RESEARCH RESULTS FOR FLO~IER GROV\lERS CHRYSANTHEMUM STUDIES 1966-67 Kenneth C. Sanderson and Willis C. Hartin, Jr. Horticulture Series No. 9 RESEARCH RESULTS FOR FLO'fere made: one on June 1, 1966 and a second on June 22, 1966. Plant height was recorded above the pot rim. The number of flowers per plant was observed. A difference of 0.2 flmvers per plant adds one flov1er to a pot. Table 1. Influence of Boron and Sucrose Additions on N-dimethylamino Succinamic Acid Sprays Applied to Chrysanthemums Treatment Hean height In. 11.5 Flowers/plant No. + 5% -:- .5% + 50 -,- 50 -:- 50 Check, 0. 25~~ B-Nine . • . • Sucrose • . . . . . • • -r 105 ~ Sucr·o se • ppm Boron • ppm Boron ·. · 5% Sucrose • • ppm Boron -;- 5?; -,· 10% Sucrose 11.5 11.8 12.3 12.5 12.2 3.9 4.1 4.1 3.7 3.6 3.9 l1ean . . . . . ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~~~~----~1~2~·~2~--------------~·~9~-------The addition of boron to sprays containing B-l,J ine reduced the effectiveness of gr01rth retardation. Plants that did not receive boron 1.vere shorter than those that did (1able 1). The addition of boron also reduced the number of flower per plant. Sucrose additions had very little effect on height and flov1er number when combined 1·J i th B-Nine alone. B-Nine plus boron and sucrose produced the tallest plants and fewest flmvers. B. Antitranspirants Three e.::~eriments 'vere conducted on chrysanthemums utilizing various antitranspirants in combination with B-Nine. In E:::periment I, 24 pots each of the 2 chrysanthemum cultivars, 'Golden Yellow Princess Anne' and 1 Delaivare' , >vere given 2 applications of B-Nine as foll01rTS : 11 For more detailed information on specific questions, contact the authors at Department of Horticulture, 'Funchess Hall, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36830. Note: Trade:nemes of ~terials appearing in this report do not imply endorsement by Auburn University _ Agricultural Experiment Station. All cuttings utilized in ch~Jsantherrrum1 research are donated by Yoder Brothers, Barberton, Ohio. 2/ 2 (1) 0. 25% B-Nine in 5a Green-Glo (Green-Glo is the registered trade fo mark of the Green-Glo Company for a foliar wax material). (2) 0.25% B-Nine plus Celaseal 2.5 ml./qt. (Celaseal is an antitranspirant consisting primarily of phenyl mercuric acetate. It, along with Stoma-seal was supplied by the Aquatrol Corporation of America). (3) 0.25% B-Nine plus Stoma-seal 2.5 ml./qt. (4) 0.25% B-Nine, check. Spray applications were made on June 29, 1966, and July 20, 1966. The flowering tim from potting, plant height above the pot rim, and number of e flowers per plant were recorded. The addition of Green-Glo to B-Nine sprays resulted in a longer flowering time and shorter plants (Table 2). B-Nine plus Stom a-seal reduced both height and floHer number and increased flowering time of 'Golden Yellow Princess Anne' but resulted in death of the terminal grmving point of 'Dela1 vare 1 • Stoma-seal may be phytotoxic to certain culti vars of chrysanthemums. Table 2. Influence of Selected Antitranspirants on Action of N -dimethylamino Succinamic Acid (B-Nine) on Uean Flowering Tir,le-3 Height and Number of Flowers per Plant of Chrysanthemum Treatment Flovrering Time Height Anne Del. N ean Anne Del. l 1Iean Days Days Days In. In. In. Flower per Plant Anne Del. Mean 0.25% B-N ine + 0. 255'b B-N ine -;0. 25% B-Nine -:0.2 ":, B-N ine 1 Phytotoxic, . 90 . 86 93 . . . . . . .. 86 Green-Glo Celaseal. Stoma-seal 90 86 86 90 86 86 12 14 ll Q ~ 10 N o ll 11 12 12 No1/ -- N.2.:. 3.6 3.8 3.0 N.2.:. 3.8 3.8 No ~·~ N.2.:. 3.1 3.8 .2·6 1.2 lr..illed terminal, no records . 2·8 Follmring up on the results of Green-Glo in Experiment I, an experiment (Experiment II) was conducted utilizing various concentrations of Green-Glo in combination th B-!Jine. Ti.vo 1 veeks after pinching the following treatments were sprayed on the cultivar 'Golden Yello-v1 Princess Anne': 1) Check, 0.25% B-Nine, 2) 0 . 255~ B-Nine in 10% Green-Glo, 3 ) 0. 25% B-Nine in 2(Jj{; Green-Glo, 4) 0. 25% B- iJine in 30% Green-Glo, 5) 0. 25% B-Nine in 4(J}b Green-Glo, 6) 0. 25% B-Nine in 5CJ,~ Green-Glo. The addition of various concentrations of Green-Glo to B-Nine sprays produced very sm all differences in mean plant height (Table 3). Green-Glo additions m have produced differences in the number of flmvers per plant. ay Plants sprayed H th B-N i ine in a 5 (J}~ Green-Glo ~-ture had the most flov1ers per plant. 3 Table 3. Influence of Varying Concentrations of Green-Glo on Action of N-dimethylamino Succinamic Acid (B-Nine) on l-iean Height and Number of . Flouers per Plant of ChrysantJ:l.emum. cv. 