BULLETIN NO. 14.--NE NEW SERIES. SRI. REPORT -OF- rit ultuial frimnittin, OF THE Agricultural ald echaoical College1 AUBURN, ALA. - APRIL, 1890. PEA VINES AS A FERTILIZER. A The Bulletins of this Station will be sent Free to any citizen of the State, on application to the Director. THE BROWN PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS, MONTGOMERY, ALA. 53 BULLETIN NO. 14. AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, Agricultural and Mechanical College, AUBURN, ALA. - APRIL, 1890. -BOARED HON. OF R. F. TISIOPS HON. J. B. MITCHELL. COMMITTEE OF TRUSTEES ON EXPERIMENT.STATION: J. G. GILCHRIST,....How. LIGON. BOA , Of' DIR8CTION President Director and Agriculturist Vice-Director and Chemist Meteorologist ............ ....................................... W. L. BROUN.. J. S. NEWMAN................. ............... N. T. LUJPTON............. ................... P. H. MELL. ...... GEO. F. ATKINSON .................. ............................... Botanist and *Biologist ASSISTANTS : ISAAC Ross. .1st Assistant Agriculturist, in charge of Live Stoc~k & Dairy Second Assistant Agriculturist JAS. CLAYTON.......................... .... First Assistant Chemist J. T. ANDERSON, PH. D ................. Second Assistant Chemist ...... .......... L. W. WILKINSON, M. P. L. HUTCHISON, B. Sc .,.............. ...... Third 'Assistant Chemist Sc A. M. LLOYD, B. SC ...................... .... Assistant Botanist caused by parasitic fungi and insects. *The special work of the Biologist is the investigation of the diseases of plants 54 NITROGEN AS . FERTILIZER. [N. T. LUPTON, CHEMIST.] In estimating the value of commercial fertilizers, phosphoric acid, potash, and nitrogen are the only constituents taken into consideration. Of course, these are no more necessary for the,growth of vegetation than other elements which enter into the composition of plants, but as they are more generally deficient in soils, especially after long continued cultivation, this deficiency must be supplied in order to produce abundant crops. The bones of animals, both recent and fossil, with the immense deposits of phosphatic material found in this and other countries, have furnished the farmer a good supply of phosphoric acid at a reasonable price. The natural sources of potash have also been sufficient to keep the cost of this element within moderate bounds. The supply of nitrogen, however, is not so abundant, and hence it maintains a high value in the commercial world. In addition to this, nitrogenous materials very readily undergo decomposition, and the gaseous nitrogen passes into the atmosphere. Its chief sources as a fertilizer, are blood, tankage, fish scrap, cotton seed, cotton seed meal, animal manure, the salts of ammonia from gas works, and sodium nitrate, or Chili saltpetre. While about four-fifths of the atmosphere consists of nitrogen, this immense supply is virtually useless as a fertilizer. It must be in a state of chemical combination, as it appears from the most reliable investigations, before plants can use it. How this combination is brought about in the ordinary growth of vegetation, is an interesting question. . The passage of electricity through the air is known to cause the union of minute quantities of nitrogen and oxygen, and some low organisms, called microbes, found on the roots of plants, are believed to change this element into 55 4 a form suitable for use by the plant, but whether atmospheric nitrogen, under any circumstances, contributes directly to the nutrition of plants is a disputed question. THE SOURCES OF THE NITROGEN OF YEGETATION. The question of the supply of nitrogen to vegetation, says a recent writer in the Chemical News, is one of the utmost importance, not merely from a theoretical, but from a practical point of view. Put ina slightly different form, it means, are we, as far as the nitrogenous constituents of our frames are concerned, living on the earth's income, or, as in the case of coal, on its capital ? Do plants denend for their growth on the combined nitrogen present in the soil and sub-soil, supplied by manures and by the decomposing remnants of defunct organisms, or brought down by the rain in the form of ammonia or nitric acid? Or, are they able to fix in their tissues, directly or indirectly, any portion of the unlimited store of free nitrogen existing in the atmosphere ? Such fixation might conceivably take place in various ways; by the direct oxidation of the plant, by the mediation of fungi or microbes, by some reaction of constituents of the soil, by the silent electrical discharge, etc. The ablest scientific and practical investigators in the field of agricultural science have been studying this question for years past, but it must be confessed, results are not concordant. Some conclude from numerous experiments, that certain soils have the power, under peculiar circumstances, to fix free nitrogen; that is, to cause it to enter into chemical combination ahd serve as plant food; others like Berthelot, the distinguished French chemist, and the German chemists, Hellriegel and Willfarth, believe that free nitrogen requires the influence of living organisms, or microbes, which are found on the roots of some plants, to bring it into organic combination, while Boussingault is quoted in an article in the Chemical News, above referred to, as saying : "If there is in physiology a fact perfectly demonstrated it is the non-assimilability of free nitrogen of plants, even those of an inferior order, such as mycoderms and fungi." 56 Thus we see how, different are the conclusions of the most skillful experimenters in this difficult field of investigation. PLANTS AS COLLECTORS OF NITROGEN. Whatever views may be held in regard to the relation of atmospheric nitrogen to the nutrition of plants, every educated farmer knows that certain crops collect this important element from some source and accumulate it in the soil. Prof. Wagner, Director of the Agricultural Research Station near Darmstadt, Germany, in a recent publication, divides plants into nitrogen-collectors and nitrogen-consumers. He concludes from many carefully conducted experiments that the nitrogen-collectors-peas, clover, lucerne, and leguminous plants generally-have the power to fix atmospheric nitrogen and by accumulating it in the soil, add to the capital of the farm, while cereals, grass, potatoes, turnips, tobacco, corn, cotton, etc, as nitrogen-consumers, have no such power, but take up from the soil, in the form of nitrogenous salts, all the nitrogen contained in the crop. THE VALUE OF PEA VINES AS A FERTILIZER. Pea vines and clover are universally recognized as enrichers of the soil, and are grown to some extent for purposes of fertilization. With a view of encouraging the growth of these valu.,ble plants, especially of peas, and of answering some important questions, an investigation was undertaken a few months ago, to determine the real value of pea vines as a fertilizer, and the relative