed a high variation between farms within each block or area and between areas. However, based on the sample, indications were that peanuts of high viability could be produced within any of the 11 counties studied. No one region or sub-region within the 11 counties could be delineated as a geographic location that should be given preference for production of runner peanuts for seed purposes. Regardless of location, some farmers can be expected to produce peanuts of high viability. SOIL TYPE The composite soil samples collected from each sample field were classified into six major groups.' Each of the major groups contained at least 12 farms. The average germination of peanuts from the six various soil groups varied from 78 to 90 per cent, 1 Soils, based on soil samples collected at the time of the survey, were classified and described by L. G. Brackeen, State Soil Surveyor, State Department of Agriculture and Industries. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 7 Appendix Table 7. Considering the small difference found in germination between the six soil groups, only limited preference should be given to any particular soil type in the selection of runner peanuts for seed purposes, unless further evidence is found to indicate that soil types should be used as the only guide. Had it been possible to separate the effect of fertilizer or lime treatment from soil type, it is possible that soil type would have shown a more significant effect on peanut quality. For instance, the red soils on which the highest germination occurred are believed to contain the highest percentage of calcium saturation. GRADE OF PEANUTS Since peanuts are graded for sales purposes, it would be of considerable help if seed peanuts could be selected from commercial nuts on the basis of this same grade determination. SOUND, MATURE KERNELS. As the percentage of sound, mature kernels (SMK) in the sample increased in the fall, so did the percentage of germination, Appendix Table 8. In general, only runner peanuts grading above 65 per cent sound, mature kernels should be sorted from commercial stocks at harvest time to be saved for seed purposes. SHRIVELS. As the percentage of shrivels in the various samples of peanuts increased, the percentage of germination decreased, Appendix Table 9. Shriveled peanuts were not placed in the germinator. However, germination tended to decrease when the sample contained a high percentage of shrivels, even though shrivels were removed by the use of a 15/64-inch screen. Although the differences in the average germination for the various groups based on percentage shrivels were small, it is believed that only peanuts that grade less than 5 per cent shrivels should be saved for seed purposes. DAMAGED KERNELS. As the percentage of damaged kernels other than sheller damage in the various peanut samples increased, the percentage of germination decreased, Appendix Table 10. These data indicate that only peanuts that grade 1 per cent or less damage should be saved for seed purposes. TOTAL MEATS. As the percentage of total meats in the various samples of peanuts increased, so did the percentage of germination, Appendix Table 11. Only peanuts grading at least 72 per 8 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION cent or higher total meats should be saved for seed purposes, if total meats are used as the only selection factor. All peanut samples were graded by official standards (1950). Each sample was scored on the percentage of sound, mature kernels; shrivels; damaged kernels; and total meats. The indications were that any one of these various grade factors could be used to sort runner peanuts for seed purposes from commercial stocks at harvest time. In general, only peanuts grading above 65 per cent, sound, mature kernels, or less than 5 per cent shrivels, or 1 per cent or less in damaged kernels, or at least 72 per cent or higher total meats should be saved for seed purposes, if only one of these measures is used as the basis of selecting seed peanuts. Low damaged kernels or high sound, mature kernels are perhaps the best guides of the various grade factors, provided shelled moisture content is low. MOISTURE CONTENT The moisture content of the individual samples of peanuts at the time of collection varied from slightly under 6 to more than 12 per cent. The average moisture content of all samples was 7.5 per cent. After 5 months of storage, the average moisture content had declined to 5.8 per cent. The individual sample variation was from 4.2 to 9.5 per cent; however, most of the samples tended to group around the average of 5.8 per cent. The results of this study indicate that the lower the shelled moisture content in the fall, the greater are the chances for good germination at the end of the storage period, Appendix Table 12. FREE FATTY AcIDs The percentage of free fatty acids of the peanuts collected from the various farms was determined in the fall of 1950 and again in the spring of 1951 after the peanuts had been in storage for a period of 5 months. On the average, the percentage of free fatty acids of all peanuts increased during storage from 0.56 to 0.77 per cent. In terms of individual samples of peanuts, some increased in percentage of free fatty acids while others decreased. The relationship of percentage of free fatty acids to the percentage of germination is shown in Appendix Tables 13 and 14. The higher the percentage of free fatty acids, the lower was the percentage of germination. Where it is possible to determine the percentage of free fatty acids of peanuts before storage, FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 9 only those containing an average of 0.30 per cent or less free fatty acids should be held for seed purposes. While percentage of germination seems more closely related to percentage of free fatty acids than moisture, it seems that moisture is more nearly the basic causal factor. When high moisture contents exist for a long period, the percentage of free fatty acids builds up fast, which in turn is associated with a low percentage of germination. The higher the moisture content when peanuts were placed in storage, the faster the percentage of free fatty acids developed and the lower the germination became. However, this study does not indicate the part that moisture may play in developing the percentage of free fatty acids while peanuts are in the field. Nevertheless, all evidence of this study indicates that only peanuts with a low fall moisture and a low percentage of free fatty acids should be held for seed use. In case a choice has to be made in the fall between peanuts with a