E~gPrIBRAgy AfidgR cLg, IGCULTIJRL --rr.y CYiEI E BULLETIN No. 25. REPORT -OF NEW SERIES. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, Agricultural and Mechanical College, AUBURN, ALA. - APRIL, 1891. Effects on Butter by feeding Cotton Seed and Cotton Seed Meal. M~The Bulletins of this Statiotn will be sent Free to any citizen of the State, on application to the Director. Smith, Alired & Co., State Printers and Binders, 24 Commerce St.,.-Montgomery,. Ala. 111 BULLETIN NO. 25. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMIENT STATION, Agricultural and Mechanical College, AUBURN, ALA. - APRIL, 1891. BOARD OF VISITORS. COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES . ON EXPERIMENT STATION: J. B. MITCHELL. HON. J. G. qILCI-TRIST,.. HON. R'. F. LIGO,.. HON. BOARD OF DIRECTION. L. BROUN........................... J. S, NEWMAN .. ............. N. T. LUPTON.............................. P. H. M ELL............................ G. F. ATKI NSON ........................................ W. ... ................ President Director and Agriculturist Vice-Director and Chemist ........................ _.. Botanist Biologist ASSISTANTS ISAAC JAS. Ross.-.1st Assistant Agriculturist, charge of Live Stock and Dairy ...... CLAYTON ... ....... Second Assistant Agriculturist T. ANDERSON, P~i{. D ..................... L. W. W ILKINSON, M. Sc ............. J. F. W1LKINSON, B. Sc,.....................Third R. W. E. NOBLE................................... FRASER.................................... J. First Assistant Chemist Second Assistant Chemist Assistant Chemist Fourth Assistant Chemist A. M. LLOYD. B.. Sc ............................ B. Assistant Botanist Clerk and Accountant 112 EFFECTS ON BUTTER BY FEEDING COTTON SEED AND COTTON SEED MEAL. N. T. LIPTON. THE COMPOSITION OF MILK. The constituents of milk, as usually stated, are water, butter-fat, casein, milk-sugar, and mineral matter, or ash. The proportions of these constituents, and the quality of the milk, vary with the breed of cattle; the quantity, with the materials upon which they are fed and the treatment to which they are subjected. The average results of the analysis of seventy samples of Jersey milk, made in the State Laboratory by Dr. Anderson during the months of February, March, and April, 1889, are as ................... 84.96 Per cent. Water... Butter Fat..................4.95 c" Casein.......................3.50 Sugar.............................. 5.84 " Mineral matter, or Ash...........0.75 follows: « Total...........100.00 The average of twenty-seven samples, analyzed during the months of November, Deeemher, and January, 1890-91, gave: Water .................................. ............ .............. Butter- Fat .. 84.97 4.97 Casein,.,.. ............... ..... ...... ...... 3.58 Mineral Matter, or Ash........................ 0.74 Total.......................1.00.00 These samples from the same herd of registered Jerseys, show in the two series an average composition of remairk- able uniformiity. The feed-stuffs used were different dur- ing the two periods, the latter samples being those analyzed during an investigation of some of the effects produced by 113 feeding on cotton seed and cotton seed meal, to be discussed in a subsequent part of thisBulletin. Johnston and Cameron, in a late edition of their elements of Agricultural Chemistry, give, in the following table, what may be regarded as a fair average composition of milk of different animals, without reference to breed. Jersey milk contains less water than the average here given, and is especially rich in butter-fat: Water..... Butter-fat.....Casein... Sugar ...Min' matter Cow ...... 87.00.........3.80......... 400 ....... 4.57...... 0.72 Goat ... 86.49.........5.69........3. 51 ....... 3 69............0.62 Ewe...... 83 03.........5.33 ......... 6.98....... 3.94..0.72 M are.....90.36 ......... 1.05 . ...... 1.95 ...... 6.24............0.40 A ss ...... 