'Golden Yellmr Princess Anne 1 Treatment Check, 0. 255j 0. 25% B-Nine 0.25% B-Nine 0. 257b B-l·Jine 0.25% B-Nine 0.25% B-Nine D-Nine • • . . . in l(4b Green-Glo in 20% Green-Glo in 307b Green-Glo in 407~ Green-Glo in 50% Green-Glo . • • . . . Height Flowers In. 13.1 13.3 12.9 12.4 13.2 12.6 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.4 N£:.. In Experiment III, Stopwilt (a vinyl resin based antitranspirant manufactured by the Doggett-Pfeil Company, Springfield, N. J.) uas combined ;.dth B-Bine, Table 4. Plants of the culti var 1 Golden Yello>-v Princess Anne 1 \vere sprayed 16 days after pinching. The results in Table 4 indicate that Stopwilt combined 1.v.ith B-Nine produces slightly shorter plants than B-Nine alone. The number of flm-vers per plant very little differences. Table 4. Influence of Antitranspirant, Stoptdlt, in Combination 1rdth N-dimethylamino Succinamic Acid (B-Nine) on liean Height and Number of ---=F-=l:.;;o;.:..:v.r:.e. s per Plant of Chrysanthemum,cv. 'Gold'?.~llow Princess Anne' r Treatment Check, 0. 25~~ B-Nine • . • • . . • • 0.25% B-Nine in 1 part Stopwilt, 6 parts water • . . 0.25% B-l'Iine in 1 part Stopwilt, 8 parts water • • . 0.25% B-Nine in 1 part Stopwilt, 10 parts water • • . 0.25% B-Nine in 1 part Stopwilt, 12 parts uater • • • 0.25~~ B-N ine in 1 part Stoptdlt, 14 parts water • . . 0.25% B-Nine in 1 part Stoptdlt, 16 parts water • C. Fungicide Compatibility Height In. Flower per Plant No. 12.6 ll.6 2.7 2.5 12.0 11.6 12.0 12.3 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.7 2.6 11.6 1\.rent;y--seven pots each of . the chrysanthemum cultivars 'Golden Yellow Princess Anne' and 'Dela;·m re' ;-.rere divided into three replications and sprayed as follo1.vs . 1) 0.255'~ B-Nine check, 2) 0.25% B-Nine plus Ferbam, 1.7 g./qt., 3) 0. 25~~ D-Nine plus Zineb, 1. 7 g./qt. The spray applications v,rere made 2 weeks after the plants ,..,ere pinched. A second application \'las made 5 weeks after the pinch. The addition of a fungicide , seems to reduce effectiveness of the grm'lth retardant (Table 3). }ietallic ions in the fungicide may be responsible for this result. .. 4 Table 5. Influence of Fungicides Ferbam and Zineb in Combination with N-dimethylamino Succinamic Acid (B-N ine) on Iv iean Height and N umber of Flowers per Plant of the Chr ysanthemum Cultivars 'Golden Y ellmv Princess Anne' and'Delaware' Treatment A nne In. Height i Del. fJean In. In. 10.0 10.5 10.5 10.3 10.5 11.3 11.4 11.1 Flowers Eer Plant Iv iean Anne Del. lli?..:. 3.1 3.0 3-4 3.2 lli?.:. 2.8 3.0 ~ + Ferbam 1.7 g./qt + Zineb 1.7 g./qt ]VIean • D. 0. 25~b B-lJine check • 11.0 12.0 12.3 11.8 2.7 2.8 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.0 'Pirr=i:.midine and Purine Bases Uracil, Caffeine, and Xanthine were added (50 ppm of each) to 0.25% B-Nine sprays and applied to the two cultivars of chrysanthemums, 'Golden Ye11m• Princess Anne' and 'DelaH are'. Applications \vere made 2 and 5 lfeeks after the plants were pinched. The addition of Pyrimidine and Purine bases to B-Nine sprays did not influence the height of chrysanthemums. Plants that were sprayed \vi th B-Nine combined with a Pyrimidine and Purine base had less flouers than those sprayed only with B-Nine (Table 5). E. Yeast and A scorbic Acid Yeast (50 ppm) or ascorbic acid (1,5000 ppm) were added to B-Nine spray solutions. Plants of t;vo chrysanthemums culti vars uere sprayed 2 and 5 \veeks after pinch. The check consisted of B-Nine 0.25%. The addition of yeast or ascorbic acid to a B-J'Jine spray solution did not influence the grovvth-retarding action of B-Nine. Plants receiving B-Nine combined uith as corbic acid or yeast had more flouers per plant (Table 6). F. Fer_!.ilizers B-Nine sprays were amended with : 1) potassiwa nitrate 2.5 g./qt.; 2) 20-20-20 2.5 g./qt. ) 3) iron chelate 1 g./qt. The check consisted of 0.25% B-Nine alone. 'Golden Ye11mv Princess Anne 1 cultivars of chrysanthemu.l'Jl vvere sprayed with the above solutions 2 and 5 weeks after pinching. Addition of fertilizer materials to the B-N ine spray does not influence the height of the plant (Table 6). Flower number per pot \'Ias slightly increased when 20-20-20 uas added to the spray. Iron chelate-B-Nine spray severely damaged the foliage of both cultivars. This combination also delayed flowering. G. Iill__ the Spra:v SGilution o[_ The pH of the 0.25% B-Nine was adjusted with hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide to give the following sp:ray solutions ; pH 4.5, and pH 8.5. A check ent) had a pH of 7.4. The cultivars, ' Golden Yellow Princess Anne' (no adjustm and 'Delm.rare 1 uere sprayed ldth these solutions 2 and 5 '"eeks after the pinch. 