2003 National Cotton Fusarium Wilt Report December 2003 AGRONOMY AND SOILS DEPARTMENT SERIES NO. 255 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION JOHN JENSEN, INTERIM DIRECTOR AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN, AL 36849 THIS REPORT IS A JOINT CONTRIBUTION BETWEEN USDA-ARS, CROP SCIENCE RESEARCH LABORATORY, MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY, MISSISSIPPI, AND THE ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA Information contained herein is available to all persons regardless of race, color, sex, or national origin 2003 NATIONAL COTTON FUSARIUM WILT REPORT 3 2003 NATIONAL COTTON FUSARIUM WILT REPORT Kathryn M. Glass1, William S. Gazaway2, and Edzard van Santen 3 1,3 Agricultural Program Associate and Professor, respectively, Dept. of Agronomy and Soils, Auburn University, AL 36849 2 Professor Emeritus and Extension Pathologist/Nematologist, Dept. of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University, 36849 Cotton cultivars and elite breeding lines submitted by 22 cooperators were evaluated for Fusarium wilt resistance under field conditions at the E. V. Smith Research Center, Plant Breeding Unit, Tallassee, Alabama. These entries were grown on an Independence loamy fine sand highly infested with the Fusarium wilt fungus (Fusarium oxysporum) Schlect. f. vasinfectum [Atk.] (Snyd. & Hans.) and southern root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne incognita.). In 1994, a soil analysis for nematodes revealed that southern root-knot (Meloidogyne incognita) and lance (Hoplolaimus galeatus) are the predominant nematode species in the test plots. High populations of both species are found throughout the test area. Other nematode genera present are stubby root (Trichodorus sp.) and stunt (Tylenchorhynchus sp.). Root-knot nematodes, however, appear to be causing the major damage to cotton in the Fusarium Wilt Test as indicated by the high galling indices found on the roots of all cotton lines. Entries were planted in single 20-foot rows on 40-inch centers, separated by 5-foot alleys. Four replications of the test entries and checks were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with a split plot restriction on randomization. The set of eight test cultivars submitted by a cooperator was always evaluated as a group together with two control plots within each replicate. Both susceptible (Rowden) and resistant (M-315) cultivars were included as check subplots in the two center rows of each main plot (Fig. 1). Plots were planted May 21. Initial plant counts were made on June 24. Wilted plants were counted and removed on July 15, July 29, August 15, and August 29. The remaining live plants were counted and recorded on September 12. Total percent wilted plants were then determined and mean wilting for a given entry calculated. The average % wilted plants for the