#, N aA, -sy r, rI - O 'ah4 " .9. '*4 5 ., pY A -V; BULLETIN 543 NOVE~i11LR 1982 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION GALE A. BUCHANAN, DIRECTOR AUBURN UNIVERSITY AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA CONTENTS Page RESULTS -- 5 SUMMARY --12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT ----------------------- 12 FIRST PRINTING 5M, NOVEMBER 1982 Information contained herein is available to all without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. COVER PHOTO. Redland red clover (left) and Regal ladino-ryeryegrass (right), photographed June 22, 1979, at the Tennessee Valley Substation, Belle Mina. Rye-Ryegrass- Legume Trials in Alabama, 1978-81 Carl S. Hoveland and M. W. Alison, Jr.' are often planted on prepared land to produce high quality pasture during the fall, winter, and spring in Alabama. Legumes added to the rye-ryegrass mixture can supply nitrogen, maintain nutritive quality, and extend the grazing season in late spring. Many legumes are available for planting in mixtures with cool-season annual grasses, but little is known about their performance. Some of these are new legumes that have been selected from foreign introductions. Others are new releases that have not been adequately tested in rye-ryegrass-legume mixtures. Eight rye-ryegrass-legume trials were conducted by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station during the years 1978-81. Wrens Abruzzi rye was planted in rows 6 inches apart and Gulf ryegrass and legumes were broadcast-seeded, using plots 4 x 20 feet with four replications. The tests were planted in September or early October and harvested with a flail harvester four to eight times each year. A sample of green forage was collected from each plot at each harvest and was oven dried for dry matter determination. All test plots were fertilized with 50 pounds of N per acre at planting. No additional nitrogen fertilizer was applied to pasture mixtures containing legumes, whereas additional N applications were made in November, February, and March to rye-ryegrass plots without legumes. Legume entries in the trials were: YE AND RYEGRASS R Redland red clover (Trifolium pratense):A southern anthracnose-resistant variety with tolerance to powdery mildew and northern anthracnose, developed at the University of Illinois and marketed by North American Plant Breeders, Ames, Iowa. 'Former Professor, Department of Agronomy and Soils (now at Agronomy Department, University of Georgia), and former Research Associate, Department of Agronomy and Soils (now at University of Georgia). 4 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Regal ladino clover (Trifolium repens) : A summer-persistent, high-yielding, ladino clover that flowers sparsely in Alabama, developed at Auburn University and marketed by Cal West Seed Co., Woodland, California. Autauga crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum) : A local, highyielding variety from central Alabama with good reseeding ability. Yuchi arrowleaf clover (Trifolium vesiculosum) : A long-season, productive, reseeding, seldom-bloating variety selected at Auburn University. Mt. Barker subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum): A mid-season maturity variety selected in southwestern Australia; subterranean has leaves similar to crimson clover but the flowers develop a burr around the seed and are then pulled into the soil surface. Cahaba White vetch (Vicia sativa x V. cordata) : A semi-prostrate, compact, white-flowered, nematode-resistant, reseeding, bruchid-resistant variety that was developed at Auburn University; it makes more winter growth than hairy vetch, but is less cold hardy. Turkish