5 Plants that received a spray solution adjusted to pH 8.5 were shorter than plants receiving spray solutions of pH 7.4 and pH 4.5. Flowers per plant were reduced uhen the pH of the B-Nine solution > vas adjusted to 4.5 (Table 6). Table 6. Influence of N-dimethylamino Succinamic Acid (B-Nine) Combined Various Additives on Hean Height and Number of Flowers per Plant of Chr;rsanthemum Treatment Anne Height Del. Nean Flower per Plant Anne Del. Nean In. Pyrimidine and Purine Check, 0. 25~; B-Nine. • •• 15.5 -,- 50 ppm Uracil . • 15.5 -;- 50 ppni. Caffeine •• 15.0 -,- 50 ppm ~:anthine 15.5 ~iean . . . . . . . . 15.4 Yeast and As corbic Acid Check 0. 25~; B-Nine • • • + 50 ppm Yeast • • • • • + 1500 ppm Ascorbic acid Mean • . • • • . • • 17.0 17.0 17.5 17.2 12.0 12.0 12.5 13.8 13.8 13.8 12.5 12.2 13.5 13.0 13.5 13.3 14.0 13.8 15.2 15.0 3 .2 3.0 3 .0 3.0 J.O 3.1 3.2 J.2 3.1 3.0 3.1 3.0 2.9 3.0 3.8 3.0 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.4 3.5 3.3 15.5 15.2 14.8 15.0 Fertilizers Check, 0 • 25); D-Nine 13.0 16.5 T KN03 2.5 g ./qt • • • . 16.5 13.5 • 16.0 . 13.0 .. . 20-20-20 2.5 g./qt -:- Fe Chelate 1 g./qt • . • 16.5 13.0 Mean . • • • . • •• 16.4 13.1 14.5 14.8 14.8 3.3 3.3 3.5 2.9 3.3 pH of Spray Solution Check, Ta? H20 7.4 • • • • 19.5 13.0 16.5 J.3 3.8 3.5 pH 4. 5 • . • • • • • 19 •0 13 • 5 16 •3 3 .1 3.2 3 •2 pH 8.5 • • • • • • • . 18.0 13.0 15.5 3.5 J.6 3.5 Nean • • • • '_..;_'...;'__.;...'...;'__.;...'...;'......;:;.18_._8_...;;1=..3..:...'__ 0 _ _~3_._1_....;3;...•;..;.5_ _..:;..3..:...·4.:.--2 1,;_6_._ II. A COllP.i\I:ISON OF PEAT AND BAGASSE-AHENDED SOIIS ON G ROlJTH OF SEVERAL CUT CHRYSANTH llJE CULTIVARS El- ~vo eJ~eriments were conducted during 1966-67 comparing peat and bagasse on cut chr3rsanthemums. In Experiment I, 19 cult ivars of chrysanthemums 1.vere grO"wn in 2 c;oil mixtures; one mixture consisted of half sandy loam and half imported peat m oss, the other 1.v-as half sandy loam and half bagasse (a sugar cane by-product furnished by the 1'1cCarthey Company and sold tmder the trade name of Bet-D.-Growth). Both soil mixtures Here limed to adjust the pH to 6.0 and steam sterilized. The same soil miJ~ures (steamed and adjusted to the proper pH) uere used in Experiment II. Only tuo cultivars, 'Giant 14 Indian1 apolis Uhi te 1 and 1 Giant /14 Indianapolis Yellou 1 , 1.1ere grmm in Experiment II. 6 The original fertilizer scheduled for gxperiment I was 1 oz. of 25-10-10 per 5 gal. of "Hater each '\!leek. Early in the experiment it vms revised to 1 oz. of 25-10-10 per 4 gal. of uater each week. Experiment II was fertilized according to this revision. The revision Has necessary to maintain good leaf color in plants gr01m in the bagasse-amended soil. The rapid breakdmm and leaching of bagasse or both may have been responsible for increased fertilizer requirements. Bagasse-amended soil ,,,as observed to dry out sooner and require more frequent liatering. In both experiments flollering stems of plants gr01m in peat-amended soil \veighed more than those gr01m in ·b agasse-amended soil (Tables 7 and 8). In Experiment I, peat-gr01·m stems >vere longer than those grmm in bagasse. In Experiment II mean stem length uas greater Hhen the plants Here grown in the bagasse-amended soil, however, Giant #4 Indianapolis Yellow had longer stems \vhen grmm in a peat-amended soil. Flower diaB.eter did not differ in these experiments. Nutrient deficiency symptoms observed 'd th bagasse in Experiment I were not evident in Experiment II. Table 7. Influence of Peat-and Bagasse-Amended Soils on Uean Fresh ~'leight, Stem Length and Flmver Diameter of Several Cut Chrysanthemum Cultivars Stem weight Peat Bagasse Stem length Peat Dagasse In. In. Flmrer diameter Peat Bagasse In. In. Cultivar Akron Neus • • . • • • Calvert's C~ld Shoesmith • CF 1 Good Hews • • :!2 Columbia • • • • • • Condor . . . • . . . . • g. g. 64.0 68.0 63.4 92~7 Dark YelloH Duckeye • Detroit ITeus • . . . • • Envoy . . . . . . . • . . Giant Betsy Ross • • • . Gt. 7;14 Indianapolis liJhi te • Gt. //4 Indianapolis Yellmv. Good Ne>Ts i;:2 . . . . . . . Indianapolis Pink . • • • . Indianapolis Pink /}3 • • • Rainier • . . . • • • . • . Rosamunci • • • • • • Star Streamer • Streamer •• .• 124.3 Yell0\'1' Knight • 49.5 Trident • • . 56.7 l1Iean . . . . . . . . . . 95.1 71.3 52.4 58.5 58.0 63.2 67.9 51'.8 66.7 63.0 88.7 72.8 59.2 69.3 67.6 53.0 56.2 76.3 87.1 64.3 57.7 54.0 62.2 62.9 63.4 50.6 62.6 60.2 49.3 71.9 57.7 87.0 47.3 51.6 62.1 .30·9 22.2 27.4 31.6 29.3 27.9 24.2 20.4 26.8 23.1 .31~5 28.4 21.2 25.1 26.1 24.0 24.0 18.8 27.8 23.2 22.0 25.1 22.0 23.3 29.7 23.2 28.2 27.8 25.1 22.0 4.7 5.0 4-7 4.4 4-5 5.1 4.2 4.p 5.0 24.9 4.7 4.9 4·. 