Bulletin Ao. 10. January, 1893. Agricultura1 Experiment Station -OF THE- AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE, AUB UTRN, GbCOTTON ALABAMA. EXPEflMENTS/D A. J. BONDJRANT, Agriculturist. JAMES CLAYTON, Assistant. The Bulletins of this Station will be sent free to any citizen of the State on application to the Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn) Ala. All communications should be addressed to EXPERIMENT STATION, AUBURN, ALA. Published by order of the Board of Direction, WM. LEROY BROUN, President. THE BROWN PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, MONTGOMERY, ALA, BO.A?1JD OF TISI'TORS. COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES ON EXPERIMENT STATION. Hope Hull. HON. J. G. GILCHRIST ..................................... Montgomery. ............ HON. R. F. LIGON. HON. H. CLAY ARMSTRONG.............................Auburn. 1BOAEJD WM. LEROY OF DIEJOTIONT_ Chemist. BROUN........................................President. A. J. BONDURANT...........................................Agriculturist. N. T. LUPTON............ .................................. P. H. MELL ................................ .............................. Botanist and Meteorologist. Biologist. C. A. CARY, D. V. M .............................. ASSISTANTS : JAMES CLAYTON. . .............. ............ A. F. GORY ........ J. T. ANDERSON, Ph. D. ................ L. W. WILKINSON, M. Sc ................ F. A. LUPTON, M. Veterinarian. Assistant Horticulturist. Assistant Agriculturist. First Assistant Chemist. SC....... ............. * To be Second Assistant Chemist. .Third Assistant Chemist. R. F. HARE, B. Sc..................... G. S. Fourth Assistant Chemist. CLARK............ ............ ... filled. Clerk, and Assistant Botanist. EXPERIMENTS WITH COTTON,-1892. COMPARISON OF VARIETIES. This experiment consists of a comparison between thirty (30) varieties of cotton. In the preparation of the soil 250 lbs. cotton seed meal and 250 lbs. acid phosphate per acre, were used broad cast, and thoroughly plowed in. The rows were measured exactly 32 ft. apart, and 200 lbs. of the above mixture applied in the drill, per acre, at a total cost of $6.67. The cotton was carefully picked and stored, each variety to itself, until time of ginning, when all were weighed under like conditions and ginned separately. ' A sample of each variety was numbered and sent to Mr. H. C. Parker, of Montgomery, Ala., for classification and valuation. No. 30, Catacaos, or Peruvian Cotton, failed to mature. The short staple cotton was sold in Opelika, on Dec. 9, 1892, for 9 7-16, and the long staple, for 10g. The fact that the long staple varieties do not yield as much seed cotton per acre as the short staple, is more than counter-balanced by the higher price which it commands. The following tabulated statement gives results of this experiment. 4 Yield per Acre 0 0 o 4 0 0 Q- 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Allen Long Staple.... Bailey Cherry'sCluster. Coltharp's Prickle Coltharp's Eureka Cook W. A......... Crossland Dalkeith's Eureka Dixon Gold Dust......... Hawkin's Improved... Hunnicut.......... Herlung Jones Long Staple. Jones No. 1......... Keith .... . King, T. J........... 18 Okra.............. 19 Peeler.......... ... 