susceptible check Rowden was 56%, with a range from 19 to 90% on an individual plot basis (Fig. 1). The resistant check M-315 had, on the average, 8 % wilted plants with a range from 0 to 38% on an individual plot basis. There were, on the average, 7x more wilted plants in Rowden plots than in M-315 plots. Critical evaluations of breeding lines should be made relative to the two checks listed at the bottom of each group. It was a very wet spring. Just after planting, there was excessive rainfall with water standing in the field for several days. This caused late emergence and poor stands throughout most of the test area. For this reason, there has been an extra column added labeled “Avg. no. of plants”. These numbers indicate the average number of plants per 25-foot row over four replicates for a given entry. 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Fig. 1. Field plot layout and % wilt for control plot of Rowden (suceptible) and M-315 (resistant). Distances (ft) from the SE corner of the trial are given in the left hand column and the bottom row. 32 Rowden 4167 0 350 M-315 4113 0 325 M-315 4059 51 300 Rowden 4005 7 275 M-315 3167 71 250 Rowden 3113 76 225 Rowden 3059 5 200 M-315 3005 69 175 Rowden 2167 58 150 Rowden 2113 81 125 Rowden 2059 54 100 Rowden 2005 0 75 M-315 1167 7 50 M-315 1113 19 25 Rowden 1059 2 0 M-315 1005 NS ==> 27 8 rows EW 375 9 M-315 4168 37 Rowden 4114 43 Rowden 4060 17 M-315 4006 80 Rowden 3168 14 M-315 3114 38 M-315 3060 70 Rowden 3006 15 M-315 2168 7 M-315 2114 15 M-315 2060 7 M-315 2006 90 Rowden 1168 90 Rowden 1114 5 M-315 1060 31 Rowden 1006 54 Rowden 4177 7 M-315 4123 69 Rowden 4069 7 M-315 4015 9 M-315 3177 60 Rowden 3123 59 Rowden 3069 24 M-315 3015 52 Rowden 2177 70 Rowden 2123 7 M-315 2069 7 M-315 2015 4 M-315 1177 13 M-315 1123 64 Rowden 1069 3 M-315 1015 60 12 M-315 4178 45 Rowden 4124 7 M-315 4070 77 Rowden 4016 63 Rowden 3178 21 M-315 3124 28 M-315 3070 64 Rowden 3016 10 M-315 2178 13 M-315 2124 58 Rowden 2070 60 Rowden 2016 70 Rowden 1178 83 Rowden 1124 4 M-315 1070 46 Rowden 1016 N 51 Rowden 4187 68 Rowden 4133 7 M-315 4079 2 M-315 4025 9 M-315 3187 9 M-315 3133 36 Rowden 3079 64 Rowden 3025 8 M-315 2187 4 M-315 2133 2 M-315 2079 78 Rowden 2025 71 Rowden 1187 6 M-315 1133 78 Rowden 1079 66 Rowden 1025 93 0 M-315 4188 11 M-315 4134 53 Rowden 4080 36 Rowden 4026 34 Rowden 3188 44 Rowden 3134 5 M-315 3080 4 M-315 3026 50 Rowden 2188 57 Rowden 2134 56 Rowden 2080 7 M-315 2026 4 M-315 1188 63 Rowden 1134 2 M-315 1080 6 M-315 1026 35 Rowden 4197 54 Rowden 4143 3 M-315 4089 56 Rowden 4035 6 M-315 3197 43 Rowden 3143 2 M-315 3089 44 Rowden 3035 4 M-315 2197 8 M-315 2143 48 Rowden 2089 73 Rowden 2035 10 M-315 1197 7 M-315 1143 5 M-315 1089 3 M-315 1035 127 0 M-315 4198 0 M-315 4144 33 Rowden 4090 13 M-315 4036 43 Rowden 3198 3 M-315 3144 42 Rowden 3090 18 M-315 3036 56 Rowden 2198 78 Rowden 2144 0 M-315 2090 