6 4.6 4.8 4.4 5.4 4.3 4.7 4.9 4.9 26.5 24.4 24.4 33.0 25.8 29.7 32.7 27.0 25.6 4.1 4.8 4.8 5.0 4.3 5.0 4.7 4.1 4.8 4.9 4.2 4.7 4.8 4.8 5.1 5.8 5.8 4.8 26.2 -. 24.9 5.0 6.1 4.2 4.8 7 Table 8. Influence of Peat-and Bagasse-Amended Soils on l·fean Fresh Height, Stem Length, and Flovrer Diameter of Cut Chrysanthemum Cultivars, Giant N+ Indianapplis \'lfhi te and Giant ;;~4 ]ndi.enapolis Yellow Cultivar ~weight Peat ' g. Bagasse g. S;te!!l_length Peat Bagasse In. In. Flmier diameter Peat Bagasse In. In. Gt. tf4 Indianapolis Hhi te • 65.9 Gt. #4 Indianapolis Yellov.r. 71.6 lie an 68.8 ...!.......!.. • .!.. ... ..... 66.6 66.2 66.!:z. 24.6 26.0 25.2 24.6 2lt.. 9_22. 3 5.0 5 .o 2·0 5.0 5.0 2·0 III. GRO\ITH AHD KEEPING QUALITY CONP.ARISONS OF POTTi::D CiffiYS.ANTHENUNS GROtVN IN SEVERAL HEDIA Rooted chr7santhemum cuttings of the tuo cultivars, •Golden Yellow Princess Anne' and 1 Delalfare 1 <'lere potted in 10 different soil n'lixtures. Equal portions of ingredients 11ere used in all mixtures. The mixtures ·H ere: 1) soil and peat; 2) soil and bagasse; 3) soil, perlite and peat ; 4) soil, perlite, and bagasse; 5) sand and peat ; 6) sand and bagasse ; 7) vermiculite and peat; 8) vermiculite and bagasse ; 9) calcined clay (Sorbolite clay furnished by Clay Products Co., Bradenton, Fla.) and peat; 10) calcined clay and bagasse. Lime requirements uere determined for each mi.."rt.ure and lime .added accordingly. Other fertilization consisted of 2 lb. of superphosphate and 2 lb. of 8-8-8 fertilizer per cubic yard of mixture. Follmdng planting, the plants were fertilized on a t\dce ueekly basis >dth 25-10-10 at the rate of 1 oz. per 4 gal. of uater. The experiment Has repeated four times during 1966 and each time with 3 replications, 2 varieties and 10 soil mixtures. Grm·rth measurements were made on all plants. Two plants from each soil mixture liere selected for keeping quality determinations at a stage prior to complete petal expansion. Keeping quali t~r determinations vrere made in a controlled environmental chamber. Plants uere maintained on 9-hour days at 450 foot candles of incandescent light and a temperature of 70c F. (night and day). The keeping quality of the pot plants v ms determined by the number of days in the room v1hen 75~; of the flmvers shmved aging. Host plants greu satisfactorily >dth the e::ception of those potted in sandpeat and sand-bagasse mixtures. Plants in these mixtures both in the greenhouse and gro>rt.h chamber often exhibited chlorosis (probably over>vatered), uere delayed in flmrering, were slightly shorter, and had less flowers than plants in the other mixtures. The tallest plants were grmm in media mi::tures of soil and peat and soil, peat and perlite. Plants grmm in peat-amended mixtures had a mean height of 14.7 in., uhereas those grown in bagasse-amended mixtures v1ere only slightly shorter (14.4 in.). A soil and peat medium produced the most flmvers per plant 3.9, whereas calcined clay and peat, sand and peat, and sand and bagasse had the fewest flo<'lers 3.4, (Table 9). Sand-amended mixtures had less flo>vers per pot than the other r.'lixtures (Table 10). Nixtures containing soil and an amendment had the most flm·T ers, Peat (3.6) and bagasse (3.5) amended soils produced essentially the same number of flower per plant. 8 Plants grmm in a mediu11 consisting of calcined clay and peat moss had 1 the best mean keeping quality: 29.4 days (Table 9). '.Che poorest keeping quality (24.8 days) lvas that of plants gro:.m in soil, perlite and bagasse, and vermiculite and peat. Iv iedia mixtures containing calcined clay had the best keeping quality (Table 10). Ivledia combinations consisting of soil and perlite amended 1dth peat or bagasse had the poorest keeping quality. Peatamended media (26.3 days) were not very different in keeping quality than bagasse-amended media (26.6 days). Table 9. Influence of Nedia on the Hean Height, Number of Flowers per Plant, and Keeping Quality of Potted Chrysanthemums 1/ lledia Y Height [).m-rers. per plant No. KeepinA: guali ty Days Soil & Peat 25.8 3.9 Soil & Bagasse • . • • • • . 26.7 3.7 Soil, Perlite & Peat • . • • 3. 6 25.1 Soil, Perlite & Bagasse • • • 24.8 3.5 Sand & Peat • . . . . • • • • 26.2 3.4 Sand & Bagas s e • • • • • . • • 25.9 3-4 Vermiculite & Peat • • . • • • 3.8 24.8 Vermiculite & Bagasse • • . • . 