, ti 1, J-t' " ; 1rt ~:a ,- ~1 I: .- s , 1, It BULLETIN 531 NOVEMBER 1981 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION AUBURN UNIVERSITY GALE A. BUCHANAN, DIRECTOR AUBURN UNIVERSITY, ALABAMA CONTENT S Page EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE................................... RESULTS.................................................... 4 5 Dependability of Sod-seeding Legumes in Tall Fescue Sod .................................. Legume Species.................................... Date of Seeding.................................... Method of Seeding .................................. Growth Suppressant Chemicals ....................... SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.................................. LITERATURE CITED..........................................15 5 6 6 8 8 12 FIRST PRINTING 5M, NOVEMBER 1981 Information contained herein is available to all without regard to race, color, sex, or national origin. Seeding Legumes into Tall Fescue Sod C. S. HOVELAND, M. W. ALISON, JR., R. F. McCORMICK, JR., W. B. WEBSTER, V. H. CALVERT, II, J. T. EASON, M. E. RUF, W. A. GRIFFEY, H. E. BURGESS, L. A. SMITH, and H. W. GRIMES, JR.' (Festuca arundinacea) is the most T ALL season perennial forage grass in Alabama. Itwidely is well grown cool FESCUE adapted and produces forage over much of the year. One disadvantage, however, is that animal performance on tall fescue pasture is often poor. Growing clover or another legume with tall fescue offers a way of improving the quality of forage produced while also supplying nitrogen for the grass. That legumes improve steer daily gain on tall fescue pasture was shown in previous Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station research (2, 4). Unfortunately, most of Alabama's 800,000 acres of tall fescue contain no clover. Therefore, adding clover to existing tall fescue sod would be expected to boost beef calf weaning weights and beef production per acre. Seeding clover into tall fescue has had limited success because strong competition by the grass makes it difficult to establish clover in the sod. Weakening the sod by close grazing and tillage prior to seeding the clover is recommended but leaves the sod in poor condition. Application of herbicides to injure or kill a portion of the fescue stand has resulted in 'Respectively, Professor, Research Associate, and Research Associate, Department of Agronomy and Soils; Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, Tennessee Valley Substation; Superintendent and Associate Superintendent, Sand Mountain Substation; Superintendent and Associate Superintendent, Piedmont Substation; and Superintendent and Associate Superintendent, Black Belt.Substation. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION siieeessl i1 estalbli shment of clov er in states to the north of Alabamna (5). Apply ing the eheiial ini narrow strips reditees nd1 aid cIstalIi slmnt of smail c lov er 01 grass eoinpeti tior seedllings. Another serious5 probllemi in ob)taininig (love(r standsl in tall fesecie so(d is the striped field cricket (i nobho;~ a(scial ifs). Th is insect pest is often abuin(Iant in aiituinu andI destroy s sinall seedllinigs (1, 3). This putbliceation so 1111ian es resutlts ofl experi men ts wxith sod-seedhin g of' leginn025 ini tall fescuie ox er a 5-ear p)erio0( at foiir lotioits in Alab~amia. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE In 24 fieldl tia1ls, per enIinial legumtie species, plantLin dt~(ates, seedling mnethodls, and grow th supp)1ressant hemillneal s were stud (ied~. cn) Regal Iadii to (lox er (1'ru/iut rep s), RedI am 1 redl eloxver 4 FIG. 1. Results of spraying Paraquat in bands to suppress tall fescue competition to clover seedlings. SEEDING LEGUMES INTO TALL FESCUE5 (Trifolium pratense), Fergus birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), and Apollo alfalfa (Medicago sativa) were used. Lime, phosphorus, and potassium were applied according to soil test recommendations. Seeding was done in autumn and also in late winter on established stands of Kentucky 31 tall fescue at the Tennessee Valley, Sand Mountain, Piedmont, and