89.01.........1.85.........3.57 ....... 5 05 ............0.52 Sow ...... 81.76..... 5.83.........6.18 ....... 5.33...........0.90 CHANGES WHICH MILK NATURALLY UNDERGOES. The butter-fat consists of small globules, somewhat lighter than water, which rise to the top when milk is allowed to stand, and with a little water and casein, constitute the cream. The agitation of this cream, in the process of churning, causes the fat-globules to cohere and form butter. The casein is a nitrogenous substance which undergoes spontaneous decomposition on exposure to the air. This decomposition develops a growth, or organism, called a ferment, which changes the milk-sugar into lactic acid and renders the milk sour. The germs of these organisms which cause milk to ferment, are known as bacteria, or microbes and are found abundantly in the air, in water, and also on plants and animals. The casein held naturally in solution, is rendered insoluble by the lactic acid and separates as curd. THE COMPOSITION OF BUTTER. Butter consists mainly of the fat found in milk, and, as just stated, is formed by the fat globules which are made to cohere by agitation, as in the operation of churning. More or less water, casein or curd, and salts, are mixed 114 with the butter-fat. The average composition of the best Jersey butter as determined inthis laboratory, is as follows Fat ........................ ......... .......... 86.06 Casein or Curd.....................1.87 Water ........ ...... ... 961 Salts (chiefly, common salt)........... 2.46 Total ............................. 100.00 When prepared for the market, a small percentage of sodium chloride; or common salt, about one ounce to the pound, is added to impart a desirable taste. Dairymen have long known that consumers of butter prefer that which has a bright yellow or golden color, such as results from feeding on the rich pastures of spring and early summer. To impart this color to butter of lighter shades, a coloring matter known as annatto, is sometimes used. It is gotton from the fruit of a tree that grows in South America, and is said to be harmless. THE EFFECT OF COTTON SEED AND COTTON SEED MEAL. An investigation was undertaken in this laboratory, a few months ago, to determine the effect of cotton seed and cotton seed meal on the composition of the butter fat, especially on the volatile acids, the melting point, and the specific gravity of the butter produced. Several chemists of late years, have called attention to changes produced by the use of the feed-stuffs mentioned, of the Texas Experiment Station especially Prof. and Dr. Wiley of the Department of Agriculture, Washington D. C. This subject was thought to be of sufficient scientific and practical importance to justify an extended investigation. For this purpose, a herd of registered Jerseys at the Experiment Station, was divided into two groups, one consisting of ten cattle and the other of a single cow. The cattle of group No. 1 were fed for a preparatory period of ten days on. the customary ration used at the station, excluding cotton seed meal and hulls, the single cow was fed on the same ration. At the end of the preparatory period, samples of 115 Hlarrington milk and butter were taken for one week, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and carefully analyzed. The milk of the ten cattle composing group No. 1, was mixed and churned as a whole; that of the single cow was kept separate and churned by itself. The first preparatory period was for ten days; after that, the preparatory and experimental peiods extended over seven days each. The daily rations for the different periods which repro sent the kind and qualify of food actually consumed, were as follows 1st period, preparatory and experimental: lbs. Ground Oats.......................5 5 Ground Corn...................... " Bran.............................5 Nutritive Ratio......................1:5.8 2d period : Cotton Seed Meal...................3 Ground Oats......................4 Bran ............................. Ensilage ...................... lbs. 5 11 Nutritive 3d Ratio ......................... 