27.7 3.5 Calcined clay & Beat • • • • • 29.4 3.4 Calcined clay & Bagasse • • • 3.6 27.8 lJean . . . . . • . . . . . . . i 26.4 3.6 1/ Two cultivars of chrysanthemum were used in this study: 'Golden Yellow Princess Anne' and 'Delmrare'. Data of 4 experiments are presented. g/ Equal portions of materials were used in all media. Limed according to test, each media contained 2 lb.of superphosphate and 2 lb. of 8-8-8 per cu. yd. Table 10. Influence of Hedia H i.xture on the Eean Height, Number of 1 Flmrers per Plant, and Keeping Quality of Potted Chrysanthemums:! In. 15.1 14.5 15.2 14.6 13.7 14.3 14.8 14.3 14.9 14-4 14.6 ----- y Nedia Com l;linations Soil & amendment Soil, perlite & amendment Sand & ruuendment Vermiculite & amendment Calcined clay & amendment He an ~ Height f lmrer per _Qir..nt Keeping • guali ty Days ... . . . . .. . ...... . ... . ....... In. 14.8 14. 9 14.0 14.6 14.7 14.6 3 .u <"'· 3.5 3.4 3-7 3-5 3.6 No. 26.3 25.0 26.1 26.3 28.6 26.5 Jj 1'\to culti vars of chrysanthemum were used in this study: Princess Anne' and 'Delaware'. 'Golden Yellm,r Data of four experiments are presented. y Equal portions of materials Here used in all media. Amendment was either peat or bagasse (mean represents plants grmm in both ) .Each medium was limed according to test and contained 2 lb. of superphosphate and 2 lb. of 8-8-8 pel~ cu. yd. 9 IV. EFFECTS OF ADDITIONAL CARBON DIOXTDE ON TIIC GRO\JTH OF THE CHRYSANTHEHlWi cu:LTiv'Jm 1.Q..Q~N YELLOH PRINCESS ANNE 1 - -· Three crops of the chrysanthemum cultivar 'Golden Yellm'l Princess Anne' were grmm in pots(five cuttings per pot) during November 1966 to Harch 1967. Two similar greenhouses uere used, one 1lith the normal level of carbon dioxide (C02) of the atmosphere and the other supplied w ith 1000 ppm. co2 (from a Hy-Lo C02 generator furnished by G. J. Ball, Inc., \Jest Chicago, Ill.). The gas Has added during the daylight hours and uhen the ventilators were closed. A time clock controlled the operation of the generator and supplied t'·ro injection periods daily: 1) one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunrise, and 2) one hour before sunset until one hour after sunset. The greenhouses 1·r ere maintained at a temperature of 60 < F. All crops were subjected to C02 qn January 9, 1966 1dth C02 being applied 28 days after pinching for Crop I, 14 days after pinching for Crop II and at pinching for Crop III. Pinching uas done 2 ueeks after potting. · The height and number of flmvers per plant Here recorded. None of the crops shm·red any differences in height because of co 2 treatment. The mean height for crops ilith and 11ithout C02 vias the same 12.5 inches. The mean number of flmvers per plant Has slightly increased vthen the plants received additional C02 (3.1 vs. 3.0 flouers). The increase might have been greater if Crop II had not exlubited an opposite trend. Crop II had 2. 7 flouers per plant 1 th C02 and 2. 9 flm·rers •d. thout C02. ·1:i V. EFfECT OF l!IANUAL AND CHEl!JICAL PINCHIN ON THE CI!TIYSANTHEHUH CULTIVAR G 1 DEU.1ila"lli 1 Four experiments were conducted with chemical pinching of the chrysanthemum culti var 1 Dela.,'lare 1 from April to August 1967. The chemical pinching materials used uere: Emery C-9 supplied by Emery Industries, Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio, and P & G supplied by Proctor and Gamble Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. Approxin~tely 60 pots (five cuttings per pot) 1rere used in each experiment. Treatments Here applied 2 weeks after potting in all experiments. The first experiment was conducted in cooperation •J:i th the Society of American Florists as part of a nation•dde test. Bxperiment I consisted of three treatments (manual pinch, 3% Emery and 3% P & G), four plants per treatment and five replications. The manual pinch uas a soft pinch with 1/2 - 1 in. of the ape~~ of the plant being removed. Chemical pinching agents were applied 1J:ith a lou pressure, h;igh volume sprayer. A high pressure, low volume sprayer was recommended but was unavailable at spray time. Plants were sprayed overhead until the leave s uere covered but rvn-off >-ms avoided. Ten minutes after spraying, the plants 't'lere thoroughly 1vashed \'lith water. The mean height of the manually pinched plants (11.7in.) and the P & Gtreated planto (11. 9in.) vtas less than the mean height of the Emery-treated plants (12.4 in .. ). Plants pinched chemically 1dth P & G had more breaks (4. 7) than those pinched 'td th Emery (3. 8) and those pinched manually (3. 