clover (Trifolium mutabile): A dense, compact, leafy clover with leaves resembling arrowleaf clover; experimental variety selected at Auburn University from P.I. 369053 originally from Turkey; tolerates grazing well and has better natural reseeding than arrowleaf clover. Big ball clover (Trifolium nigrescens) : A vigorous, tall-growing clover with small white flower heads, selected at Auburn University from P.I. 304380 collected in Turkey. Winter hardy berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) : A long-season, erect-growing clover selected for winter hardiness from Italian germplasm at Mississippi State University. Rose clover (Trifolium hirtum): Selection made at Auburn University from P. I. 348886, brought from Australia. Trifolium purpureum clover: Selected at Auburn University from P.I. 287174 from Turkey; characterized by elongated bluegreen leaflets, long bright purple flower heads, and semi-erect growth. Trifolium pallidum clover: Selected at Auburn University from P.I. 249868 from Greece and 201213 from Australia; late RYE-RYEGRASS-LEGUME TRIALS IN ALABAMA 5 maturing and very leafy, with large leaflets and cream colored flower heads. Seradella (Ornithopus sativus): A leafy legume with hairy leaves resembling vetch, selected at Auburn University from P.I. 274640 collected in Poland. RESULTS At the Tennessee Valley Substation, growing legumes in the rye-ryegrass mixture resulted in forage yields equal to or more than those obtained with rye-ryegrass alone fertilized with 200 pounds N per acre, table 1. Red clover was most productive, followed by ladino, turkish, and arrowleaf clovers. Seradella made poor growth at this location. During the 1 year it was tested, winter hardy berseem clover survived the winter and equaled the yield of other legumes. In central Alabama, at the Plant Breeding Unit, mixtures containing legumes such as ladino and arrowleaf clover made about the same yield as the grass-nitrogen treatment, table 2. Mixtures containing subterranean clover, red clover, and vetch were lowest yielding. At the Prattville Field, legume stands were generally thin, resulting in lower yields for legume-grass mixtures than the grass-nitrogen system, table 3. In limited testing at the Black TABLE 1. THREE-YEAR FORAGE YIELD OF WRENS ABRUZZI RYE LEGUME MIXTURES AT TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, GULF RYEGRASS BELLE MINA Legume 1978-79 Lb. Dry forage yield per acre 1980-81 1979-80 Average Lb. Lb. Lb. 6,180 a 6,010 b 5,200 cd 5,430 bc 7,600 a* Redland red clover ............. 6,660 b Regal ladino clover Turkish clover .......... ....... 6,410 bc 6,060 c Yuchi arrowleaf clover T. purpureum clover ---------- 5,910 c 5,340 d Cahaba White vetch 5,350 d Autauga crimson clover ......... Rose clover - --4,960 cde 4,920 cde 4,820 cde - 4,790 4,800 4,950 5,050 4,912 5,180 4,820 5,020 4,760 4,570 4,660 4,650 4,480 11 a a a a a a a a a a a a a 6,190 a 5,820 ab 5,520 b 5,510 b 5,160 c 5,030 c 5,230 d ----- Winter hardy berseem clover B ig ball clover ---------- 5,220 d Mt. Barker subterranean clover T. pallidum clover ............. None + 200 lb. N/acre -----.... Serad ella ....................... 5,180 d --5,100 d 4,820 cde 5,020 cde 4,380 ef 4,080 f 4,855 cd 4,710 d 6 C.V., percent .......... ........ *Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level. 