value of vines and roots. With the aid of Dr. J. T. Anderson, assistant chemist in the State Laboratory, some interesting results have been obtained. Several chemists have investigated the composition and value of roots, among whom may be mentioned Dr. Walker in England, Dr. Weiske in Germany, and Dr. Atwater in this country; but I have found no presentation of the comparative value of the vines and roots as fertilizers. To determine this question, four samples were taken October, 1889, from a crop raised on the experiment farm, as follows: Sample A was taken from a space one 57 yard square.. The vines were carefully cut, leaving the usual amount of stubble with the roots. A trench was dug around this square yard to a depth of several feet, and the earth washed away by a stream of water from a suitable hose. The roots were collected as completely as possible. Samples B, C and D were from a cubic foot each, selected at random in the patch, the earth was removed entirely, dried, and then carefully sifted from the roots. Care was taken to secure, as far as possible, all fibres, however small. It was found that in this soil, a sandy loam with sandy sub-soil, the roots were virtually all included in the first foot in depth. Vines and roots with stubble attached were air dried, and weighed with the following results: Weights Expressed in Grams. ................. Weight of vines..:.... Weight of stubble and roots .................. A. 210 67 B. 137 20 C. 58 11 D. 69 9 Calculated for one acre, these give in pounds: A. Weight of vines .............. Weight of roots....................... ............ ...... 2,236 713 B. 13,128 1,916 C. D. 5,558 6,612 1,054 862 Thus we have in A a little more than three times as much vines as roots ; in B nearly seven times as much; in C five and a half times as much; and in D a little more than seven and a half times as much; the average being six of vines to one of roots. The vines and roots yielded as follows: A. per cent. B. per cent. C. per cent. D. per cent. Vines, Roots Vines, Roots Vines, Roots Vines, Roots Phosphoric scid...... .......... Potash.. ....... Nitrogen Moisture ........... ... Crude ash 1.03 1 09 0 56 0 56 0.55 0.62 0.44 0.30 1.24 1.17 1.25 1.11 1.33 1.24 1 35 1.14 2 62 1.09 1 73 0.75 1.45 0.5,4 1.45 0.36 11.79 10.95 10.49 11.10 11.48 9.05 11.04 9.53 14 37 20.65 8.87 23"54 7 81 18.18 7.31 17.53 58 The amounts of phosphoric acid, nitrogen and potash, calculated for one acre, are given in the following table in pounds: A. pounds. Phosphoric acid ...... 23.03 Potash .............. 27.72 Nitrogen ...... 58.58 B. pounds. C. pounds. D. pounds. 2.58 9.82 3.10 Vines, Roots Vines, Roots. Vines, Roots Vines, Roots 7.77 73.51 10.72 30.56 6.53 29.09 8.34 164.10 21.26 74.10 13 06 89.26 7.77 227.11 14.37 80,59 5.69 95.87 Table expressing averages in pounds on one acre with commercial values, taking the yield of the four samples analyzed : pounds. Vines, Value in dollars and cents. Roots. Vines, Roots. .52 .13' 2.50 3.15 Phosphoric acid...................... 39.05 6.90 $ 2.93 Potash ............................ 88.79 13.12 89 Nitrogen............................ 115.54 7 70 22.53 1$ 26 35 To determine the loss of nitrogen caused by allowing the vines to lie upon the ground during the fall and winter, samples of dry vines were collected during the last weeks of December and January, and the percentage of nitrogen determined. The following table gives these results, and for comparison, the percentage of nitrogen in green vines is also given as previously obtained: Percentage of Nitrogen. (1) Green vines collected in October ......... 2.62 (2) 1.73 (3) 1.45 (4) 1.45 Dry vines collected in December......... Dry vines collected in January............ 0.81 0.66 0.88 0.72 .... .... 0.66 0.70 The leaves had mostly disappeared from the dry vines, and such changes had taken place by atmospheric agencies, that it was impossible to institute, with any degree of exactness, a comparison between the weight of green vines on 59 a given area, air dried in the Laboratory, and the weight of same when dried in the field and gathered in December and January. The shrinkage from loss of moisture and decomposition by atmosperic agencies would, however, greatly increase the relative loss of nitrogen as exhibited in the above table. CONCLUSIONS. It is evident that much of the nitrogen collected by pea vines is lost when the crop is left exposed on the soil where it grew. No experiments have been made to test the view of those who hold that more or less of this nitrogen becomes oxidyzed and passes into the soil as nitrate. The gaseous condition of nitrogen, ammonia, and other compounds of this element which result from the decomposition of organic substances, renders it, however, more than probable that the nitrogen escapes into the air. Many of our best agriculturists, however, condemn the practice of turning under the pea vines while green, in our climate, unless some other crop is to follow immediately, believing that the saving of nitrogen contained in the vines will not compensate for the loss produced by the exposure of the ploughed land to atmospheric agencies during the fall and winter. An excellent plan would be to use the vines as a feed stuff, preserve the manure, and return it to the soil just before the time of planting. The following conclusions are di awn from these results: 1. Pea vines contain a large percentage of phosphorio acid, potash and nitrogen, the three valuable constituents of commercial fertilizers, and are especially rich in nitrogen, which they accumulate directly or indirectly from the atmosphere and furnish as a fertilizer to other crops. 2. In these experiments'the vines weigh about six times as much as the roots, and are about eight and a third times as valuable as a fertilizer, calculating their value on the basis of valuations used in Alabama for commercial fertilizers. 3. The vines lose a large percentage of their nitrogen when left on the ground during the fall and winter months. 60 9 No. 1519. COTTON SEED HULL ASHES FROM CENTRAL OIL Co., SELMA, Moisture.........................................11.00 ALA. per cent. Organic matter.......... 8.95 Insoluble matter (silica)..............................7.95 Oxide of iron and alumina............................3.03 Lime, or calcium oxide............... ............. 2.22 Magnesia, magnesium oxide..........................8.84 Potash..........................26.14 Soda . . . . . . . .17 Phosphoric Acid (P2 O )1.......1.69 Sulphuric Acid (S 03)..........2..5....... Chlorine..........................................0.96 Caibonic Acid (calculated)............................5.31 100.00 ........................... " " A sample of fertilizer marked "Acid Phosphate with Potash "from Messrs. T. S. & J. P. Kirley, Scottsboro, Ala., was examined Feb. 6, lead in grains or particles. varying in size from that of mustard seed to that of a buckshot. Eight ounces of the fertilizer contained one und one-sixth1 ounces of lead. Another sample sent by the same parties was examined March 11th, which contained metallic as in the previous sample. P-90, and found to contain metallic *lead 61 Analyses Reported b~y Dr. N. Ti. Lupton from October 1, 1889, to April 1, 1890. PHOSPHATES CONTAINING NITROGEN AND POTASH. r.N ~~ptnfrmOcoe B WHOM SENT. Phosphor'ic Acid. m N b mb z O 0 O cc3 NAME OF FERTILIZER. 