9) • All plants uere at the salable stage· i:n 78 days. The manually pinched treatments produced more tm:iform and better appearing pots than the chemically pinched plants. Chemical pinching produced angular breaks that l'lere quite similar to those obtained from a rollout pinch (less than 1/4 in. removed). Upon application the pinching agents killed the tuo youngest leaves around the meristem. Doth chemical materials caused a reduction in leaf size and slight 10 distortion in the leaves developing immediately after pinch. In some instances plants uere ld.lled by the chemical pinching agents (6 plants out of the 300 plants uere ldlled). Death of the plants was caused by an excess amount of material running dmm the stem, accumulating at the soil line and girdling the stem of the plant. 'dhile the spray tenchique vms probably responsible for these dead plants, soil conditions (improper or too deep planting, soil mixture) and insufficient \vash-off may have contributed to the problem. Experiments I, III and IV treatments uere applied an electric mist blmver. The nozzle lvas removed from the sprayer and the plants 1-1ere sprayed overhead until the leaves glistened. In these experiments the feasibility of using stored, refrigerated and unrefrigerated mixed solutions of the chemical pinching agents \vas investigated. In Experiment II, the chemicals 1vere mixed and stored in a refrigerator at 45o F. for 15 days prior to application. Solutions refrigeratei::l. for 30 days >vere compared lvith freshly made materials in Experiment IIl. ln Experiment IV, a 15-day-old unrefrigerated (stored at room temperature of 75 ' F.) spray solution uas compared a fresh solution. A manual pinch Has included in all experiments as a check. The injury experienced in Experiment I •·ms not as severe in subsequent experiments. No plants 1vere ld.lled in E.."Cperiments II, III and IV. In Experiment II, the mean height of the plants uas essentially the same for all treatments. The P & G material that had been refrigerated for 15 days llas ineffective as a pinching agent. The refrigerated Emery material produced 3.8 breaks per plant and the manual pinch produced 3.7 breaks. The mean height of the plant varied over an inch in Experiment III. Freshly mixed P & G sprays produced the shortest mean height (14.. 8:in.). The manually pinched plants had greatest mew! height (16.l ' in). The number of breaks per plants for various treatments \vere: 3.3 for fresh P & G, 3.6 for 30-day refrigerated P & G, 3.4 for fresh iln.ery,2.7 for 30-day refrigerated Emery, and 2.8 for manual pinch. In Experiment IV the mean height of the plants that had been sprayed vJith room stored pinchin~ agents \vas only 0.•3 in. less than the tallest treatment (15.3 in. for fresh P & G). Fresh Emery treatments and the manual pinch had a mean height of 15.2 in. The largest number of breaks (3. 6) Here produced on plants sprayed 1vi th the P & G material that had been stored at room temperature for 15 days in a glass jar. VI. AN EVf~J;.UATION OF RECENTLY INTRODUCED POT CHRYSANTIIEHUH CULTIVARS GROVJN UNDZTI ALABl'UIA CONDITIONS ON SELECTED SCHGDU~ Rooted cuttings of 19 recently introduced pot chrysanthemums were received from Yoder B~others on three shipping dates, July 22, July 29, and August 5. Three schedules v;ere used for these shipments: short (black cloth applied 1 week after pinch for short-growing, 9-and 10-i-reek plants); medium (black cloth and pinch the same day for medium-grmving, 10-ueek plants); and tall (black cloth appl:Led 1 '\'leek before the pinch for tall-grmdng, 10-and ll-v1eek plants). Ten pots of five cuttings each Here potted. All cultivars except cv. Sunstar and cv. UarhaHk 'Here treated 1Ji th B-Nine on August 22 and September 6. Records uere taken on height of the plant above the pot rim and number of flowers per plant. Outstanding characteristics of the cultivars were noted. All plants uere in flmver on October 7, 1966. The results are presented in Table 11. I ' 11 Table 11. Cultivar An Evaluation of Recently Introduced Pot Chrysanthemum Cultivars Gro> Under Alabama Con~tions on Selected Schedules vn Flmvers Height per Pot Comments Short schedule Pot 7/8, pinch 7/22 Blackcloth 7/29 Deep l-iermaid 17.2 light Pink Hermaid 16.3 l:iandalay 15.6 3.? 4.1 4.0 Scorch-like marginal leaf injury common. Compact plant-delicate color, marginal leaf injury. Excellent variety-Gold, bronze blend color. Short schedule Pot 7/29', pinch 7/29 Blackcloth 8/5 Neptune 20.2 Vermillion 16.0 4.0 2.9 Hhi te flOiver with pink tinged center, good foliage. Dull, dull red color-foliage damaged by Pentac fog. l:Iedium schedule Pot 7/18,pinch 7/29 Blackcloth 7/29 Dark Red Star 1?.8 ~nvoy 14.5 Festival Sunutar 18.6 13.9 2.? 2.9 3.4 3-3 3.5 3.0 2.? Yellmv Delauare 15.9 Red Star 18.9 Harha11k 14.2 Tall schedule Pot ?/22, pinch ?