20 Peerless ............ 21 Peterkin.. ..... 22 Petit Gulf ... ....... 23 Southern Hope .. 24 Storm Proof..... .... 25 Truitt ............... 26 Welborn...... 27 Wonderful...... .... 28 Zel lner ... .... ... 29 Matthews Long Staple 30 Catacaos or Peruvian -tr TI 751 5 697 5 715 5 769 5 733.5 643 5 657 0 706 5 6525 630 0 625 5 7065 6075 702.0 639 0 792 0 801 0 724 5 859 5 882.0 994 5 976 5 954 0 985 5 958 5 193 5 207.0 211 5 2335 220 5 180 0 252 0 2160 1980 189.0 211 5 2205 184 5 202 5 202 5 238 5 256 5 234.5 256 5 274 5 337 5 315 0 292.5 324 0 301 5 25 7 1' 3-16c.1% 1012 4 1 29.6 18 t 4 c10'2 29 5 9 9-16 l'~e.l 3-16 023. 30 9 7517 114 30 0 3Y8 12 3 7 6 1312 27.9 l c. -1 3:-.3 9 11-16 305 t 3-16 1014 13-16 303 9 13-16 30.0 9 9-16 9 11-16 33 8 7 312 9 11-16 30i3 13-16c.%~ 9 11-16 to 28.8 118 31.7 75 13-16 9 9-16 934 31 7 9 9-16 32 0 c.13-16 10 32 3 30 1 to 31 1 11 92~ 33 9 934 7 32 2 %co.15-16 9 9-16 30 6 1 3-16c.13 4 10 32.8 I 1-16c.1 18 10 9-.16 31.4 933 5 956 0 814 5 913 5 Fine at 934 alk. I 225.0 211 5 243 0 265 5 Sea 30 6 93 27 9 18 3c.17-16 1112 29 8 9 9-16 29 0 l' 8 c.13-16 10 moature son too short to The following Tabulated Statement is Classification and Valuation as furnished s C \ , I I I-I by Mr. H. C. Parker, Montgomery, Alabama, basis Middling, Montgomery, 7-1-93. lsu -AIIII~IIIl-;nl li I la I GINNING. i i o. -1 LENGTH. 1 COLOR. GRADE. i VALUE. i i 15 13-16....... 13 13-16c % .. Good.. 7 Good. Fair. Good. i' Middling.. S. 9 9-16. .. . Middling. 9 11-16... 9 11-16... 9 9 9-16 9-16 9-16 9-16 9-16 9-16 ........... 11 3 ...... 2r 8............ 12 8........... 17 137 13 8............. 22 %8c 15-16.... 16 L in......... 21 1 in........ 20 in.. 26 L in........ 25 L in...... 24 1 1-16c 1 . 2 19 1I %.......... 14 1 1.......... 4 1 %c ~3-16.. 1 3. c 3-16.... 29 1 180 3-16.... 1 3-16 ... 11-16... Fair Staple. Fair. .. S. Color,... Good.. Good ... I Middling... 99-16.. 9 9-16.. St. Middling 9 11-16... Fairly... Middling... 9 9-16.... 9 9-16.... Fair.. 9 9-16....)J Good. Middling[... Fair. Good... S. Middling. 9Oc% . F<< 9 9 9 9 9 Good Staple, 3-16c % on for Staple. Fair. Fair.. Fair... Fair... Good... Fair... Good.. Fair... Giood.. Fair... Good.. Good... Good.. S. Middling. G. Middling 10. Middling 10%c.1.. S. Middling. 10 ... S. L. Mid... G< Extra Middling, c 34 on. Middling.. . I3-16c 23 I 3-16c %14. S. Middling. Middling. ' 1012.. , Sl 12 on. 14.. cc 1 Y4... ..... 6 27 .13-16.. 91 G. Middling 10 S. G. Mid.. 12 .. 1312..1 11 '2.. Long Staple, 2c, 3c on. Short Staple. Same as Poorly gin'd IuNO. 15 .~~u I~ 6 EXPERIMENTS WITH PHOSPHATES. QUESTION:--Will the vegetable matter in freshly cleared land, supply all the nitrogen needed by the cotton plant ? The experiment in reply to this question was begun in 1890, and published in Bulletin 22; Continued in 1891, and published in Bulletin 33; and carried on the present year, (1892) without changing the rows, or the addition of any fertilizers. It is proved by comparing plots 1 and 2, and 3 with 5, that the applied nitrogen has been exhausted. By comparing plots 1 and 5, it will be seen that plot 5, where 1,000 lbs. of acid phosphate were used per acre, gives onlj 48 lbs. seed cotton per acre increase over