0 M-315 2036 67 Rowden 1198 57 Rowden 1144 58 Rowden 1090 54 Rowden 1036 2 M-315 4207 13 M-315 4153 33 Rowden 4099 5 M-315 4045 8 M-315 3207 64 Rowden 3153 43 Rowden 3099 30 Rowden 3045 47 Rowden 2207 7 M-315 2153 4 M-315 2099 41 Rowden 2045 29 Rowden 1207 0 M-315 1153 52 Rowden 1099 5 M-315 1045 160 58 Rowden 4208 70 Rowden 4154 0 M-315 4100 60 Rowden 4046 58 Rowden 3208 8 M-315 3154 4 M-315 3100 17 M-315 3046 12 M-315 2208 68 Rowden 2154 76 Rowden 2100 7 M-315 2046 20 M-315 1208 73 Rowden 1154 4 M-315 1100 52 Rowden 1046 8 rows 8 rows 8 rows 8 rows 8 rows 2003 NATIONAL COTTON FUSARIUM WILT REPORT 5 2003 Fusarium Wilt Test, Plant Breeding Unit, EVSRC, Tallassee, AL Percent wilted plants Entry Cultivar/Line Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Rep4 Avg. P-value Fred Bourland, University of Arkansas, P.O. Box 48, Keiser, AR 72351 101 FB-1 102 FB-2 103 FB-3 104 FB-4 105 FB-5 106 FB-6 107 FB-7 108 FB-8 Rowden M-315 201 LMSCR-1 202 LMSCR-2 203 LMSCR-3 204 LMSCR-4 205 LMSCR-5 206 LMSCR-6 207 LMSCR-7 208 LMSCR-8 Rowden M-315 301 PHY-FB1 302 PHY-FB2 303 PHY-FB3 304 PHY-FB4 305 PHY-FB5 306 PHY-FB6 307 PHY-FB7 308 PHY-FB8 Rowden M-315 32 23 15 15 61 9 28 12 66 6 52 49 5 63 18 59 48 16 70 4 10 4 6 12 6 5 14 21 46 3 7 39 5 21 17 73 45 44 81 15 46 10 42 32 35 11 29 19 69 15 30 66 50 26 39 0 21 6 47 12 14 8 40 18 19 17 24 33 80 7 13 30 46 35 35 70 11 37 59 28 16 5 45 44 42 11 9 10 64 8 6 5 4 19 23 58 16 6 54 12 33 7 15 9 25 12 5 5 58 2 55 5 17 19 16 11 16 16 36 2 15 19 16 18 30 39 28 24 70 10 36 24 27 35 28 38 23 19 64 12 28 20 29 25 26 7 15 13 48 6 0.114 0.047 0.094 0.051 0.001 <.0001 0.003 0.012 <.0001 0.285 0.000 0.010 0.004 0.000 0.003 <.0001 0.014 0.041 <.0001 0.188 0.003 0.033 0.002 0.007 0.006 0.455 0.111 0.160 <.0001 0.498 Avg. no. of plants 31 41 55 36 43 24 44 51 56 59 30 45 46 22 32 26 42 19 53 50 56 57 65 57 38 70 58 57 42 51 continued Don Keim, Delta and Pine Land Co., P.O. Box 157, Scott, MS 38772 Frank Bordelon, PhytoGen Seed Company, P.O. Box 27, Leland, MS 38756 THE P-VALUE INDICATES THE PROBABILITY THAT THE AVERAGE WILT PERCENTAGE DIFFERS FROM ZERO. 6 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 2003 Fusarium Wilt Test, Plant Breeding Unit, EVSRC, Tallassee, AL Percent wilted plants Entry Cultivar/Line Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Rep4 Avg. P-value Randall McPherson, PhytoGen Seed Company, P.O. Box 27, Leland, MS 38756 401 PHY-RM1 402 PHY-RM2 403 PHY-RM3 404 PHY-RM4 405 PHY-RM5 406 PHY-RM6 407 PHY-RM7 408 PHY-RM8 Rowden M-315 501 GLR-1 502 GLR-2 503 GLR-3 504 GLR-4 505 GLR-5 506 GLR-6 507 GLR-7 508 GLR-8 Rowden M-315 601 SSI-1 602 SSI-2 603 SSI-3 604 SSI-4 605 SSI-5 606 SSI-6 607 SSI-7 608 SSI-8 Rowden M-315 5 11 39 24 4 17 4 8 64 4 33 83 56 16 55 67 28 15 90 7 36 56 48 71 40 9 75 63 67 10 20 44 39 28 24 38 64 18 41 7 52 67 53 32 28 14 31 17 70 13 30 11 24 42 38 20 26 24 48 0 9 7 52 15 14 8 