1:3.75 period: Cottoni Seed Meal.....................4 lbs. " 9 Cotton Seed Hulls ..................... 4z " Ensilage. ................................ Nutritive Ratio..........................1:5.08 During the fourth period, the cattle were confimed exclusively to raw cotton seed and cotton seed period to cooked cottont seed and cotton seed hulls. the They were allowed as much as they would eat. The nutritive ratios mentioned above, are calculated from the following analyses of feed-stuffs used. In compounding the rations, the object was not so much to conform with strictness to the German standard, as to bring the cows gradually under the influence of cotton seed, cotton seed meal, and hulls without injury to their health. 116 fifth hulls; and during COMPOSITION OF FEED STUFFS USED AT THlE EXPERIMENT STATION. 51) cit U(1 \Vate.................. Ash. ................. Crude Protein (alhumiooid) Ether Extract (Fats Crude m 0 (U 6.47 4.1772 O U w oZ 14.15 1.20 10.55 12.81. 8.48 10.11 60.93 12.76 3 90 7.40. 20.77 24.61 2.43 3.22 1.8 3.121 4.671 5.49 294 2.78 10.36 14.41 3.79 '17.28 4.17 &oils.) 8.22 7.28 '1 2.17 Fibre ............. 1.68 10.45 8.02 13.76 344.84 Nitrog'n free ext (starch etc) 68.82 56 80 52.23 21.83 33 21 17.84 134.51 100.00] 100.00 100 00 100.00 100.00 1 00.00 0100.00 The results of the analyses of samples ol milk and butter, takeli immediately after each milking arxd churning, are given below. The first two tables give the composition of each sample of m silk analyzed, also, the volatile acids, melting point, and specific gravity of the butter from the same milk; the third table gives the average composition for each experimental period. 1117 THE COMPOSITION OF JERSEY MILK.BUTRFO VOLATILE DATE WVATE R BUTTER CASEIN SUGAR ASH ACIDS. BUTTER FROM THE THSAIMLK SATE MILK. Group I. Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent one tenth norPerCent mal alkali for o grains of fat. 5.53 3.20 5.73 5.51 5.16 5 96 9.07 5.79 6.41 6.11 5.84 4.87 3 95 4 05 4.09 3 88 3 90 3.64 3.90 3.57 3.58 3.34 3.56 3 393.31 3.96 5.09 5.24 6.19 5.98 5.12 6 03 5.19 5 01 5 FAT Expressed in cc MELTING POINT SPECIFIC GRAVITY RATION at 1000°c 5.OCo Period I. Ground Oats .... 5lbs Corn.5 " Bran . . 5'. Period II. Cotton Seed Meal.3lbs Ground Oats... 4 .. II Nov. " Dec. it 19 21 1 3 85.79 84.95 0 80 0 81 0.82 0 80 0.80 0 75 0 73 0.74 0 73 0.74 0 72 0 74 30 0 29.9 29.7 ';0.5 31.4 28.4 26.9 27 1 22 0 21 9 22.4 23.1 22.2 430 6 430.9 43 .4 0. 90257 ~36°. 360.3 360.1 360 6 3709 0. 90311 0.90111 0 84.15 83.62 84 26 84.53 83.35 90195 ~L~ 00 5 13 SBran..........5" 0. 90263 0 90081 0.901.94 0. 90306 0.90021 0.89721 0 89955 0.90462 0 90057 JEnsilage . " 17 19 Jan. 5 1 Period III. Cotton Seed Meal.4lbs C. S. 84 71 Ensilage ....... Hulls. 41 84'27 84.59 84.51 .7 19 22 5.37 5.16 5 08 5 04 IPeriod I V. Raw Cotton Seed. ICotton Seed Hulls. IPeriod V. Cooked Cotton Seed. ICotton Seed Hulls. 85 84 21 c 420 7 0.77 0 74 23 I 83.38 I 5.53 3 31 I I 22.1 I I i 43.0 0 9026 THE COMPOSITION OP JERSEY MILK. VOLATILE BUTTER ACIDS on-et o-POINT FROM THE SAME MILK. DATE WATER BUTTER Group IT. Cent erPr FAT CASEIN SUGAR ASH Expressed in cc MELTING mal Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent 5grains alkali for of fat. co SPECIFIC GRA\VITY RATION at 100°c GG Jl Nov. 24 5.53 84..03 467 5.93 4.75 4 53 3.94 4.74 3.84 3.93 3.50 3.84 3.66 3.42 523 5.30 5.30 5.24 6.02 5.86 073 0.81 0.68 0 71 0.75 0.72 31.4 350.1 330.4 0.90188 Period I. i Ground Oats.... .5 lb Dc. '. S 10 85.71 83.68 85.63 31.7 30.6 23.5 25 :36°.5 360.2 37035 Con..D0.90458Crn.. . Bran..5. ...... 1 Period II, CottonSeed Meal.3lbs 0.90282 Ground Oats....4 J 12 121 22 Jan. 2 I Bran ........... Ensilage.. 0.90022 .11 5" 41C 85.261 81.31 85.17 0.90192 0878 0.99 Il Entil Period C.S.I-lulls. 