Black Belt substations. The sod was closely clipped and various seeding methods and sod treatments were used. Both broadcast and row plantings were made using a Tye Pasture Pleaser, Zip Seeder, and two experimental drills. Sod treatment included rototilling and application of chemical growth suppressants, Roundup®2 2 and Paraquat® . The chemicals were applied in 5-inch bands 10 inches apart at a rate of 1/2 pound per sprayed acre. Results are shown in figure 1. Roundup is not yet labeled for this use. Regal ladino clover was planted at the rate of 3 pounds of seed per acre, Redland red clover at 6 pounds per acre, Fergus birdsfoot trefoil at 3 pounds per acre, and Apollo alfalfa at 10 pounds per acre. No nitrogen fertilizer was applied. Diazinon®3 was applied to control striped field cricket. Plots were 6 x 25 feet with four replications. Forage was harvested when growth accumulated, and the percent legume was established for each plot at each harvest. RESULTS Dependability of Sod-seeding Legumes in Tall Fescue Sod Success of stand establishment efforts was greatest in northern Alabama and poorest at the Black Belt Substation in central Alabama, table 1. Insects, mainly striped field crickets, were the most important cause of failure. Crickets, and sometimes grasshoppers, often destroyed clover seedlings soon after emergence. Insect control was difficult on small plots because damaging populations of the insects moved into the plot area from surrounding, noninsecticide-treated areas. This problem is much less severe on pastures where large areas are 2 Roundup (common name, glyphosate) is a product of Monsanto Chemical Co., and Paraquat is a product of Chevron Chemical Co. 3 Diazinon is a product of Ciba-Geigy Corporation. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION TABLE 1. SUCCESS OF SEEDING LEGUMES INTO TALL FESCUE SOD AT FOUR LOCATIONS IN ALABAMA OVER A 5-YEAR PERIOD, 1975-79 Location Month seeded Tennessee Valley Substation ... Sept. Tennessee Valley Substation ... Mar. Number of trials 5 3 Number of successful trials 2 3 Reason for failure Insects Insects Winterkilled Insects Insects Drought Sand Mountain Substation ..... Sept. Sand Mountain Substation ..... Late Oct. Piedmont Substation .......... Sept. Black Belt Substation . ......... Sept. Black Belt Substation .......... Mar. TOTAL ..................... 5 1 4 4 2 24 4 0 2 1 1 13 treated with insecticide. Drought also contributed to failure, especially at the Black Belt Substation. Legume Species Red clover was generally the most productive legume during the establishment year, a result of larger seedlings and more rapid establishment. At the Sand Mountain Substation, red clover produced the most forage the first year, but in succeeding years birdsfoot trefoil equalled or exceeded it, table 2. Drought the first year and extreme drought the third year sharply reduced production; however, stands of trefoil remained good. At the Tennessee Valley Substation, red clover was more productive than ladino clover the first year, table 3. Alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil stands were failures at this location and at the Piedmont Substation. Date of Seeding Autumn establishment of clovers is desirable because spring forage production is greater than from late winter planting. However, the hazards of seedling loss from insects and drought in autumn may make late winter planting more desirable in northern Alabama. At the Tennessee Valley Substation, clover establishment and forage production have often been superior and more dependable from late winter planting, table 4. Results at the Sand Mountain Substation indicate that September planting is necessary for fall establishment to be successful in northern Alabama, table 1. Plantings made in late October and November suffered winter kill of seedlings. In cN m m C) C) C z m C,, TABLE 2. FORAGE YIELD OF KENTUCKY 31 TALL FESCUE SOD-SEEDED SEPTEMBER 9, 1977, WITH THREE LEGUMES, SAND MOUNTAIN SUBSTATION, CROSSVILLE, ALABAMA, OVER A 3-YEAR PERIOD 0 Yield of oven dry forage per acre Legume species Legume 1978 Grass Total Legume 1979 Grass Total Legume 1980m Grass Total F n) C Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 1,200 1,390 870 750 a a b b Lb. 1,600 a 2,170 a 1,000 b 750 b M Redland red clover............. 