moisture content higher than desirable but with a low percentage of free fatty acids versus peanuts with a desirable moisture content but with a high percentage of free fatty acids, the low percentage of free fatty acids should be favored, provided the peanuts can be stored so that moisture content will decrease rapidly. DAMAGED KERNELS AND FREE FATTY Acms Both damaged kernels and percentage of free fatty acids appeared to be related to germination. When percentages of damage and of free fatty acids were low, a relatively high percentage of germination resulted. Conversely, when the percentages of damage and free fatty acids were both high, germination was low. There were only minor differences in percentage of germination between samples in which the percentage of damage was low and free fatty acids was high on the one hand and samples in which percentage of damage was high and free fatty acids was low on the other. For seed purposes, it is desirable to have stocks that contain 1 per cent or less damaged kernels and 0.30 per cent or less free fatty acids. Under storage conditions for 5 to 8 months, percentage of free fatty acids increased while damage did not make a change. Where a choice in the fall has to be made between seed stocks of low damage and high free fatty acids and those of high damage and low free fatty acids, the seed of low free fatty acids should be favored provided damage does not exceed 2.5 per cent. Beyond this, the percentages of damage and free fatty acids are likely to be too high for peanuts to be 10 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION saved for seed purposes. Three-way comparisons of germination with fall moisture, damaged kernels, and free fatty acids, indicated that variations in fall moisture within the ranges of this experiment, and when relatively rapid drying in storage is assured, was the least important factor of the three in its effect on germination. PRODUCTION AND HARVESTING PRACTICES Germination tests were not made until peanuts had been in storage for 5 months. Since peanuts were dormant at the time they were placed in storage, it was not possible to determine germination accurately in the fall. A reliable germination test in the fall might have indicated some production and harvesting practices that were related to viability that were not shown by germination tests made after a 5-month storage period. Most of the production and harvesting practices tested showed no significant relationship to germination. As the acres of cropland operated per farm increased, so did germination up to the 51- to 100-acre range. When over 100 acres of cropland was operated, germination decreased as the acreage of cropland operated increased, Appendix Table 15. The amount of cropland a given farmer operated may have affected his timeliness of operation and efficiency of various production and harvesting practices followed. These methods and practices seemed to have had some effect on the peanuts grown. During the summer of 1949, there were several different crops planted on the land on which peanuts were grown in 1950. Of the total acreage of peanuts included in this study in 1950, 57 per cent was planted to peanuts, while 21 per cent was planted to corn, 16 per cent to cotton, 1 per cent to other crops, and 5 per cent was idle the previous year. Germination of the peanuts produced in 1950 varied for the different crops grown in 1949, Appendix Table 16. The highest germination occurred when peanuts followed on land that was idle the previous year. Peanuts following peanuts gave the next highest percentage of germination. Regardless of the kind of crop grown, most farmers used 4-10-7 fertilizer under their 1949 crop, which preceded peanuts in 1950, Appendix Table 17. A few farmers used no fertilizer under the 1949 crop and others left the land idle. The 1950 peanut crop showed the highest percentage of germination when grown on land that was not fertilized in 1949. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 11 The kind of fertilizer used with the 1950 peanut crop did not show any effect on germination. This was true when measured in terms of analysis of fertilizer used, and in variations in the amount used. However, the method used to apply fertilizer - offset from the seed or directly under the seed - did show a relationship to germination of peanuts, Appendix Tables 18, 19, and 20. Farms where lime had been used under peanuts at some time during the last 5 years showed a higher percentage of germination than did those on unlimed land, Appendix Table 21. Only the practices just mentioned showed some relationship to germination, although many other farm production and harvesting practices were tested. 2 In some cases, it may be important to know what practices failed to show a relationship to germination. Due to the favorable curing season that existed during this study, and for other reasons, some factors that would normally be expected to affect germination failed to show a relationship in this study. STAGE OF MATURITY OF PEANUTS From the vine sample collected from each farm, all peanuts except pops were opened and examined for maturity. All peanuts that had black or red coloring inside the shell or hull were considered mature. The total number of all black or red-shell peanuts was divided by the total number of all peanuts on the vine, including pops, to determine the percentage of maturity. As the percentage maturity increased, so did the percentage of germination, Appendix Table 22. Indications were that farmers could use stage of maturity as a 2 Major practices that were tested but failed to show a significant relationship to germination were: (1) range in the amount of 4-10-7 fertilizer used with 1949 summer crops and followed with peanuts in 1950; (2) use of winter cover crops ahead of peanuts; (8) kind and amount of fertilizer used with winter cover crops ahead of peanuts; (4) date of disposal of winter cover crops ahead of peanuts; (5) source of peanut planting seed; (6) kind of seed treatment used; (7) pounds of seed peanuts planted per acre; (8) date peanuts were planted; (9) analysis of fertilizer used under peanuts; (10) range in amount of 4-10-7 fertilizer used under peanuts; (11) range in amount of 0-14-10 fertilizer used under peanuts; (12) kind of fertilizer used to side-dress peanuts; (13) time of application of side-dressing; (14) condition of peanut stand at harvest time; (15) effect of insects and diseases on peanut crop; (16) existence of a dusting program and number of dusting applications used; (17) date peanuts were dug; (18) number of days peanuts were al- lowed