0 Cs zC 0 1.99 2.24 2.3 1.45 1.44 0.83 1.60 1 95 1.90 1.65 1.31 1.72 1 93 3.69 6.13 0.84 1.51 0.50 0.91 2.23 2.68 2 90 0 80 3.00 2.31 1.82 1.78 1.68 2.17 2.31 2.10 1 68 1.96 3.36 3.01 2.73 1.261 1.89 1.12 4.96 1.40 2 38 2.80 1.75 1.82 1.75 4.75 2.66 1.50 2.00 2 04 1.18 1.92 0.85 1.81 1 .30 1 21 3.00 3.31 2.20 1 31 2.06 0.08 1.47 3.39 2.15 2.08 1.02 0.42 2.37 5.55 1.82 0 $22 92 24 64 24 41 24 29 24 51 17 21 26 26 25 68 26 07 31 10 31 39 29 11 22 04 24 74 15 07 30 86 27 30 23 23 23 35 25 4. 80 8.21 9.44 8.00 .,.. John C. Cheney, Montgomery, Ala. 6.73 J. C. Webb, Demopolis, Ala............. ~oTroy, Ala........ 2.72 Troy Fertilizer company, 9.79 9.92 9.58 7 27 . Adair Brother & Co., Atlanta, Ga .......... 8.08 7 16 . ..... ..... 1415 Buffalo Bone 7.50 1416 F. F. I. Co. Soluble Bone ...... Maryland. 7.56 1421 Ammoniated Dissolved Bone........ John Merryman & Co., Baltimore, 6.33 A.. St. C.. Tennille, Troy, Ala...... ... ... . 1425 Phosphate & Crushed cotton seed.. 1.42 .. ... . J. C. Webb, Demopolis, Ala........ .... . 1435 Webb's Excelsior.......... 7 94 Eufaula Oil and Pert. Co., Eufaula, 1439 C. S. Meal, Oil and Guano ... ....... 10.02 MVa1l Rucker & Co., Atlanta, Ga... dog, 1441 Southern Ammoniated Dis. bone.. .L '' '' G. 10 92 1442 Old Dominion Guano ................ 9.06 1443 F'armer's Ammoniated Dissolved Bone. Hammond, Hull & Co., Savannah, Ga... 8.50 ...... ............. 1444 Old 8.42 1445 Ga. State Stand. Amm'd Superphosphate 6.99 1448 High Grade Veg. Fertilizer........... . 4 45 Davis, Marshall & Co., Mobile, Ala ... 1455 Magnet Soluble Guano............... 1399 Fertilizer ........................ 1402 Georgia State Grange Fertilizer . 1403 Amomoniated Dissolved Bone........ 1404 Ammoniated Dissolved Bone 1405 Rock City Guano.................. 1408Fertilizer ........... ....... 1410 Troy Perfect Guano ....... 1411 Pike County Guano............... 1412 Farmer's Alliance Guano. 1413 F. F. I. Co. High Grade 1414 Golden Grain Fertilizer............... i3uldwin Fertilizing company, Savannah, Ga.. . o C C ......... Guano. iano; ............. c Guano..... Ala.. Reliable.. 3.48 2.16 0 85 3 04 2 69 2.19 1.05 1.97 1.90 2.73 2.82 3.69 3.05 2.6t, 0.76 5.28 2.83 0 61 0.82 1.20 1.99 0.94 0.92 4.10 25 00 37 61 23 24 23 93 01 1458 Carolina Fertilizer............ 1459 B. D. ea Fowl Guano............... 1460 Eagle Ammoniated Dissolved Bone. 1461 Bradley's Ammoniated Dissolved Bone... 1462 Bradley's Patent.................... 1465 Americus Guano.................. 1466 Eufaula Fertilizer.................. 1468 Fertilizer.......................... 1171 Ammoniated Guano................. Pacific Guano............... 1472 1475 Home Mixture 1476 East Alabama Fertilizer No. 2......... " No. 1........ 1477 East'" 1478 Lister's Ammoniated Dissolved Bone.... 1481 Atlantic Soluble Guano.............. " Fertilizer.................. 1482 soluble' 1483 Fertilizer ............ 1 M~1486 MI. S. Guano...................... 01486, Gossypium Phospho................ 1489 Home Mixture..................... 1490 Patent Pacific Guano............... 1493 shepoo Fertilizer .................. 1497 Ammoniated 1499 Fertilizer........................... . 1502 imericus Guano ................ . 1503 Home Mixture . .................... ....... 1504 Fertilizer..................... . 1505 Fertilizer ......................... . 1509 Lee Fertilizer ..................... ... 1510 Farmer's Club Guano... .......... 151i Disolved Bone......... . Coweta High 1512 Aurora Am'd Phosphate............. 1513 Fertilizer .......................... 1514 Homestead Guano .................. 1515 Adair's Amd. Dissolved Bone...... ... 1517 East Alabama Fertilizer No. 3......... Grade................ . . . . . . 8.83 8.81 8.79 cc " 8 48 11.28 Williams & Clarke Fert. Co., N, Y........._, 8.04 Eufaula Oil and Fertilizer Co., Eufaula, Ala.. 8.04 6 89 S. E. Greenhill, Pleasant Site, Ala......... . 6 24 Reasin Fert. Co., Baltimore, Md ............. W. J. Pollard, Augusta, Ga ............... 6 54 . Co., Columbus, Ga........ Columbus Fert. 7 29 East Alabama Feitilizer Co., Clayton, Ala....I 9.19 8.08 Lister's Ag. and Chem. Works, Newark, N. J. 7.76 7 10 Atlantic Phos. Co., Charleston, 8. 5.76 6 52 . Albany Fertilizer Co., Albany, Ga ......... 5.76 W. J. Hudson, Mobile, Ala.............. 6.40 S. E. Greenhill, Pleasant Site, Ala.......... J. W Crawford, Lawrenceville, Ala........ 6.47 10.59 Southern, Phos. Co., Atlanta, Ga.......... 7.66 Ashepoo Fertilizer Co.. Charleston, S. 6 89 W. F. Vandiver, Montgomery, Ala......... 8 54 Wight, Weloskey & Brown, Albany, Ga.. Clarke Fert. Co., N. Y.......... 9.38 rWilliams 6.02 Columbus Fert. Co., Columbus, Ga........ 7.27 Chattahoochee Fert., Co, Eufaula, Ala... 7.06 R. Q. Edmondson & Bro., Eufaula, Ala... 7.08 ........ MI T. Trawick, Opelika, 7.60 8 71 Coweta Fert. Co., Newnan, Ga.. .......... 8.14 7 81 . J. C. Killebrew, Newton, 8.85 Adair Bros. & Co., Atlanta, Ga............ 8 23 East AlbmaFrto.latn 6.79 c. cc cc Bradley Fert. Co., Boston, Mass........... 2.27 2.19 2.24 2 20 0.67 1.52 2 33 330 3.44 2.01 2.38 2.25 1.55 1.85 4.43 1.66 4 43 2.08 2.42 0.89 2.20 3.75 1.81 1.69 3.44 2.19 4.22 1.75 2.26 0.76 0 71 1.21 0 72 1.63 1.58 C.... 00.... Co.. 1.01 1.03 1 56 1.56 0.33 1.72 1.84 1.47 2.46 3 38 1.24 1 08 ~2 11 2.42 1.47 3.80 1.35 3.80 2 46 1.45 0 76 2.60 3.93 & 0 74 0.94 1 .08 1.08 East labaa Fet. C., Cayto, Ala. ...... Al....... o Ala............. 2.87 1.80 1.58 1.20 1.11 2.90 0.87 2.02 2.65 1.89 2.31 1.82 2.52 1.89. 1.68 1.68 2.59 2.24 2 17 2.03 154 2.52 2.10 1.96 1.54 2 80 1.57 266 2.31 2.38 1.61 1.33 2.80 2.24 2.10 2.17 1.40 2 10 2 03 1.13 1.59 0 79 1.21 1.00 1.06 3 70 1.80 1.85 1 26 1.82 3.19 2.19 1.48 1.73 0.95 1.74 0.95 1 64 1 92 2 13 1 14 1.65 1.40 1.20 2.28 1.90 1.13 1 94 2.24 2.10 2.10 1.82.. 2.66 1.82 2'38 2.14 2.73 2.08 1.97 2.77 25 27 24 27 26 21 24 25 25 24 23 26 27 22 22 22 24 22 24 24 28 22 22 27 26 24 24 23 23 25 25 2.4 23 21 27 22 15 09 42 05 29 95 41 73 02 69 68 54 50 66 79 23 93 35 73 25 63 20 79 84 53 66 63 51 37 17 07 19 80 44 13 41 Analyses Reported by Dr. N. T Lupton from Otober 1, 1889, to April 1, 1890-Continued. PHOSPHORIc AcID. PHOSPATES CONTAINING NITROGEN AND POTASH. z 0 0 NAME OF FERTILIZER. j 06 O tlnan BY WHOM SENT. 03 Bone........... Kennesaw Guno Co., Atlanta, Ga......... 1521 iiooiiialed DiI 6 1522 digh Grade Ammoniated Guano"....... Pike Martin.Mntgomery, Ala.. 1524 'omplete Fertilizer. ................ Ga. Treadwell, Abbott & Co., 1528 Jrow n Guano..... ................ Ala. 1531iEast Alabama Ftitilizer No. 5.........East Alabama Fertilizer Co., ssolved < 6.......... 