1,720 a' 1,110 a 2,830 a 2,970 a Fergus trefoil .................. 1,080 b 1,150 a 2,230 b 2,830 a Regal ladino clover.............. 750 b 1,200 a 1,950 b 1,100 b None...........................O0c 1,230 a 1,230 c 0c 'Means within a column having the same letter are not significantly different 1,630 c 4,600 b 400 b 2,690 a 5,520 a 780 a 2,000 b 3,100 c 130 c 1,840 bc 1,840d 0Oc at the 5 percent level. 8 ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION TABLE 3. FORAGE YIELD OF KENTUCKY 31 TALL FESCUE WITH CLOVER SOD-SEEDED AND BROADCAST, SEPTEMBER 26, 1979, AT TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, BELLE MINA, ALABAMA Total Grass Clover Lb. Lb. Lb. Rows 1,360 a' 2,080 a 3,440 a Redland red ................. Redland red ................. Broadcast 1,260 a 1,740 a 3,000 a Regal ladino ................. Rows 220 c 2,270 a 2,490 ab Regal ladino ................. Broadcast 990 b 1,730 a 2,720 a None ....................... 0c 2,160a 2,160 b 'Means within a column having the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level. TABLE 4. FORAGE YIELD OF KENTUCKY 31 TALL FESCUE SOD-SEEDED WITH CLOVERS AT Two DATES AT TENNESSEE VALLEY SUBSTATION, BELLE MINA, ALABAMA Clover Method of seeding Yield of oven dry forage per acre 1980 yield of oven dry forage per acre Planted March 13, 1979 Planted September 25, 1979 Total Clover Grass Total Clover Grass Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 2,480 a 3,150 a 670 a Redland red ........... 3,380 a' 2,550 c 5,930 a 400 a 2,480 a 2,880 a 1,140 b 3,350 b 4,490 b Regal ladino ........... 0 b 2,640 a 2,640 a 0 c 3,790 a 3,790 b None .................. 'Means within a column having the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level. sClover contrast, late winter planting at the Black Belt Substation has had only limited success because of spring and summer drought. Method of Seeding Row seeding of clovers in sod did not give any consisteni advantage over broadcast seeding, tables 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Although row seeding establishment was superior in some cases at the Piedmont Substation, the reverse was true for ladino clover at the Tennessee Valley Substation where thc seed were planted too deep in the drill row. Broadcast plant ing of small seeded clover, such as ladino, alleviates this prob lem although some seed may be wasted in grass sod strips nol treated with the growth suppressant chemical (herbicide). Growth Suppressant Chemicals The most critical factor in obtaining clover stands appears tc be application of a herbicide to curtail growth of the tall fes cue. Paraquat gave rapid top kill of the sod, whereas Roundup TABLE 5. Two-YEAR FORAGE YIELD OF KENTUCKY 31 TALL FESCUE WITH REGAL LADINO CLOVER SOD-SEEDED AND BROADCAST, SEPTEMBER 9, 1977, WITH AND WITHOUT CHEMICAL GROWTH SUPPRESSANTS, SAND MOUNTAIN SUBSTATION, CROSSVILLE, ALABAMA m IU) m z C) r Sod treatment Clover seeding method Yield of oven dry forage per acre Clover 1978 Grass Total Clover 1979 Grass Total C) Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. b b a Lb. 1,960 a 2,050 a 2,020 a Lb. 3,000 a 3,070 a 3,560 a m 0 Roundup........................Rows 490 c' 860 b 1,350 bc 1,040 1,120 b 920 ab 2,040 b 1,020 Roundup........................Broadcast 1,450 bc 1,540 Paraqnat........................Rows 640 c 810 b 1,180 Paraquat........................Broadcast 1,240 b 840 b 2,080 b 1,260 bc 1,310 Rows 120 d 1,140 a None........................... None ............................. Broadcast 580 c 960 ab 1,540 bc 1,150 Tilled ........................... Broadcast 3,330 a 680 c 4,010 a 640 None 0 d 1,070 a 1,070 c 0 None........................... 'Means within a column having the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level. b ab b c d 2,120 a 2,060 a 2,320 a 1,230 b 1,930 a 3,300 a 3,370 a 3,470 a 1,870 b 1,930 b m C) m TABLE 6. TWO-YEAR FORAGE YIELD OF KENTUCKY 31 TALL FESCUE WITH REGAL LADINO CLOVER SOD-SEEDED AND BROADCAST, SEPTEMBER 11, 1975, WITH AND WITHOUT GROWTH SUPPRESSANT CHEMICALS, PIEDMONT SUBSTATION, CAMP HILL, ALABAMA Sod treatment Clover seeding method Rows Broadcast Rows Broadcast Rows Broadcast Yield of oven dry forage per acre Clover 1976 Grass Total Clov er 1977 Grass Total Lb. Roundup........................ Roundup........................ Paraquat........................ Paraquat........................ None ............................ None ............................ Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. 3,420 3,100 3,570 3,530 3,080 4,350 3,560 a' 3,260 c 6,820 a 2,800 a 1,500 d 4,970 b 6,470 ab 1,950 h 2,640 hc 3,600 c 6,240 h 3,090 a 2,000 cd 4,030 c 6,030 b 3,030 a 1,420 d 5,030 h 6,450 ab 2,000 h 260 e 5,770 a 6,030 h 1,060 c None ............................ None 0 4,110 c 4,110 c 0 'Means within a column having the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level. ah Lb. 6,220 5,050 6,660 6,560 5,080 5,410 a h a a h h e d ah ab ab a 3,430 h 3,430 c (D 10 7. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION FORAGE YIELD OF KENTUCKY 31 TALL FESCUE WITH REGAL LADINO CLOVER GROWTH SUPPRESSANT CHEMICALS, BLACK BELT SUBSTATION, TABLE SOD-SEEDED OR BROADCAST SEPTEMBER 12, 1975, WITH AND WITHOUT MARION JUNCTION, ALABAMA, DURING 1976 Sod treatment Clover seeding method 1976 yield of oven dry forage per acre Clover Grass Total Rototilled ........... Roundup ........... Roundup ........... Paraquat ............ Paraquat ............ None None None ............... ............... ............... Broadcast Rows Broadcast Rows Broadcast Rows Broadcast None Lb. 4,760 1,450 1,930 1,650 1,720 a' b b b b Lb. 1,440 2,840 2,210 2,190 2,250 c a b b b Lb. 6,200 4,290 4,140 3,840 3,970 a b b bc bc 570 c 600 c 90 d 2,980 a 3,100 a 3,140 a 3,550 bc 3,700 bq 3,230 c 'Means within a column having the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level. TABLE 8. FORAGE YIELD OF KENTUCKY 31 TALL FESCUE SOD-SEEDED MARCH 10, 1979, WITH RED AND LADINO CLOVERS AT BLACK BELT SUBSTATION, MARION JUNCTION, ALABAMA, DURING 1980 Clover Sod treatment Seeding method Broadcast Broadcast Rows Rows Broadcast Broadcast Rows Rows None 1980 yield of oven dry forage per acre Clover Grass Total Lb. Paraquat Redland red ..... Tilled Redland red ..... Paraquat Redland red ..... None Redland red ..... Paraquat Regal ladino .... Tilled Regal ladino .... Paraquat Regal ladino .... Regal ladino .... None .None None ........... 670 a' 640 a 440 ab 160 cd 270 b 50 c 160 c 120 c 0 d Lb. 700 700 590 500 780 760 650 820 620 a a ab b a a ab a ab Lb. 1,370 1,340 1,030 660 1,050 810 810 940 620 a a ab b ab b b b b 'Means within a column marked with the same letter are not significantly different at the 5 percent level. gave slower but longer lasting kill. At the Black Belt Substation, dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum) in the tall fescue sod was unaffected by Paraquat but killed by Roundup. Clover seedling growth was concentrated in strips of grass sod suppressed by the chemical, figure 2. Paraquat and Roundup improved clover establishment and subsequent production 50 to 100 percent, tables 5, 6, 7, and 8. The substantial increase in clover production was mainly a result of reducing competition from the grass sod, figure 3. Although total forage yield may not be increased by establishment with a growth suppressant chemical, the percentage clover in the forage is increased, thus enhancing the nutritive SEEDING LEGUMES INTO TALL FESCUE FIG. 2. Clover seedlings concentrated in strips of grass sod suppressed by the herbicide. oftht foraget cani sharl feciw pas~t Ire (4). incir(as L aU iili 1 1)(ifOflhiu]i&U on tall Ini orale( seasons, wh fax len rainfaill was~ adtltate dlll inisets weUf( not it seriou~s 1)F(1)lni, mlli( ofi seetiuig hiad little (talihiuiet ad( growth «ci exc1i \(llenit oni all seeded(p)lots, regardless oii seedlug uiietli()( Or eial treatiiieut. It \Xoul1( ap)1ear that uset of the( eicial grow~tlh Sublstation, e1 o\e &1 supp)rflssanit is ])iost bei (ficial in stre'ss sitiuations~, stth as arc gei I(1lk commoi (ii n~tall fescule patursI dtuirug aut]iui. ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION *t FIG. 3. Use of a herbicide to suppress tall fescue sod resulted in good establishment of ladino clover (left) at the Piedmont Substation. Plot at right was also seeded with clover but not treated with the chemical. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 1. Experiments wxeve conducted at fear Alabama locations ox cr ia 5j-year p)eriod to stludy the effect of legume speeies, seedling date, seedli g method, alld growth sulppressantt chemicals 5on estalbli shmei mt ait forage p)rodutctio0n of legnmes in tall fescue sod. 2. Striped field crickets appeared to be at miajor cause of cloveri stand failure ini autumn seedings. 3. Sod-seeding wxas riot dlependable; it gave b~est results in niorthierrn Alabama andl poorest in the Central part of the State. 4. Red clover wvas generally more productive tihan ladi no clox er during the establishment y ear. Birdsfoot trehloi showedl promise at the Sand \Montain Suibstationi. SEEDING LEGUMES INTO TALL FESCUE 13 5. Late winter seeding appeared to be more dependable than autumn seeding in northern Alabama. 6. Broadcast seeding was nearly as good as row seeding. 7. The use of a herbicide as a growth suppressant was important in reducing tall fescue competition and aiding legume establishment and growth. Paraquat is labeled for use but Roundup is not yet cleared for this use. 8. Successful legume establishment can substantially increase forage production and improve nutritive quality of tall fescue pasture. SEEDING LEGUMES INTO TALL FESCUE 15 LITERATURE CITED (1) E. M., MAX BASS, L. A. SMITH, AND H. W. GRIMES. 1965. Pygmy Crickets-Guilty of Damaging White Clover. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Highlights of Agr. Res. Vol. 12, No. 2. EVANS, (2) HARRIS, R. R., E. M. EVANS, J. K. BOSECK, AND W. B. WEBSTER, 1972. Fescue, Orchardgrass, and Coastal Bermudagrass Grazing for Yearling Beef Steers. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 432. (3) HOVELAND, C. S., E. M. EVANS, C. C. KING, AND M. H. BASS. 1966. Annual Clover Stands Reduced by Pygmy Crickets. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Highlights of Agr. Res. Vol. 13, No. 2. (4) McGUIRE, , R. R. HARRIS, E. E. THOMAS, E. M. CLARK, J. A. J. T. EASON, AND M. E. RUF. 1981. Tall Fescue with Ladino Clover or Birdsfoot Trefoil as Pasture for Steers in Northern Alabama. Ala. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 530. (5) TAYLOR, T. H., W. F. WEDIN, AND W. C. TEMPLETON, JR., 1979. Stand Establishment and Renovation of Old Sods for Forage. pp. 155-170. In R. C. Buckner and L.P. Bush. Tall Fescue. Agronomy 20. Amer. Soc. Agron., Madison, Wise. A~LBLRN LMN1LEs11A \W ith an agricul- O trural resear-ch unit in laljo)r soil area, \phurn n iversit/ sorves the needs of field cro p. livestoek, efver\ / forest r\, and hor ticultural procducers in ctlh region ill Al ahrna. EFverN citizeln f the State hats a stake in this research program, since any advaltag e from new h and mll rte cc )n( )nical \\t s of prodcuc ing~ and haciling fatnI prtcltcts di rectl\ henefits the consuming puhlic. 0 s 6 C ~D C ® Main Agricultural Experiment Station, Auburn. E. V. Smith Research Center, Shorter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. 12 13 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 Tennessee Valley Substation. Belle Mina. Sand Mountain Substation, Crossville North Alabama Horticulture Substation, Cullman. Upper Coastal Plain Substation, Winfield Forestry Unit, Fayette County. Foundation Seed Stocks Farm, Thorsby. Chilton Area Horticulture Substation, Clanton. Forestry Unit, Coosa County Piedmont Substation, Camp Hill Plant Breeding Unit. Tallassee Forestry Unit, Autauga County Prattville Experiment Field, Prattville. Black Belt Subatation, Marion Junction The Turnipseed-Ikenberry Place, Union Springs. Lower Coastal Plain Substation, Camden. Forestry Unit, Barbour County Monroeville Experiment Field, Monroeville Wiregrass Substation, Headland Brewton Experiment Field, Brewton Solon Dixon Forestry Education Center, Covington and Escambia counties 21. Ornamental Horticulture Field Station, Spring Hill 22. Gulf Coast Substation, Fairhope.