to grow; (19) method of shaking out dirt; (20) method used to cure peanuts; (21) quality of stacking; (22) number of curing days; (23) method of digging, shaking, curing, and number of curing days combined; (24) date of picking pea- nuts; (25) number of days between planting and picking; (26) kind of picker used; and (27) peanut yield per acre. 12 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION means of deciding when to harvest and for selecting seed peanuts. As the percentage maturity increased, so did the percentage of sound, mature kernels; at the same time free fatty acids decreased. Vine samples should show at least 70 per cent maturity if peanuts from a given field are to be saved for seed purposes. PERCENTAGE OF PoPS The percentage of pops was determined from the vine sample collected at each farm. Most pops are normally discarded by the peanut picker and are not a part of the peanuts sold. Neither are pops used in germination tests. The percentage of pops included in a given sample of peanuts may be indicated by stage of maturity. The relationship between peanut plants that produce a large number of pops and the vitality of mature peanuts on these same plants is shown in Appendix Table 23. A calcium deficiency in the soil results in a high percentage of pops. Only peanuts from fields averaging less than 10 per cent pops should be saved for seed purposes. When the percentage of pops was high, the percentages of sound, mature kernels and of fully mature kernels were low, while the percentages of shrivels and of fall moisture were high. METHOD oF CURING Experiments were conducted at the Wiregrass Substation to compare the germination of peanuts cured by various methods. One test compared peanuts cured by artificial drying from low and high initial moisture contents with peanuts cured in piles, windrows, and stacks. Another test compared the germination of piled, windrowed, and stacked peanuts dug at five dates between October 6 and 17, 1952. A study involving windrowed peanuts alone covered a much wider range of digging dates. A fourth test was made to compare various methods of piling, windrowing, and stacking. Included in this test were peanuts in windrows with (1) the nuts turned up, (2) the nuts turned down, (3) the nuts mixed, and (4) with the tops mowed before digging. Also included were large and small piles, turned and not turned, and stacks formed from peanuts, the tops of which had been mowed before digging. During a good curing season (1952), artificial drying showed no FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 13 advantage over field-cured peanuts, and it may even have had a harmful effect on germination, especially at the higher moisture levels (20 per cent or higher). During a poor curing season (1951), artificial drying demonstrated a definite advantage over the fieldcured methods, Appendix Table 24. Adverse climatic conditions did not allow the field-cured peanuts to dry to a safe storage moisture level. There were no differences in germination of the three field-cured methods in 1951 or 1952. These data suggest a procedure for curing seed peanuts that would take advantage of favorable field-curing seasons but would have stand-by drying facilities as insurance against inclement weather. Neither the time of digging between October 6 and 17, nor the method of field curing of the windrowed, piled, or stacked peanuts had an effect on germination in 1952, Appendix Table 25. Where the peanuts were dug before or after these dates, there was a decrease in germination, Appendix Tables 25 and 26. This demonstrates that peanuts must be fully mature for best germination. and that they should not be left in the ground too long. The various methods of piling, windrowing, and stacking peanuts, indicated in Appendix Table 27, showed different results in the 2 years studied. During a good curing year, 1952, the more exposed curing condition of small piles and windrows resulted in higher germination. However, during the 1950 season when the peanuts were exposed to rain, the peanuts cured in large piles and stacks were best. These tests show that curing procedures resulting in minimum exposure to adverse weather are best for seed peanuts. The data also indicate that of the various methods of field curing tested no one was consistently superior to the others in maintaining high germination. Since the curing season cannot be predicted in advance, one method of field curing cannot be selected from these data as superior to others. The importance of stand-by drying facilities as insurance against unfavorable weather was indicated. METHOD OF STORAGE MOISTURE CONTENT Germination of seed peanuts after storage is dependent on the kernel moisture content at which the peanuts are stored, on the temperature of the storage environment, and the length of storage period. The effect of various kernel moisture contents on germi- 14 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION nation was tested in an experimental set-up without temperature control. These tests were conducted in separate years and the first studies were carried out on a small scale, using glazed tiles as storage containers. In the glazed-tile study, unshelled and shelled peanuts were cured on a canvas in the sun to various moistures. Rain was not allowed to contact the peanuts. Unshelled peanuts were cured to percentages of 10, 8, 7, and 6 kernel moisture contents, while the shelled peanuts were cured to kernel moisture percentages of 9, 7, 6, and 5. The germination percentages of the unshelled and shelled peanuts after 5 and 8 months of storage are given in Appendix Table 28. The temperature and relative humidity that prevailed during the storage period are summarized in Appendix Table 29. The 5-month storage period was characterized by low temperatures with a large number of days of high humidity. This storage environment did not lower germinations as much as did the next 3 months of storage, which was marked by higher temperatures. At the 5month storage interval, which is the normal period between harvest and planting time, germination was 90.8 per cent for unshelled peanuts with 6 per cent kernel moisture content, while in 8 months germination was 75 per cent. At kernel moisture contents above 6 per cent, germination percentages were lowered in proportion to moisture content. Stored shelled peanuts had lower germination percentages than did unshelled peanuts. The foregoing studies showed that for high germination at planting time seed peanuts should be stored unshelled with a kernel moisture of 6 per cent. Storing of seed peanuts for longer than 5 months cannot be done without lowering germination, even at a kernel moisture content of 6 per cent. Additional information on the safe storage moisture for seed peanuts was obtained from storing peanuts at Headland, Alabama, in bin lots ranging in size from 2.3 to 20.6 tons.3 Peanuts were placed in the bins in the fall of 1952 with kernel moistures ranging from 5.2 to 11.4 per cent. Samples were withdrawn from 7 positions within each bin after 5 and 9 months' storage. The average germination percentages of all positions for each moisture range after 5 and 9 months' storage are given in Appendix Table 30. The results, which agree with those from the tile storage studies, show that seed peanuts at low initial ker3 Results from a cooperate project between the Commodity Credit Corporation and the Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA, and the Agricultural Experiment Station. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 15 nel moistures can be stored for 5 months and still result in high germination (91.0 per cent). Reduction in germination occurred after 9 months' storage. Bin storage data show that the moisture limit for high germinating seed peanuts was 6 per cent or less kernel moisture, which is the same limit established for safe storage moisture content by the tile storage studies. TEMPERATURE The investigations on establishment of the safe storage moisture content for seed peanuts indicated that storage temperature affected viability. To study the temperature effect, unshelled peanuts cured to kernel moistures percentages of 8.1, 7.4, 6.8, 5.6, and 5.3 were placed in sealed Mason jars and stored in constanttemperature cabinets at 68'F., 76'F., 86 0 F., and 96'F. The effect of the various storage temperatures on germinability is summarized in Appendix Table 31. These data show that kernel moisture can be raised without lowering germination if temperature is lowered for storage periods of 5 months. For maintenance of high germinability for longer storage (8 months), both kernel moisture and temperature must be low (6 per cent and 68°F.). With kernel moistures below 7 per cent even at 86°F. or 96°F., germination is not lowered for a 5-month storage period. This means that temperature controls in storage structures are not needed for low-moisture seed peanuts if not held beyond planting time. For longer storage some means of holding temperatures below 76°F. is indicated as needed as a part of the storage structure (compare germination at 8 months at 68°F. and higher). SHELLING The results of 3 years' shelling tests, in which the sheller speed, type of cylinder, type of grate, rate of feed, and clearance between the grate and cylinder were varied, show that the germination of undamaged kernels is not affected by these sheller factors. Changing these adjustments or units may affect markedly the quantity of undamaged seed obtained from a given lot of stock peanuts. The operator of the sheller should select equipment and adjust it to damage the least possible number of peanuts, and should arrange equipment, including a picking table, that will enable removal of all shriveled and damaged peanuts from the shelled seed. These seed, if treated before planting with an ap- 16 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION proved fungicide, should germinate approximately as well as hand-shelled seed. The effects of methods of field curing and moisture content at the time of shelling on germination also were studied. Peanuts cured in the field by different methods were shelled by a sheller set up to operate with the best combination of factors found in other tests. The methods of curing used in the field in the 1950 season were: (1) windrow, with peanuts topside; (2) windrow, with peanuts mixed; (3) windrow, with peanuts on bottom; (4) peanuts half cured in windrow, then put in small piles; (5) peanuts in small piles turned during curing; (6) peanuts in small piles; (7) peanuts in large piles turned during curing; (8) peanuts in large piles; and (9) peanuts in small stacks. The percentage of splits, including shriveled kernels which passed through a 13/64 X 3/4-inch screen, and the field germination of samples taken from these curing methods are shown graphically in Figure 2. Data from a similar study in 1952 show the same trends but do not show such extreme variations in percentage of splits or field germination between samples of peanuts cured by the different FIGURE. 2. Effects of curing method on percentage of splits and field emergence. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 17 methods. Curing methods 4, 5, 7, and 8 as used in 1950 were not repeated. These were replaced in 1952 with methods in which most of the tops of peanuts were mowed just before digging, with the peanuts being cured in windrows and stacks. The data in Figure 2 show that the percentage of peanuts split by the sheller varied with the curing rate. The method giving the fastest drying rate produced the most splits. The germination of sound kernels was not affected by curing rate except for the marked increase for peanuts cured in stacks and large piles in 1950. However, this difference was not apparent in the 1952 tests. Results from the tests conducted in 1951 to determine the effect of the moisture content at shelling time on the shelling characteristics and germination are given in Table 1. These data were obtained by shelling samples of peanuts after they had been taken from storage, had water added to increase the moisture, and held for a period of time so that the moisture content was uniform. Results in 1952 from tests using peanuts at different moisture contents from the field closely agree. Although the percentage of splits decreased and the shelling efficiency increased as the moisture content increased, the percentage of germination of the undamaged kernels decreased. Keeping qualities of the peanuts at moisture contents over 7 per cent were greatly reduced as moisture increased; this fact also discouraged shelling peanuts at high moisture contents for seed or edible stock. The importance of using only sound, whole kernels for seed is shown by the data presented in Tables 2, 3, and 4. Data in Table 2 were obtained by passing a sample of shelled, whole peanuts through a series of screens and testing each fraction for germinaTABLE 1. EFFECT OF MOISTURE CONTENT ON SHELLING CAPACITY, PERCENTAGE OF PEANUTS SPLIT, AND GERMINATION OF SHELLED PEANUTS' Moisture content Hulls Kernels Peanuts split Capacity Shelling efficiency Germination in laboratory Per cent 10.52 14.5 Per cent 5.72 8.5 Per cent 15.1 10.2 Lb./Hr. 808 268 Per cent 86.4 88.8 Per cent 81 85 15.8 16.5 9.9 11.8 6.5 5.9 858 428 91.1 98.8 78 68 19.4 14.0 4.2 peanuts. 