7 ...... z O 0 U oC) la, a Atlanta, ' 1532 Clayton, ' " Fertilizer . ' ~ 1533 1535 < " ................ < Iunsil 1535Ferilier...................Huntsville Fert. Co., Huntsville, Ala. J. C. Killebrew, Newton, Ala. 1539 Guano, lot No. 1 .................. 1540 Guano, lot No. 2. ................. 1541 Guano, lot No. 3................... 1543 Soluble Pacific Guano............... W. L. Sampey, Clan ton, Ala ....... ....... John H. Murphey, Mt. Pinson, Ala......... 1544 Fertilizer, No. 5..................... Co, Atlanta, Ga ... 1546 Ammoniated Thssolved. Bone........ Treadweli, Abbott 1547 Buno .... 6.45 6 91 1 .07 8.00 7.10 6 77 6.95 7 64 7.4t 7.91 8.35 8.85 8.5:& 1548 Gilt Edge Guano................. .. ...... 1549 Chatham Guano. .. 1552 Georgia State Grange Fertilizer. . ....... ..... 1555 Guano ............... 1557 Fertilizer. 1559 Fertilizer Fertilizer. *.................... I ....... ......... ono Fertilizer Co., Baltimore, & G. Harnies, Trimoble, Ala.......... J. S. Lisenby, Echo, Ala ................ .. .. 0..W. Cooper, Oxford, Ala Ridge, Ala..... 11. I.i'teed, H11wA .1. P. Darr, Millp ort, MdI . .... .... . G. H. See, New Castle. Ala................ Ala. Nio. 1561 Fertilizer....................... ............ 1562 Fertilizer. ..... 1563 Fertilizer. ................... 1567 Fertilizer......,.................. < .... ..... << W. J Hudson, Mobile, Ala........ ..... . ..... Byars (Coale, Carrolton, Ala .. . .. J. H McGaha, Coal Fire, Ala ........ 6.79 6.8 5 7.37 7.75 7.12 5.95 7 54 7.66 5.74 2.9 6.16 6.24 1.92 4.16 2 34 13 61 3.04L 1.01 2.36 3.52 . 1.92 2.52 2.41 2 70 2 45 2.48 3.65 0.82 2.49 2.04 2.33 1.97 2.22 2.29 2.07 0.94 0.52 1.6 2.03 3.98 3.96 0.88 3 59 2.07 2.61 3.54 1.75 4.51 1.83 1.03 1.15 1.74 2.39 2.31 3.12 1 87 4.72 1 62 2 12 1.-70 2 27 1 93 2.24 2.24 2 .52 2 66 1.75 1.75 1.61 2 94 1 96 1.96 1 82 2.10 2.3b 2 73 1 .96 2.80 1.89 1 75 1 89 2 45 1 cci 3 01 '2 10 75 2 52 2.55 23.01 1.74 24 34 16 11 1.94 27 85 2 72 23 07 2 96 23 55 2.37 '22 74 0.50 23 04 2.47 25 06 2.37 25 41 2.15 25 06 0. 92 25 49 1.45 24 29 1.41 25 28 2.2 26 13, 0.97 28 33 2.45 25 37 2.07 22 19 1.52 20 57 1.39 23 97 1.50 23 41 2.57 27 5~ 0.67 20 39 2 09 24 33 2.00 24 86, 1569 1570 1571 1573 1578 1579 1583 1585 1586 .. . ...... J. A. Gass, Benevola, Ala............. Globe Guano ................... Geo. A. Folmer & :on, Lucerne, Ala Rock City Guano...................S. P. Barrun, Andalusia, Ala.............. ..... J. Bradley, Beard, Alabama..... Fertilizer.......... .: Southern 1Akmmoniated Dissolved Bone.. R. E. L. Bugg, Goldville, Ala ... tieflin, AlaL Georgia State Grange Fertilizer......... W. R. Hunnicutt Mfobile Standard Guano ............... J. M. Funderburk, Reform. Ala . Troy Fcrt.. Co, Troy, .... Troy Perfect Guano ..... ............. Georgia State Grange Fertilizer .. S. J. Brown, DDadeville, Ala ... Fertilizer ........... 6 54 1 59 6 98 7.08 1.69 8.70 2.27 2.06 1.85 1 24 1.06 2.66 4 34 1:82 2.36 25 07 5.05 37 40 1 21 22 17 240 2.539 23(;2.38 & son, Ala, 7.83 7.56 3.05 9 13 7.35 1 54 1.58 4.82 0 76 2.19 1 40 4.26 4 93 1.6 2 10 2 841 182 1 78 2.24 1 89 1 35 21 95 05 2 15 1.6+ 20 4;; 2 73 26 39 1.95 2:36.; 2.1 ACID PHOSPATE WITH POTASH, PhosphoricAcid. z " GT OF FERTILIZERa. By WHOM SENT. m m iNAME 1401 Bone and Potash...... .... 14C7 Phosphate with Potash.... ........... .. .. John C. Cheney, Moutgoiaery, Ala....... .. 11.02 1417 Phosphate with Potash ..................... Adair Brothers & Co., Atlanta, Ga.......... 7 66 1529 Crown Acid Phosphate...... ... ..... ..... freadwell, Abbott & Co., Atlanta, Ga ....... 10 90 1587 Dissolved Bone....... ................... J. B. Smith, Mulberry, Ala ... ............. Baldwin Fertilizer Co., Savannah, Ga ... 10 54 2 22 1 85 4 2 57 10.,561 4.15 3.43 1 75 1 7. 1.56 0.21 2 27 22 6' 2 65~ 20 3( 2 47 2:3 9( 0 6, 20.0k 02 $2;3 1( (i 5 6 2 36 5 Analyses Reported by Dr. ... Lupton fronm October 1st, 1889, to April lst, 1290. ACID PHOSPHATES. Phosphoric Acid. z 0 0 NAME OF 'FERTILIZER. oSPHo BY WHOM SENT. r 23 nnn Seir CO er 1398 Phosphate.... 140C. Georgia State Grange Acid Phosphate. 1406 Phosphate........................... 1409 Troy Acid Phosphate................ 1418 Phosphate ............................. 1419 Magnet Acid Phosphate............... S1420 Phosphate 142, Phosphate. ......................... 1424 Phosphate saturated with C. S.Oil......... 1438 Phosphate .............................. . 1440 Southern Acid Phosphate ........ 1446 Georgia State Standard Acid Phosphate ... 1449 English Acid Phosphate................... ... ..... . 1463 Palmetto Acid Phosphate ......... . 1467 Acid Phosphate .......................... ...... ......... .. 1469 Phosphate .... ..... . 1470 Acid Phosphate..... .................... ........ 1473 Tinsleys Phosphate ............. ............... 1474 Soluble Bone....... 1479 Atlantic Dissolved Bone ................... ........ . 1480 Atlantic Acid Phosphate ....... 1485 Berkley Phosphate.,...........,........... . S. Acid Phosphate.... ......... ].487 Tinsley Fertilizer Co., Selma, Ala............. Baldwin Fertilizer Company, Savannah, Ga. John C. Cheney, Montgomery, Ala. ...... [roy Fetilizer Company, Troy, Ala........... Adair Brothers & Co., Atlanta, Ga............ Davis, Marshall & Co., McMillan & l insley Fertilizer Company, Selma, Ala........ A. St. C. Tennille, Troy, Ala............... East Alabama Fertilizer Company, Clayton, Mobile, Ala............ Ala........... Harrison, Mobile, . Maddox, Thicker & Co., Atlanta, Ga .......... Hammond, Hull & Co., Savannah, Ga .......... Co., Montgomery, Ala .. \V. F. Vandiver & Bradley Fertilizer Company, Boston, M..ss.. Chattahoochee Fertilizer Company, Eufaula, Ala.. C. A. Hughes, Get-np, Ala Ala.. ... Rasin Fertilizer Cooapany, Baltimore, Md.... W. C Kennon......... Columbus Fertilizer Company, Columbus, Ga... . Atlantic Phosphate Company, Charleston, S. C.. M. T. Trawick, Opelika, Ala................. W. J. Hudson, Mobile, Ala. ......... . .............. M. 7.31 1015 11.88 1'x.40 11.40 11.92 10.50 10.50 8.65 6.7 9 13.63 12.26 12.21 12.23 10 69 10 06 13.44 11.44 10 56 12.44 11.07 10.54 11.50 2.43 202 ImpiS 0 ne.r, 4.36 2.39 3.02 2 42 5.61 1 24 2.00 2.44 1.18 3.13 5.78 2.08 2.54 3.15 1.50 1.58 3.30 3.06 2.32 f17 4 42 18 1.80 21 -1.47 23 0.92 23 1.92 21 1.92 20 0.28 19 4.47 21 2 50 21 0.14 22 1 31 21 1.84 21 0.60 20 1.88 20 2.76 23 1.28 23 2.55 20 2 01 20 2.09 20 1.50 20 3.13 21 2.00 21 8~ 73 4(. 1:3 64 4( 38 3& 39 7( 3( 39 97 11 7? 7(. 2 97 56 91 00. 76 84 .4 1491 Phosphate.... ................ ., ... C. A. Hughes, Get-up, Ala.... . ... .... .. 9.35 1494 Ashepoo Phosphate......................Ashepoo Phosphate Company, SC 12 74 1495 XX Phosphate..........................V. F. Vandiver, Montgomery, Ala..............11.50 1496 Diamond Solable Bone..................... c " 11.78 1506 Berkley Acid Phosphate...................Chattahoochee Fertilizer Company, Eufaula, Ala 8 90 1516 Adiar's Acid Phosphate....................Adair Bros & Co., Atlanta, Ga.........11.82 1523 High Grade Acid Phosphate...............Kennesaw Guano Company, Atlanta, Ga.........9.75 Burkes, Auburn, Ala...........:.. ... 