36 26 44 9 46 45 27 32 74 13 15 12 58 8 62 32 21 43 21 11 23 44 60 21 19 20 15 14 24 1 35 29 51 17 10 13 2 7 8 1 0 8 51 0 53 18 39 27 23 39 24 37 56 13 13 20 36 20 16 16 35 20 50 9 35 52 35 22 42 24 18 13 67 7 45 29 33 46 30 20 37 42 58 11 0.159 0.029 0.000 0.030 0.078 0.087 0.000 0.031 <.0001 0.327 0.000 <.0001 0.000 0.019 <.0001 0.011 0.049 0.162 <.0001 0.454 <.0001 0.002 0.001 <.0001 0.001 0.037 0.000 <.0001 <.0001 0.239 Avg. no. of plants 48 99 96 100 102 103 71 96 59 54 48 52 62 42 71 67 59 62 61 57 19 28 46 26 53 41 17 27 43 48 continued Gary L. Rea, Delta and Pine Land Co., 247 US HWY 380 W, Haskell, TX 79521 John Green, Seed Source, Inc., P.O. Box 28, Stoneville, MS 38776 2003 NATIONAL COTTON FUSARIUM WILT REPORT 7 2003 Fusarium Wilt Test, Plant Breeding Unit, EVSRC, Tallassee, AL Percent wilted plants Entry Cultivar/Line Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Rep4 Avg. P-value Richard Sheetz, Delta and Pine Land Co., RR 2, Box 60, Hale Center, TX 79041 701 RHS-1 702 RHS-2 703 RHS-3 704 RHS-4 705 RHS-6 706 RHS-7 707 RHS-8 708 RHS-8 Rowden M-315 801 CW-1 802 CW-2 803 CW-3 804 CW-4 805 CW-5 806 CW-6 807 CW-7 808 CW-8 Rowden M-315 901 SC1 902 SC2 903 SC3 904 SC4 905 SC5 906 SC6 907 Stoneville ST 4892BR 908 Stoneville ST 4793R Rowden M-315 45 22 8 37 38 60 58 38 57 7 29 37 4 72 9 2 2 7 31 2 35 37 71 76 72 20 7 15 73 0 49 43 33 49 50 47 30 33 73 0 36 13 11 33 13 61 34 39 78 8 39 54 31 82 57 10 22 24 68 7 32 32 18 22 12 50 29 8 36 5 12 9 11 46 38 59 24 32 63 9 32 11 16 13 73 5 52 35 64 4 2 4 12 0 4 10 2 36 32 9 18 27 13 7 5 87 20 65 43 0 15 18 0 5 2 17 3 8 54 0 32 25 18 27 26 42 30 29 50 5 24 22 10 40 16 52 20 36 54 5 31 30 29 44 51 13 21 20 65 3 0.001 0.007 0.055 0.004 0.006 <.0001 0.002 0.002 <.0001 0.558 0.011 0.021 0.291 <.0001 0.078 <.0001 0.031 0.000 <.0001 0.604 0.001 0.002 0.002 <.0001 <.0001 0.163 0.026 0.031 <.0001 0.779 Avg. no. of plants 42 54 65 36 50 41 46 44 62 65 49 48 62 56 57 77 65 46 56 46 39 28 29 57 58 58 38 40 52 52 continued Curtis Williams, Delta and Pine Land Co., 381 William Gibbs Rd, Tifton, GA 31794 Steve Calhoun, Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., Rt. 2, Box 233, Hwy 82 East, Idalou, TX 79239 Kathryn M. Glass, Dept. of Agronomy & Soils, Auburn University, AL 36849-5412 8 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 2003 Fusarium Wilt Test, Plant Breeding Unit, EVSRC, Tallassee, AL Percent wilted plants Entry Cultivar/Line Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Rep4 Avg. P-value Jack E. Jones, Jajo Genetics, 246 Maxine Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70808-6831 1001 Jajo 1 1002 Jajo 2 1003 Jajo 3 1004 Jajo 4 1005 Jajo 5 1006 Jajo 6 1007 Jajo 7 1008 Jajo 8 Rowden M-315 1101 DF-1 1102 DF-2 1103 DF-3 1104 DF-4 1105 DF-5 1106 DF-6 1107 DF-7 1108 DF-8 Rowden M-315 1201 DW-1 1202 DW-2 1203 DW-3 1204 DW-4 1205 DW-5 1206 DW-6 1207 DW-7 1208 JJ-5 Rowden M-315 51 16 64 80 56 8 36 27 29 20 31 6 27 33 22 11 7 8 63 6 27 20 7 93 85 14 26 24 58 5 38 37 10 32 33 14 45 . 