plot 1 where 500 lbs. acid phosphate were used per acre. It is evident from this comparison that the vegetable matter in new ground does not supply sufficient pitrogen to utilize so large an application of phosphoric acid. The decreased yield in plot 4, (no manure) is explained by the shortage of the general crop throughout this section. The following tabulated statement shows the results for three years: PHOSPHATE ALONE, AND PHOSPHATE AND NITROGEN APPLIED ON NEW GROUND IN 1890. NAMES OF FERTILIZERS AND QUANTITY USED PER ACRE, APPLIED IN 1890. y ri P ,O 6C 0~~ g w QC 0 ago ) Q 1 500 lbs. of Acid Phosphate............ 814 360 851 513 407 185 500 lbs. Acid Phosphate, 2 500 lbs. CottonSeed Meal.........1017 558 816 478 428 206 3 1,000 lbs. Acid 4 '--o Phosphate........ ...... ......... .... 883 424 790 452 453 231 Manure ............ 459- 383- 222- 5 1,000 lbs. Acid Phosphate. 1,000 lbs. 0. S. Meal .. 1213 754 936 598 455 233 EXPERIMENT WITH FERTILIZERS. In these experiments, 461 lbs. seed cotton, being the average yield of the unmanured plots 4, 8 and 12, will be taken as a basis for comparison. In plots 1, 2 and 3, where the chemicals are used separately, it is seen that nitrogen in plot 1, gives an increase of 265.4 lbs.;-that phosphoric acid in plot 2, gives 51 lbs.; and that potash in plot 3, gives an increase of only 5 lbs.; while in combination, as in plots 5, 6 and 7-plot 5 gives the best yield, though only making 54 lbs. per acre more than plot 1; and while plot 6 gives 118 lbs. less than plot 5, it (plot 6) makes 22 lbs. more than plot 7, and 150 lbs. more than plot 2; clearly showing that nitrogen is the element needed here. The best results, however, are obtained in plot 9, where the complete Fertilizer is used. Plot 10, (floats,) gives 29lbs. less than average of unmanured plots 4, 8, and 12; but when combined with nitrogen, as in plots 11 and 14, we have 131 lbs. increase in plot 11, and only 37 lbs. in plot 14. Plot 15, (4,240 lbs. stable manure) gives 6 lbs. less than plot 9, where complete Fertilizer is used. Plot 16, (C. S. meal and acid phosphate) yields less than either plots 9 or 15, yet the increase over average of no manure is 467 lbs. Thus, when the cost of the cotton seed meal and acid phosphate, is compared with that of stable manure, and the greater ease with which they are handled, and the utter impossibility of getting stable manure in sufficient quantity, considered, it is evident that C. S. meal and acid phosphate have great economic advantages over stable manure. COTTON EXPERIMENTS WITH FERTILIZERS-EXPERIMENT STATION, AUBURN, ALABAMA. Z Ls. FERTILIZER PER PLOT. LBS. FERTILIZER PER ACRE. r H 1 2 3 4 6 7 0 0 N 6 lbs. Nitrate Soda..... 96 lbs. Nitrate Soda.. 15 lbs. Acid Pbospjhate .. 240 lbs. Acid Phosphate 4 lbs. Murate Potash... 64 lbs. Murate Potash .. No Manure No Manure . 96 lbs. Nitrate Soda, 6 lbs. Nitrate Soda, 4 lbs. Murate Potash ... 64 lbs. Murate Potash... 96 lbs. Nitrate Soda, 6 lbs. Nitrate Soda, - 15 lbs. Acid Phosphate... 240 lbs. Acid Phosphate . S4 lbs. Murate 64 lbs. Murate Potash, 15 lbs. Acid 45.4726.4 32 0512 0 31 . 32 8524 8 48.8780.8 41 4662 4 40 0 640 0 0466.0 Phosphate-. Potash, 240 lbs. Acid Phosphate... S 9 JO 12 13 15 16 No Manure,........No 6 lbs. Nitrate Soda, 15 lbs. Acid Phosphate, 4 lbs. Murate Potash .... 