427 98.9 48 1 Dixie Runner variety. 2 Moisture content of stored 18 TABLE 2. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION RELATIONSHIP OF SIZE OF PEANUT KERNEL TO GERMINATION Size of peanut kernel Germination Percentage of total Inches Over 17/64 17/64- 15/64 15/64 - 13/64 Per cent 90.5 86.0 82.0 Per cent 88.0 7.1 7.9 Under 13/64 70.5 2.0 TABLE 3. RELATIONSHIP OF KERNEL DAMAGE TO GERMINATION BY METHOD OF CURING Damage Germination percentage of peanuts cured in: Sound kernels Visible field damage Partial skin removal Stacks Pct. 77.0 58.0 51.0 Piles Pct. 82.0 27.0 80.0 Windrow Pct. 85.0 49.0 55.0 Complete skin removal Nicked cotyledonary ends Splits with germ remaining TABLE 4. RELATIONSHIP OF KERNEL DAMAGE OF SELECTION 15.0 39.0 41.0 9.0 44.0 16.0 BY 10.0 88.0 48.0 METHOD TO GERMINATION SampleGermination Samplepercentage Per cent Before picking 61.0 After picking Pickings 84.0 0.5 15/64 X 3/4, and tion quality. The screens used had 17/64 X 13/64 X 3/4-inch holes; thus the shelled sample was divided into four parts of different size. Germinability decreased as kernel size decreased. Samples of shelled peanuts were separated according to degree of damage, and the segregated portions were tested according to standard germination tests. Results, as shown in Table 3, indicate that those peanuts showing any damage caused in the field or in the shelling process are inferior in germinability to the whole, sound kernels. A selected lot of peanuts was shelled and the hulls, splits, and unshelled peanuts were removed. A sample was taken from the remainder and tested for germination. For comparison, another sample was taken and those peanuts appearing damaged in any way were removed. Germination tests were run on both the 3/, FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 19 picked-over peanuts and those picked out of the sample. Results of the germination tests, as shown in Table 4, again indicate the importance of using only sound, whole peanuts for seed if a good stand is to be expected. The methods by which these seed were cured and shelled did not appear to be as important as the selection of well developed, sound, whole kernels and the removal of damaged or underveloped kernels from the seed stock. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS This report covers four phases of research on factors affecting germination of runner peanuts. Each phase is reported under a separate section. The germination of the 135 samples of peanuts, collected from individual farms in the 11 counties of the Peanut Belt, showed a high variation between farms and between areas. Indications were that peanuts of high viability could be produced within any county of the Peanut Belt. No one geographic location could be delineated that should be given preference for the production of runner peanuts for seed purposes. Only small differences were found in the percentage of germination of runner peanuts when related to type of soil on which they were produced. Consequently, caution should be used in giving preference to any particular soil type in the selection of runner peanuts for seed purposes. There were indications from this study that runner peanuts for seed purposes could be sorted from commercial stocks advantageously at harvest time if based on the official grade of peanuts. Only peanuts grading above 65 per cent sound, mature kernels; or less than 5 per cent shrivels; or 1 per cent or less in damaged kernels should be saved for seed purposes when any one grade factor is used for sorting purposes. Only peanuts of a low kernel moisture content in the fall should be held for seed purposes. Also, only peanuts containing 0.30 per cent or less free fatty acids should be held for seed purposes. Just a few of the production and harvesting practices followed by farmers seem related to germination of the peanuts. However, some practices that would normally be expected to affect germination failed to show a relationship in this study. Peanuts with a low stage of maturity at harvest time are likely to be high in percentage of free fatty acids and pops, while low 20 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION in percentage of sound, mature kernels. Peanuts should not be saved for seed purposes from fields running low in stage of maturity (under 70 per cent) or high in pops (10 per cent or higher). During a favorable season for field-curing peanuts, artificial drying did not result in higher germination. Indeed, peanuts dried from 20 per cent moisture germinated less than field-cured peanuts. During a poor season for field-curing, however, artificially dried peanuts germinated much better than those cured in the field. For seed peanuts, this suggests field curing where possible, with stand-by facilities for artificial drying when bad weather prevails during harvest season. There was no difference in germination of windrowed, piled, or stacked peanuts in 1952. Maximum germination was obtained during an 11-day digging period. Peanuts dug before or after this peak period showed reductions in germination. Best germination during a good season was obtained from peanuts field-cured in small piles and windrows. Large piles and stacks were best during a poor season for field-curing. Thus, germination was affected more by prevailing weather conditions than by method of field-curing. Germination of seed peanuts after storage is largely dependent on the kernel moisture content at which the peanuts are stored, the temperature of the storage environment, the length of the storage period, and whether stored shelled or unshelled. The results of this study show that unshelled peanuts could be stored either under controlled conditions or in farm-type bins for a period up to 5 months, during which temperatures remained below 96'F. and still have a high germination percentage, provided the peanuts had an initial kernel moisture content of 7 per cent or less. If seed peanuts are to be stored for a period longer than 5 months, a means of holding temperatures below 76°F. should be a part of the storage structure. Germination of undamaged peanut kernels is not affected by such sheller factors as sheller speed, type of cylinder, type of grate, rate of feed, or clearance between the grate and cylinder. However, changing these adjustments or units may affect markedly the quantity of undamaged seed obtained from a given lot of stock peanuts. Low machine damage and removal of all shriveled and damaged seed is necessary for good seed peanuts. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 21 APPENDIX A METHODOLOGY FREE FATTY Acms. The A.O.C.S. 1 Official Method was followed in determining the percentage of free fatty acids in the oil except for the extraction step. A 50-gram sample of peanut kernels was ground in a food chopper, using a tooth blade. The oil was then extracted by means of a Carver Laboratory Press at 20,000 pounds per square inch of pressure. From the extracted oil, a 7.05 g. weighed sample was mixed with 30 ml. of neutral alcohol and 1 ml. of phenolphthalein indicator and titrated to a faint pink color with 0.25 N NaOH. The percentage of free fatty acids were reported as ml. of 0.25 N alkali used. GERMINATIONS. Germination was determined only of the ker- -inch perforation. nels that failed to pass through a 15/64 X No attempt was made to pick out damaged kernels. Before the kernels were placed on the toweling paper, they were dusted with Arasan. Four samples of 50 kernels each were then germinated on rolled towels at alternate temperatures of 30°C. and 20°C. as directed in Rules for Testing Seeds, A.O.S.A.2 The percentage of germination was based on counting as germinable only those seeds that developed normal radicles and plumules free of disease. MOISTURE. Moisture figures were expressed on a percentage wet weight basis of the kernels. Percentages of moisture were determined by taking weighings of 100-gram samples of kernels before and after drying in a forced-draft oven at 130°C. for 5 hours. GRADING. From each of the 15-pound farm samples, a 10-pound sample of peanuts (1950 official method) was placed on a table and well mixed and divided into equal quarters. From one of the quarters, an 8-ounce sample was weighed out and the percentage of foreign material was determined. A weighed 4-ounce sample was taken then from the cleaned 8-ounce sample and was shelled by hand. The shelled peanuts were placed on a 15/64 X 3/4-inch perforated screen. The kernels passing through the screen were 1 "Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemist Society." 2nd Edition. 1946. 2 "Proceedings of the Association of Official Seed Analysts." 1949. 22 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION weighed as other kernels or shrivels. The kernels riding the screen were broken open and examined for concealed damage. The damaged kernels were weighed, and the remaining undamaged kernels were then weighed. The first figure was recorded as damaged kernels and the remaining kernels were noted as sound, mature kernels. These weighings were converted into percentage figures. $Condensed from Official Method, Fresh Products and Standardization and Inspection Division, Fruit and Vegetable Branch, PMA, USDA, 1950. APPENDIX B APPENDIX TABLES APPENDIX TABLE 1. RELATIONSHIP OF AREAS STUDIED TO GERMINATION' AND OTHER FACTORS, 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Average number germination' Area rea numer Per cent 2 8 5 10 12 15 14 11 7 8 4 6 1 9 13 TOTAL OR Percentage of farms Percentage of total farms in with 85 per cent each area by method of curing or higher germinaWindrows Stacks tion in each area Per cent Per cent Per cent 78 67 67 78 56 33 89 89 87 86 85 84 83 81 79 77 76 75 72 72 70 56 83 44 22 33 44 83 11 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 89 22 100 89 100 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 78 0 11 0 0 13 87 44 80 AVERAGE All germination tests were run at the end of a 5-month storage period. 2 Computed F for differences in germination in areas was 3.21. Tabular F was 1.77 at the 95 and 2.24 at the 99 per cent probability level. 1 FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 23 APPENDIX TABLE 2. RELATIONSHIP OF LOCATION TO GERMINATION, 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Region Farms Number gAveratge Per cent 81 80 North' South2 54 81 80 135 TOTAL OR AVERAGE 1 The northern region consisted of areas 7, 10, 12, 18, 14, and 15. (See Figure 1.) 2 The southern region consisted of areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 11. 8 Computed F for differences in germination by regions was 0.41. Tabular F was 3.92 at the 95 and 6.82 at the 99 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 8. RELATIONSHIP OF LOCATION TO GERMINATION, 135 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Region Farms Number gAverageion Per cent 82 78 80 East' West 2 TOTAL OR AVERAGE 81 54 185 SThe eastern region consisted of areas 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 7, 8, 14, and 15. (See Figure 1.) 2 The western region consisted of areas 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 18. ' Computed F for differences in germination by regions was 2.66. Tabular F was 8.92 at the 95 and 6.82 at the 99 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 4. RELATIONSHIP OF LOCATION TO GERMINATION, 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Region Farms Number Area P Area II2 Area IIP 45 54 86 Averagen Per cent 78 81 83 80 185 TOTAL OR AVERAGE 1 Area I consisted of areas 1, 2, 8, 4, and 6. (See Figure 1.) SArea II consisted of areas 5, 8, 11, 18, 9, and 12. Area III consisted of areas 7, 14, 10, and 15. 'Computed F for differences in germination by regions was 1.88. Tabular F was 8.06 at the 95 and 4.76 at the 99 per cent probability level. ' 24 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION APPENDIX TABLE 5. RELATIONSHIP OF LOCATION TO GERMINATION, 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Region Farms Number Average germination 5 Per cent 83 81 82 76 80 Area Area Area Area I II III IV' 86 836 27 86 135 TOTAL OR AVERAGE SArea I consisted of areas 7, 10, 14, and 15. (See Figure 1.) 2 Area II consisted of areas 1, 2, 4, and 5. ' Area III consisted of areas 3, 8, and 11. 4Area IV consisted of areas 6, 9, 12, and 13. SComputed F for differences by regions was 2.58. Tabular F was 2.68 at the 95 and 3.92 at the 99 per cent probability level. There was only 1 probability out of 10 that differences in germination by regions was due to chance. APPENDIX TABLE 6. RELATIONSHIP OF PRODUCTION AREA TO GERMINATION, 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Region Concentrated production areas' Non-concentrated production areas' TOTAL OR AVERAGE Farms Number 72 63 135 gAveratge Per cent 81 79 80 1 The concentrated area consisted of areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, and 14. (See Figure 1.) 