12 36 1525 Berkley Phosphate.......................J. 1527 Acid Phosphate...................... C. W. Williams, Bosenburg, Ala......... 3 55 1534 Dissolved Bone..........................East Alabama Fertilizer Company, Clayton, Ala 11.67 1536 Phosphate No. 1.......................... McQueen Smith, Prattville, Ala........ . . . .. 12 55 Charleston, 4.83 2.81 3.04 21 2.33 2.30 2.09 1.22 3.79 2.07 4 20 2.26 2.31 21 21 18 23 20 19 16 20 24 0.46 23 32 27 2.66 2.70 3.42 3.54 3.68 0.91 7.39 1.83 3.84 4.08 5.65 24 72 48 04 14 90 41 25 58 1537 1538 c " "c "c 2 ............. «3. 13.03 9.77 0.53 25 66 3.08 23 13 1545 Wando Acid Phosphate................... W. L. Sampey, Clanton, Ala.......... 1550 Phosphate No. 9.. ....................... McMillan & Harrison, Mobile, 1551 cc cc 7. . . ... .cc ..... 1553 Georgia State Grange Acid Phosphate........0. W. Cooper & Co., Oxford,.Ala..... -~1556 Atlantic Acid Phosphate.................... 0. T. Jeter, Boyd Tank, Ala... ........... y 156t1 Phosphate ................... .... ... J. P. Darr, Millport, Ala.. ..... ... Ward & May, Cuba Station, Ala ... 1564 "c............... 1566 " 4............... .... J. H. ,McGaha, Coal Fire, Ala....... ........ 1568 "c......... .. ,........ J. D. Connell, Brundidge, Ala...........12.13 1572 Acid Phosphate............................ S. P. Barron, Andalusia, Ala................... 1576 1577 Ala............ .. ... 10.88 9.86 3.13 4.56 2.79 21 01 1.51 21 63 10.11 9.19 11.57 12.36 11.90 9.38 9.60 11.63 8.33 2.46 2.00 2.62 5.30 4.12 3.70 2.94 2.24 168 4.42 1.98 2.89 4.01 Phosphate.... ............. " 1.29 3.74 1.63 1.82 2.08 2.10 1.29 3.71 18 16 19 25 21 22 24 19 85 76 87 17 90 02 37 95 ........ .. .............. 1580 "c ............. 1581 High Grade English 1584 Phosphate . .. 1582 Tinsley's Acid Phosphate No. 1. Acid ....... ... .... .. Farmers Alliance, Auburn, Ala................. .J. H. Burgess, Beard, Ala ..................... .. H. B. Rives, Portland, Ala...........10.17 2.09 21 85 1.64 15 85 Phosphate No. 2 .... A..C. Lunni, c Pine Apple, Ala ................. c....... .. 10.52 11.15 3 82 18 2% 2.56 20.11 1.60 22 74 .... E M. Rice, .Auburn, Ala........ .. 6.89 4.37 3.60 16 80 MISCELLANEOUS FERTILIZERS. 0 Z NAME OF FERTILIZER. Phosphoric Acid. BY WHOM SENT. Watar Citrate Acid Soluble. Soluble Soluble. 3.34 B4 0 CSI 1423 Kainite...... ............................ 1436 Cotton Seed Meal........East 1437 Muriate of Potash...................... 1447 Kainite.......... 1453 Muriate of Potash..........................[roy 1454 Concentrated Tankage..................... 1456 Carib Guano....................... 1457 ' ... McVillie in & Harrison, Mobile, Alabama Ala ,bama Fert. Co., Clayton, " .. ....... Hammonad, Hull & Co., savannah, Ga Feertilizer Co., Troy, Alabama. John Q lite, as, Sa.a 7.28 12.96 1.67 50.69 12.44 50.24 Mobile,.......... cc .... .. ' .. ......... 1484 Swan Island Guano........................A. 1492 Green ....... .... 1500 Cotton Seed Meal......... c1501 C. S. Hull ashes. ........................... 1507 [tankage ................................. 1508 Carib Sand...............................Foster ... 1518 Muriate of Potash .. ............. 1526 Natural Phosphate.................... 1530 Cotton Seed Meal....... ................... 1542 Swan Island Guano ............ 1558 Guano........,,................. .. ...................... ...... Montgon nery Oil Works, Montg'iy, 6 B. ME ayer, Mau'f Co., St. Louis, Mo. Alabama W. J.] Hudson, Mobile, East AlalLbama Fert. Co., Clayton, Huntsvil: Fert. Co., Huntsville, N. Adaii: s, Mobile,......... .. J. G. Stewart, Shelley, Booker Adam M1. Kirksey, Eutaw 6.938.50 2.67 1.20 19.38 12.34 12.33 0 028 3.20 6 82 4.78 17.35 1.13 2.75 15.19 14.76 3 86 19 82 0.88 11.83 7.28 2 52 0.115 1.71 27.20 48.87 ....... Ile 4.90 1.29 1565 Bat Manure .... ... ............ ............ 1574 Fertilizer....... .... ........ .... ........ 1575 Supposed Phosphate ..................... Bone Dust . lobertson, Carrolton,..." W. G. B3 Richland Springs, Texas.. W. S. W1 0.12 5.79 all, 2.17 8 05 1.31 & Birmingham," Co., Mobile, Alabama. FERTILIZERS USED ON EXPERIMENT STATION, AUBURN, ALA. Nos. 1588--1592 Cotton Seed Meal............................................ ........ 2 51 ... 10.64 10.92 5.47 4.46 1 10 1.33 Amnmonium Sulphate................................................... Dissolved Bone Dust............................................... Edisto Acid Phosphate........... ........................... 4.18 11.71 1.73 Kainit .................................................. ............... ......... 12.75 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, as rendered to Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Manufacturers---Sea;o PHOSPHORIC ACID. 8-0 BY WHOM REPORTED. NAME OF FERTILIZER OB CHEMICAL. NAME AND ADDRESS. BY WHOM MANUFACTURED. WHERE MANUFACTURED. CC? C t s Cumberland Bone Sup. Phos. of Lime... Charles Ellis, Savannah, Ga. 3 i Charles do. Elliston Acid Phosphate............. Ammoniated Guano................ do Davis, Marshall & Co.. Edisto Phosphate Co.. Imported .... Davie & Whittle ... Davie & Whittlc, Petersburg, do do do .Jo. C.. Webb,. Demopolis, Ala.... . John C. Webb ... do do ...... do Columbus Oil Mills, Columbus, Miss Columbus Oil Mills.... Standard Fertilizer .... ....... do do do .. , ............. . Acid Phosphate ....... McMillan & Harrison.. McMillan & Harrison, Mobile, Perfection Guano...... ............. Imported ............. do do Kainit ........................... do . do do . Acid Phosphate................... Kennesaw Guano Co, Atlanta, Ga... Kennesaw Guano Co.. Kennesaw High Gradeoe.. ............ enswA.Ds Am do do .. .. do do do .. do Kennesaw High Grade Acid Phos... do do . .. do Mark Clayton's Choice Am. Dis. Bone. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Clifton Ch. & Phos. Co Clifton- Complete Fertilizer........... Clifton do do do Clifton acid phosphate............... Treadwell, Abbott & Co, Atlanta, Ga. Walton & Whann.Co .. Crown guano.............. ......... 7 Eddystone Sol. Guano............... Magnet Sol. Guano................ Magnet Acid Phosphate............. German Kainit................... Owl Brand ........................ Owl Brand......................... Webb's Excelsior S................. Webb's Excelsior..................... No. 1 English Acid Phosphate....... Americus Guano.............. John M. Green's Formula.......... Americus Dissolved Bone........... do do ... Lorentz & ]ittler, Baltimore, Md. do do ... Americus Guano Co., Americus, Ga.. do do do do do do Davis, Marshall & Co., Mobile, Ala. do do do do Ellis.... ......... ... .New York. New Lorentz & Rittler do do. do. B tim're, Md Baltimore, do do York.. 200 1.50 IIS 200 Americus Guano Co.. Aniericus, Md.. Ga 20( 20 200 2 6 11.75 6 2 12 7 22 3 1 1.25 2.3 2 1 1 Va... ...... I Ala.. 600 Chem. &Phos. 7 2 2 2 3 10 20T 200) 2 2 7 2 do 200 2.50 4 4 1 Mobile, Ala 200 1 6 6 Charleston, S. C. Germany... 