/29 IJlackc],.oth 7/22 Snou Ridge 15.9 Velvet Ridge 16.4 liedium to large flmvers-tall plant. Formal, stiff looking, attractive flowers; short. Nice bronze color-makes a good disbud. Petals someuhat quilled-good plant, delicate yellm'f . Formal large flowers. N ice bronze-good flmvers & foliage. Large red-bronze flmvers. ResemblesDelaware. 4-4 3.5 Bold petals yet fragile looking-susceptible to petal burn. Large floHers-susceptible to petal burn (sun and botrytis). Tall schedule Pot ?/22, pinch 8/4 Blackcloth 7/29 Gay A nne 1?.1 Improved Princess Anne 1?.? 3.1 N ice uniform coppery bronze. IIore intense color and better plant shape than P.A. Taller than other Annes-color not uniform. Princess Anne 18.6 3.6 Interesting flm;er .form-pure vlhite-strong Uhi te Carnival 20.4 3.1 stems . Yellou Tokyo 20.2 3.1 1[eak stems-large light yello>v spider. Y All plants except cv. vJarhavrk and cv. Sunstar received 0.25% B-Nine sprays on 8/22/66 and 9/6/66. 2:/ Red Star was potted on 7/8. V Jarhauk 1 ·ras potted on 7/22. 12 VII. EFFECT OF VARIOUS 1-:IEDIA O rillJGHT.t £.PESH lJEIGHT, DRY HEIGHT AND NUHBER N OF FLOhiERS PEH PLANT OF POTT"ED lli 1YSANTilliHUM, CV. 1 DELA1:vARE 1 The influence of 12 media r~~ures on the height, fresh weight, dry u eight, and number of flowers per plant of potted chrysanthemum, cv. l!lelavrare 1 , uas studied in two experiments. Rooted cuttings (five per pot) were planted in the 12 mixtures sho'WI'l in Table 12. All mixtures consisted of equal portions of materials and v.rere limed according to tesL Each mixture received 2 lb. of superphosphate and 2 lb. of 8-8-8 per cu. yd. Additional fertilization consisted of 1 oz. of 25-10-10 per 4 gallons tuice a week. Experiment I was potted on September 21, pinched October 5, and flmvered December 14, 1966. Experiment II 1.ras potted October 5, pinched October 19 and flo1t.rered December 23, 1966. Records v1ere taken on all plants at flmv-ering. The tallest plants occurred in the calcined cla~vermiculite and peat mix ture and the calcined clay, vermiculite and bagasse mixture (Table 12). The shortest plants were grown in a sand and peat mixture. Calcined clay and vermiculite combined vvith peat or bagas se produced the tallest plants of any media mixture (Table 9). Nixtures of sand and peat or bagasse had the shortest plants. The mean height of plants grm-m in peat-amended mixtures (13. 7 in.) 1ra s essentially equal to those grmm in bagasse-amended mixtures (13 ~ 6 . in~ ) . PJ ants grmm in calcined clay , vermiculite and bagasse had the greatest mean fresh ,;-.r eight ( 99.9 g ~. The mean fre s h "'rieight of plants grmm in sand and peat (53.0 g.) v.ras considerably less than that of other mixtures. Hedia rxlxtures containing calcined clay, vermiculite and peat or bagasse produced plants rrith the greatest mean fresh 1-reight (Table 13). Sand mixtures vvith either peat or bagasse produced much less fresh ueight per plant than the other media mixtures. Bagasse-grmm plants (81. 2 g.) outueighed peat-gro'WI'l plants (73.2 g.). Plants gro\m in calcined clay, vermiculite and bagasse had the greatest dry 11eight (9. 6 g.), ho"rever, plants gr01m in calcined clay, vermiculite and peat (9.3 g.) and soil and peat (9. 2 g .) uere almost comparable. The least dry ueight occurred '\idth plants grOim in sand and peat (5 .8 g.). Plants grovm in media mixtures containing calcined clay , vermiculite and peat or bagasse had the most dry 'lr veight of any of the media mixtures. The mean dry 'llveight of plants grmm in sand and peat or bagasse uas less than that of plants grown in the other mixtures. The mean dry i'leight of plants groi'm in bagasse uas 8) g. , uhereas peat-grown plants had a mean dr;T Height of 8.1 g. The most flowers per plant were obs erved vdth plants grovvn in calcined clay, vermiculite and bagasse (3.9) and in soil and peat (3.8). Vermiculite and peat-grown plants averaged the fewest flowers (2.6). Soil media mixtures and calcined clay - vermiculite media mixtures produced the most flowers per plant. Plants grovvn in media mixtures containing vermiculite and peat cr bagasse had the fe~vest flowers. , Bagasse-gro'WI'l plants had 0. 2 more fl• w ers per plant than peat-grovvn plants. · 1/ 1 'Sorboli te 11 , furnished by the Clay Products Co., Bradenton, Fla. 12 VII. EFFECT OF VARIOUS I-:IEDIA ON HEJ GHT_,_ .