35 76 4 43 7 40 24 17 10 19 30 54 7 19 21 27 16 18 17 11 20 56 2 63 64 24 18 20 7 63 75 11 13 39 42 2 18 38 22 14 3 13 20 49 43 4 26 24 57 17 40 10 54 10 22 26 37 33 11 34 33 0 2 9 8 22 2 7 8 23 53 7 10 19 35 64 55 1 3 8 70 13 42 22 38 39 41 16 30 40 51 12 24 10 20 36 29 10 12 25 53 5 18 24 23 47 40 11 15 25 57 6 <.0001 0.021 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.079 0.003 <.0001 <.0001 0.200 0.012 0.261 0.029 0.000 0.002 0.307 0.214 0.008 <.0001 0.566 0.052 0.010 0.015 <.0001 <.0001 0.221 0.113 0.007 <.0001 0.530 Avg. no. of plants 39 49 32 38 41 36 47 35 33 56 48 34 39 27 42 45 37 43 51 57 52 27 43 50 49 69 74 53 50 54 continued Dawn Fraser, Delta and Pine Land Co., P.O. Box 1529, Hartsville, SC 29550 Doug Wessel, Delta and Pine Land Co., 38768 W. Farrell Rd, Maricopa, AZ 85239 Johnie Jenkins, USDA-ARS, Mississippi State, MS 39762 2003 NATIONAL COTTON FUSARIUM WILT REPORT 9 2003 Fusarium Wilt Test, Plant Breeding Unit, EVSRC, Tallassee, AL Percent wilted plants Entry Cultivar/Line Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Rep4 Avg. P-value Chris Tinius,Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., 7622 Moore Road, Memphis, TN 38120 1301 CT1 1302 CT2 1303 CT3 1304 CT4 1305 CT5 1306 CT6 1307 CT7 1308 CT8 Rowden M-315 1401 MB1 1402 MB2 1403 MB3 1404 MB4 1405 MB5 1406 MB6 1407 Stoneville ST 5599BR 1408 Stoneville ST 5303R Rowden M-315 1501 AB1 1502 AB2 1503 AB3 1504 AB4 1505 AB5 1506 AB6 1507 Sure Grow 215BG/RR 1508 Sure Grow 521R Rowden M-315 31 75 29 23 33 19 15 20 83 13 19 29 58 16 30 20 18 7 71 4 13 32 39 14 18 9 29 44 52 4 30 71 57 48 74 24 28 25 58 7 6 7 21 28 26 31 6 33 60 7 59 9 45 61 57 83 54 9 52 10 4 40 15 8 14 9 21 13 34 9 39 58 48 53 20 62 43 32 44 18 3 30 23 7 28 22 50 22 43 3 15 30 83 10 42 39 25 17 60 5 10 5 34 8 10 10 2 0 68 11 0 17 17 11 25 18 24 18 77 7 20 54 46 22 41 23 22 18 59 8 18 25 41 26 22 31 17 18 61 10 19 22 31 24 32 33 39 23 56 6 0.032 <.0001 <.0001 0.018 <.0001 0.015 0.018 0.050 <.0001 0.370 0.049 0.008 <.0001 0.005 0.022 0.001 0.068 0.052 <.0001 0.280 0.045 0.021 0.001 0.012 0.001 0.001 <.0001 0.013 <.0001 0.534 Avg. no. of plants 26 23 6 42 24 33 36 30 43 43 31 40 29 36 48 42 56 48 65 54 38 36 24 35 8 40 45 38 44 61 continued Mark Barfield, Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., 2409 Commerce Lane, Albany, GA 31707 Kathryn M. Glass, Dept. of Agronomy & Soils, Auburn University, AL 36849-5412 Al Balducchi, Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., 7622 Moore Rd, Memphis, TN 38120 Kathryn M. Glass, Dept. of Agronomy & Soils, Auburn University, AL 36849-5412 10 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION 2003 Fusarium Wilt Test, Plant Breeding Unit, EVSRC, Tallassee, AL Percent wilted plants Entry