15 lbs. Floats. . ...... M anure. ....... 96 lbs. Nitrate Soda, 64 lbs. Murate Potaah, 240 lbs. Acid Phosphate.... 240 lbs. Floats 32.2.515.0 60 8 972 8 2.7 96 lbs. Nitrate Soda, 11c6 lbs. Nitrate Soda, 05~9,2 0 210 lbs. Floats............1'7 S15 lbs. Floats....... ...... No Manure.............. No M anure......... '16 345 6 23 lbs. Green Cotton Seed. 848 lbs. Green Cotton Seed .31 240 lbs. Floats, 14 14 3 lbs. Floats, Cotton Seed. 848 lbs. Green Cotton Seed. '30.6498.6 lbs. Green 60 4 966 4 265 lbs. Stable Manure..4.240 lbs. Stable Manure. 240. lbs. Acid Phosphate, 15 lbs. Acid Phosphate, 15ilbs. Cotton Seed Meal 240 lbs. Cotton Seed Meal. 55 0928.0 0432.0 0466.0 10 This experiment consists of a comparison between compost, when the materials are put in the rows, and mixed with the plow, and bedded on in February-and compost freshly made in the usual way, and applied at time of planting. It is to be regretted that no comparison as to the cost of the two applications can be given, as the record has been misplaced. This work was ordered by Dr. Wi. L. Broun, President of the Board of Directors, results of which are shown below: COTTON EXPERIMENTS WITH FERTILIZERS. ,.. . ; U aq U U EXPERIMENT No. 1. O Q v',U . O a" rahvii C i c v 700 lbs. Acid Phosphate, 650 lbs. Stable Manure, 650 lbs. Green Cotton Seed. Applied in drill, and mixed with plow, Feb. 24th. Cotton planted May 10th, 1892. EXPERIMENT No. 2. 80 3247.3 333 6 148.2 70. 261. 905.5 700 lbs. Acid Phosphate, 650 lbs. Stable Manure, 650 lbs. Boiled Cotton Seed. ~ 60.5222.7 331 5145.6 84. 33.4877.7 Applied in drill, and mixed with plow, May 9th. Cotton planted May 10th, 1892. ______ The following experiments were made for Dr. N. T. Lupton, Chemist, to compare raw or ground phos jdaate rock with acid phosphate, the results of which are given in the tabulated statement below : COTTON EXPERIMENTS WITH FERTILIZERS. BY DR. N. T. LUPTON, CHEMIST'. -yL1 LnrVVU) LI ~ 1 ---~I:c C EG G 4-1 0aate e-nC x rCYr alL C.. POUNDS orFERTILIZER PER PLOT. 0 POUNDS OF FERTILIZER PER ACRE. j: QI t3t. aC ~ cyl 25 lbs. raw phosphate, cotton seed meal. 2 3 50 lbs. raw phosphate, 50 lbs. cotton see-d meal 3 25 lbs. acid phosphate, 25 lbs. cotton set d meal. 45 3.50 Its, acid phosphate, 50 lbs. cotton seed meal. No manure........... 6 . 25 lbs. raw phosphate, 50 lbs. green cotton seed 7.3 50 lbs. raw phos~phate, 1 S25 lbs. ..00 200 400 -160 30o meal.. AO lbs. acid phosphate, lbs. cotton 400 s~eed lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. raw phosphate, cotton s' ed meal.. raw phosphate, cotton seed meal.. acid phosphate, 9. 11.2 1.3 .12 3 4.3 11.5 11.4 20.1 27 4 13 4 11.6 16. 17 F! 17 2 12.2 26 3 31. 23. 37.1 16.8 25.3 43 5 39.1 45 33.5 43. 43.3 55. 31.9 42. 41.5 25.2 26.4 18.7 13.9 11.5 9. 8.2 4.2 4.1 37 1.3 1.5 2.S 1.5 1.1 1. 1.5 1.1 1. 06 28 3. 4.5 1.4 08 0.3 8 06 138 09 107 9 863 2 20.7 15.1 21 5 13 6 27 5 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 460 lbs. cotton seed meal.. No manure...... .. ... 