6 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION TABLE 2. THREE-YEAR FORAGE YIELD OF WRENS ABRUZZI RYE- GULF RYEGRAssLEGUME MIXTURES AT PLANT BREEDING UNIT, TALLASSEE Legume 1978-79 Lb. -5,349 b* 6,272 a 4,847 cd 4,985 bc 5,097 be 4,985 bc -- Dry forage yield per acre 1979-80 1980-81 Lb. Lb. 6,329 a ,32 5,936 abcd 6,012 abc 5,784 bcde 6,088 ab 5,539 cde 559ce Average Lb. 5,743 5,582 5,429 5,338 5,287 a a ab b b T. pallidum ck'ver No legume + 200 lb. N/acre Regal ladino clover -------------------------Yuchi arrowleaf clover ---------------Turkisb clover ---------------------------------T. purpureum. clover ---------------------Seael ----4,664 4,503 4,396 4,434 cde de e de 5,374 5,751 5,425 5,461 --- 5,366 abc___ 5,944 a 4,463 d 5,656 ab 4,941 bcd 5,226 abcd 4,708 cd 491bdAutauga crimson clover --------.___________________--- 5,788 bcde e bcde e de 5,160 bc Redland red clover-------------Mt. Barker subterranean clover -Cahaba Wbite vetcb ---------- _Rose clover -------------------Winter hardy berseem clover ------6 5 5,107 bcd 4,740 cd 5,072 bcd --463cd 4,679 5,048 c 4,998 c 4,964 c cdibalcoe3,8f -- C V, percent -------------------* 10 6 Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly differ- ent at the 5 percent level. TABLE 3. THREE-YEAR FORAGE YIELD OF WRENS ABRUZZI RYE - GULF RYEGRASS Winter hardy berseem clover PRATTVILLE EXPERIMENT FIELD, PRATTVILLE --5,34cd LEGUME MIXTURES AT ___ Legume 1978-79 Lb. None + 200 lb. N/acre ---------- 4,249 a* T. pallidum clover -------------Yucbi arrowleaf clover 3,434 b Dry forage yield per acre 1979-80 1980-81 Average Lb. Lb. Lb. 7,116 a 6,373 bc -- Witrhrybremcoe crimson Turkish clover -------------- cdef 3,380 bc 5,865 ---------6,212 bcd 6,795 a 4,961 def 5,956 b 514ceAutauga 5,945 b 5,275 cde 6,053 a -5,200 b clover -------_------ 5,063 b 5,035 b 3,205 bcd 6,625 ab ChabaWell vetc5,927gh 3,3 5,556 defg 5,917 cde Redland red clover -------------- 3,219 bcd Regal ladino clover-------------- 3,055 bcd 5,52bvet_______________________ 4,857 ef 4,544 c 4,628 f 4,533 c Mt. Barker subterranean clover __ 2,967 cd T. purpureum clover Rose clover Big ball clover -------------------------------------- ------------ 5,504 defg ---- 4,963 def 5,455 cd --- 4,478 c -- 3,357 bc 3,200 bcd 2,905 d 5,341 efg - 4,778 ef - CV , p ercen t ------------------------------------ - 6 7 6 7 *Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly differ- ent at the 5 percent level. RYE-RYEGRASS-LEGUME TRIALS IN ALABAMA 7 Belt Substation, promise, table 4. Plain Substation, Winter annual At the Wiregrass winter hardy berseem clover showed excellent Yields were generally low at the Lower Coastal table 5. mixtures are widely grown in southern Alabama. Substation, crimson clover was the most produc- TABLE 4. Two-YEAR FORAGE YIELD OF WRENS ABRUZZI RYE- GULF RYEGRASS LEGUME MIXTURES AT BLACK BELT SUBSTATION, MARION JUNCTION LegumeDry Legume1979-80 Lb. inter hardy berseem clover No legume + 200 lb. N/ acre T. ----- forage yield per acre 1980-81 Average Lb. 5,895 ab Lb. -----------------------5,279 bcd 510ceBgbl 515ceAtuacisncoe 4,964 cde 4,889 de 4,876 de ,4 ,7 eMt. 4,290 a 4,432 a 6,443 a________-- Yciarwefcoe gl pallidum clover lvr-------------------------- ---------------------____________________---- -------------------- T. purpureum clover Redland red clover Se a ----------------------------------------- 3,617 a 3,975 a ,9 - Barker------------------------------- clover e l d n subterranean l v r -------------------------------- ,2 Turkish clover -------------------------CV, percent111 - 4,541 e - - * Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level. TABLE 5. Two-YEAR FORAGE YIELD OF WRENS ABRUZZI RYE- GULF RYEGRASS LEGUME MIXTURES AT LOWER COASTAL PLAIN SUBSTATION, CAMDEN Leue1978-79 Dry forage yield per acre Average 1979-80 Lb. Lb. 5,262 a 4,192 b 3,964 b 4,220 b 3,955 b 3,835 b 4,322 b 4,098 b 4,422 b 4,236 b -10 Lb. 4,957 a 4,059 b 4,051 b 3,891 b 3,873 b 3,774 b 3,714 b 3,670 b 3,619 b 10 No legume + 200 lb. N/acre ------------- 4,652 