2 The non-concentrated area consisted of areas 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15. ' Computed F for differences by regions was 0.57. Tabular F was 3.92 at the 95 and 6.82 at the 99 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 7. RELATIONSHIP OF SOIL TYPES TO GERMINATION, IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 185 FARMS 1950-51 Type of soil Farms Number Averatnge Per cent 90 81 81 80 78 78 80 Greenville Red Bay and Orangeburg Bowie & Norfolk Eustin & Americus Ruston, Shubuta, & Faceville Lakeland & Kalmia TOTAL OR AVERAGE 12 22 23 16 81 81 185 'Computed F for differences by type of soil was 2.04. Tabular F was 2.28 at the 95 and 3.16 at the 99 per cent probability level. There was 1 possibility out of 10 that this difference might be due to chance. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 25 APPENDIX TABLE 8. RELATIONSHIP OF PERCENTAGE SOUND, MATURE KERNELS TO GERMINATION, 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, Percentage of SMK in fall 1950-51 gerage Farms Range 60.0 or less 60.1 - 65.0 65.1 or more TOTAL OR AVERAGE Average 55.8 62.8 68.3 61.2 Number 59 40 36 135 Per cent 76 81 87 80 ular F was 8.06 at the 95 and 4.76 at the 99 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 9. RELATIONSHIP OF PERCENTAGE OF SHRIVEL KERNELS TO GERMINATION, 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 'Computed F for differences in germination by range in SMK was 18.25. Tab- Percentage of shrivels in fall 5.0 5.1 7.1 9.1 Range or less - 7.0 - 9.0 or more Average 4.2 6.4 8.5 11.6 8.1 Farms Number 24 31 44 86 185 gAveragen Per cent 84 81 80 77 80 TOTAL OR AVERAGE 1 Computed F for differences in germination by range in percentage shrivels was 2.00. Tabular F was 2.68 at 95 and 8.92 at 99 per cent probability levels. APPENDIX TABLE 10. RELATIONSHIP OF PERCENTAGE DAMAGED KERNELS TO GERMINATION, 135 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Percentage of damaged kernels in fall Farms geragein Per cent Number Average Range 85 72 0.7 1.0 or less 79 25 2.0 1.1 - 2.0 78 17 2.9 2.1 - 8.0 68 21 5.9 8.1 or more 80 185 2.0 TOTAL OR AVERAGE 1 Computed F for differences in germination by percentage of damaged kernels in the fall was 14.46. Tabular F was 2.68 at the 95 and 8.92 per cent at the 99 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 11. RELATIONSHIP OF PERCENTAGE TOTAL MEATS TO GERMINATION, 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 x gveragen Farms Percentage of total meats in fall Range Under 70.0 70.0- 71.9 72.0- 78.0 Over 78.0 TOTAL OR AVERAGE Average 66.4 70.7 72.5 75.8 71.4 Number 85 84 82 84 185 Per cent 75 78 88 85 80 1 Computed F for differences in total meats was 5.76. Tabular F was 2.68 at the 95 and 3.92 at the 99 per cent probability level. 26 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION APPENDIX TABLE 12. RELATIONSHIP OF FALL SHELLED MOISTURE CONTENT TO GERMINATION, 135 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 11 Percentage of moisture content in fall Farms Average Range 6.9 or less 7.0 - 7.9 8.0 or more TOTAL OR AVERAGE Average 6.5 7.5 9.3 Number 54 51 30 Per cent 82 82 75 7.5 135 80 SComputed F for differences in moisture was 4.48. Tabular F was 3.06 at the 95 and 4.76 at the 99 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 13. RELATIONSHIP OF FALL FREE FATTY Acms TO GERMINATION, 135 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Percentage of free fatty acids in fall Farms Averageti Range 0.30 or less 0.30 - 0.60 0.61 or higher TOTAL OR AVERAGE Average 0.25 .46 1.19 0.56 Number 49 52 84 135 Per cent 85 82 71 80 ' Computed F for differences in germination by range in fall free fatty acids was 19.15. Tabular F was 3.06 at the 95 and 4.76 at the 99 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 14. RELATIONSHIP OF SPRING FREE FATTY Acms TO GERMINA- TION, 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Percentage of free fatty acids in spring Range 0.80 or less 0.81 - 0.60 0.61 or higher TOTAL OR AVERAGE Farms Number 44 84 57 185 Averagen 1 Per cent 85 83 75 80 Average 0.24 .47 1.35 0.77 1Computed F for differences in germination by range in spring free fatty acids was 10.74. Tabular F was 3.06 at the 95 per cent and 4.76 at the 99 per cent probability level. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 27 APPENDIX TABLE 15. RELATIONSHIP OF ACRES OF CROPLAND OPERATED TO GERMINATION, 135 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Number of acres of cropland operated Range 1- 50 51- 100 101- 150 151- 200 201 or more TOTAL OR AVERAGE Average 32 79 117 167 282 85 Farms Number 53 46 20 6 10 135 germination Per cent 78 84 83 77 75 80 1 Computed F for differences in germination by variation in acres of cropland operated was 2.52. Tabular F was 2.44 at the 95 and 3.46 at the 99 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 16. RELATIONSHIP OF 1949 SUMMER CROP PRECEEDING PEANUTS TO GERMINATION, 135 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 1949 summer crop Farms Number ermination Per cent 82 80 77 60 87 80 2 Peanuts Corn Cotton Other crops None TOTAL OR AVERAGE 55 38 33 2 7 135 ' Other crops were watermelons and sorghum. SComputed F for differences in germination by crops was 3.48. Tabular F was 2.44 at the 95 and 3.46 at the 99 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 17. RELATIONSHIP OF KIND OF FERTILIZER USED WITH SUMMER CROP TO GERMINATION, 135 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 1949 Kind of fertilizer used on Average amount used per acre 1949 summer crop Farms Average germination' Pounds 4-10-7 0-14-10 Other None TOTAL OR AVERAGE 332 857 337 0 Number 80 7 88 10 185 Per cent 82 80 76 86 80 828 SComputed F for differences by kinds of fertilizer was 2.78. Tabular F was 2.68 at the 95 and 8.92 at the 99 per cent probability level. 28 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION USED APPENDIX TABLE 18. RELATIONSHIP OF METHOD OF APPLYING FERTILIZER WITH PEANUTS TO GERMINATION, 122 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Method of applying fertilizer Farms using fertilizer Average germination Number Off-set from seed Directly under seed TOTAL OR AVERAGE Per cent 86 80 81 18 104 122 x Computed F for differences in germination by methods of applying fertilizer was 3.99. Tabular F was 3.92 at 95 and 6.84 at 99 per cent probability levels. APPENDIX TABLE 19. RELATIONSHIP OF METHOD OF APPLYING 4-10-7 FERTILIZER TO PEANUTS TO GERMINATION, 81 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Method of applying 4-10-7 fertilizer Farms fertilizer 4-10-7 using Number 18 Average germination' Per cent 87 Off-set from seed Directly under seed TOTAL OR AVERAGE 68 81 80 81 SComputed F for differences in germination by method of applying fertilizer was 4.35. Tabular F was 8.96 at 95 and 6.96 at 99 per cent probability levels. APPENDIX TABLE 20. RELATIONSHIP OF