00 lbs. rw phosphate, 400 lbs. green cotton seed. 400 lbs. raw phosphate, 00 lbs. green cotton seed. 100 lbs. green cotton 0 3 25 lbs. acid phosphate, .400 lbs. acid phosphate, lbs. green cotton seed 50 lbs. green cotton seed -10 lbs. acid phosphate, .50 lbs. acid phosphate, 0 lbs green cotton seed S1(0 lbs. green cotton seed Nomnanute......... NO manure.. .. ... lbs. raw phosphate.... 50 lbs. raw phosphate... 50 lbs. acid phosphate.. 100 lbs. acid phosphate.. 460 lbs. cotton seed meal.. 50 lbs. cotton seed m& 100 lbs. green cotton seed x~00 lbs green cotton seed. manure............ ]No manure............. 12. 5. 19.2 10 5 15 16.1 55 63 (1108 seed al. 0.5 114 9 919 2 04 147.81182.4 47.S& 22. 50.4 38 1 38 2 47.2 42 2 45.]1 45.5 25 8 16 7 13. 28 3 28.6 29.6 12.E& 4.2 16 5 11 10 0.3 147 31178 4 0.7 173.9 1387 2 0n 136 4 931.2 0 6 111 6 892 8 0.3 121.9 975 2 31 58 91271 2 3 3 161 - 12144 4 4.6 157.7 1261.2 S( 4(0 .No 30©3 30 2 37 6 42. 39 2 32.4 1 7 6 56 16 3 18 2 19.8 6 41 3. 1.6 67 72 9.1 , + p r" O COTTON EXPERIMENTS WITH FERTILIZERS, BY DR. N. T. LUPTON, CHEMIST. O R :ZEQ J r O O POUNDs FERTILIZER PER PLOT. POUNDs FERTILIZER PER ACRE. 0 - --- I' CL I CLU I i I _I i- a>- H i 57 114 57 114 114 114 114 57 57 114 114 No j- u No 5714 manure.................... 1-7 2-7 1-7 2-7 lbs. raw phosphate. ... lbs. raw phosphate....... lbs. acid phosphate. lbs. acid phosphate. - - -I lbs. raw phosphate, 2-7 lbs. raw phosphate... 2-7 lbs. raw phosphate, 2-7 lbs. cotton seed meal..... . 1-7 lbs. raw phosphate, 1-7 lbs. cotton seed meal.. 2-7 lbs. acid phosphate, 2-7 lbs. cotton seed meal... manure. -A C~ 400 lbs. raw phosphate.......... 800 lbs. raw phosphate.......... 400 lbs. acid phosphate.......... '00 lbs. acid phosphate......... No manure 400 lbs. raw phosphate, 400 lbs. cotton seed meal.......... 800 lbs. raw phosphate, 81)0 lbs. cotton seedl meal..... .... 400 lbs. acid phosphate, 400 lbs. cotton seed meal........ 800 lbs acid phosphate, X00 lbs. cotton seed meal.... ..... No manure Y 5 32 23 1.4 1. 65 9.6 7.9 15. 62 10.1 81 68 10 8 51 6 3:C 44 14.1 82 13 5 19 2 14 2 81 7.2 11 4 - i 8.5 87 66 6.5 35 6.2 3.8 32 2.1 1.6 31 1.8 2.1 1. 1. 1.1 41.5 31.4 28.1 20 6 15 2 290.5 219.8 196 7 141 2 106 '4 35 6 249 2 46. 322.7 8.3 69) 4.9 37 75 36.0 252 0 45 8 320 6 33 4 233 .8 ,rnr The following Experiments were made by Prof. Geo. F. Atkinson,-Biologist, for the Station, but as he resigned his position before the results were obtained, no comments are made, and only the tabulated statement of the work given, as follows: COTTON EXPERIMENTS WITH FERTILIZERS, BY PROF. GEO. F. ATKINSON. P-4 241 _ 064-czi m ev z H Ham, 1. 2. 3. 4. 1088 lbs. of Kainit and 500 lbs. Acid Phosphate applied broadcast and turned in with Dixie plow, Feb. 16th, 18 2. ................... No cotton crop, let second crop rot on ground. Peas : plow under ............... for twxo years. Plant cotton third year................ Plant cotton first year, plant peas last plowing, and peas and cotton first Plow ed un der, 40.6 73 0 96 0 Angus t 27th. 29.5 plowed under in the fall ................. ......................... 13 22 3 252.4 556.5 Plant cotton first year, plant peas last plowing, and let rot on the ground 31 6 Plant cotton first year, plant peas last plowing, and remove from the 20 2 ground in the fall............................................... 73.1 55. 12.9 94. 47 7 37.5 187 3 480.6 227 9 502.5 21.2 COTTON EXPERIMENTS WITH FERTILIZERS.