200 .10 2 1 Petersburg, Va 200 1.50.. 2 1.85 6 3 do 200 2.68 327 53 316244025 Demopolis, Ala do 200 4 96 1 42 5.280.84 1.47 732 50 60 3.11 l28 13 1 2.85 6.273 Columbus, Miss. 22 78 12.52 2.612.08 .. do 100 21 17 2 3 5.252 1 Mobile, Ala .... 200 200 do . I.10 2 )1250 1800 200 do .. 50 22 05 3.50 .1 25 tlan ta, Ga .... 200 21 55 1 3 50 .. 2 5 200 do 200 2.. 10 3.50 ... 2025 do do 1.50 22 05 200 3.50.. 2 5 do .. 23 80 1 8 22 200 2 do ... .: 1950 2 2 11 200 do .. 1 1 2035 Charleston, S C.. 200 1.50 6 3 4141 1.50 )20 85 .. 19 50 22 80 .. :1950 1 22 30 22.30 1 19 ..... 50 22 30 1 22 75 1 ... 18 00 1000 18 85 1 1 25321 96 8 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, as rendered to the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Manufacturers-Continued PHOSPHORIC ACID. C 0 BY WHOM REPORTED. NAME OF FERTILIZER OR.CHEMICAL. NAME AND ADDRESS. BY WHOM MANUFYACTURED. WHERE MANUFACTUI ED. Mat 0 Treadwell, Abbott & Co., Atlanta, Ga. 4m. dissolved bone................. do do ..... Crown acid phosphate.... do do T. A. & Co's. ammoniated dissolved bone Complete fertilizer................. Schoize Bros., Cbattanooga, Tenn do do &cid phosphate................... H. C. Fisher, G. M., Newn, ... Coweta high grdde....... ... do do Aurora am.- phospho.... Georgia State grange fertilizer........ Baldwin Feet. Co., Savannah, Ga.... do do Am. dissolved bone............... do do Bone and potash. do do Georgia State grange acid phosphate do do Bone compound..................... .no. Merryman &Co., Baltimore, M1. bone................ Am. dissolved do do Georgia Test................. (d0 do High grade acid phosphate............. National Pert. Co., Nashville, Tenn.. .......... Rock City guano do do Tjennessee guano..................... do do . Old Hickory guano...... .............. do do . National dissolved bone................ (10 do Am. dissolved bone................... do do National tobacco fertilizer... ........ do do Nationnl vegetable fertilizer.......... . do do ..... Acid phosphate do do with potash...... Acid 'phosphate. Edisto Phos. Co., (Charleston, S. C Edisto acidulated rock...... ......... do do . .... Edisto dissolved -bone.......... do do Edisto am. sup. phos................. . Bowker Fertilizer Ga. Charleston, S. C. do do 4cholze .... Chattanooga, T. Whann Co.. Charleston, S. C. Walton Coweta 1 ertilizr Co. _ Newnan, Ga do do Baldwin Fertilizer Co.. Port Royal, S. C. do do do do do do Jno. Merrymaii Co.. Barren bisd, N Y do do do do Nashville, Tenn. Walton & Whann Co.. Co.. Brighton, Mass & Bros d'r & 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 167 167 1.50 rolz 6 2 1 1 1885 1.75 2 10.. 2.......10 1 1 1.85 7 2 22 71 1.' 5 1.5020 32 6501.501 1.75 82 1.502 23 82 1.75 8 23 82 2 1.50 2 9 2 1.50 10 2 do ..... do do do do do Edisto Phosphate du do Co.. 200 200 200 do 200 do 200 do 200 (10 200 do 200 do 200 do Charlcston, S. C. 200 200 do 200 '1.23 do do 200 [.75 1.65 1.65 2 4 2050 18 00 8 6 2 2 1 50 ...... 2.50 1 2182 6 10 1.65 6 1.65 6 .1.656 .83 8 .83 8 2 06 6 2.50 6 10 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 50 1 19.43 1 ..... 1650 1 1943 1 1 1943 1 1 1 1943 1 1 1943 2 2 2 2 1924 1 ...... 18 24 1 1 1 3 2 ..... 23 03 2375 18 00 10 9 9 7 2 3 3 2 1 2 2000 1 50...18 00 1.50...1800 1.50...,18 29 Edisto am. dissolved bone........... Edisto soluble Edisto am. fertilizer................ Edisto acid phosphate.............. Lister's am. dis. bone phosphate. Standard am. sol. guano............. Stern's am. raw bone sup. phos. Champion farmers choice........... Dissolved bone Alabama cotton grower............. Gossypium phospho................ Scott's animal am. guano............ Scott's potasso. phospho............. Scott's high grade acid phos.. . Bowker's cotton fertilizer............ Nassau guano..................... Drown guano..................... Bowker's dissolved bone phosphate. 4assau dissolved bone phosphate. mixture.................... soluble bone...................... Farmer's friend fertilizer........... Standard........ .... ............ bone ....... ...... Home do do do do do do do do Lister's A. C. Works, Newark, N. Standard G. Mfg Co., N. 0.. do do do do do do do do Geo. W. Scott Mfg. Ci'., Atlanta, Ga. do do do do do do Jno. D. Weld, Savannah, Ga. do do .... do do .... do do ... do do Columbus Fert. Co, Columbus, Ga do do Read Fertilizer Co., New Albeny Fertz F. I. Co., Albany, Ga. Slingluff & Co., Baltimore, Md .. 3altimore dissolved . do do ... ugh grade acid phosphat........... . do do ... )skalimne.......................... do do ~atapsco am. sol. phosphate....... .. . Potapsco Guano Co., Augusta, ... . Ga.. gm. dissolved bone.................. do do .. ~atapsco acid phosphate....... ..... . do do ~atapsco acid phosphate. ....... ..... . do do Lshepoo fertilizer .............. Ashepoo Phos. Co., Charleston, S. C.. lutaw fertilizer..................... do do Lshepoo acid phosphate.... ......... . do do lutaw acid phosphate.... ... .... .... . do do Lainit .... ...... :............ ...... do do guano............... & Chem. J.. ,.mmoniated bone... & York. do do do do Lister's A. C. Works.. Newark, N. J.. Standard Guano . New Orleans, La and Chem.Mfg Co.... do do do do do do do G. W. Scott Mfg Co.. Atlanta, do do do ... do .do do 3owker Fertilizer do do do do do do de do Columbus Fertilizer Co Girard, Ala... do do .. Read Fertilizer ,New York... Albany Ft. Co & F I Co Albany, Ga.. do do do do 200 7 5 1 2 2000 200 7 50 550 1 . 200 1. 75 7 2 2 1 2521 57 200 1.75 7 2 2 1.2521 57 200 1.75 7 2 2 1.252157 9 2 200 1251775 200 10 3 2 .... 1950 2u0 2 25 6 2 2 1.50 22 27 200 .. 10 3 1 ..... 200 1 85 6 3 2Z 1 21.71 200 2 75 6 25 1.6023 57 Baltimore, Slingluff & Co ... 6 3 1 2 23 30 200 2 .. . . do 200 1.50 7.50 3 do 1 2 23 60 do 200 .. . , do 50 2 1 11 9 1 3.50 22 25 do 200 do . .. . 25 151 1 22 30 do Patapsco Guano 200 2 21 32 do 200 1 75 6 75 2.25 1.50 1 do 3 1 1 1900 9 do do 200 200 10 3 1 ... 1950 do do.. 2096 1 Ashepoo Phos. Co.... Charleston, S. C. 200 1.85 6 2~2 252 1 20 96 200 1.85 6.25 2.25 2 do do.. 200 8 502 1 ..... 1575 do .. do 1575 .... 8.0 I 200 do .. do 200, 11 1100 i,. .. ..... do d0 Ga..... 200 1 56 200:1.64 200' 1.64 200;2.06 200 167 1.65 200- 1.84 200. 200 1 84 200 200- 2.25 200; 2 7 7 2 2 1.50..1990 1.50. 3 0 50 1 .19 90 7 8 6 4 4 2 2 2 4 4 1.50.. 2153 1.50 .. 