THE METHOD OF APPLYING 0-14-10 FERTILIZER TO PEANUTS TO GERMINATION, 23 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Method of applying 0-14-10 fertilizer Off-set from seed Directly under seed TOTAL OR AVERAGE Farms using 0-14-10 fertilizer Number 8 20 28 Average germination' Per cent 91 80 81 xComputed F for differences in germination by methods of applying fertilizer was 3.49. Tabular F was 2.97 at the 90 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 21. RELATIONSHIP OF THE USE OF LIME TO GERMINATION, 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Practice followed Farms Number 28 107 185 Averageion Per cent 86 80 80 Used lime in last 5 years Had not used lime in last 5 years TOTAL OR AVERAGE Computed F for differences in germination by practice followed was 2.75. Tabular F was 2.71 at the 90 per cent probability level. ' FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 29 APPENDIX TABLE 22. RELATIONSHIP OF STAGE OF MATURITY TO GERMINATION, 135 FARMS IN PIEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Percentage of stage of maturity Farms Average germination Range 41 -60 61 -80 81 or more TOTAL OR AVERAGE Average 53 70 84 61 Number 38 738 6 135 Per cent 79 82 89 80 F for differences in germination by stage of maturity was 2.70. Tabular F was 2.68 at the 95 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 23. RELATIONSHIP OF PERCENTAGE POPS TO GERMINATION, xComputed 185 FARMS IN PEANUT AREA, 11 COUNTIES IN SOUTHEASTERN ALABAMA, 1950-51 Percentage of pops Farms Average germination 1 Range 10 or less 11 -20 21 -30 81 or more TOTAL OR AVERAGE Average 7 15 24 40 18 Number 37 54 22 22 135 Per cent 84 80 81 74 80 1 Computed F for differences in germination by percentage pops was 3.42. Tabular F was 2.68 at the 95 and 3.92 at the 99 per cent probability level. APPENDIX TABLE 24. GERMINATION OF PEANUTS CURED BY VARIOUS METHODS-- 1951 crop 1952 crop Treatment Moisture at harvest Germination in March, 19521 Moisture at harvest Germination in May, 19532 Per cent Windrowed 16.7 Per cent 47 Per cent 6.0 Per cent 73 Piles Stacked Dried artificially from low moisture Dried artificially 15.6 10.7 14.0' 52 57 79 6.0 6.0 18.1' 67 71 66 from high moisture 80.0' 72 20.6" 59 1 The 1951 germination percentage obtained by Official Association of Seed Analysts Germinator Method. 2 The 1952 percentage is average of two germination percentages and one field emergence count. Artificially dried peanuts brought to 5 and 6 per cent moisture. ' 30 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION APPENDIX TABLE 25. GERMINATION OF WINDROWED, PILED, AND STACKED PEANUTS DUG ON FIVE DATES BETWEEN OCTOBER 6 AND OCTOBER 17, 1952 Digging date Percentage of moisture 1 at harvest Percentage of 2 germination Windrowed Piled StackedWind- Piled Stacked October October October October October AVERAGE 6 11 13 15 17 Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent 92 83 99 5.0 5.0 5.0 87 90 95 5.0 5.0 5.0 80 87 88 5.0 5.0 6.0 79 94 89 8.0 5.0 5.0 90 71 74 8.0 11.0 11.0 89.0 85.4 85.6 1 Steinlite moisture tester. Association of Seed Analysts Germination Method. 2Official APPENDIX TABLE 26. THE EFFECT OF TIME OF DIGGING ON GERMINATION OF WINDROW-CURED PEANUTS IN THE FALL OF 1952 Digging date September 15, 1952 September 21, 1952 September 27, 1952 Moisture content at harvest' Per cent 6.0 6.0 6.0 Germination 2 Per cent 68 78 84 October October October October October 1 2 3, 1952 9, 1952 15, 1952 20, 1952 26, 1952 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 88 96 95 73 85 Steinlite moisture tester. Official method of American Association of Seed Analysts. Germination tests made in May, 1953. APPENDIX TABLE 27. EFFECT OF INDICATED TREATMENTS ON GERMINATION PEANUTS FIELD-CURED TO A SALEABLE MOISTURE CONTENT OF Percentage of germination" Treatment 1950 1952 Per cent Per cent 79 49 Windrowed with nuts up 81 53 Windrowed with nuts mixed 86 49 Windrowed with nuts down 69 Cured part in windrow then in small piles 84 Windrowed with tops mowed before digging 64 Small piles turned 85 59 Small piles 63 Large piles turned 79 Large piles Small stacks 73 74 72 Stack with tops mowed before digging 1 Germination percentage shown is average of germination and field emergence percentages. There was a correlation between germinator and field emergence data. FACTORS AFFECTING GERMINATION of RUNNER PEANUTS 31 APPENDIX TABLE 28. THE GERMINATION OF UNSHELLED AND SHELLED PEANUTS AFTER STORAGE AT VARIOUS MOISTURE LEVELS FOR 5 AND 8-MONTH PERIODS IN GLAZED TILES AT AUBURN, ALABAMA, 1949- 1950 Unshelled kernel kernel Mean storage kernel Germination after storage for moisture Per cent 10.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 8 5 kernel moisture months months Per cent Per cent Per cent 14.5 8.0 65.5 75.0 64.6 6.5 69.0 81.3 6.0 75.0 5.7 90.8 Shelled Germination Mean Initialstorage after storage for kernel kernel 5 8 moisturekre8 months months Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent 28.0 7.3 70.5 9.0 59.0 76.5 7.0 6.4 73.0 60.0 5.7 6.0 45.0 68.3 5.0 5.8 APPENDIX TABLE 29. A SUMMARY OF TEMPERATURES AND RELATIVE HUMIDITIES THAT PREVAILED IN THE STORAGE STRUCTURE AT AUBURN, ALABAMA, 1949-50 Month with mean temMeaan monthly Days above temperature OF Number 49.0 2 70'F Days with mean relaMean monthly tive humidites above humperatures 75 per cent relative Number Per cent 64.5 8 November December January February March April May June July 39.5 42.5 48.0 56.5 61.5 78.5 76.5 80.0 0 0 0 1 7 19 80 81 72.0 69.5 74.5 68.0 68.0 61.0 72.5 75.0 18 11 19 18 9 4 15 13 APPENDIX TABLE 80. THE EFFECT OF INITIAL KERNEL MOISTURE CONTENT ON THE GERMINATION OF PEANUTS STORED FOR 5 MONTHS AND 9 MONTHS IN BINS AT HEADLAND, ALABAMA, 1952-53 Initial kernel moistureuvr Per cent 11.4 8.4 6.4 5.2 Initial germinationafter germination Germination a 5month storage period Germination Per cent 76.0 88.0 95.0 88.0 Per cent 63.0 74.0 83.0 91.0 after a 9month storage period Per cent 29.0 53.0 69.0 74.0 ON THE APPENDIX TABLE 31. THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS STORAGE TEMPERATURES GERMINATION OF PEANUTS AT VARIOUS KERNEL MOISTURES AFTER 5 AND 8 MONTH STORAGE PERIODS Kernel moisture content Pct. 8.1 7.4 6.8 Germination after 5 months at 68 0 F 76 0 F 86 0 F 96 0 F Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. 78.0 90.0 90.0 _...43.0 __ Germination after 8 months at 68 0 F 76 0 F 86 0F 96 0 F Pct. Pct. Pct. Pct. 31.0 55.0 22.0 13.5 3.0 . 90.0 8.0 90.0 _ - . 90.0 6.3 5.6 5.3 90.0 90.0 90.0 84.0 92.0 91.0 82.0 86.0 84.0 92.0 86.0 81.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 63.0 61.0 82.0 54.5 55.0 80.0 86.0 46.5 68.5 -