-BY v , PROF. GEORGE F. ATKINSON. LBS. FERTILIZER PER ACRE. , >> P.4-)-- P, D y . y) I Check..... ............................................ 2 4001lbs. Salt ............................................. 32001bs. Salt ...... ...................................... 4 .......................... 1.7 3. 38 12 14.6 12.8 Check 5 6 300 10 600 " 7 100 " ......................... 8 Check.. ............. ............................. 9 400) Ibs. Kai nit ....................................... 200 lbs. Murate Potash ...... 96" ............. .......... ..................., 16 2. .......................... 9 8 11. 11 2 12 5 11 9 12 5 13. 12 14. 13.8 12 8 14.4 64 8 8 75 3.9 61 5.3 6 1 1. 12 21 2 53 5 172 5 57 42009 0 57010950 54.11893 5 11.9 12.1 13 3 13.7 7 1 7.] 5 9 6.4 1 6 2 1 6 52 (. 1841 0 54 4 IIn Feb. J300 lbs. of Kainit, 1st plowing, :1001lbs. X300 lbs. of Acid Phosphate, 1st plowing.......... 12 20o lbs. kainit...... ................................... 13 1'hec ............... it 25 2. 1 19 11 3 12 4 83 10 6 12 1l1 91 10.1 22 6 13 3 10.6 11.3 8 81 4.] 7.1 54 5 56 5.4 1.7 15 14 2.1 6" 5222 25 52 4 1869.0 41.01435.0 48 21687 0 904 0 ".................. ........ 1. 1.2 3 2.7 12.4 13. 13.2 10.5 10 5 11.5 6 55 I 77 6 41 13.9 7 8 22 3 9 5.1 1. 17 2 38 81358.0 46 21617 0 56.2 1967.0 14 800 lbs. of Thos. Slag, applied April 4th ..... 15 1.200 lbs. Thos. Slag, applied April 16 Check ................ .............................. 1 1,000 lbs. Thos. Slag ....................... 4th.............3342 ............ 7 821 18 .. .............. 3 3 12 5 16. 12 6 13. 13. 13 3 11. 13 5 12 7 5 6 4 4 7.5 4 7 2 3 6 29 0.9 1 3 2' 17 51 01785.0. 53 7 1 n':95. 58.3 2040 5 182,00lbs. Thos. Slag ........................ 1.9 Check 7 14.71196 1 096 10 4 11.8 108 86 433 43 44 29 2 1 91 4525158205 45521582.5 40314105 ... .. . . ... . 11 8 COTTON EXPERIMENTS WITH FERTILIZERS, BY PROs~'. +~.- GEO. ~-~- F. ATKINSON. oA QcN cIJ k Cr. C FFRTIT.TZRRS USED DURING CULTURE. POUNDS FERTILIZER PER ACRE. ~-~--~ o U"" ) Q -Q~-~*~~cC ~QOC Q~7 .2H H I I I C6 4-~ -l-. -1 -II ti~U~~ ~i~C .0 ~,~C -~-- II-- I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ii 12 13l Check................. 200 lbs. kainit, 1st plowing, 400 lbs kainit, Feb. 18 :'00 11bs. acid phos lbs. kainit, Feb. 18 ... 200 lbs. kainit, 1st plowing. lbs. kainit, Feb. 18 . 200 'lbs. kaini t, 1st plowing 520)0 lbs. kainit. 1st plowing. 600 lbs. kainit, Feb. 18 . X200) lbs acidl phos..... .. . Check ( Weilborn's Pet. ....... .................... W the variety of cotton, \as used in the 1sty9 plts 100 lbs. muriate potash ... ... 00 lbs. muriate l Herlong, in the last four... 400 lbs. muriate potash,... .. .. . . . . . ('heck 400 lbs. kainit...... ....... 1600 lbs. kainit....... . ICheck 63 56 48 7.4 8.1 77 75 83 7.1 10.0 10 1 4.0 39 03 09 33 28 4.7 25 28 30 63 47 50 53 58 0.5 10 2.0 1.2 15 20 2 1 2.1 34 27 25 22 25 1.1 10 1.0 1.0 05 09 1.8 1.9 42 2.3 19 20 15 02 19 8 1485.0 400 WO0 66. 80 8.2 83 6.1 09 18 28 20 2.5 34 3.0 36 2.5 35 34 83 52 50 55 53 0 2 20 7 1552 5 0.2 22 4 160.00 0.2 22.3 1672 5 0.2 26 8 2010 0 01 23.3 1747.5 03 04 08 07 08 0.4 04 28 27 3t 26 27 26 28 8 0 6 1 0 0 9 2160 0 20z5 potash 77 87 90 86 10 9 2370 0 1957.F 2025 0 1950.0 2167 .5