Cultivar/Line Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Rep4 Avg. P-value Randy Wood, Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., P.O. Box 569, Maricopa, AZ 85239 1601 RW1 1602 RW2 1603 RW3 1604 RW4 1605 RW5 1606 RW6 1607 Fiber Max FM 989BR 1608 Fiber Max FM 960BR Rowden M-315 1701 LM1 1702 LM2 1703 LM3 1704 LM4 1705 LM5 1706 LM6 1707 Deltapine DP 448B 1708 Deltapine DP 444BG/RR Rowden M-315 1801 MR1 1802 MR2 1803 MR3 1804 MR4 1805 MR5 1806 MR6 1807 Deltapine DP 458BG/RR 1808 Deltapine DP 451B/RR Rowden M-315 13 15 43 21 0 34 61 20 19 5 34 40 49 38 11 55 61 86 54 3 36 12 22 10 13 19 22 40 90 0 21 37 52 21 19 22 15 17 58 7 23 11 73 28 23 17 2 21 57 4 16 18 18 0 53 8 0 13 50 8 55 59 25 52 30 70 73 88 76 38 22 23 55 19 32 24 29 8 70 5 12 14 31 44 43 4 51 38 43 6 41 32 25 9 0 33 25 30 45 7 15 23 10 6 18 11 0 2 37 0 39 21 17 11 6 2 4 5 69 7 32 36 36 26 12 40 43 39 49 14 24 25 47 23 21 27 23 29 54 3 26 16 22 16 29 8 19 24 63 5 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.183 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.128 0.012 0.009 <.0001 0.016 0.026 0.004 0.014 0.002 <.0001 0.743 0.006 0.078 0.019 0.081 0.002 0.370 0.039 0.010 <.0001 0.561 Avg. no. of plants 39 34 32 33 28 58 53 56 56 44 40 73 50 54 57 55 37 63 76 62 23 52 47 35 54 42 47 38 49 67 continued Kathryn M. Glass, Dept. of Agronomy & Soils, Auburn University, AL 36849-5412 Lloyd McCall, Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., 7622 Moore Rd, Memphis, TN 38120 Kathryn M. Glass, Dept. of Agronomy & Soils, Auburn University, AL 36849-5412 Mike Robinson, Stoneville Pedigreed Seed Co., 4852 Old Leland Rd, Leland, MS 38776 Kathryn M. Glass, Dept. of Agronomy & Soils, Auburn University, AL 36849-5412 2003 NATIONAL COTTON FUSARIUM WILT REPORT 11 2003 Fusarium Wilt Test, Plant Breeding Unit, EVSRC, Tallassee, AL Percent wilted plants Entry Cultivar/Line Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Rep4 Avg. P-value Charlie Cook, Syngenta Seeds, Inc., 356 Hosek Rd., Victoria, TX 77905-5636 1901 SYN-CC1 1902 SYN-CC2 1903 SYN-CC3 1904 SYN-CC4 1905 SYN-CC5 1906 SYN-CC6 1907 SYN-CC7 1908 SYN-CC8 Rowden M-315 2001 SYN-BP1 2002 SYN-BP2 2003 SYN-BP3 2004 SYN-BP4 2005 JJ-1 2006 JJ-2 2007 JJ-3 2008 JJ-4 Rowden M-315 44 70 38 24 16 12 46 16 52 5 19 38 17 38 3 42 20 13 78 2 67 10 18 24 23 20 43 17 78 7 30 72 61 57 59 2 56 59 56 4 74 67 77 61 45 77 17 31 71 14 33 59 40 38 39 41 33 50 30 17 16 0 15 55 56 9 2 43 33 3 21 10 7 14 26 4 31 8 35 0 50 37 37 41 35 30 27 27 59 7 26 45 31 37 32 22 35 33 50 6 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.000 0.002 0.004 0.004 <.0001 0.443 0.006 <.0001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.017 0.000 0.001 <.0001 0.533 Avg. no. of plants 43 42 46 55 43 33 51 53 21 58 67 67 74 63 43 47 58 61 57 52 Bon Prince, Syngenta Seeds, Inc., 356 Hosek Rd., Victoria, TX 77905-5636 Johnie Jenkins, USDA-ARS, Mississippi State, MS 39762