a* T. pallidum clover-4,280bh Seradella Au tauga crimson clover ------------------ 4,155 ab Yuchi arrowleaf clover ------------------- 3,902 bc --3,991 b T. purpureurn clover ---------------3,828 bcd Regal ladino clover ----------------------3,912 bc Turkish clover 3,227 det Rose clover ------------------Mt. Barker subterranean clover ------------ 3,331 cde 2,919 e Redland red clover Cahaba White vetch ---------------------- 3,002 e 2,710 e Big ball clover -----------c V, percent ---*Means -- 11 within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly differ- ent at the 5 percent level. 8 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION TABLE 6. THREE-YEAR FORAGE YIELD OF WRENS ARUZZI RYE - GULF RYEGRASS LEGUME MIXTURES AT WIREGRASS SUBSTATION, HEADLAND Legume 1978-79 Lb. a Dry forage yield per acre 1979-80 1980-81 Average Lb. Lb. Lb. a abcd 7,857 a 7,141 ab 6,167 bed 6,702 a 6,485 a -------7,402 abc* 4,848 -----------------7,885 4,429 T. purpureum clover -----------------------7,762 ab No legume + 200 lb. N/acre Autauga crimson clover - Winter hardy berseem clover ____ 7,762 ab Yuchi arrowleaf clover 7,663 ab Turkish clover 6,929 bcd Cahaba White vetch 6,398 d Big ball clover 6,7bc ------------------4,210 ---------------------------------4,408 -- bcd 5,705 d 4,906 5,996 6,039 5,936 5,859 b 5,748 b 5,674 b ------------------------------------5,262 e --- ------------------------ abcd 4,627 ab Regal ladino clover 6,432 d 4,307 bcd 5,558 bc Mt. Barker subterranean clover ____ 6,698 cd 4,112 cd 5,779 cd 5,530 bc Redland red clover 6,009 de 4,138 bcd 5,973 cd 5,373 c Seradella --------------------------------------------4,138 bcd 6,536 bcd 5,337 c Rose clover ____-________________6,718 cd 3,934 T. pallidum clover --4,254 bcd 5,958 cd ------------------------ cd cd cd cd -------------------------------------8 7 10 9 CV,percent ---------------------------------------- are *Means wvithin a column followed by the same letter not significantly different at the 5 percent level. TABLE 7. THREE-YEAR FORAGE YIELD OF WRENS ABRUZZI RYE- GULF RYEGRASS - LEGUME MIXTURES AT BREWTON EXPERIMENT FIELD, BREWTON Legume No legume + 200 lb. N/acre Yuchi arrowleaf clover ---------Turkish clover T. purpureum clover ---4,293 a* 3,711 c --- 1978-79 Lb. Dry forage yield per acre 1979-80 1980-81 Lb. Lb. 6,203 a 4,773 a Average Lb. 5,090 a ----------------- 3,878 bc 5,574 abc 5,937 ab 5,157 bcde 4,460 ab 4,125 bc 3,751 cd 4,637 ab 4,591 ab --- Autauga crimson clover Regal ladino clover ____________ 3,802 bc Seradella ----------------------Mt. Barker subterranean clover -_ 3,783 bc Redland red clover ---------------- 3,675 c Rose clover ---------- 4,353 a --------- def 4,557 - 4,443 ab 4,451 abc --------------------- 5,287 4,634 5,519 4,785 - bcd def abc cref 4,069 bc 4,127 bc 3,770 cd 4,073 bc -- 4,386 bc - 4,357 bc 4,178 c 4,112 c ---- Cahaba White vetch ____________ 3,800 bc T. pallidum clover 3,750 bc Witrhrybremcoe ball clover --------------------- -------------- 4,039 ah 4,305 f 4,434 ef ----- -----3,755 bc 4,102 bc 3,992 bc 3,528 cd ,4 dBig C V, percent -------------------- 15 10 10 10 *Means within a column followed by the same letter are nut significantly differ. ent at the 5 percent level. RYE-RYEGRASS-LEGUME TRIALS IN ALABAMA 9 TABLE 8. THREE-YEAR FORAGE YIELD OF WVRENS ABRUZZI RYE - GULF RYEGRASS LEGUME MIXTURES AT GUIF COAST SUBSTATION, FAIRHOPE 1978-79 Lb. Yuchi arrowleaf clover None + 200 lb. N/acre T. purpureum clover . Dry forage yield per acre 1979-80 1980-81 Lb. Lb. 6,762 ab 6,634 ab --- Average Lb. 6,547 a 6,330 ab 6,021 bc 6,214 ab 6,089 bc 5,795 c 5,608 c 5,435 c 5,422 c - 6,627 a* 6,164 ab 5,801 b 6,252 ab 6,191 ab 6,667 a 4,767 c Redland red clover ...............