1500 1 2 2 .20 1943 25 1.84 21 18- 21 18 4 13 4 4 0.50 0 50 1 1 0.67 19 85 2 1 22 77 6 6 4 3 3 - 1 5022 80 Co.. 2093 1950 2 Co.... 1950 19. Md.. 1.501 Co.. 6.752 503 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, as rendered to the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Manufacturers-Continued. PHOSPHORIC ACID BY WHC~EOM IEEPO~ITED.B NAME OF FERTILIZER OR CHEMICAL. NAME AND ADDRESS. WO MANUFACTURED. THE. RE MANU d) , m a) 4 rrre RSBN~FTU mobile standard guano..............W. J. Hudson, Mobile,'Ala.......W. J. Hudson .Viubile obile standard acid phosphate. do do do do loulding's bone compound .... W. & H. H. Goulding, Baltimore Md & H. M. Gouldiig. ialtim ore gm. dissolved bone.................N. W. Fertilizing Co. Chicago, Ill....N W. Fertilizer Co Chicag IllI 2nglish acid phosphate.............. N. H. Holmes, Montgomery, Ala. mported...........Englar Elolmes' formula..:.................. .. do do ... S. H. Holmes. ery, Ali, ontg' Ivey's formula..................... do do .. , do.do do do .... do. ............... do guano. .ell's ammoniated bone super-phosphate rhe Zell Guano Co., Baltimore, Md. the Zell Guano Co .. Baltim dell's economizer...................... do do* do. do Zells calvert guano....................... Mo do.dodo ... do Brown's cotton and corn..............L. B. Brown Oil Co., St. Louis, Mo.. R. B. Brown Oil Co.. St. uis Lio Soluble Pacific guano................Pacific Guano Co , Wood Hall, Mass Pacific Guano Co .. Vood ore .1,Mass Baker standard guano ........ .. ..... Chemical Co. of Canton, Baltimore,Md Chem. Co. of Canton.. Biltim, ,Md .. Pure dissolved ammoniated bone., .-. do do do . do Resurgam guano........................ do do do . do Pure dissolved South Carolina bone..., do do do . do Atlantic soluble guano................ Alantic Phos. Co., Charleston, S. C.. Atlantic t'hus Co... Charles 6, S. C. Atlantic acid phosphate .............. do do do .. do High grade acid phosphate ............ do do do .. do W. ~A ~d ~ Ala. \r H.O 11 d MIdl. 2001.86 4 20 11) 2001.7; 200 1T75 5 3J 1I 1 L = 7 2 2 5165.80 -Tuanaco 200 .. 11 200 2 0(, 6 20U02 06 6 2 2 J 1 1 1 1 2002 6 U 2 3 200 1 87 lo 2001.87 u1 u75 2002 6 6 8 7 5 5 4 3 2 3 2 21 75 9 50 1 21 32 .56 19 77 .... 1950 5 20 30 .511 2cu 30 1 20" 80 1 25 2204 1 25 2204 1 1Y 82 1. .. r..+dl 5() 200215 75 20(4 75 200 125 20(11 Istot 200 .. 9 2001 6 200 ... 10 200 200 .. 8(13 20 3.16; 2 803 203 It 2 803 2 3 10 2 5 .3 2 1 224 38 2 2 2 Cherokee dissolved Atlantic dissolved bone ................ Soluble guano...:............:........ Ashley Cotton and corn combined............. ... Small grain specific...................... Ammoniated dissolved bone.....:..........do Soluble fish guano........................ bone.................. do do do .... do .. 10 9 2 2.50 2 . 1.50 2 2.50 1.50 1 do do do .... Phos. Co, Charleston, S. C... Ashley Phosphate Co.. do do .. do .. do do . do .. , do . do . do do .. do . do do do do do do 200.... 2002 2001 9 4 2 1.50 2 1 1 4 2001.75 4 2001 75 200 2.50 4 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 22 32 22 32 1887 210 ) 17 90 18 00 18 00 7 50 17 50 20 80 1982 19 82 16 90 22 75 R ED) 'do do do Atlantic Phos. Co .... do.. do ... do Sons Co G. Ober do.. do.. do . Bone Fertilizer Co tradley Fertilizer Co.. do do do do do do do do"do do do do do do do Co. Eufaula,.Ala. Eufaula Oil and Ft. Co Eufaula Oil and Fert. Br rkeley Phos. Co, Charleston, S. C. erkeley Phous Co do do (10 do ho do do do do Ala. Fert. Co., Montgomery, Ala.... Alabama Fert.. Co do do do .. .. ... Favorite forimiula fertilizer. . do.. do do .. Ala. Fertilizer Co acid pihosphate... . Imported ... do do ,. Kaini t........................ do do.. do.. ... Muriate Potash .... Clarence Angier, Atlanta, Ga Ga. Chem. Works Sterling guano.................. do do do Lockwood Cotton grow or ..... ...... . .. do do.. do . Sterling acid phosi hate.. ....... do do .. Lockwood acid phosphate ........... . do do do .. do.. Lockwood cotton grow r ............ . do do ... do Sterling guano..... .. ......... do do do ,.... . Lockwood acid pho. pite....... do do,.. Sterling acid phosphate ............... do .. Acid phosphate................... Dissolved bone.................... Kainit................ Atlantic ammoniated dissolvedbone dissolved Lone............. acid phosphate............. fertilizer............... Dissolved bone phosphate So. Car Georgia cotton compound..... Soluble ammoniated snp. phos. of lime.. Farmer standard phosphate. Bono fertilizer.................... Bradley's patent B. D. Sea Fowl Guano............... Palmeito acid phosphate ....... Carolina Fertilizer ................. Eac'le Am. sup. phosphate.......... Bradley's Ar: dissolved bone........ Eufaula fertilizer. Berkley acid phosphate Berkley dissolved bone ............. " soluble guano............. dissolvd bone.......... '~Am. ..... Alabama fertil zer do do do do do do PelzeriRodgers&Co , Charleston, S.C do do do do do do G. Ober & Co., Baltimore, Md Sens do do do do do do Blono Fertililer Co., do Bradley Fertilizer Co., Boston, Mass. & do do do do do do do Baltimore, do do do do B)ston, Mass do do do do do Eufaula, Alan Charleson, S. C do do do Vioni gomery do . do Imported... do :. . Augusta, G4 do do .... .... Md 200 200 20 200 1 200 20u 2(02 200 20u 2 200 1.75 20. 1.65 200 1.85 200 1.85 200 . 20)0 1.85 20(.1 1.65 200 1 2f.) 1.25 20( 200 200 2 '65 .06 200' 1 05 20( 2 5t 200 2 St 200 200 20(- 200 1 75 do do .. .... do do 200 1-75 200 .. 20( 200 1.75 200 1 75 200... 200..'.. 16 00 1 18 00 13 00 13 2 1.50 1 19 90 8 2.,50 18 00 10 2 9 17 50 1 50 1 2 21 80 6 25( 2 50 2 1725 1 9 1 23 80 67T 2 2 5 151 23 80 50 1 67T 2. 2 tai 7 s.5 '22 80 1 1 50 2143 7 2 51 2 1 21 71 1 21 71 6 5 2 St;218 00 3 1 21 71 65 2 50 2 19 43 2 1 65 2 1 19,43 2.5 2 1.25 2.50 2087 1.05 1605 1800 10 5 1.50 1l05 21 08 7 1.05 1948 26 75 2 10 2 8 22 75 2 8 1 6 1950 13 11 11 00 11 80 00 80 ,1 32 21 32 1 6 9' 1900 1900 9 22 82 6.75 2 25 1.50 1 22 82 6 762 25 1 50 1 1900 1 9 3 1 1900 1 1 a 6 7 52 2 5 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, as rendered to the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Manufacturers -ContinuEd PHOSPHORIC ACID. U J 200 pO C BY WHCM REPORTED. NAME OF FERTILIZER OR CHEMICAL. NAME AND ADDRESS. BY WHOM MANUFACTURED. WHERE MANUFACTURED. East Alabama Fertilizer............ L. & W. I. X. L. Am. Sup. phosphate L & W. diss. bone with am. and potash L. & W. high grade acid phos. Trawick's dissolved boue........... Lec fertilizer...................... Farmer's club guano.............. Trawick's dissolved bone............ Planter's pride.................... Piedmont acid phosphate.. Ga. state standard acid phosphate. Crescent bone acid phosphate. Forest City acid phosphate......... Ga. State standard dissolved bone phos.. Port Royal acid phosphate ...... ...... Port.Royal dissolved bone Oglethorpe acid phosphate........... Hardie's cotton boll acid phosphate. Oglethorpe dissolved bone phosphate.... Genuine German Kainit ....... ..... . Ga. State Standard Am. sup. phosphate. Port Royal cotton Fertilizer .......... Oglethorpe Am. dissolved phosphate... Forest City dissolved bone Crescent bone fertilizer .............. . Farmers am. dissolved bone.......... bone.. ............. . Clayton, Ala Charleston, S. C. 2001.50 2002 do do du ... do do o do do d (10 20 Opelika, Ala. T. Trawick M. T. Trawick, Opelika, Ala.. 2002.25 do do do Lee Fertilizer 2002 do do do .. do 200 do do do. do Marietta Guano Co., Atlanta, Ga.... Marietta Guano Co.... Atlanta, Ga.... 200 1.50 200 do .. do co .... do 200 Hammond, Hull & Co., Savannah, Ga. Hammond, Hull & Co.. Savannah, 200. do do do do 200 do do do do 200 do do do do 20 do do do do do 200.. do do do 20U do do do do 200 do do do do 200 do do do do 200 do do do do 20t) 1.65 do do do do 167 1 65 do do do do 200 1 65 do do do do 200 1 65 do do do do 200 1.65 do do do do 2001.65 do do do do 2001.65. do do do do East Ala. Fert. Co., Clayton, Ala .. East Ala. Fert. Co Langston & Langston & Woodson, Atlanta, G .... Woodson.. . Works.. Ga.. 21 53 2 8 1 121 23 80 1 7 502.50 1 22 63 1 7.502.501 18 00 ,. 