£J1ESH lJEIGHT, DRY 11EIGHT AND NUliBER OF FLOHERS PEH. PLANT OF POTT'ED .Qli YSANTI-IEHUM, CV. 1 DELA1:vARE 1 1 The influence of 12 media r~~ures on the height, fresh weight, dry u eight, and number of flowers per plant of potted chrysanthemum, cv. l!lelauare•, uas studied in two experiments. Rooted cuttings (five per pot) were planted in the 12 mixtures shovm in Table 12. All mixtures consisted of equal portions of materials and v.rere limed according to test~ Each mixture received 2 lb. of superphosphate and 2 lb. of 8-8-8 per cu. yd. Additional fertilization consisted of 1 oz. of 25-10-10 per 4 gallons tuice a week. Experiment I was potted on September 21, pinched October 5, and flmvered December 14, 1966. Experiment II lT potted October 5, pinched October 19 and flm'fered December 2.3, 1966. as Records vlere taken on all plants at flmvering. The tallest plants occurred in the calcined cla~vermiculite and peat mixture and the calcined clay, vermiculite and bagasse mixture (Table 12). The shortest plants were grown in a sand and peat mixture. Calcined clay and vermiculite combined vdth peat or bagas se produced the tallest plants of any media mixture (Table 9). N ixtures of sand and peat or bagasse had the shortest plants. The mean height of plants grm-m in peat-amended mixtures (1.3. 7 in.) 1ras essentially equal to those grOlm in bagasse-amended mixtures (1.3 c. 6. in~ ) . PJ ants grmm in calcined clay , vermiculite and bagasse had the greatest mean fresh i·. reight ( 99. 9 g ~. The mean fre s h vieight of plants groun in sand and peat ( 5.3. 0 g.) v.ras considerably less than that of other mixtures. Hedia Dixtures containing calcined clay, vermiculite and peat or bagasse produced plants i·rith the greatest mean fresh :.reight (Table 1.3). Sand mixtures with either peat or bagasse produced much less fresh ueight per plant than the other media mixtures. Bagasse-grm-m plants (81. 2 g.) outueighed peat-grovm plants (7.3.2 g.). Plants grmm in calcined clay, vermiculite and bagasse had the greatest dry '\• eight (9. 6 g.), hm·rever, plants grmm in calcined clay, vermiculite and r peat (9 . .3 g.) and soil and peat (9. 2 g .) u ere almost comparable. The least dry ueight occurred vdth plants gr01m in sand and peat (5 .8 g.). Plants grovm in media mixtures containing calcined clay , vermiculite and peat or bagasse had the most dry vveight of any of the media mixtures. The mean dry weight of plants grm-m in sand and peat or bagasse uas less than that of plants grmm in the other mixtures. The mean dry '\·Teight of plants gro'\'m in bagasse uas 8) g. , uhereas peat-grown plants had a mean dry u eight of 8.1 g. The most flowers per plant were obs erved with plants grown in calcined clay, vermiculite and bagasse (.3.9) and in soil and peat (.3.8). Vermiculite and peat-grown plants averaged the fewest flowers (2.6). Soil media mixtures and calcined clay - vermiculite media mixtures produced the most flowers per plant. Plants grovm in media mixtures containing vermiculite and peat cr bagasse had the fe'\vest flowers. , Bagasse-grown plants had 0. 2 more fl•·w ers per plant than peat-grown plants . · Y 1 'Sorboli te 11 , furnished by the Clay Products Co., Bradenton, Fla. I ' 13 Table 12. Iviean Height, Fresh W eight, Dry \Ieight and Number of Flower per Plant of Potted Chrysanthemum cv. 1 DelaHare 1 Grown in Various Hedia Jj y liedia and peat • • • • • • . and bagasse • • • • • • • • • Soil, perlite and peat • . • • Soil, p~rlite and bagasse •• Sand and peat • • • . • Sand and bagasse Vermiculite and peat Vermiculite and bagasse Calcined clay and peat Calcined clay and bagasse • • Calcined clay, vermiculite and peat Calcined clay, vermiculite and bagasse •• He an 0 o~l Fresh Dry Height \'veight weight G. In. Q.:. Flmvers per plant No. ~ o~l 14.1 13.5 14.2 13.2 12.6 13.3 14.0 13.3 12.9 13.7 14.5 14.5 13.7 78.7 72.6 79.1 74-5 53.0 75.7 75.3 78.8 67.8 85.7 88.1 99.9 78.4 9.2 7.6 8.4 7.8 5.8 8.2 8.7 7.9 7.1 8.8 9.3 9.6 8.2 3.8 3.2 3.4 3.4 3.0 3.1 2.6 3.0 2.6 3.4 3.1 3.9 3.2 Jj IIean obtained from two experiments . Y Equal portions of materials were used in all media. Each medium was limed according to test and contained 2 lb. of superphosphate and 2 lb. 8-8-8 per cu. yd. Table 13. Effect of Ivledia lfucture on 1~ean Height, Fresh vleight, Dry '\rJeight, Number of Flo,vers per Plant of Potted Chrys anthemum cv. 'Delaware' Jj y lledia Combinations Soil and amendment Soil, perlite and amendment Sand and amendment Vermiculite and amendment Calcined clay and amendment Calcined clay, vermiculite and amendment . .. Uean Fresh Dry Height 11eight weight Flmvers per plan~ .......... ...... ... !!1:. 13. 8 13.7 13.0 13.7 13.1 14.5 12·1 Q.:. Q.:. ...... . .... . 75-5 76.8 64.4 77.1 76.8 94.0 78.4 8.4 8.1 7.0 8.3 8.0 9.5 8.2 N£:.. 3.5 3.4 3.1 2.8 3.0 3.5 ,2.2 JJ M ean obtained from two experiments . Amendment was either peat or bagasse (mean represents plants gro'~