----------Turkish clover -------------------------------.. 6,077 ab Seradella ---------------------------------------- ----Winter hardy berseem clover -..... T. pallidum clover 5,625 b Autauga crimson clover 4,882 c Regal ladino clover ___ c 4,520 Cahaba White vetch Mt. Barker subterranean clover ___4,893 c 4,385 c R ose clover .....................-.................. 4,346 c .. Big ball clover ______ ______________.______ 7,112 a 6,685 ab 5,945 bcd 5,932 bcd 5,531 d 6,151 bcd 5,787 cd 5,545 d 5,706 cd --- 6,185 ab 5,881 b 6,234 ab 6,072 ab--6,008 ab 6,229 ab 5,790 b 5,997 ab 5,829 b -- 5,658 b -- CV, percent 7 .....--------------------- 9 10 8 *Means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level. tive legume, although most others performed well, table 6. T. purpureum grew well in the 2 years it was in the test there. At the Brewton Experiment Field, arrowleaf, turkish, and crimson clovers were the top producing legumes, with the grass-legume mixtures producing yields nearly equal to the grass-nitrogen treatment. Drought reduced yields at this location. At the Gulf Coast Substation, mixtures containing arrowleaf, red, and turkish clovers equalled or exceeded the yield of grass-nitrogen, table 8. Winter hardy berseem appeared promising in one year of the test. When all locations with 3 years of testing were averaged, it was obvious that grass-legume mixtures resulted in nearly as much forage as grass-nitrogen treatments, table 9. Arrowleaf, turkish, crimson, ladino, and red clovers generally performed well. Lower yields of vetch and subterranean clovers may be partially attributed to the harvesting methods. Vetch growth recovery is much better in a grazing system than under clipping where the lower buds are removed. Subterranean clover grows in a thick mat on the ground, and much of this growth is not harvested with a mowing machine. However, animals grazing this clover would be able to utilize much of the dense low herbage. Estimates of legume composition of the forage made at each harvest were used to calculate approximate yields of legumes at four locations, table 10. Crimson, arrowleaf, and turkish clovers 0 TABLE 9. FORAGE YIELD OF RYE-RYEGRASS-LEGUME MIXTURES AT SIX ALABAMA LOCATIONS OVER A 3-YEAR PERIOD Dry foe Tenn. Legume Valley Sub. Lb. 200 lb. N/acre None + Yuchi arrowleaf clover Turkish clover Autauga crimson clover clover Regal Redland red clover Cahaba White vetch yedprar Brewton Gulf Plant Breeding Unit Lb. 5,743 5,429 5,338 5,160 5,582 5,048 4,964 Pratt-ville Wireysle Ep Field Lb. 6,053 5,200 5,035 5,063 4,533 4,544 4,702 rs Sub. Lb. 6,702 5,859 5,748 6,485 5,558 5,373 5,674 x. Field Lb. 5,090 4,637 4,591 4,451 4,386 4,178 4,112 Cat Sub. Lb. 6,330 6,547 6,214 5,795 5,608 6,021 5,435 3ya average Lb. 5,771 5,530 5,408 5,331 5,248 5,226 5,008 AA ladino ----------------------_----------_------ ------------------------ -___5,820 _------ Mt. Barker -----subterranean clover-___ __--_---- -------- -------------- 4,710 5,510 5,520 5,030 6,190 5,160 C __----- g-I UZ 4,855 4,998 4,478 5,530 4,357 5,422 4,940 om 5,5 5,z vm z -4 RYE-RYEGRASS-LEGUME TRIALS IN ALABAMA 11 TABLE 10. THREE-YEAR AVERAGE FORAGE YIELDS OF LEGUMES IN RYE-RYEGRASS-LEGUME MIXTURES AT FOUR LOCATIONS Dry forage yield per acre Legume Tenn. Valley Sub. Lb. Plant Breeding Unit Lb. Wiregrass Sub. Lb. 3,968 2,413 1,670 1,446 2,184 327 1,947 Gulf Coast Sub. Lb. 1,916 2,024 1,581 622 471 1,172 376 Average all locations Lb. 2,049 1,776 1,514 1,354 1,144 1,111 879 Autauga crimson clover 1,387 925 Yuchi arrowleaf clover ...........-............. 1,731 935 Turkish clover 1,739 1,066 Regal ladino clover _-. 