5.85 3.69 3.40 5.42 5.60 5 12 4.76 4.80 4.87 4.88 6.00 0.7:3 0.71 4 43°.5 410.0 430.0 430.3 430.3 440. III. Cotton Seed Meal.4lbs .9" 20 3 19.2 21.4 22,0 22.1 21.7 0.89751 0.89929 0.8 988 3 0 89775 0.89994 0.89803 Enilge ........ 42 S14 " 83.10 16 26 3.47 3 31 3.13 3.12 3.18 5.98 5.61 3.09 5.28 4.7~2 0.691 0.68 0.70 0.72 ) 85.54 86.21 86.00 85.39 Period IV. SRaw Cotton Cotton Seed Hulls. Seed. " 1 28 30 I 0.71 I 3 S Period V. r Cooked Cotton Seed. Cotton Seed Hulls. THE AVERAGE COMPOSITION of JERSEY MILK.1 BUTTER FROM SAME MILK. VOLATILE WATER PEIDPer B ECASEIN SUGAR ASH ACIDS METN Cent Per Cent Per Cent Per Cent P'er Cent 5.36 5.47 5.91 6.121 5.45 4.00 3.93 3.60 3.49 3.36 4.52 5.80 5.45 5.20 5.09 Expressed in 5 grains of CC one-tenth norn~al alkali for fat.! POI NT 0 Co SEII GAVIT,. t10C Group I. I II 0-- 85.35 84.01 84.20 84.46 85.37 0.81 0 81 0.75 0.7:3 0.75 29.8 30.5 27.5 22.1 22.5 3506G 360.1 370.4 430.6 0.90284 0 90280 0.90194 0.89899 0.90262 III IV V Group II I 420.7j 84.78 5.30 4.41 .5.30 4 89 3.89 3.69 3.87 3.40 5.26 077 31.4 340.21 0.90323 II III 85.67 84.79 85.27 5.52 5.64 5.74 0.71 0.72 -0.69 31.1 25.45 20.4 360.3 390.4 420.5 430.5 C 1~111 ~- 0.90152 0 89995 0.89854 0 8857 IV V S85.87 4.92 3.14 5.03 0.71 II 21.9 11 The following table, taken from a record carefully kept at the dairy, gives the aggregate, amount of milk and butter produced by group No. 1, consisting of ten cows, for each experimental period of seven days. Milk in Butter Pounds of milk Pounds. Pounds. for 1 lb. butter. ......... 1414 ......... 82.................. 17.2 ......... 1275.... . ........ 85 Period " I II .4.9 « " III ......... 975.......... .. 91..................10.7 IV ......... 896......89.. 75..............11.9 ..... V ........ 716........ . 58...............12.3 5 As will be observed, there is a marked falling off in the quantity of milk and a corresponding increase in the amount of butter, produced during the first three periods as the cattle were getting more and more under the influence of cotton seed meal. During the remaining periods, the quantities of both milk and butter diminished, the ration being confined to cotton seed and cotton seed hulls, without reference to having it well-balanced as a milk ration. The general effects of these valuable feed stuffs when used in carefully prepared rations will be hereafter investigated; at present, we are concerned only, as previously stated, with their effects on the volatile acids, melting point, and specific gravity of the butter-fat produced under their influenc3. For these effects, attention is called to the above tabular statements, from which the following conclusions are drawn. 1. The quantity and, to some extent, the quality of milk and butter vary with the feeding. 2. The milk increases in richness, or yield of butter, by the use of cotton seed and cotton seed meal, but diminshes in quantity. The opinion of some- that the quality of butter and milk is not affected by the feed stuff, is not sustained by these experiments. 121 12 3. Cotton seed and cotton seed meal increase in a marked degree the melting point of butter, the increase in these experiments, amounting to eight or nine degrees centigrade, and diminish to a corresponding extent, the volatile acids, while the specific gravity remains virtually the same. The richness of cotton seed meal in albuminoids, or crude protein, renders it of prime importance to mix it with one or more feed stuffs poor in this nitrogenous compound, such as ensilage, hay, or cotton seed hulls. It may be stated in this connection, that no change was observable in the color of the butter from feeding cotton seed and cotton seed meal. The samples, still in the laboratory, are all of a beautiful golden yellow. It is proper to state that the analytical work represented in the above tables, was done by Dr. J. T. Anderson, first assistant in the chemical laboratory. 122