8 503.501. .. 1950 2 2 11 2427 2 8 1 1 8 1 1 1.75 2305 11 2 2 .... 1950 18 85 1 6 22 16 50 10 1 .50.. .... 18 00 1 2 10 10 2 1 .... 18 00 .. 18 00 2 1 10 1 ... 18 00 10 2 ... 18 00 10 2 1 .. 18 00 1 2 10 18 00 10 2 1 18 00 1 2 10 2 1 .. . 18 00 10 11 00 .. 11 2043 2 7 1** 1 2 2043 7 1 1 20 43 2 7 1 1 2 2043 1 7 1 '2 20 43 7 1 1 20 43 7 11 2 1 1943 1 7 1 Alliance am. dissolved bone......... do do Old Reliable..................... do do So. Ca. am. dissolved bone........... do do H. H. & Co. pure animal bone, high grade vegetable fertilizer............. do do Eng. cotton boll acid phosphate. do do M. H. & Co., am. dissolved bone. do do M. H. & Co , H.G. acid phosphate. do do O. C 0.0..... Coweta Fertilizer Go, Newnan, Ga W. ............ W. G. & Co., manipulated guano. [he Wilcox Gibbs G. Co. Savan. Ga Excellent Ga. standard guano. do do W. G. & Co., sup. phosphate......... do do Pure Eng. acid phosphate............ do do High grade acid phosphate......... do do Standard home mixture............. Meridian F. Factory, Meridian, Miss. English acid phosphate............. do do Huntsville fertilizer................. Hun tsville F. Mo., Huntsville, Ala Allen's Truck guano................. The Tygert-Allen F. Co , Philadel. Pa. Empire guano...................... [he IBasin Fert. Co., Baltimore, Md.. Sol. Sea Island Guano do do So. American guano.............. do do King Guano ......... do do Giant guano ........ ............... do do Folm er's guano .................... . Globe Fert. Co , Louiiwille, Ky ... Boguss phosphate ...... ............ . do do ... Tinsley's standard fert.* (see note) . . [insley Fertilizer Co., Selina, Ala .. Tinsley's standard acid phos.......... do do Eddystone soluble guano ............ . .Tno. M. Green, tlanla, Ga........2 Atlanta am. sup. phosphate .... do do ... .. " soluble bone................ . do do .. . Rainbow sol. phosphate ...... ....... . do do Sunny South acid phosphate.... .... . do do Wando soluble guano......... ....... F. B. Hacker, Charleston, S. C ... Wando am. dissolved bone........ ... . do do ... Wando acid phosphate. ............ . do do Wando dissolved bone ................. do do .. W7. .. ... .... .... .... do do. do. ., do do do 20001.65 '200 01.65 20001.65 7 7 7 7 10 7 10 8 6 6 6 11 8 6 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 2 1 I 2 1 2.75 '2 2 50 '2 4 '2 2 1 19 43 .10 18 53 .10 18 53 5 do do r eorgia Fert. Co ... & & A 200 200 200 01 65 do. do 2012 2 Coweta Fert. Co .. NNewnan, Ga 20k' 2. 10 Wilcox & Gibbs G. Co. Savannah, 200 do do 200 01.75 do do 200 D1 .75 do do 200 do do 201 2 eridian Fert. Factory Meridian, Miss 200 Imported England.. ... luntsville & M. Co Huntsville, Ala. 200 2 25 200 8 ygert-Allen Fert. Co. Philadelphia, Ps 200 Rasin Fertilizer' Co . Baltimore, Md '200 2 ... do do 200 2 2 do ... do 200 2 do .... do 200 2 do ... do 200 4 Globe Fertilizer Co .. Louisville, .. do do 200 1.25 "insley Fertilizer Co.. Selma, Ala.... 200 2 200 do do o .. Atlanta Guano Co... A.tlanta, 200 2 do .. do .. 200 2 .. do .. do 200 do. do ... 200 1 .. do do 200 Wando Phosphate Co.. Charleston, S. C. 200 1 65 do .. do 200 .75 .. do do 200 do .. do 200 01.7 do do do Ga.. F. Ky.. Ga.... 36 50 18 00 1943 15 00 2 24 80 2 50 23 82 1 2057 2.50 24 32 26 32 19 50 4 '2 1 23 80 10 16 50 6. 75 3.25 75, 1 24 77 2 250 42 70 4 .5 2 1.75 23 05 4 5 2 1.75 23 05 4 5 2 1.75 23 05 4 a 2 1.75 23 05 4 5 2 1.75 23 05 8 2 5 2300 8 2 17 87 1 8 1 1.50 24 30 11 21 00 12 7 22 30 '2 1 7 22 30 8 15 00 '2 1 8 2.. 1990 '2 8 15 00 '2 1 6..50 19 68 7 18 92 10 .50 16 50 10 16 50 .50.. 1 Guaranteed Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers, as rendered to the Commissioner of Agriculture by Dealers and Manufacturers -Continued. PHOSPHORIC ACID. BY NAME OF FERTILIZER OR CHEMICAL. WHOM REPORTED. WHOM MANUFACTURED. BY WHERE MANUFACTURED. Ac v A 4 NAME AND ADDRESS. 1 1 9 1.75 5 2 2 do Etiwan Phosphate Co. 200 1 50 5 2 1 do do 200 7 2 1 do do 200 .87 10 1 *.. 1do do 200 1 do do 8 83 200 1 2 10 A\tlan ta, Ga southern Phos. Co 20 7 1.5+2 do .. do 200 2 2.25 8 1 50 2 do do 200 1501 .. 8 do do . 6 3 Ga.. Georgia Chem. Works. 200 2 3 . 9 do .. do 200 . 3 do do 200 1.75 6 3 10 do do 204 6 33 .. do do 200 6 3 3 do .. do 200 1.75 9 3 2 do do .. 200 3 ;2 10 do do 200 2 6. 7 52 2511.50 do 200 2 2 2 6 Walton & Whann Co.. do 200 2 do Chrlon .C 200 1 50 5 1 2 do do 200 87*107 1 1 do do 20(0 10 *1 1 do do 200 10 1 1 do do 200 11,5(1 1 do 200 1 65 6 1 3 Savanniah, Ga.. C. L. Montague & wan do PhosphateCo.. Charleston, S. C. 200 E. B. Hacker, Charleston, S. C.... Etiwan Phos. (o., Charleston, S. C.. guano..................... do do am. sup. phosphate......... do do am. dissolved bone......... do do am. dissolved bone......... do do acid phosiate Southern Phos. Co., Atlanta, Ga.... ..... bouthern acid phosphate. do do ... ... southern am. dissolved bone do do )ld Doninion guanoo............... do do ?atent Pacific gu.ao ... Ga Chemical Works, Augusta, Ga... atapsco ain. sol. phosphte do do acid phosphate............ " .. do do0 '6" au. d ssolved bone......... do .. do . Vastodon ami. sol. phns . do do . . 3xeorgia F o rmDul a........ ... ...... do do .. ....... ~.cid phosphate .... do do .. (do do .. . Nastodon am. sol. rio do .. Georgia Formiula...... ........... Plow brand raw bone sup. phosphate.. . Walton Whann Co , Charleston, S.C do do Reliance am. sup. i~h -sphate do do W. & W. Co. amu. dissolved bone .. do do Diamond soluble bone........ do do ......... X X acid phospba: e.. do do . acid phos. high grade . do do High grade Eng. acid phosphate... Co., SavanLah, Ga.. So. States standard am. bone......... C. L. Vando acid phosphate.............. Itiwan tiwan tiwan itiwan itiwan lugnsta, 2 2 1 163 00 1 2551850 1735 1 1 1789 16 50 1 1750 21 00 151!'21'55 1,50U24 52 1.54 phosphate....... & 1 Eng. Montague & Co.. 22 30 1900 21 32 1 19 50 2230O 1 1 21 32 1 1900 1950 22 30 1 2.25 522 05 17 35 1 1789 1 1650 .. .1650 .. 16 50 1875 1.25 521 18 1 1 .. 23 75 State Alliance favorite............... do do Savannah Guano Co., Savannah, Ga.. Alliance standard................. do Our own am. bone................ do do do Excelsior am. bone............... Diamond cotton food am. bone. oo do do do Dissolved bone acid phosphate........ do do English dissolved hone acid phosphate. Standard -of Alabama.............. do odo do Southern Pacific guano........... Farmer's favorite do ....... do Acid phosphate........... Ga. Chemical Works, Augusta, it do do .. Furman's high grade guano.......... A<