1,927 1,420 Mt. Barker subterranean clover__ 1,247 673 Redland red clover .... 2,171 773 Cahaba White vetch 899 294 were generally the most productive, except at the Tennessee Valley Substation and Plant Breeding Unit where ladino and red clovers yielded well. Seasonal distribution of forage is often more important than total yield. For example, at the Tennessee Valley Substation, red clover had by far the longest productive season, followed by ladino clover, table 11. In late spring, green leafy legumes maintain high forage quality much better than grasses. Thus, the early spring production of rye-ryegrass + nitrogen will contain a considerable amount of low quality rye stalks, making forage quality much lower than legume-grass mixtures. At the Gulf Coast Substation, arrowleaf and turkish clovers provided the longest productive season, followed by red clover, grass-nitrogen, and ladino TABLE 11. SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION OF FORAGE PRODUCTION FROM RYE-RYEGRASS-LEGUME MIXTURES AT TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, BELLE MINA, 3-YEAR AVERAGE Dry forage yield per acre Legume Autumn, Oct. - Dec. Winter, Jan. - mid Mar. Early spring, midMar. Lb. 2,258 2,490 2,572 2,438 2,124 2,156 2,051 1,869 Late spring, mid May - Lb. Redland red clover Regal ladino clover Turkish clover.......... Yuchi arrowleaf clover Autauga crimson clover-. Mt. Barker subterranean clover Cahaba White vetch None + 200 lb. N/acre-2,010 1,980 2,078 2,073 2,124 1,976 2,156 1,985 Lb. 749 829 732 994 883 871 947 885 Lb. 1,879 1,036 424 238 0 0 0 0 TABLE 12. SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION OF FORAGE PRODUCTION FROM RYE-RYEGRASS-LEGUME MIXTURES AT GULF COAST SUBSTAION, FAIRHOPE, 3-YEAR AVERAGE * Legume. .Autumn, Dry forage yield per acre Early spring, Late spring, mid May Lb. 1,578 1,404 1,627 2,083 2,824 Winter, Oct. Dec. Jan. - mid Mar. Lb. Lb. Lb. 2,316 2,136 1,637 1,404 1,290 Yuchi arrowleaf clover 737 2,062 Turkish clover ____________________ .794 2,043 Redland red clover 751 1,924 None +. 200 lb. N/acre 724 2,199 Regal ladino- clover 830 1,986 Autauga crimson clover ___ 687 1,903 Mt. Barker subterranean clover --------------------------------848 1,928 Cahaba White vetch -------816 2,029 ------------ 1,950 1,478 1,038 966 1,373 926 clover, table 12. Crimson clover matures early, so its late spring forage would be expected to be lower in nutritive quality than that from green leafy clovers, similar to that from grass-nitrogen treatments. SUMMARY Rye-ryegrass-legume tests were conducted at eight locations for 2 to 3 years. With good stands of legume in the rye-ryegrass mixture, total yields were often nearly equal to yield of rye-ryegrass alone fertilized with 200 pounds of N per acre. In the Tennessee Valley, red and ladino clovers with rye-ryegrass furnished higher total yield and a substantially longer productive season (October through June) than other winter annual legumes or rye-ryegrass + 200 pounds of N per acre. Further south in the State, winter annual legumes such as arrowleaf, turkish, and crimson clovers were equally productive. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Assistance of the following substation and experiment field personnel who cared for field plots is gratefully acknowledged: W. B. Webster and V. H. Calvert II, Tennessee Valley Substation; L. L. Walker and H. C. Hoyle, Plant Breeding Unit; F. T. Glaze, Prattville Experiment Field; L. A. Smith and H. W. Grimes, Jr., Black Belt Substation; J. A. Little and G. V. Granade, Lower Coastal Plain Substation; J. G. Starling, Wiregrass Substation; J. A. Pitts, Brewton Experiment Field; and E. L. Carden and F. B. Selman, Gulf Coast Substation.